Posts About the Annoying Customers Retail Workers Have to Deal With

Customer service really isn’t a whole lot of fun…

Well, at least my job experiences weren’t. I worked in grocery stores and restaurants for a long time and, if you’ve had similar gigs, you know that the general public can be a real handful.

And they can get on your nerves in a major way.

Take a look at these things that customer service workers really don’t like and be sure not to do any of them next time you go into a store, okay?

1. I don’t think that belongs there.

This drives workers insane.

This sure looks right to me… from Target

2. Also, never, ever do this to a retail worker.

If you do, you’ll be cursed for life.

Especially in appliances from Target

3. Out of my way!

Move it, move it!

Old but gold from Target

4. Please don’t do that.

How rude can you get?

Dear customers, this is what happens when you reach around the shields to help yourself. Please stop. from starbucks

5. Just go ahead and put that anywhere.

This is a big NO-NO.

My biggest pet peeve from retailmemes

6. Ummm, what about me?

People really blow my mind sometimes.

7. Uh oh, now you have to think.

And nobody wants that!

Brain.exe has stopped working. from retailhell

8. Let’s not even go there, okay?

Math is not my strong suit.

9. YOU. You’re why I’m here.

Any other questions?

10. I’m not sure how this helps me.

People, you’re really blowing it.

11. Never heard that one before.

I guess you just have to fake the big laugh.

12. No, I’m just in here hanging out.

Is that weird to spend time in stores I don’t work in?

How about you?

Have you ever had any interesting experiences with customers?

We want the good, the bad, and the ugly!

Tell us all about it in the comments!

The post Posts About the Annoying Customers Retail Workers Have to Deal With appeared first on UberFacts.

Woman Asked if She Was Wrong for Snapping at an Overweight Coworker Who Told Her She’s Too Skinny

Discussing weight can be a very touchy subject.

And do you know what’s even touchier? WOMEN DISCUSSING WEIGHT.

Hey, I’m just telling it like it is.

And a woman got into a tiff with a co-worker over…wait for it…talking about weight. And she took to Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page to ask if she was wrong for her actions.

Let’s see how the whole situation unfolded.

The woman gave the background to the situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Yikes! This doesn’t seem like it’ll turn out well.

And so we begin…

Photo Credit: Reddit

And then she introduced her co-worker, Diane, a new transfer to her office…who seems to have some issues, as you’re about to see.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Diane seems like a major pain in the rear, if we’re being honest.

And she continued to badger the woman and give her a hard time about her food choices and even her body, which is way over the line.

But Diane also liked to flip the script, as well.

And the writer honestly felt like she was being harassed.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The woman did her best to try to end the toxic situation and even went to HR about the problems.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And then everything came to a breaking point.

And, of course, it was over food. Diane decided to make a comment about what the woman was eating.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And the woman finally had enough so she snapped at Diane.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Hurtful to Diane, huh?

The woman had her words turned around on her by another co-worker who told her that what she did was akin to discrimination.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Hmmm, that’s a tricky situation.

But you know what… the internet is on her side.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Because, honestly… she was totally bullying OP.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And what did she expect if she kept talking about OP’s weight? Duh…

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about this?

Was she right to talk to her co-worker this way, or not?

Talk to us in the comments and share your thoughts. Thanks!

The post Woman Asked if She Was Wrong for Snapping at an Overweight Coworker Who Told Her She’s Too Skinny appeared first on UberFacts.

A Woman Asked Her Husband to Turn Down His Dream Job Because of Her Career. Is She Wrong?

If you haven’t spent a lot of time on Reddit’s “Am I The *sshole” page, you’re missing out.

It’s basically a public forum for everyday people to spill their guts about things in their lives that are bothering them and want to know, as the title implies, whether they are *ssholes because of the situations that went down.

And a woman asked the fine readers at Reddit this question about a situation that arose with her husband.

Here’s what she had to say.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Seems like she has a pretty good gig going on, yes?

Now let’s check out the deal with her husband.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Sounds like her husband hit the jackpot…but there are some major issues involved, as you’re about to see…

If her husband took this position, it could cause big problems for her in her high-paying job.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Hmmmm, sounds like a real conundrum, doesn’t it?

So the woman asked her husband to not even consider the job anymore.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And…it didn’t go very well…

In fact, her husband got very worked up and angry about the whole thing.

And he kept his name in the ring for the job.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The woman felt like her husband betrayed her and she decided to let her co-workers know about the potential issues.

She decided that being straight-up with them was better than them finding out some other way.

And she gave her husband a very serious ultimatum.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This is truly a tough situation for everyone involved.

