Apparently, “Texas” Means “Crazy” In Norway

The stars at night may be big and bright deep in the heart of Texas, but the Lone Star state is apparently famous for something very different across the pond – people in Norway are now using the word ‘Texas’ as an adjective to describe an atmosphere that’s unpredictable, chaotic, exhilarating, or even scary.

Image Credit: Pixabay

To be clear, they don’t use it to describe a person (yet), but rather a place or situation or a thing.

I mean, I’ve lived in Texas, so I have to say, I think it could also work for people.

Example: Det var helt texas (It (a party?) was completely texas).

Image Credit: Pixabay

According to Texas Monthly, Norwegians have used the slang word for several decades; it’s basically a throwback to Texas’ rough-and-tumble history and all of the associations that go along with the Wild West. There are news articles that use the term to describe everything from truck drivers tackling dangerous routes to a raucous soccer match or a swordfish snagged in a fjord.

I’m really not even sure what my response to this should be, though I would love to know exactly how the expression came to be and evolved in popular use.

Image Credit: Pixabay

And why I’m only hearing about it now.

At least I’ve passed it on to y’all, and that’s what matters. Now, keep it going!

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The Legendary Curse of King Tut’s Tomb (and 6 People Who Died From It)

King Tut, or Tutankhamun, was a boy king of Egypt, reigning from 1332 until 1323 BC. He was only 10 years old when he became Pharaoh. His young age and short reign are notable enough, but he is most famous for his tomb, which was opened in 1922 and found filled with gold and extraordinary Egyptian artifacts.

Photo Credit: Steve Evans, CC BY 2.0

When archeologist Howard Carter and his team opened the tomb of King Tut in 1922, those fascinated with Egyptology knew of the legends of curses and so watched for King Tut’s curse to extend its undead hands. The tomb had been left alone about for over 3,000 years – certainly, it was consecrated and should remain undisturbed.

And terrible events threatened those who dared to enter.

Photo Credit: Flickr

For the next 10 years, the dying didn’t stop.

Carter’s team was financed by a wealthy man named George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon. After receiving a cable from Carter announcing that after six years of exploration he had found the tomb of King Tut, Lord Carnarvon rushed to the area in Egypt known as the Valley of the Kings. He had dreamed of this moment for years and was a witness when Carter finally broke the seals and opened the door to the Pharaoh’s final resting place.

Photo Credit: Public Domain

When Carter pulled the door back, Carnarvon asked, ” Can you see anything?” Carter answered, “Yes. Wonderful things. Wonderful things!”

A few weeks later, as he was shaving, Carnarvon cut his face where a mosquito had bitten him. He consequently died of blood poisoning. Supposedly, the lights in his home back in England went out at his last breath, and a gash on the cheek of the king’s mummy matched the cut on Herbert’s.

The second ‘manifestation’ of the curse wasn’t a death, but it was terribly unlucky just the same. Carter sent a mummy’s hand paperweight to his friend, Sir Bruce Ingham, with a scarab bracelet inscribed with a warning: “Cursed be he who moves my body. To him shall come fire, water and pestilence.”

Photo Credit: Flickr

Carter, who scoffed at the notion of any curse, meant the gift as a macabre joke. But soon after receiving the mummy hand, Sir Ingham’s house burned to the ground, then flooded.

Ingham didn’t rebuild.

American financier and railroad executive George Jay Gould visited the tomb in 1923. He contracted pneumonia a few days later and never recovered, dying within the year.

George Jay Gould
Photo Credit: Public Domain

The curse also extended itself to people who never even went to the tomb. Carnarvon’s half-brother, Colonel The Honorable Aubrey Herbert went blind, had all this teeth pulled (he though it might cure his blindness) and died of sepsis – five months after Carnarvon.

Effigy of Colonel The Honorable Aubrey Herbert 
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Hugh Evelyn-White was one of the archeologists who helped excavate the tomb. It was rumored he was so spooked by the thought of a curse taking the lives of others associated with the project that he hanged himself. His suicide note, written in blood on a wall said, “I have succumbed to a curse which forces me to disappear.”

Also present at the opening of the tomb were American Egyptologist Aaron Ember and his wife, both of whom perished in a fire in their home after giving a dinner party. Though they initially escaped the flames, Ember and wife ran back in. She wanted to save their son. He wanted his manuscript–The Egyptian Book of the Dead.

