All of These Photos Are Going to Make You Very Uncomfortable

I gotta say…these pics are just downright weird. Bizarre. Strange. Odd. Uncomfortable.

Pretty much any word you can think of that is similar to “unpleasant” sums up these photos.

They all come to us courtesy of Unusual Images on Facebook. Thanks a lot….

1. What?!?!

Posted by Unusual Images on Monday, June 17, 2019

2. Totally normal

Posted by Unusual Images on Wednesday, June 19, 2019

3. Smoke ’em if you got ’em

Posted by Unusual Images on Friday, June 14, 2019

4. Awwwww

Posted by Unusual Images on Tuesday, June 11, 2019

5. Clearly a con man

Posted by Unusual Images on Saturday, June 8, 2019

6. Wow

Posted by Unusual Images on Tuesday, June 11, 2019

7. I’m next!

Posted by Unusual Images on Friday, June 7, 2019

8. Don’t go too far out

Posted by Unusual Images on Thursday, June 6, 2019

9. Absolutely disgusting

Posted by Unusual Images on Wednesday, June 5, 2019

10. Hello?

Posted by Unusual Images on Tuesday, June 4, 2019

11. That is kind of amazing

Posted by Unusual Images on Sunday, June 2, 2019

12. He is!

Posted by Unusual Images on Saturday, June 1, 2019

13. NO

Posted by Unusual Images on Wednesday, May 29, 2019

14. YES

Posted by Unusual Images on Friday, May 24, 2019

15. Whatever works

Posted by Unusual Images on Friday, May 24, 2019

Nightmare fuel, no doubt about that.

The post All of These Photos Are Going to Make You Very Uncomfortable appeared first on UberFacts.

People Reveal the Scariest Things They’ve Ever Seen on the Highway at Night

These responses from AskReddit are going to freak you out in a major way. Trust me on this one.

No doubt about it: the highway system in America is CREEPY CITY, USA.

And these tales confirm it.

1. Top secret

“I was driving near Las Vegas at around 3am. I had been following a few black SUV’s along the highway for a good hour or so. They had Nevada plates that were single digit numbers in order, 1,2,3. Suddenly they all pulled off the highway down a dirt path.

There was no mile marker or cactus that would indicate a path there. It was just dirt. After pulling off the road they all turned their lights off. I didn’t stick around. It was creepy.”

2. Wonder what that was…

“My great uncle was a long haul trucker and he swears that one time he was driving down the road to see two guys pull a rolled up carpet out of the trunk of their car and throw it in the river. Whether that’s true or not I don’t know, but it’s still creepy none the less.”

3. Get outta there

“I am a log truck driver in the Pacific Northwest. We go up into the woods on logging roads and haul logs back from the loggers to sawmills. We start work very early in the morning (2-5am), so it’s night time obviously. One of my co-workers pulled away from the job and started down the logging road.

After a couple miles–after the load had settled a bit–he decided to pull over and throw his remaining wrappers around the load. As he is tying his load down, he looked back and saw a mountain lion watching him from ten feet off of the end of his trailer. He slowly backed up to his driver door and got in. By the time he looked in his mirror the lion had disappeared.

Not paranormal, but it’s damn sure creepy. We see lions and bears fairly often out there, but to be that close and out of the truck… We face different obstacles up in the woods than highway drivers.”

4. Stories from Dad

“My dad has several stories from hauling logs in Idaho and driving trucks through Utah and Nevada. My favorite is from actually just in his pickup going through Utah. He said there was a light keeping pace with him out in the desert on a moonless night. It kept pace for a minute before it disappeared and his truck turned off. He stopped and turned it on and pulled off at the next diner. The folks in the diner called it a common occurrence.

The creepiest is when he was hauling logs in Idaho and was coming down from near Coeur d’alene area during a snowy winter night. He was putting on chains before heading down steep grade and said all of the hair stood up on his body. It felt like there was something watching him. Halfway down the switchbacks he saw a large figure standing on a 20 foot tall embankment.

As he got closer it jumped down and the shoulders were as tall as the cab. In a single bound it leaped down and then leaped over to the other side of the embankment. At the time he thought it was a Sasquatch, now he says it was probably a “demon” trying to make him crash. He didn’t stop to remove the chains until he was well away from the mountain.”

5. Creepy AF

“I drove by a marsh every night when I was going home from work. One night I saw a car pulled over with hazards on. Dude was head to toe covered in blood. No crash, no injury, just covered in blood.”