And you can tell how much it is eating this woman up inside.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about this?

Is she being selfish about this situation?

Talk to us in the comments and share your thoughts. We’d love to hear from you!

The post A Woman Asked Her Husband to Turn Down His Dream Job Because of Her Career. Is She Wrong? appeared first on UberFacts.

Bad Boss Tells Great Employee to Quit. Immediately Regrets It.

I’m sure you’ve found yourself at jobs where management just didn’t appreciate you or give you the proper respect you deserved.

Hey, we’ve all been there at one point or another!

And it’s always so darn satisfying to hear a story about someone who quits a job and the boss knows almost immediately that they made a mistake.

A person took to Reddit to share their own story.

Here’s how it started.

Photo Credit: Reddit

He started out slowly at the job but started taking on more responsibility quickly when management knew they could count on him…and when they didn’t want to do certain things themselves…

And so he started doing just about everything about the joint.

Photo Credit: Reddit

He was working his tail off and the owners would sometimes tell him they wanted to make him a manager…

Photo Credit: Reddit

But after they kept bringing up the management position and not delivering, the person decided to have a sit-down with one of the bosses and bring it up.

That’s called being a go-getter!

But the boss didn’t see it that way.

Photo Credit: Reddit

So this employee decided to only do what they were originally hired to do.

Hey, if the bosses want to play that game, then that’s how it will be.

But the boss clearly didn’t catch on after that first conversation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Wow! That’s totally ridiculous!

The conversation continued…and the boss laid down a challenge that he probably didn’t expect this person to take.

Photo Credit: Reddit

But they did!

See ya later…but the bosses still didn’t catch on…they don’t seem too bright.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And things went downhill very fast after this employee left.

Here’s how the story ended.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about this?

Have you had jobs where you wanted to just walk out sometimes?

Or maybe where you DID walk out?

Share your stories with us in the comments. Thanks!

The post Bad Boss Tells Great Employee to Quit. Immediately Regrets It. appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Tweets About Work That are Right on the Money

Many of us have seen changes to our work situations lately.

More and more folks are doing their jobs from home, which is kinda nice as long as you’ve got a little space to dedicate to that sort of thing. Not super fun to be creating makeshift desks with your kids running circles around you and throwing play dough at each other or whatever it is that kids do.

Not that all the problems would go away if you were back in the traditional office, of course. No matter what form work takes, there’s always something to contend with.

It’s a strange thing, the world of employment – and nobody expresses that strangeness better than the people of Twitter.

10. Work it

There’s something very special and very weird at play here.

9. Going up

Best of luck, bro.

8. Give me a break

I don’t run so good as I used to.

7. Good morning

Can we not right now? Or like, ever?

6. Slap suits

Sir I would PAY you for this privilege.

5. Speedy delivery!

If I wait too long, maybe everyone will hate me.

4. Work it

My forehead? That’s hot.

3. On the flip side

The grass is always greener.

2. The silent treatment

You just stare blankly until you find yourself in bed wondering what just happened.

1. The nod

Being an employee isn’t all it’s quacked up to be.

Tweets that good almost make the rat race seem worthwhile. Especially that last one. I’d work with that duck for FREE.

What’s your work experience like?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post 10 Tweets About Work That are Right on the Money appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Petty Yet Effective Power Moves They’ve Pulled at Work

Certain jobs can really make employees turn against each other. Maybe it’s the boss, maybe it’s just the culture of the place.

But either way, sometimes employees have to get down, dirty, and PETTY to get ahead or get revenge on their co-workers. Hey, it’s a dog-eat-dog world out there…

Let’s check out some stories from AskReddit users who pulled petty, yet very effective power moves at work.

1. Reassigned.

“Our assistant manager has changed the schedule several times without notice, then happily tries to get us written up for being late, not showing up. I religiously document the schedule by photographing the screen, since we can’t access it at home.

After having to come in to HR twice on my day off to prove the schedule had changed, I began writing her up for every single time change without notification. She is let off the hook because I’m just a peon, but she still had to walk to HR to dispute them.

A few other people started doing the same. When she had to answer for five instances of it in a week, she was reassigned back to floor nursing on another unit.”

2. “He hated that.”

“When I worked at a grocery store I was in the meat dept. We closed the counter at 8 and cleaned until 9. My dept manager said if we finished cleaning early we could head out. But he was 9-5 so he wasn’t around.

I worked there for some years, and as the years went on one of the front end managers that did closing didn’t like us leaving early. It wasn’t up to them. They were not my boss. At some point they implemented a policy where we had to call the front desk and they had to come verify cleaning was done and sign off on it.

