A Woman Kept Her Personal and Professional Lives Completely Separate, but Years Later Wonders If She Was Wrong

A lot of us prefer to keep a good line between work and home, if only to keep ourselves sane and to be able to focus on one without the other creeping in.

That said, it’s a bit odd to work somewhere for nine years and never reveal anything personal to the people you work with every day.

It’s also a bit weird if, when they learn you’ve been holding out on them and go cold, you feel as though you’ve lost friends.

AITA for hiding my personal life at work? from AmItheAsshole

Because if you were so intent on being extremely private, why would you believe you had friends at work?


This woman’s personal life was outed by a new (nosy, by her account) employee, and now she’s wondering if she was wrong, since her co-workers are miffed.

Most people fall either in the NAH (No A**holes Here) or YTA (You’re the A**hole) camps and I have to say I agree.

You aren’t the asshole!

But… she’s KIND of the asshole…

It’s complicated…

Her coworkers definitely aren’t in the wrong feeling slighted (aside from the snoopy one, but that’s really a different question).

Melinda! Stay in your lane!

Personally, I think it’s her business how she wants to conduct herself at work, but she can’t expect people to be friendly if she’s clearly demonstrated not wanting to be friends.

Just sayin.

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Furry Nails Are a Very Awkward Beauty Trend

Prepare to avert your eyes from these photos. You can take a peek, but don’t stare too long. You might damage your eyes permanently, like looking directly into the sun.

So, without further ado, I present to you, furry nails!

PS: I’m very sorry.

1. Very festive! Just in time for Halloween!

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#4 Brisa and Beyond Gel Nails ** go vote for me link is in bio!! LAST CHANCE FOR VOTING! This set I was most excited about, Brisa Gel came out in the early 2000’s and that is my era, so I had lots of thoughts for these nails. We were asked to take a crystal ball look into the future. I know there is no way to tell the future but there is a pattern in the fashion world that everything comes back around in a new invented way. So I really anted to sit back and take a look at the early 2000’s and think about what was most iconic about this time. My experience is Nsync, TLC, Missy Elliot, Furr hooded jackets, cool sunglasses, Bratz dolls, low ride jeans, random Mandarin character tattoos and who could forget the nail trends. The nail trends that stuck out to me and yes my friends were getting this in middle school, was square nails, french tips and airbrushed dolphins and playboy bunny’s, because for some reason every Nail salon had those same stencils. It was also a time when cellphones were starting to become easily accessible so of corse everyone had corded phones and landlines. I wanted to take all these inspirations and put my own modern twist on them to predict the future with this set. I wanted to include some glass i saved from a car accident i was in to use to this project to represent my future of moving on from the past. @nailsmagazine @cndworld #cnd #cndbrisagel #gelnails #noacrylic #brisagel #shellac #phonenails #phonecord #furrynails #furrnails

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2. Looks like a dead animal.

3. Are you playing a werewolf?

4. Pom pom-style.

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#furrynails dont care!!

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5. How can you get anything done, though?

6. A total freak show.

7. This is actually pretty disturbing.

8. She’s covering her face with her new paws.

9. Troll fingers, perhaps?

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Pom-Pom NAILZZZZ! ???

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10. Okay, one more…very odd…

Woo! That was quite an experience, wasn’t it?

What are some other weird/awkward beauty trends that people need to know about?

Fill us in!

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Apparently, Cemetery Selfies Are Quite Popular

I kind of understand how the world works: trends come and go. Some are good, some are bad, some are absolutely cringeworthy. Let’s go ahead and put this one in the last category.

Cemetery selfies are quite odd, aren’t they? It’s one thing to pay your respects to a deceased loved one, but it’s quite another to take a selfie in a cemetery trying to look FABULOUS.

It’s just plain weird…but it’s also popular. As you’re about to see.

1. She’s enjoying herself.

2. Think he brought a photographer or used a timer?

3. The #fun hashtag is interesting.

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Cemetery selfie #cemeteryselfie #fun #wedding

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4. A stroll among the dead.

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#cemeteryselfie ???

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5. Some duck lips never hurt anyone.

6. We’re loving it!

7. Look deep into his eyes.

8. You’ve reached the Underworld.

9. His happy place…

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My Pine Grove <3 #myhappyplace #cemeteryselfie

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10. Deuces wild, y’all!

People sure are strange, aren’t they? Or maybe I’m the weird one, I don’t know.

Share your thoughts with us about cemetery selfies in the comments!

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There’s a “Ghost-Detecting” Stone for Sale That Claims to Sense Visits from the Beyond

October is right around the corner, which means those of us who revel in all of the Halloween goodness are about to have their month in the sun (or the darkness).

