People Share Weird Things They Do with Their Significant Others

People are strange. Really strange, actually.

Especially when people are in relationships. Then they get really weird with all the little quirks that they share with a significant other.

AskReddit users share the weird things they like to do with their boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses, etc.

Share yours in the comments!

1. The Kiss Monster.

“We have a ‘Kiss Monster’ (spoiler alert: it’s me with a blanket over my head), that visits my SO every now and gives him loads of kisses before slinking off again into the night.

We have never acknowledged that I am in fact, the Kiss Monster.”

2. Okay…

“We do ‘inverted kissing’. Instead of kissing the lips, one of us surprises the other by opening their mouth big and covering the other party’s puckered up lips.

It’s like kissing the void. It feels really fucking uncomfortable and it’s hilarious. She always does it to me when I’m expecting a kiss.

Bonus points if you can kiss the void for over 5 seconds or have your open mouth over their mouth for a long time. We discovered this when I jokingly opened my mouth during a kiss and she started laughing and going ‘noooo’.”

3. Welcome home!

“My wife usually gets home before I do from work and as soon as I enter she comes to me and we both do a little dance while singing an bollywood song “Mera Piya Ghar Aaya” (My love has reached home). And, then we hug and greet.

Its a little thing which has turned into some sort of ritual. We love it!

One day I rang the bell, before she unlocked the door she asks.. “whats the password?”

I replied in a low tone “Mera Piya Ghar Aaya” in the same tune. She was expecting me to say something “clever” but she enjoyed the song even more because I have a bad voice.”

4. I love to annoy you!

“We often just stand in each other’s way for no reason other than to be annoying.”

5. Bread games.

“Well, I just wrapped her up in a brown blanket, rolled her back and forth in bed and told her “Shhhhh be bread, it’s okay, just be bread, shhhh, loaf-girlfriend, it’s okay to become bread” while she cackled and screamed “I DON’T WANT TO BE BREAD.””

6. Just like pro wrestling.

“My ex used to want me to body slam her onto the bed all the time.”

7. True artists.

“Penis drawings. I don’t remember who started it but we hide the same penis drawing for the other one to find. She put it in my suitcase when I went away on a hunting trip with my buddies and I had to explain why I had a crudely drawn wang on a sheet of notebook paper packed with my socks.

When I returned I hid in the bottom of her underwear drawer and it took her a few months to find it. She then hid it somewhere and I haven’t found it yet, that was five years ago. She told me I’ll find it eventually but I’m afraid of where it might be. I have told her that if she dies before me that she is getting buried with it and I win.”

8. Let’s see who’s more dominant.

“We sneak up on each other and bite each other on the neck to assert “dominance”. We use the “dominance” to win trivial arguments like who do our animals love more.”

9. Time to clean up.

“While we’re in the shower he’ll cover his body with soap, wrap his arms around me, and then go up and down really fast so he’s rubbing the soap all over me and cleaning me off. We call this “Carl wash” cause its like a car wash for me, but my nick name is Carl n he’s washing me off hehe.”

10. A decade in the making.

“We have a mating dance that has gotten increasingly elaborate in the decade we have been together. Example moves: slapping one’s own butt, moving one’s arms like a choo choo train, one handed clapping.

Some of the moves go out of fashion year to year, but we have a significant repertoire.”

11. Gross and weird.

“Sometimes he puts his mouth over my nose and blows, causing me to make a horrific, monstrous sound of air coming through my nasals and out of my mouth. We call this The Exorcism.

It’s gross and weird but I love that we can be gross and weird together.”

12. Would you kindly…

“We have the WYK rule. If one of us says, “would you kindly blah blah blah” the other one must, no matter what, do that thing. There is zero negotiation. It’s mostly whipped out for benign stuff, sometimes for very silly stuff, but occasionally used in serious situations. It’s equal parts silly, fake outage, and a deep, committed trust. It only works because we trust each other not to abuse WYK or use it for evil.”

13. It gets intense?

“Sometimes when I answer the phone I become Detective Tony Pepperoni, and he’s Cheesy Steve and the Saucy Boys. There’s never really any warning, it just kinda happens and it gets pretty intense.”

14. This is a real competition.

“Straight up wrestle for fun. Not like sexy way or the cute let the other one win way, but like actual competition.”