The manager that didn’t like us leaving early would say he was coming when we called, but then he just wouldn’t come til 9 to verify so that he could keep us there the whole time.

So my solution was, after I finished cleaning I would just walk to the front desk and find him, and tell him I was ready. He would say “OK, be right there.” And I would say “OK, I’ll wait.” And I would just stand right next to him until he went to check. He hated that.”

3. Against company policy.

“I worked in a call center that had a Keycard security entry at all outside doors. My team supervisor was a tool who would penalize the smallest deviation from any rules yet he ignored them when it suited him.

One day when entering I realized too late that I had forgotten my Keycard at home. A friend swiped me in. I was ripped a new one and told everyone had to swipe their own card or they weren’t allowed entry. Under any circumstances.

Fast forward about three weeks later. Supervisor went outside to smoke on break, and left his Keycard on his desk. It was heavily snowing and probably 5 below with wind chill.

I went to the break room past the door he was banging on and ignored him. About 45 minutes later he finally entered the building and called me to his office and asked me why I didn’t let him in. I half-*ss apologized and said unfortunately that was against company policy.”

4. Faceoff.

“My director had minimal respect for me, but our corporate office insisted I be a part of the management team.

Meetings are held at a rectangular table. I knew he’d sit at the “head”, so I arrived early and sat at the other “head”. He had to face me during every meeting.”

5. Last day.

“Last day at a job, been at the place for 5 years. Going round, last chat with different folks in different areas.

One guy who always tried to get a reaction from me, I walked up to him and said I never bothered to learn your name. Walked off happy.”

6. A toxic bully.

“I learned that my manager hated me and wanted to fire me but I was so good at my job and well liked by the rest of the company that HR wouldn’t let her.

I showed up on time every day and completely ignored her. I would take smoke breaks and chum it up with the other department heads. When I finally got a better job and could escape her I gave her flowers.

She was such a toxic bully Ive never encountered someone so deliberately malicious and to this day I don’t know exactly why she decided I was the main target of her scorn. I think it might be because I requested a day off to go to a wedding the second month I worked for her.

After I left 7 others quit within a month 4 on the same day.

And then the new group didn’t last 3 months. And then she got fired.”

7. My wife.

“When my wife was first hired there were three receptionists at her job, and it was about 40 hrs per week. Then they fired the oldest and hardest working one over some bullsh*t accusation of stealing or something.

So now two people are receptionists for the job that requires two and is six days a week. She was working 55 hrs/ week now and had much more work than before. This is also while being chastised by the sh*tty office manager/ owner.

So she and the other receptionist made talks of quitting, got everything lined up and quit 2 days apart. So then they had no receptionist and the sh*tty office manager had to do all the work herself until they could find a replacement.”

8. Whoa.

“I was an MA for a very wealthy, pretty arrogant doctor. They’d regularly not finish or even properly code charts, which means we don’t get paid for anything we did, yet they never knew why we were losing money.

They’d let the unfinished charts pile up into the hundreds and then task us with going through the notes ON OUR DAYS OFF while they sat at home, cruised on their yacht, or, my favorite, left the country entirely for a vacation.

And, they were a jerk to me and the rest of their overworked, underpaid staff. I was doing charts on their computer one day when I got curious and Googled, “Medicare fraud.” They didn’t like turning off computers in the office, so evidently either I forgot to close the window or they checked their search history, because they seemed to notice this.

For the rest of the time I worked there we never had to code a chart independently again and they were extremely nice to me.

Now that I’m studying medicine, I realize that what they were doing was legitimately Medicare fraud and I just didn’t know.”

9. Nepotism.

“Lost out on a promotion to leading hand (construction) to nepotism.

Nevertheless tried to give the guy some advice when seeing some rookie mistakes popping up, which he promptly pulled rank and told me to follow orders.

So me and the team complied with instructions to the letter, resulting in $500k damage and the communications for a whole town cut off and the company nearly going under.”

10. I’m going to a funeral.

“I had a manager try to twist me into working on a day that I’d booked off for a family funeral.

It was not a direct relative and I didn’t bother checking the official policy about what I was entitled to, but I did mention when I booked it off that it was for a funeral. Nothing was asked about who it was or if I was ok, but I didn’t offer any details.

Anyway, manager fed me some crap about ‘Friday not being ideal for time off’ and asked if I could work anyway. I said no, it was for a funeral. He pushed and I said I’d let them know by the end of the day.

I went back to my desk, looked up the policy and emailed it to him. I said I’d be off Friday as well as Monday, as per the bereavement policy (which was two days if it was family, 5 if it was a direct relative).”

