15 Firefighters Recall Ridiculous Situations When They Had to Rescue Someone

First responders deserve a TON of credit. They’re running toward fraught situations, are regularly asked to put their lives on the line, and see more heartache and trauma than most of us could handle on our best days.

Which is why they probably love recounting the times when they showed up to an event to find someone had gotten themselves stuck in a hilariously dumb situation. It means they get to laugh about their day, for once.

15. Well, I never would have thought of that.

I was called to a home to get a pie out of the over before it caught fire. The lady went to the store and was delayed for some reason. she called 911 to have the fire department take the pie out of the oven and place it on the stove. The call came in as ” Something stuck in over and unable to turn off stove”. Still #1 call in 32 years ?

14. If you want to be dumb, fine, but don’t put your kids in danger.

I’m not a firefighter, but I used to do a lot of disaster response work.
Hurricane Floyd. Eastern NC. I had a farmer with a large family that refused to evacuate his house. Stubborn bastard. River had broke loose, floodwaters were coming up fast, and the police had given up on changing his mind. I drove my truck right up into his yard, rolled down the window and asked him to dress his kids in something orange or bright yellow. He asked me why and I said “So body recovery will be able to distinguish them from all the dead pigs floating around.”

He told me to fuck off, but 5 minutes later he had the whole family in the vehicle and they got the hell out.

13. This is annoying but also very, very sad.

There was this massive structure fire at a barn in town that drew out nearly every truck in the general area – like 3 towns worth of fire fighters trying to get this thing under control. During all of this, there was some lady who continuously called 911 asking over and over again “What’s going on at the farm up the road?” According to her, this woman would have to be a complete moron to not realize what was going on as the fire could be seen for miles.

Fast forward later into the night and one of the ambulances on scene suddenly leaves – obviously not normal for this sort of situation, but there isn’t much time to question it. Fast forward still and as things are finally starting to calm down and are under control, one of the volunteers on the original ambulance comes over in his own car and shuffles sheepishly over to her and the chief of their department. He tells them that there is a woman a little ways down the road who called the ambulance (hence why they left) and requires a lift assist, but absolutely REFUSES to let the EMTs do it. No no, it has to be a fire fighter….

My brothers wife seeing that the other departments have things under control, goes with the man to see what’s up. Apparently, it was the same woman who had called 911 over and over again and when they arrive, she is laying on the floor absolutely wailing.

EMTs say they can’t find anything wrong from what they’ve been able to do,but with her requested firefighter they are finally able to get this woman up. They start asking her what happened, hoping she might be more willing to share with my brother’s wife there and she says….

“I was just feeling a little ignored. I figured this would get your attention”

Grown woman just laid herself on the floor, called for help, insisted on a fire fighter when there was no need – all because the barn fire was getting way more attention than she was and the 911 operators wouldn’t give her the gossip about what was going on.

I know she got in major trouble for abusing 911, but from what I hear from the people on both fire and ambulance, she has made a habit of calling for help whenever she feels she’s not getting enough attention.

12. Little Joe had places to go, y’all. Don’t hate.

My dad was on the Boston Fire Department for a little over 35 years. For 13 of those years, he worked at a fire station in Dorchester. In Dorchester, there is a zoo. The Franklin Park Zoo. One morning in late September, they get a call to the Franklin Park Zoo for a young girl mauled by a gorilla.

This is the sort of call they’d get all the time. Gorilla jumps at the glass, kid gets scared, parents panic and call 911.

So they hop in the truck and ride on over. It’s one of those kinda foggy early fall mornings as they walk into the zoo. A couple of the other firefighters start walking into the zoo as my dad notices a man sitting on a bench holding a little girl in his arms. Assuming this is what the call is for, he walks over to the man. The little girl has a scrape on her forehead and she’s crying but is otherwise fine. The man looks like he just saw a ghost. So my dad asks the guy what’s going on.

The man just says “little joe is out”

My dad says “what does that mean?”

The man just repeats “little joe is out”

So my dad says “who the fuck is little joe!?”

Little joe is a 500lb adolescent male silverback gorilla. Loose in the streets of Boston. It’s right about now that my dad realizes that he’s not exactly qualified to handle a gorilla, but he doesn’t know who to call, so he calls everyone.

Two minutes later the fire chief shows up, not knowing what the call was about yet and, jumps out of his car saying “Mark, Mark, is this about a FUCKING gorilla!?”

My dad says “yeah, but how’d you hear that?”

The chief says “he’s standing at the bus stop on Seaver Street!”

Now the swat team shows up, hats on backwards, M16s in hand and my dad, being the smartass he is, looks at the sergeant and says “hey I don’t think this thing is armed”

He caught a bit of flak for that later on

Animal control and the swat team worked together to take down little joe. It took 14 tranquilizer darts before he finally went unconscious. Little joe is still alive and well at the Franklin Park Zoo. And here’s the picture of him at the bus stop for those of you who don’t believe me.


