Drive-Thru Workers Share the Craziest Things They’ve Seen on the Job

I’ve worked in fast food places in the past, but I can’t say I was ever lucky enough to work in the drive-thru…and I still kind of regret it.

Because, based on these stories, it looks like every day is a wacky adventure!

AskReddit users talked about the craziest things they’ve seen in the drive-thru.

Let’s check it out!

1. That’s smart.

“I used to see someone come through with a lifelike mannequin in their passenger seat.

I asked about it and turns out they did it to use the commuter lanes on the highway.

You must have more than 1 person in the car or cop a fine.”

2. Weird…

“Either the guy sitting with a dog in his passenger seat and a coyote and a deer chilling in the back, or the woman wearing just a bra…but that one is more traumatizing.”

3. Mary.

“There was this woman that would come through and get a hot chocolate every day. Her name was Mary.

Mary was an older gal in her 70’s, drove an early 90’s Lincoln, usually had some old tunes playing, and weighed 60lbs, if that.

She was always so happy and so nice. I always gave her drinks for free because it was always such a treat to see her and she was just so nice.

One other feature I remember is she always rocked suspenders and a random colored fedora every day. I think she reminded me of Ms. Frizzle after she retires.

One day, she comes through and orders her usual. I said, “Mary, why are you always in such a good mood? What’s your secret?”

She smiles and waves me closer. I lean out of the drive thru window and she says, “Really, really good drugs.” She winks at me, turns her radio up, and cruises out of the parking lot. Mary is my hero.”

4. Meet my friend.

“The driver had a comically large d*ldo in the passenger seat.

He’d buckled it in and put a hat on it.”

5. Drunk driving.

“Had a drunk guy come through drive thru. A cop car was in line right behind him.

Told the cops about the drunk guy (he was blitzed and was going to kill someone). Cops said they knew as they were planning on pulling him over before he turned in and went to the drive thru. They decided they were hungry and decided to get food too before pulling him over.

They stayed at the back window and had us give them their food first so they could follow him out. Pulled him over in the parking lot. Was kind of entertaining.”

6. That’s a YES.

“Does a naked man with bags from Burger King and Taco Bell already count as a “thing”?”

7. You again!

“There was this really cute blonde girl that would always come through the drive thru naked on Saturday nights. Every now and then she would have another friend with her.

We always knew when it was her by the constant giggles coming from her car as she ordered. We always had weird customers, being it was the worlds largest Mcdonalds located in Orlando Florida.

An order for 88 big macs or 120 cheeseburgers was not out of the ordinary though.”

8. Don’t mind her.

“This dude pulled up and his girlfriend or whatever was almost entirely naked on the seat next to him, sleeping.

When he pulled up, he saw my shocked expression, pulled her thin jacket (the only thing on her body besides the seatbelt) to cover her n*pple and asked for some ketchup.

He was shockingly casual.”

9. Let’s eat!

“This girl used to come through with like 3 dogs. I finally asked her, “do you have to feed these beasts?”

And she explained that she just walks and grooms them. Well, one day she came through the drive through with like 15 dogs and she screams through the intercom “MY BUSINESS FINALLY TOOK OFF” and got a bunch of chicken tacos for them.

Come to think of it…I think she may have been trying to flirt with me. “

10. G’day.

“I worked at a McDonald’s in a small town in Michigan (think 2 stop lights)

When the car pulled up to the front window, they had a whole baby kangaroo in their lap.

I don’t know where they got that from or why, but the closest zoo was 2 hours away.”

11. Good thinking.

“I worked at Domino’s and one lady used a hand crocheted blanket to keep her pizzas warm.

Kept the blanket in the front seat and draped it over the boxes. I crochet, so I know how much work went into that blanket…”

12. People are strange.

“It was either the 12 year old driving or the lady in a right hand drive car.

The fact she had the audacity to get mad at me because I couldn’t reach her money…”

13. Gotcha!

“I worked a drive through at Arby’s and a DEA agent came through in his squad car.

When he pulled up to the window and I handed him his food and he thanked me, turned around into the criminal holding area and screamed “SHUT UP BEFORE I BREAK YOUR NOSE!”

I was clearly mortified. Then he turned back to me and said “just kidding there’s nobody back there”, laughed, and drove off.”

Hey, those were wild!

And now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us your crazy tales from the drive-thru. Please and thank you!

The post Drive-Thru Workers Share the Craziest Things They’ve Seen on the Job appeared first on UberFacts.

Drive-Thru Workers Share the Craziest Things They’ve Seen on the Job

I’ve worked in fast food places in the past, but I can’t say I was ever lucky enough to work in the drive-thru…and I still kind of regret it.

Because, based on these stories, it looks like every day is a wacky adventure!

AskReddit users talked about the craziest things they’ve seen in the drive-thru.

Let’s check it out!

1. That’s smart.

“I used to see someone come through with a lifelike mannequin in their passenger seat.

I asked about it and turns out they did it to use the commuter lanes on the highway.

You must have more than 1 person in the car or cop a fine.”

2. Weird…

“Either the guy sitting with a dog in his passenger seat and a coyote and a deer chilling in the back, or the woman wearing just a bra…but that one is more traumatizing.”

3. Mary.

“There was this woman that would come through and get a hot chocolate every day. Her name was Mary.

Mary was an older gal in her 70’s, drove an early 90’s Lincoln, usually had some old tunes playing, and weighed 60lbs, if that.

She was always so happy and so nice. I always gave her drinks for free because it was always such a treat to see her and she was just so nice.

One other feature I remember is she always rocked suspenders and a random colored fedora every day. I think she reminded me of Ms. Frizzle after she retires.

One day, she comes through and orders her usual. I said, “Mary, why are you always in such a good mood? What’s your secret?”

She smiles and waves me closer. I lean out of the drive thru window and she says, “Really, really good drugs.” She winks at me, turns her radio up, and cruises out of the parking lot. Mary is my hero.”

4. Meet my friend.

“The driver had a comically large d*ldo in the passenger seat.