11. Tried to screw you over.

“My old business partner tried to enforce a non-compete even though I was only doing residential work with the business I started.

We had previously had long email discussions and arguments where he refused to do residential work and was very clear he was only ever going to do B2B.

The non-compete got thrown out 5 seconds into arbitration (sadly, I never got to use the emails I had saved). After we left the courthouse I sat in my car calling every single customer I served when we were partners. Over 75% of them preferred my service over his and transitioned to my new business.

I then called the only employee he had that actually knew what he was doing and worked hard and made an offer for what he was actually worth (his pay went from $15/hr under old partner to $25/hr+monthly bonus+paid training under me).

The best part is that I had brought most of those customers on board his business, took all their calls, and did all the work for them. I didn’t even think of calling them until he put the idea in my head when he was arguing with the arbitrator that I was “trying to steal his business” and thought “motherf*cker, I was the one who built that entire part of your business”.

I wouldn’t have ever called them if he didn’t try to screw me.”

12. Felt great.

“I regularly butt heads with the sales team so when I saw the sales director at the front door fumbling to get his access card out, instead of opening the door for him, I stood there and watched him struggle.

It’s a glass door so he could see me standing 3 feet away, enjoying my coffee.

Looked him dead in the eyes and smiled. Man that felt great.”

13. Karma.

“One of my former manager’s hated me because I was a “robot” who did their job and didn’t want to attend pointless meetings everyday to listen to her talk about weddings and babies when I had sh*t tons of work to do (that she’d ironically demanded of me).

Anyway, few months down the line I caught wind that she’d asked HR for pay raises for the other 2 members of our team who did the same job as me. I thought this a little odd as I’d out-performed them consistently for over 6 months but it was personal for her.

Knowing how incompetent and, quite frankly, dumb my manager was, I figured I’d be able to catch her out quite easily.

As predicted, with a bit of digging around, I found an unprotected ‘manager’ folder on a shared network drive accessible by the entire company (lol) that contained a range of juicy documents including 1-2-1 meeting notes between myself and my manager, as well as my manager and other employees. The notes on me were ridiculously negative with zero basis.

I discovered pay rise request documents and other sensitive employee pay material, which resulted in a data protection breach.

Fast forwarding a few months, after I won a tribunal case against the company (because they naively chose to try to protect her) and big payout, I found out that she had been demoted and is now working alongside the people she used to manage. I guess karma can be a b*tch.

The sad part is, I just wanted her to leave me alone and let me focus on my job.”

Now those are pretty good! And petty!

How about you?

Now we want to hear your stories of power moves at work!

Tell us your stories in the comments!

The post People Share the Petty Yet Effective Power Moves They’ve Pulled at Work appeared first on UberFacts.

Folks Who Work in Customer Service Share the Ridiculous Complaints They’ve Had to Deal With

If you’ve worked in customer service, you know the deal: most people are reasonable and friendly but there is a certain percentage of folks out there who just like to be DIFFICULT.

I’ve worked in restaurants and I did catering for a long time so I feel the pain of all the people out there who have to deal with customers every day.


Take a look at these stories about annoying customers from folks on AskReddit.

1. Which side are you on?

“A few years ago I was cashier at a retail store. A pregnant woman came up and said that she was trying to leave but couldn’t get into her car because a truck was parked very close to her. I paged the driver of the truck up to the cash desk.

The truck driver, a middle aged woman, came up, and she and the pregnant woman got into an argument because truck lady didn’t want to leave her shopping to go move her truck. I didn’t get involved and continued to cash out customers, and eventually truck lady moved her car so the pregnant lady could go home.

Later as I was cashing out the truck lady, she asked to speak to my manager. Afterwards my manager told me that she was complaining about me because at some point she said it looked like I nodded, so I was clearly siding with the pregnant lady.

My manager said “I told her I’d talk to you about it, so here I am talking to you about it” and just left it at that.”

2. Weirdo.

“I worked at a shoe store and I had a guy come in and ask where he could get some books packed up for free and shipped. I said I wasn’t sure and that maybe Staples would do it because they have a UPS area there.

He said he already tried there and then he called me a fat *ss (I wasn’t fat. Just very pregnant) because I couldn’t be bothered to get off the ladder to help him.

I was like dude. I sell shoes. I don’t know what you want from me.

He storms out of the store and like 3 years later I’m still super confused about the whole situation.”

3. I’m appalled!

“A lady ordered a sandwich and then cancelled her order because she thought it took too long.

Someone else from the party she was having called and made an order. We made it and delivered it without issue. Same lady calls back APPALLED that we would allow one of her guests to order from us after she made it very clear she wanted to cancel her own order.