If that means doing a little ghost hunting, well, you could always pick up this Baketan Reiseki from Amazon.

The stone, which allegedly detects the presence of ghosts via “crystals” and colorful lights, could be the perfect addition to your holiday decorations – and it just might let you know why it always sounds like someone’s knocking on the walls at night!

Image Credit: Amazon

According to a press release, the ghost detector became “a big hit in the sub-culture market” in Japan, with people everywhere sending in “ghost reports” after having the little device in their homes.

They sold more than 200,000 of the Baketan Reiseki in Japan before trying their luck on Amazon.

The name of the device has a literal meaning: Baketan = to search for a monster, Reiseki = stone. So it’s a stone that searches for ghosts.

If you’re looking to check your immediate surroundings for paranormal visitors, the stone uses a color-coded light system to do just that. It lights up green when there’s nothing unusual around, turns blue if there’s an “angel” present, and flashes red if a “ghost” enters the area.

Image Credit: Amazon

You can also operate your stone in three different modes. The first is “search mode,” activated by pressing a button, for when you want to manually check the area around you. Next is “automatic search mode,” which means the stone scans the area every ten minutes and flashes the appropriate color afterward. Lastly, you can run it in “barrier mode,” which claims to protect you from spirits (no word on how).

The makers of the Baketan Reiseki claim its power comes from a center made from cracked quartz (the most abundant mineral on Earth), which many believe harbors supernatural healing powers.

Image Credit: Amazon

Website Energy Muse states that quartz is “versatile and multidimensional,” functioning as “a stone of amplification, clarity, and focus.”

Cracked quartz, however, represents “the life lessons, barriers, and obstacles.”

So, you know…it might work. Or it might not do anything. But even if the latter is true, it’s still a fun thing to keep on your coffee table during the month of October.

And if it turns red, well, then you might need to invest in some sage and learn how to use it.

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14 Interesting Facts About Food That Might Surprise You

Digging into the history of any topic can unearth interesting facts. Don’t believe me? The proof is in the pudding (and maybe in facts about pudding!), and these 14 tidbits have fun and interesting in spades!

Fair warning, though – the images and information below are bound to make you hungry, so please, make sure your mixer is in working order before digging in.

14. The famous Tollhouse Cookies weren’t exactly planned.

In 1930, Ruth Wakefield ran the Toll House Inn in Massachusetts. She was baking cookies and decided to add semi-sweet chocolates, expecting them to melt and make the cookies chocolate.

It didn’t, and people loved the chocolate chunks in the cookies; Wakefield eventually sold the recipe and rights to Nestle.

13. Graham crackers are meant to reduce sexual urges.

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These homemade pumpkin graham crackers are packed with pumpkin spice flavor and give store bought grahams a run for their money! You can easily make these gluten free with GF all purpose flour! ? Plus your family will love eating these pumpkin spice graham crackers all fall ? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Tap the link in my profile for the full recipe: https://thefirstyearblog.com/pumpkin-graham-crackers/ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #pumpkinspice #grahamcrackers #michiganblogger #foodblogger #dessertblogger #bakinggoals #feedfeed #baking #huffposttaste #foodgawker #food52 #dessertlover #sweettooth #treatyoself #MyAllRecipes #instayum #mysouthernliving #buzzfeed #bhgfood #f52grams #dessertoftheday #foodblogfeed #foodphotography #thefirstyearrecipes

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In the 1800s, graham cracker inventor Reverence Sylvester Graham preached that a bland diet could quiet those pesky sexual urges.

12. All of your favorite vegetables come from the same plant.

Brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and kohlarabi all come from the Brassica oleracea plant, which has been selectively bred over the past century to give us yummy vegetables.

11. Chocolate cake used to be mahogany cake.

The first chocolate cake in America dates back to the 1800s, and early versions used ermine frosting, a popular whipped buttercream.

Try it for yourself, here.

10. No one meant to invent popsicles.

In 1905, 11-year-old Frank Epperson left his cup of soda – complete with a stir stick – on his back porch overnight.

He (and his friends) loved it, and later in life he patented the Popsicle.

9. Boston once suffered a molasses flood.

In 1919, a storage tank that held more than 2 million gallons of molasses exploded and flooded the Boston streets, crushing buildings, killing 21 people, and injuring around 150 more.

8. Vogue wanted you to diet eating only wine and eggs in the 1970s.

You definitely should not try this wine-and-eggs diet.

It encouraged women to eat nothing but eggs, white wine, steak, and black coffee for three days straight.