15. This is kinda cool

What started as a simple whistle to get the others attention has turned into a full blown second language consisting of nothing but whistles. ‘Hello’ is a simple high tone whistle followed by a slightly lower tone whistle. To properly say ‘hello’ back you must respond with an even higher pitched whistle sequence or a slightly lower pitched sequence.

‘Warning:danger or distress’ is three high pitched whistles. A sad whistle is one that starts high then quickly goes to a low tone.

We’ve legit had phone conversations where we whistle at each other and laugh for 10 minutes. We thought we were insane (still are but) until realizing there are cultures out there that whistle poetry to each other and that whistling may have been the first way peeps communicated with each other.

Edit: alright well this blew up. The best way to describe it as some of you have is R2D2 language, which is hilariously accurate

The list of whistling we do is never-ending and the language becomes more advanced by the day, but my favorite whistle is ‘accomplishment whistle’ which is a high pitched ‘doo-doo DOO’ or the spooky whistle demonstrated here

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Europeans Share the One “American Thing” They’ll Never Understand


It’s funny to realize the differences between European and American cultures, but not everyone has the chance to travel and experience them firsthand. That’s when sites like Reddit can come in handy, because there are plenty of people there ready and waiting to weigh in on the best and worst realizations during travel.

These 15 people say they’re just “too European” to ever wrap their minds around these 15 totally American things.

15. Okay I didn’t realize this was a thing.

ISP’s actually having data caps on wired connections in 2019

14. Yes, I would like answers for this, too.

The lack of paid maternity leave. The thought of having to hand my children to strangers and go back to work weeks after giving birth. Nobody seems enraged about what that must do to babies and mothers

13. Preach, my friend across the pond.

School debts.

12. Don’t believe everything you see in the movies.

Anything that happens in high school really

Edit: geez I’m getting a lot of replies, I’d like to respond to them all and discuss some more, but I don’t really have that much time, sorry

11. Buying water shouldn’t be necessary, but have you heard of Flint, MI…

Drinking tap water… I’m used to drinking tap water all day, I never buy water since it’s the same as tap water

Edit: I was once on vacation in Africa, and that was my first encounter with how tap water is in some other countries. I could never imagine undrinkable tap water in Europe.

10. So you can take it home with you, obvs.

Why pay for the bigger soda cup if there are free refills for the small?

9. Asking the real questions, here.

Why does Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other friends?

8. It’s our Puritan roots, plain and simple.

drinking at age 21. i mean for real? I live in Austria and the legal drinking age here is 16

7. Again…Puritans.

The double moral when it comes to sex and sexuality

6. Because we are disgusting, and also no one wants to hear about science.

Asian here but, why wear shoes inside your homes?

5. …it’s not like this in Europe?

Your bathrooms.

What idiot thought it was ok to have very small doors with gaps on all sides in every stall? How are you supposed to quietly poop and stink and fart without everyone seeing you?

I can understand why you are so afraid of unisex bathrooms.

4. So that TurboTax can keep making money…

Why do you pay the taxes yourself? It’s way easier to have it done for you by your state/country since you have to pay anyway.

3. Having one price is definitely simpler and helps those of us who don’t math well.

Showing prices BEFORE TAX LIKE MY DUDES “It looks cheaper” BUT IT AIN’T Idgi mang idgi!!!!

2. It’s a travesty.

Lunch debt? Why is that a thing? Why are the children being held accountable and unable graduate? It’a goddamn lunch.

1. It’s time to take to the streets.

Not rioting or demonstrating. I mean I’m French so the bias is big here.

Edit: Damn, thanks for the gold.

As an American, I have to say…we don’t understand some of these either!

Do you have a travel experience like this? Please share it with us in the comments!

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Check out These 10 Awkward Pieces of Taxidermy

You have to see Adele Morse‘s work. She’s a Welsh artist and taxidermist who lives in London, and she has a very unique take on the art of taxidermy.

Morse started studying taxidermy in 2005 and decided to become a full-time artist in 2012.

Take a look at her work, it’s pretty weird, wild, wacky, and fun!

