If you’re from the U.S., you might not believe a man went home looking forward to cooking the last can of Heinz Beanz in his cupboard.
Apparently, blokes across the pond enjoy a can of beanz for dinner now and again – and it was just what 41-year old lawyer Steve Smith fancied that night after a long day of work.
But inside the can was just a bunch of savory bean juice and one, lonely bean.
Hi @HeinzUK. I enjoy "bean juice" as much as the next person, but when I opened a can this evening I was hoping for more than one bean. pic.twitter.com/EgNDiK8mGt
Luckily for Steve (and all of us), this happened in 2019 and not 1999, because at least instead of tossing the can and grumbling to himself, he could take his woes to Twitter.
He tweeted a video of his sad attempt at dinner, tagging Heinz before chucking the beans idea and making some eggs, instead.
This is a tragic story with an sad ending, but at least the family members involved can now have some closure after 22 whole years.
No one had heard from William Earl Moldt, a 40-year-old man from Lake Worth, Florida, since November 7, 1997, when he called his girlfriend to tell her he was leaving a nightclub and would be arriving home shortly.
North America: United States The mystery of a missing Florida man has been solved 22 years on, thanks to Google…
On August 28 of this year, a Lake Worth man was looking at Google Earth images of his neighborhood when he noticed something unusual in a pond. Upon closer inspection, the man noticed that the object was a sunken vehicle that was not visible from ground level.
Authorities were alerted and the car turned out to be a 1994 Saturn SL with skeletal remains inside and they were later identified as belonging to Moldt. In a statement, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s office said, “The vehicle’s exterior was heavily calcified and was obviously in the water for a significant amount of time.”
The pond where Moldt’s car ended up was under construction when he disappeared in 1997, and it’s unclear how his car ended up in the water.
Although the story sounds outrageous, it is a fairly common occurrence for cars to end up in waterways. In Florida alone, there were 168 water-related deaths from car accidents between 2011 and 2016. According to the missing-persons website NAMUS, Moldt “was not a frequent drinker but did have several drinks at the bar” the night he disappeared.
Pizza delivery people probably have all kinds of good stories – hopefully not of the gross or scary variety, though I’m sure those aren’t terribly uncommon.
You’re sort of let into people’s lives – or at least their front doors – on a regular basis, and as anyone who has ever worked in customer service can tell you, people consistently provide something to talk about (whether they mean to or not).
This pizza delivery girl keeps a list of her best (?) encounters on her phone, and I submit to you that they are 100% worth reading.
17. There is definitely more to this story.
An elderly Spanish woman who meekly presented me with a (rather classy) pearl-handled .32 snub nosed revolver and asked if I knew how to load it (I do) and also, if I could load it for her (I didn’t).
16. Just because you’re a pizza delivery person you smoke weed?
Multiple instances of people asking if I would sell them pot. (bitch get your own dealer sheesh)
15. Props to this girl for being a way better sport than I ever would be.
A very drunk dude who gave me his iPhone and had me take a bunch of Myspace-esque pictures of the both of us.
He did the duck lips thing in every shot.
14. People actually do this in real life?
A dudebro wearing a bath robe and socks + sandals (indoors) who straight up wordlessly yanked the pizzas out of my hands without paying and shut the door.
Multiple knockings were of no avail.
13. What on earth is wrong with some people?
A woman who angrily demanded to see my ID because she refused to believe my claims that I’m female.
She proceeded to snatch my driver’s license out of my hand, run back into her house and show it to her children while pointing back at me.
12. I have a lot of questions for such a short entry.
A bearded man who answered the door and periodically spat blood into a crusted Harley-Davidson coffee mug while counting out his cash.
11. Yeah, no, that’s not happening.
A man with a thick Alabama accent who admonished me for standing in front of his mailbox while I waited for him to answer the door.
He then explained how this was a federal offense because I was “obstructing the mail system” and demanded my social security number so he could “report me to the proper authorities”.
10. That’s not exactly how I would expect someone to treat his daughter.
A guy who slipped a twenty directly into my shirt because I apparently was the “spitting image” of his deceased daughter.
9. Old people can be such sweethearts.
An elderly man who wrote “FUCK OFF” as his signature on a credit receipt.
8. The real question is how did she not puke?
A guy who spent the entire time I was there digging a (impressively large) booger out of his nose.