In truth, out of the 58 people who were present when Carter opened the sealed tomb doors and discovered the riches within, eight died within 12 years. Carter himself lived to be 64 before dying of lymphoma.

So, which is it? Curse or coincidence?

Historians may be able to explain away the deaths and disasters due to the times and other circumstances. But the idea that there was a curse of King Tut’s tomb has been a boon to both tourism in Egypt and to Hollywood horror movie-making.

Curses are just more fun.

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Scientists Discovered a Way to Treat Burns Using Fish Skin

Here’s a sentence I never thought I’d write: a team of Brazilian scientists has figured out how to treat burns using fish skin. This is absolutely insane, and more than a little creepy and also… who in the world even comes up with an idea like that?!?

Ok, in all seriousness, it’s actually a really cool invention!

Researchers at the Federal University of Cearà in Brazil came up with this innovation. They use tilapia skin, which is high in collagen (a healing protein) and moisture. It reportedly speeds up healing and reduces the need for pain medication.

In modern medicine, burns are often treated with grafts of human or pig skin, both of which transfer collagen to burn victims’ healing skin. The alternative is to use burn creams and gauze strips that have to be changed out frequently, which involves a lot of pain for victims.

But in Brazil, it’s not easy to get human or pig skin for grafts. Thus, the foray into fish skin. Fish skin works similarly to other tissues — and it may even be MORE effective.

“We got a great surprise when we saw that the amount of collagen proteins, types 1 and 3, which are very important for scarring, exist in large quantities in tilapia skin, even more than in human skin and other skins,” said Dr. Edmar Maciel, a burn specialist at the José Frota Institute.

Even better, tilapia is a cheap, abundant fish. It costs 75% less than the burn cream used in Brazil. While it’s still under study and has yet to catch on mainstream, it has been used experimentally in the US on bears.

And yes, it does look really bizarre. But the tilapia skins are sterilized first, so it’s totally safe.

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14 Firefighter Memes That Will Spark Up Your Laughter

If you save lives for a living, you have to be able to laugh at yourself and your profession.

Yeah, firefighters have that covered, no problem! These memes prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt!

Here are 12 that will spark some smiles!

1. It’s true. 3 days on and 4 days off is no joke!

Photo Credit: The Chive

2. Yes. Agreed. 100%

Photo Credit: The Chive

3. Is there a fire? Okay, be there in a minute. Just gonna eat something first…

Photo Credit: The Chive

4. Sick burn!

Photo Credit: The Chive

5. Classic.

Photo Credit: The Chive

6. She’s a goner. She’s also a mannequin.

Photo Credit: The Chive

7. Behind you!

Photo Credit: The Chive

8. Those helmets are good for something!

Photo Credit: The Chive

9. Well, maybe 20 minutes after…

Photo Credit: The Chive

10. Oh snap!

Photo Credit: The Chive

11. **wink**

Photo Credit: The Chive

12. lol… don’t toy with me!

Photo Credit: The Chive

13. I mustache you a question!

Photo Credit: The Chive

14. Answer: maybe?

Photo Credit: The Chive

Make sure to share these tasty memes with your firefighting friends!

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17 of the Toughest “Would You Rather” Questions Ever (with Answers)

This Ask Reddit roundup is going to be slightly different…

How? The Humans of Tumblr staff is actually going to answer ALL of these questions to give you some insight into our twisted minds.

The following answers are still anonymous. I may have answered some of these myself, but you’ll never know which.

Let’s get to it!

1. Would you rather have to sprint every time you use your legs no matter the distance, or have to yell anytime you want to say something?

Sprint every time.

I’d be in amazing shape and people would get used to it.

Nobody would ever get used to me yelling constantly.

2. Would you rather be a strawberry with human thoughts or a human with strawberry thoughts?

Both sound adorable! Who thought of this one?

But… human with strawberry thoughts.

I like being a human and I’d like to know what strawberries think. I don’t think being a strawberry with human thoughts would be that fun. And you wouldn’t be around for very long.

Idk, I’m probably overthinking it?

3. Speak every language fluently or play every instrument perfectly?

I would speak the shit out of those languages!

Tbh, I could care less if I can play any instrument if I can talk with anybody in the world! That would be amazing!

Sign me up!

4. Would you rather fight Mike Tyson once or talk like Mike Tyson for the rest of your life?

Hahaha, wtf? I guess fight him once?

