10+ People Share the One Thing They’re Glad They’ll Never, Ever Have to Do Again

For me, the answer would definitely be “moving my in-laws out of state.” Now, some of you might think that sounds like a pretty desirable thing but, A) I actually really love my in-laws, and B) they are terrible at packing. Between those two things, having to literally pack, clean, and move their entire lifetime’s worth of belongings was… rough, to say the least.

Everyone has their own thing (or things) they loathe doing so much they’ll never acquiesce to doing it again. But you may not have considered the 15 below.

#1. I’ll never look back

“Being addicted to heroin and being homeless. I’m 2 years clean with a family of my own and a place to call home. I left that life and I’ll never look back.”

#2. Sh*t

“I used to work in this absolute shit medical job. It was the absolute worst because there wasn’t a single good thing about it. The people I worked with were shit, the people I interacted with were shit. You could go into that place at 5am happy as can be and leave the place after 6 failed bathroom noose’ings just to try again the next day.

When I put in my 2 weeks those feelings amped up to 11. It was like everyone who was shit the entire time I was there decided it wasn’t enough and leaned into it. Like you got a heaven pass to leave hell and all the demons were pissed that you’re getting out and they have to stay behind so they claw at you the whole way out in hopes that you die before you leave.

Fuck hospitals, man.”

#3. Two weeks in a call center

“I worked for two weeks in a call center and the entire time I spent staring at my desk. I did this for ten hours a day because the company president was out of the office and they refused to get me setup with a password or let me browse the web etc etc.

After two weeks, I came back the following Monday, started my day and then with nothing changing, I just walked out of the building and went home. My car was broken down at the time, so it took several hours to get home.

Glad that is over and done with. No way I’ll ever work in another call center.”

#4. But damn

“Serving as a nuclear reactor operator in the U.S. Navy.

Cool job. Gave me lots of opportunities. But damn.”

#5. Burning pain

“The absolutly horrific burning pain of a urinary tract infection.”

#6. The real heroes

“Night shifts. To you out there doing it now, you’re the real heroes of the night.”

#7. PTSD

“I worked as a nurse for a psych hospital with no fucking security. I got PTSD from all he fights i had to get into. I’m still a psych nurse, but it’s much better.”

#8. Word


#9. A done dissertation

“My dissertation. I would never want to do that again. The only good dissertation is a done dissertation”

#10. Here’s hoping

“Hubby went through chemo. Said if cancer happens again, he wouldn’t do chemo or fight it. But then he remembered he had kids, and was on the fence.

Here’s to hoping you don’t go through it again.”

#11. Sucking the energy from my soul

“Working in a restaurant. I spent ten years of my life in that business both serving and managing. Fives years and 40k in debt later, I finally just started my new career. No offense to anyone that works in the industry or truly loves it, but I came to despise the hospitality business. I could feel it sucking the energy from my soul..

Edit: For everyone asking, my 40k in debt is from tuition costs after earning my engineering degree, not from working in restaurants. It’s the best money I have ever spent.”

#12. Never again

“I carry a Taser for work. In order to pass certification, I had to take an exposure (get Tasered).

Never again.”

#13. Soul crushing

“I did ten years in a grocery store. It was soul crushing. I remember on my last day standing by the time clock with the people clocking in. When I clocked out for the last time I told them all I did not work there anymore and said my goodbyes. It was such a good feeling going to my car and driving away knowing I never had to go back.

Edit: For the people asking if I ever went back to shop there I did not. I live in a major city and the store was on the other side of the city. I go a store closer to my house. I got a civil service job and sometimes came by when I was on duty. I did work there ten years and I spent ten years working with some of the same people. I did keep in touch with a lot of people for a number of years after I worked there and it was nice just to stop by and talk with them again.

I worked there to pay for my college degrees and the pay and benefits were good and it was a flexible schedule.”

Here’s to moving on.

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15 Ways You’re Annoying Your Servers and Bartenders Without Even Realizing

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of working in the service industry, you know just how infuriating customers can be at times. While most people are generally fine, there are always those customers who are just plain rude, pushy, and completely oblivious to any sense of boundaries.

Maybe as a customer, you have no idea how annoying you are, and you really don’t mean to be. If you’re genuinely trying to be kind to your servers, it’s time to listen up. DO NOT DO THE FOLLOWING THINGS, EVER.