6. Terrifying

“A good friend of mine told me this story years ago. He is a the stereotypical old big bad trucker. I’ve seen some weird stuff with him while driving in south Texas along the border. He never batted an eye, but while telling me this story he had goose bumps and a concerned expression. Which from this guy is about the equivalent of a trembling lip and shit stained pants.

I’ll tell this story in the first person as he told it to me.

Years ago in the late 90’s I was on my way from the house (central Texas) heading to Loredo to pick up a load. It was early morning, around 4 or 5. I had just come off a string of days at home, so I know I wasn’t tired.

I am on one of those two lane winding roads in the absolute middle of bum fuck nowhere, when i see something on the side of the road at the edge of my high beams. At first i just thought it was roadkill, as is usually the case. As I get closer, I see that it is roadkill AND there’s someone crouching over the deer carcass. I remember thinking either this guys taking the antlers as a trophy, or he’s fucking sick. As I got closer still I can now see that’s this guys eating the fucking deer.

He’s pulling chunks of meat from the stomach and bringing them up to his face. At this point he stops mid motion and looks up at me. Not at my truck, but at me. He/it stands up and that’s when I see that its fucking huge, brown, and covered in hair. I remember thinking at this point, oh fuck. This thing is standing on the tiny shoulder looking at me. By this point, maybe 3 seconds have passed and I’m about to the point in the road he’s standing at. I didn’t even think of stopping, in fact I’m starting to lay on it and get the hell out of there. As I’m passing it, its looking at me, again not at the truck, its looking through the driver’s side windshield at me.

He obviously has the intelligence to know that there’s a driver in here and knows where I’m sitting. As I start to pass him I can still see its head above the hood of an old needle nose Pete. (Old truck design where the hood goes straight out from the windshield, known for being tall and difficult to see around.) This thing is fucking giant. I remember seeing what looked like human intelligence in its eyes. It scares the shit out of me.

Sorry for the wall of text. It’s a story worth sharing though.”


“I was 23, my newly married husband and I decided driving team would be a fun adventure after college – rather than jumping into the 9-5.

I was down in Arizona, on a long stretch of nothing about 4am when a guy pulled up next to me waving his CB (I never left mine on, listening to those guys BS was irritating.)

I turned on my CB and he told me I had a blown tire. I thanked him, figuring I would stop at the next truck stop.

He kept harassing me to pull over and check my tire for a good 40 miles.

I finally got to a next town and pilot truck stop, got out and checked my truck. No blown tires anywhere.

No clue what that guy would’ve done to me – but so glad I trusted my gut and didn’t stop.”

8. Cult gathering

“I was coming back home from a trip from Michigan and I saw these people wearing cult-like robes. One in town, one on a highway, and one in a park, all staring at me.”

9. A near miss

“Myself and 2 friends had to drive from Laredo, TX to Baton Rouge, LA one night in my Ford van. It was about 2am. There is a particularly long and dark section of highway just outside Laredo…no buildings, towns or lights for about 50 miles. I was in the right lane coming up on a truck and pulled out into the left passing lane. As I was slowly overtaking this long truck, my peripheral vision caught a sudden movement of this big truck towards the right shoulder.

I saw the truck was swerving to avoid hitting a person dressed in all white, white face…who’s arms were folded across the chest and eyes were closed as they walked across the highway. I swerved to the left and barely missed this ghostly looking person with my passenger mirror….can still remember seeing that the eyes were closed….that’s how close we came to hitting this person…”

10. That is scary

“My dad is a truck driver and about 13-15 years ago while resting at the side of the road he woke up in the morning seeing that his entire trailer was robbed empty. My dads a heavy sleeper but his cargo could not have been stolen without at least a forklift and everyone would have woken up by a forklift unloading a trailer.

My dad suspects the robbers used a pump to get some kind of chloroform into his cabin to make sure he couldn’t wake up.”

11. An omen

“My grandfather was in the Air Force and one night he was driving (back to his base maybe??? I can’t quite remember) and he saw a woman standing on the side of the road in a long white dress at about two AM. He circled back to ask if she needed help and she was nowhere to be seen. He searched for her for about an before giving up, and deciding to leave it alone.

When he decided to go on his way he had a strong feeling that he needed to switch lanes (he was on the road alone in the middle of the night so he had no idea why) and just ahead on the road there was a broken down truck with no hazards on that he would have hit, and probably been killed by, if he stayed in the lane he had been in. To this day he’s convinced the woman was trying to warn him, like an omen or something.”

