After 2,000 Years, This Massive Egyptian Coffin Was Finally Opened

If you’ve seen a horror movie before, you know that this is usually how things start…

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures

Just kidding! We’re all gonna be okay…for now. A huge coffin was unearthed in Alexandria, Egypt recently and people on the Internet (as they are wont to do) speculated on what kind of curses/demons/mummies/zombies might come pouring out of it when it was opened.

Photo Credit: Mohamed Abd El Ghany

Thankfully for all of us, the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities decided to go ahead and open the 2,000-year-old tomb and it looks like we’re in the clear.

Photo Credit: Mohamed Abd El Ghany

There was no treasure inside the large tomb, but the sarcophagus did contain the remains of three people that are believed to have been warriors. Also in the tomb: a whole lot of red sewage water that seeped in over the years through a crack in the side of the massive coffin.

Photo Credit: Ministry of Antiquities

In a very strange twist, because people are insane, an online petition has emerged calling for the keepers of the tomb to let regular folks drink the red coffin sewage water. As of this writing, more than 26,000 people have signed the petition. Okay…

Photo Credit: Mohamed Abd El Ghany

Watch the video below for more information about the story.

The post After 2,000 Years, This Massive Egyptian Coffin Was Finally Opened appeared first on UberFacts.

After 2,000 Years, This Massive Egyptian Coffin Was Finally Opened

If you’ve seen a horror movie before, you know that this is usually how things start…

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures

Just kidding! We’re all gonna be okay…for now. A huge coffin was unearthed in Alexandria, Egypt recently and people on the Internet (as they are wont to do) speculated on what kind of curses/demons/mummies/zombies might come pouring out of it when it was opened.

Photo Credit: Mohamed Abd El Ghany

Thankfully for all of us, the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities decided to go ahead and open the 2,000-year-old tomb and it looks like we’re in the clear.

Photo Credit: Mohamed Abd El Ghany

There was no treasure inside the large tomb, but the sarcophagus did contain the remains of three people that are believed to have been warriors. Also in the tomb: a whole lot of red sewage water that seeped in over the years through a crack in the side of the massive coffin.

Photo Credit: Ministry of Antiquities

In a very strange twist, because people are insane, an online petition has emerged calling for the keepers of the tomb to let regular folks drink the red coffin sewage water. As of this writing, more than 26,000 people have signed the petition. Okay…

Photo Credit: Mohamed Abd El Ghany

Watch the video below for more information about the story.

The post After 2,000 Years, This Massive Egyptian Coffin Was Finally Opened appeared first on UberFacts.

12 Good Things That Came out of Horrible Tragedies

We hope to avoid tragedies as much as we can in this life, but, unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen. When tragedy does strike, however, there may be something good to come out of it.

The original poster on this Reddit thread used the example of the Titanic disaster – afterward, all ships were required to have enough lifeboat seating for every single soul on board.

But what are some other unspeakable tragedies that led to long overdue change? You’re about to find out!

#12. More fire safety.

“Laws mandating fire escape maintenance came about after an infamous incident in Boston in the 1970’s. There’s an iconic, Pulitzer-award photograph showing a woman & child falling off the side of a building after a fire escape fell off the building during a fire.

After I became a firefighter…I learned that pretty much every safety code in the NFPA manual is the result of someone dying.”

#11. Written in blood.

“Just about every law that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, (OSHA) has mandated is written in the blood of someone else’s mishap.”

#10. Safety codes.

“Triangle shirtwaist factory fire of 1911? In New York. They didn’t even have a ladder at the time that would reach the floors on fire. The water from the fire hoses could not reach the flames. The doors opened inward, instead of outward … so the people desperate to get out literally couldn’t open the door because of the weight of the people pushing against them.

Other doors were chained shut to prevent workers from taking breaks or pro union people sneaking in. The workers were squeezed in like sardines, there were no sprinklers at the time, the water wasn’t even turned on for the fire hose they had inside, people were smoking next to highly flammable fabric, the fire escape fell off of the building with people on it because it couldn’t handle the weight. They had never conducted a fire drill, ever.

Some of these were blatant code violations, others weren’t required at the time. But the deaths of 146 people, mostly teenage girls, with the youngest victim being just 11 years old …

Major changes to the fire safety codes of the time.”

#9. Emergency valves.

“After the reactor in Chernobyl blew up due to pressure build-up in the containment, all reactors worldwide were equipped with emergency valves to release pressure in order to maintain the integrity of the containment in a worst-case accident.”

#8. Pollution.

“The EPA was formed as a direct result of Cleveland’s rivers being polluted to the point of catching on fire.”

#7. Fair warning.

“Certain commercial/utility trucks are now required to have an audible signal when the vehicle’s transmission is placed in reverse.

The relentless “beep-beep-beep” sound can be annoying, but it helps save lives after many accidents where someone was unaware a truck was backing up and accidentally got hit.”

#6. Like Breaking Bad, sorta

“The Tenerife disaster in which two 747s collided on the runway lead to many changes. Two of the most important were standardizing how pilots talk on the radio, firstly to ensure they all speak English and then to make sure they always use the correct words. Eg, the word “Takeoff” is only used when giving permission to take off, otherwise they will use “Departure”. The other innovation was Crew Resource Management, which teaches pilots not to always use the Captain as the sole decision maker and to work as a team instead. These innovations have saved millions of lives over the years.”

#5. Basic sanitary practices.

“After the disgusting conditions of the meat packing industry was exposed by the book The Jungle by Upston Sinclair the FDA was created to help ensure basic sanitary practices in the food industry as a whole.”

#4. No one left behind.