I mean, I’d probably get royally fucked up, but I don’t want to have that lisp for the rest of my life. That’s worth getting pounded on for thirty minutes.

5. Always oral or never oral?

Never oral.

First and obvious reason.. I couldn’t have kids! And, tbh, in my experience… oral is overrated. But maybe that’s just been because of the people I’ve been with?

Idk… are we supposed to be answering questions like this at work? Is this allowed? lol

6. Cat with a human face or dog with human hands?

Wait, I’m confused. Is this me? Or my pet?

I guess if it were a pet… a cat with a human face because a dog with human hands would be trouble.

But if it were me, I’d want those hands. And dogs are cooler to be than cats. I want to be let outside to shit.

7. Cum every time you fart or fart every time you cum?

Cum every time I fart.

I mean, don’t fart that much, but having those feel amazing wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

And that’s a second secret I’d have if I let a silent, but deadly one loose.


8. Would you rather give up access to the internet or give up access to motor vehicles?

So this is all access to all motor vehicles yeah?

Because if that’s the case, I’d still give them up. I can still ride a bike or a skateboard. It’d take me longer, but I’d be in better shape.

I for sure wouldn’t want to give up access to all of the world’s knowledge.

9. Get stuck at all red lights in traffic, or have incredibly slow internet (dial up slow) after dark?

Pfft, red lights for sure.

So what I have to wait another 30 seconds or so? Yeah, it might be frustrating, but there’s no way I’d want to have the internet by slow.

FUCK that.

10. Would you rather be on death row for a crime you didn’t commit, and the most important person in your life is free but they committed the crime… or be free, but the most important person in your life is on death row for a crime you committed?

Easy. I’d roam free.

Because if I’m enough of a psychopath to commit a crime like that, my conscience wouldn’t bother me if somebody else took the fall for it.

11. Kind of a spin-off but my friend once said “If you had to fuck 2 people and their combined age was 28, how old would each one be?”

14 and 14. Super gross, but the least horrible age to pick.

You know what’s just as weird? 14 is the minimum age to get married in 33 states in the United States with parental consent. Yeah….

12. Would you rather have hiccups for the rest of your life or constantly feel like you have to sneeze?

Feel like I have to sneeze.

I feel like I could get used to that, but if I was constantly hiccuping, that’s literally a loop the body goes through and it would drive me insane.

13. Would you rather have tastebuds on your fingertips or smell with your perineum?

No, I’m not going to smell everything with my taint.

Tastebuds on fingertips.


14. All songs exist but they are all performed by Pitbull, or only one Pitbull song exists but it’s performed by every artist with their own cover interpretation?

I happen to actually like Pitbull, so no judging! But I’d rather have one Pitbull song performed by everybody else. Lots of different ways that could go.

Variety is the spice of life, after all!

15. Would you rather know how you’re going to die or when you’re going to die?

When I’m gonna die.

That way I’d make the most of the time I had left and I’d be able to not worry about dying randomly.

16. Would you rather have everyone twice your age and older talk like an adult from Charlie Brown or everyone half your age and younger talk like a minion?

Kids talk like minions.

First, I don’t need to listen to kids that much. Second, I could get used to the minions language eventually.

17. Would you rather be ugly but smell amazing or be handsome/beautiful but stink?

Ugly but smell amazing.

There’s plenty of “ugly” people who live amazing lives.

And beauty is in the eye of beholder, right? RIGHT?!?!

Thank you staff! Those were certainly enlightening answers!


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12 Startling Confessions From Dine-And-Dashers

Have you ever dined and dashed? If so, shame on you. Because you do know that what your food cost comes out of the wait staff’s paycheck, right? Yeah, that’s a thing. At least in some cases.

So why do people do it? These 12 people did the deed and some reveal why…

1. Hope your girl didn’t like it too much…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Just go up and ask!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Oh, there’s a bad part? Poor baby…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. If somebody is seriously not waiting on you, I can see this…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Don’t do it again!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Good!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Well DUH!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Not a good excuse.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Get to it!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. I can’t be angry at foster kids for doing this…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Hmmm… something tells me you’re gonna get caught.

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Haha, ya think? Because you’re a thief? Crazy!

Photo Credit: Whisper

So, have you ever done this? How’d it go? Did you feel guilty AF?