12. A mystery

“Near the north end of mainland Michigan, I saw a car stopped on the side of the highway. We hadn’t seen a car for a while, it was 2AM. I commented to my buddy, “poor bastard”.

But as we passed the car, the lights came on and it got back on the road. Odd timing. And then, it was gaining on us.

I told my friend to speed, he did. He sped more and the car kept closing in. We were doing 120 and this guy was catching up to us.

We saw an exit with a hotel so we took it and drove right in front of the building, where it was well lit and we could see the front desk clerk.

The car got off that exit too. It drove into the hotel parking lot. Then turned around, and got back on the highway.

I’ll never know what that guy wanted from us. I’m fine with that remaining a mystery.”

13. Look out!

“Weeeellll, I’m not a trucker, but a motorcyclist which kinda makes it even more spooky. Drove home Frome my gfs house, just a 20min ride but it was 3am and the road goes through a forest without any street lights. So I ride through the forest, already giving everything my little 50ccm dirt bike had in it back then and suddenly on the side of the road, a fucking naked mannequin is standing.

I saw it appear in my headlights and drove by it only doing like 60kmh, it was scary as hell. A fuckin’ mannequin standing there naked on the side of a dark road in a forest at 3am in the morning. Damn, I still get the shivers…”

14. Mad dog

“This actually happened the other day in a random country road in Tennessee. Pitch black darkness and the only thing around was fields, hills and me, didn’t see any houses.

Anyway I was getting real tired since the day before this I just flew from Washington to Atlanta. Was driving from Atlanta to northern Indiana and out of nowhere I see a dog in the grass and normally this is fine but it’s eyes weren’t glowing from my headlights which for some reason really made me feel unsettled. Next thing I know it charged for the tire of my trailer snarling and barking(thank god I didn’t hit it) and i looked back and it was gone.

As bad as it sounds even if I did hit it I probably wouldn’t have stopped because I was in the middle of nowhere with no cell service.

I’ve heard stories of people finding some way to get people to stop in their commute in the middle of nowhere just to rob and/or kill/hurt the driver. It was midnight and I wasn’t taking the chance.”

15. Weeeeeiiiiirrrrdddddd

“Not a truck driver, but I’ve crossed the States many, many times in my career – I used to tour manage a band that consisted of four musicians and two crew, so it was a total of seven of us. We would often drive a white Sprinter van with a Uhaul trailer on the back, and if you’re familiar with Uhaul you know they have different pictures on the sides of them, often a state and something significant from that state painted on the side.

We were about an hour outside of Roswell, New Mexico at 2AM. It was in the summer – we were coming from having just played the New Mexico State Fair. In every direction around us it was pitch black; no lights from cities or even rest stops, no other cars, nothing. We have absolutely no phone signal. All of our phones say “No Signal” at the same time. It’s a two-lane highway, the only illumination coming from our headlights. We haven’t seen another car for a very long time.

Suddenly on the horizon we see a light appear directly ahead of us. We keep driving normally, and the light is approaching us quickly. We (rightly) just assume it’s another car coming our way on the other side of the highway, but then as the vehicle goes to pass us…

It’s a white sprinter van towing a Uhaul trailer with the exact same state artwork as ours on the side. Same tires. Same model van. Same trailer. Same everything. And as soon as we pass it, it’s gone.

All of us very uncomfortably said the same thing at the same time. “Was that—did that van have the same—what are the chances—“

I’ll never forget it. We couldn’t do anything but just uncomfortably acknowledge we all saw the same thing and none of us were losing our minds.”

The post People Reveal the Scariest Things They’ve Ever Seen on the Highway at Night appeared first on UberFacts.

10 People Who Love Their Career, Even If Their Parents Disapprove

We all love our parents, but let’s face it: they can be really judgy sometimes.

“Why do you have to have those tattoos?”

“Why aren’t you in grad school by now?”

“Is that really what you’re gonna do the rest of your life?”

I’m grateful that, although my parents certainly don’t stop asking these questions, they still support my choices at the end of the day.

These 10 people, however, aren’t as lucky.

1. Well, that’s a fucked up reason. Jeezus…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Those are SUCH different fields. Choose wisely…

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. I mean… he may be proven right, but why not try it first?

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Because he’s not happy with his own life. Otherwise he wouldn’t be focusing on yours.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Yeah, can’t argue with that.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Boom! Artist!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Yeah, what does dad know anyway?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. You might gain lots of money if you save….

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Omg… don’t do this to yourself!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Do. What. You. Love.

Photo Credit: Whisper

Parents… keep your nose out of your kids adult business.