Basically, fuck you 70s Vogue. Jeezus…

7. The first meal on the moon included a side of bacon.

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Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin ate bacon, peaches, sugar cookie cubes, pineapple grapefruit drink, and coffee in 1969.

6. McDonald’s gave onion nuggets a try before chicken ones took over the menu.

In the late 1970s, Onion Nuggets were tested in a few markets, but weren’t popular enough to make the nationwide menu.

A few years later, they found a winner with chicken nuggets.

5. Pez were invented to help people stop smoking.

The tiny candies were marketed as anti-smoking mints – Pez is a shortened version of the German word Pfefferminz, or Peppermint, and the original flavor was mint.

4. This omelet was concocted during the Gold Rush.

One of the earliest examples of native California cuisine was the Hangtown fry – an omelet made of eggs, oysters, and bacon – that was concocted during the gold rush.

3. The first St. Louis gooey butter cake was a mistake.

If you haven’t been to St. Louis and tried their gooey butter cake, well…you need to rectify that. The favorite can be traced back to the 1930s, and emerged when a local baker mistakenly added too much butter to his coffee cake recipe.

A happy accident!

You can make it at home if you don’t want to travel.

2. Carrots are meant to be purple.

Our carrots are only orange because Dutch growers have been cultivating mutated versions of the purple carrot since the late 17th century.

1. George Washington feasted on carrot cake to celebrate winning the war.

As the British were leaving the former colonies with their tailcoats between their legs, General Washington was nomming some carrot cake (sans frosting) at the still-standing Fraunces Tavern in NYC.

I don’t know about you, but I feel smarter (and hungrier) already!

Did you learn anything new? Did we miss something amazing? Tell us about it in the comments!

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Women Open up and Share Their Thoughts on ‘What Men Don’t Know About Women’

In the spirit of all of us learning something new today, we bring you #WhatMenDontKnowAboutWomen – a hashtag meant to enlighten men on all manner of things they might think they know about women but totally don’t.

Be prepared – some of these are graphic but you know.

So is life.

15. Treat women like people. How novel!

14. This made me laugh but also it’s true.

13. The law of the getting laid land.

12. Just because your shampoo costs $5…

11. The more you know.

10. This list is a good place to start.

9. It’s shocking, right?

8. Flowers die in a few days, after all.

7. Gifts are low on some women’s love language lists.

6. It’s a simple thing but it would make us so happy.

5. Also we watch a lot of murder shows.

4. Why is this such a hard thing to understand?

3. “Don’t do it.” Boom.

2. I mean if you care about those things.

1. Yeah we’re not buying your innocent act.


I love each and every one of these truths and I hope men everywhere are scrolling!

What would you add, ladies? Men, did any of these surprise you?

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A Study Says You Can Tell If Someone Is Rich or Poor Just by Looking at Them

It’s said that people can tell a lot about you from looking you in the face, but until recently, no one suspected your gross average income could be one of those things.

A new study was published recently in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and it claims that you can tell whether someone is rich or poor simply by studying their face.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Co-author of the study, grad student Thora Bjornsdottir, explains.

“The relationship between well-being and social class has been demonstrated by previous research. In general, people with money tend to live happier, less anxious lives compared to those struggling to make ends meet, and these well-being differences are actually reflected in people’s faces.”

For the study, Bjornsdottir and a psychology professor, Nicholas O. Rule, had their subjects look at black-and-white photographs of 80 males and 80 females without any identifying markers like tattoos or piercings. Half of the photos were of people who made over $150k a year and the other half made less than $35k.

Image Credit: Pixabay

The subjects, who were from various ethnic backgrounds, then guessed the class of the people in the photos – and they were correct around 68% of the time.

That is, in case you’re wondering, significantly higher than random chance.

Dr. Rule told The Cut they were surprised themselves.

“I didn’t think the effects would be quite as strong, especially given how subtle the differences are in the faces. That’s the most surprising part of the study to me.”

Image Credit: Pixabay

“People are not really aware of what cues they are using when they make these judgments,” adds Bjornsdottir. “If you ask them why, they don’t know. They are not aware of how they are doing this.”

Interestingly, the subjects were also able to guess correctly when they were able to look just at the eyes, or just at the mouth, though not quite as often.

Bjornsdottir believes the effect is “due to emotion patterns becoming etched into their faces over time,” because the chronic contraction of certain muscles can lead to changes in the actual structure of your face.

When the subjects were shown pictures of people smiling, they were unable to discern the socioeconomic status of the people in the images with any reliability.

Image Credit: Pixabay

The researchers believe their results are important because first impressions come into play in the real world – a fact they proved when they asked the subjects to choose who they would hire as an accountant based on the images alone.

They chose the people who appeared to be high-earners, which means employers could be doing the same thing.