“There were two American tourists who got left behind by a boat in the reefs outside of Queensland. Noone really knows what happened to them, but probably drowning and sharks.

Now all over Australia, they have a very clear set of rules to make sure everyone is on the boat back.”

#3. Filed through the city.

“After the Great Molasses Spill in Boston during the 1910s, the government got much stricter with calculations regarding anything that was being built in major cities, especially near high population density cities. Before this, you could kinda just get away with the engineer doing the calculations, and everyone else kinda just assumed they were correct. Now, all of the calculations done by engineers and architects are filed through the city before anything actually gets done.

If you don’t know what the spill was, a molasses tank (50 ft. tall, 90 ft. wide) that was holding like 2.3 million gallons of molasses burst due to cylindrical stresses on the container. Sounds hilarious in your head until you realize the molasses then flooded the streets at 35mph, killing more than 20 people and injuring like 150. Yikes.”

#2. On a lighter note.

“After 9/11, a lot of people started tuning in to the Food Network, as it was one of the few channels whose programming didn’t dedicate significant time to the attacks. The uptick in general viewership motivated Food Network to create more varied programming, rather than the previously homogenous “cook this simple dish in your kitchen” shows.

This is a bit more tangential than some of the other comments in here.”

#1. Train barriers.

“In Singapore, an exchange student was waiting for the train when a crowd formed behind her and she ended up being pushed onto the tracks right when a train was arriving. The train cut off her legs. Since then, all Singapore train platforms have had barriers.”

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Escape Room Employees Share the Dumbest Ways People Tried to Escape

If you haven’t had the pleasure of participating in an escape room, I highly suggest you give it a try! Just don’t freak out and do what these people did…

Here are responses from escape room employees on AskReddit about the dumbest ways people got out.

1. Failures

“Once a group disassembled a portable AC unit hoping to find a key. There wasn’t any key. From that moment screwdrivers were forbidden.

But the best team I remember was the first team that ever played. We made a big, enormous, GIGANTIC mistake: we forgot the entire detailed instructions inside the room, right at the entrance on a table. They found it immediately, they started reading it, they clearly saw that every combination, every puzzle, every piece of history and every piece of furniture but they didn’t realize it was the complete walkthrough, and in some unknown way they failed to escape.”

2. That’ll do it

“There was a VERY pregnant lady in the group. We asked her if she was at risk of going into labor at any time, but she said she was fine. We let her in. The entire group was getting upset because they weren’t doing well. They were in the hardest room we have, it’s always a big deal if you make it out. They kept asking me for the code they needed to escape, and I had to keep telling them I couldn’t say what it was. They had to discover it. So pregnant lady took out the water bottle she had, turned around so she wasn’t facing the camera, and poured some on the floor.

She screamed that her water broke, and I needed to tell her the code so they could get out and go to the hospital. I guess she forgot we have cameras in several places in the room, and we saw exactly what she did. So I went into the room myself and explained that she was free to leave, I would just escort her out and the rest of the team could continue. She really thought that by having her water break, that was a free pass to get the escape code.”

3. Geniuses

“One of our rooms has a bed in it with white sheets. There was this group who was in the room working on the last puzzle, a logic puzzle. There’s a sheet of paper in the room that’s full of facts about a murder that you’re trying to solve. The group wasn’t quite getting the puzzle so I typed up “The white sheet of paper in room three will be a lot of help.”

So the group runs into the room and starts tearing all the white sheets off the bed and I type “Not the bed sheets.” So they start pulling the pillows out of their sheets. I then reply “The sheet you write on.” and lo and behold they grab the room’s marker and start drawing all over the bed sheets. They didn’t escape.

4. Bad parents

“I have both hosted games and managed escape rooms. I have seen it ALL…

People who cheat and bring in tools. People who physically break objects and play dumb when confronted, yelling matches, people on drugs, but the worst are the bad parents…

The dumbest people were always the dads or moms of large families who took over the games from their children and didn’t let them play or ignored them.

Sometimes kids were just left unsupervised while mom and dad played alone (guess they couldn’t get a babysitter) but most of the time some really smart kids could see things the adults did not and sure enough mom and dad ignored their input and got stuck overthinking everything.

It was so satisfying to go in after they had lost and tell the parents they should have listened to the kids. The smiles from the kids made it so worth it and the parents couldn’t do anything but pout!”

5. Future thief

“I run a tech camp thing for junior high aged kids and we have them do an escape room puzzle. Basically the box in the middle of the table has 5 locks, one for each puzzle, that has its own colored ring attached to it. Once you solve a combination, you bring the ring to the game master and you get the next puzzle. Simple enough, right?

Never have I seen anybody do this in the 2 years we have done this puzzle for both kids and teachers, but one kid this year managed to unsnap a ring from one of the locks and picked every single one of them and got the box open without solving a single puzzle.

6. Chug!

“We played through this demonic-themed escape room and the guy running it would speak as the “voice of Vade” through the PA system. He’d give us hints when we ask for them and would narrate story bits when appropriate.

At one point there’s a little fountain that pours out holy water. There’s a little bottle to collect the holy water. But they only trigger the fountain enough for us to get a little holy water in the bottle. Then we’re supposed to figure out we need to drip some holy water into a small hole in a box. Instead we tried dousing the holy water on just about everything else in the room. Nothing’s working. Then my girlfriend’s brother says, “Oh, maybe we have to drink it!” and he chugs the rest of the holy water. The voice of Vade jumps in and says, “Do not waste the holy water.” “

7. So many…

“Escape room employee here. Here are some examples.

People who find keys, exclaim, “It’s a key!” put it in their pockets, and forget about it. They don’t make it out.