Hope so…

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Doctor Explains Why You Should NOT Put Garlic in Your Vagina

This really doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that should actually REQUIRE explanation, but in 2019 the whole world is upside-down and nothing makes sense anymore. This is not a bandwagon you want to jump on, ladies.

Apparently, women have started putting garlic in their vaginas because there’s some misinformation floating around that it’s a good home remedy for yeast infections. So Dr. Jennifer Gunter, who is both an OBGYN and a health columnist for the New York Times, put out a Twitter thread explaining all the reasons why you should never, ever do it.

Are you listening? Pay attention to the good doctor, because she’s about to drop some (for some reason much needed) wisdom on all of us.

Are you listening? Because Dr. Gunter isn’t done yet.

And then Dr. Gunter concluded her argument.

So what’s the lesson to be learned to be here? Stick to proven, over-the-counter treatments and consult your doctor before you stick anything anywhere, yeasty or not. And be sure to get your hands on a copy of Dr. Gunter’s upcoming book, The Vagina Bible.

Well, I think that old wives’ tale has now been put to bed…

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12 of The Crazy Things People Actually Did During a Game of Truth or Dare

From cat licking to stealing money from church, people do some completely stupid shit when people just dare them.

So here’s something crazy… read this ENTIRE post.

I dare you!

1. But did he complain…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. I guess that’s all it takes to turn somebody in a felon!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. You didn’t see this coming? You dumb.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. You’re a god-damned legend!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Very specific dare. Cool.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Jokes on you!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. I’ve heard it doesn’t taste THAT bad. But I will never know.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. A hairy situation…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. How did that work exactly?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Who’s the loser now?! Hahaha… hmmm…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. So… what gender are you again?

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Oh. My. God.

Photo Credit: Whisper

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16 People Share Their Weirdest, Wildest Family Secrets

Can you think of the most embarrassing thing a family member has done?

Okay, now take that and make it ten times worse. Because that’s what some of these folks had to go through.

And it all started with a simple question: What’s the most embarrassing thing a parent has done to you?

Enjoy this cavalcade of craziness…

1. Harry Potter trash…

Back in the day (2005) I was 14 and I would print out my erotic Harry Potter fan fiction to read at night, as we didn’t have portable devices like smartphones back then. I always threw them away after.

One day my mom gave me a gigantic see-through bag for trash and that night I read some of the good stuff and then put it in there.

There was probably like 15 pages of printed out smut. While I was at school she rooted through my trash.

She confronted me when I came home like “Why are Fred and George getting intimate with Hermione? What are these stories?? Where do you get them? Are they all like this??”

So so bad. I think I died and I’ve been a ghost for the last 13 years.

2. This one just keeps getting weirder and weirder…

My mom once pulled up my skirt, causing me to involuntarily flash a room full of people, at a family Christmas dinner.

I was absolutely mortified. She wanted to check for any potential self-harm scars on my thighs, apparently. I’ve never physically harmed myself before in my entire life.

I was 18 years old at the time, and thankfully I was wearing underwear so it was not as bad as it could have been.

Nevertheless, she should not be allowed to consume alcohol ever again.

3. Ignoring the eating disorder…

My family never talks about my sister’s eating disorder. She eats a ton and goes on to vomit. She goes jogging for one hour or more per day (every day, no breaks even though her knees hurt like crazy) and refuses to eat any carbs, fruits and vegetables only.

I seem to be the only one who realizes the magnitude of this, and the only one who thinks of this as a sickness, not as a “temporary phase.”

It’s been like this for three years already, and I have no idea when my parents noticed. Whenever I say something I get “shushed” at and later have to justify my “insensitive behavior” in front of my parents. So I just kind of gave up on arguing.

Not sure what I can do to change things without disrupting the family.

4. Grandma, the slacker…

My grandmother said she needed a place to stay one night due to issues with her housemate.

She slept on the couch… for the next ten years.

Made no effort to get her own place despite having a very good retirement income and still working part-time as a nurse.

Loved to hit the casino though!

5. Joke’s on you, parents!

It’s one in the morning. I’m fast asleep with my wife in the living room reading.

All of the sudden, the baby monitor is blaring my 16-month-old son’s laughter into my ear. So I jump up, run into his room, and he’s standing in his crib pointing at the corner of the room and giggling hysterically.

I just stared at him for a few seconds before I grabbed him and put him in bed with me.

6. That last part, tho…

About a year ago, my parents caught me singing to my microwave while I was waiting for it to warm up a piece of pizza.

