Weird Memes that Demand an Explanation

There are some questions out there that we may never be able to answer.

Questions that, despite our insatiable appetite for knowledge and our dogged determination to investigate, may simply elude us for as long as we are we. Questions such as, “How exactly did the universe begin?” “Are there others out there like us?” “What is the nature of consciousness?” and “Why do these memes exist?”

These are conundrums inside puzzles inside riddles inside dreams. And though we may never fully understand them, that shouldn’t stop us from trying. Examine these memes for yourself, and see if you can determine why they are here.

10. Drawing the line

When Justice calls, he zones it.

9. Long and elegant

They must have a good electrician on site because that thing is well hung.

8. Bon appetit

Ah, this. I don’t like this.

7. Toying with emotions

You are a sad, strange little man.

6. Crutch in clutch

Gotta have those kicks no matter what.

5. Catch up with the times

This is done in defiance of God himself.

4. Did what work?

Seriously, what was the goal here?

3. Unsolved mysteries

Who needs sleep anyway?

2. Heavy sleeper

I don’t put up with nobody’s sheet.

1. Aquatic pride

Isn’t the other major Christian symbol a fish anyway?

Who made these? Why are they here? What purpose could they possibly serve? We certainly don’t know yet. But maybe…one day…it will all become clear.

What’s your favorite place to investigate memes?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Weird Memes that Demand an Explanation appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Weird Things Their Bodies Do That Kind of Seems Normal Now

Once we get to a certain age, I feel like nobody’s body really works quite right anymore. Things ache, you can tweak them without trying, and honestly, it never really feels good to move from a sitting position ever again.

What’s funny is how we just accept that’s how life is now – like these 14 people, who barely even notice the weird things happening in their own bodies anymore.

14. There’s an app for that.

I don’t feel dehydrated even though I am. When I was a kid, I’ve gone whole days without drinking anything.

I’ve just learnt to force myself to drink water every hour. Until I developed this routine, I never understood how my lips were supposed to feel like as they were always dry.

13. Fingers crossed on the synthetic insulin issues, though.

My pancreas just refuses to produce insulin.

It’s really annoying but what can you do? ??‍♂️

12. This happens to me, too!

 will just randomly get a huge chill which looks like a mini seizure.

People always ask what’s wrong.

11. This sounds a lot dirtier than it is.

“Voluntarily Piloerection” or to put it more cooler, I can raise my hair i.e. Have goosebumps at will.

It’s apparently rare but seeing the amount of people saying they have it too, you should get in contact with James Heather who is researching about the same

10. Lie down and close your eyes.

I get ocular migraines sometimes.

They’re not terribly frequent, though maybe once in a while they’ll be persistent for a week or so. It’s a strange experience. No pain, no headache, but an actual blind spot develops in my vision, that ‘appears’ sort of like a lightning bolt, it hovers there for about 20-30 minutes then gradually subsides. I’ll tend to feel a bit weird for maybe an hour or two afterward but then back to normal.

They seem to be triggered by a combination of poor sleep, dehydration and (maybe) caffeine + stress. Have had them off-and-on for about 10 years probably. Consulted with a couple doctors about it and they’ve said it’s probably nothing to be too worried about unless it starts happening more frequently/intensely.

9. This makes me sad.

I have spinal stenosis, basically my vertebra are thickening and pressing against my spinal cord in my upper neck and lower spine.

It causes numbness in my extremities and I have to do special stretches to help relieve the pressure but man sometimes I’ll sit for a little bit too long and it’s like my feet don’t exist. I’ll try to walk but it’s like walking on stumps.

Back to the stretches and within 10 minutes the feeling returns. I use to do 100 mile bicycle rides, now I’m lucky if I can walk three blocks without tripping and falling.

8. I think I need a video.

I can control my pinky toes separate from the rest of my foot.

Never thought it was weird until my mom was like what the fuck and apparently most people can’t do that.

7. This needs a new name.

I have Exploding Head Syndrome, which is a lot scarier sounding than it actually is– a sleep phase disorder.

Basically, when I’m falling asleep I occasionally hear random phantom noises that startle me back awake.

For me, I most commonly hear someone shouting my name, an unintelligible brief yell, knocking on the door, or the doorbell.

I’ve noticed over the years that it tends to happen mostly when I’m overtired and/or anxious, and I may not have one for months and then have them every other day for a week.

6. It seems like this would be extremely inconvenient.

I get sharp intense pains on the left bottom side of my ribs randomly. I just suck in air and hope my rib didn’t puncture my lung. Sometimes its when I’m working out, but sometimes I’m literally just standing there and whoops popped a lung.

I’m 18, and have been experiencing these since I was 15. Happens whether I breathe in or out. Hurts like hell for a minute and then passes, I mainly breathe in more air to stop myself from screaming.

I’ve never seen a doctor for it because I saw a post online saying that most teenagers experience this pain because “our ribs are growing”. Don’t know the medical truth of that but whatever it calmed my tits and made it easier to live with.

5. Middle school me called this “gleeking.”

Sometimes when I yawn saliva literally squirts out of my mouth.

No idea why, it’s kinda weird.

