A Surprising Peek into Japanese Work Culture: From Quitting Services to Workplace Naps

For many of us, it feels as though we spend most of our waking hours working to cover bills and keep food on the table—some even juggle two jobs at once. Ever wonder how other countries handle work-related pressures? Take Japan, for example, where the professional world holds a central place in everyday life. In … Continue reading A Surprising Peek into Japanese Work Culture: From Quitting Services to Workplace Naps

Fascinating Work Facts: From Ghost Workers to Digital Nomads

Working hard to get to Heaven — this saying rings particularly true when we delve into the peculiar and sometimes eyebrow-raising facts about the world of work. From an employee who turned ghost-working into an art form to the burgeoning lifestyle of digital nomads, here are some detailed accounts of how our relationship with work … Continue reading Fascinating Work Facts: From Ghost Workers to Digital Nomads

Email Overload: The 28% Impact on Office Workers

On average, office workers dedicate 28% of their professional careers to reading and responding to emails. This significant time commitment is attributed to the growing reliance on electronic communication in the modern workplace, which has led to an increase in email volume. In fact, studies show that employees receive around 121 emails per day, and […]

The Cognitive Impact of Shift Work

Working in shifts can lead to cognitive decline due to the disturbance of the circadian rhythm and subsequent hormonal irregularities, as well as neurobehavioral issues. This decline can manifest in several ways, such as reduced processing speed, impaired working memory, psychomotor vigilance, decreased cognitive control, and impaired visual attention. Shift work disrupts the body’s natural […]

Microsoft Japan’s 4-Day Workweek Increases Productivity by 40%

As part of its “Work Life Choice Challenge,” Microsoft Japan implemented a 4-day workweek by shutting down offices every Friday. This trial resulted in a remarkable 40% increase in productivity, as measured by sales per employee, compared to the same period the previous year. Furthermore, the shortened workweek resulted in a host of other benefits […]

People Who Quit A Job On Their 1st Day Describe What Happened

One of the main reasons that people “rage quit” their jobs – meaning they leave in a dramatic fashion when they’re fed up – is usually due to poor management and abusive treatment.

In August of 2021, we saw the largest amount of people quitting their jobs at once in what is now known as the Great Resignation. Some left due to low wages and poor management, some left because of the pandemic, and some wanted to do work they actually loved doing.

While many of these people quit after working for quite some time, there’s a great deal of people out there who quit on day one of their new job.

Sometimes you start a new job and instantly you realize that it’s not going to be the right fit. Whether it’s red flags with management or the work isn’t something you want to be doing, there are so many reasons to leave.

We went to Ask Reddit to get the truth on why people left their job the moment they started.

Redditor redmambo_no6 asked:

“People who quit their jobs on the first day, what was your ‘I’m outta here’ moment?”

Here’s some of the best responses.

Had to pay for the microwave.

“When the microwave in the lunch room was coin activated.” – CaptainArsehole

“That’s real? What the ever loving f*ck?”

“That warrants loading that thing up with quarters, filling it with silverware and setting it to ten minutes on your way out.” – larry_flarry

“I work in building management and am personally responsible for many of the amenities tenants have in an office, and I can’t even imagine the conversation on that one.”

“I had a hard time putting in a cold brew and kombucha machine that was pay per use, I feel like if you are going to put something in an office it should be free, or just don’t offer it.” – BuffFlexson

Management has issues.

“Worked in a hotel for a day.”

“No one told me where anything was. Got chewed out for it.”

“Guests enjoying their meals told me to pay no mind/I was doing a good job and that my boss is a c*nt.”

“I told the manager that I was quitting and wouldn’t be doing the next shift.”

“I arrived the next day, returning a work uniform and my supervisor approached me and yelled at me for being late. I told her I already quit but if I was working, technically I was 5 hours early for my shift.”

“Absolute nutcases.” – O5CR

“The not getting told how to something then getting told off for doing it wrong thing happened to me. I was so mad.”

“Got told to put something on shelves by checkout. Asked if there’s way any specific way it needs to be done? Get told ‘No, idiot, it’s not hard you just put as much as you can fit on the shelf’. Stack stuff on shelf. ‘Why didn’t you follow protocol around displaying stuff here? You have to count exactly how many you use for stock control and display them a certain way.’”

