Kids Who Have Had Enough “Quality Time” With Their Parents

We’re hearing a lot from parents these days about how much togetherness is just a bit much. We’ve got no alone time, no privacy, it turns out our kids aren’t joys to have in class, and our bosses have no kids and can’t figure out why our productivity has dropped.

At least stores and restaurants can deliver booze.

But what if you’re a kid who has had enough family time, has no end in sight, and can’t drink?

Think about the children!

13. I’m not sure that’s how it works.

But I’ll take the quiet time, sucker.

12. The smart-aleck is strong with this one.

Also, his shoes are A+.

My kid came downstairs in the same pajamas he’d been wearing for three days so I told him to go change from funny

11. No one is in the mood for it, okay?

Literally no one in the entire world.

10. Just a little?

Wait a few more months, kid. We’re going to be insane.

9. There must be a caveat to the whole “unforgivable” thing.

Like if you’ve been stuck inside with your family for weeks on end.

8. I hope your fake drinking skills are on point.

Otherwise, you definitely drank toilet water.

7. What are you, some kind of idiot?

And you’re supposed to be in charge!?

6. The kid thought he was being clever but he didn’t know.

The depths of our current despair are astonishing.

5. She’s taking it to the next level.

Teenagers have been prepping for this moment for years.

4. You fell for it.

Maybe you wanted to, just to pass the time.

3. When you know you shouldn’t laugh, but…

It’s the apocalypse. There are no rules.

One of my kids put whiteout on my soup can. Not even mad. from funny

2. Okay but that’s funny. I don’t care who you are.

Yes, even if you’re a mom with chin hair.

1. See, he gets it. No rules.

Don’t be mad you didn’t think of it first.

These kids need to set up a Zoom happy hour of their own with juice boxes and Cheez-its and no adults allowed.

If it will give me 30 minutes of time to myself…

I’ll set it all up myself…

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Images That Depict the Hell That Is Working From Home With Kids

Not too long ago, working from home was the dream. You can set your own schedule, only shower when things get really dire, wear pajamas all day, eat ice cream for lunch without judgment…but only if you’re child-free, or your kids are old enough to go to school (or you pay for them to go to daycare).

If you work from home while young kids live from home, well…the work part should be in quotations.

A fact that these 15 images illustrate perfectly.

15. It’s impossible to do it all at the same time.

But if you’re staying home all of the time, feel free to touch your face.

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mum life 💁 #crazyAF #sendtequila #mamadisrupt

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14. You learn to be very productive in very short spurts.

But I mean. It’s not a perfect system.

13. I was just waiting for it.

The quiet time lasted longer than I expected.

12. They’re getting soooo much screen time.

There’s no such thing as too much right now.

11. You really just need the right motivation.

Now, where to find a microscope and some “willing” blood donors.

10. The “say no to chocolate” is particularly true.

Also pouring the entire bottle of wine.

9. The kids are eating so. much. food.

Most of it is junk and I just don’t care.

8. They don’t respect any other boundary you’ve set.

So why would you think this one would be any different?

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Working from home can be a challenge. Conference calls and small kids don’t mix sometimes. We are trying a new system that’s working pretty nicely. I took an old cookie sheet and painted a traffic light on it. Added an old fridge magnet to signal to the kids when they can visit dad in his office. Please excuse the overall messiness of the the sign-All I had was a grinder wheel to cut the metal. I’m still learning how to use chisel brushes for lettering. If you try this at home, a sharpie paint pen would work much better. I should have staggered the design with carbon paper instead of just freehanding-that’s what I get for being lazy on prep work I guess. #handmadesign #workingfromhome #workingfromhomesolutions #workingfromhomewithkids #upcycleculture #upcyclistfurniture

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7. Yes, they are adorable.

Yes, they are giant distractions. Both can be true.

6. That seems like it should about cover it.

I mean, you’re wrong, but you tried.

5. You can call CPS, but they’re probably really busy.

I could use the break.

4. I have recently relegated myself to the closet office.

It’s a lot cozier than one might think.

3. I bet it took most people less than two weeks to get there.

Teachers are going to be getting so much booze for gifts whenever we’re back in school.

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😳 Can anyone relate?! 💙 Give me a double tap if you can! . 💪🏻 Stay strong everyone. You may be trying to create a minute by minute schedule for your kids, but what we all need right now is to feel loved and comforted. Don’t worry about them regressing in school, go with the flow and take each day as it comes. . Today was a tough one for us, with tantrums, hits and testing the boundaries, and it was only day one! 🤦🏻‍♀️ But I’m not going to dwell on it, as there are plenty more days like this to come. There will be the best of times and the worst of times. But we’re all in the same boat. Sending love guys 😘 . 💭 How was your day? Are you channelling your inner Mary Poppins or turning into Miss Hannigan?! . . . . #selfisolation #workingfromhomeproblems #workingfromhomelife #workingfromhomewithkids #workingfromhometoday #toughdays #keepcalmandsmile #katrinahassan #sparkjoylondon #tomorrowsanewday

A post shared by Katrina ~ KonMari Consultant (@spark_joy_london) on

2. And he’s definitely not sorry about it.

Nor will he offer to in any way assist in the process of putting back together.