He proceeded to smear it on, thankfully, HIS copy of the receipt.
7. You’ve gotta love the smell of judgement with your pizza.
A woman who slipped me a business card (in lieu of tip) for a laser tattoo removal clinic, explaining “In case you want to bring your mutilated skin back to how God intended it to be.”
6. I hope she at least educated them on why Bud Light is a terrible choice.
A group of young teenage girls (like 14-16) who begged me to buy a case of Bud Light (ew why) and bring it back to them.
5. Where do some people get off, I swear. If you don’t have the cash, don’t order your pizza.
A woman who admonished me for driving a Mazda, and wrote “get a real car” in the tip portion of my credit receipt.
4. I honestly hope he found someone to talk to.
A thirty-something guy who begged to get his order for free because he “works so hard”.
He visibly teared up and sniffled when I told him I couldn’t do anything.
3. I really don’t know what to say about this, but that guy…might need to find away to unwind.
A drill instructor looking-guy who filled out his entire credit card receipt, specifically wrote “0.00” in the tip portion, then proceeded to write out a check for seventy-eight cents and handed it to me.
It said “pizza tip” in the “For” section.
2. People just don’t want to commit to the part anymore.
At least three Batmans so far, but only one who did the voice.
1. I would have stayed and partied with them, for sure.
A hotel room full of badass middle-aged women all dressed as Professor McGonagall from the Harry Potter films, who were also completely wasted on Jello shots.
They kept encouraging me to stay and party with them.
I don’t know if I could do the job, but God bless food delivery people. I might not ever eat, otherwise.
Could you do it? How would you have handled some of these people? Let us know in the comments!
The subway is like a box of chocolates–you never know what you’re gonna get. The beauty of public transportation is that it’s open to everyone, and people from all walks of life use it. If you’re a people watcher, there’s no better place to observe the rich variety of life than on the subway.
Previously, we showed you these 15 people who were making the subway a whole lot more interesting. But there are way more than 15 interesting people on the subway, and so we’ve got another batch of wonderful subway weirdness for you! (via Bored Panda)
Some people are really into conspiracy theories – or more prone to believing that the government is hiding certain truths from us, maybe – and still others have just watched too many episodes of The X-Files to trust that we’re being told every last detail.
But if these 10, slightly terrifying declassified documents are any indication, people are definitely right to ask questions, because the truth is often buried behind miles of red tape.
10. Okay so this needs to be a movie, if it isn’t.
In East Germany a committed freedom fighter and her husband had dealt with having her home raided while she was away, being arrested on the way to protests and all sorts of state sponsored harassment. After the wall fell she was able to read the documents the Stasi had kept on her and found out her own husband was an undercover agent and had written many reports on her activities with a bloodless banality.
9. Everything about the Challenger explosion is horrible.
When the space shuttle Challenger was destroyed, it was reported that all 7 astronauts were killed instantly. It was revealed decades later that some, if not all of the astronauts survived the initial explosion, as the cockpit cabin had enough protection to not be breached. For 2 minutes and 45 seconds, they were awake and aware, as they plummeted toward the Atlantic Ocean.
Understandably, NASA knew that the news of their terrifying death would have crippled the space program even more than it already was.
8. Evil people sometimes have security clearance.
Canadian here… The Somalia Affair Not sure if it was ever classified but definitely a horrific scandal. A now disbanded division of the Canadian military torturing a kid to death in the 90s, and taking hero pics with him while doing it… I think it’s important to remember when your country does something shitty – it’s not always the “bad guys” who can be fucking evil.
7. This seems awfully small and petty when, you know, actual life should scare people enough.
The plan after 9/11 to make figurines that look like Osama Bin Laden and give them to kids in South Asia. After it’s left in the sun for a certain amount of time, it’s face would peel off to reveal a “demon-like visage with red skin, green eyes, and black markings,” basically a demon. The objective was to scare kids and their parents so Bin Laden and Al Qaeda would lose support.
6. This idea was actually floated, so what’s not possible?
Operation Northwoods; A plan for a false flag operation that came from the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Department of Defense in 1962 and given to JFK who turned it down. The plan called for the CIA to commit terrorist actions against US Civilians across the United States and frame Cuba, allowing us the right to invade and depose Castro and the communist government there. It was declassified and can be found online at the JFK Library. Terrifying that no one knows or seems to care that this was suggested by our government to the President.