This all happened at 4 in the morning, when I thought my parents were staying at a friend’s.

Oh, I almost forgot that I was naked.

7. The war at home!

My uncle and grandfather don’t have a good relationship but were tolerating each other because it was Thanksgiving. My uncle was cooking lasagna and my grandfather decided to help, so he grated the cheese. He did this in another room, because the kitchen was full of other people cooking, we have a big Thanksgiving with maybe 15 or 20 who love to eat.

I had brought in the cheese and everything was going fine. Flashforward to dinner time, the food is coming out and, as tradition dictates, we always start with lasagna. My grandfather made some joke like,” I know you hate me, but at least I’m grate,” and stuff hit the fan.

My uncle literally went into a rage and was yelling at everyone because we didn’t tell him he was using “tainted” cheese. Then said “f*** it” and proceeded to flip the table ALL the food was on. Then my grandfather called him outside to settle the score, which resulted in two grown men fist fighting in the backyard, culminating with my grandad getting thrown into the pond we lived off of, and slicing his leg on a jagged rock that he landed on.

The rest of us ordered Chinese food and kicked my uncle out. My grandfather refused the hospital because he had a little too much “holiday joy” in him at the time.

Surprising my uncle hasn’t come to holidays in years now.

8. Hugs, not drugs…

When I was 11 years old, I was taken in by the police for questioning regarding illicit substances distribution that had been taking place out of our family’s house.

My dad had marijuana growing in the basement, and he had been using it as well as selling it frequently to neighbors and friends.

When the police raided the house while my dad was at work, they asked me if I knew anything about what was in the room. Since I admitted to having had knowledge of it, I guess that that was all it took for them to feel the need to bring me in for questioning. They even cuffed me and everything.

My dad didn’t show up at the police station till almost eight hours later.

As you can imagine, in a small town like the one where I grew up, people talked. A lot. It also didn’t help that I lived next to a massive apartment complex where everyone could see what was happening the entire time as it was unfolding.

I was the talk of the town for almost two years because of this incident.

9. A dog with amazing comedic timing!

One Thanksgiving, my grandmother ran out of counter space and stuff was sorta burning like crazy on top of the stove. She took out the turkey on the tray, looked around, and put it on the ground for like three seconds.

She intended for it to be there for three seconds.

Her dog, Rosco, had been following her all day.

Earlier she tossed him a turkey giblet, and I guess that didn’t sit well with him. He defecated all over my grandma’s leg, floor, and freshly-cooked turkey in one explosive two-second blast of fiery diarrhea.

10. “Dad! Why can’t we go to the fair?!?”

Here’s a story that my dad never told me but my uncle shared after my dad passed.

He was madly in love with a girl when he was 17 years old. They were soul mates, lovers meant to be, engaged to be married and grow old together, all that sweet jazz.

They went to the county fair one year and decided to ride the Ferris Wheel. About the time they got to the top and started heading back down the safety bar came unhooked and swung open. My dad grabbed her and held onto the seat. He tried to hold her but he couldn’t.

She fell to her death.

My dad never mentioned it, never said a word to anyone, even to my mom. My uncle said her death broke his heart and he was never the same again, until after I was born.

He would never let me go to fairs, amusement parks, or any place with rides when I was growing up and we used to get into big fights about it when all my friends were going.

He always told me it was just because they were dangerous and didn’t want me to get hurt.

11. This art is s**t!

When I was six years old my mother used to babysit my neighbor Annie. Annie was a very artistic girl; she loved to color and draw everything she saw.

One day, I was playing Star Fox 64 on my Nintendo 64 and Annie was watching. Of course, being too absorbed in the game, I never turned around to see her greatest work of art.

My mom walks in the room to check on us and does a gasp to end all gasps. Annie had made a drawing of a triangular looking ship with a circle around it.

It was Star Fox doing a barrel roll except she made it with a load of diarrhea she scooped out of her pants.

12. The other child…

Apparently, our dad had another kid about eight years older than me.

My mom blurted something out about it after their divorce when she was pissed about something. It was along the lines of, “if he thinks he can forget you exist like that other kid of his.” She then turned very white and I was never able to get more out of her than that.

My dad pretends he doesn’t know what I’m talking about but has apparently told my brother a bit of the story and then backtracked and never talked about it again.

So yeah, apparently I’m not the oldest.