Had a woman who would insist on pulling her group members away from CORRECT solutions so that she could waste time with incorrect ones so that she could be “right”, to the point that I actually insisted that she shut up via the messaging system. She didn’t, they listened to her, and they lost.

It’s amazing how many times a day I type “If it’s unlocked, OPEN IT.”
We have a key in a box in one of our rooms that you get out via a specific tool that you find in the course of the game. For some reason, instead of intuiting that there was a tool involved, two women tried to use tampon applicators from their bags (unused) for this purpose.

Had a guy who sat in the middle of the room and counted the ceiling tiles, convinced that finding the number would help him. I told him it would not. He lost.

There is a room that necessitates putting an actual puzzle together. It’s a 50 piece puzzle, it’s the first clue, a child could do it easily. Took one couple 40 minutes. They looked for nothing else (despite being urged), they did nothing else, they just worked on the puzzle. They lost.
Oh, there are so many.”

8. You were right!

“Not an employee but a player.

I was working a puzzle on my own on one side of the room, and this tiki torch looking thing keeps falling down while I’m working on something else. I keep picking back up so it’s not in the way.

Finally I get frustrated and slam it into this wooden stand with a hole in it. It makes a loud bang and part of the stand comes off.

I think I’ve f-cking broken it and quickly put the piece back into place and go back to my puzzle.

Of course it was supposed to open, and there was a clue inside. We failed the room.”

9. Smooth move

“My friend runs a place with four escape rooms. One guy got frustrated in the last chamber and just started messing with wall panels, assuming they were all hidden doors. He ended up pushing one and finding that it seemed to have a little bit of give to it. It was definitely not a hidden door. He went straight through it and put a very large hole in the wall. My friend and I had plans that night and he flaked on me because he had to fix the wall.”

10. That was easy

“Ho ho, time to turn the tables!

The stupidest thing I’ve ever seen in an escape room: The final challenge/lock was a “locked” cabinet, consisting of a coiled up bicycle lock. The problem was that the bicycle lock was basically just a big 3-foot loop, and they’d only run it through the handles of the cabinet once, so there was more than enough slack to simply open the cabinet.

Within the first 5 minutes of the game, somebody in our group just walked up, opened the cabinet, and we were out.”

11. Hulkin’ out

“It’s amazing how many times I say “no excess force will be needed- brains over muscle” during the initial brief and people still hulk out and lose their minds.”

12. Poor plant

“We created an escape room for our library, and one of the decorative props was a potted plant. One group thought there was something inside the pot, and proceeded to pull the entire plant out, roots and all. There was dirt all over the floor and the poor plant was in shambles.

In their defense, the theme of the room was Harry Potter, so they probably were thinking it was a mandrake (in which case they should have used fuzzy pink earmuffs). Thankfully the plant was needing to be repotted anyway, so my coworkers and I split it up and took them home. My little piece is doing great!”

13. The cure

“Worked a zombie themed escape room within a haunted house where you had to find the “cure” before your time ran out and you became a zombie. on part of the haunted house is a locker room type deal and you have to walk through the stalls to open up into the room itself.

Girl finds the cure in a toilet tank, gets so excited she FOOTBALL SPIKES THE TANK LID. Lid of course shatters, and we get less than five minutes of reset to clean up her mess before the next group comes in and shreds themselves to ribbons. Good times.”

14. Just in case

“The room had electronic components, so there were electric wires that were tied down but looped around the room. One Friday night, someone tried licking them, just in case.”

15. Epic failure

“Oh boy. In my story, the stupid customer is my husband and me. We have done a handful of escape rooms before, in larger groups and also just the 2 of us, and we are decent (not great but not bad) so we decided to do one in Montreal.

When we showed up the guy working there REALLY hyped up the room, saying that it has a 5% solve rate, it’s the hardest room they have across all locations, etc. I think that really got into our heads.

Because we….epically failed. We did not solve a SINGLE freaking clue. We ran around the room like chickens with our heads cut off making wild guesses and yep, bickering like an old married couple (we are in our late 20’s).

We had 2 hints and had to ask for both of them through a scratchy walkie talkie, but we couldn’t understand the hint so we had to ask them to repeat it multiple times.

It was so freaking embarrassing to see the time run out and realize we had utterly and completely failed. Then to make it worse we sat through the employee explain the whole damn thing and realize just how little progress we made.

To be fair the room was completely ridiculous. And truly not designed for just 2 people. But still….I think if we had figured out at least one hint we wouldn’t have been so humiliated.”

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7 Creepy Facts About Murderers

True crime seems to be all the rage these days on TV, film, and in print.

Take a look at these 7 facts about real-life killers…sleep tight.

1. Last words

Photo Credit: did you know?

2. Uncontrollable

Photo Credit: did you know?

3. Footage

Photo Credit: did you know?

4. Fiends

Photo Credit: did you know?

5. Study the mind of a criminal

Photo Credit: did you know?

6. Dating Game Killer

Photo Credit: did you know?

7. Ed Gein

Photo Credit: did you know?

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11+ People Reveal the Biggest Bullet They’ve Dodged in Their Lives

They say hindsight is 20/20, and sometimes it takes perfect vision to spot all of the the bullets we’ve dodged in our past.

#12. Go to sleep instead.

“Was in Vegas during the concert shooting. We arrived a couple of days prior and the stage where it happened was already set up. Everytime we passed by the stage my dad kept telling me “we should go there, looks fun”. While I was in Vegas we went to a Golden Knights game and planned to go see what that stage was all about afterwards. I was so tired during the game that I could barely keep my eyes open. My dad noticed and told me we would go to the hotel to sleep instead of the concert.”

