20 Famous Men and Women You Might Not Know Were Adopted

You probably know at least a couple of people in your life who are adopted. It could be friends, family members, co-workers – anyone really.

There’s also a good chance that you know people who are adopted, but you don’t know it because they haven’t told you. Every adopted person is on their own journey and they can choose to divulge that information if and when they see fit.

Here are 20 celebrities that you might not know were adopted, and you might be a little bit surprised.

Take a look.

1. Steve Jobs


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2. Frances McDormand


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3. Keegan-Michael Key

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At the London @lionking premiere with my Queen.

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4. Liz Phair


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5. Faith Hill


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6. Nicole Richie


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7. Debbie Harry


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8. Nelson Mandela


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9. Melissa Gilbert


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10. Sarah McLachlan


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11. Kristin Chenoweth


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12. John Lennon


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13. Ray Liotta


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14. Jamie Foxx


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15. Andy Dick


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16. Scott Hamilton


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17. Dave Thomas


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18. Colin Kaepernick


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19. Simone Biles


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20. Maya Angelou


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Do you know of any more famous adopted folks who we left off the list?

Share them in the comments! Please and thank you!

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The New Nickelodeon Theme Park Is Now Open to the Public

Nickelodeon Universe Theme Park officially opened to the public on October 25, and it’s sure to become a new crowd favorite.

Unlike that other major theme park, Nickelodeon Universe Theme Park is located entirely indoors. At 8.5 acres large, it’s the largest indoor theme park in the Western Hemisphere – it even trumps the size of the former Nickelodeon theme park at the Mall of America in Minnesota.

The new park is located in American Dream, a 3-million square-foot entertainment and shopping center in East Rutherford, New Jersey, which is under 5 miles from New York City.

There are over 35 rides, rollercoasters, and attractions at the theme park, all of which are family-friendly and perfect for kids.

Standouts include the Spongebob-themed Bikini Bottom Crosstown Express, Blue’s Skidoo, the Rugrats Reptar Go-Round, and the Nickelodeon Slime Streak, which affords riders a bird’s-eye view of over half of the park.

There’s also Nickelodeon’s Skyline Scream, the world’s tallest indoor spinning drop tower.

Between all those rides, kids can spot SpongeBob, Dora the Explorer, and other popular Nickelodeon characters in the “flesh.” There will also be a live entertainment stage, which will definitely involve some buckets of slime.

Tickets for the first few days of the Nickelodeon Universe Theme Park sold out quickly, but at $49.99 for all-access and $39.99 for general access, they aren’t unreasonable at all.

The Nickelodeon park isn’t the only thing drawing new crowds in American Dream. The center is also opening Dreamworks Water Park in November 27, which will feature a 142-foot-tall body slide — the world’s tallest. The center also just opened an NHL-sized ice skating rink.

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10 Simple Ways You Can Help out the Environment

There are always little things you can do to help out the environment. Even if they seem inconsequential to you, taking small steps adds up – especially when countless other people are out there doing the same thing.

So try to implement these habits into your daily lives, and we’ll all be better for it in the long run.

Cause we’ve got a crisis on our hands, and every little bit helps.

1. Turn down the brightness on your monitor.

Desk Upgrade

You can save up to 20% of your monitor’s energy just by adjusting your brightness from 100% to 70%. Go on and do it now…I’ll wait.

2. Think about your music streaming.


A study says that today’s music streaming might produce up to double the greenhouse gas emissions as compared to music streaming in the early part of this century. Consider downloading music instead of streaming and do a little research about which streaming companies use cleaner energy.

3. Streaming devices are important, too.

RCS_7989 - IPad - Game Changer

A gaming console might use 30 to 45 times as much power to stream a movie than a regular media player.

4. Order more.


If you buy things online, order more than one item at a time. This cuts down on delivery and packaging in the long run.

