Microsoft Japan Adopted a 4-Day Work Week and It Boosted Productivity by 40 Percent

Might this be a sign of things to come on this side of the Pacific Ocean? Let’s hope so.

Microsoft Japan recently trialed a 4-day work week and announced the results from the experiment.

Two big takeaways: the employees enjoyed the four-day week very much and productivity increased by 40%. Shorter, more efficient meetings were noted as one factor for the boost in productivity (DUH).

Microsoft called the experiment the “Work-Life Choice Challenge Summer 2019,” and it lasted for five weeks for the company’s 2,300 employees in Japan. Microsoft Japan president and CEO Takuya Hirano said, “Work a short time, rest well and learn a lot. It’s necessary to have an environment that allows you to feel your purpose in life and make a greater impact at work. I want employees to think about and experience how they can achieve the same results with 20 percent less working time.”

The employees of the company had to be more efficient with their time, which meant shorter meetings or remote meetings. That in turn led to more productivity. In addition to that good news, electricity use by the company dropped 23.1%, and employees printed 58.7% fewer pages of paper.

A whopping 92% of Microsoft Japan’s employees said that they enjoyed the shorter work week (surprise surprise). The company said it plans on repeating the 4-day work week trial next summer and might expand the experiment to other times as well.

I, for one, think this is a great idea if you work in an office or another job where people have to be present in order for things to be accomplished. I know that I would’ve preferred working four 10-hour days in my old office jobs as opposed to five 8-hour days.

What do you think? Share your ideas about this topic in the comments.

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Are You Always Running Late? Here Are 8 Ways to Be on Time.

If you are ALWAYS late, then you may only vaguely know how much you’re annoying your friends, family, co-workers and bosses.

Sometimes lateness is truly out of your control, but when it starts to be a habit, it’s clear you need some strategies.

Scroll through this list of 8 tools that will get you on the road and showing up on time.

1. Never explain why you’re late.

Only apologize for the trouble your lateness caused. Soon, you’ll begin to see how many excuses you were throwing out for your constant tardiness, which can make you more aware.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

2. Think about how someone constantly being late affects you.

Late people are irritating, and that’s how people see you.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

3. Give yourself the grace of being somewhere first by at least 5 minutes.

That few minutes is a gift to give yourself. Check your email or social media on your phone with your newfound free time – or just get yourself ready for whatever it is you need to do.

Photo Credit: Pexels

4. Wake up an hour early and get a jump on your morning routine.

You’ll get to work on time and you’ll have already crossed off a few things on your to do list.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

5. Set different named alarms to prompt you through your morning routine.

That way, you’re not lingering over your breakfast or in the shower longer than you wanted.

Photo Credit: Needpix

6. Use music to get out the door on time.

Make a playlist with a song for stretching, a few songs for breakfast, some for showering and dressing and then a final energetic tune to get you on the road.

Photo Credit: Pexels

7. Add a few minutes to travel time to account for last minute searches for keys, sunglasses or your other shoe.

You’ll be grateful too for a few extra minutes to find a parking spot or wait for the train.

Photo Credit: Flickr

8. Pack your stuff up in the evening and have it ready by the door.

If you have everything ready to go the night before, then you won’t waste precious minutes searching for it.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

All of these steps are totally easy. Incorporate some of them and you’ll find life a little less hectic and a lot more productive.

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20 Workplace Memes That Might Look Familiar to You

You’re going to be working for many, many, many, many years, so you might as well have a laugh once in a while.

Because the whole thing can be a little ridiculous, don’t you think?

1. That’s true

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Not a chance

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. It really does…

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Something to look forward to

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. No thank you

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Living her best life

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Did she get the job?

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Do not approach me

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Deal with it

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. F it

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Grizzled veteran

Photo Credit: someecards

12. Performance reviews

Photo Credit: someecards

13. Need a new identity

Photo Credit: someecards

14. Dummies

Photo Credit: someecards

15. That’s why

Photo Credit: someecards

16. All day, on repeat

Photo Credit: someecards

17. A fine line

Photo Credit: someecards

18. A morning ritual

Photo Credit: Instagram

19. I don’t think so

Photo Credit: Instagram

20. That’s it!

Photo Credit: Instagram

You’ve had your bit of fun, now back to the grind!

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15 Jokes That Writers Might Find Funny

Writing for a living is a tough gig. Always wracking your brain to come up with something interesting or witty to say. Hitting that inevitable bout of writer’s block at one point or another.

