You Won’t Believe These 5 Bizarre Japanese Game Shows

Japanese culture places a high value on things like respect and kindness…unless you’re on one of their game shows!

The game shows on Japanese TV are bizarre, hilarious, and they always end up with people being humiliated (usually with a big smile on their faces). Hey, it’s the Japanese way, who are we to judge?

Take a look at these 5 wacky shows and enjoy the videos as well. Enjoy!

1. Candy or Not Candy

I really hope this show makes it to the U.S. Contestants bite into objects that might be made of candy (yay!) or might just be a shoe or some other everyday item. Fun!

2. Escape a Fart

Yes, you read the name of this show correctly. Contestants on this show fart, which viewers can see in yellow, and they try to spread it around the room as much as possible. Okay!

3. Dotch

If you win this game show, you get to enjoy a delicious meal prepared by a chef. If you lose, you have to watch the winners eat while you starve. Good times!

4. Dero! Dero!

In this show, people must answer questions and solve puzzles. The added bonus? They do it in scary situations, like a room that’s slowly filling up with water. Yikes.

5. Kiss My Ass

The premise for this show is actually brilliant and I’m hoping it makes its way across the Pacific to our shores. Girls put their butts into plastic-shaped holes so no one can see their faces. Guys then have to inspect the butts and guess which one belongs to their girlfriend. I bet this show gets pretty ugly on a regular basis.

I don’t know about you, but now I’m tired of American television…

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This French Theme Park Employs Birds to Keep the Grounds Clean of Litter

If you’re out enjoying a day at a theme park, you might not give birds a second thought. But the ones at Puy du Fou theme park in Les Epesses, France are different. That’s right, the amusement park that hosts attractions based on different periods of French history now employs a team of rooks to help clean up litter. Rooks are birds that belong to the same family as crows and ravens.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The birds have been trained to deliver bits of trash and cigarette butts to receptacles in exchange for treats. A Dutch company called Crowded Cities has previously trained birds to perform the same clean-up chores, so the idea is not without precedent. In the case of Crowded Cities, the birds were taught to deliver rubbish to a vending-machine device and they received a snack in return.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Puy du Fou is recognized as the first company to employ the strategy on a major scale. So while visitors learn about the French Revolution and other important aspects of France’s history, they can also witness these birds working hard to keep the park clean. A great idea, don’t you think?!?

Photo Credit: Facebook,Puy du Fuo

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Even History Buffs Might Not Know These 9 Cool Facts

Who doesn’t love some neat facts about history? These are sure to impress even the most seasoned history buffs.

Read on to brush up on your history knowledge.

1. Arrrrrrrrrr

Photo Credit: did you know?

2. Wow

Photo Credit: did you know?

3. True love

Photo Credit: did you know?

4. Make it a good one

Photo Credit: did you know?

5. Ancient seeds

Photo Credit: did you know?

6. Erasers

Photo Credit: did you know?

7. Huh?

Photo Credit: did you know?

8. Beards

Photo Credit: did you know?

9. FYI

Photo Credit: did you know?

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15 Terminally Ill Patients Share Things That Are Still on Their Bucket Lists

What would you do if you found out you were sick and had a year or less to live? Instead of trying to experience everything the world has to offer, many people make a “bucket list” – a list of the things they want to do before they die.

In this article, AskReddit users who are terminally ill share what’s still left on their bucket lists.

1. Climb a mountain

“I’ve probably got more than a year left in me, but with Stage IV colon cancer who knows. I’m actually in a chemo infusion right now. The only thing I honestly want is to spend every waking moment with my young children. The thought of them growing up without me, without knowing who I am, is probably the thing that weighs most heavy on my mind.

But as far as actionable list items, I need to climb a mountain again. I grew up near the Rockies and have backpacked and hiked all through the southern Rockies. I keep thinking about when I’m done with chemo seeing if I can’t bag a few of the simpler peaks nearish the Denver metro area. I’d like to start a group in Indianapolis with this or similar hikes/climbs in mind, but haven’t done so yet. I’ll look into starting this though.