4. Only if it’s a really good stretch.

When I yawn and stretch I become blind for a few seconds, don’t know if thats normal

3. Brain stuff totally freaks me out.

I have neurological issues that make me have “phantom” feelings.

For instance the last two days I’ve had a burning sensation, like if I‘d rested a hot soup bowl on my thigh, but there’s nothing there.

It can feel like little bug bites, scratches or “streaky” burns. It’s never severe, mostly just weird to feel a distinct sensation for no reason.

Sometimes I’ll ask a family member to check for marks.

The other day I pulled up my shirt, turned around and asked my mom if there was anything on my back.

She was like, “Oh my goodness! There is! Looks like one of the cats got you!”

And we were both so weirdly delighted I’d actually been mauled. lol

2. I guess it would seem normal by now.

I was born with a disorder that makes crossover motion between both sides of my body more challenging. Riding a bike took me a year to master, for context.

The hardest thing for me to do autopilot is stairs, though. If I don’t think about it, my body automatically goes one at a time with both feet rather than alternating.

1. It is what it is.

I’m white and pale AF.

Normally avoid sun exposure due to not tolerating heat well and skin cancer running in the family.

But earlier this summer I spent quite a bit of time in the desert. I got several shades darker, except for a bunch of random spots that are still white.

They weren’t covered and had the same amount of sun exposure as the rest of me, but just no color change at all. Biggest spot is on my bicep but there are random spots everywhere.

I’ve always had a streak like that along my hairline (hair also grows in white there too) that my mom said was a birth mark. I’m guessing these “new” spots have always been there too but never apparent because I avoid sun exposure.

No one warned me it would be like this, y’all – why does my back hurt?

What does your body do that you’ve just written off with a shrug? Tell us in the comments!

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Teachers Shared Students’ Weird Responses When They Were Asked, “Tell Me a Fun Fact About Yourself”

Kids can be just plain weird.

And teachers REALLY know that to be a fact. Because they deal with those little weirdos…I mean adorable children…on a daily basis.

And the weirdness really comes out when the kids are asked to share something about themselves, which I’m sure you remember fondly.

Let’s see what people on AskReddit had to say about this.

1. Drunk dad.

“I had a student tell me that sometimes his dad got drunk and asked his mom for things.

As I was starting to tell him he didn’t need to elaborate any further, he continued with “like soup and he yells it like ‘soooooooooup’” it took every bit of restraint to not laugh.

It’s been years and years since that happened but I still laugh when I think about it.”

2. Takes the cake.

“I teach middle school, This one still takes the cake.

That his mom and dad have the same parents. I asked him to clarify because I didn’t understand what he was saying and he said “I only have one set of grandparents, they had the same parents”

I quickly moved to the next student so no one else would realize that this kid just told the class that his parents were siblings…

I talked to him about it the next day in private and he said that he got it mixed up, his parents don’t have the exact same parents, they shared a dad…

I felt so much better when the mom called me to let me know her elderly step-father married her husband’s elderly mother. still weird, but much better.”

3. Wow.

““My arm is F*CKED y’all” in the deepest southern drawl and proceeded to wildly swing his “f*cked” up arm around.

He was 12, had Erb’s palsy and also got detention that day.

He might be one of my fav students.”

4. That’s odd.

“Student told me that there is a chapter dedicated to him in a dental surgery textbook because of a very rare disorder that he had as a child.

I may still have that essay.”

5. Oh, no!

“During an introductory activity for my new class, a boy, aged 9, got up and said ‘My dog has to wear a cone on its head because dad had his bollocks cut off!’”

6. Don’t ask any more questions.

“Kid in my kindergarten class said “My pee-pee fell off at Disneyland”

I didn’t ask any follow up questions.”

7. Horrible.

““I found my dad who hung himself”

From a fifth grader.”

8. Family drama.

“A few years ago on the first day of school, this kid in one of my classes casually answered, “I have a restraining order against my Dad.””

9. Too much info.

“‘My dad clogged the toilet this morning and that’s why I’m feeling frustrated’ -5 year old child.

I will say the question was “how are you doing this morning?” But I could barely keep from laughing out loud!”

10. Starting early.

“A young girl, who seemed uninterested, said, with no hesitation, that she can chug an entire bottle of beer.

She got expelled later that year for keeping drugs in her locker.”

11. Shane.

“This guy in my class named Shane has this medical condition that causes him to grow tons of hair at an early age.

Full beard in middle school.

He would say “I’m Shane and I’m Very Hairy.””

12. You know what that is.

“A student once told my wife that her daddy had a special device that he had to blow into to start his truck…”

13. That’s awkward.

“We would do this weekly “how was your weekend” sort of thing where we’d sit in a circle and share.

This one girl casually goes “I found out that my biological father didn’t want me” in a super nonchalant tone and everything.

I still remember the awkward tension.”

14. Don’t say that!

“I said “my dad steal cars.”

It was something my parents always told us growing up as a joke. The teacher just laughed and said “that’s nice”.”

What’s the funniest or weirdest thing that you’ve heard a kid say?

Tell us in the comments!

We’d love to hear from you!

The post Teachers Shared Students’ Weird Responses When They Were Asked, “Tell Me a Fun Fact About Yourself” appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Work at Night Discuss the Paranormal Activity They’ve Experienced on the Job

I don’t think I could work the night shift at a business…at least not alone…

There’s too many things that could go wrong…and I’ve seen way too many horror movies to be able to relax.

