15 People Share the Ways They Would Absolutely Not Want to Die

This is an uncomfortable question to consider, but that’s what AskReddit is about sometimes, right?

What is a way you would absolutely NOT want to die?

AskReddit users shared their opinions on this unsettling question.

Share your thoughts in the comments below!

1. That’s not good

“I remember reading about this guy that fell into a pit of concrete powder, and he inhaled some of it. It set in his lungs, causing him to very slowly and painfully suffocate.”

2. Burning up

“Lava. it’s a lot worse than movies make it look.”

3. Uggghhhh

“Being put in a big metal container naked then having the container get heated by a fire. It would be way worse than just being caught on fire.”

4. In the mud

“Drown in the mud like soldiers during WWI.”

5. No!

“Glow Worms. The way they kill their prey is one of the most painful ways to die in the animal kingdom. They use the silk stands to attract prey, paralyse them, drill a hole in the side of their head and fill their insides with stomach acid, then leave them – for 2 weeks to digest.”

6. Nightmare

“Getting buried alive.”

7. Quite an imagination

“Surviving a High-speed Car crash only to come out of surgery, live in massive pain for two days and then your heart gives out from all the excruciating pain.

Or surviving a fire but over half your body is covered in 3rd Degree wounds, only to die weeks before being cleared to leave and having to spend all those years in the burn unit only to never see the outside world again.”

8. This is real and scary

“Brain eating amoeba.”

9. Yikes

“Being skinned.

I mean it like being flayed while fully conscious.”

10. Not ideal

“John Jones, who got stuck upside down in a super tight cave passage in Utah and rescuers couldn’t get him out… so they had to just let him die and then sealed the cave up.

Yeah. Not my ideal bucket kicking.”

11. Sounds like a horror movie

“Cheese grater.”

12. Enclosed

“My biggest fear is being crushed to death, or being stuck in such a way that I can’t move. I don’t have severe claustrophobia, I’ll climb in a small enclosed space if it’s safe no problem, I used to do it all the time when I was a welder. But seeing pictures like this just give me high blood pressure.”

13. Scary

“Driving off a bridge into deep water. Its never happened to me, but for some reason the sound of a windshield cracking upon impact with water and the feeling of a seatbelt digging into my neck and hips pop up in my nightmares a lot. I have a hard time crossing bridges in vehicles, thanks to that.”

14. Not pleasant

“That one torture method where they leave a rat on top of your stomach trapped and starve the rat so it digs through your stomach. Crucifixion sounds pretty bad too or being burned in gasoline .”

15. That’s depressing

“Dying alone and slowly from old age, after everyone I know is dead.”

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In Case You Didn’t Know, Chuck E. Cheese Has a Pretty Dark Origin Story

Did you even know the character Chuck E. Cheese had an origin story? Also, did you ever learn what the “E”, as in his middle initial, stands for?

“Entertainment.” Charles Entertainment Cheese. Who knew? Mind = BLOWN.

Chuck E. Cheese’s has over 600 locations, so I’m willing to bet that you spent at least a little bit of time there as a kid at a pizza party for someone’s birthday. I’m sorry, but this article might make you feel a little bit differently about your time frolicking throughout the arcade and getting your photo taken with Chuck E.

Celebrate Family Day with some friendly All You Can Play competition! Who would win in your fam?

Posted by Chuck E. Cheese on Monday, September 24, 2018

Because his background is kinda depressing. Hang on for the mouse’s tale…

Chuck E. Cheese is an orphan, and he grew up in St. Mariana’s Orphanage. He loved to play games and sing the “Happy Birthday” song. The online book detailing his childhood reads, “Because Chuck E. was an orphan, no one knew when his birthday was, so he never had a birthday party of his own. This made Chuck E. sad.”

Chuck E. liked celebrating other kids’ birthdays since he didn’t know his own. At these parties, he developed a love for pizza and video games. After a while, Chuck E. won $50 in a Pong video game tournament, bought a bus ticket to New York and left the orphanage.

But New York City was hard. “Chuck E. would sleep above the kitchen in a pizzeria run by a friendly Italian chef named Pasqually. Chuck E. loved the smell of pizza plus he had plenty of music: Pasqually would listen to, and sing along to, the radio. It was a great place to live.”