“Thought that one was a one off but the next day I ask what I should be doing after a busy period? ‘There’s nothing to do for a bit. Make us all coffee to practice using the machine.’ Half way through making coffee ‘Why haven’t you done really important job? You don’t have time to be taking coffee breaks!’”

“This was my trainer vs the manager. Turns out the trainer didn’t want someone else working with her so she sabotaged me and set me up for the manager to catch me doing the (wrong) things she’d told me to do.”

“I told them they clearly have some issues to work out among themselves and quit.” – Few-Evidence-7534

They were watching.

“I got a job at a Build A Bear knockoff at the end of a mall that wasn’t very busy. My interview with the owners was interesting. They were an older couple who said that they had wanted to open a Chick Fil A, but you need about a million dollars to do that.”

“My first day, one other girl was working, and she didn’t really talk to me. I had basically no training and she disappeared into the back. I was standing at the register area, which was underneath a giant storybook mushroom. A mother and her young son walk in and start to look at the bear skin options. I greeted them and left them to look around. They ended up leaving after a couple minutes and my coworker reappeared from the back with the cordless phone and handed it to me.”

“It was my boss. He told me that when a customer walks in, he wants me to come out from under the mushroom to them (‘come OUT! from the mushroom!’). After he finished speaking to me, I hung up and went to my coworker and asked about the phone call. She said the place has cameras set up and the owners watch them from their house and call in a lot. I did not come back to work after that day.” – pocketradish

“Not mushroom for improvement there.” – FreudianAcordian

“Owner didn’t seem like a fungi.” – TrippyReality

They had been robbed.

“Fast food chain: I was 17.”

“I found out during training that the place had been robbed 3 times in the past month and 1 employee was seriously injured.”

“Not worth the $5/hr. (This was the US state of Georgia in 2004).” – ThunderFlash10

“I worked at a KFC when I was 16. I remember the training orientation video told us over and over not to be a hero if you get robbed. Do they really think we’re gonna take a bullet for them? Like we’re gonna scream ‘Not on my watch!’ and dive over the counter?” – casino_night

They didn’t take breaks.

“Took a summer job at a textile plant and the trainer said, ‘Forget about taking a break if you want to stay caught up.’” – p38-lightning

“Reply forget about being caught up.” – Big-Red-Husker

“Especially because ‘caught up’ is an arbitrary standard.”

“Breaks, however, are mandated by law and measurable.” – TootsNYC

They didn’t want to pay the $40.

“I applied for a job at my longtime favorite restaurant(celebrated my birthday there every year).”

“Owner asks me to come in for basically a try out, as I communicated I was looking at other job possibilities. I come in and they just stick me on dishwashing for an hour, no biggie. Then there dishwasher doesn’t show up, so the kitchen manager asks me to stay one for their lunch rush, says I’ll get paid for the hours. I do, kitchen staff was nice so I was happy to help out even though I figured I’d be taking a different job. I fill out a time card at the end of the shift and tell the manager I probably wouldn’t be back, he understands and thanks me for the help.”

“Fast forward a couple weeks and he tells me to email the owner after I ask him if I should pick up my measly paycheck. I do, she basically tells me to f*ck off over text. Tells me it was ‘staging’ and that she told me I wouldn’t be paid. I respond that I understand that but that I stayed an extra 3 hours which I WAS told I’d be paid for. She stops responding. I decide I want to be petty over the 40 bucks so I get the state labor department involved. Dude goes in there and makes her pay me for the hours including the first ‘staging’ hour. Couple weeks later I got my 40 bucks, never went back to that restaurant.”

“Firstly, ‘petty’ is not how I see it two years later. I’m VERY glad I did this and sharing the story with others in my city I learned this practice was very common with local restaurants. Hopefully others learned to stand up for their labor too from my small experience.”

“Secondly, this restaurant closed down a couple weeks after I got that paycheck. The owner made a long winded complaint on the FB page about how the food culture had ‘changed’ in the city and her restaurant didn’t fit in anymore (total bullsh*t, they were ALWAYS popular. Most people theorized the terrible mismanagement and employee abuse had caught up to her).” – sleepdyhollow

“You’re not petty, I wonder how many other people they fleeced for free labor.” – FaustsAccountant

“You would not believe what restaurants get away with. And they’re so blatant about it.”

“It’s such an insane work culture. I’m glad I experienced it but the thought of doing it everyday makes my job being a welder now a total cakewalk.” – providenthound

The employee had to pay for training.