Love them. Period. End of story. That’s it.

The post 10 People Who Love Their Career, Even If Their Parents Disapprove appeared first on UberFacts.

15 of the Most Unbelievably Scary Things People Have Actually Seen

Have you ever experienced something incredibly creepy, but nobody believed you when you told them about it? Maybe you saw a ghost, or a UFO, or something else weird enough to raise suspicions.

These AskReddit users shared their scariest experiences that no one believes for some reason. Except me. I believe you.

1. The tackle box

“Alright, buckle in.

My neighbor was dying of a heart condition about 6 years ago. He knew he was, so he was giving away his valuables to people he trusted with them. Neighbor gave me his tackle box. He loved to fish. I would see him come home from fishing every day and he’d just sit on his porch and skin fish.

I just put the tackle box in my closet and didn’t really do anything with it since I don’t fish. Anyways, soon after, he passed away in his home. Exactly a week after that, I woke up to the tackle box at the foot of my bed. Weird, but my stepdad likes to dick around, figured it was him, so I put it back. The next morning, I wake up, it’s at the foot of my bed again.

So, I ask my stepdad what the deal was, and he had no idea what I was talking about. To test this, I put the tackle box in a spot that he wouldn’t find, nor would he attempt to get it. Under my bed, all the way in the back against the wall, and I put stuff in front of it to conceal it. Next morning, nothing. Okay, I guess it was him.

Didn’t give it much thought after that. 3 days pass, I wake up one morning and there it is, at the foot of my bed. Fuck. Now i’m starting to freak out. So I did what any rational person would and I went fishing with it. After I went fishing, I put the tackle box away, and it hasn’t moved since then. It’s still there.”

2. Very strange

“Just after high school, maybe six months or so after 9-11, I was a van driver who drove the meals for meals on wheels to the place where they get packaged up and taken for home delivery. Anyway the delivery van only had am/fm radio and I was listening to 92.5 fm, when all of a sudden the station cuts out and a transmition that I can only describe as an American version of a numbers station began playing.

It was seemingly random numbers followed by a long period of the same phrase repeated over and over again. The phrase was “they took the crosstown bus”, over and over again. None of the other drivers heard it but man was it creepy to hear. Eventually the regular radio station came back on and they never mentioned anything about it.”

3. Vanished

“This happened to me last year and I fully understand why no one believed me because it sounds ridiculous.

Every morning, I need to wake up at 5 am to get the 5:30 bus to the train station to go to university. I had to be there by 8 am, but I like to get there half an hour early.

To get to the bus stop, I have to walk down this bike path and under this bridge to get to this quiet backstreet road. There is fuck all light on the bike path. This street is dead quiet. The right side of the road is a continuation of the bike path, and the left is a normal footpath with a long green hedge.

One morning, I was standing there waiting for a bus and this old women comes walking out from under the bridge. I didn’t see her at first because as I said it was pitch black on the bike path. She crosses the road and walks up to me. She asked me if I knew where X road was. I turned to point in the direction of the road she was looking for. I turned back and she was gone.

This old women who was walking at a snails pace dissapeared within 3 seconds.”

4. Intruder

“The scariest thing i saw was at the age of 16, I woke up early in the morning (4:30-5-ish AM) me and some friends were supposed to go on a roadtrip for the weekend (we had a long af ride to one of the stops we wanted to visit, and didn’t wanna be there too late) i look out my window and it’s still a kinda dark outside, i walk downstairs and see wet footprints all over the house, and suddenly a big man (Like 6’7”. i was around 6’1” at the time) just bolt past me and out the front door.

Not really creepy, but i shat at least 5 bricks and bolted upstairs to my dad.

Nothing got stolen, but things were scattered all over the house.”

5. Spirits

“Fishing on Lake Minnewanka in Banff national park with a good freind. About 50 feet from shore.

Around 8:30 pm I see glowing red eyes. Up in the trees. Like …. red… like predator i guess. I do a double – take… they are gone.

I decide not to say anything, maybe I’m trippin. Did just smoke up. Nope. 5 mins later my buddy says “I just seen some glowing red eyes up in the top of those trees.”

I feel goosebumps. “Yup, I saw them too”.

We look back and they are gone. We decide to aim the boat towards the shoreline. It’s not dark yet but sun is going down. We saw nothing. No owls, no goats in the trails. We didn’t get off the boat but we had a good look around.
When I ask him about it (this was around 10 years ago) he just says he doesn’t want to talk about it.

I can’t blame him. But after all these years I’ve never heard or seen anything like those glowing red eyes, 30 – 40 feet up in the trees. Staring at us.

