Creepy Photos of Babies With Adult Teeth…You’ve Been Warned

Random stuff became a “thing” on social media for only a brief moment and they leave you scratching your head.

Sometimes, those things are also terrifying and you wonder if the whole idea was spawned by Satan himself.

This is one of those things.

For some reason, people have been Photoshopping and Faceswapping adult teeth onto babies and little kids and it’s just downright creepy.

Are you ready for some legit nightmare fuel?

Okay, you asked for it…


He looks pretty uncomfortable with the whole thing.

2. Flashin’ those pearly whites.

This is hilarious.

3. Well, those sure came in quickly.

He’s cool with it.

4. Just in case you need a reminder…

Somehow scarier when their eyes are closed.

5. Like I said, nightmare fuel.

For days and days…

6. It will haunt you.

Oh, it will haunt you for a long time to come…

7. My eyes!

Kind of hard to look away, isn’t it?

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HAHAHA #babieswithteeth #socreepy ??

A post shared by Poppy, Oliver & Frankie (@poppy_ollie_and_frankie) on

8. This might be the most disturbing of the bunch.

Not the kid’s fault, of course.

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These are amazing #babieswithteeth

A post shared by Jeritt Hemeon (@j_hemeon) on

9. Double trouble.

And double the terror!

10. This one cracks me up.

Face of a baby, mouth of a grown-up.

11. Ugh, this is the last one.

Are you scared yet?

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#creepy #sowrong #babieswithteeth #ouch

A post shared by Jill Clark (@healthymichiganmama) on

A big set of choppers on a little kiddo will never NOT BE disturbing, I don’t know what else to say about it.

Okay, now we want you to get involved.

In the comments, please share a photo of a funny (or scary) Photoshop or a Faceswap that you’ve done with your friends and family.

Let’s get weird! Really weird!

The post Creepy Photos of Babies With Adult Teeth…You’ve Been Warned appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Insults People Say That Sound Like Compliments

You’ve been here before: someone gives you a compliment and then a few minutes later it dawns on you…HEY, THAT WASN’T A COMPLIMENT! THAT WAS AN INSULT!

And then you get offended and start crying and you’re not friends with that person anymore…at least that’s the way it works for me…

What are some insults that people throw out that are cleverly designed as compliments?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.

1. Keep trying!

“I love what you’re trying to do with your hair…”

2. Ouch…

“Good for you.

This is passive aggressive through and through.”

3. That’s not nice.

“My grandma used to tell us that if you ever met an ugly baby you should said “wow that is SOME BABY”.”

4. Oh, Grandma.

“My grandma always says people are “good and kind” when they get on her nerves.

They think shes a sweet old lady, when shes really saying they’re “good for nothing and kinda stupid”.

I got it engraved on a mug for her.”

5. Standing out.

“That outfit is really brave.”

6. Thank you?

“You’re much smarter than you look.”

7. The very least.

“I was doing a timed work skills test a month into a new job and it took me forever so he let me do it again.

It took just as long the second time and he said, “Well… at least you’re consistent.””

8. Who would actually say that?

“Someone once said to me “you aren’t as horrible as everyone told me you’d be”.”

9. Packing on the pounds.

““You look…. healthy” where I’m from, the nice way of saying someone has gotten fat.”

10. You’re really doing it!

“You’re so confident!

This has got to be a kick to the nuts. Said in the right tone that must suck.

Cuz you know homeboy built up quite some courage to rock those assless chaps and now Aunt Karen just dropped that bomb on you at the family Christmas party…”

11. Major eye roll…

“I love my mother, but she used to hit me with this.

She’d say, “You know what I love about you – you just don’t care what other people think” when I’d leave the house without makeup. ?

12. Well, gee…

“Your sister is beautiful and you are…smart”

13. No respect.

“With all due respect,…” when it’s clear none is due.”

14. Not a good thing to hear.

“You are impossible to underestimate.”

15. Over sharing.

“One of the guys I was dating told me ‘you share your emotions and feelings quite often’.

I took it as I probably talk too much about things and shouldn’t, but he told me that no it’s a good thing and it helps. Still made me think twice the next time I wanted to share things.”

16. An old classic.

“Classic chubby girl insult: “But you have such a pretty face!””

17. That’s so rude.

“While waiting tables, an old woman told my coworker that he’s “handsome for a Mexican”

Biiitch he’s just handsome.”

18. Insulted.

“That reminds me so much of “you’re a lesbian?? but you’re so pretty!!”

Like, good job insulting both my people and my taste in people in one swift blow.”

19. Some people need to hear this.

“I hope you have the day you deserve.”

20. I might’ve heard this one before…

“You’ve got a face for radio.”

21. Smart…for a girl.

“In the line at Walmart there was an old lady and a man trying to figure out how much money they needed to pay and when I said the amount,

He told me that I was pretty smart for being a girl.”

22. Name the movie!!!

“It’s understanding that makes it possible for people like us to tolerate a person like yourself.

-Abe Froman”

23. Is that good or bad?

“You have completely met my expectations”

24. Very insulting.

“You talk so eloquently” “you speak so well” towards a black person as if we all talk like we’re from the depths if the hood.”

25. Hahaha.

“If you are in the South, “Bless your heart”.”

26. Not sure how to take that.

“You haven’t changed a bit!”

27. Who are you?

“You look so pretty I didn’t even recognize you.” My mom said that to me one day when I was leaving for high school. She totally didn’t mean it to be an insult, but I felt that one.”

28. Fashionista.

“I love how you just wear anything!”

29. Growing up…and into…

“Oh, I see you’re finally growing into those ears.”

30. Carry the weight.

“You carry your weight well.

Said to me by a much thinner friend.”

31. Never thought of that…

“I’m a little surprised this isn’t on here.

I heard that stewardesses will say “See you next time” to airline passengers that have been particularly troublesome. Sounds innocent until you abbreviate it “C U Next Time”.”

32. You look…

““You look tired”.

Just another way of saying you look like shit.”

33. How do you interpret this one?

“You really are something else.”

34. No one wants to hear this.

“Well, aren’t you precious?”

35. A modern classic.

“Cool story bro.”

Ouch…those really leave a sting, don’t they?

Okay, now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us about insults you’ve received in your life that sound like compliments.

Please and thank you!

The post People Share Insults People Say That Sound Like Compliments appeared first on UberFacts.

People Open up About How They Knew Someone Was Obsessed With Them in an Unhealthy Way

I’ve had people tell me about getting stalked by people who became obsessed with them and it is downright scary.

For some folks, a switch just flips and they become infatuated with people to such an unhealthy degree that something needs to be done about it.

Has this ever happened to you?