1. Say how well you’re going to tip once the meal is over

Photo Credit: Pixabay

2. Sit on the same side of the table as your date instead of across from them

Photo Credit: Pexels

3. Make a million special requests

Photo Credit: Flickr,Joi Ito

4. Send your food back after you’ve made those 1 million requests

Photo Credit: Max Pixel

5. Talk about being gluten-free and then order a beer

Photo Credit: Pixabay

6. Tip badly because the food wasn’t great

Photo Credit: Flickr,Jason Lander

7. Complain that Ranch isn’t free

Photo Credit: Instagram

8. Play with your napkins and sugar packets

Photo Credit: Instagram

9. Say “I hated it!” as a joke even though you ate everything like an animal

Photo Credit: pxhere

10. Staying at your table forever after you’re done eating

Photo Credit: pxhere

11. Asking for a table right before closing

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

12. Complaining about the food after you ate all of it

Photo Credit: pxhere

13. Trying to make small talk when the server is obviously busy

Photo Credit: Flickr,Adikos

14. Asking for your drink to be “strong”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

15. Snapping your fingers at a server. DON’T DO IT

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Now go eat and be courteous!

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10+ People Imagine What Jobs Would Be Completely Unnecessary If Everyone Told the Truth

Sadly, we live in a world chock full of liars and swindlers.

So let’s have a little bit of fun, shall we? An AskReddit user asked what jobs would cease to exist in a world where everyone told the truth.

Kind of sounds like a science fiction film, doesn’t it? Let’s see what these people had to say.

1. Sounds likely

“Companies that do background checks, maybe?”

2. No more spying

“Being a spy.”

3. And no more crystal balls


4. Crime will cease to exist


5. I can see your future…


6. Hahaha

“Advertisers would have it rough.”

7. Could happen

“No shops would need to be staffed with cashiers.

Customers could go in, take what they needed, and put the money owed in a box or tray or something.”

8. Another dig at advertisers

“People who write commercials.”

9. Bluffing

“Professional poker player.”

10. This would be rough

“I don’t know about unnecessary, but customer service would become very difficult.”

11. Religion


Now even though I’m an atheist, I don’t really think of regular centers of worship as dishonest. They believe what they believe, and so saying what they believe to be true is not an attempt to be dishonest.

Megachurches ain’t that. Megachurches are where giant lying charismatic scumbags swindle the poor and desperate out of what little they have, in the vain hope of a miracle.

In a world with no dishonesty, they wouldn’t work out so well.”

12. Time to look for a new gig

“Lie detector dude would be unemployed.”

13. Truth


14. Another truth

“Juries in a court of law.”

15. No more Tv shows or movies


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Medical Pros Reveal the Most NSFW Situations They Encountered at Work

A lot of us like to stay away from NSFW content at work.

Hence the acronym…

But, what if the NSFW actually happens at work?

Well, I suppose you take to AskReddit, and you start sharing those stories.

At least that’s what these 18 doctors, nurses, and vets did:

#1. That should do it

“A person thought pouring Lysol on their diabetic foot-ulcer would keep it from getting infected.”

#2. Ugh!

“An obese women came back to the hospital after an abdominal operation, because her staples had ripped off, and she didn’t notice (!?!).

She now had a huge v-shape gash at least 2 inches deep from her pubis to the diaphragm. We had to clean that gash a couple of times a day.

The first student that went into the room fainted at the site of it, so our teacher asked me to do it (I had the reputation of being tough).

Imagine a small yellow and green river coming out of her each time she moved. The smell was so horrible that we had to opened the window and close the door.

Sadly, that poor woman died of the infection a couple of days later.”

#3. Good job parents!

“A patient’s extended family physically stopped us from resuscitating a completely limp and unresponsive newborn because helping it breathe, ‘isn’t natural. Labor is natural and requires no intervention.’

Baby eventually and slowly perked up about 15 minutes later.

Needless to say, I don’t expect this baby to go to Harvard.”

#4. Kind of like ‘The Walking Dead’

“I had a homeless patient come into the dermatology clinic. He had a filthy bed sheet wrapped around his head, with only part of the left side of his face and left eye exposed.

You could see the rancid stink coming off of his head.

We got him in the exam room and unwrapped his noggin. Turns out he had a basal cell carcinoma (skin cancer) for which he had refused treatment, for like 15 years.

The cancer had eaten away all of the skin on most of his head. There were very large areas of muscle and bone exposed.