I copied and pasted this next part, I knew nothing about the history when we went fishing there..

“For more than 100 centuries, people hunted and camped along the original shores of Lake Minnewanka. The Stoney people called it “Minn-waki” or “Lake of the Spirits”. They respected and feared this lake for its resident spirits. The Early Europeans called it Devil’s Lake.”

I used to go camping there. I do not any more. Mostly because it’s bear country for most of the summer. But yeah also because of those bright red eyes. I will never forget that. Most surreal thing I’ve ever seen.”

6. Missing time

“I used to have a buddy that lived in the same neighborhood, a few streets over. One night we were having a couple of beers in his backyard while playing cards. I had some things to do the next morning so just before 10 I said my good-byes and shoved off.

It was a short walk (MAYBE 15 minutes door-to-door) so I never drove. Anyway, it was a nice night… uneventful trip. But when I got home, my roommate was coming out the front door, coffee in hand, and dressed for work. He gave me a funny look and said he thought I was asleep since my truck was in the driveway. I told him where I’d been and asked why he was going in to work at night.

That’s when he kind of laughed and asked if I was drunk. We stared at each other for a minute and then he told me it was just after 5 IN THE MORNING and he was going in just like he usually did.

In my entire life, I’d never felt more confused than I did in that moment. I could tell he was dead serious but I KNEW I had just left my friend’s house.

I checked my phone and sure enough… 5-something in the AM. My roommate left for work. I paced circles in the living room for a bit then called the friend whose house I’d just left. He groggily answered and confirmed I’d left at ten the previous evening.

I have no idea what happened during those 7 hours of my life and it gives me chills to think about it all these years later. I wasn’t drunk, I wasn’t tired, no one could have slipped anything in either of the two Coors lights I’d had…no known medical conditions that would have caused me to blackout, and nothing has happened like it since.

I just don’t know what happened to that time.”

7. Help!

“I was walking to class from the dining hall on my campus when I saw a lady yelling for help and banging on a window of a nearby building.

Lots of people were walking past but I was the only one who seemed to acknowledge it. I went to the window to help and she told me she was locked in a room in the building and that she needed me to come in and open the door.

Now, I have no idea the layout of this building and where she was located. So I decided to call campus security for help despite her pleading with me not to call them and to just let her out. I call them and when I hear them coming I go to greet them so I can take them to the window.

I leave for maybe a maximum of fifteen seconds and when I return with campus security she is gone. We can’t see her at the window and campus security goes inside to double check and sure enough there is no trace of her.

Campus security definitely thought I was crazy and I’m sure my professor thought I was full of shit when I explained to him why I was late. No one seems to believe me that this happened but I swear it did.”

8. “It changed the way I look at things”

“About 8 years ago now I was taking a drive out to Kansas from the east coast. I was with a friend and we were going out to see her grandparents. Once we were about 2 hours from the grandparents house my friend starts outlining standard operating procedures of “seeing things” in and around her family’s home.

She seemed a bit panicky when going over everything but I managed to calm her down. I’m skeptical of everything and assured her that the things she had seen when she was a small child were just manufactured in her imagination. She insisted that the entire family had seen these “things” with the exception of her grandparents.

2 hours later, we arrive in Kansas and I’m ready to fall over because of the length of time the last leg of the trip took. We are welcomed and grandmother takes me to a back bedroom and just as she about to close the door; she stops, says “maybe you shouldn’t stay in this room” and escorts me to another room. Ok, that was a little strange but whatever, I’m tired.

Fast forward to night #2 at the grandparents home. It’s around 11pm and my friend is crashed out on the couch watching tv. I’m in an adjacent bedroom from which I can see her laying on the couch. I nod off for the night and wake up to a old grey man that bared a resemblance to the grandfather but was not the grandfather standing with his back to me in the doorway looking at my friend sleeping on the couch.

I decided I was going to get up and confront the old grey man and something slammed me back into the bed. I tried to get up several more times with the same result. Each time I was slammed back into the bed a voice would repeat “put a seal on the door”

Finally, I snapped to it’s 3 am and everything was normal. I must have been sleeping. It was a dream. No old grey man and my friend was fast asleep. So I start pacing around the room trying to decide how I feel about what had just happened. I glance over to my friend her eyes are open and she says “you seen it”. I say, “get in the car, I can’t be here right now.”