Also, if anyone else in the Indy area needs anything, please DM me. I’m doing okay and would love to help someone in need out. Great thought OP!”

2. Make sure it’s taken care of

“I got sick and kept brushing it off. Ended up having congestive heart failure that I had ignored because I just thought I kept getting the crud getting passed around at work.

I was given a 50% chance to make it a year because my heart function was so low. Ive made it farther so that’s great. But when it was really iffy the only thing I wanted to was pay off my car and all the medical debt I was getting because I didn’t want my family to have to deal with it. I was super close this year. I only had $5k left on my car and paid my medical stuff off leaving just a personal loan I had to take out when I missed a ton of work and some lady hit me on the highway on my way home and totaled my car so I’ve had to start over there.

It’s been a rough couple of years but if anything I’ve made it a lot longer than expected. I know people who had way fewer and less severe issues than me that didn’t make it. Being completely honest there’s nothing crazy on my bucket list that ranks higher than making sure all my stuff is taken care of so my dad won’t have to if something happens. Having my dad in the hospital room finding out about all my heart issues and the fact that they weren’t expecting great results was probably one of the worst days of my life. I was only 26 and my dad and grandparents had a really hard time with it.”

3. Good one!

“My dad is currently 1 year into “6 months to 2 years” of a glioblastoma diagnosis. He has had a good life and didn’t have much on his bucket list but we are going to Key West this summer so he can enter an Ernest Hemingway look alike contest.”

4. The big picture

“I have stage 4 brain cancer. I have confidence I will beat it though. I had it 19 years ago when it was self contained, so I have a good idea what to expect. This time it is inoperable, because it is skull based, but chemo begins next week. If I don’t make it, I am content with that.

I found out who I was and what I wanted out of this life 19 years ago, and no, unless your work is really important, it will never define you. I can say that I truly lived and can die at any time without regrets and full of inner peace and happiness. I can’t tell you how important it is for all of us to take a step back, look at the big picture and find out what is really important to us. After that, life becomes very clear and the way to live it becomes even clearer.”

5. Fishing

“I wanted to tell you all my dad has liver cancer and it has metastasized. He still feels good but at his last Dr appointment they wanted to get him started on palliative care so it’s not looking good at all.

He wants to go fishing with his only grandson… but I only had him 3 weeks ago so he’s not going to be up for fishing this year.”

6. Frozen

“I’m 27. Systemic, metastasized, inoperable cancer of uncertain origin. Maybe a year left. Maybe a bit more depending on what treatments become available and work. Possibly less.

The only thing I really want (that I don’t have) is to be cryogenically frozen. But I don’t really expect any help or possibility of that because it’s prohibitively expensive, and selfish, and somewhat insane.

(I’d also like to be a movie star, or billionaire, or incredibly famous, or Jedi knight, if anyone could make any of those happen.)”

7. Mow the yard

“My neighbor who is 94 called me last week and said she is terminal and has about 4-8 weeks to live. Super nice lady I have always enjoyed talking to. She asked me to mow her front yard until she dies. I’m happy to help as long as it’s one less thing she has to worry about.”

8. Sad…

“My son, who is 21 has an inoperable glioma on his brain stem, he does not know how long he has. Due to his illnesses (he also has juvenile diabetes), he had to quit school a few years back and has no friends now. We live in mid Michigan, an hour outside of Grand rapids, he is a big-time gamer. But because his illnesses affect his socializing, and no driver’s license, he can’t get out with friends, and/or develop friendships. His schedule consists of at least weekly Dr visits, that’s it.

Idk what I’m actually asking, I just wish he had a person or two who would like to hang out, he’s funny, and acts more like a 16 yr old. 🙂 I just wish my son had a friend in real life. That’s all. Kind of a hard request. Love you guys.”

9. Quality time

“My fiancé was diagnosed with an inoperable Glioblastoma, Grade IV in February. We are looking at maybe two years, but are hopeful that it can be prolonged with clinical trials. He has thought long and hard about his bucket list and always comes back to just wanting to spend as much quality time with me and his twin sons as long as possible.”