“Face-based perceptions of social class may have important downstream consequences. People talk about the cycle of poverty, and this is potentially one contributor to that,” they conclude.

So, even though “don’t judge a book by its cover” is one of the world’s more famous sayings, it turns out we’re all doing exactly that every day without even realizing it.

Kind of makes me rethink my decision to not wear makeup most days.

How about you?

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Every Single Part of This Tree Could Kill or Maim You

Beware of this tree!

The manchineel tree is one of nature’s mysteries that no one is likely to solve anytime soon – every single part of it is toxic to animals (including humans).

Also known as the beach apple, la manzanilla de la muerte (the little apple of death), or sometimes arbol de la muerte (tree of death), the manchineel lives along the coast in brackish waters, occurring in tropical North, Central and South American settings and living in clusters.

The tree itself looks pleasant enough, even beachy, and its small, greenish-yellow fruits have surely been tempting to more than a few hungry, thirsty, unwitting travelers.

You definitely don’t want to eat the fruit, though. Or touch the trunk. Or a branch. Or stand under the tree when it’s raining or touch your eyes or the leaves or really even breathe in while you’re standing too close to it.

You could ask Juan Ponce de Leon why not, had the tree’s poison not (we believe) spelled his demise.

A brief guide to the tree, written by Michael G. Andreu and Melissa H. Friedman, minces no words.

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Wow, found this tree I’ve been dying to see right here in st kitts at the #tciawmc2019 !! The Manchineel Tree is considered the most poisonous tree in the world! It causes painful blisters if you stand under it during rain, blinds you if the smoke from its burned wood touches your eyes, can poison water with it’s leaves and will cause death if you eat it’s fruit!! #manchineeltree #deadly #spotted #poisonous #tciawmc2019 #tcia #isa #bts #bofingers #bofingerstreeservice #treecare #treework #treebiz #treeclimber #arborist #welovetrees #weekend #stkitts @husqvarnausa @arborwear @treecareindustry @carhartt @isaarboriculture @truewerk @allthingsarb @slattrax @treecaretips @treestuffdotcom

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“Warning: all parts of manchineel are extremely poisonous. The content in this document is strictly informational. Interaction with and ingestion of any part of this tree may be lethal.”

Reports from people who have been unfortunate enough to eat the fruit claim inflammation and blistering around the mouth and severe stomach and intestinal issues – accounts backed up by the unfortunate Nicola Strickland, who wrote about her taste of the fruit for posterity.

I rashly took a bite from this fruit and found it pleasantly sweet. My friend also partook (at my suggestion). Moments later we noticed a strange peppery feeling in our mouths, which gradually progressed to a burning, tearing sensation and tightness of the throat. The symptoms worsened over a couple of hours until we could barely swallow solid food because of the excruciating pain and the feeling of a huge obstructing pharyngeal lump. Sadly, the pain was exacerbated by most alcoholic beverages, although mildly appeased by pina coladas, but more so by milk alone.

Over the next eight hours our oral symptoms slowly began to subside, but our cervical lymph nodes became very tender and easily palpable. Recounting our experience to the locals elicited frank horror and incredulity, such was the fruit’s poisonous reputation.

While the fruit may not always be deadly, the milky white sap certainly is – it causes burn-like blisters, temporary blindness, and, if it finds its way under the skin and into the bloodstream, death.

Native peoples were thought to have used the sap to tip their arrows – arrows that killed Ponce de Leon on his second trip to Florida in 1521.

Natives have also used the manchineel and other trees in the spurge family for medicinal purposes (mostly as a laxative, hence the name).

Though the manchineel is the deadliest tree in the lower 48 (it can be found in Florida), it’s not the deadliest plant – that title belongs to the spotted water hemlock.

“A quarter-inch of the stem is enough to kill a person,” confirms botanist and naturalist Roger Hammer. “It’s probably the most violently poisonous plant on the North American continent.”

It is also found in Florida.

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#FunFactFriday: this is #TheMostDangerousTree in the ? ! The #ManchineelTree (Hippomane mancinella) is so toxic it can cause SKIN BLISTERING if you stand under it in the rain ☔ with minute droplets of it’s sap landing on you. The fruit is also known as #BeachApple or #PoisonGuava and in Spanish the tree has been called “arbol de la muerte” or the ? of ?! The tree is found in our FL Everglades, the Caribbean, and South America. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND ? ? ? ? ? . . ?ZocDoc.com or ? to book an appointment w/ me, Dr. Dan Ilkovitch, for skin checks, medical concerns, and cosmetic desires ? ?! . ????????????????? Dan Ilkovitch, MD, PhD, FAAD 2320 NE 62nd Street Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 ? 954-500-3376 ????????????????? . #florida #fortlauderdale #miamibeach #miami #sobe #southbeach #aventurafl #lasolas #Davie #westonfl #bocaraton #southflorida #wiltonmanors #ftlauderdalebeach #pompanobeach #pompano #delraybeach #oaklandpark #wynwood #brickell #floridaderm #BoardCertifiedDermatologist #ASDSskinMD #clearlyderm

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The moral of this story seems to be that when traveling to wonderful foreign places (or Florida), take as much care with the flora as the snakes and gators – just because plants don’t have teeth doesn’t mean they aren’t going to murder you before you know what happened.