Here are some pretty creepy stories from AskReddit users about when they realized someone was obsessed with them in an unhealthy way.

1. Really creepy.

“I was bartending at a local hole in the wall and I had a regular that was nice & flirty (typical bartender/customer stuff). One day he says to me “You were at John’s* house Sunday morning. You guys a thing?”

I asked him how he knew I was there & he said he saw my car. I was a little taken aback but I was parked on the main road & my car was fairly distinctive, so I didn’t think much of it. A couple weeks later he’d made a joke that I was never home, cos my car was always gone when he passed by.

That made the hair on my neck stand up, but again I don’t exactly live off of the beaten path, so ok. When I really ???? that it was more than casual observations was when he started complimenting me on different outfits & hairstyles I wore on my days off or prior to my shift.

He’d also make comments about receiving packages or coming home with after shopping (“You should find someone who would carry those groceries into the house for you. I’d never make you carry the bags in the house after all that shopping you did on Saturday.”)

It was really creepy and I couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched for a long time.”

2. Followed.

“This guy at college would follow me EVERYWHERE. One day, I just went out to buy my lunch and he came with me. He didn’t buy anything, just followed me. Even when I told him he was making me uncomfortable, he still would not leave me alone. I didn’t wanna sound rude though.

Eventually, I started trying to get on the bus with me when I would head home. That was the last straw for me. The next time He tried to follow me onto the bus, and actually managed to step on, I pushed him off and urgently told the driver to close the doors.

The driver instantly took the hint and shut them. I told him the guy was stalking me, showed my student ID which allowed me on the bus for free, and took a seat.

The next day, the guy had the audacity to ask me why I didn’t let him to home with me. I told him to stop following me around from then on.”

3. DON’T send nudes.

“When she started sending nudes to my work email because I asked her to stop contacting me. I changed my snapchat account and blocked her number, but my work email is on my company’s website, so she found it.

That was a awkward conversation with my IT guys.”

4. Ex-girlfriend.

“When I was stationed in Korea and my ex girlfriend kept emailing my wife from different emails pretending to be women in Korea that I was cheating on her with.

My wife and I had a pretty good laugh about it and she eventually came clean. Her husband was not happy about her still obsessing over me.”

5. At church.

“My husband was deployed in Afghanistan so I had to go to church alone. One week, an older man (maybe 65) approached and said, “Can I sit here?” I said sure. We had a bit of conversation and he said, “My wife died a few weeks ago and I was just praying this morning for God to send an angel I could sit with at church today.” He seemed like a sweetheart, I felt bad for him.

He sat next to me for a few weeks in a row. It didn’t bother me too much. I brought him some homemade jam. He told me about how his son was also deployed.

I mentioned he should really try getting into a church small group, that it would be great company for him. I set him up with one of the best. He said he wasn’t sure how to get to the venue. If he gave me his number, could I tell him where the place was? He was confused. I said, sure.

Well, once I texted him the directions, I don’t think he ever went to the group, but he had my phone number. He started calling 8+ times a day, saying “Hello beautiful” and begging me to meet him at Waffle House.

For the remainder of my husband’s 6-month deployment, I did not go to church. I was really worried about running into that guy. I blocked his number and luckily have never seen him again. Months after my husband got back, I told him what happened and of course he was livid.”

6. Total psycho.

“I broke up with a physically abusive boyfriend, and at the time I worked about a 25 minute drive from where I lived (always drove the same road home).

My schedule never changed and I began seeing his car and occasionally his friends’ cars along my drive, always parked off from the road a little and around some seriously sharp corners. At first I didn’t think anything of it, until it began happening at night (I’d do inventory every Tuesday night and be at work until 10pm; this was my only full night shift).

This went on for about a month, until I started switching my routes to and from work because I was getting creeped out. Easter ended up rolling around and I, again, had to stay late to help my coworker change the signage (I worked at Subway). It was getting close to 9pm, and the work phone began ringing off the hook (was my ex).

My coworker, who knew what was going on, just muted the phone and we continued doing what we needed to do. Shortly after we saw my ex standing outside, in the middle of the road staring into the restaurant.

I hid behind the counter as soon as I could and my coworker ended up telling me when he left. Got calmed down until we got to my car to find out he broke into my car and left a bunch of weed and a threatening note.

I bought a new car the next week; fully equipped with a very loud alarm.”

7. Trying to be friendly.

“As a bus driver you’re expected to be cheerful and chat with whoever while idle. A regular passenger started riding around, always in the front seat. Over a week or two the conversation got quite personal, always by her initiative.

I told my supervisor about this just to cover my ass. Then she started to bring me gifts, cookies, candy beverages. Finally, she invited me over for a meal, so her mom could meet her boyfriend! I had zero interest in the young woman, didn’t want anything to do with her.

Luckily, she moved or just avoided the bus during my shift.”

8. Stalked by Dad.

“When my dad showed up to my place of work.

We had been estranged, but he knew I worked at Starbucks and had traveled from location to location to figure out where I had transferred to and when my shifts were scheduled.

Even had the balls to call the store and pretend to be me to get my schedule information. I saw his vehicle parked out front and freaked out and ran inside.

He followed in after about thirty minutes (right as the morning rush was hitting full swing) and started berating me in front of all my coworkers and customers.

Thats the day I went and learned about restraining orders.”

9. No thanks.

“When he started acting like he couldn’t survive without me directly by his side at all times. I had met him a week earlier, only spoke to him briefly, and never flirted or had any romantic or sexual interactions with him.

He literally just stalked me and physically put himself at my side like a Siamese twin, going as far as pushing other people away from “his” spot, and threatening to kill himself when I brought it up with him. Yeah, no thanks.”

10. That’s kind of scary.

“My sister brought home “my” spiral notebook from school.

She thought it was mine because it had my name written and doodled covering every page.

Turns out it was a girl who was obsessed with me.”

11. Online crazies.

“I was chatting with a gal online through a dating site.

She was nice enough and we were having good conversations, but had not yet even began speaking on the phone. It turns out a friend of hers was friends with one of my friends. Small world.

I’m at home one day puttering around and I hear a knock at my door, I look out the window and see a car I don’t recognize. My hink meter starts pinging so I pull a butcher knife, brace my foot so the door can only open a bit and crack the door.

She is standing there and tells me she got the address from my friend and asking to come in. I was weirded out and declined, she got upset and started crying and telling me how this was supposed to be a pleasant surprise. I tried to send her on her way gently and she got pissed and stormed off and drove away.

I thought that was it. Then she starts emailing me saying she loves me, then starts calling me, (my idiot friend gave her my number), and leaving gifts at my door that would be there in the morning.i lived in Mesa, AZ, she was in Tucson about an hour away. I eventually had to threaten her with a restraining order.