1. Look at that shrew.

2. I kind of want one of these.

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?EAT TRASH OR DIE TRYIN? BIG RACC in NY and on the set of his new video 'all bad dogs go to Heaven'. . If you can think of any more song title puns of 90s rap Raccoon songs then please feel free to make us all cringe in the comments. . . I designed and got the camo for his jacket specially printed in Germany then made a pattern and tailored/sewed up his jacket and added poppers and leather shoulders, he also has 3 watches in 3 time zones, 2 chains including his death row records piece he got when he signed his deal, handmade mini bandanna, hand painted sunglasses, gold rings, trap phone that he can actually make calls on and finally… a toothpick as it sooths his anxiety since his friend Big dog died. As always zero photoshop and no filters just beautiful Big Racc. Tallest boy I ever did and he had a lot of holes in his face and damage to his eye that I patched but I think he came out pretty pretty pretty pretty good. . . . #bigracc #raccoon #animals #taxidermy #cute #tough #deadly #rapper #sculpture #newyork #lowbrow #ukartist #meme #funny #tiktok #funnyvideos #notoriousbig #deathrowrecords

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3. Quite a dynamic duo.

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NAME SUGGESTIONS TIME? Come on then… you always nail this… SO this foxy guy is on his way to the other side of world but he doesn't have a name yet….Someone who's name begins with a J asked me to make this as a gift for one of you. So you don't know it yet but one of you has already adopted him. Which I am too excited about and am struggling not to give too many clues. So for now give me your BEST name suggestions please ❤ IF your name gets picked I will send you a postcard set. Also on a side note this is the exact face I make when I try to look normal in a photo. Every time. I think I'm subconsciously making my spirit animals. . . . #stonedfox #friends #bff #sloth #pals #surprise #mysterious #oooooh #aaaaaah #taxidermy #meme #sculpture #lowbrow #furry #fluffy #anthropomorphic #cute #creepycute #britishartists #london #art #ihatechoosinghashtags

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4. Almost looks like Sonic.

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I Love these ❤ For sure feel like I'm going to vomit every time I see one of them whilst scrolling with tens of thousands of likes and no tags but I admit …deep down I am amazed my little fella is doing the rounds again. I didn't think I would ever get to see him or any other animal receive so much attention seven years after I made him. I always kicked myself for not joining social media when he first became a meme but now I think it was actually a good decision for the first time. I had thick skin even then but it's really overwhelming. I'm not complaining of course. I know I am lucky with or without being credited but it's a really unique and unusual experience because its like equal parts bad and good. Its like finding out you won a million pound the same day you find out you owe a million. You go through all the emotions at once and at the end of the day you are in the same position….but then happens multiple times over seven years. As long as I can avoid being the crazy fox lady sleeping under the billboard for some new stoned fox theme park that I'm not involved in then I'm good. Thank you for all helping me see stuff. It's overwhleming but it always feels nicer getting sent it by you instead of stumbling on it by mistake ❤ I wonder if grumpy cat sees a psychiatrist ? . .p.s I would happily let them cast him as Tails. . #stonedfox #sonic #sonicthehedgehog #sonicmemes #taxidermy #vomit #whatismylife #sos #thankgodforcamambert

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5. A great-looking trash panda.

6. Nightmare fuel, but in a cute way.

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Name suggestions time…. So the holiday may be over but the summer is just starting. Not that It really makes a difference to us as we are in a basement beavering away but….. This Guy is finally going to be leaving me and going to his new home in sunny America as a mascot for toptree . My first mascot. Right now he doesn’t have a name Soooo I figured maybe this was a good time to get some suggestions from you. You always come up with great ideas. So do you’re worst….. I am going to miss him. I admit I play with him a bit everyday. I keep buying him sunglasses. He has like 8 pairs. I have 1 pair??‍♀️ I know you’re probably sick of him but these are some (I took 400) from the batch of final photos. The third one is NSFW but if you report me I will send Pierre round. Thaaanks xxx #fauxidermy #toptree #memes #sculpture #babe #iwillalwaysloveyou #imissyoualready #art #london #summer #sculpey #airbrush

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7. Looks like a character from Grease.

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DAY 24:CUSTOMER FEEDBACK If you have ever adopted a critter or bought something from my shop and would like to leave a review in the comments that would be nice❤ One of my favourite things is seeing photos of my animals in their new lives all over the world. From fancy rock star headshots to looking terrified next to a John Wayne Gacy Painting and they even help with meal prep. One thing that I am so happy about and grateful for is how the animals become members of the family and not just an object or somethings static on the side or the wall. I admit I was a bit unorganised with this one so here are some photos with some customer feedback. THANK YOU to everyone who trusts me to make you an animal or to send your orders out. I couldn’t do this without you, Sometimes I want to strangle some but I genuinely do love all the feedback from everyone. I screenshot everything to look at when I am stressing out so I appreciate it all even messages from people who haven’t adopted and just send me amazing DMs that always come at the right moment . @JOANNEHAWKER #MARCHMEETTHEMAKER #INDIEROLLERMMTM #taxidermy #oddities #crimemuseum #stonedfox #meme #anthropomorphic #collections #london #animals

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8. Big Trouble in Little China?