5. We have to prepare for all contingencies.
The Nixon Administration had a speech prepared for if the moon landing had failed, and it’s chilling.
then we wonder why cancer and thyroid conditions thereare the norm.
3. It really seems likely that we’re going to wipe ourselves out on accident.
There are over 50 mishaps with nuclear weapons by the US Airforce in the 1950s alone.
2. So as you can see, we’ve never been a society that puts children first.
They tested Iodine on “retarded children” as well. In that time, oftentimes orphans and children who were behind in school ended up at these institutions.
The US government also inserted radioactive material into a man after a motorcycle crash and didn’t tell him.
There’s almost nothing more exciting than learning about new subjects and then doing a DEEEEP dive into them. It could be history, science, sports, pop culture, politics, etc.
It’s all fair game! And with the Internet, we literally have all the information in the world at our fingertips. That’s why Wikipedia was invented, right? So don’t waste that special opportunity!
Here are 10 facts that might pique your interest and send you down a path of new knowledge.
We’ve been conditioned to be afraid of the woods–or, more accurately, afraid of what’s waiting for us inside the woods. This fear is the basis of many fairy tales and fables, from Little Red Riding Hood to Hansel and Gretel. It’s a legitimate fear, because when you go into the woods, you never know what you might find.
But not everything you find in the woods is scary! Lots of people have ventured into the forest and discovered something that was just plain weird. Sometimes they found personal items that were mysteriously abandoned. Other times they found weird and wonderful oddities made by nature itself. Some people even found that appeared to be left behind deliberately, for wanderers to stumble on. Whatever the case may be, one thing is clear: the woods is just as interesting as it is scary. (via Bored Panda)
1. “This tree I found while hiking looks like a monster watching over you.”
This is probably a decorative sword belonging to the fraternal order of the Knights of the Sherwood Forest, which started in the US in 1879 and existed until the 1920s.
4. “I was driving through the backwoods of Pennsylvania when I found a mountain of ceramic dishes and tea cups.”
If you want to get rich quick, try to come up with an idea for a product that nobody’s ever thought of before.
But that’s pretty hard to do. So, if you’re OK with being significantly less rich, you can simply wait for somebody else to come up with a great idea and then shamelessly rip them off. All you gotta do is make an inferior version of their product, tweak it juuuuuust enough to avoid a copyright lawsuit, and then start cashing your checks. It’s the American way.
Today we’re celebrating some of the most brazen knockoffs of our favorite products, characters, and brands. The folks who make them might not have much originality, but you gotta admire their gumption.
There are some things in life you’d better be 100% positive you want to see, because once you do, you’ll never be able to not see it again (the arrow in the FedEx logo, anyone?).
Someone on Reddit asked others what falls into that category for them, and the netizens have got some good ones – but beware: you definitely won’t be able to go back once you’ve scrolled through this list!
15. Pics or it didn’t happen.
I meet this guy that was a huge Conan the Barbarian fan so he got a big Conan tattoo on his arm, he was not happy with it, I couldn’t see it but when he pointed it out, I could not unsee it, the tattoo artist did a bad job when shading so it looked like Conan had one leg and a huge dick, laughed my ass off when I saw it and I feel sorry for the guy.
Edit: Wow this got lots of attention, I wish I could share a photo but I meet him while he was talking to my tattoo artist before my appointment at the tattoo shop and I didn’t want to be rude to him or the people working there so unfortunately I have no picture of it :/
14. Or a television.
A dead pixel on a computer screen.
13. Oh my god.
In Super Mario Bros for the NES the clouds are the same graphic as the bushes just a different color.
edit: I also realize this is a sound, not something you see. However, I can’t watch someone fall off something in a movie and not expect that scream so that’s why I thought of it.
11. *nervous tic*
Dr Pepper is spelled without a period after Dr.
10. Why, though?
The fake bird noises in golf coverage. They are all fake and constant.
9. Way to ruin music.
in this case, more like unhear. breathing in songs. once you start paying attention to it, you cant hear anything else
8. Mole.
In Batman Begins… when he head-butts Falcons, something white bounces away from between them… I have analyzed it to death. Is it a cotton ball? A ping pong ball? Cocaine? WHAT IS IT????