It’s not my business if other people at her party want to order food and I had no idea it was her party anyway. I told her it was very common for multiple deliveries to go to the same house party, why wouldn’t we make them sandwiches?

She then told me I would obviously never amount to anything in life and she was going to make a formal complaint against me. It was such a weird complaint. It was probably 10 years ago but it still bugs me sometimes.”

4. Make up your mind.

“Restaurant with open kitchen, so customers and us cooks can converse freely. Customer wanted crispy fish. Made it really crispy.

Not done enough. I cooked a new one, literally like 15 minutes on the fryers; I cooked three or four other orders around it.

She then complained that it was too hot and she didn’t want it.”

5. Get outta here.

“Worked at a coffee shop that wasn’t Starbucks.

Frappuccino is a trademarked word for Starbucks blended coffee drinks. When customers would ask for frappuccinos we would just put in the order as what we called it and let them know the name for it at our store so they would recognize it when the barista called it out. Had a women get so upset she was screaming, all over the word frappuccino.

According to her it was the traditional Italian word for a blended coffee drink (it’s not) and we obviously thought she was stupid to tell her otherwise and how dare we insult her like that. Tried to calm her down and just say we called them something else but it would be a similar drink…didn’t even correct her about the rest.

She continued to flip out and literally looked up and called our corporate customer service line in front of us, holding up the rest of the line, to have them tell her the same thing.

She then started screeching to demand to talk to the president of our company, and started knocking stuff off our counter top. That’s when we called security to escort her out of our store.”

6. It’s too cold.

“I was a lifeguard for 2-3 years in high school. Everyday I would get people complaining about the pool temperature as if I could do something about it.

“Ma’am, the pool does not have a heating system, I’m sorry. Larger bodies of water hold their temperature longer, which is why it’s so cold”. And they would complain ALL. THE. TIME.

“This is your job, you need to fix it!” I’m sorry lady. This isn’t the 4 Seasons Hotel, this is a community pool. It was never young people, always the old ladies who would come in at 5 am to do water aerobics.”

7. Have you heard of tax?

“I worked at Subway in high-school and a customer demanded to speak to a manger because her $5 footlong was not exactly $5.

I tried explaining to her that sales tax is normal and $5.35 is the price of anything after tax that is $5 she continued to yell and cuss at me. She even specifically stated she does not have to pay a tax.

It was at that moment I accepted that there was no being rational with some people…”

8. Nothing better to do.

“When I was at DirecTV I received a call from a man whose sole purpose was to complain that this is the United States and there should not be a Spanish option in the automated call tree.”

9. You can’t win with some people.

“Customer was sent a bill in an envelope with a plastic window part for the address and called to complain that our company was single handedly (her words) destroying the planet by sending so much plastic through her door.

Turns out she’d had several letters as she was significantly behind in payments and there was a previous complaint on her records where she had insisted all correspondence must be by post.

Literally could not win with the woman.”

10. Huh?

“We couldn’t get a $5 coupon to scan so we just took it off in another way and she ranted and raved because she didn’t like how it was going to look on the receipt.

Legit yelled at one of my cashiers for this. I’ll never understand.”

11. That’s pretty rude.

“The best is always people who aren’t using your services or paying you for anything but demanding your time and attention.

Work at a vets office part time and every shift someone calls in asking about some random medication or another vet clinic when we insanely busy (we see roughly 40-50 pets a day) and demand that I look up phone numbers and pricing for other clinics, people act like smart phones and the internet aren’t at their disposal.

The best was one time this lady called because she found a wild rabbit and wanted us to give it an exam. Explain to her to put the rabbit back outside as it could have a number of diseases and it’s not safe to keep a wild animal in your house, also we don’t see anything other than cats and dogs.

She then demanded I look up a vets office that did take wild animals, told her “ma’am, we are very busy and this is a personal issue and you aren’t a client. I will not do research for you. Have a great day.”

She then left us a one star yelp review and tried to write a complain to the better business bureau.”

12. Get over yourself.

“I worked at a campus coffee shop in college. It had multiple locations, and my position was to fill in for people who didn’t show up.

One morning I ended up having to open a location I had never been to by myself. A woman came in to buy her regular coffee and yelled at me because I had put the milk and sugar out on the wrong side of the room.”

13. Too late, buddy.

“Ah I got a great one.

So I have a small retail business with my mom that’s strictly brick and mortar. Normally our return policy is within 21 days for store credit. During the holidays we extend it so that anything purchased between black Friday and December 24th can be returned up until the end of January.