11. You have got to be kidding me.

A motorist had a bad alternator and the car died while she/he was driving. The electric lock control stopped working. We were dispatched for a person trapped in a motor vehicle. On arrival, the advice was given to manually lift the lock knob.

You can easily tell the ones who will not survive the first 24 hours of the zombie apocalypse.

10. A happy ending for everyone but the snowmobile.

Dumbass tried to cross a raging river in zero degree weather about a 300 foot span on a snowmobile. He lived but didn’t make the crossing and the machine was recovered days later.

9. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

We needed to close the main connection through a forest over the winter because the trees were falling faster on the road than we could remove them due to way to much snow falling. Also the redirection was more than an hour longer due to the snow.

Some cars thought that they would come through but turned around as soon as they saw the trees on the road.

One semi also thought he’d get through. He drove up to the trees and called the fire brigade and complained why we didn’t remove the trees. As he was calling a bunch of trees behind him also fell locking him in.

It stood there one month before the trees and the snow could get removed by us that at least the semi can back out. We needed another month until the road was free again.

8. The gopher got the last laugh.

Years ago we had this call straight out of Caddy Shack. Some guy had gotten tired of this gopher ruining his yard. Little did he know though he was facing the Sun Tzu of gophers. The homeowner, dwelling upon his experience from Vietnam, decided that the best way to deal with the gopher was to treat the situation like a VC tunnel, in lieu of a frag grenade he poured a five gallon can of gasoline down the gopher hole, waited with a varmint gun, and lit it off.

The ensuing explosion caused a small crater to form in his yard. I am still thoroughly impressed that there was a proper fuel to air ratio in the network of tunnels that allowed for such an explosion to happen. However the gopher refused to surrender without a fight. The gopher ran out of the hole engulfed in flames, causing the guy’s yard to catch on fire. The gopher sprinted into the guy’s shed still on fire and burrowed into a void space in the wall, where he died. Like the martyr perk from Modern Warfare his still flaming remains set the inside of the wall on fire as well as several flammables.

In the end the guy’s backyard was ruined and about a quarter of his shed burned down taking out a bunch of power tools and a zero turn mower. He definitely would have saved a few thousand dollars if he had hired an exterminator.

7. Y’all please just wear your seatbelt.

Two I can recall, one specific. The specific one was a young girl around teenage years who decided those toddler swings with the seat you stick their legs through like a little basket so they can’t fall out was made for a teenage girl. She got stuck and lost blood flow to her legs. We had to cut her down and get her to a hospital to have it safely removed due to it basically becoming a tourniquet on both her legs.

The other is general, but it’s people who didn’t wear a seatbelt and the people they killed as a result. You have less control of a vehicle when you’re not being held in place so those wrecks are more common as the first sign of trouble your butt moves in the seat and reduces your ability to control the vehicle. You also become a projectile. If you’re lucky you only kill yourself. If you’re not you wind up bouncing around and killing a passenger. Also the leading cause of partial ejections and reentry to vehicles since nothing was holding them to the seats. So many times I could have just been there cutting someone out of a seat and them being barely beat up but instead they had been scalped and died or hit their kid or spouse or other family member or friend and killed them. One in particular I remember was a large man not wearing a seatbelt in an overturned truck. He woke up while we were working on him cutting the passenger side up to get down to him as the vehicle was on its side driver side down. He kept asking us how his son was. At first we didn’t get it. Then we realized he was laying on his 15-16 year old son and due to the man’s size we didn’t see him. The son was wearing a seatbelt but he died because his father smashed into him and smothered him to death while we worked rather than just wear a seatbelt extender so his seatbelt fit.

Also don’t lie to us about if you wore it. Your seatbelt wont fire the pretensioners if they are not engaged in the slot. They are designed that way. There is a circuit that is completed by the best being clicked in place which is also how your car knows your passengers are wearing a seatbelt or not and sets off that obnoxious alarm. There is also a sensor in the passenger front seat of most modern vehicles to detect the weight of a small person which is why your sodas or pizzas it whatever set off the alarm. Just wear the damn seatbelt and don’t lie. If you were wearing it I won’t be able to pull tons of slack on it when I arrive. Guess what goes in the report as the determining factor your insurance sees as to if you should have your medical covered as a result of an accident? Yup. I don’t know what they do with they information but I have to write it in the report.

Source: State Vehicle Rescue Technician and Firefighter, mostly volunteer at this point.

6. That’s an image you’ll never forget.

Firefighter/Paramedic in suburb of Phx. Had to transport a guy to the ER because he was constipated. His wife tried to dig it out with a wooden spoon. Spoon got stuck and hurt to move it.

Walked in and there’s a 250 lb man, butt naked, lying on his side with a huge wooden spoon stuck halfway up his butt.

5. That seems like a terrible idea.

I once had a firefighter tell me he almost died in a house fire while going back into the house to look for the owner. A neighbor was concerned about why the firefighter was still in the residence so he asked another firefighter. This is about how the exchange went:

Neighbor: Why is that fireman still in the house?
Firefighter: He’s looking for the owner of the home.
Neighbor: He is right over there with the video camera.