He’d buckled it in and put a hat on it.”

5. Drunk driving.

“Had a drunk guy come through drive thru. A cop car was in line right behind him.

Told the cops about the drunk guy (he was blitzed and was going to kill someone). Cops said they knew as they were planning on pulling him over before he turned in and went to the drive thru. They decided they were hungry and decided to get food too before pulling him over.

They stayed at the back window and had us give them their food first so they could follow him out. Pulled him over in the parking lot. Was kind of entertaining.”

6. That’s a YES.

“Does a naked man with bags from Burger King and Taco Bell already count as a “thing”?”

7. You again!

“There was this really cute blonde girl that would always come through the drive thru naked on Saturday nights. Every now and then she would have another friend with her.

We always knew when it was her by the constant giggles coming from her car as she ordered. We always had weird customers, being it was the worlds largest Mcdonalds located in Orlando Florida.

An order for 88 big macs or 120 cheeseburgers was not out of the ordinary though.”

8. Don’t mind her.

“This dude pulled up and his girlfriend or whatever was almost entirely naked on the seat next to him, sleeping.

When he pulled up, he saw my shocked expression, pulled her thin jacket (the only thing on her body besides the seatbelt) to cover her n*pple and asked for some ketchup.

He was shockingly casual.”

9. Let’s eat!

“This girl used to come through with like 3 dogs. I finally asked her, “do you have to feed these beasts?”

And she explained that she just walks and grooms them. Well, one day she came through the drive through with like 15 dogs and she screams through the intercom “MY BUSINESS FINALLY TOOK OFF” and got a bunch of chicken tacos for them.

Come to think of it…I think she may have been trying to flirt with me. “

10. G’day.

“I worked at a McDonald’s in a small town in Michigan (think 2 stop lights)

When the car pulled up to the front window, they had a whole baby kangaroo in their lap.

I don’t know where they got that from or why, but the closest zoo was 2 hours away.”

11. Good thinking.

“I worked at Domino’s and one lady used a hand crocheted blanket to keep her pizzas warm.

Kept the blanket in the front seat and draped it over the boxes. I crochet, so I know how much work went into that blanket…”

12. People are strange.

“It was either the 12 year old driving or the lady in a right hand drive car.

The fact she had the audacity to get mad at me because I couldn’t reach her money…”

13. Gotcha!

“I worked a drive through at Arby’s and a DEA agent came through in his squad car.

When he pulled up to the window and I handed him his food and he thanked me, turned around into the criminal holding area and screamed “SHUT UP BEFORE I BREAK YOUR NOSE!”

I was clearly mortified. Then he turned back to me and said “just kidding there’s nobody back there”, laughed, and drove off.”

Hey, those were wild!

And now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us your crazy tales from the drive-thru. Please and thank you!

The post Drive-Thru Workers Share the Craziest Things They’ve Seen on the Job appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Work In the Drive-Thru Discuss the Weirdest Things They’ve Seen

The closest I’ve ever come to working in a drive-thru was when I worked the window of a food truck in New Orleans.

And let me tell you, that was A BLAST.

So I can only imagine what it’s like to work the drive-thru at a fast food place…it sounds like a non-stop adventure!

Let’s get crazy with drive-thru workers who shared their stories on AskReddit.

1. Nice to meet you.

“Dude had a full on s*x doll dressed up in his passenger seat.

Sunglasses, dress and even a hat. I couldn’t even tell it was fake until I asked for their order.

Coworker and I looked at each other simultaneously and we both said “was that a s*x doll?”

This is in a “wealthy” area of my city as well so it was definitely a first.”

2. Did you pet it?

“Only worked drive-through for a year but the weirdest thing I saw was an alpaca in a minivan.

They asked at the window if they could order some apple slices for the alpaca. I just gave them two packs on the house.”

3. Creep.

“Had a guy consistently come through the drive thru with his p*nis out and showing the young girls running the windows.

He would always order the same thing, large Mellow Yellow no ice, always on a Sunday, and always wearing military fatigues. Then he stopped showing up for a bit, we called him Private Peters, as our little sign to call the cops if he showed up again.

A month later we get an order for a large mellow yellow no ice, so I decide to take over the window because had a 16 year old running cash and sure enough he hands me his money with his d*ck in his other hand.

We convinced the car in front of him to stay in the lane and we called the cops, he got suspicious and left but they caught him and was charged.”

4. Free spirits.

“A car pulls up, and all 4 people are just completely naked, just casually chilling.”

5. Oh, boy.

“I heard a blowj*b taking place over the headset.

It was a location open 24/7 so we had to reset the tills for 10 mins every evening at 11pm so people would just sit in their car & wait.

Most people don’t realize that we could hear everything, the speakers don’t turn off while the vehicle is there.”

6. Look out!

“Someone threw a fish at me once.

Didn’t order anything, just a drive by fish attack.”

7. A little extreme.

“Someone pulled a gun on my brother because the salsa containers weren’t completely full.

You can get as many as you want for no extra charge.”

8. Oh…hello.

“My gym teacher, drunk.

He started eating the tacos at the drive-thru window.

He was there for over 5 minutes, just eating. I saw him the next day in school, we both acted like nothing happened.”

9. Oversized load.

“Had a customer come through with a giant grandfather clock in the back seat. The thing was so huge it was sticking out the side window, which just so happened to be on the left side of the car.

Which meant dude couldn’t get close enough to the window to reach his food and had to step out, cursing the whole time.”

10. What could they be?

“I worked at a Tim Horton’s and once saw an old lady with like 50 cartons of eggs in her car.

I made a joke saying “looks like you could make your own breakfast” and she got real straight faced and said “oh honey those aren’t eggs”.

Still have zero clue what else you would store in egg cartons…”

11. No thanks…

“Two guys were hotboxing and decided to come to the drive thru.

They did not stop smoking even when they pulled up to the window. I swear a cloud of smoke rolled out the window when they lowered it to pay.