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You Can Spend 30 Hours in a Coffin with Your Partner and Win $600, Courtesy of Six Flags

Amusement park Six Flags has celebrated Halloween by daring their guests to spend 30 hours trapped alone in a coffin for the last couple years. People surprisingly jumped at the chance (and some of them actually made it!), so this year, they’re upping the ante and offering the challenge for couples.

That’s right – it’s a chance to test your relationship by spending the night trapped in a 6-foot by 5.4-foot space together!

Or, you know, if you’re up for a super adventure, you could also do it with a perfect stranger.

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You’re allowed to bring pillows, sleeping bags, or whatever else you’d like, as long as everything fits inside and allows the lid to be closed. You’re also allowed to leave for designated bathroom breaks, to eat meals, and to use your phone (that last one is crap, if you asl me).

Each contestant is also issued a “Get Out of the Coffin Free Card” to use in exchange for a 6-minute breather.

There are mini-challenges throughout the main event, like fishing a mystery item out of a bucket, lying still while covered in worms, or other Fear Factor Lite experiences.

Both participants must complete these challenges together, though everyone does get one “Skip the Challenge Card” at the outside of the event.

The reward for surviving all of this intact – and hopefully still in a relationship – is $600 (to split), two 2020 season passes, and a Fright Fest prize pack.

There’s an online application if you’re interested, and if this year’s deadline is passed, well…there’s always next year.

Maybe you and your partner can spend the intervening months trying to survive hours on end pressed together in a tight space.

Remember, though, for the real challenge, you’ll have an audience.

So no funny business to pass the time.

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A Corpse on a Body Farm Was Caught Moving

This can safely be filed under: Nightmare Fuel.

Apparently, corpses don’t stop moving for up to a year after death, due to the various decomposition processes they go through.

Which makes me wonder how many of those bells rang at Victorian gravesides even though the people in the coffins were, in fact, dead.


The research that brought you this lovely tidbit of macabre information comes from an Australian body farm (a place where scientists study how bodies decompose in order to improve forensic techniques.

In a time-lapse video containing images taken every 30 minutes over a period of 17 months, researchers saw movement for far longer than they expected to – over a year and a half in some cases. In an interview with ABC News Australia, the authors said they believe the movements were mostly the result of drying ligaments.

“What we found was that the arms were significantly moving, so that arms that started off down beside the body ended up out to the side of the body.”

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So from Obesity TV programmes I go straight onto food!!: This is an amazing "5 Stages of Decay Cookie" by Claire Ratcliffe for the special Halloween event I'm holding at Barts Pathology Museum where I work: "Delicious Decay – The Edible Body Farm!!! The event (Friday night 28th and all day Saturday 29th) will feature edibles – savoury and sweet – based only on human decay and decomposition. The point is to raise awareness for the need, in the UK, for a Body Farm (or Taphonomy Research Facility) that actually uses human remains, like the one in Tennessee. We use pigs at the moment and they're consistently unreliable. That's why I'm working with @conjurers_kitchen (amazing food artist) and Dr Anna Williams (Forensic Anthropologist) to make this incredibly realistic. We even have the scents used to train cadaver dogs and a make up artist to make you look "decomposed"! www.deliciousdecay1.eventbrite.co.uk and www.deliciousdecay2.eventbrite.co.uk (I'll talk about the 5 stages in another post ?⚰) #humanremains #decomposition #remains2beseen #ediblebodyfarm #decay #deliciousdecay #taphonomy #bodyfarm #anthroplogy

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They’ve yet to publish their study, but hope their findings will continue to add to a body of research that helps police solve murders, among other things.

“This research is very important to help law enforcement to solve crime and it also assists in disaster investigations. It’s important for victims and victims’ families, and in a lot of cases it gives the victim a voice to tell their last story.”

Just an FYI: Body farms exist all over the world, and they depend on body donations from people looking to assist science after they’ve expired.

I say you might as well be helpful. Either way, you’re just going to be decomposing.

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