Thrift Stores Have A Lot of Weird Items. Here’s the Proof.

I’m not a person who really enjoys going to thrift stores, but I have enough friends that like them, so I’ve spent a pretty good amount of time browsing through the shelves and racks.

And, even in my disinterested state, I’ve noticed that these places of business are filled with…well…very strange items for sale.

Are you ready to check out some really odd things that folks found in thrift stores? Let’s get weird!

1. Need some new art for your wall?

This is definitely a conversation starter.

2. This is very creepy.

I’ve never seen a candle like this before…

3. This needs to hang in the bar up the street from me…

I’ve seen some stuff at that place…

4. Let’s get physical!

And enjoy some Bible verses!

5. High art, right here.

I call this, “A Day in the Life of a Feline.”

6. Have a seat with Jesus.

Let’s have a chat, shall we?

7. Can anyone explain this to me?

I’m very confused by this…

8. Wear this t-shirt proudly.

Not sure what it means, but still…

9. This is just weird.

Especially if you’re supposed to wear them with your brother.

10. A lot to take in here.

Let’s break this down…

11. For all of you with terrible Catholic guilt out there.

And that includes me!

12. Ready for some heartfelt stories?

I know I sure am!

Okay, now it’s your turn!

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever found at a thrift store?

Let’s get crazy in the comments! And share some photos, too, if you have them!

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Very Strange Thrift Store Finds You Need to Take a Look At

Here we go again

It’s time for yet another roundup of pictures of some of the weirdest things that people have been lucky (or cursed) enough to find at various thrift stores around this beautiful country of ours.

It’s a real crapshoot when you enter these stores…which is part of the fun!

Wanna see some super weird and kind of creepy things that folks found out there while shopping? Let’s take a look!

1. Behold the majesty of this painting.

This would look great right over the fireplace.

2. Do you want your child to wear this?

Of course, you do!

3. I need a Bieber couch in my life.

I know all my visitors would be very impressed.

4. I actually do want these.

Where’s the beef?!?!

5. Jesus, take the wheel.

He looks like he just heard a bad joke.

6. I have this in my kitchen…

And I don’t even have any kids. Is that weird?

7. The best book of the year.

Get with it, people!

8. Need a Leo clock?

Well, you’re in luck!

9. Wear it proudly!

This takes care of some of the small talk you might have with new people you meet.

10. In a van down by the river.

Find true freedom…

11. This is really something.

And by that, I mean pretty terrifying.

12. Keep it coming!

I’ll take another cup of that!

13. What’s Garfield up to now?

Wait…is that Garfield?–jqVq9Nv/

How about you?

Are you a thrift store regular?

If so, tell us about your weird finds in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post Very Strange Thrift Store Finds You Need to Take a Look At appeared first on UberFacts.

Russia Has Some Crazy Weather and This Account Proves It

I was lucky enough to visit Russia back in 2003. It was fascinating, frustrating, and I really took in all the country had to offer because I knew that was probably a once-in-a-lifetime trip.


So, as you can probably imagine, it was freezing, there was ice on the ground everywhere, and we had to keep an eye out for enormous icicles that fell from rooftops when we walked around (seriously).

Bottom line: Russia has some crazy weather. And this Twitter account shares all the good stuff so those of us who live on the other side of the planet can keep up with what’s going on over there.

Let’s take a look!

1. Ugh. No thank you.

You probably can’t drive that thing for a few days…at least.

2. Get a load of the ice flowers.

They are very pretty!

3. Wow! These photos don’t even look real.

Also, I didn’t know they had volcanoes in Russia.

4. One huge thunderstorm.

Perfect timing on this shot.

5. Behold the sun halo.

Have you ever seen one of these?

6. The biggest hail I’ve ever laid my eyes on.

Can’t imagine the damage it did.

7. The world is on fire.

Look at the colors!

8. Those are really beautiful.

They sort of look like bomb blasts.

9. A stormy night.

Good timing on the photos.

10. Buried by snow.

This just looks miserable.

11. And back to the pretty stuff.

I guess these make the snow more bearable.

Well, that was weird…

How about you?

What’s the strangest weather that you’ve ever seen?