5. Search engines matter.

Search engine optimization

Different search engines give back to the environment in different ways. For instance, Ecosia donates ad revenue to plant trees and, according to their website, they run net carbon negative. Do some research and see which ones are doing green work.

6. Unplug it.


When you’re not using your charger, unplug it. Simple as that. Phone and laptop chargers draw electricity even if you’re not actively charging a device, so give those breakers…a break.

7. Or use a surge protector.

Surge protector

Surge protectors with an On/Off switch are a good option too for those hard-to-reach plugs.

8. Get on that bike.

Kamilah on a Bike

Biking may actually be faster than driving a car in some American cities, so hop on that bicycle of yours to get to where you’re headed.

9. Spam is bad.


Roughly 62 TRILLION spam emails are sent each year. Something you may not think about often: sending email actually has a carbon footprint from servers working. Which means those spam emails equal about 20 tons of CO2 each year. So go ahead and hit the “Unsubscribe” button, please.

10. Buy used and vintage clothes.

Thrift Store

According to The Economist, “From the pesticides poured on cotton fields to the washes in which denim is dunked, making 1kg of fabric generates 23kg of greenhouse gases on average.” Seems like kind of a waste, doesn’t it? So consider heading to the thrift store instead of grabbing a new flannel.


Give us some of your tips as well in the comments!

We’re in this together, so let’s all do our part, okay?

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Playgrounds for Elderly People Increase Activity and Decrease Loneliness

As people get older, they become more isolated. After all, it’s just harder to get out an about, and the people you know have the same trouble.

It’s also a face that often times aging people exercise less, if at all.

So how do we solve the problem? Playgrounds!

I have yet to see one of these in person, but I have to say, I think this is an amazing idea.

The phenomenon of playgrounds for adults is still kind of new in the United States, but the original concept dates back to 1995 in China.

They proved to be very popular in China, and soon spread across the globe to Europe, Canada, Japan, and the U.S. The trend has become especially popular in Spain, where the city of Barcelona alone has more than 300 adult playgrounds.

Playgrounds for older adults feature low-impact exercise equipment that’s designed to improve flexibility, balance, and core strength among users, all key attributes that undoubtedly lead to better overall well-being for elderly people who take advantage of these spaces. Some of the parks even feature group exercise classes so older folks don’t have to work up a sweat all by themselves – plus, they get the opportunity to meet people.

Cedric X. Bryant, president and chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise, says, “[Playgrounds for elders] focus on promoting balance, flexibility, and range of motion, all of which can help with the functional capabilities of older people and allow them to do more of the things they want to do.”

Some park are strictly for adults, while some allow seniors to play along with their grandchildren. Right now, there are 53 “multigenerational” parks in the United States.

Here’s a video of some older folks taking advantage of such a park in Colorado.

I’d like to see these all over the country!

No, all over the world!

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Take a Look at This Cat Shrine with a Cat Monk in Japan

If you love cats, you know that our fuzzy feline friends have a lot of personality and they like to play by their own rules. Well, in Japan, there’s a shrine where the cats are in charge and us mere humans are just there to admire them…and pet them, if they are so inclined.

I have a feeling that if more people knew about a place, called Nyan Nyan Ji, they’d go there in a heartbeat. Nyan Nyan Ji actually translates to “Meow Meow Shrine,” so you already know the place is amazing. It’s a shrine in Northern Kyoto with a cat monk and cat assistants…and no I’m not messing with you.

Cats are meant to be worshipped, so this makes total sense. The shrine was opened by Toru Kaya, a shrine and temple painter. The head cat monk is named Koyuki, and by all accounts, he loves to mingle with visitors. There are other cat priests and cat assistants, as well.

There’s a cat cafe on the grounds where visitors can even enjoy cat-themed food. And, of course, there is also a gift shop where guests can purchase cat-related items. I’d call this a very spiritual destination, wouldn’t you?

Here are some of the reviews, in case you need a little convincing:

“Super adorable with a relaxing and fantastic atmosphere.”

