These 15 Historical Facts Will Change the Way You Perceive Time

It’s easy to think of history as one, continuous timeline. But it’s important to remember that many famous periods in history were happening at the same time.

Read through this list of amazing historical facts and then review the historical timeline you have in your mind. It’ll probably change.

1. Star Wars opened in 1977, the same year as the last guillotine execution in France.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

2. Harriet the Tortoise was collected by Charles Darwin in 1835. She died in 2006.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

3. The University of Oxford was established hundreds of years before the Aztec Empire was founded in 1428.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

4. George Washington died in 1799. The first dinosaur fossil wasn’t discovered until 1824. Washington didn’t know dinosaurs existed.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

5. Woolly Mammoths still roamed the Earth while Egyptians were building the pyramids (2660 BCE)

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

6. The world’s oldest tree was already 1,000 years old when the last Woolly Mammoth died. The tree is in California.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

7. Anne Frank and Martin Luther King, Jr. were both born in the same year, 1929.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

8. Harvard didn’t offer calculus for a few years after it was established because calculus hadn’t been invented yet.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

9. You could take the London Underground to the last public hanging in the UK in 1868.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

10. Ecstasy was invented in 1912, the same year the Titanic sank.

Photo Credit: Public Domain

11. When the Pilgrims landed in America, there was already a ‘Palace of the Governors’ in what is now New Mexico.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

12. Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler were both born in 1889. In 1940, Chaplin satirized Hitler in The Great Dictator.

13. Women didn’t get the right to vote in Switzerland until 1971.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

14. Orville Wright was still alive when atomic bombs were dropped on Japan in 1945. He died in 1948.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

15. Microsoft was founded while Spain was still a fascist dictatorship in 1975.

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There’s a Scientific Reason Why Food Tastes Bad After Brushing Your Teeth

As anyone who has ever brushed their teeth knows (and, hopefully, that’s everyone) you don’t want to eat something too soon after brushing. There are horror stories of foolish souls who thought it would be a good idea to down a glass of OJ within minutes of hitting their teeth with some Crest. They were never heard from again.

But why does toothpaste have the capacity to ruin your breakfast? Science, of course, has the answer.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

It has to do with sodium laureth sulfate – also known as sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES) and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). The chemicals are the wetting agents in your toothpaste (meaning they lower the surface tension of a liquid) and work to create the foam that makes the paste easier to spread across your teeth.

Fun fact: They’re also used in detergents, fabric softeners, paints, laxatives, surfboard waxes, and insecticides. So, you know, if you eat any of those things, watch your breakfast choices as well.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Both SLES and SLS screw with our taste buds abilities in 2 ways. First, they suppress the receptors that perceive sweetness (hence why my grape juice tasted sour), and second, they break up the phospholipids on our tongue. Those are fatty molecules that inhibit our receptors for bitterness – so when SLEs and SLS are coating our tongues, bitter tastes are enhanced.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The bottom line is that anything you eat or drink after lapping up the chemicals in your toothpaste is going to taste less sweet and more bitter than it normally does. If the phenomenon really bothers you, there are toothpastes out there that are SLES/SLS free – you won’t have your usual foamy experience, but you can also pick your breakfast juice without worry.

Worth it? I mean…

h/t: Mental_Floss

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12+ People Reveal A Secret Nobody Else Knows About Them

We’ve all got our secrets…some juicier than others. And some that no one else knows but ourselves. And since the internet is anonymous, telling here doesn’t count. And some of these folks have some doozies!

#15. A proper date.

“I’m 30 and have been single all my life. Never had a proper date or anything.

I tell people I did have girlfriends in the past, to not seem like a total loser.”

#14. Why I’m single.

“I want a monogamous healthy relationship. A lot of people, including my friends, think I’m single because I want to be a bachelor. They see how I live my life by doing things on my own and not being tied down. The thing is I believe in love, and I want to find the right person, but I feel like I have to take down some barriers first before even thinking of dating.”

#13. For almost a year now.

“I’ve been visiting a professional Dominatrix for almost a year now.”

#12. Secretly.

“That I’m secretly bisexual.”

#11. I can’t tell him.

“I have a crush on a close friend.

I can’t tell him because I don’t want to make our friendship weird or awkward.

If my family found out, I would never stop getting crap for it or harassed because my family is racist and homophobic

Edit: someone asked in a pm, so I guess I’ll put it here. I’m white and he’s asian.”

#10. It’s been two years.

“TL;DR – Tried to suck my own dick and succeeded but it fucked up my back and had to miss 5 months of high school because of pain. Failed college entrance exams because I didn’t go to classes and knew nothing about the subjects. I am now repeating an entire year now so maybe at least I can get into a good college next year. It’s been 2 years and I still can’t sit for more than 30min without cramps in my mid back.”