A few years ago this guy came in around the end of April trying to return Christmas gifts on DRY CLEANING HANGERS. When I told him I wouldn’t take it back, even for a store credit, he blew up on me and cussed me out in front of other customers in the store.

He then proceeded to leave a 1 star review and bash the store saying how he’s “never been treated like that before at a store”. How tf do people like that exist?”

How about you?

Have you ever had any really bad customer service experiences?

If so, please share them with us in the comments. Thanks!

The post Folks Who Work in Customer Service Share the Ridiculous Complaints They’ve Had to Deal With appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Work in Remote Locations Share the Scariest Things They’ve Seen

It takes a special kind of person to work a job that requires them to be out in remote locations, far away from other people…and far away from any kind of help, should they need it.

But there are a ton of these kinds of jobs out there, and the people who work them sometimes encounter some pretty weird stuff.

Are you ready to get spooked?

Let’s check out some creepy stories from AskReddit users.

1. A ritual?

“I do a lot of work out in the woods. Creepiest thing was finding some headless doves.

I also found sticks arranged in circles and paint on the trees in the same spot. Not sure if it was part of a ritual or not, but that’s what I saw.”

2. Hell no.

“I worked night shift at a prison for years.

The one thing that really creeps you out is when a hit is put on someone in the middle of the night.

Inmate’s code says it is kept as quiet as possible. No one says a d*mn word. The only thing you’ll hear are grunts and moans from the victims. Then, it goes and stays silent. If you hear it happening, it’s already too late to stop it. It’ll be over before you pull your keys out.

Occasionally, if someone needs medical attention the first sign we got was an inmate approaching the bars saying they need to go to medical (and are usually bleeding all nonchalant.)

The creepy ones are where no one shows up. All you get is grunts of pain and that’s it.”


“I used to work out in the woods in Florida a lot. Creepiest thing would be this day we were working near Big Cypress, tromping thru the brush all day. At the end of the day my coworker and I do a quick drive thru of some of the property and realize the place was absolutely infested with water moccasins.

We had been unknowingly essentially walking around a giant water moccasin pit all day. That one kinda f*cked me up.”

4. Ugh.

“I was a field geologist in the Outback about 12 hours north of Adelaide. One day I was driving the truck and saw what looked like a flagpole sticking up in the middle of nowhere.

I wasn’t anywhere near a farm or anywhere else that people would be, so I decided to drive over and check it out. It was a dead dog fully impaled on a spike. Like, from *ss to mouth.

Took some pictures and had my boss call the cops, but for the rest of the assignment I was freaked out that some maniac was out there with me.”

5. Out at sea.

“I’m in the Navy and work on aircraft carriers. A girl sadly hung herself in one of the spaces right near where me and my shop slept.

One person swore he saw her sitting in the chair as he was getting undressed one day and ran screaming out of the berthing.

I waited about a week to go into the space where she hung herself and when I did I heard the loudest screeching noise I had ever heard in my life. I quickly turned around and got the f*ck out of there.

The system connected to where she slept didn’t work at all for the next two weeks or so to. The systems break a lot so it was pretty coincidental that it happened just as she did this.”

6. Voices.

“When I was in college I interned with the Forest Service.

A lot of the time I just spent patrolling hiking trails. Right near Grandfather Mountain I thought I heard someone yelling for help but my supervisor told me to ignore it.

Apparently someone went missing in the area in the 1960s and was never found and people would hear that voice all the time. I heard it twice more after that and it always creeped me out.”

7. Shook.

“I work for a power company restoring power after a storm.

Was working when a lady came up complaining that her power went out. We explained to her thats why we were there and she should have power back soon. She said, “oh good, my son went down in the basement and now I can’t find him”.

I went with her with a flashlight down the road to a run down house that was partially caved in. She walked inside and I went to follow. As soon as I walked into the door she disappeared from my sight and I called for her multiple times. No one responded so I ran back to our work truck to call for help.

A man that was living on her street called to me asking whats wrong and I told him the situation. He looked at me with a cold stare and said a mom and her son died in that house 4 years ago. I’m still shook to this day.”

8. Remote areas…

“Biologist, lots of time in remote areas:

Meth labs. Often tucked away in absentee landowner property. Usually some POS RV.

Meth houses. Homes that were clearly abandoned >40 years ago but clearly occupied within the last 5, if not currently. I got curious a few times and poked around inside, but didn’t push too much because they would have heard me in the brush long before I got inside the house. I’d see drug stuff, junk food, mattresses drug in on the floor. Think of the row houses in Hamsterdam in the Wire.