9. Get a load of that.

10. Frank the wallaby.

That is one-of-a-kind work right there! Which one is your favorite?

Have you ever hired a taxidermist for one of your beloved pets? If so, let’s see the photos!

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You Can Buy a Baby Mop Onesie and Put Your Kids to Work

Parents with little kiddos, listen up! You might want to pay attention to this article because this product could potentially save you a bunch of time and hard work.

It’s called the Baby Mop, and it might just change your life for the better.

Posted by Baby Mop on Friday, November 13, 2015

It’s exactly what it sounds like. A onesie designed like a mop that cleans the floor while your kids do what they do best: crawl around on the floor and get into things.

Posted by Baby Mop on Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The website describes the product like this (in very tongue-in-cheek fashion):

“Make your children work for their keep

After the birth of a child there’s always the temptation to say ‘Yes, it’s cute, but what can it do?’ Until recently the answer was simply ‘lie there and cry’, but now babies can be put on the payroll, so to speak, almost as soon as they’re born.

Just dress your young one in Baby Mops and set him or her down on any hard wood or tile floor that needs cleaning. You may at first need to get things started by calling to the infant from across the room, but pretty soon they’ll be doing it all by themselves.

There’s no child exploitation involved. The kid is doing what he does best anyway: crawling. But with Baby Mops he’s also learning responsibility and a healthy work ethic.”

… at work ….

Posted by Baby Mop on Friday, November 13, 2015

You can buy the baby mop onesies HERE and another company is selling a similar product on Amazon.

What do you think? Would you buy one of these for your kiddo? Let us know in the comments.

Put them to work, right? Sounds like a plan to me!

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Australians Have Been Eating a Fish Previously Unknown to Science

Australians already confront crazy-looking (and deadly) animals on a daily basis, so it probably never occurred to them to question a fish that tasted pretty okay and didn’t kill anyone once ingested.

They probably didn’t expect to find out, though, that literally no one had ever heard of or seen the fish before, anywhere in the world.

Well, at least not before 2000, when a fisherman sent pictures of a mystery grouper to fish expert and Queensland Museum curator Jeff Johnson. But even though he saw images of the strange fish a few more times over the years, it wasn’t until 2017 that he got his hands on a physical specimen.

He nabbed 5 of them, actually, at a Brisbane fish market, and set to work identifying the apparently yummy swimmer.

“As soon as I saw them, I thought they were probably a new species, so I purchased all five and began the hard work of formally proving they were a new species,” he said in a statement. “I’ve been told they are quite tasty.”

He and museum geneticist Dr. Jessica Worthington Wilmer worked together to confirm his suspicions, and the new species was named Epinephelus fuscomarginatus.

The new subspecies of grouper isn’t so distinctive looking that people with untrained eyes would notice it straight away, and given that most groupers are fairly generic-looking fish, it’s understandable – if slightly worrying – that no one consuming it gave it a second thought.

The Epinephelus fuscomarginatus is about 27 inches long and lives about 750 feet down along the center of the Great Barrier Reef.

This grouper, interestingly, is not the only species to recently be discovered on its way to someone’s plate. In 2011, a new species of shark was discovered in a Taiwanese fish market, and in 2018, a different shark, thought to be extinct, showed up in a market in Mumbai.

In 2010, researchers discovered a species of monkey that sneezes when it rains, but lost their specimen when the locals in Myanmar ate it.

Oops. Dinner takes precedence over science, you know. I’m not even mad.

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A Creepy Fish with a Human Face Was Caught on Video in China

Fish can be called many things – slimy, weird, googly-eyed, delicious – but until now, human-like is about the last thing I would use to describe them.

If I had been the person to see this fish in the flesh – er, scales – I honestly am not sure that I would ever recover.

The video was captured at a freshwater lake in southwestern China, and the fish is believed to be from the species Cyprinus carpino (a carp). They come in a variety of colors ranging from olive to silver (in the wild), and in captivity, can sport any number of colors and patterns (like koi fish). And apparently, some of those patterns may involve black outlines that resemble a human face.