My friend had talked to hers about what was going on she said, “Oh yeah, she’s nuts, she’s done this before.”

I felt a lot better when I left the state.”


“Not me but my sister is obsessed with her ex. She cheated on him and is desperate to get him back. She constantly tries to get in touch with him like getting my little brother to FaceTime him through his iPad cause she knows he won’t answer her.

She says she thinks about him every day and will text him on holidays like Easter just to say have a nice day or whatever. They had a conversation and after that she looked up the program he was in at the college he goes to and found out that his program was canceled because of covid19 so she doesn’t understand why he hasn’t gotten in contact with her.

She wrote a letter a couple days ago and is planning to go to his house and leave it at his door. Originally, her plan was to pay me to go ring the doorbell and give it to him but like hell nah lol. Whenever I tell her to back off she just says I don’t understand cause I’ve never been in a relationship:/ it’s been months of crap like this.”

13. Obsessed with the teacher.

“It was really sad.

It was a High School student I was teaching. She found out where I lived and used to conveniently be in the area and then just parked in front of my house. I had to report her. We all met with the principal and a counselor.

She was a senior so we all agreed if she stopped doing that and take another class I wasn’t teaching, we’d let her graduate at the school.”

14. Fatal attraction.

“Had a friend.

She was a bit eccentric, we were really close until she started going totally off the edge – hid my bicycle, stood outside my house screaming obscenities, told everyone we had a sexual relationship, belittled my abusive past, screaming right into my face.

Tried to stab our common friend… Twice. The thing that pulled alarms in my head was when i told her I’ll be heading home from my boyfriends soon and she can come for a visit in a couple of hours if she wants.

Got home in under an hour, she was waiting near my apartment building and started accusing me of lying to her, there was absolutely no telling her that I wanted to settle a little, take a shower and eat something, I did not say I’d be home in two hours. I managed to cut her out of my life.

Few years later she started blowing up my mothers phone (one cant find my number anywhere) demanding for her to give my number explaining all this pretty lunatic nonsense, but how she needed me because I’m one of her apostles and she needs me to start her own religion, because she is “his son, another of Adam and Eve”, and this was not even the craziest shit.

Quite confidental seeing that a few years before this she was super paranoid about my mother since she works for the military. And yes, previously this girl had a delusion that she is re-incarnated Jesus.

After this I’ve heard through friends that I’m Peter, Venus and latest probably was that I’m a whore. So yeah that was the point I was more than sure she was obsessed with me.”

15. That’s wild.

“She went to my grandmother’s house and got my phone number from beside the phone on the little board in the kitchen…

…5 years after we dated and I had severed all ties with her and anyone that still associated with her.”

Yikes…be careful out there, everyone.

Have you ever had someone develop an unhealthy obsession with you? Or maybe someone even started stalking you at some point?

If so, please share your stories with us in the comments!

The post People Open up About How They Knew Someone Was Obsessed With Them in an Unhealthy Way appeared first on UberFacts.

Posts About English That Will Confuse Even People Who Speak It

English is a hard language for non-native speakers to learn, and if you don’t believe me, consider how poorly a vast majority of native English speakers understand their own language.

There are as many ways to break rules as there are rules, and really, most of them are arbitrary and make little sense to begin with.

Need some examples? Here are 12 that will twist your mind into knots.

12. Why are there so many ways to spell Sean, though?

And don’t even get me started on Seamus.

Image Credit: Twitter

11. This is a good jumping off point.

It kind of makes you feel better about all the rest of it.

10. We’re blowing your mind.

And also infuriating you at the same time.

9. There’s literally no rhyme or reason.

See what I did there?

Image Credit: Tumblr

8. Go ahead and just ruminate on that for a minute.

But not longer, unless you want to get angry.

7. I’m going to pronounce ‘naked’ like ‘baked’ and vice versa from now on.

I’m sure that won’t cause any confusion.

Image Credit: Twitter

6. At least you can’t mix them up.

Just pick one. You can’t go wrong!

The phrases "you’re shit" and "you ain’t shit" mean the same thing from Showerthoughts

5. Non-English speakers have no idea what’s going on here.

And honestly, I’m kind of jealous.

Image Credit: Twitter

4. It makes us all really uncomfortable.

That’s why English does it, of course.

3. And it just keeps going on and on my friend.

We could do this all day.

2. The American South does have the market cornered on contractions.

The really really fun kind.

Image credit: Tumblr

1. Do you think English made this pun on purpose?

Or was it a happy accident?


I need a drink, you guys.

Which English nonsense rule is your most/least favorite? Tell us in the comments!

The post Posts About English That Will Confuse Even People Who Speak It appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About True-Life Incidents They Could Hardly Believe Were Happening to Them

When something crazy happens in life, it’s hard to believe it’s really happening. There’s a surreal aspect to these moments where it almost feels dream-like, especially if it’s something very shocking.

I’m sure a lot of you have had these experiences before. Perhaps it was a death, or a phone call about sometimes awful happening, or maybe an accident of some kind.

Here are some true stories from AskReddit users for you to check out.

1. That’s gotta be wild.

“The first time I walked up to a plane I’d rented for the day, signed off, did a preflight, got in and took off.

I legally took an airplane out for a spin, and noone was monitoring me. It just seemed like an insane thing.”

2. All kinds of bad news.

“That would probably be having a conference call with my boss and HR telling me I was one of 50 people being laid off due to restructuring, while my (now ex-) wife was in the other room packing her things to move out of the house.”

3. Good thing you were there.

“I live in an apartment with a balcony overlooking a canal. One evening my partner and I were out on the balcony having a smoke, there was nobody around except for a drunk guy stumbling down the path along the canal.

My partner commented that he’d fall in if he wasn’t careful, and sure enough, he did. We immediately called an ambulance and my partner ran outside to look for help – the guy was twice our size and if we’d tried to help by ourselves, we all would have drowned.

Emergency services arrived in less than ten minutes and pulled him out. He lived. Still gives me shivers to think about what would have happened if we hadn’t been outside.”

4. Keep fighting!

“Diagnosed with an incurable cancer at 33.

I was given 2 months to live. One year later almost and I’m still kicking it. As sick as I was, I’m glad I’m standing here being the bad ass I am. My prognosis is much better now.

I won’t beat this, but it’s really given me a push to live life and love big.”

5. Scandalous.

“I got a message one day from a stranger that said “there’s something we need to talk about that is important to both of us”.