Tell us all about it in the comments and share some photos if you have them!

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Account Shares the Strange Weather That Russia Experiences

If you live in Louisiana or Oklahoma or some other place, you might think that you deal with the most extreme weather on the planet.

But I think that Russia might have those places and a bunch of other spots on the globe beat when it comes to crazy weather events.

Russia is absolutely enormous, so its people deal with every kind of climate imaginable…and, by the looks of the photos you’re about to see, it gets pretty wild over there.

Let’s see what’s going on weather-wise on the far side of the world.

1. Whoa! A waterspout!

You don’t see that every day.

2. The electric sky.

Be careful out there…

3. Have you ever seen such a thing?

I’ve never even heard of a Sun Halo.

4. It’s really coming down!

That doesn’t look like much fun.

5. Freezing rain all over the place.

I bet this was not fun to deal with.

6. Now that is cold!

Everyone is better off just staying inside.

7. Have you ever seen The Thing?

This reminds me of that movie.

8. That is very beautiful.

That might even be alarming to see that in the sky.

9. This is pretty cool.

A perfect ice circle.

10. Here it comes!

You better take cover!

11. Extreme blizzard conditions.

So glad I don’t have to deal with this kind of weather.

Now we want to hear from you out there.

Have you ever been to Russia before?

If so, what did you think of it? Talk to us in the comments!

The post Account Shares the Strange Weather That Russia Experiences appeared first on UberFacts.

This Social Media Account Shares the Weirdest Weather in Russia

I can think of few places I’d rather NOT be during the winter than Russia.

Just thinking about the word “Siberia” makes my feet cold.

And when you look at photos of everyday Russian people, a lot of them look pretty…well, not incredibly happy all the time. And I think at least some of that has to do with the crazy and terrible weather those folks deal with year in and year out.

I don’t have any scientific data to back this up, it’s just my hunch…

Let’s take a look at photos of some wild weather that’s going on over in Russia.

1. Magical light pillars.

I’ve never seen something like that before.

2. How about some Lenticular clouds.

Look! Up in the sky!

3. Get a load of these frost flowers.

They’re actually very beautiful.

4. The geometry of frost.

That looks like plastic. Doesn’t look real.

5. A complex sun halo.

Cool! I need to read up on these!

6. They have volcanoes in Russia?

I had no idea!

7. That just looks like a nightmare.

How do you even begin to get the ice off?

8. Beautiful light pillars.

I wonder what causes these?

9. That’s pretty scary!

I’ve heard this happens from time to time.

10. Looks like something you might see in the Midwest.

There’s a twister coming!

11. It’s very pretty, isn’t it?

Feels like you’re at the end of the world.

12. That is stunning!

I love it!

What’s the weirdest weather you’ve ever seen before?

Talk to us in the comments.

And share some pics with us if you got ’em! Thanks!

The post This Social Media Account Shares the Weirdest Weather in Russia appeared first on UberFacts.

A Guy Wondered Why We Say Things Like “Last Night” But Not “Last Morning.”

No one would argue that English is a rough language to learn and to speak, and even those of us who grew up speaking it often have questions about why things are the way that they are.

For instance, why do we say “last night” but not “last morning?”

Why do we say “yesterday morning” but not “yesterday night?”

Why do we say "last night," but not "last morning," and "yesterday morning," but not "yesterday night?" from NoStupidQuestions

If you’re curious, well, read on – these 13 people have some thoughts.

13. Are you time traveling.

I absolutely say Yesternight.

12. That makes sense.

Night would be the last part of the day, so you could say it any time today and it would be correct in its meaning of yesterday night.

Last morning would only be able to be said in the morning, because if you said last morning in the evening, it’d be today’s morning.

11. We like it that way.

Collocations. Basically, those words are just usually grouped together that way and anything else sounds weird.

10. To get specific.

Yesterday is a specific day you’re referencing. Last is just referencing the most recently past, which could be today.

Also, I’ve said yesterday night before. It’s not that weird.

Thinking about it, I tend to use yesterday night when speaking about yesterday night while it is currently night, but if it’s morning or day time, I’ll say last night.