Turns out the owner did not think it was important to alert the fire department he was out of the house. Instead, he was just taking video of the whole event.

The fire started because the owner had tried to smother his barbecue cooker flame with left over wood from the siding that had been installed on his home. The owner did not realize it would burn. Burned his whole house down.

4. Sleep deprivation leads to poor choices.

Former firefighter/EMT. Easily the dumbest person I encountered was a mother of 4 who decided it would be an awesome idea to get a Facebook/Instagram worthy picture of her kids (all under age 10) sitting in a rowboat.

Mother untied it from the dock and thought she’d just pull them back with the rope… That she forgot to hold on to.

They floated a half mile down the river before the two oldest boys managed to grab a branch hanging over the bank.

It was really surreal to see 4 young kids, all in matching clothing, sitting in a boat waiting to be rescued. I have no clue what happened after, but they were physically fine, just scared, a little tired but the mom was in full blown panic mode and kept getting in our way. I hope she’s making better choices now.

3. What on earth was this man thinking?

I was a Navy Corpsman so this one is probably a bit of a reach but whatevs.

Marine comes to sick call with a seriously beaten up dick. Like, lacerations, bruising. Thing was really fucked up.

Asked him what he did and he insisted that what happened was that he had a surprise boner and it hit his zipped up pants zipper and basically went all garbage disposal on his junk. Dude would not drop this narrative no matter how many times we told him that this just doesn’t happen.

Finally, Doc (the actual MD) comes in and tells him enough of this shit, yada yada write him up for malingering, need the full story.

Dude jammed his wiener into the back of a computer tower. According to him, there was an opening back there (probably because old PC Towers in the Navy routinely had shit swapped out and they didn’t always cover openings when things were removed). So, because he was a fucking donkey, he stuck his finger in it and felt a light tingling sensation as his skin made contact with something electrical.

So he took the next logical step and whipped out his dick and shoved it into the back of this computer. What he did not account for was that the opening had sharp metal edges. But once inside, he got that tingling feeling and so he felt like he might as well finish the job before he pulled out. Plus, and this is where I had to stop myself from laughing, he felt it was “smarter” to pull himself out flacid rather than hard. -taps forehead-

This was not a young man. This was not a man without rank.

EDIT: I wear this gold and silver as badges of shame for the shit I’ve seen.

2. That should be a scene in the Something About Mary sequel.

It wasn’t really his fault, but we had an old guy in a nursing home get his balls stuck in a shower chair.

1. That is some Office Space-level tomfoolery.

My dad worked for IBM’s AS/400 (A mainframe system) tech support division for over 10 years (1992 to 2003). A customer called in because he needed to run a report and send it out to the networked printer. For whatever reason, the report was failing to generate and the guy on the phone was freaking out because some corporate big-wig demand that this report be printed and on his desk by 3pm.
Just another day at work.

About 10 minutes into the call my dad starts to hear this strange high pitched noise in the background.

Dad, “Uhh, if you don’t mind my asking, what’s that noise it the background?”

Caller, “Oh, that’s the fire alarm.”

“Fire alarm?”

“Yeah, the building is on fire.”

“Far be it from me to tell you what to do, but shouldn’t you get out of there?”

“Dan… you don’t understand. I HAVE to get this report printed, now are you going to help me or not?”

So they continue to troubleshoot the issue. A few minutes after that my dad hears shouting in the background.

Dad, “Umm, there seems to be a lot of yelling in the background, is everything OK?”

Caller, “Yeah, it’s fine. It’s just the firefighters evacuating the building.”

“Shouldn’t you get out of there too?”

“Dan I absolutely HAVE to get this report printed are you going to help me?”

“I’m not sure that I should.”

“We pay our support contract. I have to get this printed and you have to help me! It’s almost 3pm!”

“It’s just a report I don’t think it’s worth risking your life.”

The caller starts to get furious when the shouting in the background gets much louder. A firefighter has come over to the guy on the phone and starts barking orders at him to get out of the building. The caller tells the firefighter “Look, I have to print this report before 3p and I can’t leave until it’s printed.” Over the phone dad hears the firefighter scream, “I don’t give a damn about your goddamned report the building is on fire! Now MOVE!”

There’s a scuffling noise and the phone handset on the other end drops to the ground as the firefighter physically drags the caller away. After that, all dad could hear was the sound of the fire alarm and various crackling noises.

Needless to say, the report did not get printed by 3pm.

Now I’m laughing, too, so it’s all worth it!

Do you know someone who works in a job like this? Do they have great stories? Let us know below!

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No, Your Halloween Decorations Can’t Include Real Human Skulls

If you’re really into decorating for Halloween (or you’re super into actual witchcraft), you might think it would be cool to include some real human remains – like a skull, maybe – in your creepy decor.

Author and mortician Caitlin Doughty explains why that’s not a very good (or very legal) idea in her book, Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?: Big Questions From Tiny Mortals About Death.