“My very first job was at a little drive in restaurant close to my high school. I showed up to work the first day, they lady said I had to pay her $50 for training. She showed me around the place and said that my pay would be $4.50/hour as a carhop(this was in 2010), and all the tips I made went into a bucket with all the other girls’ tips. At the end of the night, she counted up tips, kept 20% for herself and split the rest up evenly among EVERY employee. Also, part of our job was one day a week we had to spend 4 hours cleaning her house. It seemed super shady.”

“I literally left after listening to her go over all these rules. My dad was pissed until I explained, and another girl confirmed and my dad agreed I did the right thing.” – tlr92

“Shady and highly illegal.”

“Tip pooling is legal but is supposed to be only with other tipped employees, her skimming 20% off the top is not legal.”

“Pretty sure you can’t charge someone to train them for a job you hired them for.” – -Work_Account-

Hired to do one job, told to do another.

“I was hired at a chain restaurant to be a hostess. I was so excited because my last job was washing dishes and because of my eczema, I had to quit. It was too painful to do that job. So, I arrived at my new job dressed up to be a hostess and those mfers took me back to the kitchen to do dishes because the dishwasher just quit. I noped out of there real fast!” – Ismygrayshowing

“13 years in restaurants, I can say if you have any skin condition stay out of restaurants not because of your skin but the chemicals some places use for their dishwashers. I’ve seen people welt up just from industrial detergent.” – scootiesanchez2038

Even the customers knew it was bad.

“Went into an Italian restaurant for my first day of work and I got 3 red flags on the very first day.”

“1- The manager said he had lots of hours for me and getting shifts would be no problem. Every single other employee told me that they were struggling for hours and that they had no idea why they hired me.”

“2- Everyone said the manager was an asshole. Even the customers.”

“3- It was my first day there, and I actually had to teach the woman training me how to do one or two things.” – Stevie-Avail

“Probably hired you to replace that woman.” – RonStopable08

They were pushing a sale that should never happen.

“‘Salesman’ for Kirby vacuums. First sale call was to a single elderly woman who was supporting her son in hospital (they got us in the door by offering a free carpet clean as a demonstration). The supervisor training me pushed and pushed to make the sale until this old woman was in tears. Just as she was about to sign the paperwork I asked if she actually wanted to vacuum and she said it was lovely but she couldn’t afford it. I took the paperwork away from her and said not to worry.”

“Outside I told the supervisor I quit to which he replied I would’ve been fired anyway. No love lost. I hung around for half an hour playing on my phone to make sure the supervisor left because he was a real piece of work.” – Pokestralian

“Oooh I have a Kirby story! I worked for them when I was 17 – not selling the vacuums but setting up appointments for the salespeople. They had the shadiest way of getting their salespeople into people’s houses. They went around town with raffle tickets where people could sign up with their name, address, and phone number for a chance to win some cash prize. The kicker? There was no contest. It was just a way to get these people’s info.”

“When I would get the filled out raffle tickets I was instructed to look at the zip codes and throw out any from the lower income part of town. Then with what was left I had to make calls. I had a script where I would tell them they were still in the running for the cash prize but in the meantime, they had won a free one room cleaning. I’d get the details on which room they wanted to have done and set up a day and time for it. Their free room cleaning was a Kirby salesman pitching to them the whole time.”

“The whole thing was so dishonest I quit after a couple weeks.” – SavaRox

Not only do some of these jobs sound terrible, a lot of what happened was illegal.

With all the abuse, misuse of power, and poor wages, it’s no one these people quit on day one. If they stayed any longer it was bound to be stressful.

People Explain Which Jobs Are A Lot Less Fun Than People Think

It can be difficult to figure out what you’re going to do as a career for the rest of your life. In fact, the job you’re working in now might have started out as, “Just that thing I’ll do until I find the real thing I want to do.”

Usually, these careers are filled with long hours, difficult clientele, and a secret load of hardships the outside world is not privy to knowing. Unfortunately, as it turns out, the “dream” jobs, the ones people spend all day wishing they had while they work their dead-end feeling jobs, may not be as great as some hoped.

The smells. So. Many. Smells.

A Redditor wanted to know what jobs may not bring as much joy as some think when they asked:

“Which job is a LOT less fun than most people expect?”

Imagine The Smells. Now Imagine Them Every. Day.


“Don’t get me wrong, it’s awesome to be around so many amazing animals and care for them…”

“But the smells are ridiculously, insanely foul.”