#11. On the way home

“Leaving work one day and I let someone else merge in ahead of me. We both get to a Traffic light and stop. The light turns green and we both start driving through the intersection. A SUV comes throught the guard rails and off the overpass just past the intersection and lands ON the car ahead of me. The car is flattened.

If I had been more agressive that would have been me.”

#10. A “friend.”

“Didn’t lend money to a “friend” because I was broke, few months later he disappeared with several thousands he had stolen from my other friends.”

#9. Missed my ferry.

“I missed my ferry on 9/11, making me late to work. I saw the plane fly into the building from my next ferry.”

#8. Get out of jail free.

“I didn’t understand how tickets worked. There was a fee and a court date and I assumed I had to go to court that day and pay it there.

Missed the court date.

Went to the district attorney’s office and she looked right my 17 year old ass and said “Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to reduce your speed, I’m going to completely ignore the fact that you were out after your curfew, I won’t have a warrant out for your arrest, and you’ll just have to pay a large fine. This is an almost literal get out of jail free card, don’t waste it.”

I wanted to hug her through the glass, and I don’t think I said thank you enough.”

#7. I’d be a flapjack.

“I once slipped on ice and into the street right after a truck went by. I had stopped to pick up my phone moments before, if that didn’t happen I’d be a flapjack right now.”

#6. It probably would have been me.

“I had a ticket to the theatre 9 showing of Batman in Aurora 2012. I was the closing waitress at work that night and got “screwed” by a table coming in 5 minutes before closing. The person sitting next to my bff was killed- it probably would have me sitting there.”

#5. She had to pee.

“Not my story, but my moms. When she was a senior in high school, a bunch of seniors went up to the mountains to drink a week before graduation. Someone’s dad worked as a ranger, so we was able to secure the keys to everyone’s cars so they couldn’t drive drunk or anything reckless. Mom’s best friends show up late in their topless jeep. They drink and do a bunch of drugs and decide to go stump jumping in the jeep. They drive up the path a bit, messed out of their minds, and my mom begs them to stop and wait for her while she pees. She hops out, goes to do her thing, her friends leave her. She hikes back to camp and tells everyone and so they go out looking for her 3 friends. Finds them the next morning, jeep completely turned over, everyone dead. If my mom went with them, she would have died too.

It absolutely messed her up, and shes said shes never had a best friend since that, despite her being very social and a wonderful person.”

#4. Don’t rush.

“We were all set and ready to put an offer on a house. Did the paperwork with the realtor, signed the check, put down the offer. The realtor was super pushy but the room was 90 degrees and we weren’t thinking straight. After signing the papers we go to see the house again with my in laws and notice a TON of issues we hadn’t seen before. Got really anxious, big issues like plumbing, a huge wrap around deck that needed work, etc but we were stuck now.

Got a call the next day from the realtor saying that we never signed the bottom of the offer paperwork and can we please come sign it RIGHT AWAY. We decided not to and are going to wait a bit and do this smarter next time.

Don’t rush when buying your first home folks.

EDIT: this was the very first step in the process, prior to any inspection or anything. So by not having signed the offer we didn’t end up wasting any money.”

#3. Moved out.

“Moved out of an apartment complex this year where I did not have renters insurance. It burned down 4 days later.

EDIT: I appreciate all of your concerns! I have renters insurance now and won’t ever be without it again.”

#2. The wrong house.

“Buying the wrong house. Put an offer on a house that needed some work. Offer was refused. House sold a year later for $100,000 less than my offer. Bullet dodged.”

#1. My dream job.

Got offered my dream job running an offshore aquaculture facility. Had to choose between the job and my SO’s future (long story). I reluctantly declined the job. A few months later i heard the facility was dealing with a serious disease issue and had no chance of being sustainable. Had i taken the job, i would have most likely being single living in a tiny seaside shit-hole town, the job would have sucked, and i would have only worked there for max three months before the place shut down.

Edit: been lots of comments as to the long version about the SO. She has depression and is trying her best to make the most of it. In her late twenties she decided to try and get a degree. For someone who could barely get out of bed in the morning, hold any long term job, this was somewhat ambitious. She started studies the year we moved in together. Studies went well, but as the degree went on, exam times loomed etc etc i had to take over more and more of the household tasks. Essentially all she had to do was college stuff. I did all the shopping, cooking, cleaning, get her out of bed, make sure she work too hard, etc. We had a routine (not a very fun one) but she was doing well so all was fine. Depression wise she was doing much better, although it did rear its ugly head during stress times. I got offered the job mid way through her final year. Her work load was higher than ever. Had i taken the job and moved out, she would have suddenly had to adapt to doing things i had taken over, which for someone with depression would have been very very bad. Id seen how she would react to minor changes in her schedule, so something this big would have set her back years. So although i had to give up the dream job, i knew she wouldnt have graduated had i left. She did graduate (top of the class), is doing much better depression wise, and now has a full time job. I initially never even told her i got offered the job, let alone turn in down. I waited a few weeks until she was in a better space to tell her.

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15 Questions That People Will Never Get Answers To

Life, at its core, is a mystery. We all have at least one strange thing in our lives that has never been solved.

People on AskReddit shared their thoughts.

1. Haunted

“When I was in highschool I had to get my gallbladder out but something wasn’t great and I had to get another procedure a few days later. As I’m heading in I’m joking around with the nurses and they’re joking around with me. They slip in the IV and ask if I’ve got any tattoos or anything I don’t want my mom to know about.

I laugh and just as they seem to be ready to knock me out, one of the nurses turns to me and says, “just so you know I might have to stick my finger up your butt”

And then I was out.

I still don’t know. And I will never know. It haunts me.”