They offered me a hit and I politely declined.”

12. Gross.

“I was working the drive-thru at Burger King in a snowstorm. Driver orders a coke with no ice.

When I hand them the coke, they empty it a bit, break off a couple icicles hanging from the car, put in the coke, and drive off without saying a word.”

13. Might want to clean that out.

“The entire car was filled with trash.

Like legitimately up to ceiling in the back seat and up to shoulder height in the passenger seat.

I was so stunned I nearly forgot to give them their food.”

14. Some people…

“A woman drinking a tall boy of Budweiser. It was 530 in the morning at a Starbucks.

There’s also a guy that takes his 3 dogs for rides. They ride in buckled seats and wear goggles so the wind doesn’t hurt their eyes.”

Attention, drive-thru workers of the world!

Now we want to hear from you!

Tell us your wild stories in the comments. Thanks!

The post People Who Work In the Drive-Thru Discuss the Weirdest Things They’ve Seen appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Work In the Drive-Thru Discuss the Weirdest Things They’ve Seen

The closest I’ve ever come to working in a drive-thru was when I worked the window of a food truck in New Orleans.

And let me tell you, that was A BLAST.

So I can only imagine what it’s like to work the drive-thru at a fast food place…it sounds like a non-stop adventure!

Let’s get crazy with drive-thru workers who shared their stories on AskReddit.

1. Nice to meet you.

“Dude had a full on s*x doll dressed up in his passenger seat.

Sunglasses, dress and even a hat. I couldn’t even tell it was fake until I asked for their order.

Coworker and I looked at each other simultaneously and we both said “was that a s*x doll?”

This is in a “wealthy” area of my city as well so it was definitely a first.”

2. Did you pet it?

“Only worked drive-through for a year but the weirdest thing I saw was an alpaca in a minivan.

They asked at the window if they could order some apple slices for the alpaca. I just gave them two packs on the house.”

3. Creep.

“Had a guy consistently come through the drive thru with his p*nis out and showing the young girls running the windows.

He would always order the same thing, large Mellow Yellow no ice, always on a Sunday, and always wearing military fatigues. Then he stopped showing up for a bit, we called him Private Peters, as our little sign to call the cops if he showed up again.

A month later we get an order for a large mellow yellow no ice, so I decide to take over the window because had a 16 year old running cash and sure enough he hands me his money with his d*ck in his other hand.

We convinced the car in front of him to stay in the lane and we called the cops, he got suspicious and left but they caught him and was charged.”

4. Free spirits.

“A car pulls up, and all 4 people are just completely naked, just casually chilling.”

5. Oh, boy.

“I heard a blowj*b taking place over the headset.

It was a location open 24/7 so we had to reset the tills for 10 mins every evening at 11pm so people would just sit in their car & wait.

Most people don’t realize that we could hear everything, the speakers don’t turn off while the vehicle is there.”

6. Look out!

“Someone threw a fish at me once.

Didn’t order anything, just a drive by fish attack.”

7. A little extreme.

“Someone pulled a gun on my brother because the salsa containers weren’t completely full.

You can get as many as you want for no extra charge.”

8. Oh…hello.

“My gym teacher, drunk.

He started eating the tacos at the drive-thru window.

He was there for over 5 minutes, just eating. I saw him the next day in school, we both acted like nothing happened.”

9. Oversized load.

“Had a customer come through with a giant grandfather clock in the back seat. The thing was so huge it was sticking out the side window, which just so happened to be on the left side of the car.

Which meant dude couldn’t get close enough to the window to reach his food and had to step out, cursing the whole time.”

10. What could they be?

“I worked at a Tim Horton’s and once saw an old lady with like 50 cartons of eggs in her car.

I made a joke saying “looks like you could make your own breakfast” and she got real straight faced and said “oh honey those aren’t eggs”.

Still have zero clue what else you would store in egg cartons…”

11. No thanks…

“Two guys were hotboxing and decided to come to the drive thru.

They did not stop smoking even when they pulled up to the window. I swear a cloud of smoke rolled out the window when they lowered it to pay.

They offered me a hit and I politely declined.”

12. Gross.

“I was working the drive-thru at Burger King in a snowstorm. Driver orders a coke with no ice.

When I hand them the coke, they empty it a bit, break off a couple icicles hanging from the car, put in the coke, and drive off without saying a word.”

13. Might want to clean that out.

“The entire car was filled with trash.

Like legitimately up to ceiling in the back seat and up to shoulder height in the passenger seat.

I was so stunned I nearly forgot to give them their food.”

14. Some people…

“A woman drinking a tall boy of Budweiser. It was 530 in the morning at a Starbucks.

There’s also a guy that takes his 3 dogs for rides. They ride in buckled seats and wear goggles so the wind doesn’t hurt their eyes.”

Attention, drive-thru workers of the world!

Now we want to hear from you!

Tell us your wild stories in the comments. Thanks!

The post People Who Work In the Drive-Thru Discuss the Weirdest Things They’ve Seen appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share NSFW History Facts That You Might Not Be Familiar With

I consider myself a history lover, but even I was pretty blown away by the facts that people threw out here in the article you’re about to read.

Are you ready to see a side of the past that you don’t usually get to check out?

It’s time to get some naughty history lessons from folks on AskReddit.

1. Iceland.

“There is a legal p*nis size in Iceland.

It’s an old law from the Middle Ages after a woman was married off to a man and on her wedding night was so disappointed with how small his p*nis was that she took him back to the church to have an annulment.

Because of her a law was made that a man must be at least three inches while hard to marry.

There is a wonderful documentary called “The Final Member” in which this is an actual problem.”

2. A carving.

“There is a carving on the side of the belfry in Ghent that depicts a man suckling the breast of a woman.

The story is that the man was condemned to die unless he could prove his innocence by surviving imprisonment without food for 40 days. He could have visitors during his imprisonment but they of course were checked for food.

His daughter visited him everyday. She was a wet nurse ….

He was let go after 40 days having survived.”