Pasqually the chef eventually discovered Chuck E. was living there and he freaked out. Chuck E. didn’t know what else to do so he sang. Pasqually was shocked that a mouse could sing and he decided he was going to make Chuck E. a star.

Chuck E.’s first singing performance was a major bomb and people started walking out of the restaurant. He eventually sang “Happy Birthday” and that went over much better with the crowd. Chuck E. created a franchise for pizza, games, and, most importantly, birthdays, and it turned into the Chuck E. Cheese’s that we all know and love.

As you can imagine, people on Twitter were blown away.

Wow, that was an emotional rollercoaster. I’m spent.

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Toy and Game Company Hasbro Now Owns Death Row Records — Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Tupac and MR. Potato Head?

You just never know what companies are going to consolidate/merge/buy each other out, etc. Which can lead to business, usually pretty dry, sometimes making big headlines for weird, weird stuff.

Like this!

Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Tupac…Mr. Potato Head?

Hasbro, the toy and game company behind such favorites as Monopoly, Transformers, G.I. Joe, and My Little Pony, now owns Death Row Records, the notorious gangsta rap record label that was founded in 1991 by Dr. Dre, Suge Knight and The D.O.C.

How’s that for a mashup?

Death Row was absolutely HUGE in the 1990s – at its peak, it was raking in $150 million a year. Eventually, Death Row had a very public fall from grace, and Suge Knight is now serving a 28-year prison sentence.

So how exactly did this transaction come to be?

Here’s the deal: Hasbro purchased Entertainment One, which owned the Peppa Pig franchise, but it also had an enormous music division. Part of their music empire included the back catalog of Death Row Records, which declared bankruptcy back in 2006. Entertainment One acquired the back catalog in 2013.

But now it’s in Hasbro’s hands!

Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner said of the deal, “The acquisition of eOne adds beloved story-led global family brands that deliver strong operating returns to Hasbro’s portfolio and provides a pipeline of new brand creation driven by family-oriented storytelling.” That’s one way of looking at it.

People on Twitter couldn’t help themselves and just had to weigh in on the purchase. I mean, the possibilities are endless, don’t you think?

This story and the tweets that emanated from it bring me much happiness…

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The World’s First Salmon ATM Is Now Open in Singapore

In a mall in Singapore, you can buy Norwegian salmon out of an ATM machine. The ATM opened in January 2019 in the Wisteria shopping mall and proved to be so popular that there are now dozens of ATMS supplying 200-gram fillets of salmon around Singapore.

The company behind the vending machines, Norwegian Salmon Pte Ltd, intends to make salmon affordable for everyone by cutting out a lot of costs: storefronts, distributors, staff, etc. The fillets sell for $4.25 (U.S.), which sounds like a pretty great deal to me. The salmon in the machines is kept at -4 degrees Fahrenheit, so it can remain fresh for up to two years.

Singapore was a natural choice for the company to establish the salmon vending machines because the fish is very popular there and the city-state is known for its vending culture. People in Singapore get many things from vending machines, including ice cream, pizza, salads, books – even luxury cars.

Norwegian Salmon Pte Ltd’s founder and CEO, Manish Kumar, who is from Norway, said about his company’s product:

“Part of the reason why I made sure to show that my product is Norwegian salmon and not just any salmon is because Norway has such high standards for sustainability, health, and safety when it comes to the farmed salmon that it exports. The motivation for the Norwegian Salmon ATM was to make Norwegian salmon time- and cost-effective for everyday people. We put the nutrition facts for our salmon on the front of every ATM because we are proud of how healthy it is.”

The machines do not accept cash, but they are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What do you think? Would you buy frozen salmon from a vending machine? I think I would!

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A Woman Caught a Fish with Two Mouths in Upstate New York

This woman’s fishing trip took a strange turn when she reeled in a fish with two mouths.

Debbie Geddes was fishing on Lake Champlain in upstate New York when she caught the unusual animal. She told Fox News that when the fish initially bit her line, she felt like it was a quite large one. But she had no idea what she was about to reel onto the boat.

“When we got it in the boat I couldn’t believe what I was seeing!” Debbie said. “Two mouths! And yet this fish was healthy and thriving! Pretty amazing.”