#9. Not a relative.

“That I am actually very lonely. I wish i had someone who isnt a family relative that really cares and loves me.”

#8. Someone at work.

“I’ve been dating someone at work for about a month now.”

#7. Ridiculously good.

“I am ridiculously good at throwing knives. I threw for fun pretty much daily for about 10 years growing up, without even realising I was actually honing a skill to perfection. Stopped as I moved out of my parents house and went to college. 20 years later, I can still pick up any knife, immediately estimate the weight/balance and nail a tree 5 meters away.”

#6. My parents let it happen.

“I was physically abused by my brother growing up and my parents let it happen, besides that I was verbally abused. I’m now in therapy for depression and anxiety and now realizing thanks to my therapist that I’ve been traumatized from being abused as a kid.”

#5. The looks I get.

“I get so much shit for working in retail with a bachelor’s degree. It’s not my dream job, but neither is my degree. I stuck it out in college because that seemed like the right thing to do. I don’t know what I want to do with my life, but I figure if I have a stable job, that’s better than a spotty track record. I’ve stopped telling people I have a degree because the looks I get turn my stomach.

Woof- had to get that off my chest.”

#4. My plan.

“That I am studying Japanese. My plan is becoming fluent, then bang my head on some cupboard or something, and pretend I can no longer speak any language other than Japanese, and acting very confused about it.”

#3. Sad inside.

“I spend my time making everyone happy cause I’m sad inside.

Edit: to all those that know or feel how I feel I hope you find your happiness.”

#2. My friends all work and wonder.

“I make a lot of cash betting and playing games online. Like, more than enough to not need a job while studying.

Meanwhile my friends all work and wonder why my lazy ass doesn’t get a fucking job.”

#1. Everything happens so fast.

“That im terrified of growing up, i just turned 20 a couple weeks ago and I still have no idea what i want to do with my life. Everything happens so fast.”

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These 12+ Tweets Are Guaranteed to Make Your Day Better

We all have bad days every now and again. And we all have our favorite ways of dealing with it. For me, I like to go for a run and eat a good meal. But if you’re looking for a quicker fix, these 15 tweets might just do the trick.

#15. These rules were agreed upon by our ancestors.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#14. I’m not sure why but I’m laughing.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#13. You’re giving away all of our secrets!

Photo Credit: Twitter

#12. #goals

Photo Credit: Twitter

#11. How To Solve Your Nightmares, 101

Photo Credit: Twitter

#10. Short, sweet, and better than any comment I could have come up with. #keepingit100

Photo Credit: Twitter

#9. He’s really working for this one.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#8. The only way.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#7. She speaks the truth.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#6. Obviously.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#5. Pop culture FTW.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#4. This is my favorite.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#3. Stahp.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#2. Everyone knows that.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#1. File Under: Why You’re Still Single

Photo Credit: Twitter

h/t: Buzzfeed

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These 5 Missing Historical Treasures May Have Disappeared Forever

These days, there are too many wars, environmental changes, and indifference to expect for all of our historical treasures to survive.

Not to mention there are thieves who can make bank selling antiquities on the black market.

We know these 5 historical treasures are out there, but they’ve gone missing – and it will be a loss for all of us if they never turn up.

#5. The Florentine Diamond

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

Legend says that Duke of Burgundy Charles the Bold carried a 132+ carat yellow diamond into the 1477 Battle of Nancy as a talisman. It didn’t work, and when his body was recovered after the battle, the diamond had been pilfered by a scavenger who had no idea what he was holding.

Research in the 1920s largely debunked the legend, as the gem originated in southern India and remained in the region until the Portuguese took over in the 1500s. From there, the diamond travelled to Europe and spent time in the collections of several well-known men – Ferdinand de’ Medici and the Duke of Tuscany, to name a few. Though it originated in India, it got its name from the time it spent in Florence. We also know that in 1601, it was a 126 carat, rose-cut diamond.

When the last of the Medici ruling family died in 1743, she bequeathed the diamond to the Tuscan state, but it was sold to Francis Stephan of Lorraine, who bought it for his wife, Empress Maria Teresa. It remained part of the crown jewels in Vienna until the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire after WWI, which is when its history begins to get fuzzy.

The diamond, at this point, is believed to have been carried by exiled emperor Charles I into Switzerland.

It only gets more vague from there, and no one knows where the diamond is today. There are many theories, the most popular of which is that it was sold and cut into smaller stones, but with no real trace of it for the past hundred years, the chances of anyone setting eyes on it again seems unlikely at best.

#4. Sappho’s Poems

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

Greek poet Sappho penned at least two volumes completely full of poems, according to ancient sources, but we have only a few hundred lines on shreds of papyrus and shards of pots. She was popular enough in antiquity to have been quoted in other sources, which helps, and as recently as 2014, more fragments have been discovered and identified in trash dumps and at archeological sites.