The stranger called me. “Hi. You don’t know me, but I think it’s important that you know that my husband is sleeping with your wife. I know this, because he left his Facebook logged into our computer at home, and I see everything they have been chatting about for months.” BOOM. Life upended.

I was good to my wife. Really good. Then my life exploded. Children were involved, and families destroyed on all sides. That was the start of the worst year of my life. Over the next 6 months, I lost 40 pounds of weight and probably shortened my life by 10 years due to stress.

Bonus points: it turns out that in my appointed position with the local government, I had given the guy an award the year before for his service to children.

Good news: it’s all good now. It was bound to happen, as I learned later she was a serial cheater before me, so it’s not like it wasn’t going to happen at some point. I am with a great person now, and family life is great.”

6. That is scary.

“Head on collision with my motorcycle and a sewage drain. I had 1 second to decide to super man off the front.

The I cant believe this is happening right now moment came when I was mid air.”

7. In the ocean.

“I got caught in a rip-tide, a current that drags you deep into the ocean away from shore. I’ve never experienced one, so I fought the current and swam against it.

I’m a poor swimmer, so I ended up exhausting myself. I’m out in the ocean with two of my friends when I realised Im too exhausted to float.

I remember that thought going through my head and was 100% prepared and expecting to die. I turned to them and said “guys don’t panic but I have about 30 seconds left”

Thank God a surfer saw me stuggling and helped my friends throw me on his board. A lifeguard boat came a few minutes later.”

8. Awful.

“My best friend was murdered.

I found out from a phone call from a detective. It really hit me when I saw her picture on the news that evening.”

9. Very sad.

“When I was 14, just playing the newly released Arkham City, the doorbell rang and the police came to our house in order to tell us our dad died in a car accident.

Just ran into my room to have the loudest and longest holler of my entire life.”

10. Not normal.

“I was 9, my mother and step father had gotten into a fight and she decided that everything that caused them to argue had to go, including me.

She got the rifle and chased me, I hid for hours until she lost interest. As I hid in the barn, I was wondering if this was a normal thing or not.”

11. Rising water.

“Watching the water slowly creep into my house during Hurricane Matthew…I had taken every measure to block the doors with sandbags etc…it was in vain as the water came in through my foundation.

Scariest experience of my life and not knowing how to answer my 8 year old son when he asked “mom, are we gonna be ok?””

12. Shooter.

“A while ago at my college we were put on lockdown for a potential gunman on campus. When they announced over the loud speakers “There is a gunman on campus, shelter in place.” I had a surreal “I can’t believe this is happening right now moment.” Its always something that you think will never actually happen to you.

Thankfully there was never any actually danger on campus ( just a potential threat ) ,but sending those texts to my family/ friends is something that I never wanted to do. The scariest 2.5 hrs of my life was not knowing whether someone was gonna come into my lecture hall to shoot it up.”

13. Detoxing.

“Alcohol detox.

After 20 years as an alc*holic and trying many many times to quit on my own, I finally decided to get help. I went to a doctor that does surgical implants of naltrexone, which eliminates the craving for alcohol. The idea is that if you can get rid of the cravings, you have a chance of staying sober long enough (like a year) to kick the habit.

Before they do that though, they do a rapid detox session where you stay in a room on an IV drip for like 8 hours. I remember sitting in there with my wife and just thinking I never thought I’d fall this far. I was really and truly and the bottom. I was hopeless and truly suicidal.

But the implants helped me stay sober, I got into weekly therapy to deal with the CSA, and I got my antidepressants dialed in. I also started exercising regularly and eating healthy.

Now I’m 2.5 years sober, and I’ve largely healed the emotional trauma from the CSA. I’ve also lost a bunch of weight and finally have a decently muscular physique going. The depression (which was later identified as bipolar type 2) is under control as long as I stay vigilant. Life is actually looking pretty good now.”

14. Earthquake.

“The February 2010 8.8 earthquake in Santiago, Chile. I was on the 9th floor of a high rise building, my wife about 5 months pregnant at the time.

At first, I didn’t think much of it. When I had moved to Santiago a few years prior, I’d felt the first tremor I’d ever felt in my life, a little 3.1 rumbler that barely shook the bookcase, but to me felt like the birth pangs of the great apocalypse.

I walked around all day long with a fevered excitement asking everybody I saw what they thought of the morning’s earthquake. Nobody else had apparently even felt it, despite my insistence that the US Geological Survey’s website did in fact prove that it happened.

“This is Chile, we don’t get out of bed for anything under a 6.”

So when my wife had nudged me awake upon feeling the first perceptible waves of the coming megaquake, I calmly informed her that “It’s not big deal honey, go back to sleep, nobody gets out of bed for anything under a 6.”

A couple of seconds later the plaster began raining down from above and I knew this one meant business. We scurried out of bed and began fumbling around with the door handle like fish attempting to pick the lock.

After we got it open, I realized I’d left my cigarettes inside (I used to be a smoker), so before the door slammed shut I risked digits to hold it open, dash back in, and grab my stumps, only later in the aftermath realizing that I’d left the keys on top of the microwave.

Once we got out into the hallway to make it to the staircase, the horror of the quake began in earnest. The building was literally jumping up and down, the floor felt like walking through marshmallow like the stairs in Nightmare on Elm Street, it was the only time in my life I was ever honestly convinced that I was going to die.

My wife tells a tale—and I have no recollection of this—that once we reached the end of the hall, she froze and grabbed onto the wall, refusing to move. Apparently I grabbed her, threw her over my shoulder, and carried her down 9 flights of stairs, bearing in mind she was 5 months pregnant.

I’m not going to say it happened, as her perception of the events could be equally as skewed by all the excitement and fear as my own, but that would classify as the “I can’t believe this is happening moment”, because I literally can’t believe it actually happened.”

Wow. Life sure can change in an instant, huh?

Now we’d like to hear from the readers out there.

In the comments, please share a true story with us where you could hardly believe what was happening.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Talk About True-Life Incidents They Could Hardly Believe Were Happening to Them appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About Their True “I Can’t Believe This Is Happening Right Now” Stories

When dramatic things happen in life, it seems like time moves in slow motion. I’m talking about car accidents, fights, or any other kind of disturbing incidents.

It’s hard to describe, but it almost feels like what you’re experiencing isn’t even real and you say to yourself, “I can’t believe this is really happening right now!”

I think almost everyone has had an experience like this at some point in their life.

Let’s take a look at these true stories from folks on AskReddit.

1. Bad news.

“The night before Valentine’s Day a few years ago I caught my husband texting a woman I didn’t know about hanging out when I would be away. After some back and forth non-sense that he was being a wingman to his friend, I said “You have 24 hours to get a story straight”.

Of course by the next day I did internet research and realized he was lying anyway.