And I legitimately think it would be terrifying to work in a place like a gas station or a convenience store overnight. No thank you!

But a lot of people do work nights…and they’ve seen some stuff.

Let’s get spooky with some stories from AskReddit users.

1. At the 7-11.

“I worked at a 7/11. One night I kept hearing what sounded like a little girl crying, but the store was completely empty.

Whenever I’d go the the area where I thought it was coming from, I’d hear it from somewhere else.

I hope somebody was messing with me but I’m not sure…”

2. The scene of the crime.

“A lab building where I once worked was the site of a murder-suicide (which happened while I was there! Awful and sad).

We didn’t have “shifts” per se, but I had to work late one night autoclaving equipment for the next day’s experiment. The autoclave room is right next to the lab where the event took place. I hadn’t seen anyone else in the building. After I started the load, I was about to leave the room when I heard a crash outside.

I immediately opened the door and saw that all the contents of a table in the hallway had been pushed to the floor. Water bottles, a packet of papers, pens, etc.

Since I was right by the door at the time, I would have seen and/or heard someone running away. It was against protocol to leave things in the autoclave overnight, so I had to stay an hour and a half to get them out, but nothing else happened. I left the stuff on the floor, though.

Didn’t want a repeat of that!”

3. In the barracks.

“Night watch in the barracks at Ft Gordon. That’s a night shift, right?

Anyway, so many things happened in 3 different rooms that I could write a book. It completely changed my believe in paranormal activity. This one took place in the middle of the night so this is the one I’ll tell.

I’m sitting by the stairwell on the 2nd floor and hear someone shouting in a room down a hallway. I’m on duty so I run to the room and swing open the door expecting to see some fighting.

There are several people in this room pointing up to the ceiling next to a wall and telling me, “They’re doing it again!” I ask them to explain and they tell me that ever since they moved into that room someone lifts up the ceiling tiles and makes funny faces at them at night.

The latrine is on the other side of the wall so I go over to see if anyone is there and there isn’t. So I climb onto a desk in the room to lift up the ceiling tiles to see if they’re still up there. When I lift up the ceiling tiles all I see is a cinder block wall that goes all the way to the floor above.

There’s only about an inch between the back of the ceiling tile and the wall. No way a face was there. 2 of the soldiers freaked out and ran out of the room and slept in the hallway.

This was only the first of many incidents.”

4. At the movie theater.

“Worked at a movie theater running the booths upstairs. The projectors are upstairs (obviously) in a long corridor.

At night, after the last showing in each theater, you shut off the lights to that theater and the small one over the projector itself. Then you cover the platters to protect from dust.

It’s not so bad the first few, because at least the lights of nearby projectors are still on for the theaters that are still running.

But…as you shut each one off one by one, the corridor gets darker and darker and that little viewing window into each individual theater is pitch black.

That dull, steady whirring noise you’ve toned out all night is gone and is now replaced by absolute silence and there’s hardly any light left anymore. Just the lights at the end of each corridor where you sit in between each start time.

It’s spooky enough is what I’m saying.

But one particular night, I’m throwing the covers over one of the platters and I casually glance up into the viewing theater window across the way.

And there’s a face. It’s a little boys face and it’s sheet white.

I know what I saw. I’m sure there’s an explanation for it and there’s nothing supernatural about it, but there WAS a face there and it scared the absolute sh*t out of me. It made an already unsettling environment that much more terrifying the rest of the time I worked there.

Also for the record, inside the actual theater, these windows are a solid 8-10 feet above the seatbacks in the highest row. So, if someone was playing a prank, they’d need a ladder and even then they’d have nowhere to set it.”

5. Holy moly…

“I work the front gate at a military installation. I noticed this dark green old Ford Bronco that would roll up.

When I would stand out the gate shack, the car would do a 180 and leave. This happened 3 times until I finally caught the license plate. I ran the numbers to my supervisor. He asked me if I was sure. I said I’m 100% certain.

He tells me it couldn’t be because the numbers are from a vehicle crash report that involved THE EXACT SAME VEHICLE and plate number to which the driver had died and the vehicle and the vehicle was totaled.

That made me want to switch to days.”

6. In the kitchen.

“Used to work at IHOP. A cook before my time got shot and died during robbery.

I would always hear someone in the kitchen such as the spatulas clanking but nobody would be in the kitchen. Once I saw black figure in the back figured it was the cook, when I went outside to the front of the restaurant, the cook was sitting outside smoking. There was no current orders either.

Other coworkers experienced some stories. One of them said she felt pushed but I can’t speak on what I didn’t see.”

7. Down in the mine.

“I worked in a mine in Northern Ontario.

There was a death on the 4200 level a couple years previous to the incident. It was a normal day underground like any other. We were rehabbing a old working that had collapsed. 4200 level was big, the drifts were 6×6 feet, but go on for kilometers in every direction.

It was about midnight when we saw the mine rescue team with security rushing down the drift. Naturally we dropped what we were doing and followed to see if we could help. We arrived to a guy who was as pale as a ghost, he didn’t look hurt, but he was shaking uncontrollably.