10. Friends and family

“I have Stage Four Metastatic breast cancer. I was first diagnosed at 33 and a couple years later, I was told it was back and it had spread. It is now in my bones, lungs, liver and in my skull. They told me I had a year and a half left but that was two and a half years ago. I’m still truckin’!

I have had an amazing life. All those bucketlist items don’t mean too much to me now; I just want to spend time with friends and family. I have learned so many lessons from this ‘adventure’. Sometimes, I can’t believe how lucky I am to be surrounded by so many good people. Cancer gave me a new perspective and I sometimes cry with happiness that I was able to live my last months in gratitude. Even a post like this, a complete stranger trying to help out a ‘termie’ touches me. So thank you, OP.

You know what I would love for someone to do for me? I would really and truly love someone out there, even if it’s just one Redditor, to do something kind for someone in my name and send me a pic or tell me what you did. The thing that is most important in my life, the one thing that means most to me, is acceptance of others.

Racism, sexism, homophobia – it all breaks my heart. My entire adult life has been dedicated to advocating for immigrants – before I became ill, I worked as an English as a Second Language teacher and as an immigration counsellor and LOVED every moment of it. It upsets me so much to see someone who has fought tooth and nail to escape persecution, arrive in Canada (or any country) and face even more adversity and discrimination, which in this current political climate is a very real issue.

I would love for anyone reading this to do something for someone who could benefit from an act of kindness, which really, is any human being and tell me about it! It would make me feel like I can still contribute something positive to the world and I know it would make me cry those happy tears I mentioned earlier. Thank you!!!!”

11. Loved ones

“At one point during my cancer treatment a few years back I was given 2 weeks to live. My bucket list just consisted of seeing loved ones and telling them I loved them.

Then the drugs started working, and I beat it. So I could go back to ignoring their texts.”

12. Orlando

“My girlfriend is 20 with stage IV cancer. She’s wanted to move to the Orlando area of Florida for a long time so I am going to do it with her. But I’m worried about money. I’ve finished everything with school except for an internship (which is required) and student loans will come knocking soon. My father took out parent plus loans for me and while I’m not worried about not being able to pay the ones in my name, I know I definitely will be paying the ones he took out because I don’t want to burden him.

I need to get an internship in/near Orlando, FL for software engineering / IT to finally graduate and then get a job because my girlfriend loves to travel and I’d like to be able to afford anything she wants like trips to Italy and whatnot. I’m not worried about her not having long to live or anything; I’m very optimistic and so is she and her doctors. 🙂 But I still want to do whatever I can to make her happy.

I’m not asking for anything, just sharing a story.”

13. Heartbreaking

“I have inoperable grade IV lymphoma and i have been relatively lucky with everything so far. The one thing I would change would have been for my wife to want to stay for the end, that would have been good. It’s really hard to explain your situation to someone that doesn’t have cancer. I am 32.”

14. Not asking for much

“I have MDS which is a form of cancer affecting the bone marrow and blood cell production. If left untreated, in my case, it is fatal in less than 18 months. The bone marrow transplant procedure itself is has a 20% fatality rate, (!!!) but I am preparing for it this fall.

Due to missed work, because of the frequency of doctor’s appointments, I’m in danger of losing my job, am behind on every bill and rent is always a concern.

The point being that money is extremely tight and must be prioritized to the penny. I’m not asking for money or other help, but I would very much like to read these two books:

Walt Disney Imagineering: A Behind the Dreams Look At Making the Magic Real

Designing Disney: Imagineering and the Art of the Show

If anyone has a used copy of either one or both of them, they would care to pass on, that would be fantastic.

I will even return them when I’m finished, if you want.”

15. Sharks and baseball

“What I want more than anything in the world is to get better and live happily ever after with my husband, my kitten, and hopefully children someday. There is a chance I may get better if I find the right specialist and treatment. However, each day of pain I feel the life sucked out of me. I’m hoping to go cage diving with great whites. In October is my 10th anniversary so I’m hoping husband is up for that. I love sharks. I need to go to a few Red Sox baseball games too.”