He comes home from work on Valentine’s Day with flowers. Tells me that he’s been talking to this girl for two years. Mind you, in those two years we had other non-cheating issues and he swore up and down he was working on himself. I knew he could lie, but never thought it would be about another woman.

After I heard “two years”, I took his shared debit card, wrote him a check for a couple hundred dollars and said get out. (Before you judge, We resolved the finances later. He was unemployed and couldn’t hold a job to save his life and the house was mine. He got a fair settlement)

My friends came over and ate the lobster dinner I ordered for Valentine’s Day.

I’m glad it happened. Made me a better and happier person to get away from him. I still hate Valentines Day though.”

2. Scary stuff.

“I was in Rio, my mother had just given some money to a homeless dude. Few after that a wild burglar appears. Holding a knife against her chest, she gave him her purse and he run away.

The homeless dude then stood up and said something like “she’s a nice woman, do not steal from her”. They started arguing and the purse came flying, sommersaults and all, back to her arms.”

3. Hardest day of my life.

“Taking a phone call from my twin from the hospital to say her husband didn’t make it – (after she’d found him unresponsive in VF and had done CPR on him while waiting for paramedics … )

All the time her kids were at my house (I was looking after them) but she didn’t want me to tell them as she wanted to tell them herself. Hardest day of my life, a million times harder for her. Some days I still can’t believe he’s gone.”

4. At the lake.

“I was swimming at a lake last summer.

My sister has 7 kids so I was helping her keep an eye on them. A little boy was bouncing up and down beside me. I thought the kids next to him were with him. Then I realized they swam away and he was by himself. But he wasn’t play jumping. He was trying to stay above water.

After 4 seconds of him going under and seeing that he actually wasn’t tall enough to be in the 4 foot water, I reached over and grabbed him. Kid almost drowned. Turns out he was about 3 years old. He puked up a bunch of water all over me and I held that strangers kid in a hug so tight. The parents were 20 feet away with their backs turned.

It took me a good 10 minutes to find them after standing there in the lake screaming for them and asking random people if that was their kid. Could not stop shaking with the realization this kid could’ve died and I just saved him. I had to leave after that and haven’t been back to that lake since.

People, watch your kids please. Tons of kids die every year. Takes one minute of distraction.”

5. A good day.

“When my lawyer called me to tell me I won custody of my three kids, then an hour later my ex calls looking for her child support check and I got to tell her I won.”

6. A bad accident.

“I woke up from what felt like a dream; kind of like when you are half asleep and someone is talking to you and you know that they’re there, but your mind is somewhere else.

I was woken up to a man asking me what my name was and my first thought was “well that’s a pretty good question isn’t it!”. I wasn’t quite sure what my name was, I was still in a dream like state where I couldn’t really grasp the physical world.

Then he asked me what day it was, to which I thought “I couldn’t tell you what day it was most days of the week”… and then it clicked, it was Christmas Day, the guy waking me up was a paramedic getting ready to load me into a helicopter. My face was so broken that I couldn’t open my eyes or make any sound more than a moan, but I wasn’t in pain.

My next thought was “damage control, I got fucked up somehow (still don’t remember what happened 12 years later) but I was being taken care of, and I still have all my teeth” (first thing I did when I realized I was in bad shape was lick all my teeth to see if they were there).

The moment where I thought “I can’t believe this is my life right now” happened once I landed at the hospital.

I always would think, when watching shows such as ER and the like, that it must be embarrassing to be injured and have a room full of people strip all your clothes off.

So there I was laying on a table which felt like cold like metal, in a neck brace, uncomfortable, butt ass naked, with people evidently scurrying around me. I chuckled to myself in my head how crazy it was that I was now that person naked in a hospital, but I didn’t care at all, I was just comforted that I was being taken care of.

Ski patrol told me I got knocked out and slid 200 yards years, face down, unconscious. No one saw the accidentent because so few people were riding on Christmas day, but they could tell by the tracks that I had left. I don’t remember what happened at all however.

Needless to say I wear a helmet when I ride now, which, everyone should regardless of skill level.”

7. A life saver.

“Checking a regular guest out of my hotel when I realized he was having a stroke. Mumbling, repeating himself, couldn’t even sign his name.

Called 911 so an ambulance could get him to a hospital. The moment it really hit was the next day when his wife called and said I saved his life.

Like dude, I work at a hotel. This was not something I ever expected to hear.”

8. Reality check!

“When the nurse handed us our first child ready to take her home, I looked at my wife and immediately thought, “Shit, we have to keep this thing alive”

9. All alone.

“I broke down in the mountains late at night back before cell phones. I had my flashers on and my hood up and was standing outside trying to figure out what to do.

2 cops and a tow truck drove by without helping me! Hours later a group of teenagers finally pulled over and offered to drive me to a phone to call for help.”

10. Good thing you were there.

“I was working at a group home with people who have physical and mental disabilities. We were all eating lunch when a client suddenly was choking.

He turned blue and I thought, “shit, here we go.” I performed the heimlich and he stopped choking and started to breathe. That was scary.”

11. Terrible.

“I found my husband unresponsive and called 911, did CPR, paramedics came and took over. After 30 minutes they told me he was gone and there was nothing they could do. Tons of friends and family came over right away.

For some reason it only hit me when one of our good friends told me not to worry about food or lawn care as she was setting up a food train/lawn care for me. That was the “oh shit this is really happening” moment for me.”

12. On the road.

“When I woke up with my head lodged in between the car seat and the wall of the car after being hit by a drunk driver. I was asleep in the very back of my Toyota Sienna while my mom was driving and I wasn’t wearing a seat belt during the time of the accident.

Luckily for me, I managed to get away with just a scar to my forehead EVEN THOUGH I was flung across the car after being struck. I’m still flabbergasted I got away with just the scar…”

13. Unexpected.

“I was in the hospital for my dad after he got into a fender bender. Everything was going fine (he only had a sore neck and some minor scratches) up until the doctor came in, shut the curtain behind her and told him “we found some spots on your lungs when we scanned you”.

Completely unexpected and heartbreaking.”

Now we want to hear from all of you out there!

In the comments, tell us your “I can’t believe this is really happening” stories.

We look forward to hearing from you.

The post People Talk About Their True “I Can’t Believe This Is Happening Right Now” Stories appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Stories About Terrible Co-Workers Who Miraculously Weren’t Fired

There’s a huge difference between people who aren’t very good at their jobs and those who willingly do bad things because they are…well, terrible people.

Sometimes, you can cut people some slack if they mess up at work and it was an honest mistake, but it always blows my mind when rude, crude, ignorant people are bad at their jobs (seemingly on purpose) and they still don’t get fired.

