Tennessee Police Warned About “Meth Gators,” Then Had to Walk It Back

Remember that urban legend that said if you flushed a baby alligator down the toilet, the poor little fella would end up in the sewer, get enormous, have a major chip on its shoulder for being deserted, and then would go on a killing rampage? It’s actually the basis of a schlocky 1980 movie called Alligator.

Well, there’s a new alligator-centered urban legend you should familiarize yourself with because it’s a doozy…and police in Tennessee had to backtrack after the story went viral. Let’s begin, shall we?

Police in Loretto, Tennessee, posted a photo on Facebook about a drug bust. In the post, they also told people they shouldn’t flush their drugs down the toilet because it ends up in local waterways and that’s always bad news…oh, and it might create meth gators.

You read that right, meth gators.

The Facebook post read:

“Folks…please don’t flush your drugs m’kay. When you send something down the sewer pipe it ends up in our retention ponds for processing before it is sent down stream. Now our sewer guys take great pride in releasing water that is cleaner than what is in the creek, but they are not really prepared for meth.

Ducks, Geese, and other fowl frequent our treatment ponds and we shudder to think what one all hyped up on meth would do. Furthermore, if it made it far enough we could create meth-gators in Shoal Creek and the Tennessee River down in North Alabama. They’ve had enough methed up animals the past few weeks without our help. So, if you need to dispose of your drugs just give us a call and we will make sure they are disposed of in the proper way.”

People on social media bought into the hype and shared their thoughts.

Because the story went viral and people totally believed these doped-up reptiles might be coming to hunt them down, the Loretto Police Department had to clarify that meth gators are not, in fact, real.

I mean, this story even went international:

Loretto Police chief Bobby Joe Killen said, “As far as I know, there’s no methed-up gators being sighted anywhere. It’s just a joke to let people know they don’t need to be flushing their drugs of any kind down the sewer system. They need to dispose of it in a proper manner.”

Killen added, “We take our job seriously, but we like to joke amongst ourselves at the department. When you work eight, 10-hour shifts in our line of work, there are times when we like to laugh a little bit. Otherwise, you take your problems home.”

I predict a horror movie franchise based on meth gators and I could not be more pleased about it!

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The Heavy Metal Knitting World Championships Recently Took Place in Finland

There are no doubt a bunch of funny/weird/eccentric competitions out there that you and I haven’t heard about yet.

But this is something you should probably acquaint yourself with…because it is EPIC. The Heavy Metal Knitting World Championships took place in Joensuu, Finland, in July 2019 – and by the looks of it, it was a helluva lot of fun.

Posted by Heavy Metal Knitting on Thursday, July 11, 2019

It’s pretty simple: knitters get onstage and a heavy metal band plays. So the knitters kind of become part of the band. Heavy metal is hugely popular in Finland, so it only makes sense that this unusual contest took place there. Finnish heavy metal bands that are popular include HIM, Insomnium, Children of Bodom, Amorphis, Lordi, and Nightwish.

Posted by Heavy Metal Knitting on Thursday, July 11, 2019

You know what else is really popular in Finland? You guessed it! Knitting! Perfect combination, right? A band called Maniac Abductor (great name, by the way) played while the knitters feverishly worked their fingers to the bone.

One competitor in the competition said, “Knitting is such a meditative activity, but now it’s energetic and it’s heart-pumping.” Another added, “It’s ridiculous, but it’s so much fun.”

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It's one week since the 1st Heavy Metal Knitting World Championship and we're still overwhelmed by all of this! There has been so many articles, interviews and media interest towards our newly established sport that we've completely lost track of how far and wide the information has spread. We checked the top 10 most viewed videos on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube – combined they have 24 million views and around 200 000 shares at the moment, and it's just the top 30 posts of these channels :O A month ago "heavy metal knitting" search in Google resulted in a few thousand results. Today the amount of results stands at over 500 000 ? There has been several tv-spots in Japan, radio interviews in Australia and UK, many of the contestants have been interviewed in their home countries. So amazing and crazy at the same time! Knitting is definitely no bullshitting. Thank you for making this all possible! We're currently drafting the outlines of the event for next year and will let you know immediately when we've agreed on the date of the competition ? (The Knitting is no Bullshitting cloth was used in @antra.karkla final act ?) (Picture by @tovarimarketing @joonakotilainen ?) #heavymetalknitting

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This is how the event’s Facebook page sums it up:

“In heavy metal knitting, needlework and music become united like never before. On the same stage, accompanied by a million-dollar guitar solo, with hair flowing in the air, there’s heavy metal music and knitting, shaking hands.