Mine rescue approached him and he wouldn’t have it. He would scream, and not just any scream, It was terrifying hearing the screams, like a person so consumed with fear, it had a tone to it that you wouldn’t imagin could come from a person.

Eventually he just stopped screaming and just sat there, awake but non responsive. By now it was 3:30 am and our shift was over. We couldn’t leave him down there. We managed to get him on a stretcher that we could carrie out. On our way out he kept saying “the devil is on 42.” Over and over again.

About two years later, another incident report was read to us, the exact same thing, exactly the same spot, but a different person.

I don’t believe they saw the devil, but it is always in the back of my mind when I’m on 42.”

8. Ugh. Get out of there.

“When a patient buzzed and asked me to ” ask the person behind the curtain to go away “.

Fyi it was dark and everyone was in their beds.”

9. Ghost car.

“I was working at a gas station at like 3 AM one night.

A car pulled in to the pump, guy got out and started pumping, and then the car and dude just…vanished. I was looking right at it, and it just popped out of existence.

I told my boss the next day and she turned white as a sheet. She’d seen the same thing, same exact description, same car, same pump, same guy.”

10. Hotels are just plain scary.

“I worked night shift at a hotel. I also had a day job and the manager was cool and said I could sleep as long as I woke up if someone needed something.

One night, I woke up and saw a guy… Well, more of a silhouette of a guy… Staring at me through the windows of the Dutch door to the courtyard. He was really tall (6.5 ft?) And had a black duster/trenchcoat and hat.

I jumped up from the couch, put down the remote I had fallen asleep with in my hand and rushed to the door to see what he needed.

He was gone. And no sign of him anywhere in the courtyard and there were only two long, straight paths. He couldn’t even have ran that fast.

I forget about it and continue my night.

Fast forward about three weeks and my coworker is telling me about an “evil spirit” that lives in one of the rooms (all the employees knew there were at least 4 haunted rooms there, as well as the elevator. No, seriously). He started describing a tall shadowy guy. I cut him off and say “like 6 or 7 feet? Black coat and hat?” He turns white and stares at me. “You’ve seen it too?!”

I tell him what happened. And that innocent incident that night all of a sudden got super creepy.

Another time, at another job… I was getting ready to do security rounds. Roughly around 3:15am. I am whistling the Arthur movie theme song (it had just played on the radio). It was dead quiet except just crickets.

As I open the door to the patrol car, still whistling, I hear a whistle off in the bushes (the bushes on a 60ft cliff). It’s the same tune. In the same type of whistle I have (I don’t whistle normal. It’s like a “windier, not sharp kind of whistle, and much quieter). Same exact song. Same exact type of whistle.

I immediately stop. The whistling keeps going. I get into the car and book it. Take about 20 minutes longer than I normally do to get back and am super careful/nervous/paranoid when I get back.

Never saw anyone or anything. Never heard it again.

But on that note… Sometimes if I fell asleep at that job, I’d wake up to the sound of my old boss shouting my name. He used to come in about the same time that I would hear the sound and wake up. That happened pretty regularly.

The weird thing is that he had been dead for three years when it started.”

11. Bill.

“I was firmly against the idea of paranormal activity prior to working in an old folks home.

You always felt watched. Always. Even when not in view of the camera. But that was the tip of the iceberg. Several times while I was working, things would fly off the walls even though it was unprovoked.

I’m talking hand sanitizer containers that flew fifteen feet from the wall it was on, cups that were stationary on the counter and all of a sudden flew across the room, and clipboards that just happened to all fall off the walls at once, even though they were across the room from each other.

Nothing is as unsettling as Bill in 209. Bill lived in this room while he was a tenant. While someone was visiting, they stayed in room 209. The visitor came downstairs, said that Bill had come into his room, and said “don’t worry it’s just Bill!” while he was in the shower, and then asked who Bill was.

We explained that there was no one who lived or worked there named Bill. A couple days later, the same visitor was cleaning out records for the care center, where they worked. As they were doing so, they found that a resident named Bill had lived in room 209.

When they told us this story, we all heard a knock on the window and turned to look at it. As we did so, clipboards and bulletin boards flew off the wall on the opposite wall.

We’ve decided that Bill is friendly, but likes attention. He’s cool.”

12. No way I’d work there.

“While working at a psych ward, every morning at about 2 am there would be the sound of someone running down the main service hallway, followed by the same door at the end slamming.

One time I kept a close eye on the area but when I was distracted for a few seconds the footsteps began but when I got to the area there was nothing. According to one of the managers that had happened for several years, always at the same time every morning, and most believed it was a ghost of one of the deceased clients.

Another time, all the battery powered wall clocks in the unit spun around a few times simultaneously. That was freaky and everyone in the area screamed.”

13. At a recording studio…

“I used to intern in a recording studio in NYC years ago where it was technically open 24/7, meaning there was always someone there whether clients were in or not.

Anyway, it was on an upper floor of a building and due to the amount of expensive equipment inside, you could not access that floor by elevator without someone letting you up, the button for that floor was locked out so you couldn’t press it from inside the elevator.