9. As long as you’re consistent.

I’ve met a few Indian folks who say: “yesterday morning”, “tomorrow morning”, and “today morning”, which just sounds weird, but is perfectly consistent.

8. Some people just love to complicate things.

To add to this… yesterday night just sounds awkward. If anything, it should be yesternight.

7. It won’t work every day.

Yester-day ie the day before, therefore last night makes sense.

6. Also a rough one.

How about “this weekend?” I always feel the need to specify past or coming.

5. There’s always gotta be one.

From now on, I’m adding the following words to my vocabulary: “yesternight,” “yestermorn,” “yesterforenoon,” “yesterafternoon,” and “yesterevening.”

4. Maybe we should say it?

Yesterday night doesn’t really sound that incorrect to me??

3. We’re lazy.

“Yesterday night” I suspect isn’t common because it’s a mouthful and has the words “day” and “night” together which is confusing as you have to work out for a moment if it’s day or night you’re talking about.

We tend to use “yesterday morning” because if it’s the afternoon then “last morning” could be confused with THAT morning (as it’s technically the last morning) rather than the morning before which was “yesterday” and therefore “yesterday morning”.

2. Strictly speaking.

It’s weird, some people think it’s normal English and wouldn’t notice if someone else used it, but to others, it sounds totally foreign.

Per Wiktionary:

Last night occurs about 1,000 times more often than yesterday night in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia, Last night occurs about 100 times more often than yesterday night in Singapore, India, and South Africa.
Strictly speaking, it is grammatically correct. And it is used throughout the English speaking world, just much less than “last night”. So technically, it is correct English.

Anecdotally, I think people who are either not native speakers of English, or are native speakers but grew up around people who did not speak English, are more likely to use “yesterday night”. I definitely hear white Americans use it sometimes, though.

1. It’s confusing.

When you use last morning does the last reference the morning of the same day or the morning of the last day?

Technically last should be in reference to only the morning part so as long as it is afternoon the last should 100% reference the same day. However a lot of times when talking about something that modifies days we let the time modify day as well. For instance I might say “this morning” even though it is 2 pm. I think we recognize the ambiguity naturally and instead use yesterday since that tells us what day we are talking about out right and we have this for today anyway.

Last night doesn’t have this problem however since the last night always crosses the day time frame.

I will add one other thing as an aside, yesterday will reference day + night if there isn’t a time frame but most people don’t generally picture night time as an option. Which is why I don’t think you hear yesterday night, though yesternight sounds fine but old timey.

I really loved delving into this one!

What are your thoughts? What are the language things that stump you?

Share in the comments!

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People Who Knew Murderers Share When They Knew Something Felt Off

I have a buddy who grew up and went to school with a guy who, a few years out of high school, ended up murdering two women.

He’s often told me about what this person was like before he became a killer and I’ve always found the whole thing very fascinating.

And you probably feel the same way if you’re here reading this article.

AskReddit users who knew killers talk about when they knew something was wrong.

1. Awful.

“Sat next to him in choir class. He was always kind of off.

He operated on his own wavelength. Constantly in his own world, never really engaging with anybody. People just didn’t really exist on his radar. On a class trip we slept in the same hotel room and he walked around naked like I wasn’t even there.

I always assumed he was autistic, but in hindsight it might have been something much worse, like schizophrenia. He never seemed violent, but nobody ever talked to him enough to ever make that conclusion in the first place.

A few months ago he beat and stabbed his mother to death with a kitchen knife. It was so bad dental records were needed to identify the body. He cut off one of her breasts and implied in his confession that he ate part of it. He waited until his dad came home from work to show him what he’d done.

Claimed he saw a sign from the devil that told him to kill her. (That may have been a lie. From what I heard he was very excited to tell the police what he had done. And from what I do know about him, he might have said it for the attention.) He turned himself in, waived his Miranda rights, and confessed to everything.

When the cops found him he was literally soaked in blood. He refused to shower it off, so they had to hose him down before they put him in a cell. He’s looking at 40 years in prison.