Image Credit: Amazon

First of all, let’s talk about what it would take to get that skull into a state that would be palatable enough to display. You’d need to first separate it from a body, and then make sure that every last bit of flesh was removed (otherwise, the smell is going to be horrible enough you definitely don’t want to live with it) – both of which aren’t services offered by many (almost any) funeral homes.

Museums and forensic labs often employ dermestid beetles to clear skin – they “delicately eat the dead flesh off a skeleton without destroying the bones” – but your average funeral home doesn’t have a need to keep them on hand.


Ok, even if you could find a gang of beetles or a funeral director willing to help in that arena, you’d still need to tackle the problem of legality.

In most states, there are laws that prevent people from abusing a corpse. Though what constitutes abuse varies from place to place, in general, funeral directors and other people who handle bodies err on the side of caution.

“The laws about buying or selling human remains also vary by state, and are vague, confusing, and enforced at random,” advises Doughty.

Funeral homes are also required to submit a burial-and-transmit permit for each body they handle, with boxes for the usual options of burial, cremation, or donation to science.

“There is no ‘cut off the head, de-flesh it, preserve the skull, and then cremate the rest of the body’ option,” jokes Doughty. “Nothing even close.”

So, even if your beloved grandmother would have been tickled at the thought of watching over your family for generations to come, you probably won’t be able to put her skull on the mantle.

But if you’re looking for just any headless dead person, Doughty kind of shrugs.

“There are ways of procuring a stranger’s skull online if you are willing to engage in some suspect internet commerce.”

If those words are music to your ears, I guess have at it.

And Happy Halloween!

Just hopefully not in jail.

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13 Pretty Big Mistakes Made by Popular Television Shows

When you’re watching TV, you expect there to be a certain level of professionalism and attention to detail, but the truth is, everyone is human – which is exactly how you get mistakes like these.

That said, it’s still a business, so someone’s head probably rolled because these errors are pretty egregious – and downright impossible to forget once you’re aware of them. So this is your warning: turn back now if you want to keep a clean slate!

13. The O.C. characters might have been a bit behind.

Image Credit: Fox

The main characters on The O.C. did their junior year of high school twice (seasons 1 and 2) and it was never acknowledged. —shannona4f5e1d132

12. Time travel on That 70’s show?

Image Credit: Fox

The timeline of That ’70s show is from May 17, 1976 to December 31, 1979. However, all eight seasons had a holiday episode which implied another year had passed. —echam4

11. Nothing takes you out of a scene faster than a microphone.

Image Credit: The WB

In Season 1, Episode 16 of Gilmore Girls, Lorelei and Rory were talking in the kitchen and a mic dropped into the screen right above the fridge. —j_call1209

10. Wow, she really got better fast.

Image Credit: The CW

In the last season of Jane the Virgin, Petra’s mother was in the hospital wearing a breathing mask in one shot and then it was gone in the next. —jamayap

9. Well that definitely needs to be investigated.

Image Credit: ABC

And in Family Matters, the youngest daughter Judy Winslow was last seen as the flower girl at her grandmother’s wedding in Season 4. For the rest of the show, the Winslows acted as if they only had ever had two children instead of three. —jmc289

8. Pretty Little Liars had some timeline…issues.

Image Credit: Freeform

In Pretty Little Liars their senior year halloween episode was season three episode 13. Their senior year Thanksgiving episode where Mona died wasn’t until season five episode 12. So according to this timeline, all those episodes between season three and season five happened in four weeks.  —ashleys4dd1f0e47

7. Pretty Little Liars again. Oops.

Image Credit: Freeform

In an episode of Pretty Little Liars, Aria answered her phone and it was clearly upside down. —madisong43ff5927f

6. Rose dated the same man (different name) twice on The Golden Girls.

Image Credit: NBC

On Golden Girls, Harold Gould played two different characters. In Season 1 he played Rose’s boyfriend, Arnie…And in Season 5 through the end of the show, he played Miles, a professor Rose dates. —khloebare

5. I thought it was just another person with their smartphone.

Image Credit: The CW

During a fight scene between Weevil and Logan from Veronica Mars, a camera operator’s elbow can clearly be seen. —brendag4d69211a5

4. Chandler was pretty forgettable in Friends.

Image Credit: NBC

Rachel met Chandler three separate times on Friends and they never remembered each other. The first was when they met while Rachel was in high school and they kissed at a party…… And then they met again in a bar during a flashback episode when Rachel is engaged to Barry……And they meet again in the pilot when Rachel runs into the cafe in her wedding dress. —alisonc477fcd75d

3. RIP Tina?

Image Credit: Fox

On That ’70s Show, Donna had a younger sister, Tina, that made an appearance once in the first season. Later in the show, Donna was referred to as an only child. —fritzmariak

2. I’m not sure if this is a brilliant or lazy way to fix a mistake.

Image Credit: ABC

During a scene in Twin Peaks, Frank Silva, a set dresser, accidentally appeared in the mirror’s reflection. David Lynch decided to keep it in and casted Silva as the creepy Bob. —brentus86

1. They don’t even go here.

Image Credit: Fox

In the Vitamin D episode of Glee, the girls from the New Directions had to compete through song against the boys. When the girls were getting the vitamins from Terri there were two extra girls standing with them who were not in the New Directions or in their performance. —haylimarie1229

I never noticed some of these, which is pretty funny in and of itself.