There was a camera at the front entrance downstairs, another at the elevator entrance, and one inside the elevator, all of which could be viewed from the front desk of the studio so when people arrived you would buzz them in, wait until you saw them enter the elevator and then you would have to push the button for the studio floor to bring the elevator up.

Well anyway, one of the nights I was working the overnight shift and it was just me and another dude (doing cleaning, maintenance etc) when we hear the elevator start running at probably like 3:30 in the morning.

The whole building is all offices so really there is nobody in the building past 5-6pm besides us, so we thought it was a bit strange. The other guy looks at the cameras and there’s nothing at all, no-one in the elevator either.

So although it’s weird, we just figure someone must still be in the building and called it from a different floor. It made sense until all of a sudden we see it stop at our floor and we hear the door ding. We’re both in the lobby about 15 feet away from the elevator and we give each other the hardest “WTF” stare ever.

I can’t explain how much I didn’t want those doors to open. We stare like a deer in headlights completely motionless at the doors as they open. Nobody is there, no-one pushed the button, nothing.

We both keep staring completely still and silent and it becomes really f*cking creepy as time goes on and the doors don’t shut, as if something is standing in doorway blocking the sensor. The doors usually close after 5 seconds or so, but we stared at it for a good 20-30 seconds or so before they closed and the elevator returned back to the lobby.

We stared for a bit longer before simultaneously looking at each other and saying “what the f*ck dude!?” The next day we ask a couple of the other guys about it and one of the guys said the same thing happened to him in the middle of the night when he was by himself, he said he almost sh*t himself.

Maybe there’s a logical explanation for it (elevator malfunction, etc) but it was really damn freaky since the place was generally kinda creepy and night and there had been some other weird things.”

How about you?

Have you ever experienced any paranormal activity?

If so, please share your stories with us in the comments!

The post People Who Work at Night Discuss the Paranormal Activity They’ve Experienced on the Job appeared first on UberFacts.

A Woman Ignored Creepy Red Flags While House Hunting and Things Got Interesting

If you’ve ever rented a place and needed to move, you know the sense of urgency in finding a new place, and sometimes, you overlook weird things which would be obvious were you not so eager.

One woman on Twitter who goes by the name of Olivia became someone she never thought she become in the process.

She and her husband were new to the area and eager to find a nice place.

They were excited to see a charming older home.

But her husband wasn’t convinced it was such a good idea.

Admittedly, things were weird about it from the get-go.

Especially for Olivia’s husband.

The realtor explained it to the best of her ability.

The upstairs seemed perfect.

The kitchen, however, had some issues.


This is starting to sound like The Amityville Horror:

OMG, a secret room?

But wait, there’s more!

The basement seems… like a basement. Nothing much to see… but wait—what’s that? This time, the realtor is at a loss for words.

Olivia’s husband presses her.

The agent quickly ushers them out.

Once in the yard, Olivia thinks the door leads to the outside, but her husband has a different perspective.

With a window!

On the way home, Olivia was still unsure.

But a realization struck her—she was the white girl in the horror movie who always makes the wrong decisions.She came close to sealing her fate and chalked it up to wanting her dream home THAT badly.

She’ll now take extra precaution.

And noted that there were others like her out there.

Have you ever been in a place that had some things that in it that you just couldn’t explain? Let us know in the comments below!

The post A Woman Ignored Creepy Red Flags While House Hunting and Things Got Interesting appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Weirdest Things They’ve Gotten in the Mail That They Didn’t Order

It’s exciting to get mail, especially packages, and bonus if you’re not expecting it for some reason.

That fun can quickly turn strange, or confusing, or even frightening, though, depending on what’s in the box and who might have sent it – and these 12 people definitely got some out-of-the-box (heh) surprises.

12. It’s probably something like that.

Not me but my roommate. It wasn’t the item so much as the source and circumstances. She had a pair of shoes delivered to her that she didn’t order, from china, with no shipping info on it. Her account was not accessed, the shoes were not in her size, no one she knows claims to have sent it.

Mysterious. Random shoes, no info, just her address and name. I think she got a few other things too, like a backpack was one thing, then it stopped.

Personally I still think maybe illegal activity was attempted by someone, and maybe just didn’t work out quite right. Either that or maybe her info has been saved for future use maybe, something like that.

11. Just enjoy your expensive trash bags, ma’am.

Strangest thing… hmm.. probably the giant industrial sized trash bags. It was my address on the shipping label but the name was WER WERWER. Yea weird.

I live in the middle of nowhere and I don’t know anyone who’d send me ($70!!) trash bags. I definitely didn’t buy them. Lol But spent a good hour looking through all my card statements.

I then looked up the company and emailed them. They couldn’t tell me who bought them but did give me the last four digits on the card used. That gave me reassurance it wasn’t any of mine. They basically told me I could keep them. No one was disputing the purchase except me. Haha

I still have no idea who sent those damn trash bags and still have them to this day. ??‍♀️

10. Surely she kept one though.

It was weird. There was a box in front of my door with no shipping label on it. It looked like something had been there once and was torn off. There was some marker scribble on the side with the building’s address but not my name or unit. It was filled with 16 granny type housecoats of the same pattern.

This happened before our little building had security cameras. There was no packing slip. Where did this come from and why me? I was just starting out and called the one card I had to check on any fraudulent charges. Nothing. I held on to it for months, hoping someone would come for it.