We spend the next 4 hours sitting in a Walmart parking lot talking about the history of her experiences in that house and comparing to my own. Ok, my nerves are not on fire anymore and we are heading back to the grandparents home. We arrive and they are waiting for us inside. I tell them exactly what happened to me and I get “yeah, that’s strange.

We usually do seal our doors with a prayer at night but with all the excitement we just must have forgotten. All the children have mentioned stories of things but we have never seen them. We are sorry you had to go through that”.

I’m really not sure what I seen or experienced that night but when I tell people they get that look of skepticism. It’s obvious they don’t believe me. My conclusion is that the experience was indistinguishable from reality in the moment. I don’t know what that means but it changed the way I look at things.”

9. Stabbing attempt

“This was 4 years ago. As I was walking on the sidewalk on a busy afternoon, I saw a suspicious boy/man about 18 yo. He was 10 meters away and walking what it looked like towards me. I kept my eyes on him despite the fact that he wasn’t looking directly at me, his eyes were roaming jumping from an object to an object.

As we approached one another, half a meter away from each other he takes out a knife and tries to stab me in my left side. He wasn’t really fast, so I easily dodged it and immediately turn to see who is he, or if he is trying to stab me again. To my surprise he continues walking and after couple of meters he stopes turns around smiles and gives me thumbs up, then he continues walking in the opposite direction.

Till this day I don’t know who he was, what he wanted and even my family doesn’t believe me, because “if someone wanted to stab you, you can‘t stop him. You aren’t experienced enough to dodge it like that” and something of that kind.”

10. Weird

“Didn’t see it but heard it. My friends and I got a cheap set of walkie-talkies from Walmart and were playing around with them in the middle of the day. There’s a bit of silence as we’re trying to figure out the volume and out of nowhere there’s a male voice saying “mayday mayday mayday” that comes through all of our walkie talkies and it definitely sounds like it from one of those aircraft headsets. We try to answer back but there’s no response. I called non emergency but they said there weren’t any reports of distressed aircraft or ships and even if there were, they couldn’t do anything about it.

Alternatively, a couple months later I saw a plane with an engine on fire go over my campus but apparently no one else did.”

11. I swear it’s true

“When I was 7 or 8, I would have a reoccurring nightmare that one of my dolls came to life, played with me, and then would try to pull me into my closet with her. I’d follow her into the closet at first, but then she’d show me this little door at the back of the closet, and my heart would start to race. I don’t know what it was about that door, but I knew something bad would happen if I went through it.

I’d start to struggle and try to pull away, but the doll was too strong and would start pulling me through the door. At this point in the dream, I’d always wake up screaming. The worst part was I had night terrors, so sometimes I’d wake up standing next to my closet. Every night before bed, I’d make my parents make sure there wasn’t a little door at the back of my closet. There never was.

Anyway, I was talking to my mom the other day and this dream came up. I’m laughing about it and how ridiculously paranoid I was about dolls and that closet, but my mom gets really quiet. She tells me the creepy part of that dream wasn’t the doll; it was the fact that there used to be a little door at the back of the closet, but when I was one year old, they remodeled the house and put a wall where the door used to be. There’s no way I could have remembered that door, but years later, I kept dreaming about it.

None of my friends believe this story, but I swear it’s true.”

12. On the stump

“I grew up on a 2 acre home with plenty of trees and room for an 8 yr old to run around. Our house also was heated in winter by a wood fireplace, so we would periodically cut down one of our own trees to save money. Well for about 2 years, there was a stump less then a foot tall near the house, and at least once a day, without fail, I would see someone standing on the stump.

Usually it was out of the corner of my eye, but once or twice I looked directly at him. I always looked away quickly, cuz it startled me and he was gone, but my sister says she experienced the same thing. Nothing ever came of it though.”

13. Adam

“Growing up, I had a friend named Adam. He was never able to come out during the day, only right before all of us kids had to go home for the evening.

Adam lived a few houses over, in a house with an overgrown yard. I met his parents once. They were very strange, didn’t smile, and obviously didn’t want me there.

I remember Adam telling me that he was sick, that’s why he couldn’t play that much. He was a small boy, pale with dark hair.

Eventually, Adam stopped showing up all together. And I eventually moved on, though I do remember going to his house a couple times to see if he could come play, and his dad just gave me this look before closing the door in my face.

Later in life, I asked my sister if she remembered him. She doesn’t, and according to my parents – that house was empty the entire time we lived there.

I don’t know who Adam was, I don’t know why I so vividly remember him and his parents. As far as I can tell, he wasn’t real – and yet I have perfect memories of him and his parents.”