Knitting to the rhythm of heavy metal music can be compared to playing air guitar — which is a Finnish way to goof around as well. In heavy metal knitting, the knitter becomes a part of the band, showing their best needlework tricks as the heavy riffs echo on the background. The knitter takes part in the jam while their balls of yarn and knitting needles swish through the air…”

And get a load of who ended up winning the championship.

Incredible. Here’s some video of the event you need to see.

I think I’m gonna have to go to this next year…Finland, here I come!

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Some Horses Have Incredibly Hipster Mustaches

The world is pretty depressing right now, so here’s some good news: some horses can grow mustaches, and they look ridiculous! If horses were hipsters from Brooklyn, they would look exactly like this.

Mustaches are common in a horse breed called the Gypsy Vanner. They have a long, luxurious mane and big voluminous hair on their lower legs. And on their faces, they rock a mustache.

Didn't realise a horse can grow a mustache.. See More Funny Pictures at www.much-funny.com

Posted by MuchFunny on Saturday, April 29, 2017

Not all Gypsy Vanner horses have a mustache, but many do, and the trait is not limited to males. If the hair is long enough, it tends to curl up hipster-style.

Horse mustache, its a thing.Deal with it.

Posted by Der Todesking on Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Gypsy Vanner horses aren’t the only ones who can grow mustaches. Other breeds, such as Clydesdales, Shires, and British Ponies are also capable of growing mustaches. In fact, the most famous horse mustache of all (probably) belongs to a horse called Alfie who is a Shire mix. His mustache is said to be the largest of any horse in the U.K.

People have a variety of opinions about this horse mustache thing. It’s shocking, obviously.

But also pretty cool, and maybe even… Beautiful?

Some of these horses look like MySpace models.

Other people are decidedly against the horse mustache, though.

“Oh wow oh no oh wow I don’t like the horse mustache at all,” one person tweeted.

“This has fucked with me all day, I feel so weird about this,” another said.

Welp, at least mustaches can always be shaved.

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People on Twitter Can’t Understand a Couple Who Claims They Don’t Have a “Side” of the Bed

What kind of monsters don’t have an assigned side of the bed with their partner?

The kind of monsters who are friends with journalist Jeff Stein…

In every couple, there is an unspoken agreement (and nightstand full of crap you rarely need) that sits next to the side of the bed that is “yours.” That’s just the way of things, and it’s the way it should be…except for this one couple who thinks they can just sleep willy-nilly on whichever side of the bed the feel like plopping onto on a given night.

Stein admitted that though it seemed like anarchy to him, maybe there was something to it.

Twitter was on my side, though, and basically thought those people should never speak of their strange bedroom practice again.

Because who would do this?!

It makes no sense!

Do you want chaos to reign in your bedroom?

What’s next? Cannibalism?

There really isn’t excuse for this…

They should be locked up…

Okay, maybe that was a bit extreme.

These are important questions, y’all, and idk maybe we need a follow-up interview or something.

Or maybe there are some things we just don’t want to know details on…

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These People All Found Weird Stuff in the Woods and Just Had to Share It


The deep, dark woods. You never know what you’re gonna get out there in the forest, do you? Could be a strange animal, a masked madman (hopefully not), or just something unsettling that you can’t explain.

All of these folks encountered weird stuff out there, and they shared their photos with the world.