I spoke to my neighbors about it but no one knew anything or cared. I ended up donating it.

9. I want to know how large VERY large is now.

The strangest thing delivered to my house that I did not order was a VERY large bra (that did not fit me) and swim goggles (I don’t swim). We donated both to Goodwill.

But, for a couple of years we also got birthday and/or Christmas Amazon gift cards for a man with a very common name (like Bob Miller). Google was no help—there were dozens of people with his name in any given area.

I’d call up Amazon knowing they couldn’t do anything to help and would just tell us to keep the cards, but felt awful not being able to let the dad (similar common name) know that his son not only didn’t receive the packages, but as far as we could tell, had never lived at our address, since we knew who two of the prior owners were besides ourselves.

8. Sure, sure he didn’t order it.

A 13 inch d#ldo.

This one is my dads I was a 13 year old male at the time

One day he came home with an open box and would not tell me we what was in it I kept asking him what it was he still said no, later I heard him and my mom talking and he said he did not order it at this point I still did not know what is was so after my parents went to bed I looked into his work bag and saw a 13 inch d#ldo.

7. What…was the point of all that?

A couple of years ago I got a call from our credit card company about unusual activity on our card. It was an online purchase from a store specializing in items for children. My children are grown and I don’t yet have grandkids. I told them it was not me, they cancelled the charges and issued me a new card. I didn’t think much more about it.

A week later 17 boxes were left on our front porch by UPS (my husband and I were both at work when they were delivered). Turns out these were the items purchased by the thief, who had them shipped to our address. Seventeen boxes of toddler sized furniture. My husband then had to load them all into his truck, haul them back to UPS, and then refuse the shipment.

Thief obviously wasn’t the sharpest.

6. It’s hard doing the right thing I guess.

A large coil of 2x 24 core telecoms cable.

We were expecting a suitcase….

We had had our luggage miss a flight on the way back from a wedding, and the airport said it was on the next flight, and they’d send it to us.

My bag turned up a few days later, along with a coil of cable. Somewhere in the depot, the suitcase had lost the right label, and someone had stuck it on this coil of cable.

Six weeks of complaining later, and chasing, and basically doing everyone’s job for them, we got back the suitcase, that still had the the permanently fixed address label on it that nobody had bothered to read.

5. This definitely qualifies as weird.

This week, while checking my credit card activity online, I saw an unauthorized charge for over $600 from a medical supply company. I immediately called my credit card company and got the charge reversed and a new credit card number issued.

Well yesterday, the mail room of my high rise apartment building called and told me that I had a large box that was delivered. My husband had to haul the box to our apartment with a dolly. Lo and behold it was a “family 5 pack” of CPR Mannequin dummies!

Needless to say, I called the company and they promptly emailed me a return label. The next day, I got another delivery, from a different company, another set.

4. Something is rotten in Denmark.

I got a $20,000 airplane part.

UPS had some other stuff that was mine, we were playing who gets what.

This was not my house, it was a server farm where I rented racks.

I show up one night and they have the airplane part, labeled for me, from Germany.

I think it had been remanufactured, it did not look new.

About 10 days later, UPS contacts me and asked if I had the package. They came by and got it. Never heard another word.

I knew UPS would want it back. I did not have a good way to contact whoever had dropped it off. I just held it and waited patiently.

Best of luck.

3. You think they would order something less conspicuous?

Actually the delivery guy, not the recipient.

I used to deliver groceries and we got an order through for ten bags of frozen prawns.

To the guy whose house the order was sent to, this was probably pretty strange, as he’d certainly not ordered them.

The confusing thing for him was that this happened twelve more times. I checked the card details for all the separate orders, only to find a different card every single time.

We deduced that someone living nearby was ordering on the (no doubt stolen) card to test it. Then, if they saw us turning up, they knew the card was still active and could probably go ahead and try to hammer it before the card holder got wise and cancelled it.

2. When life hands you apricots.

About 20 years ago, I found a package delivered by UPS. It was between my two back doors. It was from my next door neighbor, who I really hated, intended for the people who used to live in our house.

The next door neighbor and the previous occupants were good friends. After about one second of hesitation, I opened the package. It was dried apricots. I love dried apricots. I sort of hit two birds with one stone, I screwed over my neighbor and I got a delicious treat.

(For those of you who think I’m a terrible person, trust me, she deserved it. She put my whole family through hell. But that’s for another answer).

1. My husband would be seriously delighted.

A machete. I have never figured this out. This was about six years ago – came home and there was an Amazon package waiting for me, addressed to me. Not at all unusual, I buy tons of stuff on a Amazon.

Took it in the bedroom, opened it up, and it was a machete – a real one. I’m thinking this is a funny error, someone picked the wrong item, but the invoice is also for a machete.

I check my Amazon account, I have not accidentally ordered a machete, and have no pending deliveries. Have never figured it out, I think it is still under my bed.

I don’t know how I could have reacted to these, but I guess it would depend on the situation.

Has anything like this ever landed on your porch? If so, tell us how you handled it in the comments!

The post People Share the Weirdest Things They’ve Gotten in the Mail That They Didn’t Order appeared first on UberFacts.