2. A, B, or C?

“My birthday is November 15th, meaning I was “made” around February 14th, aka Valentine’s day…. BUT, my dads birthday is February 13th. I guess my question is, was I a birthday present, valentines day gift, or a mistake?”

3. Blew it

“Some years ago, I was in a bar and a girl said something to me that I didn’t understand because the music was too loud. So I answered an automatic “yeah haha” which gave her a huge smile made her reply something like “too late ;)”.

Wtf did she ask me?”

4. The watch

“My father recently passed away and in his things I found a beautiful gold pocket watch. It looks like it’s from the late 19th century and the type you see in the movies being passed down from generation to generation. However, my father never wore a pocket watch nor did his father, to my knowledge.

The watch is lovely and in excellent condition, it works perfectly. Yet, I have no idea what the story is with this wonderful heirloom. Since my father comes from a family of war refugees, I would be additionally interested in even the story of it making it into the country. My dad was the last of all his siblings to pass away and, perhaps needless to say, his parents and their siblings have also passed. So, I guess I’ll never know.”

5. Confidence

“Which girls would’ve gone out with me if only I’d been confident enough to ask?”

6. The important stuff

“Of all the things that can be pickled, why is a pickled cucumber the only thing we call a pickle?”

7. Another dimension

“That pen that fell under my chair, what dimension did you go to?”

8. Why?

“Why is it so wrong to coast in life? Why do I always have to be working towards some grand plan?”

9. ?????

“What that g-ddamn mystery sillyband was supposed to be shaped like.”

10. What happened?

“In the opening credits for Parks & Rec, there is a shot of a basketball hitting the rim and going straight up. They don’t show what happens next before cutting away. Did the ball go in?”

11. The rabbit hole

Just how deep does the rabbit hole go, regarding conspiracy theories being true?

Like, is the CIA running the world drug trade?

Does the Illuminati (or whatever name for a shadow government) exist?

Do people really not like pineapple on pizza or is it just an ad campaign for pizza companies to save money by not having to stock pineapple anymore?”

12. The road

“I got really lost once exploring the back roads in the countryside and tried to take this shortcut through a dense forest that would supposedly take me straight back to the main country road I was trying to get back to.

I spent something like 40 or 50 minutes following this windy and bumpy road through dense forest lands and large hills, only to eventually come across a large sign blocking the road saying “ROAD CLOSED”. I had taken this huge detour for nothing and now I was even more lost.

I eventually got back home after a few hours of backtracking, but that road block was still lingering in my mind. Why was the road blocked that far in? Was it a fallen tree? Was it a flood? Was there some kind of large scale destruction that made the road unusable? Did it lead into private property and this was just a hack job way of rectifying it? Or was it something more out there like a biological contamination or maybe something supernatural?

I tried traveling to where the road was supposed to terminate in the other side some time later to try and see if I could explore the road from the other side and find out what’s going on, but I couldn’t find it. I’ve entertained the thought of traveling back there and just exploring the road on foot, but it’s waaaay out of the way and honestly not worth it. So I guess I’ll never know why that mountain road is closed. And maybe that’s for the best, since it’s become so mysterious to me that any answer is likely to be hella disappointing.”

13. Stats

“What are my stats? How many times have i breathed? How many pounds of chili have i eaten? How far have i walked? How many insects have i accidentally swallowed?”

14. Take me to your leader

“Why haven’t aliens showed up yet on major cities? C’mon guys probe us!”

15. The big question

“What happened just before the Big Bang? I want to know.”

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Real-Life 40-Year-Old Virgins Open Up About Their Stories

No matter how much the world glorifies sex, it’s important to remember that there’s no harm in waiting.

AskReddit users who also happen to to be 40-year-old virgins shared their personal stories.

1. Buddy

“There is a guy named Buddy who works at a BP down the road from me, he’s got to be 40 and one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met on this planet, just about all my friends and I will go out of our way for this gas station because we love him so much. One day we got to talking and he told me that he has never had sex, had a girlfriend or eaten meat in his entire life (Pretty clearly religious reasons but I didn’t ask). Still the dude radiates positivity and genuinely cares about every single person he meets, just goes to show that having sex and finding a lover isn’t essential to living a wonderful life.

Also his name is Buddy and he calls everyone he knows buddy so that’s cool.”

2. Unable

“I know one guy who has a micro penis and is physically unable to have sex. Shame too because he’s decently good looking and funny, makes out with a lot of girls, is 6’3 etc. Completely normal.

Only know he’s a virgin due to him admitting it to me when he was drunk. He’s late 30s.”

3. Sad

“I know a someone who has never even kissed a girl. Crippling social anxiety. Also hung up on a girl from 15 years ago who has never been interested. I saw a pretty tipsy girl come onto him at a bar once and he almost jumped out of his skin. He was noooot having that crap.”

4. Social stigma

“42 here. I thought I had a date once, it wasn’t.

It sort of falls into three time periods. Age 17-25: I asked some girls/women out. They all just plain out said no(except for the one). The last few years of the period, I stupidly started to ask why and “because you’re you” was the top answer. Until the one went on in more detail and made me realized what “because you’re you” meant and I gave up. I threw myself in to my studies, researched anything that interested me, and just read A LOT about a lot.

age 25-32: I just didn’t try. Continued my self-studies. Sure there were women I would loved to ask out (there was even one I did, quite to my own surprise, of course she said no and then some) but I was “still me” and they would have said no. I had a demanding/abusive job from age 28 to 30 that took everything from me. I joined a gym at 30.

Age 32-now: I lost 97 lbs between age 30 and 32. Took up yoga and running. I think I noticed women noticing me but I had convinced myself women don’t find me attractive, so I had to be imagining things. My work out routine has lessened since then and I have gained back some weight but thankfully more muscle than fat.