“I have a really strong stomach and it’s still tough for me…we’ve had some interns quit over it.”

“I was warned about the smells when getting into the field, but thought ‘oh I’ve volunteered at animal shelters, I know what animal stink smells like’”

“Nope. Not even close.” ~ wekoo9

So, I’m Not Like Indiana Jones?

“Paleontologist. You don’t get to work with full dinosaur skeletons and do all kinds of awesome expeditions.”

“You’re mostly sitting at a desk looking at some pictures and logging stuff on your computer, maybe examining a fossil occasionally.”

“If you’re lucky you can go on a real dig, and OMG SPEND HOURS IN THE HOT SUN DUSTING OFF ROCKS!!!” ~ MidwesternMonkey

Someone Has To Make The Donuts

“Baker. Coming into work at 3/4 am so you can have a six am baked goods is miserable.” ~ haireypotter

‘”o00Oo0h y0u MuST L0vE tHe wAY U SmëlL WhEn ù G0 h0Me!’”

“nope…I go home smelling like burnt oven” ~ Vdd993

No “Smoke On The Water”

“Working in a music store ( musical instruments )”

“Your days are spent listening to 50 different people play 50 different riffs poorly simultaneously, as if they’re all putting on their own concert.” ~ [usernamedeleted]

“Some of my (least) favorites:”

“Person who thinks playing well and playing loud are the same thing.”

“Person who wants to make sure you know they are very smart and you are very lucky to be in their presence.”

“Person who goes to absurd lengths to test out drum sticks to make sure they’re pitch matched without knowing how to execute any of those techniques. Extra points if they’re just going to shred them to splinters in a week anyway.”

“People who act like you’re in their way because you’re trying to do your job.”

“People who assume you couldn’t possibly know anything about the instruments you play and sell all day long.”

“Side note – I mostly loved my time working in a music store and I enjoy helping people but the people who come in with aggressive egos and nasty attitudes are insufferable.” ~ JessicaMessica

No Running!

“Lifeguarding. Everyone expects Baywatch, act, saving lives all the time. But It’s usually just sitting there blowing your whistle telling little sh-ts to stop f-cking around.” ~ Theholynun

I Just Wanted To Smash Stuff


“Everyone wants to break shit with a sledgehammer. Everyone is tired of lifting that sledgehammer by 5 swings.”

“Nobody wants to load the broken stuff into bags or a wheelbarrow and take it to the dumpster.” ~ Bill_S_Preson_Esq

The Key Is Not In The Wall!

“Gamemaster at an escape room.”

“It’s the same repetitive script, resetting the same stuff, giving clues and hints about the same things.”

“The patrons are often competitive families who argue, obnoxious impatient 13-year-olds, college students who have been drinking, idiots who break sh*t and touch sh*t that I SPECIFICALLY TOLD THEM NOT TO.”

“They never remember your initial instructions. If something gets broken during one group, you have to hurry and fix it before the next group.” ~ Reddit

You Know How Frustrated You Get When You Have To Replay The Same Level Of A Game?

“Video game tester.”

“You aren’t spending your time playing completed fully realized games. You are playing the same level of a game over and over seeing if there are bugs.” ~ Mr_frumpish

“Also, you are probably not going to test the next GTA, but something like Barbie’s Super Happy Funland 3, or some other game aimed for kids 8 and under. And you’ll have to play it for 8-10 hours a day, every day.” ~ __Hello_my_name_is__

“Lets see if I can clip through the wall in position 131, 875, -121”

“Lets see if I can clip through the wall in position 131, 875, -122”

“Lets see if I can clip through the wall in position 131, 875, -123” ~ RoboNinjaPirate

It’s Insane How Much We Don’t See On Screen

“I have seen this question before and then it was zookeeper at the top comment too. Nice.”

“Anyways, there’s this making-of Frozen 2 mini docu. Most animators work weeks for a minute of animation of one character, if not less.

“At one point they decided to leave out a piece that one person had solely been working on. Must be crappy to be part of the credits without being able to say “this is my part!”.” ~ ArrrSlashSubreddit

“I couldn’t believe it! It was even crazier to me when Sterling K. Brown recorded an entire song and it got scrapped. It’s insane how much ends up on the cutting room floor for a movie to be just right.”