Two of my colleagues have found dead bodies. They were all illegal immigrants crossing north into the US. Most accidents, one was a gunshot. I’ve been in areas with unsolved murders, I just tread lightly with the locals (think of the Ozark tv show).

More sad than creepy, but abandoned graveyards. Dozens of them. Locals try to keep up but there is a natural progression of decline and neglect until they’re outright forgotten. It’s sad to see a bunch of graves of kids from ~1900 that all died within a few weeks of each other. More anti-vaxxers ought to see those.

I got shot at once.

I stumbled into a herd of feral hogs, at night, in really tall cattails. That was more frightening than the snakes, alligators, etc. I couldn’t see them but they were freaking out that I was there.

I’ve seen a few “shrines” of pagans or whatever, but they’re pretty harmless and don’t leave any permanent damage to anything. No harm no foul.

A guy in the front yard of his trailer house, deep in the woods in a swamp, sh*tting in a 5 gallon bucket. Very awkward eye contact.”

9. Middle of nowhere.

“I used to be a delivery driver, but for a supermarket in the U.K.

A lot of our customers were in the middle of nowhere, and my last delivery of the night was a new customer I’d never been to before. I was already running late from all my previous deliveries and I was still trying to find this house at 10:30pm, even though my shift was supposed to finish at 10pm.

I’m driving around the narrowest of country roads with nothing surrounding me but dark fields and hedgerows, looking for anything that might be a driveway. I hadn’t seen another car or person for miles. Then all of a sudden I hear a loud thud on the side of my van, like something was thrown at it.

No trees or anything else around for something to fall from, and I remember it specifically hitting the side. I looked in my mirrors and out the window but there was nothing around me. Then it happened again… another thud on the side of my van.

I drove back to the supermarket so fast and told my manager that I couldn’t find the place (I had spent 30 mins looking to be fair), there was no house where the listed address/postcode took me.”

10. Whoa.

“This story still haunts me.

I worked as the county historic preservationist in southern Appalachia, working on the buildings and properties the county owned. One of the “benefits” included with my job was living on-site at one of the historic properties. The historic house was an imposing brick mansion built in the 1810s and I lived in a small caretakers house about 20 feet away.

This was in the backwoods, so to deter trespassing and vandalism the county had built an 8 foot tall fence around the entire 5 acre parcel and put barbed wire on top of the fence. I mention this all just to show it was basically impossible for anyone, or anything, to jump or climb over the fencing and onto the property.

One night, after working late at another property, I pulled up to my entrance gate, let myself in, locked it behind me and then drove the 100 yards down the gravel road to my house. There were no lights on the property so I could only see by my headlights.

As I turned my car around the corner of one of the outbuildings and parked it, my lights shown on a thing that I still have a hard time describing effectively. It was the size of a deer, but with long spindly legs and long shaggy hair. Almost like a taller Maned Wolf, if you’ve ever seen pictures of one of those. That alone shook me as there was no way something of that size should’ve been able to get through, or over my fencing.

What follows is absolutely true: I got out of my car to get a better look at what the hell the thing was and as I opened the door and got out, the thing took off running away: not on four legs, but on two! I literally watched this thing raise it’s back up, stand at full height on its back legs and sprint away.

I absolutely freaked out at that point, grabbed my maglight and my shotgun from inside and tried to find the thing again. There was no trace. No tracks or anything; I have no idea how it got in OR out of my property.

I didn’t sleep at all that night, just sat on my couch with my shotgun watching my front door, hoping that whatever I saw didn’t come back and burst in. I cannot explain what the hell I saw that night but it still raises the hair on my neck every time I think about it.”

11. Alarm bells.

“I used to do salmon spawning surveys, which involved walking up streams looking for fish. Some of the streams are quite remote and/or inaccessible on timber land, and you don’t really expect to see any other person when you’re out there.

As a naturally smile-y, friendly, small feminine woman, I’ve learned to be wary of people 100% of the time in the field. I actively try to avoid running into people when I’m alone in remote places.

One of the survey locations is close to a highway. To get to it, I had to park at a pullout, follow a river downstream to a flagged trail, hike over a ridge to meet up with an old logging road on private timber land. I walked along the logging road for about 100 m before peeling off into the woods (very thick second growth Douglas fir reprod), where game trails eventually lead to the stream at the base of the hill slope.

I came here during spring to survey steelhead, but this stream was also a survey location for other types of salmon during the fall. The game trails off of the logging road were flagged by previous surveyors, and multiple routes were marked.

This made it kind of confusing, and not all routes actually led to the stream. Some just petered out once the vegetation got too thick. Another led to a cliff face overlooking the riverbed. Lots of faint trails.