I learned in my late 20s that I have a personality type that makes me hard to get to know which means dating is particularly difficult. It was at this time I thought I was a high-functioning autist. I do have many (but not all) traits of one. I’ve never been good at social stuff so I have huge disadvantage in the sociality needed for dating. In the last 5 years or so, I began to wonder if I have social anxiety disorder instead of or maybe in addition to autism. And in all this time I’ve worked overnights which adds another difficulty in dating. I get the idea that I’m the better-than-nothing guy but I don’t want to be the last option for someone. I’d rather like a woman who wants to be with me and not has to be with someone. I also don’t think it would be fair to burden a woman with my “quirks and foibles” that I’ve gotten over the years. Also, the social stigma of being over 40 and never even having a date seems like a obstacle in itself.”

5. A happy ending

“I lost my virginity at age 40. I had opportunities but just didn’t realize them at the time. Girls would come flirt with me but I would just freeze and my mind would go blank. I am very shy and quiet. I sometimes think I am autistic but have never been diagnosed or tried to get diagnosed. I always though something was wrong with me and I knew I wasn’t ‘normal’. I also didn’t drink a lot or party.

I invited a co-worker over to watch a movie one night and she is also very quiet and shy. I let her take the lead and let it happen. That was 2 years ago and we are engaged now.”

6. Abstinence

“I was raised in a religious household so I was taught to wait until marriage. I had many boyfriends but I didn’t sleep with them because of my vow of abstinence. I wore my promise ring until I was married at age 30. I married my best friend and soulmate. He told me he had performance problems, but he had also never had a girlfriend and I naively thought that once we were together and naked, things would work out.

Turns out I was wrong, he was completely impotent. I decided that I married him because I loved him and not for sex so it was fine. We started talking to doctors to see if it could be fixed but then he suffered a terrible brain injury. Now my husband is a paraplegic with many health problems. Weird thing is, after the brain injury he started getting erections. Normally this would be something to celebrate but he’s in so much pain due to the paralysis that I can’t exactly get on top of him. So here I am, a woman in her late 30s, a married virgin, taking care of her paraplegic husband, and I don’t know what the future holds.”

7.  Too focused

“I actually work with one he’s like 45ish? maybe closing in on 50. He’s a strange guy works too much and way to hard saves all his money is generally stingy. but kinda social i know he wants it but he’s too focused on work to actually make it happen.”

8. Unapproachable

“Some of us are just ugly in both looks and personality. No sob story or long-winded explanation needed. Years of intense social rejection and depression don’t help, but they aren’t the primary cause. Some people are just inherently unapproachable.”

The post Real-Life 40-Year-Old Virgins Open Up About Their Stories appeared first on UberFacts.

Redditors Share the Strangest Things Their Partners Have Said in Their Sleep

Few things are funnier or creepier than talking in your sleep. As the undisputed king of talking in my sleep, it’s nice to know that I am not alone in this nocturnal phenomenon.

In this article, AskReddit users share the strangest/funniest things their significant others have said in their sleep. Enjoy!

1. Creepy

“I was up all night because my girlfriend was viciously jolting in the night. When I got fed up with it I tried to wake her up and she quietly said “who dis?” And then replied to her own question in a really creepy voice, “It danger.” She’s weird.”

2. The important stuff

“We gotta get the elusive passwords…..for Mario kart!”

3. Raise the roof

“Mine did the “raise the roof” motion with her arms and said “hells to the yeah” while giggling.

**Added Bonus ** She can occasionally say some _”blonde” _things and while her, myself and her three kids were sitting in our living room, she randomly says _”you know, it’s crazy to think that you’ve all been inside me.” She didn’t mean to include me but the kids all stopped talking and got very confused looks on their faces and started looking at me.”

4. Okay…

“I forgive you for your dark Chinese past.”

5. Perfect data

“When my wife was writing her PhD thesis, I woke up one night at like 3 AM to her stroking the duvet and smiling. I asked her what she was doing. She said, “Shh, don’t disturb my data. It’s finally perfect,” still smiling.

I said, “Hon, that’s not your data. That’s the duvet.”

The smile drained from her face and she started sobbing uncontrollably. For about five seconds, at which point she passed out mid-sob and was fast asleep again.”

6. Slabs

“I often try to have conversations with my SO when he starts sleep-talking… I transcribed the most recent one we had.

SO: No?
Me: Yeah?
SO: We can go if you want to.
Me: Where are we going?
SO: The… dollar slab bacon at Costco.
Me: Oh yeah? Why?
SO: Yeah, dollar for dollar it’s the best… slabs.”

7. That wasn’t nice

“Apparently my girlfriend sneezed and I yelled “Shut the f**k up!!” in my sleep…”

8. Gives me the creeps…

“For me it’s what she hasn’t said. Usually if she talks in her sleep it’s unintelligible gibberish but said in a manner that sounds like it’s supposed to make sense.

Its weird given it’s not just random words but sounds that are trying to be words.

Always gives me the creeps.”

9. Go back to sleep

“My girlfriend woke up at like 4am to go to the bathroom. When she came back I was sat on the edge of the bed, looked at her and said ‘i’m breaking out of here.’ She was obviously freaked out and asked me wtf I was on about and if I was awake. To which I replied ‘i’m getting a Chinese’ then laid back down and resumed sleeping.”

10. Katie

“Late to the party but here you go:

Woke up one night because my boyfriend was talking in his sleep and I’m generally a light sleeper. I listen for a moment while he just talks jibberish and then hear him say, “yeah, Katie! That’s what I’m talkin’ about!”

My name isn’t Katie.