Do things like this bother you? Would you have noticed on your own? Let’s chat about it in the comments!

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These 10 People Believe They Can Sell Lame Stuff on the Internet for Big Bucks

Have you ever looked at your old junk and thought someone could probably use that? You sure as hell aren’t going to throw away a perfectly good, but stained and smelly armchair. Hey, one man’s trash is another’s treasure, right?

If so, you may be delusional like these folks. Scroll past these 10 things that other delusional people are trying to unload on the internet and judge for yourself what you think your crap is still worth.

I think you may change your mind.

1. Air IS essential to our survival.

ah yes, air.. from delusionalcraigslist

2. Vintage is French for “jack up the price.”

3. Get that screen fixed and it’s good as new.

4. Keeping dryer drums and broken chairs out of landfills.

5. Sure, price your used dress higher than what you paid.

View post on imgur.com

6. $18?? Maybe for fire sauce.

7. Have any Coke?

8. It seems like a good deal until you check the shipping rates.

9. How can it be “fir” sale when it’s so filthy?

10. Is this how Uber Eats got started?

Hopefully, you know your crap is crap and none of this crap interested you. You have a great life. Go out there and live it.

But before you go… which of these did you think was the most delusional? On the other hand… would you shell out your money for any of these?

Let us know in the comments!

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10 Mothers Explain Why They’d Never Circumcise Their Sons

You probably know that there’s a polarizing debate on whether or not to circumcise newborn infants.

These women are against circumcising and have strong opinions supporting their cases.

Their reasoning may make you think twice about the topic.

1. Yeah, is there REALLY a reason for this??

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. More nerves than the what???

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Yeah, circumcision is COSMETIC. For real!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Mom knows best!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Well, who cares what she thinks? Really…

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Who gives you hate??

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. No regrets!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. This. Right. Here!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Agreed!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. It shouldn’t be a big deal at all.

Photo Credit: Whisper

What do you think? Still believe in circumcision? Think it’s horrible?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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A Woman Was Found Pecked to Death by Her Pet Rooster

People are killed and eaten by their pets more often than we’d like to think. That said, I bet you’ve never considered the ways your pet fowl could spell the end of your life.

This 76-year-old Australian woman probably didn’t. She probably also didn’t think about the fact that the varicose veins on her legs ran right at beak-level – ripe for the pecking.

Apparently, she was out collecting eggs when her rooster pecked her lower left leg. It caused “significant hemorrhage with collapse and death,” and the autopsy showed two major lacerations – one of which was over a “perforated large varix.”

The official cause of death was exsanguination due to bleeding varicose veins.

Before you go and sell your chickens, know this woman did have a medical history that created a perfect storm that helped the rooster along. She had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and, yes, varicose veins.

Uncontrolled bleeding from varicose veins has caused people to die before, and one being punctured can be considered a medical emergency.

Pressure can build inside the veins, a condition that affects about 25% of adults 50 and older, and has led directly to several other elderly patients’ deaths.

Fatal rooster attacks are, as you probably expect, very rare, but this instance should serve as a reminder that even relatively small and harmless animals can pose a threat when all of the other factors line up just right, say the researchers who wrote up the case study.

“This case demonstrates that even relatively small domestic animals may be able to inflict lethal injuries in individuals if there are specific vascular vulnerabilities present.”

Another option, of course, is to have your veins treated. If you choose not to, though, you’ll want to avoid minor injuries and, if you sustain one, make sure to take it seriously.

“Apply pressure to the bleeding point, lie down, elevate the leg, and get help,” advises one expert.

Good advice, my friends. And now you know.

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An Oklahoma Man Was Arrested in Possession of Stolen Vehicle, Rattlesnake, Whiskey, Gun, and Uranium

Police say a recent traffic stop in Oklahoma resulted in the arrest of a person possessing a rattlesnake, a gun, an open container of whiskey and a rod of uranium.

Police pulled over the black Ford Explorer Stephen Jennings was driving for expired tags. Jennings was eventually charged with possession of a stolen vehicle, transporting an open container of liquor and – surprise face – driving on a suspended license.

Evidently, Jennings isn’t the sort of man who believes in carrying proof of insurance either. But he is the kind of guy that will tell a cop about a handgun in the vehicle, so there’s that.

The gun was located by officers in the glove compartment and an opened, yet almost full, bottle of whiskey was procured from the space between the driver and passenger seat.

A female passenger was also detained after law enforcement ran her name. Rachel Rivera, a felon, was charged with possession of a firearm after a felony conviction.

After the arrest of both driver and passenger, police were impounding the vehicle when they noticed a terrarium.