His Mom was an amazing woman, she tailored our suits for choir and was constantly volunteering. If there was an event, she was there. She was gonna be her town’s councilwoman next year. She loved her son very much. She didn’t deserve to die like that.”

2. Distant.

“I went through primary and high school with a guy in the year below me who seemed a little… distant. We lived near each other and caught the bus from the same stop.

He was a bit of a bully but it was something more. Like you could tell he wasn’t a bully because he was hurting inside or because he felt threatened in some way, he was a bully because he did what he wanted to do and didn’t realise that it hurt other people. Like the kind of kid who enjoyed pulling wings off flies.

Not long after I left my hometown I heard that he had been charged with the murder of a 2 year old. Apparently his girlfriend at the time left her daughter with him for an hour or so while she ran an errand. He couldn’t deal with the toddler crying anymore so he beat her.

He caused severe internal bleeding and she died in hospital not long after. He would have been around 22 when he did it. He was sentenced to 36 years with a non parole period of 27 years.

This happened in Australia around 2014.”

3. Cold and angry.

“I moved to a new town when I was 19 and was making new friends at my new job. I met this girl at work and she invited me over to hang out with her and her best friend.

I went and the best friend’s boyfriend was there and the vibes were waaay off. I was uncomfortable. He was cold, and just seemed angry for no reason. They had mentioned to me before he got there that he was always controlling and had hit the girl before.

Turns out controlling was an understatement. She came home one day and he was digging a hole in the backyard and she asked what he was doing and he replied “digging your grave.” He hit her, said if he can’t have her, nobody could have her, all of that.

So eventually she left him and had to get a restraining order and everything. He somehow persuaded her to get in a car with him on her work break and they went missing for a few days. Turns out he stabbed her to death, threw her in a river and killed himself.

I met the girl only a few times and him only the once but the face that I was in such close proximity to someone capable of that gives me chills. She was so young, it was really sad.”

4. Always off.

“I worked at a box store about 20 years ago, a guy I worked with was always “off,” and would give away pocket knives to other employees.

One day he came in with scratches all over his face; he had r*ped and murdered a disabled girl the day before, using a pocket knife he had given our co-worker later that day.”

5. My uncle.

“My uncle murdered somebody and is currently serving life in prison.

From my earliest memory I knew he had some screws loose.”

6. Father and son.

“I knew a guy who killed his dad with a baseball bat (found not guilty).

I met his dad when he came in to the bar I worked at. He was a nightmare. He would squeeze peoples’ hands when he shook them. He and his son were both boxers and the dad was really rough with him apparently.

The day he was found not guilty he sent a text to someone at the bay saying ‘I told you I would get off”.”

7. Not surprised…

“I know a guy who murdered a nurse and wanted our towns first serial killer. He bought a “murder kit” online and stabbed her over 50 times. Let’s call him Steve.

I knew him through scouts. Now, to preface, our scout troop was pretty laid back. We didn’t tend to bother with badges and the two troop leaders were pretty cool guys. Mostly we played silly games like crab football, built catapults to fire stuff across the hall at each other etc. You get the picture.

We were a little bit a gang of misfits. But Steve was really weird. First time it came out was when he would do this thing where he’d get his b*tt out and dance around. At first it was like outrageous and funny, and he kept getting told to stop.

When he kept doing it got a bit annoying (none of us were keen to see his bare arse…), then it got boring, then just outright weird when its not remotely funny, no one wanted him to do it and he continued.

He also used to bring in print outs of super gross porn (obviously confiscated and thrown away). Again, he was clearly trying to gross people out for his amusement.

A few times he was suspended for a week or so but give we were quite laid back and the troop leaders were good guys, they probably couldn’t bring themselves to bin him off completely.

It was a long time ago so I can’t recall all the details but I recall him being quite childish in mentality but also veeeery creepy.

When I found out i was shocked, but not surprised. Then I remembered I’d played hide and seek in the dark with this guy, in a hall with a kitchen full of knives…”

8. Regular guy.

“A regular customer in my shop.

He would come in to buy beer and tobacco. On one occasion he caught and helped us to evict a shoplifter. He seemed friendly enough. A local girl went missing and was eventually pulled out of a river a few weeks later.