14. Who’s there?

“I woke up to something, it sounded like a door shutting. At first I thought it was a dream because I could hear it in the dream as I was waking up, kinda like when someone calls your name when you’re dreaming. But then I looked at my cat, his hair was completely standing up and he was beaming at my bedroom door.

This was the moment when I got really scared bc i know animals can pick up on that shit and I thought he might know somethings wrong. My cat doesn’t do this type of thing unless a dog is in the room.

So I looked over at the door and the only way I can describe it is it looked like it was swaying, slowly, like it was breathing, like someone was standing on the other side of it trying to hear if I was awake. This swaying was accompanied by a shadow. *I don’t mean a supernatural shadow, but it looked like the shadow of a person behind the door.

I was paralyzed in fear. I lied there for 5 minutes naked watching this door away. I considered yelling and trying to scare them away but I was terrified someone might respond. I legitimately thought this was the moment where I will have to defend myself or be killed.

I don’t own a gun but after 10 minutes or so I mustered up the courage to check every room in the house. I fucking checked every corner too. But there was no one there.

I don’t know what happened, but my evolutionary traits kicked in and I completely believed someone was outside my door.”

15. An angel

“This makes me sound fucking crazy but anyways:

It was a warm summer morning back when I was a kid. I was standing in our hallway, putting on my shoes when I randomly peeked into our living room and saw a see-through male figure surrounded by rainbow coloured light standing right in the middle of the living room. He was reading a book and didn’t seem to notice me.

I thought it was weird but I didn’t feel scared or anything. It felt like the room was filled with a warm, loving energy if that makes sense. I kinda just shrugged it off and went about my day, probably because I was too young to really understand what I’d seen. A few days later when my mom tucked me into bed she read me a bedtime story about a kid who meets an angel or something like that, don’t remember the story exactly but what is interesting is the authors description of what that angel looked like.

It was exactly the same as the strange rainbow man I had seen in our living room a couple of days before. It even said that angels will often visit humans surrounded by a strong, rainbow coloured lightening and manifest themselves while reading a book*.*

I casually blurted out:”Oh, I’ve seen an angel then!” and my mom was like:”You have? That’s great!” and we didn’t talk more about that for a while until one day where I randomly asked my mom if I could see a picture of my grandad who died unexpectedly while my mom was pregnant with me.

She found an old family album and we looked through pictures of my parents’ wedding that happened exactly one year before I was born. There was a picture of three or four people sitting together, laughing and having a great time at the party. I immediately pointed out the guy who sat in the middle and said:”How funny! He looks just like the angel I saw!!” and my moms face turned white as a ghost. She was just about to tell me that this was indeed my deceased grandfather who I never got to meet. I’m very convinced it was him visiting me.”

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Astronomers Were Baffled by a Mystery Signal For 17 Years. The Culprit? A Staff Microwave

It’s 2019 and people are finally starting to admit that aliens are probably in our midst. “People” meaning, for example, The New York Times. But scientists and laypeople have been observing unexplainable phenomena for practically forever. Or in one case, practically unexplainable phenomena that turned out to be…definitely not aliens at all. Instead, the weirdness was coming from a way less exciting source: a microwave oven.

Astronomers at a famous Australian telescope called “The Dish” received strange signals from an unknown source for 17 years. 17 years! The signals would always come in once or twice each year. Known as perytons, they were detected “within five kilometers” of the observatory.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

When the scientists first detected the signals in 1998, they assumed they were coming from the atmosphere, possibly from lightning strikes.

But then, in 2015, they installed a new receiver to monitor the interference. It detected strong signals at 2.4 GHz – the signature of a microwave oven.

Yep, that 17-year-old mystery turned out to originate from the staff kitchen.

Upon further study, the astronomers discovered that the microwave generates interference only if the door is opened after it’s been set to heat. The signals were rare, because they only happened when the telescope was pointed right at the microwave oven while a staff member happened to open the door halfway through eating up their lunch.

So, yeah. Not the most exciting discovery, but a pretty unforgettable story.

Dr. Emily Petroff is the astronomer who finally figured out the source of the perytons.

“Didn’t swear, but definitely wasn’t quiet when the data came through,” she tweeted.

It should be noted that Dr. Petroff and the other astronomers weren’t really searching for aliens, but that’s the conclusion many people might jump to upon mention of “mysterious signals.”

It seems the lab has made some improvements to their microwaving technology since then:

Aliens… Hot pockets… Same thing.

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3 Terrifying Short Stories That’ll Give You Chills

In the mood to read something really terrifying? And it won’t even take you that long!