Photo Credit: Goodfreephotos.com

Investigators observed that the terrarium held a Timber rattlesnake. They also observed the terrarium had been placed next to some powdered uranium.

A hazard materials company was dispatched, at which time they determined the uranium to be emitting only low levels of radiation and not past the legal limits of possession to warrant another charge.

That’s right. There is a limit to the amount of uranium you are allowed to carry.

Actually, let me rephrase: beneath a certain radiation threshold, YOU CAN BUY IT ON AMAZON.

Photo Credit: Imgur

Jennings told arresting officers he was planning on making a “super snake” with the material. Then he said he was kidding. He was collecting scrap metal and pulled it out of an instrument used to detect radiation.

And the rattlesnake? Yeah, that’s not illegal either. At the time of possession, it was rattlesnake season in Oklahoma, and Jennings had the proper hunting license.

Personally, I’m half-way cheering for this guy. To look back on life and know you lived it on your own terms? Just priceless.

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Some Plants Can Hear When They’re Being Eaten and They Fight Back

Ready to be weirded out? There are some plants that can hear when they’re being eaten.

Yes, they can actually hear the chomp, chomp of a caterpillar munching.

If I were a plant I would be losing my mind!

Photo Credit: Unsplash, Bankim Desai

How can we tell?

Scientists have long known about vibrations affecting plants. Think about your elementary science project where you talked to your plants or played music for them and compared their growth to that of a “control” plant. Remember that? Well, sound is really just vibrations that get carried through the air.

Two researchers from the University of Missouri wanted to dig deeper into this effect. So Rex Cocroft and Heidi Appel brought in some insects to help them out.

In their study, they used caterpillars known to eat “Arabidopsis thaliana, a small flowering plant related to cabbage and mustard.” This plant was chosen due to its known production of mustard oil.

Arabidopsis plant
Photo Credit: iStock

“A caterpillar that eats nothing but mustard oil plants can get poisoned if the levels get too high,” Appel told Farm Journal.


The next step was to set up a small vibration microphone to pick up the munching sounds of the caterpillars having lunch. Next, they played back these sounds for the poor Arabidopsis and, lo and behold, the plant began to excrete more mustard oil than typical when it wasn’t “under attack.”

“This indicates that the plants are able to distinguish feeding vibrations from other common sources of environmental vibration,” Cocroft said.

In addition to the oils, the plant produced more anthocyanins, a specific chemical that gives its flowers a red color.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

What does this mean?

While it does take time for the plant to build up the oil (a few hours to days), the researchers stated that one should think of it as the plant going to war. If the caterpillar keeps eating, it will be poisoned, leaving it dead. The oil is the plant’s defense mechanism.

“This research also opens the window of plant behavior a little wider, showing that plants have many of the same responses to outside influences that animals do, even though the responses look different,” he said.

Smart plants…I think I’ll become a strict carnivore.

The post Some Plants Can Hear When They’re Being Eaten and They Fight Back appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Their Really Creepy Road Trip Stories

If you drive long distances, chances are you’ve pulled off the highway to snag some food, find a bathroom, or needed a place to crash. In some cases, this can be harmless. You do your business and on your way, you go.

Other times, you may have gotten the heebie-jeebies driving down a dark, winding road, convinced there was a sign that said “Gas Station” but it’s nowhere to be found.

r/AskReddit user u/salemwinona posted “Have you ever been to a town, village, truck stop, gas station, diner, etc. during a road trip that just didn’t “feel right”, like time seemed to pass differently there, or the people there gave you the creeps? What was your experience there?”

The response will both creep you out and relieve you that you’re not the only one.

10. Beware of empty store shelves

u/the_short_viking ~ “Coatesville, Pennsylvania.

I was with a friend who had come up from Mexico and we were staying a few nights at his grandmother’s ranch nearby. Coatesville was the only town around where we could find Mexican ingredients. This is an old steel town that feels post-apocalyptic, everyone there didn’t really seem to be doing anything or going anywhere, it was so creepy. The store we ended up going to had nearly empty shelves and I think the guys were a bit surprised to see us there.

All in all just very strange and eerie.”

9. A near-death experience

u/Many_Pancakes~ “This is my girlfriends story but is kinda up the alley of what you are asking for. My partner went to Florida with her family when she was younger and they were driving around trying to find some food until they found a Chinese restaurant and they went in and had some food”

“There were no other customers, lots of staff, everyone seemed very tense but the food was great.

They left and had a lovely rest of their day.”

“During breakfast the next morning they turned on their tele and the news showed the place they had eaten and they were like ‘wow look we went there’. Then the story started and it turns out no more than 10 minutes after they left there was a massive shoot up and they all killed one another.

Turns out that the ignorant British tourists just sat in-between some kind of Asian turf war.”

8. Research your AirBnB!

u/Sil_7~ “My boyfriend and I had a stay in Melbourne for a few nights. First Airbnb was practically a small hotel room so, all good. The second on the other hand… It was advertised as “Flexible check-in ” but the owner wouldn’t stop pestering us for a time we were going to be there. We told them 8pm and they still kept asking before saying they had to go out and ‘Frank’ would let us in.