Police announced they were looking for a man in connection with her death and it was him. They had CCTV footage of him tailing her through a park and footage of him buying beer in a shop, still unconfirmed to this day being our shop as they blurred out the surroundings.

Anyway, as we had a TV in our shop switched to the news channel as it was a rolling story local to us, we started to discuss the guy, if we saw him on the day she went missing, that kind of thing.

We hadn’t, but it was at that point when one of my staff, a young girl, who had previously said to management that she didn’t want to work the closing shift anymore because there was “too many creepy men around”, told us that he used to stare at her when he came in to the store in a way that made her uncomfortable enough to not want to be on the floor when he came in.

They never got to question him about the murder as he was found dead in a local park a few days later. He’d hung himself.”

9. Didn’t suspect anything.

“I never suspected a thing. She was the nicest woman, I even let her babysit my cousin when I had custody of him for a little while.

She was my neighbor (couple houses down) and everyone loved her, she grew gigantic pumpkins, was always outside, so everyone interacted with her a lot. I moved away and a few years later and was shocked to hear everything from my family and friends who still loved in the area.

The story: She was married to a man, I knew him from my time living there too. One day, he was just gone. She was all beaten up. She said he beat her up (we always suspected this happened before this incident) and had left her because he got a woman pregnant a few towns over. We never heard from him again, but didn’t really have a reason to.

She would mention every once in a while that he was still harassing her and was even beat up on another occasion after his disappearance. He was self-employed and didn’t really have any family, no one suspected anything. Three years later she was dating another man. While dating this man, the police had been investigating her for stealing money from the grocery store she worked at.

They went to the boyfriends cabin, where they both were, to arrest her. She came to the door, said ok, let me go put on some clothes. The police waited at the door (I obviously wasn’t here for this part, so this is what I hear). The police then hear two gunshots. They run inside and she had poured gasoline and set the house on fire then shot her dog then herself. It took some time to get the house fire under control.

Once they did, and began investigating, they found another body in the basement that didn’t die in the fire, but several days earlier. The body in the basement was her boyfriend. Then, they began investigating further, and found a blue 55 gallon drum in her backyard that contained her husband.

So, she killed 2 people and her dog, and all she was suspected of was stealing from the grocery store.”

10. Nobody liked him.

“My ex-coworker was always a huge d*ck who nobody liked to work with.

He’d always be on his phone and talking to someone, even when he had a customer waiting to order in the drive-thru. The moment I knew he had something wrong with him was when I caught him “looking for his dab pen” in one of the lockers in the backroom.

He always used a top locker, but he was searching through one at the bottom, which happened to be my locker for the day. I told him that, so he just stared me in the face for a second, and walked away.

Later that same year, I learned that he shot and killed someone at a gas station.”

11. Deep sadness.

“A co-worker lived with his elderly dad. He was a super nice, but just always had this deep sadness behind his face.

His gf broke up with him, his dad’s health went south. Everything became too much so he shot his dad and then himself. Even after hearing that, I felt bad for him.

He seemed like a dude with a big heart and if he just had a day to decompress and someone to talk to, I think it would have gone a lot differently.”

Have you ever been acquainted with a killer or a violent criminal?

If so, tell us about it in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you. Thanks.

The post People Who Knew Murderers Share When They Knew Something Felt Off appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Farthest They Ever Went in a Game of Truth or Dare

Do you remember the good old days of Truth or Dare from when you were a youngster?

Or hell, maybe adults still play it, too? They probably do, knowing what society is like these days…

Anyway, the point of the game was to really push the limits and see how insane things could get…

AskReddit users talked about how far they went in games of Truth or Dare. Let’s take a look.

1. That worked out.

“I was dared to grab a girl’s bo*bs and let her grab mine too.

I was a fat kid, but also girl bo*bs are great so it evens out.”

2. Backfired.

“In grade 6 I was dared to lick a fence in the playground.

The day after I had this pleasant little disease called ‘Thrush’.”

3. Close call.

“I almost drowned in my friend’s duck pond because they dared me to swim with the ducks.”

4. Better fun fast!

“A female friend and I chose dare together.

Our friends said take off all your clothes and run across a recently frozen pond.