1. That’s kinda sweet

Found this in the woods while trail riding from pics

2. A portal?

Found this in the woods today from pics

3. Another dimension?

Me and my girlfriend were walking in the woods the other week and saw a rainbow pool for the first time from pics

4. Don’t go in there

Abandoned Russian house found in the woods from creepy

5. Trippy

Standing in a huge pond that sinks every dry season from mildlyinteresting

6. Demon tree

This tree I found hiking looks like a forest monster watching over you. from mildlyinteresting

7. That is crazy

I went for a walk in the forest and came upon this ponderosa pine tree that had been struck by lightning. I called the Forest Service and they eventually extinguished it, but not before I had time to get some photos. Near Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. [OC] [2834×2000] from EarthPorn

8. Hmmm

Found this sword in epping forest , England .anyone have any idea on what the history is ? from metaldetecting

9. Lead the way

This stick I found looks like a burning torch, flame included! from mildlyinteresting

10. Mossy boot

This moss covered boot found in the woods. from mildlyinteresting

11. That’s odd

*shhh* it’s a flock of wild toilets roosting from WTF

12. That’s a lot of dishware

I was driving through the back roads of Pennsylvania on the way to a camping spot and found a mountain of ceramic dishes and tea cups in the middle of the woods!?…. from WTF

13. Do not enter

Abandoned train tunnel we found in the woods from AbandonedPorn

14. WTF is it?

Moved to Wisconsin. Found this in the woods! from pics

15. Scary

What my parents found on their hike from pics

16. Ghost tree

So I was walking in a forrest near my city and found this

17. Explosive

My brother found this (missile?) in the woods in Tennessee from whatisthisthing

18. Who you gonna call?

Found this phone booth in the middle of the woods from mildlyinteresting

19. Holy sh*t

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Friend found this while hiking the Connecticut wilderness from pics


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This Is What It’s like to Run a World-Class Penis Museum

If you are reading this article, you’re clearly my sort of people – because who wouldn’t be curious about what it takes to run a museum full of penises?

Luckily, there’s a man with experience ready and willing to let us all in on the family secrets.

Hjotur Gisli Sigurosson curates the Icelandic Phallological Museum, a vocation handed down by a father who indulged a penis fascination by collecting interesting specimens wherever he ran across them.

Hjotur was just 10 when his father, Sigurour Hjartarson, began his collection in 1974. The first specimen was a “pizzle,” or a dried bull’s penis, that was given to Sigurour as a joke. He began a collection that grew until he opened it to the public in 1997.

Hjotur never thought the collection was odd, and recalls time spent with his father fondly.

“I had great adventures going to remote places to harvest organs with my father,” he told Mental_Floss.

The collection includes mostly Icelandic mammal specimens, harvested from dead animals (like beached whales) or given to the family by hunters. Hjotur says, though, that they “never ask for an animal to be killed just to harvest the organ.”

They have one human specimen.

“It was from a 95-year-old man. He signed a letter of donation in 1996, and when he died in 2011 a doctor removed his penis.”

The collection also includes 23 “mystical creature” penises, like “elves, trolls, and mermen,” though Hjotur acknowledges that “some, we suspect, are man-made.”

The museum sells every practical object in the shape of a penis you could ever want – cutlery, lamps, bottle openers, etc – so basically, now you know where to go before your next bachelorette party!

Hjotur isn’t ashamed of the collection, as “there is nothing pornographic or offensive on display,” and he points out that people from all over the world come to visit.

“The reaction is 99.9% positive. Most people see the humorous side and some get very into the scientific angle of it. Most people enter not knowing what to expect and come out smiling or laughing. Last year, we had a little over 20,000 visitors.”

He thinks, too, that seeing the, um, variety might help people understand that when it comes to anatomy, there is no “normal.”

“You’ll learn that as with everything in nature, the diversity in this department is as great as in any other; even within the same species the difference in size and shake is often quite remarkable.”

Hjotur, like his father before him, is always adding to his collection – “a new one, a bigger, better one, a different one” – and he’s open to starting a gallery that honors phallic art in all forms, too.