But it’s also a lot of fun, and anyone who gets to write for a living would probably say the same thing.

If you’re a writer, these jokes will most likely make you shake your head and say, “Yup, that’s accurate.”


1. You’ll all be very disappointed.

2. You can never, ever, have enough.

3. One of the worst feelings of all time.

4. I’m back, baby! Back with a bang!

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Yep, that’s me ?

A post shared by A Girl Named Karma (@agirlnamedkarma) on

5. That’s exactly what he was talking about.

6. Woo! Time for a nap and a snack.

7. Never listen to this advice.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

8. Make them suffer immeasurably.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

9. Among other things…

Photo Credit: Tumblr

10. Check your email every two-and-a-half minutes.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

11. Maybe it’s time to focus on one thing.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

12. Pretty much sums it up.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

13. “The man devoured the baked bread like it would be his last meal.” How’s that?

Photo Credit: Tumblr

14. Moments of inspiration.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

15. Let’s jump ahead a few years.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

Time to keep working, writers! You know we never get a day off…

Do you have any funny jokes about writing? If so, share them in the comments. Thanks!

The post 15 Jokes That Writers Might Find Funny appeared first on UberFacts.

These Employees All Made Work Hilarious

Days like this just make work a little bit easier.

There are few things that bring us as much joy as making fellow employees feel like they just got played.

Yes, trolling your coworkers is a game that many can play, but few can win.

It’s time to meet the winners. 17 of them, in fact.

We’re not worthy.

1. “This sly cursor switcharoo”

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. “This beloved colleague who was #blessed with a priceless parting gift”

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. “This coworker who was done with all of his other coworkers’ shit”

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. “These coworkers who were never good at goodbyes”

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. “These employees who surprised a fellow employee with a sturdy cardboard fortress”

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. “This medic who went to work dressed as her co-medic for Halloween”

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. “This *URGENT* Post-It note that a couple workers left for their security team”

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. “They wanted to make sure that their departing team member could never ~truly~ leave them”

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. “This chummy exchange over some ham”

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. “This coworker who managed to keep their coworker’s birthday ~under wraps~”

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. “This coworker whose tolerance was running low, but whose creativity was at an all-time high”

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. “These coworkers who kept track of when their coworker started humming or singing”

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. “This teacher who valued grammar above sanitation”

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. “This colleague who found the perfect way to deflect any and all human interaction”

Photo Credit: Reddit

15. “This touching memorial *wipes tear* for when an accountant moved cubicles”

Photo Credit: Reddit

16. “This coworker who stayed late to tape Nicolas Cage to the bottom of everyone’s computer mouse”

Photo Credit: Reddit

17. “This employee who found this particular mode of transferring money more fun than Venmo”

Photo Credit: Reddit

I mean, what else can you say except these are all absolutely on point in every way?

Still, we want to hear from you! Which ones did you love the most?

Let us know in the comments!

The post These Employees All Made Work Hilarious appeared first on UberFacts.

This Under-The-Desk Hammock Is Designed for Napping at Work

Now you can be just like George Costanza and sleep under your desk instead of working! But with this gadget, you’ll be a little more comfortable than he was in that classic episode of Seinfeld.

As someone who used to occasionally sleep in their car during lunch breaks, I wholly approve of this product.

The hammock is manufactured by Uplift Desk, and it comes free with every full desk purchase. It hangs below the company’s standing desk model, and, by the looks of it, you’ll be snoozing in no time if you decide to get comfy in one of these.

Take a break from the hectic workday in the Under Desk Hammock by UPLIFT Desk. Free with every full desk purchase, choose yours in gray or blue. Or buy it by itself!

Posted by UPLIFT Desk on Friday, August 23, 2019

You can also buy the hammock from Uplift by itself for $55.

It comes in blue or gray.

Take a break from the hectic workday in the Under Desk Hammock by UPLIFT Desk. Free with every full desk purchase, choose yours in gray or blue. Or buy it by itself!

Posted by UPLIFT Desk on Friday, August 23, 2019

All you’ll need to do is install the two anchor plates on the frame, then clip the carabiners that come with the hammock into the anchors, and you’ll be ready to go to Zzzzzzzz-Ville.

The bag that the hammock stuffs into hangs off the side of the hammock when opened, so you can put your phone (with the alarm set!), your keys, and anything else you want to keep next to you in there while you doze off and forget about all that paperwork you have to catch up on.

Ugh, we all know that feeling.

Here’s a video of the hammock in action. Will you be able to resist this product?

I love this idea – the more nap opportunities, the better.