1. Even if she’s NOT so great…

Add to cart.


As someone who has “worked” from home for nigh these many (3) years, I can confirm all of this.

Raise a glass, my friends.

We’ll figure out a way to make this work eventually.

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Hilarious Tweets About Looking at Our Screen Time Reports

Have you checked your screen time report in the last little while? If not, go ahead and take a look. We’ll wait for you…

Yikes, right?

It makes sense though, why our screen time has gone through the roof. Most of us are confined to our homes 99% of the time and the people we live with are driving us insane. So the only natural thing to do is stare at your phone and fall down various rabbit holes all day, right? And, as a result, our screen time reports are out of control.

These people know the truth…

1. You can’t even believe your eyes.

Is your mind blown?


I get it, okay?

3. Well, this is life now.

But hopefully not forever…

4. I don’t need any reminders.

Can we please change the subject?

5. That’s when you know it’s REALLY bad.

You’re doing the unthinkable.

6. Think about that one.

Maybe YOU’RE to blame?

7. Get out of my face.

And don’t come back!

8. You’re doing a great job!

Way to go! A whole 36 seconds!

9. Just checking in…

To make sure you’re not losing your mind…

10. How is this even possible?

Giving you a whole new perspective about time.

11. Hang your head in shame.

Look at what you’ve done!

12. Talk to the hand!

Because I don’t want to hear it.

13. That’s all anyone wants right now.

I hope we can all get together soon! Stay safe out there!

Hahahaha. Funny and, more importantly, accurate.

So how about you?

Have you looked into your screen time reports at all?

If so, tell us what they look like in the comments.

We want to hear from all of you out there!

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Two Giant Teddy Bears Are Bringing A Lot of Fun to Their Locked Down Neighborhood

What we’re living through right now is really hard and no one really saw it coming. People are stuck at home, out of work, and desperate for any kind of good news or enjoyment.

That’s why Ted and Ed, two giant teddy bears, are doing their part to bring a HUGE dose of wholesomeness to their neighborhood in England. The duo are known as “The Moors Bears”.

People in the area can routinely see Ted and Ed doing various chores in their front yard or having some fun and blowing off some steam. And the photos are great! Be sure to follow these lovable guys on Instagram and on Facebook.

Now, let’s see what they’ve been up around their neighborhood!

1. Ready for karate practice?

Wearing the whole get-up and everything.

2. Decided to read outside.

Hey, it was a nice day!

3. May the Fourth be with you!

We have a couple of Star Wars fans on our hands.

4. A lazy day in the yard.

Kick back and read the paper.

5. The car is getting a little dirty…

Let’s give it a wash!

6. Time to tee off.

Better keep an eye on Ted’s scorecard…

7. Game day!

What should we play first?

8. Doing some heavy lifting.

They need to finish that patio.

9. Household chores are never quite done, are they?

At least it’s a nice day outside.

10. The great outdoors.

Camping out sounds like fun right now.

11. You mow. I’ll rake.

Team work makes the dream work.

12. They are crafty bears, aren’t they?

They set up their own little sewing shop.

What a great idea! And what a great way to keep the spirits of people up during this whole mess!

What are people doing in your neighborhood or your town to try to be positive right now?

Please share your stories in the comments.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Funny, Fake Apps That Come in Handy While We’re Stuck at Home

I have to be honest…these apps aren’t real. I know, I know…I’m bummed about it, too.

These funny, FAKE apps are actually the work of a Swedish artist named Viktor Hertz. He calls this project “Honest Apps 2020” and they are right on target for the strange times we’re living in right now.

Can’t leave your house for the next few months? There’s an app for that!

Let’s take a look at Hertz’s work.


1. Kind of sums up life right now.

When will this shit be over and done with?

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1, 2, 3 or 4?

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2. Yup. All day, every day.

I don’t know about you, but I need a break.

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6?

A post shared by Viktor Hertz (@viktorhertz) on

3. This one is crucial during these times.

Might as well have another bottle.

4. Take a few minutes to let your emotions out.

Are you crying yet?

5. Yikes. That one is scary and accurate.

Germs, germs, germs.

6. Won’t be going anywhere for a little while. 

Time to hunker down for the time being.

7. Just make a fire.

You won’t be getting much action for a while.

8. No contact at all.

Don’t even think about it.

9. There’s a lot of this going on right now.

Keep it coming!


For now, at least…

11. F*ck every day right now.

But keep your heads up! It’ll get better!

12. Sad, but true right now…

The economy is getting slammed, no doubt about it.

13. Let’s end on this note.

Thank you to all healthcare workers, bus drivers, restaurant workers, grocery store workers,  and all other essential employees!

Those are pretty clever, huh?

You bet they are!

Which one is your favorite?

Talk to us in the comments! And give us a life update, please!

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People Locked Down at Home Share the Cool Projects They’re Working on

Many of us have extra free time right now…make that A LOT of extra free time.