10 First Date Stories That Might Just Make Your Jaw Drop

Have you ever heard of a site called Whisper? It’s got ALL the secrets. And some of them are truly shocking.

The following 10 secrets from the site are all about those first dates that went… nuts. Some in a good way, some in a bad way.

But they’re all gonna make you go, “Well well well… I did not expect that.”

Actually, who knows… maybe you’ve seen it all before. But just in case you haven’t…

1. Oh, what a rebel you are.

That’s never happened in the history of first dates. Shocking!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Here’s a girl who knows what she likes.

Or she knows how to trap a guy with that good good. Either way, she won!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Do you know what those guys have to deal with?

You’re both awful people. Yuck.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Those mushrooms lasted 8 months?

Jeezus! Got to the f**king hospital already!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Yeah, that’ll make somebody not notice vomit.

Laughter might be the best medicine, but it’s a horrible vomit remover.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. So you’re boring now?

Got it. Don’t date this b**ch.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Do you not have an apartment?

What’s wrong with you?

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Why do you hate people who value themselves?

Discounts are nature’s way of saying that you’re not worth the price of admission.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Wait… how does one get violently high?

I bet they had s*x. That weird, high kind of s*x.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. You sound like a f**king a$$hole.

I hope this guy gets arrested one day.

Photo Credit: Whisper

Wasn’t that fun? Peeking into people’s private lives like that? I mean, I had a blast. What’s more fun than getting balls deep into somebody else’s business?

Nothing! That’s what!

Okay, time for YOU to share, if you want. Do that in the comments.

Thanks fam!

The post 10 First Date Stories That Might Just Make Your Jaw Drop appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Terrifying Facts That Keep Them up at Night

I was a total worrywart when I was younger.

I’d lay in my bed at night and just think of all of the terrifying things that might happen: World War III, an asteroid hitting our house, packs of wild dogs roaming the neighborhood. Basically anything that could potentially cause me harm.

Now, I guess I’m just too tired to stay up past 11 p.m. most nights…hooray for getting old!

But some people are like that their whole lives! Always terrified of what’s around the next corner, what could go wrong, and, most importantly, of ACTUAL, scary FACTS that worry them to no end.

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about the terrifying facts that keep them up at night. Let’s take a look.

1. On the edge.

“If I lose my job or he loses his job, we have some savings but capitalism will eat us alive and leave us no quarter.

If one of us gets injured or gets cancer, same thing.”

2. Irreversible.

“Humanity is well on the way to destroying itself, it’s now irreversible, but everyone is ignoring the glaring evidence and continuing on business as usual.

We’re going to see worldwide famine within the next few years but people will ignore this warning too.”

3. A reckoning.

“The dollar is worthless.

The treasury is not just empty, it owes the rest of the world trillions, and the government somehow owes itself more trillions. Despite this, or more probably because of this, we continue to spend more than the rest of the world combined on the deadliest military in history.

There will be a reckoning, and I don’t think it will be gentle or pretty.”

4. The world is crazy right now.

“The great depression is now almost certain to repeat itself since economic relief was killed by greedy republicans who were angry they didn’t get to give the lion’s share of 1 trillion dollars to their corporate pimps.

Along with the expiring legislation goes COVID-specific unemployment benefits, individual and family relief checks, EVICTION MORATORIUMS! That last one…

This nation just straight slept through the pure hatred and violence of the republicans’ actions yesterday. People don’t get what’s about to happen here. We’re going to have 15-20% homelessness by the end of the year if relief packages are not put in place.

You think the George Floyd protests have been rough? Most of the BLM protestors have something to lose. Maybe not much for some of them, but probably SOMETHING.

These newly minted homeless will have N O T H I N G to lose by going absolutely apesh*t in the streets. And I won’t have a godd*mn thing to say against them when they do. Maybe it’s about time for some of that good guillotine action…

Keep your non-perishables up to date and well stocked. Get a back log of water.

Things are about to get weird.”

5. Excessive.

“Humans kill roughly 60 billion land animals per year for unnecessary food while at the same time deforesting rainforests, polluting the atmosphere, consuming large amounts of water, creating breeding grounds for infectious diseases, using antibiotics unsustainably, and contributing to heart disease and obesity, but no one seems to care because “bacon tastes good.””

6. Saddens the heart.

“That we as a human race, decided on which race dependent on color of skin was inferior to the rest.

Saddens the heart to think older generations who suffered won’t know whether their efforts worked. (also includes genders).”

7. I feel this one.

“My dogs will pass away someday.

It’s kept me up at night multiple times.”

8. Truth.

“Humans are more disgusting and selfish than we ever admit.”

9. The Big Bang.

“The big bang could’ve been caused by a civilization that developed weapons of mass destruction and were just in a loop of evolution until eventually we become advanced enough to create an explosion so big we destroy and recreate everything from scratch.

Yeah, thank about that!”

10. A rough time.

“I’m about to be 30 in 2 years.

I’m still single and haven’t had as much s*x in life as my peers. I fear that I’ll be this awkward undesirable old dude that’s bad at s*x that’s just wandering the earth only working, doing chores and sleeping for the most part.