Debbie and her husband took photos of the unique fish, then released it back into the water. Debbie’s co-worker, Adam Facteau, knew that people had to see this, so he uploaded a photo to Facebook.

“She wasn’t convinced anyone would care about the catch,” Adam said. “I knew it would be popular.”

He was right. The photo went viral, and people have been debating over the cause of the two mouths ever since. Debbie personally thinks that the Lake Trout’s second “mouth” was created by a previous injury. Many commenters also blamed pollution.

“Well, I think everyone has an opinion, which makes it interesting for discussion,” Adam said.

He’s personally not so sure of the cause. He says an injury is “possible.”

Posted by Debbie Geddes on Saturday, August 18, 2018

“However, Lake Champlain is also known for being a sewage dumping ground from Canada and (Vermont). Plus, many of these fish are stocked.”

Regardless of the reason behind these apparent two mouths, this is certainly a catch that Debbie will remember forever.

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We’re Here to Inform You That Pumpkin Spice Spam Exists

I’m really sorry I have to break this awful news to you, but someone’s gotta do it. Fall is almost here and that means Pumpkin Spice everything. Food, drinks, etc. Is there a Pumpkin Spice perfume or cologne yet? I’ll have to look into that…

But one product you might not know about that really, truly does exist: Pumpkin Spice Spam. Why not, right? The new product will only be available on Spam.com and Walmart.com starting September 23, so don’t go looking for it on the shelves of your local store.

And…we already have an advance review in. The folks at The Daily Meal tried out Pumpkin Spice Spam and this is what they had to say:

“Although this is one of the more peculiar pumpkin spice products on the market, surprisingly, the general consensus was that the flavor really wasn’t bad. It certainly had that soft texture that anyone who’s had Spam will be familiar with, as well as the expected salty, porky Spam flavor.

Cinnamon, clove, allspice and nutmeg shared center stage with the rich and savory Spam flavor, however, along with a hint of sweetness.”

Not bad, huh? The company actually flirted with the idea of Pumpkin Spice Spam back in 2017 but their social media post was met with a lot of backlash.

Just in time for fall—SPAM® Pumpkin Spice! Ok, it might not be real, but you can still put it on your holiday wishlist! Would you?

Posted by SPAM on Sunday, October 1, 2017

But I can assure you, this is not a joke anymore! So get ready!

Be sure to order online starting September 23 if you want to see what Pumpkin Spice Spam is all about.

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An Instagram Influencer Defended Posting Photos of Her Motorcycle Accident and She Insists It’s All Real

I still can’t figure out how this “influencer” culture that surrounds us actually works. So people are famous and make a living because they have a lot of followers on Instagram…but I’m not really sure what they actually do.

But what do I know? Very strange times we live in…

But let’s move on to the story.

A lifestyle blogger named Tiffany Mitchell, who has more than 200,000 Instagram followers, was called out by some people on the social media network because of her decision to turn her motorcycle accident into an impromptu photoshoot that she posted online.

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Instagram

A lot of Mitchell’s followers wished her well, but there were some who thought the whole accident (and photoshoot) was a staged scene.

Photo Credit: Instagram

One person commented, “This must have been super scary and I’m glad you’re okay, but… if my friend continued to take photos while I was lying semi-unconscious in the road, I’d be furious. I love your photos but it’s a little weird to include those.”

Here are some more responses from people who were cynical that the accident even took place:

Photo Credit: Instagram

Mitchell insists the accident was legit. She said, “I didn’t know she was taking them, but later on when she showed them to me I was so grateful that she captured such an intense moment for me.”

Mitchell further insisted, “All motives for taking the photos and sharing them along with the details of the experience were good. I’m really sad that raising this topic without all the context may inspire negativity and hatred, but I did my best and hope whatever happens can add to people’s lives in some way.”

Other commenters pointed out that the perfectly placed bottle of Smartwater was a little curious, but Mitchell insisted, “I would never turn a very important personal story like this into a brand campaign. The water was given to me while I was resting.”

In response to all the backlash, she posted this photo and explanation.