Image Credit: YouTube

The New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (and other fish experts) says the human tendency to anthropomorphize animals (see human characteristics where there aren’t any) is responsible for the fact that the fish seems to have a face. But if you look closely, you can see that it actually has does not have one.

At least, not a human face.

Image Credit: YouTube

Scientists believe that humans anthropomorphize animals as a way to enhance our ability to read cues, body language, and other behaviors that have aided in our survival as a species. The ability is “supported by a set of cognitive mechanisms that are both an automatic response to any human-like behavior and reflective,” like thinking your dog is hungry when he sits in front of his food dish.

Image Credit: YouTube

Though a similar video was debunked by Snopes (after amassing over 9 million views) earlier in 2019, so far, the jury on this slimy little fellow is still out.

Here’s the video – you decide!

I don’t know what I think – except that I’m probably not visiting China any time soon.

What about you?

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One Million Cannibal Ants Have Escaped from an Abandoned Nuclear Bunker

Hundreds of thousands of worker ants have been forced to survive by eating the “corpses of their imprisoned nestmates” after they found themselves trapped in an abandoned nuclear bunker in Poland.  Apparently, some individuals fell through a vent in the ceiling and were unable to climb back up to their “mother nest.” They were left little choice if they wanted to survive (not that ants really make “choices” in that way).

The nest was first discovered in 2013, when researchers intending to study bats found close to a million worker ants in the confined space with no light, no source of food, and a year-round temperature that averaged only 10 degrees C. They were immediately intrigued, and wanted to understand how – without a queen, without their typically sources of food, and without sunlight – they were thriving.

Scientists are looking at the situation as an opportunity to learn more about the complex evolutionary history of the ants, and have since released the survivors into their “mother nest” once again – basically just to see what happens.

“The present case adds a dimension to the great adaptive ability of ants to marginal habitats and suboptimal conditions, as the key to understanding their unquestionable eco-evolutionary success,” the authors wrote in their paper.

Before they reintroduced the cannibals into the world, scientists had to confirm that the nest above the ventilation shaft was where the ants had come from in the first place. They took a few individuals and set them along the outskirts of the “mother nest,” and after observing that none of the ants were attacked as outsiders, they were reasonably sure their hypothesis was correct.

Three years later, they decided to help the ants free themselves. They took a 3-meter-long boardwalk in the bunker and set it up as a ramp that led from the floor to the ceiling vent. The ants made their way out from there.

“Soon after the boardwalk had been installed, single ants started to inspect it,” noted the authors.

Within 6 months, and with no further intervention, the bunker was nearly empty. Ants continued to fall through the pipe, but the typically found the ramp and returned to their nest room afterward.

Scientists were thrilled to learn more about the “monumental” ability of wood ants to adapt to “marginal habitats and suboptimal conditions.” We now know they’re able to not only survive, but are able to self-organize and work together without a queen, and without contact with their original nest.

This strange turn of misfortune for the ants has turned into something of a win for science and for all of us – because the better we can understand how insects like ants have managed to survive and to thrive, despite the circumstances, the better prepared we can be to face such inevitable changes ourselves.

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20 Funny Insults That Only Really Work in German

German is a kind of an odd language. There are lots of vowels, and in order to speak it correctly, you kind of have to sound as angry as possible. Plus the words get really, really long.

It turns out, though, that their insults are surprisingly creative and funny.

So the next time you really want to let someone have it, try doing it in German!

20. I broke up with him because everyone knows he’s a “pleasure newt.”

A lustmolch is someone obsessed with sex, but it literally translates to “pleasure newt.”

19. Don’t hire that “driller of thin planks.”

If you refer to someone as a dunnbretthohrer, he’s someone who takes the laziest route possible, not the best.

18. Stop being such a “brain denier.”

In other words, use your smarts, gehirnverweigerer.

17. She’s a real “gossip aunt.”

Someone who likes to gossip and spread rumors is a tratschtante.

16. His daughter is a “little snot spoon.”

A rotzloffel is a brat.

15. What a “butt violin.”

An arschgeige is someone who doesn’t perform a task up to par.

14. That guy is nothing but a “butt with ears.”

A total, blithering idiot, otherwise known as an arsch mit ohren.