We did it but man was that ice cracking.”

5. Shenanigans.

“Rowed across a lake naked at night.

During the expedition some random campers saw a “white thing” floating across the lake and shined a flashlight on me.

They busted up laughing. I hid at the bottom of the canoe until they turned their light off.”

6. Gettin’ wild!

“Hanging out of a window with only my legs still in the room, in order to touch the outer wall with my forehead.

Really drunk and being held by drunk friends.

13 floors off the ground…”

7. You never know what’ll happen.

“Two extreme opposites that stand out are:

Full s*x.

Roly-poly down some stairs.”

8. This is epic.

“After a looooooong night of drinking, a small (five-ish?) group of us decided to play truth or dare as the sun was coming up.

At some point, I was dared to streak down two city blocks. I did so, in cowboy boots and covered in mustard from an earlier dare. It was cold, I was bad at running due to drinking and smoking cigarettes all night, and I was pretty sure I was going to die.

Alas, I lived and ended up with a brutal hangover later that morning.”

9. Ouch!

“I jumped over a snowball and broke my nose.”

10. Let’s get naked.

“We were a group of 8 friends, in a friend’s house. 3 males and 5 females.

All of us were pretty conservative when it came to nudity and anything s*xual, because all of us were raised in a conservative environment.

We decided to play truth or dare, and at some point all of us were in just our underwear, and later completely naked.”

11. Putting on a show.

“Put my d*ck in a cantaloupe in front of girls.

Should’ve microwaved it for warmth first.”

12. Drunken antics.

“We, a group of good friends of 5 – consisting of three females and us two males – had a game night with classic quiz and card games plus drinks of course.

It was a light affair with reasonable alcohol consumption since we are in our mid- 20s.

Then suddenly my buddy pulled out some Vodka and made all of us drink shots in “quick fire mode“. One of the girls insisted on playing Truth& Dare.

It ended up in us stripping our clothes, giving lap dances to each other, *ss spanking and some making out.

A real passionate night between friends. Our little secret.”

13. Good times…

“Was in the Marines, at a party and was dared to run outside and dance a jig in the middle of a generally suburban street…

Wearing a sombrero and naked except for my white socks. I did a little river dance while they completely lost it from the balcony.

Ahhh, good times.”

How about you?

Do you remember the farthest you went during a game of Truth or Dare?

Confess your sins to us in the comments!

The post People Talk About the Farthest They Ever Went in a Game of Truth or Dare appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s the Farthest You’ve Gone in a Game of Truth or Dare? People Chimed In About This.

Truth or Dare is part of growing up.

Yes, it is a terrifying staple that caused me great anxiety and emotional scars, but it’s still something that most people play at some point in their lives.

And things definitely got weird…

What’s the farthest you’ve gone in a game of Truth or Dare?

It’s time to get wild with some folks on AskReddit.

1. Run for it!

“Got dared to run around the block naked, it wasn’t NYE’s but might have been close. I’m running I took the half block option because well I’m chubby and therefore less running.

So I do the main street portion of the run few honks all is well. The back stretch runs along a park on one side church on the other. There’s a guy running from the park and at first I think awww, poor little white guy running from the big black naked guy what a f*cked up evening for him.

Then I glanced over at the church and see fire in the windows and realize ohh he’s running from the fire he started and give chase. My friends waiting outside our apartment complex with a robe and a shot see random stranger run by, then me in full on naked chase mode yelling call the cops and the fire department.

So I gained a bit on that guy, but like a block down I realized we just called the cops and the fire department the fire department is an alley away from us and I’m naked black guy running through the neighborhood I need some clothes. Turn back and make it to my friends and a robe just in time for the cops to roll up. Fire department showed came over a few minutes later.

Fire was an xmas tree in the park, my drunk *ss saw the reflection in the church windows. Cops had also got a call about streakers but didn’t mention it till they left. So the furthest I’ve gone is about a half mile balls out.”

2. Had to do it.

“Once when I was a teenager I was dare to urinate in the middle of the road.

It was the middle of winter and there was about 4″ of snow And of course, Of Course my bladder decided to be shy. I thought my lady bits would freeze off.