“A cute cat is a chief priest. I’m healed.”

Be sure to follow Koyuki on Instagram and follow the shrine on Facebook.

Am I dreaming? This sounds like paradise!

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20 Literal Translations That Might Make You LOL

Have you ever tried to learn a foreign language? Then you likely realized – quickly – that knowing vocabulary and verb tenses is only part of becoming truly bilingual. Every language has idioms and sayings that are quirky and unique (some even vary by region!) that you have to figure out before people will make total sense when they talk.

Because some of the literal translations of those idioms? Hilarious, even if they do make a weird sort of sense!

Facebook group Monolinguals are the worst encouraged its members to share the funniest literal translations they know, and…y’all. Prepare to be amused.

20. There are wide range of how people think about ladybugs.

Image Credit: Facebook

19. Think of it as hair – that’s one way to save your diet.

Image Credit: Facebook

18. This mental image is just more than I can really compute.

Image Credit: Facebook

17. Annnnd now I want one more than ever.

Image Credit: Facebook

16. I don’t really get why, but it is funny.

Image Credit: Facebook

15. That is not at all appetizing.

Image Credit: Facebook

14. I know name calling is wrong but they kind of deserve it.

Image Credit: Facebook

13. An oddly accurate description.

Image Credit: Facebook

12. Without a thumb, but okay.

Image Credit: Facebook

11. It is quite delicious.

Image Credit: Facebook

10. Because he’s lying in wait I get it.

Image Credit: Facebook

9. That’s what it tastes like!

Image Credit: Facebook

8. The dove part is totally throwing me.

Image Credit: Facebook

7. They call them like they see them.

Image Credit: Facebook

6. Yes, yes that’s what it does so that’s what it is.

Image Credit: Facebook

5. You will find that Germans are very practical.

Image Credit: Facebook

4. I guess it depends on which side of this you’re on…

Image Credit: Facebook

3. I’m going to need someone to explain this to me.

Image Credit: Facebook

2. Let the uprising begin.

Image Credit: Facebook

1. You know what they used to do to witches, right?

Image Credit: Facebook

These renew my interest in learning another language.

Do you speak more than one? Do you have a favorite idiom that’s not totally translatable? Please share it in the comments!

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A Public Service Announcement Compares the Dangers of Kids Playing Football to Smoking

When I was growing up, parents didn’t think twice about letting their kids play organized football. I played myself for several years, and I never thought about any of the possible repercussions that came along with getting hit over and over again on the field.

But parents with young kids today, including several of my friends who now have children of their own, are adamant that they will never, ever let their children play football. And maybe there’s a good reason for that…

Letting kids play football has come under fire in recent years due to the knowledge about chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), the disease that many former football players and others have suffered from after receiving multiple head injuries. To make the point, the Concussion Legacy Foundation released a public service announcement comparing the long-term effects of kids playing football to children smoking cigarettes.

In the PSA, a young boy says, “Tackle football is like smoking. The younger I start, the longer I am exposed to danger. You wouldn’t let me smoke. When should I start tackling?”

A study reports that it’s the number of years spent playing football, not the number of head injuries a person suffers, that impacts the severity of CTE.

The PSA calls for parents to wait until their children are 14 years old to let them play tackle football. Take a look at the PSA below.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you let your kids play football or do you refuse?

Sound off in the comments.

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Learn About 5 of the Most Notorious Criminals of the past 50 Years

It’s hard to definitively come up with the most notorious American criminals from the past 50 years, but these men and women absolutely belong in the conversation. Each and every one of these killers was responsible for the murders of multiple innocent people, and their names alone still bring up images of death and mayhem.

This list is not complete by any means, but there is no denying that these five criminals shocked and terrified millions of Americans – and people around the world – with their wicked deeds.

1. John Wayne Gacy

Notoroius serial killer John Wayne Gacy was executed 25 years ago today.