3. Yikes.

“In ancient Egypt, soldiers proved their battle prowess by presenting the severed p*nises of their slaughtered enemies.

Traditionally, severed hands were presented, but in 1182 B.C. Libyans, and other allies invaded Egypt and were defeated by the army of Ramesses III, and Ramesses suspected that some soldiers were claiming extra credit by presenting the hands of women as well as the male soldiers.

So he demanded p*nises instead. His victory inscriptions mention 12,535 foreskins and hands, and has images of the piles of the body parts at the Medinet Habu mortuary temple.”

4. Whoa.

“Shi Pei Pu was a Chinese opera singer turned spy active during the 1960s. He pretended to be a woman for 20 years to seduce a French embassy employee and obtain classified documents.

His charade went so far as to fake a pregnancy and purchase a child and pretend it was theirs. He managed to fool everyone, including his lover, for over two decades before finally being exposed to the world.”

5. The high seas.

“Back during the age of sail, sailors would go months and months without any women or any privacy. When they’d get to port, hundreds of prostitutes would take boats out to the ships to greet the sailors, who would almost all have s*x with at least one.

This included the ship’s boys. Like I said, there was no privacy at all – the crew would share one huge room, dozens or hundreds of men sleeping in hammocks slung 28” apart. So the ensuing copulation took place in the wide open, hundreds of people having s*x all over the ship in plain sight.

This wasn’t a rare thing. It was almost universal, though some more religious captains wouldn’t let the prostitutes on board. STDs were therefore incredibly common.”

6. The Bad Pope.

“Pope John XII was interesting. He became Pope in 955. His high points are.:

Turned the sacred palace into a whorehouse

Fornicated with, among others, his father’s concubine, various widows and even his own niece

Castrated and then murdered a cardinal

Blinded and then murdered his confessor

Took payment for ordaining bishops and even ordained a 10-year-old boy as a bishop

Ordained a deacon in a stable

Refused to make the sign of the cross

Toasted the Devil

Invoked the names of pagan gods while playing dice and when he lost, used money from the papal treasury to pay off his debts

Granted, he was a teenager when he became Pope, thanks to his dad buying the office, but still…”

7. Harsh times.

“When the Roman statesman Sejanus, the Emperor Tiberius’ right-hand man, fell from grace and was executed, The Roman people were eager to take their revenge on his family as well for all the tyranny he had put them through.

So they decided to kill his young son and daughter as well. There was no real issue about killing the boy, but when it came to the young girl there was a sudden outcry.

It was against all precedent to execute an innocent young girl, and above that, deeply impious to put to death a virgin maid.

So they had the executioner r*pe her first.”

8. Well, that’s different.

“Mary Toft put baby rabbits in her v*gina and then pretended to give birth to them to confuse doctors.”

9. What a way to go.

“The actual death of Ratcliffe (you know, the oddly proportioned villain from Pocahontas?).

From the Encyclopedia Virginia:

The colonists, led by Captain John Ratcliffe, walked into an ambush; about thirty-three men, or two-thirds of their number, were killed.

The Indians captured Ratcliffe, and their women skinned him alive using mussel shells.”

10. Big boy.

“Ferdinand VII of Spain had a huge d*ck, so much in fact that its rumored that one of his wives died of a hemorrhage derived from having s*x with the monarch.

He almost died without a heir bc he couldn’t have s*x with the queen consorts without any damage (he only had a daughter, and he had to go through hell to change some old laws that prevented his daughter from reigning).”

11. Wrap it up.

“Roman troops were provided cow intestine condoms, as STD epidemics could decide the fate of entire wars.”

12. Messed up.

“At the temple of Aphrodite in Cyprus, overlooking the legendary birthplace of Aphrodite, young virgin girls would tie a bow string around their head and await a man to come along and throw a silver coin of any value into their lap.

The man would say ” I demand thee in the name of the goddess”. The girl then had to have s*x with the man. In this way the girl would make her “first fruit” offering to Aphrodite.

It is said that some girls had to come back for many days before they were chosen.”

Okay, history buffs, now it’s your turn.

In the comments, tell us some more crazy history facts that most people don’t know.

Thanks a lot!

The post People Share NSFW History Facts That You Might Not Be Familiar With appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share NSFW History Facts That You Might Not Be Familiar With

I consider myself a history lover, but even I was pretty blown away by the facts that people threw out here in the article you’re about to read.

Are you ready to see a side of the past that you don’t usually get to check out?

It’s time to get some naughty history lessons from folks on AskReddit.

1. Iceland.

“There is a legal p*nis size in Iceland.

It’s an old law from the Middle Ages after a woman was married off to a man and on her wedding night was so disappointed with how small his p*nis was that she took him back to the church to have an annulment.

Because of her a law was made that a man must be at least three inches while hard to marry.

There is a wonderful documentary called “The Final Member” in which this is an actual problem.”

2. A carving.

“There is a carving on the side of the belfry in Ghent that depicts a man suckling the breast of a woman.

The story is that the man was condemned to die unless he could prove his innocence by surviving imprisonment without food for 40 days. He could have visitors during his imprisonment but they of course were checked for food.

His daughter visited him everyday. She was a wet nurse ….

He was let go after 40 days having survived.”

3. Yikes.

“In ancient Egypt, soldiers proved their battle prowess by presenting the severed p*nises of their slaughtered enemies.

Traditionally, severed hands were presented, but in 1182 B.C. Libyans, and other allies invaded Egypt and were defeated by the army of Ramesses III, and Ramesses suspected that some soldiers were claiming extra credit by presenting the hands of women as well as the male soldiers.

So he demanded p*nises instead. His victory inscriptions mention 12,535 foreskins and hands, and has images of the piles of the body parts at the Medinet Habu mortuary temple.”

4. Whoa.

“Shi Pei Pu was a Chinese opera singer turned spy active during the 1960s. He pretended to be a woman for 20 years to seduce a French embassy employee and obtain classified documents.