It’s enough to make your blood boil, isn’t it?

Here are some very interesting stories from folks on AskReddit about co-workers who got away with a whole lot of stuff and weren’t given the boot.

1. Eventually paid the price.

“Had a boss storing pictures of himself in only his wide open bathrobe on company servers. It was reported to HR but wasn’t fired for it.

Later he was arrested as part of an undercover sting where he thought he was meeting a 15 year old girl about 500 miles away.”

2. That’s pretty bad.

HR rep found out about a person’s elective surgery and made fun of her with a former employee.

Let me recap: this person knew about an employee’s private medical information, because she worked with our healthcare plan in her role as HR, and shared that private information with another person for the sole purpose of mocking the employee.

She was not fired.”

3. Sounds like a piece of work.

“One of my former coworkers (she’s since been fired for stealing customers lottery winnings) told an elderly woman that she was stupid for not knowing how to pump gas.

This woman’s husband had recently passed and he had always pumped the gas for her, so she never learned. I had horrible second hand embarrassment when the woman came in and told us (we relayed it to the manager).”

4. Sounds like a great worker!

“Eat weed, urinate outdoors on garbage cans in public, masturbate and drink on the job.”

5. That’s messed up.

“This dude walks a server out of the server room every six months or so to sell on eBay.

We have literally no security except the front door, but the owner is so ancient and out of touch I doubt she even remembers things are being stolen.”

6. That’s a lot of weed.

“I work in a medical marijuana state.

One guy neglected to check a dry room for a few days assuming all was well. All was not well, at all. The dehumidifier crapped out while the plants were being hung to dry and sat in a warm, dark room for 3 days before it was someone elses responsibility to check it.

By that point every single plant was coated in mold and we had to throw out a little over a million dollars worth of product (side note: I had never done the math to see what he cost us until now and am mad all over again.

His only punishment was to be denied moving to day shift but other than that it was forgotten about.”

7. Psycho.

“Telemarketing co-worker was very obviously a psycho or sociopath. Showed up late every shift by definition, had quite a temper with authority, but would often just cause trouble out of boredom, by his own admission.

The most controversial thing he did one particular day was address every client he spoke to by the ‘n’ word. Once the manager heard him, he yelled at him outside for 20 minutes and that was the end of it.

A week later, this co-worker denied it had ever happened before going on a tangent about how he liked to start arguments with his girlfriend just to see her cry. Fucking sociopath.”

8. Baffling.

“I work in a garden center, this just happened today. Buddy has worked ONE (today) of his scheduled shifts in the past two weeks. He calls in all the time, leaves a message with the cashiers, and hangs up before a manager can talk to him.

On the off chance he does show up, he doesn’t do anything besides move some plants around. Hell, my mom was walking through the garden center today and saw him squatted behind a stack of plants playing on his phone.

Further, the guy takes multiple unauthorized breaks a day and sits in his car for at least an hour because his “back hurts.” He has had two write-ups for missing work and somehow this lazy shite is still on payroll. He’s an asshole towards both coworkers and customers alike.

Nothing he’s done is as preposterous as some of the stories I’m sure are on this thread, but the sheer consistency of his laziness is baffling to me.”

9. At the mall.

“I worked at a convenience store in a mall. We had lotto, and I had this worker who people called “crazy Joe.”

Sometimes, when people are doing lotto, they take a long time picking out tickets. So Joe was waiting on a guy, and he was taking a while, and a line was forming, pretty long. Joe looked at the line and yelled out “does anyone have a gun so I can kill myself?” He then stormed off.

Same place; Gene, a guy in his fifties, touched two of my co-workers’ asses; one was 17 at the time, the other 19. Both girls.

Neither one was fired.”

10. Very classy.

“Guy in the same building I work in was going into the common bathroom and watching porn in one of the stalls on his phone.

Dumbass was using earbuds but had the volume up so loud that anyone could hear it and know what it was. And to top it off, in the background noise you could hear him whacking it while the video played.

Finally someone noticed the shoes that were in view and busted him in the hallway later. HR was called and did interviews with all the dudes in the building who may have overheard him yanking it. Despite many confirmations he was never fired.

But oh the nicknames that came from it……”

11. That’s ridiculous!

“He was caught selling cocaine on work premises. Everyone was talking about how he was going to get fired for a week. Then everybody seemed
to have forgotten.

It helps if the owner is your kid’s godmother.”

12. Why is he still there?

“I have a coworker that has terrible work ethic.

He doesn’t know how to separate his personal life from his work life so if he’s in a bad mood (which happens often), everyone will know including customers. He’s had at least three disciplinary meetings. Once he was caught just fucking around for an hour (not exactly sure what happened but our boss wasn’t happy).

Another time he just didn’t show up to work without calling in, and it was a day that everyone knew would be busy. I don’t know why he hasn’t been fired yet, everywhere else I’ve worked he would’ve been gone by now.”

13. I would think this would lead to termination.

“Drive around the yard on a forklift, no hands on the steering wheel, firing a nailgun at people and objects around the yard.”

14. WTF?

“A coworker jumped out from behind a door at my husband, who is a disabled combat veteran with PTSD, dressed as if he was from the Middle East.

He was literally trying to trigger a flashback.

No repercussions, as he was the boss’ friend. Two weeks later, he fell down some icy steps and broke both legs. Karma took care of that one.”

Some of those stories bring back some bad memories from old jobs I’ve had…

Have you ever had any really terrible co-workers that seemed to get away with everything?

If so, please share your stories with us in the comments!

The post People Share Stories About Terrible Co-Workers Who Miraculously Weren’t Fired appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Worst Things They’ve Seen Co-Workers Do and STILL Not Get Fired

I used to work with someone. Let’s call him Tony.

To put it bluntly, Tony was a real piece of shit AND he was a terrible worker.

But, for some reason, my boss wouldn’t fire him under any circumstances.

He showed up late every day, he was lazy, and he was just a total jerk to everyone. Tony must’ve had some dirt on my boss because it’s still a total mystery.

Some people just never get fired from jobs no matter what they do.

Let’s dive into these funny and ridiculous stories from AskReddit.

1. Still didn’t get fired!

“A guy at the plant I work at scrapped $360,000 in airplane parts because he didn’t even bother to look at the work instructions.

He just drives a forklift now…”

2. Shaking my head…

“Stole a bunch of marked tools (they were painted white).

Showed everyone in the shop pictures of his deer with said tools in the background.

Gets reported, boss calls him on it.

He said ” you got me, I stole a gallon of white paint”

Never heard the boss laughing so hard

Year later or so he gets promoted.”