But, a dares a dare.”

3. Caught!

“Thought that it was a good idea to take a dare of streaking across the school football field, without taking notice of the security cameras.

Long story short I got suspended for a week.”

4. Escalated quickly.

“A girl dared me to take my clothes off, so I did.

I dared her to take her clothes off, so she did.

My friend dared us to kiss which just led to us having s*x on the floor of the host’s bedroom.”

5. That worked out!

“Got dared to kiss this guy [repeatedly] at a birthday party.

He was one of two single guys, I was the only single girl.

10 years later, we’re still together and have a 16 month old.”

6. You asked for it.

“Someone once dared me to stab them with a pencil, no hesitation. So I stabbed him with my pencil. No hesitation.

Broke skin, but didn’t cause much damage, luckily”

7. You’re a true champion.

“Ended up giving a bl*wjob in front of our friends to a one handed guy named Lefty off of a dare.

I get overly competitive!!”

8. Not shy.

“Was dared to kiss my best friend, also a guy.

We did, and the crowd went wild. They wanted us to strip each other naked.

Jokes on them though, we’d been friends so long I had seen him naked more times than I could count (in the locker rooms and during group s*x).”

9. Foot fetish.

“Some chick dared me to suck some dudes toes and I obliged.

Later I had her gagging on mine.

Overall it was an alright night.”

10. Lost your V Card.

“Lost my virginity to my neighbor on a dare.

I’d say that’s pretty far into crazy territory. Her name was Tara, and I was so smitten by her. If you must know, I have zero regrets.

She grew up to be a beautiful woman and has a loving husband and three children. Life is beautiful.”

11. Classy.

“Anal s*x with a really cute and really crazy redhead

No regrets.”

12. Bad idea.

“In middle school my brother and I were dared to jump down a flight of stairs.

It was about 9 or 10 steps and we had seen it done before and thought it wasn’t a big deal. I went first and landed pretty hard but nothing serious. When my brother jumped he landed wrong and dislocated his ankle and messed up his arm pretty badly.

To this day he can actually pop his ankle in and out of its socket without feeling pain. It looks disgusting and freaks people out though.

I cringe when people ask him if he can do any cool party tricks…”

13. You won!

“I was dared to swap underwear with a girl and come out wearing them to prove it.

I was a virgin at the time.

I won.”

14. Dangerous.

“I once dangled from a 50 foot bridge.

I’m my defense I was suffering from a dissociative disorder at the time so nothing felt “real”.

I did a lot of stupid sh*t that year.”

How about you?

What’s the farthest you’ve ever gone in a game of Truth or Dare?

Spill your guts in the comments!

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What’s Your Biggest High School Secret? Here’s How People Answered.

High school is a time to learn, a time to grow…and a time for a lot of drama!

You know that’s true!

And we’re about to get a big dose of craziness. Are you ready?

AskReddit users were kind enough to share their wildest high school secrets.

1. It was you!

“In the lights room in my high school’s theatre there was a couch that no one sat on because some tech crew got to rehearsal early and heard a couple going to “Pound Town” from outside the door.

The room was locked, none of the students had keys, and the couple was gone when the tech head opened the door; so, no one ever found out who it was.

I was the one receiving the pounding. There was a way to get to lights from back stage with an easy to pick lock. Snuck in, boinked, snuck out, never suspected.

Some of my cousins go to my old high school and apparently the couch is still there and is still referred to as the s*x couch… so that’s my secret legacy.”

2. Bad teachers.

“I went to a small school in Colorado.

In 8th grade our pottery teacher fell asleep with a lit joint or something and his house burned down. The cops found his stash. He had to give a really cringey “I have been living with my secret drug addiction” speech to all of us in class.

Thing was most the teachers in that town were doing a lot worse drugs then pot. We had math teacher come to class trippin balls on acid one day.”

3. Whoa!

“All those cuts, bruises, grass stains, cracked ribs, and broken teeth weren’t from playing football. Sorry mom.

There was fight club at school with like 30 members and we did not go easy on each other. I guess it can still be a secret if it’s a shared secret.”