Also the mole by Christian Bales right eye.
7. Whaaaa.
Just how many films made the past 15 years or so all use orange and teal as their default colour scheme for scenes.
6. Mind blown.
Once you learn how to read, you can’t stop.
5. As if they weren’t long enough already.
Every single medication commercial is slightly slowed down
4. omg stop.
Bodybuilders look like a normal guy coming out of a muscular guy’s neck.
3. I am not looking this up.
The Stormtrooper who bops his head in A New Hope.
2. Forgetting this, too.
f you go to the movie theater, there’s a little green laser dot on the screen that I think is used to line up the projector with the screen. It’s really tiny, but once you notice it you won’t stop looking at it
I’ve been at concerts and wondered whether artists die a little inside as they’re forced to perform their biggest hit night after night, even after they’ve grown and matured and moved on as a creator in the intervening years.
I mean…it’s probably hard for Billy Joel to hate Piano Man, since it’s still literally paying dividends, but he’s got to be tired of singing it, right?
Well, it turns out I’m not wrong – these 8 musicians would be thrilled to never hear or sing their greatest hit ever again.
8. Radiohead (Creep)
Thom Yorke called the song “crap” and still refuses to sing it regularly in live performances, while guitarist Jonny Greenwood says he tries to sabotage it when they do trot it out by “hitting the guitar hard – really hard.”
When one fan yelled out requesting it at a Montreal show, Yorke replied, “F*ck off, we’re tired of it.”
So there you go.
7. Flock of Seagulls (I Ran So Far Away)
Frontman Mike Score said on VH1’s 100 Greatest Songs of the 80s that he loathes the song, and performing it.
“Every time I perform live, everyone just wants to hear ‘I Ran.’ I’m sick of it.”
6. Led Zeppelin (Stairway to Heaven)
Robert Plant pledged to donate to an Oregon radio station that refused to play the song, one he refers to as “that bloody wedding song.” The group even avoided a reunion simply because he’d had it with playing that particular song.
“I’d break out in hives if I had to sing that song in every show,” he said in 1988. And when the band played a concert in 2008, he demanded it not be the finale, and also for guitarist Jimmy Page to “restrain himself from turning the song into an even more epic solo-filled noodle.”
I can’t help but giggle a bit at that one.
5. John Cougar Mellencamp (Jack & Diane)
In a 2008 interview, Mellencamp admitted he was “a little weary of those two,” but he does recognize that the song made his career.
“I’ve been able to live on my whims, that’s what Jack and Diane gave me. So I can’t hate them too much.”
4. Madonna (Like a Virgin)
In a 2008 interview, Madonna admitted “I’m not sure I can sing ‘Holiday’ or ‘Like a Virgin’ ever again. I just can’t, unless somebody paid me, like, $30 million or something.”
Just a year later, she said that just hearing the song by happenstance rubs her the wrong way. “For some reason people think that when you go to a restaurant or you are going shopping that you want to hear one of your own songs. It’s usually ‘Like a Virgin,’ and that is the one I don’t want to hear.”
3. Oasis (Wonderwall)
Liam Gallagher praised Oasis’ final album for lacking anything akin to the huge hit, telling MTV “I can’t f*cking stand that f*cking song! Every time I have to sing it I want to gag. You go to America, and they’re like: ‘Are you Mr. Wonderwall?’ You want to chin someone.”
2. Beastie Boys (Fight For Your Right)
They’ve said directly that the song “sucks” (in the liner notes for their 1999 greatest hits album) and dislike it largely because of a lost sense of its intended irony.
“The only thing that upsets me,” says Mike D, “is that we may have reinforced certain values of some people in our audience when our own values were actually totally different.”
1. REM (Shiny Happy People)
The 1991 hit isn’t near and dear to lead singer Michael Stipe’s heart – he said in 1995 “I hate that song,” and even though he’s tempered that statement since, still maintains that it has “limited appeal” and that the entire band agreed to leave it off their Greatest Hits album.
You don’t want to bite the hand that feeds you, but as an artist, I can see how it’s hard to be forced to keep looking back when all you want is to move forward. I know that the first novels I wrote feel like practice tests, now!
Do you think it’s selfish and dumb to hate your “best song?” Let us know in the comments!