I’m gonna order mine today.

The post This Under-The-Desk Hammock Is Designed for Napping at Work appeared first on UberFacts.

During the Irish Potato Famine…

During the Irish Potato Famine, the poor were hired for useless construction projects called ‘famine follies’ in order to provide them with work that would not take existing work away from other workers. These included roads in the middle of nowhere, between two seemingly random points.

Pay Attention! Here Are 5 Signs You May Be About to Get Fired.

Have you ever walked into work and a really weird feeling rolls over you? Maybe you can’t put your finger on it or perhaps you received some looks from co-workers. Either way, you’re wondering if you’re on the chopping block.

No one likes that feeling, and job security isn’t really a thing nowadays. So now you’re contemplating looking for a new job, or maybe your rational side is telling you to calm down.

If you’re wondering if a firing is impending, here are a few tell-tale signs.

5. Your conversation with a manager is in your inbox

You just left your manager’s office. The news wasn’t good. She lectured you on getting tasks done faster or on that conflict between you and another employee. Either way, she just sent your action plan in an email. She outlined your conversation and the ways she expects you to behave moving forward.


Don’t fret. All you need to do is be on your toes and follow through with her request. Most managers will document meetings in this manner. Perhaps it’s to create a “file of proof” against you. But don’t lose hope. Take this as a warning and turn things around.

4. Your manager follows up on that project

A day later, your manager sends a follow up on that project she wants on her desk, tomorrow. But she said it wasn’t due until the end of the week!  What do you do? Well,  instead of taking a long lunch or chatting with co-workers, hunker down and meet the new deadline.

Photo Credit: Tim Gouw, Pexels

3. Your responsibilities are dwindling

This should be a real red flag. If you all of a sudden find that your work is being given to another employee, it might be a good idea to start looking for another job.

Also, it couldn’t hurt ask your manager why. There might be other reasons. Are you moving into a different role? Are you being put on a different project? If you don’t ask for clarity, you may not get it. On the other hand, you might not like what you hear.

2. You didn’t get invited to a team meeting

You just returned from lunch to find your team is MIA. Where did they go? You peek around the conference room and see them. Why aren’t you? You check your inbox for the meeting request to find you didn’t receive one.

Getting left out of team meetings could mean you are no longer needed, so you best check with your team after they wrap up to get some insight.

Photo Credit: Snapwire, Pexels

1. You meet the new person and he shares your title

Your manager exits her office with a new employee. They are laughing and chatting as she introduces him to the group. You had no idea they were hiring. Hmmmm. He walks over to you and introduces himself. You ask nicely, “What will you be doing?” He answers that he was hired with the same title as you.

Before you get into a tizzy, maybe the company is growing. If not, look over any past reprimands or documented meetings from the boss  – if things were at all rocky, it might be time to dust off your resume.


Before you start to over-analyze any of the signs above, take a deep breath. None of them is a surefire indication of anything, so you could be just fine.

But maybe update the resume, just in case…

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People Share What Job They’d Want If Every Occupation Paid the Same Salary

I’ve thought about this one before…

If every job paid the same amount of money, what job would I take? Professional bowler sounds mighty nice right about now.

AskReddit users answered that very question.

What would your answer be? Share in the comments below!

1. Sounds awesome

“Park Ranger in a national park.”

2. Oooohhhhh

“Travel destinations reviewer.”

3. Might be the perfect answer

“During the warmer seasons I would like to make and sell ice cream. During the colder seasons I would like to make and sell soup.”

4. The simple life

“I wanna go back to serving coffee and decorating cakes and donuts.”

5. Surrounded by flowers

“Probably being a florist. I love flowers and the art of design and would love to own a flower shop.”

6. Yes!

“Clerk in a used book store.”

7. Cool

“I would want to build those giant windmills.”

8. “Anonymous” is key

“Anonymous artist.”

9. Might be fun?

“Librarian at a college library.”

10. Doing good work

“Animal rescue.”

11. Actually, this might be mine

“Horror movie special effect artist.”

12. Okay…

“The guy who drives a tractor and mows the highway median.”

13. Always need one of those

“Really would like to open my own pub/deli.”

14. Old timey

“Blacksmith. It’s what I want to do with my life already, and I have a good start on a list of materials to start out, just no time, money, or knowledge yet.”

15. Amen!

“Dog walker or working at a doggy daycare

I just want to be with dogs all day.”

The post People Share What Job They’d Want If Every Occupation Paid the Same Salary appeared first on UberFacts.