View this post on Instagram

I’ve been figuring out how to respond to everything that’s unfolded recently regarding the post I shared 3 weeks ago about my moto accident. I won’t get into that post here (see my Moto Accident story highlight for all the details), but I want to talk about the reactions I’ve been getting to the article @buzzfeednews posted sensationalizing what I went through that day, and making a mockery of the post I shared. As a result, I’ve been accused of staging the accident to get attention, using it as a product placement opportunity with a water company, and other things I can’t even wrap my head around. I’ve been sharing real life stories here since I started my account. I’ve opened up about miscarriage, divorce, anxiety, losing my partner in a moto accident 3 years ago, and navigating the grief that followed. I’ve chosen to use Instagram as a tool for healing and connecting with other humans who may be going through similar things so we can do it together. And it’s been beautiful. When I work with brands, they’re ones I personally enjoy, and I disclose every single sponsorship. Accusing someone of faking or exploiting an accident is extremely serious—because what if you’re wrong? It really happened to me, and I was scared. I really was injured and had to recover. I was in shock laying on the side of the road, having flashbacks to when I lost someone very important to me. Friends were by my side, strangers called an ambulance, waited while I was checked out and then gave me a ride home. When I found out my professional photographer friend who I’d been shooting with earlier took photos of everything, I was completely moved. I shared this on my feed with humans who have been on a journey with me for years because I knew they would understand what it meant to me and I understood what it would mean to them. I’m sad that something so true and personal has been treated this way, and disappointed in BuzzFeed for spinning it there. I would just ask that if you’re here because of this, consider that the post I made was something real that happened in my life that resonated deeply with me and those who have chosen to follow me. That’s what it was intended for. ??

A post shared by Tiffany / ? tifforelie (@tifforelie) on

Like I said, we live in strange times…

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An Instagram Influencer Defended Posting Photos of Her Motorcycle Accident and She Insists It’s All Real

I still can’t figure out how this “influencer” culture that surrounds us actually works. So people are famous and make a living because they have a lot of followers on Instagram…but I’m not really sure what they actually do.

But what do I know? Very strange times we live in…

But let’s move on to the story.

A lifestyle blogger named Tiffany Mitchell, who has more than 200,000 Instagram followers, was called out by some people on the social media network because of her decision to turn her motorcycle accident into an impromptu photoshoot that she posted online.

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Instagram

A lot of Mitchell’s followers wished her well, but there were some who thought the whole accident (and photoshoot) was a staged scene.

Photo Credit: Instagram

One person commented, “This must have been super scary and I’m glad you’re okay, but… if my friend continued to take photos while I was lying semi-unconscious in the road, I’d be furious. I love your photos but it’s a little weird to include those.”

Here are some more responses from people who were cynical that the accident even took place:

Photo Credit: Instagram

Mitchell insists the accident was legit. She said, “I didn’t know she was taking them, but later on when she showed them to me I was so grateful that she captured such an intense moment for me.”

Mitchell further insisted, “All motives for taking the photos and sharing them along with the details of the experience were good. I’m really sad that raising this topic without all the context may inspire negativity and hatred, but I did my best and hope whatever happens can add to people’s lives in some way.”

Other commenters pointed out that the perfectly placed bottle of Smartwater was a little curious, but Mitchell insisted, “I would never turn a very important personal story like this into a brand campaign. The water was given to me while I was resting.”

In response to all the backlash, she posted this photo and explanation.

View this post on Instagram

I’ve been figuring out how to respond to everything that’s unfolded recently regarding the post I shared 3 weeks ago about my moto accident. I won’t get into that post here (see my Moto Accident story highlight for all the details), but I want to talk about the reactions I’ve been getting to the article @buzzfeednews posted sensationalizing what I went through that day, and making a mockery of the post I shared. As a result, I’ve been accused of staging the accident to get attention, using it as a product placement opportunity with a water company, and other things I can’t even wrap my head around. I’ve been sharing real life stories here since I started my account. I’ve opened up about miscarriage, divorce, anxiety, losing my partner in a moto accident 3 years ago, and navigating the grief that followed. I’ve chosen to use Instagram as a tool for healing and connecting with other humans who may be going through similar things so we can do it together. And it’s been beautiful. When I work with brands, they’re ones I personally enjoy, and I disclose every single sponsorship. Accusing someone of faking or exploiting an accident is extremely serious—because what if you’re wrong? It really happened to me, and I was scared. I really was injured and had to recover. I was in shock laying on the side of the road, having flashbacks to when I lost someone very important to me. Friends were by my side, strangers called an ambulance, waited while I was checked out and then gave me a ride home. When I found out my professional photographer friend who I’d been shooting with earlier took photos of everything, I was completely moved. I shared this on my feed with humans who have been on a journey with me for years because I knew they would understand what it meant to me and I understood what it would mean to them. I’m sad that something so true and personal has been treated this way, and disappointed in BuzzFeed for spinning it there. I would just ask that if you’re here because of this, consider that the post I made was something real that happened in my life that resonated deeply with me and those who have chosen to follow me. That’s what it was intended for. ??