So being the moderately unstable woman I am I sat on that one for a couple days and stewed silently. Who is Katie? Why is he dreaming about Katie? What did she do in his dream that was so awesome?

About a week later I’m at his work having a drink (he’s a bartender) after I got off work when his coworker/our mutual friend walks up to him and asks if he wants to go out to her car and smoke a bowl. He says, “yeah, Katie! That’s what I’m talking about!”

I forgot we both knew a Katie. Katie is a lesbian.”

11. LOL

“My girlfriend did a thing early one morning. I asked her what she was doing because she was throwing elbows at the sky and she calmly and simply said: “punching hamburgers.”

I haven’t laughed so hard in ages.”

12. Dangerous sleeper

“I’ll tell this one for my wife.

One night, I kicked her in the back, when she turned round and said”what the f**k?” i apparently said “What? Don’t you like it?” and tried to push her off the bed.

Recollection. I wish I did because thats funny as hell.”

13. Do they?

“Don’t trust the penguins, they have fake ID’s!”

14. Spider!

“One night he full on screamed at me to turn the light on, because he had caught a spider in the bed. He was crouched over it and had his hands cupped around it. I turned on the light and he gave me the weirdest look then looked down at his hands planted firmly on the mattress. He lifted them really carefully one at a time and … no spider.”

15. That is sexy

“I thought she was having a sexy dream because she was saying: “oh oh oh.” The. She followed up with “O’Reily auto parts!” “

The post Redditors Share the Strangest Things Their Partners Have Said in Their Sleep appeared first on UberFacts.

These 15 People Went to the ER Because of Sex. Here Are Their Stories

Sex is a beautiful thing… but it can also get pretty freaky.

People on AskReddit shared their stories of sex gone wrong and they are pretty entertaining and also a little bit frightening.

Maybe these stories will make us all take a vow to never have sex again…

1. It’s broken

“Not a patient but an ER doctor. Have seen several injuries / sexual misadventures.

Common things: items stuck up people’s butts. As I tell everyone after I (or the OR) get it out, I don’t care what you stick up your butt, but use something with a flange at the base. It acts as a stopper and prevents it from getting sucked up (and stuck up) your butt.

More rare: broken penis. The post by E-man below is fairly on point.. Blood vessels rupture and the penis fills with blood and looks almost exactly like an eggplant. Once you’ve seen one, you know what happened. I don’t fix those, those go see urology and go to the operating room. Not fun.”

2. Ouch

“I’m uncircumcised, and I tore my frenulum having sex with a girl one time. It’s the little flap of skin that attaches the bottom of the foreskin to the bottom of the head of the penis. I looked down and saw it and just awkwardly said “Uh… Problem.” “

3. Broken brain

“First beej off a girl I was dating. I don’t normally like them too much (I mean, they’re nice and all, but not my go-to request) but this one was great. Get close to the end, past the point of no return, and my head exploded. Tried to hide it, but I literally couldn’t see or move. That lasted close to a week.

Worst part is, I really liked her but she got too freaked that she’d broken my brain with her magic.”

4. What’s up, doc?

“Was the doctor, not the patient.

You know those erectile dysfunction treatments that used to be on billboards all over? “LONGER SEX NOW,” etc?
Well, as is often joked about, those treatments advise you to go to hospital if it lasts longer than 4 hours. Guy came in, having used those treatments, having had an erection for maybe 6 or 8 hours. His penis was purple.

We called the urology registrar (read:resident) to ask him to come and look, and for advice on what to do in the meantime. His answer?
“Take a large gauge needle on a big syringe, suck out as much blood as you can.”

Then my shift ended. I did not stick around to watch that one.”

5. Brain drain

“After doing the deed I had a MASSIVE headache that was like a bomb going off in my head. Wife rushes me to the ER thinking I have busted a brain vessel and having a stroke. ER basically says it happens a lot. Just kept me for observation than let me go when I could see straight again. Has never happened again.”

6. Good ol’ Doug

“Doug was my fourth year college roommate, along with a couple of other people. He was a strange fellow. I became accustomed to broken beer bottles in the floor, bizarre pornography in the VCR, feces in places you wouldn’t expect it, and frequent visits by the cops and to the emergency room.

One night, Doug is being visited by his girlfriend from out of town. They spend most of their time tucked away in Doug’s bedroom, doing God-knows-what. Doug sneaks out and doesn’t return for several hours. When he comes back, he has an emergency room bracelet on. After some grilling, he gives up the story:

He and his girlfriend are looking for something that might work as a makeshift penis ring. Nothing around except a large padlock. So, she snaps the padlock around his manhood. When it becomes clear that it isn’t going to work like they thought it would, they go looking for the key. Nowhere to be found (most of us would have thought about the location of the key before putting it around our junk).

So, Doug heads off to the emergency room to get it removed, afraid of losing his giblets to restriction of blood flow. The procedure takes several hours because the doctor has to parade in every other doctor, nurse, intern, and possibly janitor to check out the moron with the padlock stuck around his testes. Also, they have to take frequent breaks during the “sawing off” due to the heat that keeps accumulating from the friction and burning.”

7. Horrifyingly painful

“Was doing the deed, no thrills nothing fancy. Afterwards we’re sitting on the couch and I feel crampy, so I go into the bathroom, and I sit. That’s when I have the most painful cramp of all time. My boyfriend comes in to see me full blown hysterical tears, calls my mom whose an ER nurse who’s motto as a child was “no bones sticking out or gushing blood? You’re fine.” She drives down immediately and takes me to the ER.