“I was so psyched for the animator that did that end scene for ‘Into The Unknown’ though! She killed it.” ~ heronlyweapon

The Magic Never Leaves, It Just Changes

“Being a Character Performer at Disney.”

“Don’t get me wrong, there are some amazing perks and truly magical moments. I know I’m super lucky and tons of people would love to be in my shoes.”

“But the day to day work is EXHAUSTING in ways I never thought possible. Guests are ridiculously abusive…I’ve had things said and done to me I never would have imagined.”

“The company isn’t always great – it highly depends on your leadership. And there’s so much focus on your body and face (good and BAD) that it can be incredibly depressing and difficult emotionally.”

“Plus, you have to accept that there’s very little upward mobility. Most people “grow out of it” and it’s rough to know that one day you’ll get “too old” or “too fat” and you will have to start all over in a new career field.”

“So you constantly are thinking either, 1) what you’re going to do when you leave, 2) how you’re going to keep yourself there.”

“I personally knew it would be temporary, and I now only work there seasonally while I have a “normal career”. But Disney has a way of sucking you in.” ~ TheMarvelPrincess

They say do what you love and you’ll never work another day in your life.

It’s clear after taking a look at these entries, that is not the case and coming home smelling like burnt dough and elephant feces is not the life many thought they wanted.

Doctors Confess How They Behave When They Are The Patient

Something funny that I’ve always wondered… who’s the doctor for my doctor? Does that doctor have a doctor? And what about THAT doctor?

Wouldn’t there be an imbalance of some kind eventually? Does every doctor have a doctor in some never-ending loop? This has to be one of life’s greatest mysteries, right?

Here’s another question: What do doctors talk about when they go for their own medical checkups and yearly physical exams? Do they correct each other? Argue over results?

Oh, to be a fly on the wall…

As humorous as this is, remember: Doctors are people, too! They have to go to the doctor just like the rest of us (even if they refuse to answer my question about this seemingly never-ending loop of doctors).

But there might, in fact, be an answer!

Doctors were candid about their own experiences at the well, doctor after Redditor Still-Tangerine2782 asked the online community:

“Doctors of Reddit, what’s it like when you go in for a doctor’s appointment?”

“Do you and your doctor discuss what’s wrong with you like it’s a group project? Do you not go at all because you’re your own doctor?”

“It depends on what I’m going in for.”

“It depends on what I’m going in for. As a background, I’m an oncologist so I’ve trained in internal medicine before. For most internal medicine-type stuff, I don’t bother going in unless I need something that I can’t easily get for myself (e.g. labs or images).

“For specialty stuff I wasn’t trained in, I go in and try to give them the best history I can, but let them do their own thing.” ~ alkahdia

“Fastest consultations ever.”

I don’t get involved in the management. I let the doctor seeing me lead that unless they missed something huge and I would just double-check.”

“The main difference is I can present the whole history and relevant info in about 30 seconds flat and the doctor with that info can just give me the management plan in about the same time.”

“Fastest consultations ever. Very methodical.” ~ triple_threatt

“I don’t go often but when I do…”

“Doctor here (neurologist) I’m not good at going to the doctor. I don’t go often but when I do I usually just STFU, especially if it’s a field of medicine I have no idea about (like say…derm).”

“That being said, the doctor usually knows I’m a physician as well, and so the language tends to be more technical.”

“I also find that we practice less defensively with each other since we can be more open (“We could do ABC tests but honestly what you probably have is X so take this and if it doesn’t get better then we can do ABC”).” ~ Telamir

“Academically minded people tend to ask lots of questions…”

“The pace and density of the conversations is different, I’m sure.”

“I’m an emergency physician who has, over time, treated various physicians in my community including internists, surgeons, radiation oncologists, some from my hospital and some not. Keep in mind that each specialty is quite different from the others.”

“The Rad Onc, for example, thinks and speaks differently than the Ortho Surgeon, and I felt like my treatment of each of them was really quite similar to treating a professor of engineering.”

“Academically minded people tend to ask lots of questions and research stuff while you’re out of the room, as compared to populations that request a more paternalistic bent and just want you to tell them what to do so they can get on with their day.”

“I’m careful to credit that the number of hours that went into my family physician’s training is the same as mine; simply a different topic.”