If you’re looking for something a bit off the beaten path on your next trip to Iceland, well, how can you pass this up? It’s education, it’s entertainment – what more could you ask for in a tour stop?

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A Group of Angry Ducks Interrupted a Golf Game to Chase off an Alligator

It was a lovely day at the second annual Christie’s Critters Invitational on PGA National’s Champion Course when golfers observed a gator lumbering right out onto the green.

Image Credit: YouTube

Now, to be fair, he might have assumed he was invited, given the title of the tournament, but alligators should know by now that they’re definitely not welcome at human things unless they’re inside a deep fryer.

Image Credit: YouTube

It turns out the ducks felt the same way.

They followed the gator, quacking angrily. For a while he pretended not to notice, but eventually he headed for the fastest escape route.

Because ducks, man. They’re loud, and they don’t know when to quit. And they’ll bite you and stuff.

People online had plenty to say about the event (Florida jokes incoming!), and plenty of people also chose to hold the ducks up as inspiration – maybe even a real-life metaphor.

Image Credit: Facebook

Said like people who have never had to scrub duck crap off a dock, methinks.

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If Your Child Is a Mouth Breather, It Could Be a Sign of Medical Troubles to Come

There are a lot of mouth breather jokes out there – the funny bit being that people who never learned to breathe out of their noses are odd – and it turns out that there’s actually some science to back that up.

So, if your children spend more time with their mouths open than closed, you might want to start thinking of it as a problem you want to address, rather than no big deal.

In fact, Dr. Anil Rama has some dire warnings about letting mouth breathing go on unchecked.

“Mouth breathing, especially occurring at a young age, changes the development of a person’s face. It makes their face long, chin recessed, nose drop, nostrils flare, teeth crooked, and smile gummy. It also leads to cavities, bad breath, bad sleep, and a miserable personality.”

Well, okay then.

But while it might seem like Rama is being overly harsh, there is evidence – lots of it – to suggest that kids who breath through their mouths most of the time are more likely to struggle in school, cry at night, grow at a slower rate, be moody, and even have larger tonsils than kids who breathe out of their nose.

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C O R R E C T. way to B R E A T H E . Breathing comes so naturally to us that we don’t normally stop and think about how it’s done and whether we’re doing it right or not. But the reality is, being a ‘Nose Breather’ or a ‘Mouth Breather’ will determine how we look, feel and function. (Refer to diagrams). As you can see, the correct way to breathe is through the nose, where this allows the mouth to rest in the correct position for correct jaw and facial developments. Whereas, breathing through your mouth causes recession of the jaw, a longer face, teeth crowding due to lack of palatal seal and incorrect tongue position. So take a moment. Take a breath. Are you a mouth breather or are you a nose breather? Not sure? Come in and have one of our specialist for an assessment. – – – – – – – #smiledentistry #braces #toothalignment #mouthbreather #nosebreather #breathing #takeabreath #orthodontics #teethstraightening #adultbraces #childrenbraces #malocclusions #teethstraightening #straighterteeth #smile #healthy #happy #sleep #breathebetter #dentist #dentaloffice #balmain #balmaindentist #holisticdentist #holistichealth #breathoflife

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As adults, those kids are prone to fatigue, brain fog, and, unfortunately, having a different-looking face.

Basically, using the term “mouth breather” to say that someone seems a bit “off” is accurate (if unkind).

The reason? Breathing through your nose triggers paranasal sinuses that produce nitric oxide, facilitating oxygen circulation throughout the body, helping the lungs absorb oxygen, relaxing muscles, and allowing blood vessels to dilate.

It also has anti-fungal, antiviral, anti-parasitic, and antibacterial properties that boost your immune system and help fight off infections, says Rama.

“Nose breathing is important for cleaning, humidifying, and processing the air for the lungs. It also directly enhances sleep and regulates breathing which helps one remain calm. A lack of nose breathing over time can take a tremendous toll on a person’s mood and mental health….Mouth breathers in general are more irritable, angry, lack patience, are stressed out, forgetful, sleepy, fatigued, and not as happy as they could be.”