13. The clairvoyant kid!

A few weeks ago, I was getting breakfast ready for my three-year-old when he nonchalantly told me his Grandma fell down the stairs.

About an hour later, Grandpa calls us to tell us Grandma had fallen down the stairs.

Also last weekend, he said my sister was going to visit the next day.

Guess who showed up the next day for a “surprise” visit?

14. Who’s the monster?

My three-year-old daughter stood next to her newborn brother, looked at him for a while.

Then she turned to me and said, “Daddy, it’s a monster! We should bury it.”

I didn’t bury it.

15. That YouTube search history tho…

That when my daughter was five or six years old, she would look up videos of dogs throwing up or stallions urinating, based on her YouTube history.

I never directly spoke to her about this but have always told her that she can always talk to me about any questions she had about any subject with no judgment from me.

She’s 14 now and I still haven’t said a word.

16. Bad, bad, bad dad!

My dad, influenced at least in part by the movie Bad Boys II, decided to mess with my boyfriend on my first date by acting like a tough guy.

He filled a whiskey bottle with tea and, when he answered the door, he started chugging down the whole thing while scanning my boyfriend up and down.

He then tried to break the bottle over his own head. The date was canceled due to the ensuing hospital trip, and I became known as the girl with a totally insane father.

“Don’t concuss yourself this time, Dad!” became the running joke in my house once I was able to get a date again.

Yikes! These were nuts!

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10+ Hiring Managers Share Small Things That Make Them Say “No” to Potential Employees

Job hunting is rough. It’s basically a full-time job in and of itself, and any little edge you can get over your competition helps.

Read through these 15 “small” transgressions so you can earn a “yes” instead of a rejection,

#1. Using vague language.

The biggest one for me was always whether they were responding thoughtfully and specifically to prompts or just using vague interviewy language.

#2. Improving telekinesis.

Talking about your broccoli and chocolate diet to improve your telekinesis.

This happened about 15 years ago.

#3. Hard pass.

When the interviewee ignores the person who asked the question and instead talks to the person they “think” has the most power in the room. This has happened in entry level positions, but I also helped interview for a position that would be working at my same level, as a partner. My manager told me the decision was ultimately up to me, because I knew what I was willing to work with, and what was needed for the role. I had a man come in and he wouldn’t look at me, didn’t shake my hand, and every time I asked a question, he looked to my manager for approval. Yeah… Hard pass. I don’t want to work with a guy who has no respect for me.

#4. Don’t smoke weed before interviews.

Being stoned. Don’t smoke weed before interviews. It doesn’t relax you. You just look and sound weird.

#5. It’s happened more than once.

People that showed up to an interview in dirty sweatpants and a hoodie or whatever, and had no idea what the position really was. (Pharmacy Tech/Assistant) It happened more than once.

#6. It’s fair game.

If you have something on your resume, it’s fair game for me to ask you about it. If you struggle with basic questions about it — game over.

#7. Unlucky people.

From a post on 4chan I saw once:

“Be me, hiring manager. First thing I do when I get a stack of applications is throw half of them in the trash. I don’t want any unlucky people working here.”

#8. It’s a one-time thing.

I’m reading this thread as a hiring manager for more or less janitorial position and we are so badly hurting for employees at that spot that we’ll pretty much hire anyone that applies so long as they clear the background check and drug screen.

Raggedy clothes? You’re hired Don’t really have great answers to questions? You’re hired Can’t really explain or give a reason for the stuff on the application? You’re hired You physically showed you to the interview? Hired.

It’s crazy that the people that interview the best, show up dressed as well as they can be in their means, and clearly want the (any) job are more often than not the ones that get shot down because of background.

Sucks that the ones getting hired over them quit two weeks in because they don’t like cleaning things up.

Edit: it’s not my idea to have the drug screen, and it is a one time thing

Edit 2: it’s no minimum wage. It’s not the best, but it’s competitive for the area

#9. Don’t Google every question.

For phone / skype interviews: don’t Google every question I ask you to get the ‘right’ answer. It’s a dead giveaway when after every question there’s 10 seconds of umming, and then a textbook answer. You’ll be surprised how often this happens.

#10. Showing up late.

Showing up late for an interview already puts you in the hole. Not addressing it or apologizing for it will make it complete. Turn a negative into a positive and show you have accountability. Not addressing it shows you don’t have respect for me and my time.

#11. Just a few things.