The tumor had eaten into his skull and you could see into his skull as well as his sinuses. His right ear was long gone.

I could watch his muscles move and contract while he spoke. It was literally like watching something from The Walking Dead, except there was no sign of infection or maggots or anything else horrible.

It has literally a living, dissected skull talking to us like it was totally normal.

It was simultaneously horrifying and amazing to see.”


#5. Bath salts?

“Walked into back room with two patients with CP (cerebral palsy). Another client was in the back with FEMA and mentally disabled.

FEMA client was eating one of the CP clients’ face off.

Blood everywhere, and the screaming is enough to stick in my mind forever.

1/4 of her face was missing after that.”

#6. Fun with veggies

“Bok choi in an adult male’s ass.

Insisted it just, ‘slipped in.’

Removed it, and it had a condom on it.”

#7. Beware of washcloths

“A story about a quadriplegic guy who just had an operation. My teacher, another student, and I were taking care of it.

The teacher took a washcloth and decided to clean his face, and that’s when it happened.

The guy started to eat the washcloth. Yes, eat it.

The more he would eat it, the more he would start to choke on it.

The other student panicked. My teacher was pulling on the washcloth with her 2 hands and her knee on the bed to get some grip.


The guy was still eating it and choking. So I had, probably the best idea in my life, and I block his nostrils with my hand.

He couldn’t breathe, so he let go of the washcloth.

The 3 of us were shaking, sweating and swearing to never put a washcloth near the mouth of someone who just came back from surgery.

The funny thing is that I talked to the guy a couple of days later, and he didn’t remember a thing.”


“Probably the most disgusting time of your medical school career will be your obstetrics and gynecology rotation.

You can expect on a daily basis to be splattered with blood/amniotic fluid mixtures, and on a slightly less frequent basis to be covered in vomit, urine, and poop.

For me the worst was assisting with C-sections. Mostly as the med student it would be your job to hold the retractor, which means standing there and pulling on a big metal thing and staying perfectly still.

Once they cut into the uterus, the amniotic fluid and blood all spills out all over your hands and arms and drips onto your gown and down to your feet.

It’s warm and there’s a lot of it and you can feel it through your gloves, but you can’t move.

That’s not really a special occurrence. It’s literally every day for the whole month (or more if you decide you like it of course).”

#9. Classy

“Walked in on a woman blowing her husband.

She had just delivered a baby 2 hours prior, who was in the NICU.
If my hubby had asked me to do that even a week after having our baby, I would have punched him in his dick-hole.”

#10. Depressing

“The worst day on the job was being the nurse for a pregnant woman who was due the same week as me…

I was in the room when the doctor told her that there wasn’t a heartbeat anymore. I sat with her while she cried.

Her boyfriend didn’t answer her calls.

She was hospitalized for an infection and I visited her after my shift. I felt so awful that she had to go through that alone.

I later found out that my baby had trisomy 13 and had an abortion.

I felt guilty for watching a woman cry over what she couldn’t control and then opting out of a wanted, albeit flawed, pregnancy.”

#11. A man and his dildo

“My dad is an ER doctor. Early in his career, he had a big, burly truck driver come into the emergency room and flat out say, ‘Doc I’ve got a dildo in my ass you’ve gotta get it out.’

So, my dad takes him into a room with a nurse accompanying him, has the guy bend over and grab the exam table, and my dad tells the nurse to duck when he says so.

He grabs hold of the end of the dildo with those gator clamp things, and straight yanks it out as hard as he can.

The nurse behind him never ducked, and a splurge of blood and shit hits her, full-frontal.

My dad said the nurse ran out screaming, leaving behind a perfect silhouette against the wall while the dildo flopped around the floor, still vibrating.”

The post Medical Pros Reveal the Most NSFW Situations They Encountered at Work appeared first on UberFacts.

Sailors aboard submarines work…

Sailors aboard submarines work 6 hour shifts so that it is easier for them to give their undivided attention to the equipment they operate during a shorter shift. The military also switched submarines from an 18-hour work day to a traditional 24-hour one, improving morale significantly. 00

In Japan, death by overwork is so common…

In Japan, death by overwork is so common that they have a word for it, “Karoshi”. Some examples of karoshi are: working 110 hours a week, working 3000 hours a year with no days off in 15 years, working 4320 hours a year, and working 34 hour shifts five times a month. 20