His charade went so far as to fake a pregnancy and purchase a child and pretend it was theirs. He managed to fool everyone, including his lover, for over two decades before finally being exposed to the world.”

5. The high seas.

“Back during the age of sail, sailors would go months and months without any women or any privacy. When they’d get to port, hundreds of prostitutes would take boats out to the ships to greet the sailors, who would almost all have s*x with at least one.

This included the ship’s boys. Like I said, there was no privacy at all – the crew would share one huge room, dozens or hundreds of men sleeping in hammocks slung 28” apart. So the ensuing copulation took place in the wide open, hundreds of people having s*x all over the ship in plain sight.

This wasn’t a rare thing. It was almost universal, though some more religious captains wouldn’t let the prostitutes on board. STDs were therefore incredibly common.”

6. The Bad Pope.

“Pope John XII was interesting. He became Pope in 955. His high points are.:

Turned the sacred palace into a whorehouse

Fornicated with, among others, his father’s concubine, various widows and even his own niece

Castrated and then murdered a cardinal

Blinded and then murdered his confessor

Took payment for ordaining bishops and even ordained a 10-year-old boy as a bishop

Ordained a deacon in a stable

Refused to make the sign of the cross

Toasted the Devil

Invoked the names of pagan gods while playing dice and when he lost, used money from the papal treasury to pay off his debts

Granted, he was a teenager when he became Pope, thanks to his dad buying the office, but still…”

7. Harsh times.

“When the Roman statesman Sejanus, the Emperor Tiberius’ right-hand man, fell from grace and was executed, The Roman people were eager to take their revenge on his family as well for all the tyranny he had put them through.

So they decided to kill his young son and daughter as well. There was no real issue about killing the boy, but when it came to the young girl there was a sudden outcry.

It was against all precedent to execute an innocent young girl, and above that, deeply impious to put to death a virgin maid.

So they had the executioner r*pe her first.”

8. Well, that’s different.

“Mary Toft put baby rabbits in her v*gina and then pretended to give birth to them to confuse doctors.”

9. What a way to go.

“The actual death of Ratcliffe (you know, the oddly proportioned villain from Pocahontas?).

From the Encyclopedia Virginia:

The colonists, led by Captain John Ratcliffe, walked into an ambush; about thirty-three men, or two-thirds of their number, were killed.

The Indians captured Ratcliffe, and their women skinned him alive using mussel shells.”

10. Big boy.

“Ferdinand VII of Spain had a huge d*ck, so much in fact that its rumored that one of his wives died of a hemorrhage derived from having s*x with the monarch.

He almost died without a heir bc he couldn’t have s*x with the queen consorts without any damage (he only had a daughter, and he had to go through hell to change some old laws that prevented his daughter from reigning).”

11. Wrap it up.

“Roman troops were provided cow intestine condoms, as STD epidemics could decide the fate of entire wars.”

12. Messed up.

“At the temple of Aphrodite in Cyprus, overlooking the legendary birthplace of Aphrodite, young virgin girls would tie a bow string around their head and await a man to come along and throw a silver coin of any value into their lap.

The man would say ” I demand thee in the name of the goddess”. The girl then had to have s*x with the man. In this way the girl would make her “first fruit” offering to Aphrodite.

It is said that some girls had to come back for many days before they were chosen.”

Okay, history buffs, now it’s your turn.

In the comments, tell us some more crazy history facts that most people don’t know.

Thanks a lot!

The post People Share NSFW History Facts That You Might Not Be Familiar With appeared first on UberFacts.

What Are Some NSFW Facts About History That We Don’t Hear Very Often?

Calling all history fanatics!

Here’s an article that we know you’re gonna love!

Yes, we’ve all learned most of the basics, but what about the dark underbelly of the past that we don’t usually see?

What are some NSFW history facts that a lot of folks don’t know about?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.

1. You fools!

“In 1488 an Italian noblewoman Catarina Sforza-Riario locked herself in a castle to save herself from her enemies.

Her enemies managed to capture her children and threatened to kill them if she wouldn’t surrender.

She climbed on ramparts, lifted her skirt to expose her female parts and shouted “Fools! Don’t you see that I can make myself more children?””

2. A little uptight.

“In colonial America a guy was arrested and charged because he drew a lewd image of his wife in the snow.

Puritans didn’t appreciate the art.”

3. Getting it on.

“In 1992, two astronauts did not disclose they were married to NASA until it was too late to replace one of them and thus became the first married couple in space.

While the two astronauts in question are not the kiss and tell types, most people assume this means space s*x has happened (obviously you don’t have to be married to try it, but it does make it harder to figure out the couples).

NASA’s official stance is that it hasn’t, but I’m not sure people really believe them.”

4. Sounds like a party.

“From the 13th to the 15th of February the Romans celebrated Lupercalia (Roman precursor of Valentine’s day), which was a festival of love and fertility.

Priests would sacrifice a goat and then cut the goat skin into pieces. Part of this they would wear on their heads, and other parts were cut into thongs. The men would then run around the city of Rome naked, hitting as many women with these thongs as they possibly could (being hit would help with pregnancy or becoming pregnant).

So depending on what they wanted, the women would either deliberately stand in the way of the men, or try to run away while pretty much everyone was naked.

In another part of the festivities men would draw names of women from a jar and the goal was that they’d stay together for the duration of the festival. This would often result in a lot of… you know… intercourse, and sometimes people actually fell in love and got married after they met during Lupercalia.”

5. Uh oh.

“The CIA once considered sending the Soviets condoms that were large labeled “small” to convince them that the US was well endowed.”

6. Hmmmm…

“In Pisa on St Catherine’s day, students would search for and capture the fattest Jew they could find and demand a ransom of his weight in sweets.

Source: The Great Mortality, John Kelly.”

7. Come on in!

“A lot of people banged in the White House on the day of Andrew Jackson’s inauguration.”

8. Really getting into it.

“French modern philosopher Michel Foucault, in addition to studying crime and deviance in a Criminology sense, also applied his theories on punishment to his fascination with BDSM, having also written a number of kink-based works.