3. Wow!

“He tried to run over a security officer with his car when the security officer told him he couldn’t park where he wanted to park.

Almost succeeded, too!”

4. Sounds dangerous…

“Worked with a guy who punctured the main gas line to our shop three separate times.

It was a construction company and he somehow was still my superintendent although he could have blown up the shop.”

5. That’s pretty bad.

“Accidentally send the last three years of account details/back statements from one company to their direct competitor.”

6. Ugh. The worst.

“Worst coworker ever was the credit mooch.

He would constantly horn in on other people’s projects, getting his name added to them to make it look like he was doing shit when he actually not.

If people tried to assign him any work on said project he would have “a personal emergency” or “a virus would make him lose all his work” or “his schedule is booked with other project” or the worst, he would pull some sucker in to “help” him with it, and said sucker would end up doing it all in utter frustration.

Because he was so good at stealing credit, he managed to get top marks on his reviews despite doing absolutely zero actual work for the company. I know at least four people quit due to this guy getting better raises than they did.”

7. Shady stuff.

“Had a co-worker as a standard business practice falsely condemn furnaces in winter to pressure homeowners into buying new systems and pad his commission check.

I couldn’t do anything as I had no direct proof, but he would joke about it all the time. It did finally catch up with him when one customer smelled BS and called other companies with advanced testing machines. Took those results and sued the poop out of him.

I ended up working for that second company and haven’t looked back.”

8. “Blew my mind.”

“Oh man.

It was winter time and she was helping a customer by carrying something they had purchased out for them. Once outside (but still on the store property) she slipped and sustained an injury.

Was threatening to sue the business and was also trying to claim workers compensation – came into work every day with a sling on her arm and constantly wincing and being in pain.

Anywayyyyyyyys. HR and the store manager call her into a meeting, sit her down and show her the video surveillance from OUTSIDE (which she obviously didnt know was there) showing her faking her fall. I dont know everything but she got called out hard and she broke down and admitted everything. For some reason they kept her on.

She then tried it AGAIN like six months later (this time claiming that a customer had something from their cart hit her or fall on her or something). Again, tried to claim workers comp and had this whole show of being injured. They pull up security footage AGAIN and disprove her injury/claims.

She still wasn’t fired. Blew my mind.”

9. Unbelievable.

“Guy at my wife’s old job was brought in because he was really good at selling the services they provided. Proceeded to send dick pics to the women at work and solicit nudes from them.

Women said to stop or they’d take it up with management and it subsided some. Solicited nudes from a new chick who asked my wife about it and my wife went to management with everything and said this guy’s out or I’m quitting. Well, she quit.

Guy’s still there but most the original female staff has quit.”

10. This is weird.

“As an assistant manager at a Valvoline Instant Oil Change. I was dealing with an unreasonable customer that had just spit at a female employee that he didn’t want working on his car. He didn’t know that the guy under his car was her boyfriend.

The guy comes up the steps, grabs an oil gun, and starts pumping 10W30 All Climate into the guy’s window as he’s frantically trying to start the car and roll up the window.

The employee was reprimanded pretty hard, but it was understood why he did it. No charges were filed, the franchise owner paid a lot of money to have the guy’s car cleaned. Obviously, I never saw him again.”

11. Sounded like a good idea…

“I know someone who managed to close an entire supermarket early for the first time in its history (costing the company several thousands of pounds) because they tried to set a clock on a computer back an hour to avoid missing some deadline for a daily routine.

He said it seemed like such a good idea at the time.”

12. Busy doing nothing.


Documenting work as completed when no actual work had been done.

Management knew or was suspicious of it, but not so much as a write up our reprimand. Eventually, management changed, figured out no work was being done, called it fraud, and canned them.

The job was easy too, and good money. I don’t get why they didn’t just do the work.”

13. So gross.

“Full on sexual harassment. (Little back story: I work in a private country club style dining/banquet event space. )

A drunk-on-the job manager pinned an hourly server against the wall during a nighttime wedding reception. She punched him in the ribs and tried pushing him off of her. We all saw it.

We all reported to HR. Another manager physically removed him off of her. This was about 4 months ago and he’s still in his position. S

he quit due to him telling everyone she’d lied about the entire situation.”

Jeez…some people…

Have you ever had co-workers who were pretty terrible but for some reason they never got fired?

If so, please tell us all about it in the comments!

The post People Share the Worst Things They’ve Seen Co-Workers Do and STILL Not Get Fired appeared first on UberFacts.

People Offer Theories About How They Believe Humans Will Become Extinct

It’s very unpleasant to think about death, extinction, or the world coming to an end, but I will say that it definitely makes for some good conversation.

Will it be a nuclear war? A plague? An asteroid that hits Earth and wipes us all out?

It could be any number of things…

Here’s what people on AskReddit had to say…

1. A scary thought.

“I have a feeling we’re eventually headed towards nuclear fallout or chemical destruction.

I believe it is inevitably China Vs the United States (and allies like Australia).

I also believe Putin is sitting back with the popcorn at the moment.”

2. Sickness spreads…

“I think it will be a pandemic, much like we are having now, only more lethal.

I’ve heard several people say that COVID isn’t the big one, but it’s going to expose how unprepared the world is for the big one.”

3. Poetic justice.

“Because the majority of the population choose to believe oil CEOs with everything to lose instead of scientists with no reason to lie.

Pretty fitting way to go honestly, I hope the climate change deniers keep on denying it up til the very end, that’d be poetic justice for humanity.”

4. Inching closer to it.

“Depletion of resources, destruction of the environment, and the wars that will result from those things.

I don’t think humanity will ever get to a sci-fi future where we’re exploring the stars and colonizing other planets. The resources on this planet are very finite and they will not last thousands of years at the rate we’re using them. Even 10,000 years is less than a blink of an eye on a cosmic scale.

I think the next 100, maybe 200 years are going to be the peak for our civilization. As the critical resources necessary for technological advancements dry up and environmental destruction creates refugees/migration/starvation on a global scale, we’ll basically destroy ourselves in the resulting wars.

We might not actually go extinct until many millennia after that, but civilization as we know it will be over.”

5. All kinds of calamities.

“Absolutely we will go extinct.

Rising temperatures will eventually push many places around the earth to be uninhabitable. Combine that with the decreased ability to grow grains at scale needed to sustain the over-bloated human population, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. Eventually large wars will break out over the very scarce resources that the earth is able to provide.

It’s called loss of habitat due to resource exhaustion. Many species experience it and it leads to their extinction, and humans are just another species.”

6. Poisoning ourselves.


Especially the hormone disruptive ones. They won’t kill us instantly, but each generation will be more affected by them than the last, making it harder and harder to reproduce.

