Funny Posts About the Struggles of Exercising at Home

We feel you on this one

Everyone’s world was suddenly turned upside down, we’re all stuck at home all the time, so how are you supposed to exercise if you’re used to going to the gym…which is definitely closed down for now?

You don’t want to put on too much weight during the lockdown so you’re determined to get into a workout routine at home…but that couch is calling your name, isn’t it?

We’re in the same boat!

And that’s why these memes and posts about trying to work out at home really speak to all of us…let’s take a look.

1. Once is enough.

Now go back to bed.

2. I agree with you!

I think a lot of other people do, too.

3. Here’s your new routine.

This should do it!

4. I’ve been crying almost daily.

But for other reasons…

5. You are an elite athlete, sir.

And I salute you!

6. You’re doing it the right way.

You gotta get that cheese in.

7. That means you’re doing ZERO.

And I salute you, too!

8. Damn straight!

That would be interesting…


Don’t mess with Maury. He’ll find out.

Photo Credit: someecards

10. That looks very difficult.

Have you tried this yet?

Photo Credit: someecards

11. It’s nice to dream…

It’s not gonna happen!

Photo Credit: someecards

12. Very dangerous stuff.

Don’t try this at home!

Photo Credit: someecards

Hey, keep trying! Eventually, you’ll get used to it! Hopefully…

Okay, we want you to be honest with us…

Are you having a hard time sticking to an exercise routine while you’re stuck at home?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know how it’s going!

And, if you are doing a good job, give us all some tips!

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Learn About the Important Hidden Benefits of Regular Exercise

I am in no way, shape, or form a model of physical fitness, but I will say that I try to go to the gym most days just so I can get my heart rate up and those endorphins flooding my brain. If I do, I just feel better about everything – I get more work done, I’m in a way better mood, and I sleep better, too.

It turns out there are a lot of hidden benefits to exercising regularly, as health psychologist and author Kelly McGonigal expounds upon in her new book: The Joy of Movement: How Exercise Helps Us Find Happiness, Hope, Connection, and Courage. McGonigal argues that there are a lot of great things that come out of exercising besides trying to look better and losing weight – those things can be important goals, of course, but there’s a lot more to it than that.


Regular exercise can literally give us hope and a sense of purpose. It makes us happier and gives us greater overall satisfaction in life. And this applies to all kinds of exercise: jogging, swimming, yoga, biking, lifting weights, whatever.

McGonigal says, “These benefits are seen throughout the life span. They apply to every socioeconomic strata and appear to be culturally universal.”


Here are some of the specifics that McGonigal talks about:

1. Exercise gives us a natural high when our brains release the neurotransmitters dopamine and endocannabinoids. This high can feel similar to the effects of smoking marijuana.

2. The endorphins that flow during exercise help us feel bonded to other people, whether you’re running with someone or doing a group exercise class. You can be a more social version of yourself.

3. Regular exercise can help you fight depression. McGonigal says, “It actually alters what’s happening in your brain in a way that looks really similar to meditation. People report feeling connected to all of life … and they feel more hopeful about life itself.”

4. A big brain boost is in order when you start moving. “If you are willing to move, your muscles will give you hope. Your brain will orchestrate pleasure. And your entire physiology will adjust to help you find the energy, purpose and courage you need to keep going.”


It’s a new year, so get out there and get yourself in shape! Or at least get moving a little.

Your body and your mind will thank you for it.

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New Year, New You – 8 Ways to Start Actually Enjoying Exercise

Just about everyone has struggled with their weight at some point. It’s an ongoing struggle for most of us, and one of the biggest hurdles that people can’t get past is that most of us hate exercise! It’s just not as enjoyable as sitting under the covers and binging your favorite Netflix shows.

Wouldn’t life be so much more enjoyable if exercising wasn’t a chore? I think so. If you do, too, then check out these 8 tips for turning yourself into someone who will actually stick to those resolutions – and not hate doing it, either.

#1. Take notes on your progress.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Motivation is far easier to find when you can easily see how you’ve improved, whether or not you’re feeling great that day. Track distance run, weight lifted, sit-ups or pushups or burpees accomplished, etc, to see how far you’ve come.

#2. Know your excuses.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Acknowledge ahead of time all of the things that get in your way when it comes to keeping your commitment, and punch them in the face before they can hold you back.

#3. Allow yourself time off.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Even a whole week, if you’re going to be out of town or super busy with a deadline or something similar. It’s okay to give yourself a break – in fact, you’ll be more likely to keep your goals if you do.

#4. Save your Netflix binge for cardio time.

Image Credit: Pixabay

What better motivation to hop on the treadmill than the next episode of whatever show you never have time to watch otherwise?

#5. Don’t make your goals about weight loss.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Make it about your clothes fitting better, or you having more energy or better muscle tone, etc. It’s easier to maintain and also, weight truly is just a number.

#6. Evaluate your lifestyle.

Image Credit: Pixabay

A workout routine is only going to stick if it fits with your other lifestyle elements – if you’re going out drinking four nights a week there’s no way you’re getting up early to work out every morning. Change only happens when you can incorporate it into your everyday.

#7. Don’t worry about looking silly.

Image Credit: Pixabay

This is great advice for everything you do in life, tbh, but it goes double for those classes at the gym you’ve always wanted to try but don’t because you worry you’ll look dumb. Who cares? Have fun and get fit in the process – anyone who would make fun of you is showing their own insecurity and nothing else.

#8. Make your goals weekly, instead of a giant one.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Say you’re going to exercise 3 days a week instead of “lose 20 pounds by Memorial Day,” etc.

Here’s hoping it takes!

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The 5 Best Workouts, According to One Harvard Doctor

Health and fitness are a billion dollar business these days, and it seems like every time you turn around, one of your friends is trying to hock some new, amazing, pain-free diet and workout program that’s sure to change your life in the next thirty days.

Well, you can ignore them going forward, because this Harvard doctor has come out with a list of the 5 best workouts available, and guess what? Most of them are old school.

So get moving!

#5. Walking

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Surprise! You don’t have to join an expensive gym or program to get a low-intensity workout that benefits the body and the brain. Just make sure and do it for a period of at least 30 minutes on more days a week than not. Voila!

#4. Swimming

Photo Credit: Pixabay

According to Dr. Lee, swimming is the perfect workout. It’s low impact, so it won’t damage your joints, and it works almost every muscle in your body. In addition, it raises your heart rate and, if done regularly, can help you battle depression, aging, and stress.

#3. Tai Chi

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The flowing, detailed movements combine purposeful breathing and attention to balance, all of which can act as a moving meditation that benefits the mind as much as the body.

#2. Kegels

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Apparently, men and women can benefit from strengthening their pelvic floor. The exercises maintain the muscles around the uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum. Doing them regularly can help you reduce, um, leakages later in life.

#1. Strength Training

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Okay, so maybe your Crossfit friends have a point. Dr. Lee recommends both resistance training and high-intensity interval training for strengthening muscles and achieving cardiovascular benefits. Like with the rest of the workouts on this list, consistency is key.

h/t: Elle

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