Here’s to discovering more – and to the people who find them acting responsibly with a true piece of treasure.

#3. Art from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

The Boston Museum is home to many priceless works of art…and the biggest unsolved art theft in history.

On March 18th, 1990, two men claiming to be police officers entered the museum, handcuffed the guards, and stole 13 works of art worth over $500 million.

The works include a Vermeer, Rembrandt, Degas, and a Manet, among others, and there is still a reward of $10 million offered for information in the case. The frames of the missing pieces are kept empty as a reminder that the crime remains unsolved, the priceless pieces still in the wind.

#2. Crown Jewels of Ireland

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

On July 6, 1907, the “Crown Jewels of Ireland,” which included a diamond star and badge, were stolen. The same night, five collars of Knight Members of the Order of St. Patrick also disappeared without a trace.

They weren’t well-protected, and the ensuing investigation came to naught and, a century later, remains unsolved. There are a couple of theories as to why the investigation fizzled – one being that Edward VII ordered the investigation halted because it came too close to uncovering a sexual scandal, and the other that the castle’s second-in-command, Francis Shackleton, stole the jewels to help his famous brother, explorer Ernest Shackleton, fund his polar expedition.

The truth is, we’ll probably never know.

#1. The Amber Room

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

In the 18th century, German sculptor Andreas Schluter and Danish amber artist Gottfried Wolfram created the Amber Room of Catherine Palace. It was slathered in jewels, gilding, and of course, the famous amber panels and was sometimes referred to as the “Eighth Wonder of the World.” The artists gifted the room to Russia and it quickly became the pride of St. Petersburg.

The Russians tried to hide the treasure behind wallpaper as the German army neared St. Petersburg during WWII, to no avail – the Germans took the room apart piece by piece and reinstalled it in the Konigsberg castle museum…for a while.

After that, its fate is unknown. Some believe it must have been destroyed during the war, while others think it’s hidden somewhere with other Nazi-stolen art and artifacts that have never been recovered. Even though verified remnants have surfaced – even recently – most of it remains missing.


h/t: Mental_Floss

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Viral Letter Shows the Horrors Working Moms Had to Face in the 1960s

Living as a woman in the 1960s was a tough gig. Sexism was running rampant in both the workplace and society at large, and there weren’t many realistic ways to avoid it. Recently, one woman’s decision to share a letter her mom received in 1969 after requesting maternity leave showed that things were even worse than we realized.

The mother had been employed by the board of education, who refused her request for a leave of absence after the birth of her baby.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Instead, she simply lost her job.

The letter reads in full like this:

“Dear Mrs. Cornell,

We regret to inform you that we must consider your request for a Leave of Absence as a termination as of December 31st, 1969. 

This is necessary since our Board does not yet approve maternity leaves. When you are ready to return, you should notify our office of your availability for another teaching position. 

May we at this time thank you for your services as a member of our staff.”

As far as the woman who tweeted what she had found in her mother’s basement, she had some thoughts on why her mother might have kept it – and about everything she went through to have a family and a career.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Paid maternity leave was passed in Canada, where Ms. Cornell lived, in 1971.

Even though the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (in the States) drafted discrimination guidelines regarding pregnancy in 1972 and the Pregnancy Discrimination Act in 1978, neither promised any time off to recover from pregnancy and childbirth (never mind providing time to bond with the child afterward).

It wasn’t until 1993 (can you believe it?) that the States passed the FMLA act which, it must be pointed out, offers no official paid maternity leave, only a way for employees to save and use their own leave to cover time off for qualifying life events.

As with our other rights, like voting, we can thank our fearless foremothers for going to work despite dealing with this crap when they decided they’d like to have a family, and for persevering so that we can have things (marginally) better.

We still have a long way to go, sisters, so keep fighting!

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12+ Vintage Bridesmaid Dresses That Prove Not Everything Old School Is Cool

These days, old school is the new cool. Everyone wants to look like they’re wearing clothes from a thrift store of their parent’s closet. That said, there are some styles from the past that just couldn’t have been good ideas, even at the time. My own mother forced her “friends” into maroon velvet bolero vests and wide-brimmed hats with pink ribbons. Really.

But even if I pulled out her pictures (she would kill me), I’m not sure they could compete with these 15 vintage bridesmaid horror shows.

#15. Why do they match the curtains, though? Did Julie Andrews have to step in?

Photo Credit: Awkward Family Photos

#14. This is just so special.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

#13. The 90s neckbands are back in style, baby!

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

#12. You get a veil, and you get a veil…

Photo Credit: Tumblr

#11. You guys. Wut.

Photo Credit: Awkward Family Photos

#10. I literally can’t see anyone’s face.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

#9. Handmaid’s Tale, c.1970

#8. Absolute 80s magic.