Check your grammar and punctuation over and over. Correspondence via emails should be professional, too. It’s not a time to use shorthand, like you would in a text message to friends. Bad grammar in emails usually catches my attention right away (in a negative way).
There was a young woman interviewing for a position with me who was very creative and extremely qualified. However, her written correspondence was so poor with me that I knew she’d do the same thing with external clients and she didn’t get the position because of this.

I’ll usually hire someone who is coachable and has a great attitude over someone who might have more experience, but doesn’t get along well with others. One’s attitude really is a game-changer and I’m more prone to hire those with a positive outlook on life.
If you want an “in” with a company – don’t always go straight to the top. Maybe reach out to a lower-level employee and learn from them and get tips. I always take a look at candidates referred to me by internal employees, no matter how high they rank in the company.
Be genuine and authentic. I love candidates who straight up tell me: “look, the last few years have been really hard for me. I jumped around jobs and looking back, I realize I could have stuck them out longer. But I learned from the experience and I want to do better.” We are humans, too. We get that life can be tough, so I appreciate people who are real and authentic.
And lastly, don’t be an excuse maker and go on and on about issues. This makes me think you’ll do the same in our corporation; during the interview process, be open and authentic, yet to the point and matter-of-fact. I believe every question can and should be answered in 30 seconds or less.

#12. Don’t add filler.

If you put it on your resume, I’m going to ask you about it. So don’t add filler.

#13. Everyone but the hiring manager.

Treating everyone but the hiring manager disrespectfully.

I was in a management position in fast food. I didn’t do the hiring, but one minor responsibility was accepting applications that people brought in and answering any initial questions. The hiring manager ALWAYS listened to the other managers initial impressions of the applicants. So many applications were thrown out of the stack without ever being considered because the applicant didn’t think anyone mattered but the person that made the final decision. I even had one lady come in and basically tell us that she would definitely be hired and be placed over us in management and that she planned on “cleaning up our act”. We had a good laugh with the hiring manager before tossing her app in the trash.

#14. What annoys me most.

I just look for honesty and some self respect . The roles I hire for and fairly entry level so you dont need to be amazingly qualified or anything . I get a lot of young people for interviews and what annoys me the most is when they arrive dressed in casual clothes , I dont disregard their application over clothes, but I do sit and wonder why their friends or parents or partners let them come to an interview in such sloppy clothing.

That said, I did have a weird one, i hired a guy from a group like session , as he was probably the best and most confident person on the day. After hiring a few weeks in he starts to become unreliable with his late finishes. When I ask him what’s up with that, he comes in one day on his day off and says he needs to speak to me. He then tells me that he will be resigning becuase he cant make the later working hours , and that hes sorry for letting me down and appreciates us giving him a chance , then he lifts up his Jean leg and shows me a electronic tag on his ankle . Turns out he was released from prison 2 days before my interview, and said he never brought it up becuase in a room full of people why would anyone employ the ex con.

When I thought about it , hes probably right me and my colleague who were interviewing probably would have influenced our decision on him if we knew and he said he just wanted a fair chance .

So the tag prevented him from being outside his home after 7pm as he was charged for supply when younger . I ended up calling the parole officer and the HMRC and eventually altering his curfew on the basis that I said he would have to be jobless if they didn’t and if you dont allow him to have a legitimate job , what are the chances of him re offending gonna be.

Ended up being one of best employees for a while.

#15. Never tell your employer.

We were looking for engineers, and we had this guy apply.​

He had a pretty sizable amount of relevant experience to the job despite being a fresh graduate and had experiences and training in other fields related to the production industry.

I asked him what position he was applying for and offered him the Assistant Production Engineer based on his credentials alone. He looked at me with a disgusted face, like I just insulted him. I asked him what was wrong, and he replied “Nothing really. It seems like a pretty good position, but I want something better, because I can clearly see you are impressed by my resume”

I took the bait, and partly also due to our immediate need for engineers, asked him what his preferred position would be. He immediately answered that he wanted a supervisory position, like the General Production Manager. I asked him why he wanted such a position.

His reply? “Seems like one of those jobs where I can sit in the office and play games on my phone all day without having to actually do anything”

I quickly gave an excuse to end the interview right there and just told him we would call him. We didn’t

Moral of the story? Never tell your potential employer you just want to sit on your ass all day and do nothing.

Petty, maybe, but good to know!

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