He eventually moved to San Francisco and partook in gay bathhouses (notorious for casual s*x).

He eventually caught HIV and some have speculated (it may be written somewhere?) that he purposely contracted it as some sort of poetic social commentary.”

9. Go for it!

“In Ancient Egypt they held a fertility festival each year and at this festival it was the Pharaohs responsibility to strip down and jerk off into the Nile.”

10. Ugh!

“There was a guy that tried to prove that yellow fever wasn’t contagious and so he would pour the infected vomit into his freshly cut opened would, pouring it into his eyes, and drinking it.

And soaking into a bath of it. And smearing his body with blood, piss, and spit. He was fine because yellow fever isn’t spread through direct contact, it’s spread through mosquitoes.

So he did all that for nothing. His name was Stubbins Ffirth, look it up.”

11. I’d like to see that!

“In 1511 a bunch of people in Brussels took part in the building of 110 vulgar snowmen as an act of protest.”

12. One-track mind.

“Romans loved depicting s*xual acts.

On many everyday items, like oil lamps, combs, bowls, etc. you often see images of people f*cking.

Like p*rn, but in daily life.”

13. Brutal.

“During war time some armies would wipe sh*t on their spears so that when they stabbed/slashed enemies they’d get that extra poison damage.”

14. Sick.

“Slave owners in the US had a “health official” who would lick slaves to see if their health was of good standing.”

How about you?

Do you know some NSFW history facts?

If so, please share them with us in the comments. Thanks a lot!

The post What Are Some NSFW Facts About History That We Don’t Hear Very Often? appeared first on UberFacts.

Therapists Discuss Their “Holy Sh*t” Moments With Clients

We all have unique things that we deal with at our jobs on a daily basis, but therapists really see and hear some wild things.

And us non-therapists never really get a peek into that world…until now!

Therapists got real on AskReddit about the unusual things they’ve seen and heard on the job. Let’s take a look.

1. Awful.

“I was counseling a 13 year old girl for anxiety and she reported s*xual abuse from her step dad. I called her mom and told her mother I needed to call child protective services. Turns out that CPS was already aware and the abuse was first report around the patients age 7.

Mom was aware of the abuse and stayed with her husband anyway. It was a complicated situation, and it wasn’t. How could she not do more to protect her daughter?!

Sorry lady… I’m judging.”

2. People are sick.

“My professor once shared what a patient said that made her quit her job: “I didn’t r*pe my daughter, she liked it.” The daughter was six.

She couldn’t take it anymore. She worked in a rehabilitation centre for people who have been sentenced for serious crimes and were forced to get mental help.

Really difficult job and this pushed her over the edge.”

3. Good Lord…

“Once had a patient whose wife shook their baby to death. He wanted help reconnecting with his wife.

At the time I was a young father of a newborn myself, and he triggered a lot of fear in me for my own child, a deep loathing of his spouse, and pity (the “how pathetic” kind) for the patient.

I tried for 3 sessions, met his spouse and everything before handing the case over to my supervisor (who knew about my initial reactions, and tried to help me through it).

Unfortunately, it ended up being more about my feelings than his, and I was new to the profession at the time. These things are expected to crop up from time to time, but I was still taken aback by my own reactions.”

4. Dumbstruck.

“I work at a group home.

We had a kid who we had admitted four months prior, when in a family session they mentioned they had parasites. Mom said, “yeah, our whole family has them, we don’t get rid of them since they’re part of our biological ecosystem.”

I was dumbstruck.

We spent three weeks afterwards convincing this family it was an infectious disease concerns as other residents have fecal eating behaviors and various other unsanitary issues that could cause a unit spread.

Three weeks of education, planning, and worse of all convincing this kid and mother that their IQ wouldn’t drop because they had agreed to irradiate the parasites!!!

Lots of CBT work, but Jesus it took way longer than any of my team expected!”

5. Brutal.

“I work with kids who have experienced some kind of abuse/trauma (90% of my clients have been s*xually abused). I have a lot of holy sh*t moments but not from judgment of my clients but from what happened to them.

I’ve had clients whose father made them help him dismember mom’s body after dad murdered her in front of them. I’ve had clients under the age of 8 who have been s*x trafficked.

I’ve had clients who have been forced to film torture p*rn. I have holy sh*t moments all the time.”

6. Judging.

“I feel like a lot of the comments saying that they NEVER judge their clients might be working in voluntary services or they’ve been very fortunate in their client base. Judgement isn’t an inherently bad thing. It’s how we know that murdering people is wrong.

So when a convicted pedophile client told me, “nothing gets me going like a pair of little girl’s worn panties”, you better believe I judged the f*ck out of him. I continued to work with him and I treated him with compassion and respect because he’s a human being worthy of both; I did my job because I’m a professional.

But I can’t honestly say that I didn’t judge him. I judged that he should never be around children. I judged that he is not yet ready for change. I judged that his access to his own daughter should be closely supervised. That’s a lot of judgements.

Understanding your own inherent biases and how they influence your work is a very important part of training and practice.”

7. Not a good move.

“As the pandemic worsened here in the US and more lock downs are on their way, one of my most extroverted clients and I brainstormed ways to meet her social needs while remaining safe.

The following week she canceled her session and told me that she’s positive for COVID after attending an orgy, which definitely wasn’t one of our ideas.

I let out the deepest most defeated sigh after I hung up the phone.”

8. Anger management.

“I ran a men’s anger management group though, and some of those men had done some terrible things to women. Most of them I found ways to like and admire for their positive aspects, but there were two guys in that group I just could never find “unconditional positive regard” for.

One guy basically never spoke in group. He would give one word answers and occasionally just discuss how unfair the “system” was to him. I worked really hard to open him up and find things to connect over but he never opened up to me or the group. He left the group after he strangled his girlfriend and went to jail. She survived thankfully.

The other left group early routinely, showed up late, participated minimally and similarly never wanted to open up honestly. He left early one group after we had discussed him staying to the end and threatened me when I told him he wasn’t going to get credit for attendance (something the court required).