So what is there to do besides drink and watch TV?

How about building some really cool stuff around your house?

That’s what these folks have been up to lately and I have to say, all of these projects are pretty darn impressive.

Let’s take a look!

1. Keep those kiddos busy!

A cool stained glass project!

Trying to keep my kids busy! Painters tape + washable markers. Looks like stained glass! from crafts

2. This was time well spent.

No one is gonna get in this cat’s way!

Me in quarantine from crafts

3. A new home for Rusty.

Looks like a sweet pad to me.

Rusty gets an upgrade from quarantineactivities

4. Wow! That is awesome.

Color me impressed!

Spent the first week of quarantine building this greenhouse, all the beds are 30cm deep. from gardening

5. Life in miniature.

This is pretty mind-blowing, don’t you think?

Just finished this miniature over the past four days of lockdown… Found out our state will be shut down till the end of April… I’m gonna have a whole apartment block by the time this is over from crafts

6. Bring the movies to the kids!

Step right up and get your ticket.

7. That is terrifying.

No way that thing would be allowed in my house.

My daughter made this out of hot glue and painted it, then lied in wait as I found it. So proud! from pics

8. The sound of music.

A good way to spend the time.

9. Two great uses of your time.

Burn some calories and then have a drink!

10. Behold! Megatron!

Six feet, eight inches tall! That is nuts!

11. A hand-made globe.

I think you’d be able to see these.

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Finally finished my quarantine craft! 🌈🌎🌍🌏🌈

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12. Get your kicks!

It took a while but it was worth it.

13. A great idea.

Out with the old and in with the new.

Those are pretty awesome, don’t you think?

Have you been working on any cool projects around the house since we’ve been forced to stay at home?

Please share some photos and tell us a little bit about them in the comments!

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Funny Signs From a Texas Restaurant That Might Make You Howl

During this crisis we’re all going through, THANK GOD that a lot of restaurants are still open for takeout.

One of those places is the El Arroyo in Austin, Texas. They’re not only open, they’ve stepped up their sign game in a major way to make customers and passers-by have a hearty laugh in this time of uncertainty.

Here are 13 signs from the El Arroyo that are pretty darn funny.

1. My hands have an alcohol problem.

Are you going through this right now, too?

2. Now you’re in the dog’s shoes…

Going a little stir crazy, are we?

3. That’s what we’ve been reduced to at this point.

How do you feel about this turn of events?

4. Carpe all those Diems, people!

That’s gonna feel pretty good, huh?

5. Try to avoid this if possible.

Nobody wants to hear your Zoot Toot.

6. They make an excellent point. 

Good thing we don’t have to hunt tacos in the wild, huh?

7. Ahhhhh! The horror!

That poor SOB…I’ll pray for him or her.

8. Sweats 4 Lyfe.

All day, every day! At least for now…

9. Good for your boobs!

Let them be free!

10. Summer body is put on hold until 2021.

Too much pizza, nachos, beef jerky, beer, tequila, the list goes on and on.

11. That wasn’t very professional.

You should refer them to HR.

12. Suzie is really acting out in class lately!

Are you having these kinds of conversations in the mirror?

13. Six feet apart, people…

Words to live by…

I’d love to go back to Austin and give this place a shot. My motto in life is “I can eat Mexican food every day of my life for every meal and I’d still never get sick of it.”

How about you? Have you seen any funny signs from businesses during this whole lockdown?

If so, please share a photo or tell us about it in the comments.

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A Writer Ranted About Working From Home in Sweatpants and Got Roasted by Twitter

You know all too well that one of the best aspects of working from home is the dress code. There is none!

Getting up to make my morning coffee in some basketball shorts and a t-shirt before I sit down at the computer makes working from home a breeze. After all, it’s a lot better than waking up at the crack of dawn to iron a dress shirt and pants.

Not everyone is a fan of the casual work-from-home dress code. In fact, LA Times writer Adam Tschorn openly criticized all of us who don sweatpants at our home office.

But there’s strength in numbers. And my fellow sweatpants-adorning, hard-working home folk have risen up and battled back against Tschorn and his senseless, scathing criticism. After all, should we really be listening to fashion advice from a guy whose profile picture reveals someone who has no sense of style?

Step right up, folks. Who’s ready to take a ride on the merry-go-round with Mr. Tschorn?

Now that one was a little harsh, but I get the point. Let us make a living from home in whatever pants we want.

Apparently Mr. Tschorn’s own newspaper can’t even back the internet bully. Though, I’m not sure cheetah print should be considered professional work attire, either.

Fashion bloggers and I don’t have a ton in common, but we can both agree that Mr. Tschorn’s cruel words have no place in our society. Everyone’s already feeling down being stuck at home, so what’s wrong with getting work done in the most comfortable pants known to man?

Boom. Even the dictionary backs us up on our fashion choice. And you can’t argue with a book that only spits facts. Take that, Mr. Tschorn.

Are you part of the sweatpants revolution? How do you dress differently when working from home compared to a traditional office setting?

Let us know about your fashion thoughts in the comments below!

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