Things That Would Have Seemed Normal in 2000, But Would Be Pretty Strange Today

Times change. We all know that, but in the past, we’ve had a bit more time to get used to those changes before something new comes down the pike.

For the past decade, our world and technology have been changing so fast and so often that it can seem like a whirlwind – and these 12 things that have gone all but obsolete are the proof in the pudding.

12. We all knew how to read maps!

Printing out your route from Mapquest before leaving the house.

Seems like there was one year where every car was guaranteed to have a Mapquest printout on the right front passenger seat.

And somehow mapquest was always wrong. Even if by just one street.

11. No way this happens today.

I remember 25 years ago getting on a plane and realized I forgot some important paperwork in the car.

The flight attendant let me get off the plane and I ran through the terminal and out to the parking lot to my car to retrieve it.

Then quickly ran back in, zipped past the security screener, out onto the tarmac and climbed up the stairs to the plane.

It was a rather small airport so it took less than 5 minutes. But I doubt I’d be allowed to do that today.

10. It’s been a wild ride.

Email has almost gone full circle in terms of usefulness in communication… (edit: personal communication, i.e. not work/professional/school. I clarifyed that at the end, but some responses suggest that point was missed)

2000: Email is common, but it’s not something people check very often. Easy way to disseminate information to a lot of people at once, but not great if you want/need instant feedback.

2010: Everyone has email and smartphones are becoming the norm, so everyone has email access at all times. With the limitations of SMS, is a popular and efficient way to do group conversions.

2020: Social media and dedicated messaging platforms have taken over, email is little but a vast wasteland of spam, so people stop paying attention it and don’t check it very often.

9. All of airports.

Waiting for your loved ones at the GATE rather than the luggage pickup.

I think low security is even overstating how bad it was.

My airport had 2 guys with those handheld metal detectors they casually waved and often times they just waved kids under 10 through.

Anyone could walk down to the gate with you without a ticket.

8. Or face the fine!

Rewinding movies when you’re done watching them.


7. Do those still exist?

Teen magazines (Tiger Beat, M, Mad…) that you could take posters out of and hang in your room.

6. You know you still do this.

Blowing into video games to fix them.

5. We were very dedicated to our mix tapes.

Buying a stack of blank Cd’s so you can make your own custom mixes.

4. And AskJeeves!

Using Yahoo to search for things.

Or repeatedly signing up for 15 free hours of AOL using a spoofed credit card number and a fake name.

3. Or clicking the numbers multiple times.

T9 texting.

Having the keys memorized so you could text like Matt Damon in “The Departed”.

2. I barely remember doing this.

Switching to channel 3 to play video games.

1. It was good and bad.

Not freaking out when someone calls you out of nowhere.

Or comes by your place without messaging first.

It’s so, so crazy to think about our changing world in these terms.

Is this what getting old is like? I guess I’m there!

The post Things That Would Have Seemed Normal in 2000, But Would Be Pretty Strange Today appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Things That Have Become Obsolete Since the Year 2000

It’s odd to think just how much has changed in the past twenty years. If you’re over a certain age, it’s strange to think how long ago the year 2000 was, if we’re being honest.

Between the rapidly shifting state of the world and the constantly updating of how we use the internet and technology, there are more than a few things that were normal 20 years ago – and are now completely obsolete.

10. Cell phones were way different!

Long phone calls with your crush (after 8pm cause it was free then).

Just having a limited number of minutes and text messages you could use in a month.

In HS I texted my friend during class, complaining about how the bag of chips I’d bought at the vending machine was mostly air. After school she said “If you ever cost me 10 cents for something so stupid again I’m going to kill you.”

9. Kids today have it so easy.

Lol! If I wanted to know lyrics I’d have to sit with my tape player if I owned the cassette and/or recorded off the radio, and play, write it down, rewind, make corrections, rinse, repeat.

It was a little better when I was in middle school and CD players were more popular. My parents got me one for Xmas 1998. CDs were easier to track back and forward so writing lyrics was less tedious. God, if kids these days knew that I/we did that…

they’d probably try to bully me cause they’re all little Tik Tok jerks now.

8. So many sibling fights!

Waiting for the internet to connect. Yelling at someone in the house for being on the phone when you can’t connect.

I kept a folder of music lyrics that I ripped out of Dolly/Girlfriend magazines. Also loved reading the booklet inside the CD of all the lyrics.

Recording songs off the radio to make a personal mix tape. Always got annoyed at the DJ for talking over the end of the song.

7. Smoking sections everywhere.

I have a vivid memory from around 2000 of being at a fine dining restaurant with my family and my grandmother casually smoking a cigarette and ashing into a crystal ashtray and nobody batting an eye.

Today I think you’d get arrested for smoking in a restaurant, at the very least you’d get kicked out by the manager

6. Your parents probably had one, though.

Not having a cell phone.

Having a few quarters on you instead. Oh, and a beeper.

5. Not sorry this is gone. Ha!

Saying dot com at the end of everything because it was cool to do so.

Woah dude, that’s so sweet. it’s the bomb dot com!

expedia DOT CooOOOOOOOOMMMMMmmm jingle, but just applied to any .com.

4. You have to go through so many bad ones.

Struggling to find a clean .mp3 file of that new hot song to burn onto your cd, meticulously kept in a binder with its peers.

3. They’re near and dear to your heart.

Having burnt CDs from your friends with no writing on them but you know what songs are on it because you recognize CD just from its color

2. That dial-up sound is burned in our brains.

Using AOL.

No one else will tell me when I have mail.

1. BINDERS of CDs.

My car got broken into and they stole my stereo and binders of burnt CDs. I was more mad about the CDs because I could buy a new stereo but it’s a pain in the ass to burn dozens of CDs again.

I hope those thieves enjoyed a lot of prog rock.

I’m feeling especially decrepit now, how about you?

What would you put on this list? Do you miss it?

Tell us about it in the comments!

The post People Share Things That Have Become Obsolete Since the Year 2000 appeared first on UberFacts.