If you’re concerned for yourself or a child in your life, talk to a doctor – mouth breathing could be triggered by asthma, allergies, and excessive thumb-sucking and create symptoms like poor behavior, dental issues, lisping, and hoarseness.

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If Your Child Is a Mouth Breather, It Could Be a Sign of Medical Troubles to Come

There are a lot of mouth breather jokes out there – the funny bit being that people who never learned to breathe out of their noses are odd – and it turns out that there’s actually some science to back that up.

So, if your children spend more time with their mouths open than closed, you might want to start thinking of it as a problem you want to address, rather than no big deal.

In fact, Dr. Anil Rama has some dire warnings about letting mouth breathing go on unchecked.

“Mouth breathing, especially occurring at a young age, changes the development of a person’s face. It makes their face long, chin recessed, nose drop, nostrils flare, teeth crooked, and smile gummy. It also leads to cavities, bad breath, bad sleep, and a miserable personality.”

Well, okay then.

But while it might seem like Rama is being overly harsh, there is evidence – lots of it – to suggest that kids who breath through their mouths most of the time are more likely to struggle in school, cry at night, grow at a slower rate, be moody, and even have larger tonsils than kids who breathe out of their nose.

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C O R R E C T. way to B R E A T H E . Breathing comes so naturally to us that we don’t normally stop and think about how it’s done and whether we’re doing it right or not. But the reality is, being a ‘Nose Breather’ or a ‘Mouth Breather’ will determine how we look, feel and function. (Refer to diagrams). As you can see, the correct way to breathe is through the nose, where this allows the mouth to rest in the correct position for correct jaw and facial developments. Whereas, breathing through your mouth causes recession of the jaw, a longer face, teeth crowding due to lack of palatal seal and incorrect tongue position. So take a moment. Take a breath. Are you a mouth breather or are you a nose breather? Not sure? Come in and have one of our specialist for an assessment. – – – – – – – #smiledentistry #braces #toothalignment #mouthbreather #nosebreather #breathing #takeabreath #orthodontics #teethstraightening #adultbraces #childrenbraces #malocclusions #teethstraightening #straighterteeth #smile #healthy #happy #sleep #breathebetter #dentist #dentaloffice #balmain #balmaindentist #holisticdentist #holistichealth #breathoflife

A post shared by Smile Dentistry (@smiledentistry_au) on

As adults, those kids are prone to fatigue, brain fog, and, unfortunately, having a different-looking face.

Basically, using the term “mouth breather” to say that someone seems a bit “off” is accurate (if unkind).

The reason? Breathing through your nose triggers paranasal sinuses that produce nitric oxide, facilitating oxygen circulation throughout the body, helping the lungs absorb oxygen, relaxing muscles, and allowing blood vessels to dilate.

It also has anti-fungal, antiviral, anti-parasitic, and antibacterial properties that boost your immune system and help fight off infections, says Rama.

“Nose breathing is important for cleaning, humidifying, and processing the air for the lungs. It also directly enhances sleep and regulates breathing which helps one remain calm. A lack of nose breathing over time can take a tremendous toll on a person’s mood and mental health….Mouth breathers in general are more irritable, angry, lack patience, are stressed out, forgetful, sleepy, fatigued, and not as happy as they could be.”

If you’re concerned for yourself or a child in your life, talk to a doctor – mouth breathing could be triggered by asthma, allergies, and excessive thumb-sucking and create symptoms like poor behavior, dental issues, lisping, and hoarseness.

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Learn Some Great New Information with These 10 Facts

Ready to exercise that brain? Ready to learn?

Then let’s get to work!

1. I need one of these

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. Where the bodies were buried

Photo Credit: did you know?

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3. That makes sense

Photo Credit: did you know?

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4. Ouch…

Photo Credit: did you know?


5. Nice and quiet

Photo Credit: did you know?

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6. WOW

Photo Credit: did you know?

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7. Improvement

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. No more, no less

Photo Credit: did you know?

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9. Double rainbows!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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10. Wild animals

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2 Source 3

That was some good learnin’!

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