13. Eh, he’s such an “asparagus Tarzan.”

This one might be one of my favorites – spargeltarzan refers to someone tall and gangly.

12. He’s “someone who waves back at Teletubbies.”

Y’all, I cannot with this one, used to describe someone who just isn’t too bright – teletubbyzuruckwinker.

11. Did you see that “varnish monkey”?

A lackaffe is a man who dresses garishly in public (not that it’s anyone’s business).

10. Stop being a “banana bender.”

If you’re spinning your wheels engaging in a pointless task, someone in Germany might call you a bananenbieger.

9. She’s nothing but an “evolutionary brake.”

If someone is so dumb they’re threatening the evolution of all human life, they’re ripe to be called an evolutionsbremse.

8. You’re a “lump of puke.”

A simple kotzbrocken should do the trick if you’re short on time.

7. She was a bit of a “guzzling woodpecker” at the office Christmas party.

Someone who hits the bottle a bit too hard is a schluckspecht.

6. Hurry up, you “bag of whale blubber.”

If someone is driving like a grandma in front you during your commute, bust out a well-timed trantute.

5. An “ant tattooist.”

For all of the nit pickers in your life who obsess over tiny little details, you’ve got a new one – they’re an ameisentätowierer.

4. When push comes to shove, she’s a “trouser-pooper.”

A hosenscheisser is a coward of the worst order.

3. Instead of “full of hot air,” the Germans prefer to call someone a “hot air gun” or a “babble bag.”

Heissleuftgeblas or labertasche refers to someone who talks a lot about nothing.

2. Somebody is a “smelly boot” today.

I’m definitely going to start using stinkstiefel to refer to the grumps in my life.

1. Her face just invites a slap.

Ever meet someone who’s face just makes you want to slap them? Yes? Now you have a word for that – it’s backpfeifengesicht.


I honestly had no idea I could laugh this hard and something that originated in Germany.

I wonder if they make Germans laugh.

Probably not.

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Meet the Golden Retriever Puppy Who Emerged a Lovely Shade of…Green

In a strange plot twist that seems more worthy of Oz than plain old Earth, a regularly-colored golden retriever has given birth to a green puppy.

Just one – the other eight members of the litter were all hued similarly to their parents (and presumably, their parents before them).

Little Mojito was born just before Halloween in Wermelskirchen, Germany, and his owner, Joanna Justice, was at first concerned about his mint-green coloring. He was healthy, though, as were his litter mates.

Dr. Christian Dimitriadis assured Joanna (and all of us) that the puppy’s green fur would likely grow out and disappear, turning white the second time around.

Though green puppies are rare, they’re not entirely unheard of – the same week, a shamrock-colored great Dane was born in the U.S. – and another green golden retriever pup was born in Scotland in 2017.

Veterinarians and other scientists aren’t entirely sure why some puppies are born green, though most believe it has to do with bile pigment biliverdin exposure in the womb. This is why it’s most often seen in white dogs – the pigment has a better chance of being seen in a light-colored coat.

Biliverdin can be found in the bile, bruises, and placenta of dogs, and it shows up in other biological phenomena, as well – even in the 6-million-year-old shells of dinosaur eggs.

So anyway, I assume this mama dog loved her green baby the same as the rest – a sentiment I hope would be shared should a human child come out green, but you never know.

Not everyone grew up dreaming of a visit to Oz, herself.

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Put Your Own Face on Your Luggage and You’ll Never Lose It Again

You’ve tried everything – a red ribbon, brightly colored luggage, your name and address – but have you considering just screen-printing your mug right on your bags so you can easily spot them at the airport?

Probably not. But here’s the thing…absolutely no one will mistakenly pick up your bag if you do.

Travel + Leisure reports that a company called Firebox is offering a product they call Head Case, which isn’t quite a screen printed suitcase – rather, it’s a stretchy spandex cover that goes around your bag.

Like a boss.

The image is on both sides, the cover buckles in place, and there are holes for all of your handles – plus there are three sizes to choose from. Prices range from $26 to $39 apiece.

I mean really…what’s not to like?

And if you, like me, have realized that this product is ready made for pranking friends and family, listen up – they also print on pillows, air fresheners, and creepy masks.

Go hog wild, my friends. And I promise if you get those luggage covers you’ll make at least a few friends the next time you take an airplane or check into hotel.

I mean. Who could resist that face, right?

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