Posted by Investigation Discovery on Friday, May 10, 2019

In the annals of American serial killers, John Wayne Gacy remains one of the most terrifying. Gacy worked as a contractor in the Chicago area, and he was active in local politics. He also entertained area children by dressing as a character he called “Pogo the Clown.”

Little did friends, family, and neighbors know that, underneath his normal facade, Gacy was a serial killer who preyed on boys and young men. After murdering his victims, Gacy buried many of them in the crawlspace under his home.

He was finally arrested in December 1978 and was eventually convicted of an astounding 33 murders. Gacy was executed by lethal injection in Illinois in 1994 when he was 52 years old.

2. Aileen Wuornos 

Aileen Wuornos was executed by lethal injection on October 9, 2002.

Posted by Investigation Discovery on Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Aileen Wuornos‘ life story is one of remarkable tragedy almost from the very beginning. She was born to teenage parents in 1956. Soon after, her mother abandoned her, and her father, whom she never met, hanged himself in a prison cell when Wuornos was 12. She ended up being raised by her grandparents, but that was no better; she suffered from sexual abuse from a young age, becoming pregnant at the age of 14.

Wuornos began working as a prostitute when she was only 15, and this twisted her towards a lifetime of depravity. In 1989, after spending some time drifting and some time in jail, Wuornos committed her first murder. Before her capture in a Florida bar in 1991, Aileen Wuornos murdered an additional six men, later claiming that she killed them in self-defense.

Wuornos was convicted and was executed by lethal injection in Florida in 2002, marking the end of a tragic life filled with hatred and violence.

3. Jeffrey Dahmer

Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer was finally caught on this day in 1991.

Posted by Investigation Discovery on Monday, July 22, 2019

The name Dahmer is synonymous with evil, and there are many reasons why; in fact, there are exactly 16 reasons. That is the number of men that Jeffrey Dahmer killed during a murder spree that lasted from 1987 until his capture in 1991. Dahmer also killed a man in 1978 when he was only 18 years old.

Dahmer lived in an apartment building in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and that apartment – #213 – became a torture chamber for the men who crossed its threshold. Dahmer picked up many of his victims at gay bars and lured them back to his apartment, where he then murdered them, dismembered their bodies, and – in some cases – ate their body parts.

Dahmer’s neighbors complained of foul smells and loud noises coming from apartment 213. They even heard chainsaws running on occasion. On July 22, 1991, Dahmer’s horrific life as a free man came to an end when he was arrested after a victim managed to escape Dahmer’s apartment before being killed. Arresting officers found a literal house of horrors, filled with severed heads, human hearts, and other body parts and bones.

Dahmer confessed and was sentenced to life in prison. In November 1994, Dahmer, then 34 years old, was beaten to death in a Wisconsin prison by another inmate.

4. Dennis Rader

BTK's Daughter Kerri Rawson Speaks Out

Imagine what it's like to learn your father is a notorious serial killer. Watch more without signing in ➡ https://id.network/BTKUntoldStories

Posted by Investigation Discovery on Thursday, September 26, 2019

Dennis Rader, also known as “BTK” (Bind, Torture, Kill) is one of the more perplexing serial killers in American history because he followed no specific patterns and some of his murders occurred years apart.

From 1974 until his eventual capture in 2005, Rader kept the citizens of Wichita, Kansas, and surrounding areas in complete terror with his murders and the taunting letters he sent to police and news outlets.

Rader murdered 10 people, including two children, between 1974 and 1991, and he remained a free man for another 14 years before he was captured. A minor slip-up proved to be his undoing: police were able to trace a floppy disk he sent them back to his church, which led to his arrest in February 2005. Rader confessed to his crimes and was sentenced to life behind bars.

Today, Dennis Rader is 74 years old, and he will spend the rest of his days behind bars in a maximum-security prison in Kansas.

5. Charles Manson

Charles Manson's name alone sends a chill down our spines.