Oddly, I eventually moved into the apartment below him (completely without knowledge) and listened to him scream at his girlfriend and break sh*t while I called the cops.

I judge these men. They’re sh*tty. Maybe they’re redeemable, but redemption requires self-exploration and they both refused to do so. It’s worth noting how differently I felt about them than so many others in the group; men I found ways to help and admire and respect even in spite of their awful behavior in the past.”

9. Youth issues.

“I work with youth and adolescents who have anxiety, trauma, and/or depression. Some of the kids I worked with had some pretty severe attachment issues. Regardless of this, I never thought I’d have to seriously explain:

“You can’t just buy a straitjacket for your kid.”

“Feeding your kid ultra Spicy Ramen each night instead of the meal everyone else is eating isn’t specifically defined as abuse, but you have to understand the emotional abuse that this causes.”

“Your kid isn’t trying to kill you because they stand in your doorway at night crying. Thats likely because they’re scared of their traumatic nightmares, but feel like you will just yell at them if they wake you up.”

10. This is terrible.

“A woman who deliberately kept getting pregnant because she enjoyed the attention, and then would immediately afterwards dump her kids with the foster system or in one case a willing relative.

She had six kids at the time I met her…”

11. Drug lord.

“It’s not often I get to talk about my profession, but here goes: I was working at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center and had a client come in who was a self proclaimed “drug lord”.

As we worked together, he told me about his history. Included in this history was how he got to where he was currently at.

During the conversation, this man admitted to selling his sister into s*x slavery, forcibly injecting her with several sedatives and narcotics, and having several people “teach her a lesson” (what this meant, he never shared). He told this story with a blank face, smiling only when he recalled the “good times”, which he referred to as times when he had enough heroin to get through the day.

I’m not sure where he is at now, but this man inspired me to work with victims of s*x trafficking, because not only do they deal with the stigma of “selling their bodies”, they often manage drug addictions.

People would honestly be floored of they realized how many people were addicted to chemicals that they were forcibly given.”

12. The straight story.

“I work in mental health and have worked in acute and crisis settings for the majority of my career.

The most notable event I experienced was when a young person had presented with significant ongoing suicidal ideation who was dealing with a lot of sh*t. I spent a lot of time with them mostly deescalation and working out what the plan should be moving forward.

One of their parents came in a little while later and I had the opportunity to speak to them about where their child was and what had been going on, with their consent of course. Midway through me trying to explain some of the psychological constructs and ways the parent could help they said to me, “is this going to take much longer I have a show to go and watch”.

All I can say is, I never judge my patients, I have never walked their path or viewed the world through their eyes. But the people around them who perpetuate the suffering of the people I work with through ignorance, malice and selfishness, I judge them.”

Have you ever had any major “oh sh*t” moments at your job?

If so, tell us your stories in the comments.

We’d love to hear ’em!

The post Therapists Discuss Their “Holy Sh*t” Moments With Clients appeared first on UberFacts.

Therapists Discussed Moments When Clients Really Caught Them by Surprise

I admire people who work as therapists because they have a very tough job.

And I think it would be very difficult to not bring all that baggage home every night…

But we’re dealing with professionals here, okay? And we’re in luck because they talked about some clients that did some crazy sh*t.

Therapists opened up on AskReddit about some of the more interesting things they’ve seen on the job.

1. Troubled.

“Parents of a “troubled” child, which turn out to be the problem themselves.

Total refusal to do any kind of introspection, try to convince everybody (cps, police, psychologist, doctor) the kid was the problem, complain the kid was… A kid (a teenager a that point) by growing too fast and costing money to feed and clothe.

He had smashed their t.v. with an axe. Turns out they hadn’t speak or pay any attention to him in several years and they spent 99% of their free time watching t.v. Kid had no other behavior problem, great in school, very calm. He just reach a point where he couldn’t stand being ignore any longer so he had what she called a “Fried Green Tomatoes” moment.

Parents dismissed their responsibility, only problem they saw was the wacked t.v. Kid got emancipated at 16 and moved to f*ck out of there.

She had a private practice and the only times she expressed any judgment was when someone seeks therapy but refused to do any work or partake in the process. Paying a therapist is not paying someone to agree with you.

You need to show up, you need to -at least- try.”

2. Wow.

“I now work in the jail and there are quite a few s*x offenders in my program.

I struggle with the ones who honestly believe their victims (as young as 8) were in mutual loving relationships with them.

It’s super difficult at times not to just say “dude, WTF!””

3. Give yourself some credit.

“Some of my clients are SHOCKINGLY BAD at giving themselves credit.

They might get a nearly straight A GPA in a brutal major while battling depression, or overcome years of phobia and get behind the wheel again, or write a literal novel, or raise a kid as a single parent with low income

Rr build new relationships after being burned, or cope with OCD well enough to hold down a job. And they’ll talk about themselves as if everyone on earth is better than them, as if their accomplishments are worthless.

And I know it’s because of depression or anxiety or another condition, but I’m often stunned by how differently I see them compared to how they see themselves.”

4. Heartache.

“Had a patient apologise for crying during a consultation, saying ‘I know I shouldn’t be sad, I’ve got so many great things going for me’


Three months ago you had to move back to your parents after an unexpected breakup.

Back to the environment which contributed to your official diagnosis.

The same place where your sister was living- before she died, one month after your return to that house, of the same diagnosis you have.

And because she died during a pandemic, not only could you not visit her in hospital before she died, you had difficulty organising her funeral.

In addition to all that he felt financially responsible for both his parents as they’d both lost their benefits- a loss which they couldn’t appeal as their mental health was so poor the concept of fighting that decision was making them suicidal.

I want to hug a lot of my patients, but this one made my heart ache.”

5. Judged.

“The one thing I’ve judged is the situations that people survive and continue to live their lives.

I’ve worked with torture survivors, survivors of genocide and famine. I’ve worked with people whose entire villages were wiped out because a war lord wanted the water well that was sitting in the town.