A post shared by Tiffany / ? tifforelie (@tifforelie) on

Like I said, we live in strange times…

The post An Instagram Influencer Defended Posting Photos of Her Motorcycle Accident and She Insists It’s All Real appeared first on UberFacts.

Lightning Caused a Freak Toilet Explosion, so Choose Wisely When You Go to the Bathroom

I’m glad no one was injured (or killed) during this incident because this would be a really terrible way to go.

And of course this happened in Florida. Was there ever any doubt?!?!

The scene was Port Charlotte, Florida. During a lightning storm, the homeowners heard a huge crash-bang. When they investigated their home, they found that a toilet in their bathroom has EXPLODED from lightning. Windows in the house had shattered as well.

Let’s chalk it up to good luck that no one was doing their business at the time…

Posted by A-1 Affordable Plumbing inc. on Sunday, August 4, 2019

Jordan Hagadorn, the owner of A-1 Affordable Plumbing, said, “This is probably the first time in history something like this has happened” and that the lightning strike resulted in “perfect ignition inside the sewer.”

To explicate slightly – the lightening ignited whatever was in the sewer (poop gases like methane and such).

Hagadorn also said that 30 percent of the pipes in the house need to be replaced due to damage.

While this story sounds like a one-in-a-million incident, it does happen from time to time. John Jensenius, a lightning expert from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), says, “There have been documented incidents of people injured on toilets. It [lightning] went through the pipes and through the water. If lightning strikes your home, it often finds its way into the plumbing.”

We’re just entering hurricane season, so please be careful and take note of impending storms.

A word to the wise: don’t do your business anymore if there’s a lightning storm outside…no one wants to have to explain that in a loved one’s obituary. Got it? Good!

The post Lightning Caused a Freak Toilet Explosion, so Choose Wisely When You Go to the Bathroom appeared first on UberFacts.

Lightning Caused a Freak Toilet Explosion, so Choose Wisely When You Go to the Bathroom

I’m glad no one was injured (or killed) during this incident because this would be a really terrible way to go.

And of course this happened in Florida. Was there ever any doubt?!?!

The scene was Port Charlotte, Florida. During a lightning storm, the homeowners heard a huge crash-bang. When they investigated their home, they found that a toilet in their bathroom has EXPLODED from lightning. Windows in the house had shattered as well.

Let’s chalk it up to good luck that no one was doing their business at the time…

Posted by A-1 Affordable Plumbing inc. on Sunday, August 4, 2019

Jordan Hagadorn, the owner of A-1 Affordable Plumbing, said, “This is probably the first time in history something like this has happened” and that the lightning strike resulted in “perfect ignition inside the sewer.”

To explicate slightly – the lightening ignited whatever was in the sewer (poop gases like methane and such).

Hagadorn also said that 30 percent of the pipes in the house need to be replaced due to damage.

While this story sounds like a one-in-a-million incident, it does happen from time to time. John Jensenius, a lightning expert from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), says, “There have been documented incidents of people injured on toilets. It [lightning] went through the pipes and through the water. If lightning strikes your home, it often finds its way into the plumbing.”

We’re just entering hurricane season, so please be careful and take note of impending storms.

A word to the wise: don’t do your business anymore if there’s a lightning storm outside…no one wants to have to explain that in a loved one’s obituary. Got it? Good!

The post Lightning Caused a Freak Toilet Explosion, so Choose Wisely When You Go to the Bathroom appeared first on UberFacts.