Photo Credit: Youngblooms

#7. Yes, those are butterfly wings you’re seeing.

Photo Credit: Fashion Me Fabulous

#6. Priceless.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

#5. It’s trying to be a Christmas wedding but they’re wearing purple?

Photo Credit: Awkward Family Photos

#4. Little Red Riding Hood Theme?

Photo Credit: Upper Hutt City Library

#3. I have no words.

Photo Credit: Vintag

#2. Okay but I kind of like these though.

Photo Credit: Flickr

#1. I don’t know whether to be more impressed by the squished-together bridesmaids or the size of the bride’s dress.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

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Science Proves the HPV Vaccine Doesn’t Actually Lead to More Sex Among Teens

No matter how many concerned parents have warned that sex education will lead to teens having more sex, science always says otherwise. The same is true for access to birth control. And, according to the latest study (which confirms results from a similar study done in 2015), promoting the HPV vaccine to this generation, you guessed it, doesn’t lead to more sex.

HPV, one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the United States, has been strongly linked to a number of cancers, including those attacking the cervix, vulva, vagina, penis, and anus, along with some forms of oral cancer.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Even though the vaccine has been found to prevent some forms of the virus and the following cancer – and is recommended by the CDC – fewer than half of girls (and even fewer boys) currently receive the full series of shots. This is due to prevailing (inaccurate) distrust of vaccines, but also a worry among some people that preventing an STD could lead to riskier sexual behavior among teenagers.

The most recent study, which compared teens in states with HPV vaccination promotion to teens in states without promotions, was recently published in the scientific journal Pediatrics. It compared the two lists of teenagers to the results of a multi-year survey of risky teen behavior, and found no difference in teens’ decisions and behavior based on the state they reside in.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Basically, kids are going to engage in sex – risky and otherwise – regardless of whether we protect them against cancer.

“Concern that legislation will increase risky adolescent sexual behaviors should not be used when deciding to pass HPV legislation,” concluded the study.

Currently 23 states and Washington D.C. have passed legislation related to the promotion of the HPV vaccine. The specifics vary from in-school awareness campaigns to programs that require insurance companies to cover the cost of the shots.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The study’s primary author, Erin Cook, told PBS that “the big takeaway is that the passage of legislation regarding HPV didn’t seem to be associated with any changes in adolescent sexual behaviors in the sample of states we were able to look at.”

Worry not, parents. You can protect your child from all sorts of cancer while being assured that the shots won’t cause them to engage in any promiscuous behaviors.

At least, no more than usual.

h/t: ScaryMommy

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15 People Explain The One Superpower They Definitely Would NOT Want

With superhero movies more popular than ever, people love discussing which superpowers they wish they could have. But have you ever taken a second to consider which ones you wouldn’t want to have? Most superpowers seem like they’d be fun at first glance…but take a closer look and you realize that many would be more trouble than they’re worth.

These 13+ Redditors take a moment to muse, however, and their responses are bound to get you thinking.

#15. Teleportation probs.

“Teleportation. If you can’t see where you are teleporting, you could easily just clip inside of an object or another person.”

#14. For hours on end.

“Super hearing, enjoy listening to everyone snore for hours on end.”

#13. Most sympathized.

“The Thing” from Fantastic Four is probably one of the most sympathised superheroes.”

#12. Some things can’t be unseen.

“X-ray vision. Some things just can’t be unseen.”

#11. Classic.

“The classic “everything you touch turns to gold” would be pretty terrible.”

#10. Vapid idiots.

“Reading minds. You could never go out, or would end up spending time with the most vapid idiots.”

#9. Dull and joyless.

“Precognition. Being able to see the future would remove any sense of excitement or surprise. Life would become dull and joyless.”

#8. A life of exile.

“Super strength if gone unregulated would force you into a life of exile because you might accidentally destroy everything around you.”

#7. Don’t lose your temper.

“Psychic powers/ Psychokinesis power

If you lose your temper even once with someone you could unconsciously fold them together several times without actually wanting to.”

#6. Think about it.

“Super Speed would suck. You’d wear out sneakers almost immediately through friction, bugs would constantly splat into your face, and you would be forever having to dodge everything. Think how alert you have to be while driving at just 30MPH. Now imagine how much focus you need to run at 100MPH?”

#5. Existentially frightening.

“Immortality would be sad and just existentially frightening.”

#4. Without the healing.

“Wolverine’s claws without wolverine’s healing.”

#3. Unless of course.

“Any destructive powers would actually suck to have in our non-superhero world. Unless of course you want to become a villain.”

#2. Can you even imagine?

“A super sense of smell. Can you even imagine how that would affect your life?!”

#1. A fear of heights.

“As someone with fear of heights, flight.”

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