It always gives me pause in terms of the anguish some people face and their resilience. So if I have one message, it would be in the words of RJ Palacio, “Be kind for everyone is fighting a hard battle.””

6. Psychotherapy.

“I’m a psychotherapist on an adult inpatient unit, so things rarely phase me. I purposely do inpatient because the thought of seeing people for years at a time bores me.

I’ve been kicked, spit on, seen a lot of nude people, but I help pull people back from their darkest points. It’s pretty awesome. My theory is everyone has a story of how they got there. Even a pedophile.

That being said, I had a patient that was having consensual s*x with her uncle. Very wealthy, society type people. She went very in-depth about the relationship. That one weirded me out.”

7. Are you serious?

“I currently have a young female client that is struggling with homelessness, a history of trauma, s*xual abuse, etc.

She’s not handling these things well, as can be expected. Grandmother, who is her only support, keeps kicking the ten year old out of her house (making her homeless at ten) for acting out, and told me she can’t understand why client won’t just “act right.”

Lady. Are you serious?”

8. Hearing voices.

“There was a client a young teenager that was hearing voices to hurt himself.

He had multiple crisis calls and was admitted several times to crisis centers for observation until he got prescribed meds and was starting to show improvement.

He was starting to disclose that he may have been Gay and was stressed out because his father was old school religious and a pillar of the community.

The young man was recommended to go to treatment abs start in a facility to keep him acclimate to he meds and just to give him some coping skills and all that.

His father pulled him out AMA and refused to allow him to continue medication. He also discontinued his therapy for a more religious approach.

3 months later he completed his suicide.

I see that father around and I want to f*ck him up. I wish I could.”

9. Scary.

“In working with a young elementary aged student, he would start mast*rbating when explaining how he wanted to kill his teacher and classmates in gruesome detail.

Thankfully we were able to transfer him to a more appropriate day school setting where he could receive special services.”

10. Couples counseling.

“Couples counseling; parents of a baby (4 or 5 months old).

We are halfway in our session when I ask them about their baby. Mom: she is in bed right now. Me: ah, grandparents babysitting? Dad: no, she is at home alone. Nothing can happen to her. We bought a special mattress, one where she (baby) cannot suffocate

Me: mouth open… staring at them for a couple of seconds. Then: how long did it take you to get here? Mom: 15 mins or so. Me: alright, the session is over.

I want you guys to go home immediately and call me when you arrive. Please hurry. And Never ever leave your baby alone!”

11. So bad.

“I’ve worked with some really sh*tty parents in my career. Probably one of the worst was the mom who kept sneaking the stepfather back into the house who was being investigated for molesting her daughter.

Hard not to judge someone who puts her own daughter at risk so she could get laid.”

12. Sabotaging.

“It is highly unlikely for me to have moments where I judge my clients.

It happens sometimes, but I’m able to shut down those thoughts quickly in my head and return to being present for the people I see. People are so incredibly complex that my judgment wouldn’t have any meaning anyway and it doesn’t have a place in our work together.

I will admit though, something that does get me feeling a little salty is when I have a client’s parent that attempts to sabotage the therapeutic relationship I have with their child.

Or pulling them out of therapy entirely when some of the things we talk about challenges some potentially unhealthy family dynamics. I don’t feel anger toward the parents, mostly I feel bad for the kid.”

What do you think is your biggest “oh sh*t” work moment?

Tell us your stories in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post Therapists Discussed Moments When Clients Really Caught Them by Surprise appeared first on UberFacts.

Learn About Debunking the “Scientists” Who Say There’s a Black Hole in the Center of the Earth

A story like this one just goes to show that academic degrees don’t always mean a whole lot…

13 scientists actually claimed in a published journal that there’s a black hole in the center of the Earth. Basically, it’s close to the most unscientific claim ever.

Though this paper might be a clever hoax, the hypothesis here is still close to crazy. Science can be weird, but surely it’s not supposed to be this weird.

Image Credit: iStock

The essay, “A Black Hole at the Center of Earth Plays the Role of the Biggest System of Telecommunication for Connecting DNAs, Dark DNAs and Molecules of Water on 4+N- Dimensional Manifold,” squeaked by peer review and got published last year in the Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences.

Wait… what?!? First of all, as if that title isn’t a GIGANTIC red flag.

Second, one look at the paper is a deep-dive into some word salad. For example, the abstract reads:

“The earth’s core is the biggest system of telecommunication which exchanges waves with all DNAs and molecules of water.”

From there, the essay goes on to claim that DNA imprints on the Earth’s core created a black hole… Which resides conveniently in the middle of the planet. That idea has naturally given other scientists some pause.

If your jaw is already on the floor, just wait. It gets a whole lot crazier.

What’s even more shocking is the fact that this happens in the academic world pretty often. There’s also a VERY likely chance that this essay is just a regular part of trolling in the science world.

Researchers use this method of “peer-review-tricking” to ensure that journals stay accurate and reputable. They’ll sprinkle blatantly unscientific claims throughout their papers just to make sure readers are paying attention.

Sometimes, it works; other times, it totally backfires.

For instance, take this mind-blowing sentence:

“Each DNA has two parts which one can be seen on the four-dimensional universe, and another one has existed in extra dimensions.

This dark part of DNA called as a dark DNA in an extra dimension.”

Yes, sci-fi language actually made its way into an academic journal. (Note to self, never take anything from that journal seriously. They definitely give a whole new meaning to “open access.”)

Image Credit: iStock

When crazy theories like this one manage to slide by, it shows a serious issue with the peer review system. But hey – it sure beats Flat Earthers!

Well, this paper proves that anything is possible if you just set your mind to it. Then again, it sure helps when you have 13 other people in on the plan with you.

What are some crazy scientific theories you’ve come across?

Share them with us in the comments!

The post Learn About Debunking the “Scientists” Who Say There’s a Black Hole in the Center of the Earth appeared first on UberFacts.