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Paris Has Introduced Open-Air Urinals to Combat Its Public Urination Problem

Nothing ruins your picture of the Eiffel Tower quite like someone peeing in the middle of the street. Many cities struggle with public urination, and Paris, France is no different. Peeing in public there has been something of an unsanctioned tradition since before Napoleon walked (and probably peed) on the streets himself, and even though it can result in a fine, most people do it anyway.

The City of Lights has decided to combat their issue with a Uritrottoir (a combination of the French words for “urinal” and “pavement”) but the local residents aren’t at all happy about the city basically encouraging men to whip it out in public.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

It seems to encourage what the city has been trying for decades to combat, and the fact that the Uritrottoir have been installed in some of Paris’ most famous locales – Ile Saint-Louis, overlooking the Seine, and at Notre-Dame Cathedral – is frustrating to many who live and work in these expensive areas.

The urinals are about the size and height of trash cans and contain straw and other composting materials that absorb both the urine and odors, which is, admittedly, an upgrade from what pavement can do on its own. The compost will be broken down and used to feed the plants growing from the top of the box.

Photo Credit: CNTraveller

All very eco-friendly and functional, but let’s not forget that men will be sticking their penises into them in full view of the public. And it’s not much of a solution for women who need to pee, either.

Fabienne Bonnat, a local gallery owner, told CBC Radio, “It’s an open door to exhibitionism. Who likes to see that?”

Not one of her fellow gallery owners on Ile Saint Louis, who said anonymously to Reuters, “We’re told we have to accept this but this is absolutely unacceptable. It’s destroying the legacy of the island. Can’t people behave?”

The first three urinals were installed back in March and a fourth one went in last July. Despite public outcry, Paris plans to add a fifth soon, and who knows how many after that.

It’s hard to say right now how this might affect tourism and business in the areas where they exist, but if the public urination issue hasn’t caused people to avoid Paris before now, it seems unlikely these additions, however unseemly, will have much impact, either.

h/t: Mental_Floss

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15 People Reveal What They Believe Society Takes Way Too Seriously

It’s 2018 and I think it’s safe to say we could all take a deep breath, swallow a chill pill, and relax a little bit. That isn’t to say that there aren’t serious things happening in the world, but some people take things way too seriously that maybe aren’t that big of a deal.

AskReddit users went on the record and shared the things they think everyone takes WAY too seriously in life. Do you agree with them?

1. Sports!

“Youth sports. I went and saw a co-workers kid play hockey. He’s 9. Adults were screaming, a fight broke out between parents, swearing at the refs, the whole 9 yards. My co-worker didn’t participate, but wasn’t fazed. I asked him what the deal was and he just said “this is the norm”.

Sorry Susan, little Johnny isn’t going to be the next Patrick Kane. He very well could be eventually, but it’s not like the draft is next week.”

2. Brands

“Brands that they use. For example, some car guys are either all BMW or all Benz and act like their car brand is inherently superior to others. Same with snowmobiles, dirt bikes, trucks etc…

All the different varieties lead to innovation and have their own pluses and minuses.”

3. I can’t…

“Can’t speak for everyone, but I can tell you I took my fears way too seriously in high school. Can’t ask her out, she might say no. Can’t make that joke, they might think I’m awkward. Can’t go to that party, wear that shirt, can’t can’t can’t.

I was so afraid of failing I guaranteed that I would fail. I never risked anything, never reached for anything. And when I finally realized what I’d done, I just made the same painful, awkward mistakes I’d feared later in life, in college, in young adulthood.

Experience is a long string of failures. Hopefully, you reflect on them and learn from them. Avoiding experience does not avoid failure. It delays it.”

4. Ignore it

“The opinions and actions of very, very small groups of people. You always see it reported in the more sensationalist media outlets: ‘People outraged about…’, followed by whatever decision a company has made this week. If you read the article, it’s pretty much always a scant handful of people — two at most — who have managed to whip up a storm in a teacup, usually about nothing at all. The best advice I every heard when it comes to keeping things like this in perspective is to imagine that the plural noun in phrases like this — you know, ‘Scientists now think that…’ or ‘People are claiming that…’ or ‘Mothers all around the country are outraged by…’ — can be replaced by ‘Two dudes in Iowa’.