4. Nice and wholesome.

“Worked at McDonald’s my senior year.

We used to have our girlfriends come over after closing (12:30 am) we would drink, watch p*rn and go f*ck in the ballpit/playground area.”

5. High as a kite.

“Every year we had a student vs. teacher basketball game. The main Chad McChaddington pulled me aside 15 minute before the game and asked me to smoke.

Him being the most popular and sought after guy and me being.. me. I said okay. I had a blunt with wax on it. We got super stoned and he went on to play. Not just “stoned”, we were properly destroyed. Like autism.exe running on administrative level high.

I sat in the bleachers and watched this dude high out of his mind face off all the teachers, security guards and principal and dunk on them. No one even suspected he was high.”

6. Cheater!

“Senior year, i got directed by a janitor to grab some towels from the Janitors Closet to clean up a spill in my classroom.

To get to the closet I had to pass by the teachers/staff break room. I saw an open teachers edition algebra book and no one around….

Easiest year for Math.”

7. Oh my God.

“One of my classmates shotgunned his parents dead and went to prison.

I liked the guy. He was a good kid. He was liked by all. He never did anything bad to kids in school.

He never made fun of or picked on other kids. He was slightly popular.”

8. Bad boy.

“Was in stage crew.

Got a bl*wjob up in the roof catwalk from girlfriend while hundreds of people were watching the annual musical. Never missed a spotlight cue, no one saw or knew.

Never told anyone I went to HS with.”

9. Time for payback.

“Guy I went to high school with got kicked out of our school and not too long after that overdosed over a weekend. A teacher made a comment somewhere along the lines of “he got what he deserved”.

I didn’t even know the guy, just knew of him. I went home that night and created a fake Yahoo email account and emailed every single teacher and staff member about what the teacher said and pretended to be a rich donor demanding an apology in front of the entire school at the end of the upcoming end-of-year assembly by the teacher who made the comment or I would never donate another dollar.

The next day I saw a couple teachers reading my email on their computer, so I know it was a conversation topic among the teachers. I got a couple responses, one from my English teach saying he could tell it was a student email from the emotion it was written with.

There was no apology in front of the school, but I know the teacher who made the comment was thoroughly embarrassed. I never told a single person about the email.”

10. Scandal.

“The principal likely used her connections with local and regional politicians to cover up a huge scandal involving cheating during the finals.

Some seniors managed to send one of their parents (a lawyer, no less) infos about the exam’s topic and the mom put the answers on the school’s bathroom windowsill.

The students went to the bathroom and got the answers, but the exam supervisor got suspicious about the unusual coming and going, checked the bathroom and found the papers.

They called the cops, the finals were suspended but eventually went on as scheduled with the kids involved getting top marks.

Later on there was a trial for fraud, but to nobody’s surprise, they were all acquitted for some reason.

The kicker? They were all upper-class kids and the principal was a staunch Communist back in the good old days… But I suppose class struggle took the backseat to the school’s and the principal’s good name…”

11. Sounds like a TV show.

“I lived a double life in high school.

My home life was spent manufacturing amphetamines while I played nice at school. None of my friends knew for years that I was a cook. I gave my friends weed to keep them away from the harder drugs.

Once I got older about 17-18 I realized the people who raised me were f*cked up and manipulated my loyalty.”

12. The pusher.

“I would pay the student office assistant every week for vacant lockers and their combinations to stash tons of weed in.

We had police as security at our school who would bring dogs sometimes. I would rotate lockers and keep it all split up. I would never have anything one me.

Once one of the lockers got busted and they never found out who’s weed it was.”

13. Caught in the act.

“I accidentally caught my teacher watching p*rn during lunch when I went back to get my phone and I sort of blackmailed him into giving me a good grade in the class because chemistry is hard.

Apparently it wasn’t the first time someone caught him either. All science teachers are weird”

14. Party time.

“Group of girls had lesbian orgy and recorded the act.

School authority never found out..,at least till we graduated.”

What’s your wildest high school secret?

Talk to us in the comments.

We’d love to hear your stories!

The post What’s Your Biggest High School Secret? Here’s How People Answered. appeared first on UberFacts.