Might not happen this century or even the next few centuries, as there’s still plenty of people to reproduce, even at a lower rate. But it’s already affecting people , and the problem will worsen generation by generation.”

7. A simple act.

“Through some act of stupidity in all honesty.

With all the dangerous diseases and viruses various governments all over the world are experimenting with at any given moment, all it takes is one screw up to have some catastrophic results

And the current pandemic has shown that the general population is either unable or unwilling to respond to a disease or virus of significance.”

8. The crazies.

“Most likely nuclear war or some other form of military action.

Mutual assured destruction only applies to people who are afraid to die.

Once the crazies figure out how to build something extremely destructive, they will set of a chain of events that can’t be undone.”

9. Stupidity.

“Our own stupidity (in America anyway).

Too many think covid-19 is a hoax by (all?) The government(s) to remove our freedoms….the whole world is going through this, idiots, not just one country.

America’s President didn’t get with all the leaders of the world and convince them to shut down absolutely everything worldwide just to take American freedoms.

But yes, some of our rights are being trodden on, I’m not saying its not happening, but it’s a side effect, not the cause.”

10. Hell hole.

“Overpopulation, honestly.

The insane amount of people will outnumber the amount of food the earth can produce and it will become a hell hole.”

11. Keep an eye on it.

“Let’s watch out for South Korea.

They made a study and it says Korean people will be extinct in 300 years because newer generations ditch marriage and having a family.”

12. Scary scenarios.

“We will either kill ourselves in war or burn out the Earth’s resources and cause such heavy global warming and pollution that life at our level cannot physically survive anymore.

Slowly, people will be unable to successfully raise children until we all filter out.”

13. Could happen…

“Unpopular opinion: I don’t think it‘s gonna be our fault.

More something like a comet hitting us, the sun exploding or something like that.”

14. Uh oh…

“Genetic manipulation will become popular in the future and we accidentally or purposefully create a new species that is better than humans.

I expect it will be a human that makes the modification to themselves to create the new species.”

15. The end of days.

“It will probably not be war because we are to smart for that so maybe something from space like a huge meteor or the sun turning into a red giant if we are still on this planet in the next billions of years.”

Well, that was certainly uplifting!

How about you?

In the comments, tell us how you think human beings will become extinct.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post People Offer Theories About How They Believe Humans Will Become Extinct appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About How Humans Will Become Extinct

It’s kind of scary, but you’ve probably considered it at one point or another.

How will human beings become extinct?

What will be the final catalyst that wipes us off the planet for good?

Are you ready to do a little thinking about our existence?

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say about it.

1. Oh, boy…

“A highly contagious virus designed to make its host infertile without presenting any other symptoms escapes from a lab and infects everyone.”

2. A hot take.

“As a long term optimist, my favorite is evolution.

As we expand out into space through the eons eventually we diverge and evolve into new species, and what we consider human is extinct.

You can also view AI as a version of evolution and count that as well, but I personally think we can coexist with an AI we create.”

3. WAR.

“It’s got to be war.

We literally have a weapon that can wipe out an entire country, now multiply the amount of that weapon by thousands.

One day countries and leaders will face a breaking point through clashing ideologies and before we even knew it, we already fucked ourselves over.”

4. Irreparable damage.

“By irreparably damaging our biosphere.

Takes a biosphere to evolve and sustain a complex living organism like us, destroy that and we probably won’t last long.”

5. That’s not pleasant.

“Slow and painful.

Slowly losing clean water until we’re a desert planet and we die.”

6. That’s not good.

“I’d say we’ll either kill each other for resources due to overpopulation or (which by now I think is more likely) a pandemic worse than the coronavirus will collapse health and economic systems throughout the world which will lead to supply shortages then maybe to war.”

7. Something to think about…

“Humans will biologically die out. I think at we could maybe reach a point where sentimental value of being a human is slowly gone in favour of something else, like being a machine, uploading consciousness.

We may be our real selves but digital, or just a program with personality effectively killing the host and stealing their memory, while retaining their information, soulless.

Either way, it won’t be human.”

8. Human error.

“I think we will make a mistake. Something like, we send the majority of the population to another planet, but they crash. Or, we couldn’t get to another planet in time.

Humans make mistakes. It’s about time we make a big one.”

9. Or maybe a machine?

“It could even be machine error. In 1983, at the height of the Cold War (during Reagan’s era), the USSR detected multiple incoming ICBM missiles allegedly launched by the US.

Turns out the system mistook a particular alignment of sunlight for nukes. Had it not been for Stanislav Petrov, a USSR officer who decided against retaliation despite all evidence pointing towards an attack, we would have had full blown nuclear war and humanity may very well be extinct today.”

10. This is scary.

“Honestly, a massive asteroid. (I’m talking miles in diameter).

I mean nuclear war is devastating but just think about the colossal amount of energy released during such an impact event (billions of nukes).

The worst part? There’s pretty much nothing we can do about it with our current technology.”

11. Our fault.

“We’ll probably damage the environment to a point where we can no longer live in it.

In the last 100 years we’ve been burning through Earth’s resources like we have another planet to move to.”

12. Two theories.

“Two likely options:

Climate collapse.

Might not be the direct cause of human extinction, but it would certainly prompt a lot of candidates for human extinction.

Nations going to war with each other as their land goes underwater or becomes otherwise uninhabitable, wars over the last remaining resources, increased temperatures across the globe result in more heatstroke deaths and tropical diseases spreading across the globe.

In that scenario, either nuclear war or uncontrolled disease kills us all.

Massive collapse of technology.

A coronal mass ejection cripples all technology on Earth- life support systems, planes, power plants, anything more complex than a radio is rendered unusable. Within hours, millions are dead. As supply chains collapse across the globe, famine becomes a part of life for many.

With today’s level of dependence on technology, it would knock us back to being an agrarian species. And the more technologically advanced we get, the worse a coronal mass ejection becomes.

Imagine a time when most humans have complex cybernetics- a coronal mass ejection would literally kill billions as their body’s electronic components failed. It would deal us a blow we could never recover from.”

13. As simple as that.


Or I should say the rapidly increasing gulf between common and academic knowledge.

Science is moving faster than the average person’s intellect because we have coddled being fucking morons for decades now.

Look at how Covid has been handled in the scientific vs. common communities and imagine that level of dissonance in an even greater threat.”

14. I’m sorry I’ll miss this.

“An asteroid composed of dinosaurs will crash into the Earth and they’ll eat us all.”

People sure are creative, aren’t they?

Okay, now we want to hear from you!

If you had to guess, how do you think human beings will become extinct?

Let us know in the comments!

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