“We had no mention of this guy before then but fine, whatever. We ended up missing a few small shows we were eager to go to so we’d get there earlier and despite being promised off the street parking we could only park on the street. It sucked but no big deal. We’d had a long day and were pretty tired.”

“Then we get to the house. Frank is this tall, thin, muscley older guy, really intense and absolutely no chill. Bulging eyes kind of intense. We were both really uncomfortable from the start but my bf makes small talk, jokes about Sydney vs Melbourne. This guy doesn’t like it. To the point where he stopped walking, swung around and got in my bfs face. Bf de-escalated the situation real quick and we got to our room and immediately locked the door.”

“We both got some bad vibes off the place and the guy but we couldn’t work out why. We thought we were just tired but kept debating the pros and cons of staying, and the room wasn’t helping! It was freshly painted and the fumes were so strong I was getting a migraine, there was a door to the backyard that was blocked off with a dresser, so much dust under the bed it was ridiculous.”

“And then we noticed two things. One was the wooden plank holding up the curtains. It was big, thick, heavy looking thing – and it was holding onto the wall by a nail on each side. Half of it had already leant right off the wall, leaving a huge gap. This was right above the head of the bed. That was it for my bf, he wanted out.”

“This second point was my big thing. The door to the rest of the house had a lock but there was also a gap between it and the floor. I’m not talking a small space for air. I’m not talking fit a finger underneath. I’m talking big enough for tall, muscley, big guy Frank to fit his entire arm under.”

7. Strangely quiet Christmas town

 u/urneighbourhoodwitch ~ “I was on a road trip on the south island of New Zealand and one night at around 9pm decided to stop in a small town to get some rest. Already while driving into the town I noticed that there were Christmas decorations everywhere, like decorated trees and plastic santa’s, reindeer etc. Excessive amounts of decorations on the streets and in every window. This wouldn’t have been too weird if it hadn’t been in the middle of August. But I thought the town was just really dedicated to a specific aesthetic or whatever.”

“I got to the motel and checked in and the old lady at the front desk was short and rude with me which I thought was weird bc I had experienced people in NZ as really nice and quite chatty (compared to where I come from lol). She also wouldn’t give me the wifi password even though they advertised free wifi. She quite literally told me to piss off and let her get back to her newspaper.”

“After that I went out and the whole time I was there I never saw any people on the street. I went to a diner near the motel (both also stuffed with Christmas decorations) and had the same experience with the waitress while ordering. She told me they are out of almost everything and the only I was able to get was a cheese sandwich.”

“There were other people in the restaurant who were all eating what I suppose were meals from the menu. They didn’t have to order a plain cheese sandwich. While waiting for my food I noticed that no one in the whole diner was talking even though there were families and other groups of people. Even the kids ate in silence. Or not really silence, as there was Christmas music blaring.”

“After I was done eating I just paid and left. I was also the only one leaving. No one in that diner, the whole time I was there, got up to leave or go to the bathroom or do anything really. They all just sat there. When I left I felt like they were all starting holes in my back. The whole time I was in that town I got a feeling that everyone wanted me to leave and like they were somehow angry with me.”

6. If you’re thinking about sleeping in a “shack” then it’s probably not safe

u/trucknjoe ~ “When hitch hiking in the south island I got stuck in a town in the middle of nowhere because no one would pick me up. It got dark and I didn’t have enough money for a motel so I was planning to chill at this little shack where people would pull over to rest while driving. Over the course of several hours, I got offered meth by a couple, some local random dude tried to convince me to go to his house to smoke weed and another couple smoked a cigarette with me while they told me about how they heard voices.”

“After they left I ended up jumping over a fence and slept in a bush somewhere until my sister could pick me up the next day because she was driving through the town.

5. Stay away from Gary, Indiana

u/Kutbakfiets ~ “Gary Indiana. I got off the highway to get gas.

Driving through the city was like a post apocalyptic movie complete with burned out cars, crazy guy in underwear walking down the middle of the street with a baseball bat and all the windows were broken or boarded up.”

“I stopped at a gas station and then guy came out and said ‘Get back on the highway son. It’s not safe here.’ I had enough gas to get to a safer rest stop to refuel.”

4. Tiger, Georgia and the invisible town

u/mxmnull ~ My girlfriend and I went to an AirBnB in a town called Tiger, Georgia to see a bunch of her old college friends. There was one other couple who got there about the same time we did. By day the cabin looks pleasant enough- 3 stories of rustic comfort with a hot tub overlooking the forest and sunrise. We didn’t get there by day. We got there as the sun was sinking low. Rooms seemed to shrink and tighten. The stairwells were only as wide as a single body. And at the bottom of the basement stairs, a rug hid a padlocked trapdoor. It felt like the start of a horror movie.”