One day I turned off into the woods one of the survey flags tied around a branch at the side of the road. I followed some pink flagging heading south along the hillside. I noticed the trail seemed freshly turned up, and figured maybe a bear clambered through recently since the time I was there last (2 weeks previously).

The trail led to a small claustrophobic clearing, and the ground was freshly torn up in the shape of a circle. Seemed strange. I was looking for elk tracks but didn’t see any. Then I noticed an assortment of bones scattered around the edges of the clearing. These weren’t there before. Everything was dead silent, and something about it was setting me on edge.

I poked around the bones a bit, trying to piece together this scene. I noticed another slight path, which strayed from my main route, veering to the right from the clearing. I walked a bit down that way, and gazed ahead trying to see if this path was flagged. It was densely packed with trees. A subtle movement caught the corner of my eye ahead and to the right as I walked — I turned my head to look past the trees and saw the silhouette of a large shelter maybe about 50-75 feet from the clearing.

It was surrounded by what looked to be jugs and bones. Tons of plastic jugs. Light shapes of bones on the ground. The lighting made seeing anything else impossible. Everything was so, so quiet.

I left in a hurry, off the trail, without trying to get a better look, without getting to the stream. The alarm bells in my brain were screaming.”

12. Eerie.

“I worked in a store once in a really small town that was always absolutely dead, a customer every hour or so, shifts all alone too which I’m sure wasn’t even legal but hey.

Anyway it’s a dark evening and I’m sat on reddit as usual when I hear the door open. I look up and see the back of a man as he begins walking down the first aisle towards the tin foods and he appears to be talking to someone on the phone, I think nothing of it and go back to reddit.

All of a sudden I get this intense smell of soil and earth, I look up and the mans approaching the counter and he’s wearing some kind of overalls and his face and long grey hair and body is just covered in dirt. That’s when I notice he isn’t on the phone at all and is just talking to himself in this absolutely bizarre tone, he sounded like a cartoon elf or something, he’s just sort of murmuring and doing this really weird hehee sort of laugh.

I’m just frozen solid, as he’s stood at the counter in front of me thinking I’m about to be killed when a policeman storms through the door, he asks if I’m ok to which I don’t respond because i’m just in a complete state of what the f*ck is happening.

He tells the man to come outside to which he starts murmuring gibberish and saying the words legal over and over again. They come grab the man and put him in the back of the police car and that’s the last I ever heard of it.

I have no idea who he was, what was going on but I have never been so afraid of another person before, you know when you just sense a bad bad situation. So grateful the police showed up when they did.”

Now we want to hear from you.

And we want creepy stories!

Whether you worked out in the middle of nowhere or not, share your scariest experiences with us in the comments.

Please and thank you!

The post People Who Work in Remote Locations Share the Scariest Things They’ve Seen appeared first on UberFacts.

A “Karen” Tried to Scam a Free Meal Until She Realized Who the Owner Was

In case you haven’t heard, a “Karen” is an entitled, usually middle-aged woman who complains to authority figures about others’ behavior.

This particular Karen decided that her complaint to the manager would get her a free meal. She couldn’t have been more off-base in her assumption, specifically as it concerned the owner.

A friend of his begins the story:

Photo credit: Reddit

With help from his dad, the man was able to open the restaurant in the perfect location, and it was a smashing success right out of the gate. Everything was going well, until Karen showed up with her husband.

Photo credit: Reddit

Right away, the owner, who was also the server, knew she was going to be a problem—the complaints began as soon as she sat down. Initially, he played along .

Photo credit: Reddit

He knew he couldn’t keep his composure for long—so did she and, sensing a potential free meal, increased her demands.

Photo credit: Reddit

She asked for the manager, as Karens often do. He brought someone over to take on the role.

Photo credit: Reddit

She could have won an Academy Award for the story she told.

Photo credit: Reddit

The “owner” and the server couldn’t keep up the ruse for long. They broke character.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The real owner came clean, and Karen was finally speechless.

Photo credit: Reddit

Redditors who work in restaurants loved how this story ended, and the person who told it also had a bit of an update.

Photo credit: Reddit

They deal with customers who try to scam free meals all the time and say restaurant owners are usually oblivious to this behavior because they’re not on the floor.

Photo credit: Reddit

Workers shared that this also occurs in fast food places. Even though they’re a lot cheaper, free is free to some people.

Photo credit: Reddit

Are you a resturant worker? Share your stories of terrible customers below!

The post A “Karen” Tried to Scam a Free Meal Until She Realized Who the Owner Was appeared first on UberFacts.