Here are 3 scary stories that will take you less than 10 minutes to read.

Get ready to be frightened!

A Deal With The Devil – Part 1

Photo Credit: Imgur

Part 2

Photo Credit: Imgur

Part 3

Photo Credit: Imgur

Part 4

Photo Credit: Imgur

Pretty creepy, right?

Now on to the next scary story…


Photo Credit: Imgur

Part 1

Photo Credit: Imgur

Part 2

Photo Credit: Imgur

Part 3

Photo Credit: Imgur

Alright, now for the last tale…

I’m a Guardian Demon

Photo Credit: Imgur

Part 1

Photo Credit: Imgur

Part 2

Photo Credit: Imgur

Good night…

Sleep tight…

Don’t let the nightmare bite…

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15 Perfectly Odd Photos That’ll Have You Looking Twice

Seriously, it’s hard to believe that these aren’t Photoshopped. They’re just too perfect.

Have a look and you’ll agree.


Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Imgur


Photo Credit: Imgur


Photo Credit: Imgur


Photo Credit: Imgur


Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Reddit

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Gamora Putting on Lipstick Is the Galactic Meme We Didn’t Know We Needed

Actress Zoe Saldana most recently graced theaters everywhere as the character Gamora in Avengers: Endgame. She recently posted the following video of her putting on her character’s lipstick…


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#nofilter ?#Gamora #becauseshesworthit

A post shared by Zoe Saldana (@zoesaldana) on

You know, as you do.

The internet saw you Zoe. And they made it a mood.

Lettuce begin…

That’s so money…

That is snot funny…

You can’t do that on television!

The same shit again avocado?!

What else do they have to do?

Ain’t broccoli’s fault your digestive system can’t handle fiber…

You’re a god damned monster!

Who invited you parsley?

You ready to get turnt?

It’s out time now, fam!

That sour spinach smell, tho…

Mood officially achieved!

Maybe next week Chris Pratt will comb his hair…

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Tampons Vs Pads: 20 Women Discuss Which Is Better

I’m hardly an expert on feminine care, but I know that whenever I’m in that aisle with my wife, the number of options is mind-boggling.

That said, even I know that there are two main options: pads and tampons. Every woman has a preference, and these 20 women weren’t afraid to discuss it.

1. TSS is no joke.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Well, that’s one reason why no tampons.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. She’s not wrong!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Another common thing women say…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Why are women so afraid of tampons?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Some women actually do wear both…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Fair point!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Lots of people are with you!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Interesting…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Oh jeezus…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. But why?

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Ouch!

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Maybe pull it out sooner?

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. I can see the first, but didn’t realize the second part was a thing…

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. That’s a BIG pad!

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. Well, at least she’s honest!

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. Secrets…

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. Right? I was thinking the same thing.

Photo Credit: Whisper

19. Everybody’s got their reasons…

Photo Credit: Whisper

20. This is true for something, but not others…

Photo Credit: Whisper

So… what is it? Tampons or pads?

Share this article and ask your friends!

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Zambian Nurse Makes Deathbed Confession Claiming She Switched Thousands of Newborn Babies

“I wish to confess my sins before God and before all the affected people especially those who were giving birth at UTH during my service. If you were born in UTH between the years of 1983 and 1995 chances are your parents may not be your biological parents. I developed a habit of swapping newly born babies just for fun.”

Image Credit: Pixabay

So begins the confession of nurse Elizabeth Bwalya Mwewa, as reported by the Zambian Observer.  Mwewa, who is dying of terminal cancer, estimates the number of babies she switched at around 5000.

“Take a good look at your siblings. If, for example, everyone is light and you are dark… you are that child and I am really sorry for that. I have caused many mothers to breastfeed children who are not theirs biologically. I don’t want to go to hell for that.”

Image Credit: Pixabay

The story is quite sensational, and it turns out that’s because it’s (probably) not true. First of all, for her claim to be true she would have had to swap a baby every day for 13 years – quite a feat for no one to notice.

Second, a preliminary investigation found no midwife by that name ever existing, and the picture that accompanied the article in the paper was of a Zimbabwean nurse now living in Ohio with a different name.

Local authorities will continue investigating the matter regardless, though they don’t expect to find any proof that the woman’s claims are real.

Image Credit: Pixabay

So, while Mwewa – whoever she really is – may not go to hell for swapping babies, she might want to get on repenting for the outlandish lies that sent a tidal wave of panic through thousands of families.

I imagine that’s gonna take a lot of Hail Marys to erase.

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