Posted by Investigation Discovery on Thursday, May 9, 2019

The fact remains that Charles Manson never actually killed anyone (that we know of), but he was responsible for directing the murders of 7 people and one unborn child over the course of two terrifying nights in August 1969. The murders of Hollywood star Sharon Tate, her friends, and a separate middle-aged married couple shook Los Angeles to its core and captured the attention of the nation.

When the truth came out a few months later that a group of young hippies led by a charismatic ex-convict named Charles Manson was responsible for the murders, Americans were riveted.

A lengthy and dramatic trial ensued and Manson and several of his followers were put behind bars for life. After spending decades in prison in California, Charles Manson died in November 2017 at the age of 83.


Who else do you think belongs on the list of the most notorious American criminals of the past 50 years? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Chick-fil-A’s First Restaurant in the U.K. Is Already Closing

This is some bad news for popular chicken chain Chick-fil-A: less than a month after the fast food company opened its first location in the United Kingdom, it is already closing down.

The British shopping center where the restaurant has its only UK location has been pressured by an LGBTQ rights group called Reading Pride to rethink their decision to allow Chick-fil-A on the premises. And it looks like people behind the Oracle Shopping Center listened.

Chick-fil-A is known for its anti-LGBTQ attitudes, and it looks like some folks in Reading did not want to welcome the franchise to town. To show their feelings, groups protested outside the Oracle Shopping Center in Reading.

In 2017, Chick-fil-A donated over $1 million to anti-LGBTQ groups. The protests caused the shopping center to reverse course and not renew the lease for the restaurant after it had only been in business for a week.

A statement from the shopping center read as follows: “We always look to introduce new concepts for our customers, however, we have decided on this occasion that the right thing to do is to only allow Chick-fil-A to trade with us for the initial six-month pilot period, and not to extend the lease any further.”

Chick-fil-A has about 2,400 locations in the United States. In 2012,  said, “We are very much supportive of the family – the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that … We want to do anything we possibly can to strengthen families.”

So there’s no mystery where Chick-fil-A stands on this issue, in case you were wondering.

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An Instagram Influencer Gave a Bad Yelp Review to a Restaurant That Wouldn’t Accept “Likes” as Payment

This “influencer” culture is really pretty confusing, and I’m not sure I understand it completely.

Or that I want to understand it.

And here’s another perfect example of why I feel that way (and maybe why you do, too).

A Yelp reviewer who claims to have over 11,000 Instagram followers (is that even impressive?) wrote a negative restaurant review because the establishment wouldn’t give them free food or drinks.

Yelper is mad because restaurant didn’t them free meal in exchange for potential IG exposure from trashy

Does that sound like an entitled person, or am I completely crazy and living in an alternate universe?

The person said in the review that they thought the food and the service was great but ultimately a 1-star review was warranted because, “I thought she would be greatful [sic] for the free advertising but when the check came there was literally no discount at all. I thought at least one of the entrees would be taken off but they didn’t even take off the calamari or even the drinks!”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The review was posted on Reddit (it looks like it’s been taken down from Yelp) and other Redditors offered up their own stories in response.

“I work at a hotel near Disneyworld, where rooms can reach 300+/night. It shames me how much we comp and how much ass we kiss for bloggers, “influencers” (whatever the fuck that is), social media personalities, etc., only to have the same losers condescend and treat like shit the employees of the hotel. They are a blight.”

“I also work at a hotel where the rates are 300+/night. We tell self-described “influencers” to get fucked.”

“Just so you know, big thing now is to try to pass yourself as an influencer to get discounts and free stuff. You don’t even really need to be one; you just need to tell people you are. Mikey Chen from Strictly Dumpling admits that even before he became a blogger, he’d hound hotels and airlines to get a discount and exploit his status as an influencer.”

Yikes. Not cool.

Do you have any personal stories similar to this while dealing with a so-called “influencer”? If so, please share them in the comments so we can all vent together.

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