A lot of my peers are living in houses with furniture while I live in an apartment with little furniture. I’m working at a call center that I hate.

I am seeking another job preferably in programming since I have a bachelor’s, but due to lack of experience in that field, no one is hiring.”

11. Every day is important.

“That you have absolutely no idea if the next day will be your last. You could be with your SO having the time of your lives, picking up some food, watching a movie at your place, drinking.

Then next day comes, you get hit by a drunk driver while out on the road.”

12. Hard to think about.

“That my parents are aging and will eventually die.

I’m an only child and feel like when they die my connection to my childhood and the people that understand me and love me unconditionally will be gone.

The link to me will be gone and I’ll essentially be alone in the world.”

13. Nuclear war.

“At anytime the US wants we could start a nuclear war and the person who has control over that is umm…. underprepared for the job.

Or that at anytime Russia wants or North Korea wants or basically any other country with access to nuclear power could decide that they want to nuke us and do it.”

14. Collapse.

“The Earth’s ecosystems are collapsing, and with it our ability to collect food and water.

Billions are going to die due to hunger and violence in the coming decades.”

15. THIS.

“The fact that human beings don’t understand the concept of putting a d*mn face mask on and saving thousands of lives when they go to their local grocery store.”

16. The end.

“The end of the universe.

Not the last star, or the last neutron star that glows.

All matter has decayed as protons have half-lives.

Black holes will decay, and moments of brief light in millennia of pure darkness come as black holes collide.

After a very certain point, time becomes meaningless as whatever remains will be so stationary, you cannot observe it.

The universe achieves true equilibrium as the universe in one time point in the far future is indistinguishable from the next second, next month, next year, next millennia, next googleplex years later.”

What do you worry about at night?

What causes you to lose sleep?

Talk to us in the comments and spill your guts out!

The post People Share the Terrifying Facts That Keep Them up at Night appeared first on UberFacts.

What Are the Unique Daily Rituals You Do? People Shared for All to See.

When you live with someone, that’s when you realize that everyone’s daily rituals are so unique…and some of them could even be considered weird.

This person could either be a roommate or a significant other, but either way you’re now plugged into another human being’s routine..for better or for worse.

But hey, to each their own, right?

We’re all weird in our own ways and, even if you think you aren’t, you’re weird too. And so am I!

That’s why this Twitter thread about peoples’ unique daily rituals is a lot of fun to read. Let’s take a look!

1. Watch out for the bear!

That was a close call.

2. The rubber duck.

But don’t speak of it…

3. What did you do this time?

Are you ever gonna learn?

4. I fully support this.

I mean, don’t you…?

5. A minute in either direction.

Maybe this is a smart thing…

6. Time for you to go back inside.

She just wants a quick jaunt.

7. Every day.

A nice ritual.

8. Sing along!

Sounds like fun!

9. This is for the Dear Leader.

Show some respect!

10. I’m home, Mom…

Well, isn’t that nice?

11. Telling stories.

All the animals are getting involved.

12. Don’t fall in.

An old classic.

13. Time to split up.

But it won’t be forever…

Do you have any unique morning rituals?

If so, please share them with us in the comments!

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post What Are the Unique Daily Rituals You Do? People Shared for All to See. appeared first on UberFacts.

Interesting Times When Two People Reacted Differently to the Same Situation

It’s true that every single person is different, and that can become super clear when two folks are presented with the exact same situation.

One person might freak out, the other might be calm.

One person might laugh, the other might scream.

You just never know – but we are for sure that these 18 people are total and complete opposites.

18. There are romantics and then there are these people.

I’m these people.

17. I suppose it all depends on what you’re looking for out of your police.

Also…we can review the police?

Police station’s reviews from twokindsofpeople

16. I mean they’re both valid reasons.

As long as you love books.

15. Everyone can use a nice new jumper.

But think bigger man!

I too need a jumper from twokindsofpeople

14. Breadsticks is the obvious answer.

There’s always gotta be that one overachiever.

Image Credit: Tumblr

13. The only two valid ways to feel about winter.

And honestly, it can change every day.

Image Credit: Twitter

12. You need friends with that twisted mind.

Things would be pretty boring otherwise.

11. I mean honestly any of these could work.

Just give it a go, but use small rocks just in case.

Image Credit: Tumblr

10. Some people always gotta be extra.

God love ’em.

9. I don’t even care what the actual answer is anymore.

All of these sound like better movies.

Image Credit: Tumblr

8. There are suave horses and goofy horses.

There is no in between.

7. Someone has really thought this out.

And someone has not. Ha!

Image Credit: Tumblr

6. We all have different goals in life, I suppose.

I could see needing how to do both, tbh.

Two types of people in this world… from funny

5. None of those things, actually.


4. It’s important to have options when you’re teaching.

Hopefully not children, though.

3. Ladies, please be the second girl.

We all have our own important stuff to do tomorrow.

2. I definitely did not see a heart.

Did you?

Image Credit: Tumblr

1. All the bisexuals are covered.

That’s the way it should be if you ask me.


I’m sitting here thinking which side I would be on in all of these….or a totally new one?

What sort of reactor are you? Dish in the comments!

The post Interesting Times When Two People Reacted Differently to the Same Situation appeared first on UberFacts.