A Journey Through The Lord of the Rings: 5 Interesting Tolkien Facts

There’s something timeless about the world J.R.R. Tolkien created—his vision of heroism, perseverance, and the ever-looming shadow of evil continues to resonate today. Modern life may feel worlds apart from the dusty roads of Middle-earth, yet echoes of our own struggles resound in Tolkien’s fictional conflicts. Perhaps this is because Tolkien himself lived through firsthand … Continue reading A Journey Through The Lord of the Rings: 5 Interesting Tolkien Facts

10 Interesting Facts About H.G. Wells: Was He a Time Traveler?

H.G. Wells, a cornerstone of science fiction, possessed a mind that appeared to travel far beyond the confines of his own time, the Victorian era. With predictions and inventions that resonate profoundly with today’s technology and contemporary themes, one could whimsically wonder if Wells had a time machine of his own. Here are ten captivating … Continue reading 10 Interesting Facts About H.G. Wells: Was He a Time Traveler?

Tolkien Tales: 7 Lesser-Known Stories about the Mastermind of Middle-earth

The creator of Middle-earth, J.R.R. Tolkien, wasn’t just a master weaver of tales; he was also a man of great depth and integrity. His life, filled with unique anecdotes and profound choices, is as engaging as his novels. Here’s a peek into seven lesser-known moments from Tolkien’s life. 1. A Brave Response to Dark Times: … Continue reading Tolkien Tales: 7 Lesser-Known Stories about the Mastermind of Middle-earth

Voltaire’s Fortune: Mastering the French Lottery and Empowering Enlightenment

Voltaire, the famed French philosopher and writer, amassed considerable wealth by exploiting a flaw in the French lottery system of the early 18th century. Alongside mathematician Charles Marie de La Condamine and a group of collaborators, they seized a lucrative opportunity presented by the French national lottery, which was designed to promote bond purchases. In […]

After fighting in WWI, A. A. Milne…

After fighting in WWI, A. A. Milne had PTSD so severe, he was reminded of whizzing bullets by buzzing bees, and cannons firing by balloons popping. Wanting a lighthearted distraction and a way to explain to his son the difficulties of war, he wrote Winnie the Pooh stories as his way of doing so.