That’s when I panic, because if this cold hearted ER Nurse thinks I need to go pronto it’s serious. When we get there it’s slow enough that I pretty much immediately see a doctor…who just happens to be my mom’s favorite coworker. Awesome. I then try to explain why it hurts and how it happened when my mom blurts out”she was having sex.” The doctor didn’t flinch much, but I sure did. I wanted to die! Thankfully the embarrassment didn’t last long because they gave me amazing pain killers.

Long story short I had sex, had an ovarian cyst burst, horrifyingly painful, went to be ER doctor and my mom were buddies. Good times.”

8. Egos

“Few years ago with an ex-boyfriend of mine. We were fooling around and ended up banging my wrist really hard on the head board. It immediately started to bruise and I was scared it was broken. We ended up in the ER and I was asked all kinds of questions like did I feel comfortable going home with him, did he hurt me, did he hurt my wrist.

I wasn’t expecting that, at all! They separated us at one point to ask me more questions about how I got hurt. Which was super embarrassing to try and explain. I’m pretty sure he was scared to be too rough with me after that, and I don’t blame him. Nothing was broken just our egos.”

9. Cyst

“I had really terrible cramps a few times after sex, enough that I had to take pain pills just to sleep. The pain was gone in the next morning both times, and weirdly it didn’t happen every time we had sex. I went to the gyno and even had an ultrasound done, but no one could see anything.

Fast forward a few months later. One night my boyfriend and I got kind of drunk while watching Bay Watch (more like Bae Watch, amirite, Rock Bottom) and decided to keep a good night going with some tipsy sex.

The cramping started midway through and didn’t let up. Within minutes I was crouched naked on the toilet (no idea why I thought it would help) and couldn’t move. My boyfriend called an Uber in lieu of an ambulance. I managed to get myself dressed despite puking every few seconds into a plastic mixing bowl. The poor driver didn’t want to take me, since he probably thought I was drunk, and sat there arguing with my boyfriend that I needed an ambulance. I blurted out “get me to a hospital NOW” and he slammed on the gas. That argumentative angel got me there in less than five minutes.

It turns out an ovarian cyst had burst and torn my uterine wall, so I was bleeding internally. I had to have laparoscopic surgery to remove and cauterize the cyst. Those little b*s are no joke. My only regret is never learning what size fruit or ball I could compare it to. I’m also eternally grateful to my boyfriend to being too tired for tent sex the week before or I would have been bleeding internally at the far end of the Grand Canyon.”

10. Good thing you were the DD

“I had to drive a friend to the ER after he broke his penis during a house party. I was already the scheduled DD for my friends and apparently one of them snuck off with this girl. They were doing the good ol’ reverse cowgirl like any other young bucks would and she ended up zigging where she should’ve zagged and kinda did a 90 degree body torque.

To his explanation, it sorta just “popped” and he threw her off him and screamed bloody murder. He tossed on some shorts commando style and told me to drive him to the hospital like now. Drop what I’m doing, get in the car you’re the only one sober, let’s go, let’s go. Oh and the girl came along. Her name was Amanda and she was pretty chill.

So it was me driving two barely clothed 20 year olds in my car to the local hospital twenty minutes away with my dude holding his penis in the backseat and Amanda just consoling him rubbing his back making sure he’s okay. Telling him, “It’s going to be alright, you’re gonna be fine.” like he hadn’t just fractured his penis.

So, we make it to the ER and he just hobbles in and says he broke his penis, please fix it. And they took him in and I was just alone with this girl I had met that night just waiting for the prognosis. And around an hour later they tell us that he’s having emergency surgery because he suffered a_”severe penile fracture and tore his urethra aswell.” And basically told us to go home, call someone to pick him up that night.

Dude was under the knife and discharged the next day, penis intact and pride only somewhat. Oh and I also had to call his parents to let them know that their son was having emergency penis surgery and to pick him up in the morning. Could/could not be a fun call at 12 at night depending on the perspective. They ended up dating for a while after that too.”

11. Trim your nails

“Not the ER but I did end up at my gyno the next day after I got my clit sliced by someone’s too long fingernail. PSA: please keep your nails clipped and filed.”

12. Don’t stop

“My wife had just had surgery to remove an ovarian cyst, so after a week of abstinence we were having sex. I felt like I hit something wrong, but she said to not worry about it. Fast forward a couple of hours, and she’s in a lot of pain. She thinks there might have been a complication with the surgery and us having sex might have caused something bad.

Off we go to the ER, one ultrasound later, the doctor tells us that she had a bruise on the inside of her vagina. I remembered the “Uh oh”moment, and I asked her about it. She said “Well, it did hurt, but I didn’t want you to stop.”

Oy vey.”

13. Don’t do that

“I’ve seen the “broken penis” four times, twice THIS YEAR strangely enough. Also had to give a few too many intracavernosal injections of neo for priaprism.

Things inserted rectally that cannot be removed at home. We had a guy who would put toy cars, coke glass bottles, and later a clearly canadian bottle because he was excited it was back on the market.”

14. This sounds pretty popular

“While having a day shift, we were called a older man was brought in with a big whiskey glass up in his bum. The doctor had to do a laparotomy, and removed his lower intestines.”

15. A life saver

“I’ve told this story a few times. A sex injury literally ended up saving my life. My best friend at the time and I had a few drinks and tensions had been there between us for a long time. She invited me back to her room and tackled me onto her bed, where I hit my head hard off the bedpost. The next morning concussion symptoms started hitting me very heavily so I went to the ER.

On my CT scan they told me “everything looks normal except for your old brain trauma.” (I have never had brain trauma). About a month later it is diagnosed as a brain tumor that I was not showing symptoms for yet. Had surgery a few weeks later to have it removed and at that point found out it was non-cancerous.”

The post These 15 People Went to the ER Because of Sex. Here Are Their Stories appeared first on UberFacts.