‘Two dudes in Iowa now think that global warming might be overblown’ is not a news story.” “

5. Lighten up

“As a former Special Educator: teachers, many teachers, take “disrespectful behavior” too seriously.

I dealt with quite a few authoritarian teachers myself when I was young.

I don’t think it’s OK for children to be rude or cruel to their teachers or elders. I put “disrespectful behavior” in scare quotes because I was referring to those situations when the child (keep in mind these are children) means no harm and/or is unaware of or can’t control his/her behavior.
I have immense respect for teachers and the profession of teaching. In my 6 years as a Special Education teacher working with students who have autism or emotional disabilities, I met dozens of teachers and almost all of them were wonderful people. Better than me, in fact, because I got emotionally and psychologically exhausted and couldn’t hack it anymore.
The person I described in subsequent posts is a cruel tyrant. She consistently uses fear to keep her students “in line (i.e. silent)”. All teachers lose their temper sometimes. That’s human.
I think an adult should not take the things a 5th grader says/does personally. Even if you do have to discipline them, keep some perspective. We all made our share of dumb decisions as kids. That’s what kids do.
Thank you to all the parents of children with disabilities who support the work of special educators and work with them. You are the real MVPs.”

6. Back off a little

“Honestly children’s safety. Helicopter parents who don’t let their kids go outside with friends or freak out at every scrape or bruise are not helping their kids. Now that doesn’t mean you should neglect children, just don’t suffocate them. I’ve seen small children with machetes and they were well behaved, probably because of trust and social expectations.”

7. Embrace your feminine side

“Knocks to their “masculinity”. I know far too many people that are missing out on great movies like Paddington 2 or Spirited Away because they’re not traditionally masculine movies. And that’s just a tiny little example, some folk get WAY overboard about stuff like that.”

8. Mind your own business


I was on travel for work last week and my hotel was across the street from a park with a Frisbee golf course (excuse me, a “disc golf course”). Since I had some free time one afternoon, I bought a six dollar Wham-O Frisbee and went over to enjoy a beautiful sunny day and play a few holes. Multiple, multiple people felt compelled to tell me that my discs were not regulation. Who the f-ck cares? I’m not competing for prize money. My cheap Frisbee wasn’t damaging the course. Go away and mind your own damn business!”

9. It’s a game

“First Person Shooters and Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas. I have a couple friends that are great to hang out with in person but they are so toxic the minute anything goes wrong in a game. Yelling, blaming, rage quitting, bossing others around, etc. Its just a game guys, winning is fun but id rather lose with fun people than win with certain people at this point.”

10. You’re wrong!

“On reddit? Everything.

Reddit has an obsession with snarky responses and a “Actually…” mentality.

Hell, even if your comment supports their opinion, they’ll dig and search for grammar mistakes just for the sake of proving you wrong about something.”

11. Not your problem(s)…

“Celebrities and their problems.”

12. Preach!

“The opinions of other people on the internet.”

13. Good point

“Attaching themselves weird but popular sources for their outward identity. Liking The Office is not a personality type.”

14. Sounds a little extreme

“I’ve seen kids try and murder each other over Pokemon…”

15. Amen!

“Nobody actually gives a f*ck about Starbucks holiday cups. Nobody.

Maybe four people on Twitter, but that’s effectively nobody.

Edit: replace “Starbucks cups” with literally anything else the news tells us people are OUTRAGED about. Nobody cares about any of this sh*t.”

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These 14 Twitter Stories Will Warm Your Cold, Dead Heart

A lot of things on the internet are surface level. Jokes, memes, viral videos, etc. But every so often you come across a post that tugs at your heartstrings in the most unexpected way.

So, enjoy these 14 stories from Twitter that’ll hit you right in the feels.

#14. Sometimes they are.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#9. You just never know.