“We’re trying to ignore the weird vibes and decide to go to dinner. We spent nearly an hour driving around searching for a place to eat. Steakhouses closed by 7pm, an Italian joint which was now someone’s house. A Mexican eatery now abandoned and overgrown with vines… Finally we find something.”

“It’s suitably called “The Last Dive Bar On Earth”, and it’s sitting on the edge of a retention pond. The parking lot is full of pick up trucks all festooned with old political bumper stickers from the late 90s and early 2000s. We head in. It’s like we’ve entered another decade. But the beer is good, they have pizza, and the prices aren’t bad. We eat in a hurry and get out of there.”

“We’re trying to ignore the weird vibes and decide to go to dinner. We spent nearly an hour driving around searching for a place to eat. Steakhouses closed by 7pm, an Italian joint which was now someone’s house. A Mexican eatery now abandoned and overgrown with vines… Finally we find something.”

“It’s suitably called “The Last Dive Bar On Earth”, and it’s sitting on the edge of a retention pond. The parking lot is full of pick up trucks all festooned with old political bumper stickers from the late 90s and early 2000s. We head in. It’s like we’ve entered another decade. But the beer is good, they have pizza, and the prices aren’t bad. We eat in a hurry and get out of there.”

3. No shoes equal service in Arkansas

u/ spiderlanewales ~ “Rural northern Arkansas was pretty bizarre when we passed through there around 2012. We stopped at this gas station, and an old, beat-up pickup flew into a parking spot. There were two hillbillies in the cab, and maybe six more in the bed, all wearing the same thing: blue jean overalls and nothing else. No socks or shoes.”

“They were being super loud, and they just went into the gas station like that was normal. Where i’m from, if an attendant even sees you approaching the place without shoes, they will stop you and tell you to come back when you have some. Oh, you’d also get mega-pulled-over for driving around with people hollering in your truck bed.”

2. The Twilight Zone

u/ I_love_asparagus ~ “Yep, stopped in a no name town in Texas for gas. Bunch of guys wearing nothing but denim hanging out in front of the gas station. Denim, cow boy hats, cow boy boots. It wasn’t just a lot of people, EVERYONE was wearing that. Their drawls were so thick I could barely understand what they were saying to one another, a lot of hooting and hollering.”

“About 50 yards away, there was a guy sitting under a tree. He was wearing a black and white striped jump suit…and was chained to the tree by a shackle on his leg. Didn’t see any law enforcement around, maybe they dropped him off? A girl with huge tits, one and a half arms, and an eye-patch complimented my car and smiled at me when I was pumping gas.”

“I saw a cow trotting down the side of the road, no one seemed to be chasing it. The fact it was twilight seemed to make everything surreal. I unassed myself from that place as quickly as I could.”

1. No proof needed when you have a gut feeling

u/SuspectNumber6 ~ “A camping site! My friend and i took a road trip from NL to France, camping. 1st we stayed at a lovely place, near a harbour. After 2 days we continued and ended up at a small camping site. When registering we met the custodian. After registration we already looked at each other, but shrugged it off. We set up our tent and went into town to find some food.”

“The town was completely deserted: no people on the street, all blinds closed, hardly any restaurant open and the eerie feeling came back. We walked back to the camping site, still feeling creeped out and decided there and then not to sleep there that night. We broke up camp, drove away as fast as we could. The feeling stayed for about 30 minutes. Weird part is: nothing creepy really happened. It was just a gut feeling: something is NOT right here…”

Overall these are some over the top creepy experiences, and places I’ll be avoiding in the future!

Any one of these make you super creeped out? Share in the comments!

The post People Share Their Really Creepy Road Trip Stories appeared first on UberFacts.

These 10 Photos Might Make You Do a Double-Take

What about those photos you take that are less than perfect? The ones that didn’t make the cut?

Perhaps you need a second glance because the first might be showing you something…um..different.

r/confusing_perspective on Reddit is a hot spot for these special photos. Here are ten times when people caught creepy and precarious looking photos purely on accident.

10. The Floating Fisherman

The floating fisherman from confusing_perspective

9. Ceiling lights or spaceships?

The reflections of ceiling lights appear to be alien ships descending on Shreveport. from confusing_perspective

8. Jesus has a nice rear end

Holy sale in jeans from confusing_perspective

7. Yikes…real or fake?

So good from confusing_perspective

6. Twinsies!

What a good looking Grandfather. from confusing_perspective

5. Ape foot

My ape brother from confusing_perspective

4. Where is this guy’s hand?

It’s REALLY not what it looks like… (repost from r/pics) from confusing_perspective

3. The strange foot

I get by with a leg-hand from my friends from confusing_perspective

2. Move over, Headless Horseman, there’s a headless gymnast on the loose

The hula hoop looks like it’s taken this gymnasts head off from confusing_perspective

1. Moo-ve over, there’s a long cow coming your way

The cows are long in France from confusing_perspective

Forget about getting the perfect shot and try to capture an optical illusion. It’s bound to make your friends laugh.

The post These 10 Photos Might Make You Do a Double-Take appeared first on UberFacts.