“She knows tons of stuff about management and screening for chronic disease that I don’t, and I … well I know how to intubate people, manage a bad LSD trip, or use a jar of bubbles to distinguish between kids that are scared and kids that are head injured.” ~ procast1natrix

“For the most part…”

“I’m an ER doctor, and sometimes I have other doctors as patients. For the most part, they’re pretty good patients because they can give a good description of their symptoms in a way that’s useful to me.”

“They usually ask good questions and are well equipped to have an informed discussion about their diagnosis and treatment.

“Sometimes it’s hard for me to dial back my ‘patient talk’ where I simplify medical terms for laypeople. Sometimes it’s challenging if their area of expertise is totally unrelated to the issue at hand and they don’t recognize their limited understanding.”

“The worst patients are those who have just a little medical knowledge and think they know everything. Some version of: ‘My aunt is a nurse, and she said a need a whole-body MRI for this runny nose…’”

“As far as self-diagnosing, I usually deal with my own minor medical issues. If I noticed signs of something more serious, I would go to someone else.” ~ Yeti_MD

“It’s actually a strategy I’ve adopted…”

“Doctor here (family medicine).”

“I self diagnose most things, but for my 1-year-old daughter I decided a while ago that I don’t want to do that for her. So her pediatrician doesn’t know I’m a doctor – I never told her. I want her to treat me like any other parent, and explain everything to me like I’m 5 years old.”

“I’m afraid of being too nonchalant with my daughter’s health that I’ll miss something (or the doctor assuming I know more than I really do).”

“It’s actually a strategy I’ve adopted since on myself; if I go to a doctor (say a gynecologist for a routine check-up) I sometimes just don’t say what I do so I can legitimacy ask dumb questions about things that I should really know – or so that the other doctor won’t leave out important info that they assume I know for fear of insulting me.”

“On the other hand, my regular doctors do know, such as the gynecologist who saw me through my pregnancies, and that enables more complex and nuanced discussions about health decisions, as in debating questions and giving me options that he wouldn’t necessarily do with it he patients, because he can be sure I understand the medical pros and cons well once I’m given a basic explanation.” ~ HermioneGranger8888

“It is a bit dependent…”

“Doctor here – it is a bit dependent on the field of medicine involved.”

“For example, I don’t know much about neurological issues so if I went to see a neurologist I certainly wouldn’t be chipping in.”

“For more generic conditions I have previously offered my thoughts to my doctor about what it could be. Ultimately I still go to the doctor as they can prescribe drugs/order tests for me that would be difficult/questionable for me to do myself.” ~ drbigmac69

“When we do go in…”

“Doctor here. In general, we are not good about going to the doctor. For me, it’s physicals about half as often as recommended and that time I had strep a year and a half ago that didn’t resolve with whatever antibiotics I had in my medicine cabinet.”

“When we do go in, it is like a group project. We usually hash things out together but ultimately I am going to defer to someone with more expertise than me in that area who can make an objective decision.” ~ nellyann

“I always go to someone who doesn’t know me…”

“I always go to someone who doesn’t know me, and I wouldn’t say that I’m a doctor as well. On the other hand, my significant other is a doctor too, and whenever we feel something we do discuss it like a group project in which he always refuses any treatment until his symptoms get to the very worst.” ~ eatfart420

“It can be weirdly stressful…”

“I try to act like any other patient. Medical people can very much sabotage their own care by taking shortcuts or perhaps declining to approach their own problems the way other patients do.”

“It’s a mistake. I have seen harm done that way. I don’t come in for trivial things like self-limiting infections or things that are harmless because I know that they are. But I do go see my regular doctor for problems that really bother me or for routine exams like anyone else.”

“It can be weirdly stressful to be the doctor or the patient in this kind of interaction. I’ve learned to not let it bother me when I am the doctor seeing other doctors. It can be harmful to the doctor as a patient if you let that kind of interaction get to you.”

“I try not to generate stress for other doctors who see me and know what I am. That could be detrimental to me.” ~ Zapranotho777

“I keep my mouth shut…”

“Forensic pathologist here: I keep my mouth shut and let my doctor be a doctor. I have a pulse, so I am not the expert here. Doctors that self-doctor are scary and arrogant, in my honest opinion.” ~ TheresNoIinAutopsy

Well, it’s safe to say I learned a lot.

These answers are remarkably insightful. Next time you go to the doctor, you’ll have a newfound appreciation for them and what they do.

Doctors are people just like you, with concerns about their own health. Given their experience and knowledge, it also takes a lot of humility to just let other professionals do their jobs.