#13. More proof we don’t deserve dogs.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#12. Queen Beer.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#11. Dudes doing it right.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#10. So sweet.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

#8. This might be my favorite thing ever.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#7. On rice and children.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#6. NASA official.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#5. Only kids can annoy you and melt your heart at the same time.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#4. Good teachers are amazing.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#3. No one deserves their mom.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#2. Soccer fans behaving nicely.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#1. See what can happen when you eschew gender roles? Magic!

Photo Credit: Twitter

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13 Strange Sights That Will Make You Scratch Their Chin

Do you know what’s going on in these 13 photos? Because we are stumped. Scroll through these 13 strange images and be prepared to scratch your head, chin, or whatever else helps you think.

1. We have so many questions.

Photo Credit: Imgur: POYZN

2. “World Cup.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: edd010

3. How do you get down?

Photo Credit: Reddit: Sveq

4. A real-life Meowth.

Photo Credit: Reddit: Day3110

5. Cheaper than shoes.

Photo Credit: Imgur

6. Nothing to see here.

Photo Credit: Imgur

7. “The deer had no comment.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: CosmicKeys

8. Dance party.

9. There were so many other places you could have chosen to sleep.

10. “What time is it? Oh, about a quarter ’til bean.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: ropean

11. He’s a great improviser.

Photo Credit: Reddit: digeratisensei

12. There’s a story here.

Photo Credit: Reddit: taydripper

13. Is that a feature?

Photo Credit: Reddit: Aameba

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12+ Strange and Wonderful Pictures to Satisfy Your Curious Side

The world is a big place, filled with many strange and exciting things. So, why not take a moment today to check out a side of the world you don’t often get to see?

We’ve compiled this list of strange, unique, and unusual pictures that we believe everyone should have the pleasure of seeing before they die. Enjoy!

1. “This local Mexican restaurant used to be a Chinese restaurant. Instead of painting over the mural, they just put sombreros on the pandas.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: Bombaskos

2. A biologist asked her young son to put his palm on a Petri dish. This was the result after a few days.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @tasturm1

3. A preserved tattoo.

Photo Credit: Reddit: ahaxi

4. Double the ad space.

Photo Credit: Reddit: aviatorlj

5. “This is an intact human nervous system that was dissected by medical students in 1925. It took them over 1,500 hours.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: DerekS428

6. A view of Venice from the sky.

Photo Credit: Reddit: Hogron555

7. “I have only 4 fingers on my left hand and an index finger instead of a thumb.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: evan4765

8. A space shuttle leaving the atmosphere.

Photo Credit: NASA

9. Salt and pepper under a magnifying glass.

Photo Credit: Reddit: XiphiasZ

10. “My girlfriend found a bottle in the forest, which turned into a natural terrarium.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: pwiwjemswpw

11. “Untouched 1800’s cemetery preserved in the basement of a tall building built over it.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: HierEncore

12. Viking ax pre- and post-restoration.

Photo Credit: Reddit: Petaaa

13. Stones on the shore of Lake Huron.

14. “I got a gummy beaver in my bag of gummy bears.”

Photo Credit: Reddit: cmalkus

15. “After having worked 15 years in the lobster industry, I got this one!”

Photo Credit: Reddit: Solomond420

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These 12 Coincidences Will Make Your Inner Perfectionist Happy

In this world, it’s rare that we get to witness something truly perfect.

So, take the time to enjoy the tiny perfections captured within these 12 photos.

1. Completes the pile.

2. Reflections.

Photo Credit: Instagram: sermota

3. Their similarities don’t end with the clothes.

Photo Credit: Instagram: topherbrophy

4. Where’d her legs go?

5. The color is exact.

6. “I’m Catman.”

Photo Credit: Imgur

7. It’s a match.

Photo Credit: Instagram: najha_agnes

8. How long do you think it too him to get this shot?

Photo Credit: Instagram: richinframes

9. Probably not as long as it took to get this one…

Photo Credit: Instagram: josiahwg

10. DIY mermaid.

11. Rainbow wings.

Photo Credit: Instagram: m0rch

12. Where’d you go?

Photo Credit: Reddit: iNeverQuiteWas

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