People Confess the Weird Facts They Love to Share with Folks

We’re all about facts and let me tell you, one of the best things about them is that there are always ones you haven’t heard coming down the pike. New ones, funny ones, shocking ones, and yes – weird ones – are just out there, waiting to come up in your presence for the first time.

If you’re up for some totally weird truths today, these 19 people have you covered – and trust me, you’re going to want to hear these.

19. Can you learn them all?

There are more ways to shuffle a deck of cards than there are atoms on Earth.

You can arrange a deck of cards into a new unique order once a second since the big bang and you wouldn’t even be 1% of the way through all possible combos today. Like, not even close to 1%.

I liked V-sauce’s analogy. If you were to measure the time to count 52 factorial seconds, first start at Earth’s equator. Every billion years that goes by, take one step forward. Once you walk completely around the Earth, take a drop of water out of the Pacific ocean and repeat. Once the ocean is dry, set down one sheet of paper, refill the ocean, and repeat the whole process again.

Once the stack of sheets of paper reaches the sun, knock it down and repeat the whole process again. Once you do that about one thousand times, you’d be almost a third of the way to being done counting.

18. Beware the coconuts.

Coconuts kill 103 people a year.

That’s more than many animals we’re traditionally scared of, too. I guess they’ve developed a taste for human flesh.

17. Totally random. Love it.

The dot on top of an i and a j is called a tittle.

16. He could have sprung for the good stuff.

The term “drink the kool-aid” is historically incorrect. Jim Jones used Flavor-aid.

What a cheapskate. What’s even the point of saving that money?

Not like he was gonna need it.

15. These are both amazing.

Technically speaking, a male ballet dancer is a ballerino.

Also, a single strand of spaghetti is a spaghetto.

(Spaghetto is also my favorite term for a rough Italian neighborhood).

14. It does seem questionable.

You have a ball sack because you need to have your balls at 34 degrees C to produce sperm but your body is 37 degrees. The sack keeps them farther away.

That’s also why your balls shrivel when you are cold. Gotta maintain homeostasis.

One of nature’s biggest failures. “The male humans need testicles. They have to be kept warm. But not that warm. Let’s just hang them outside in a thin sack made of skin, so everyone can see their weak point.”

13. Time is so weird.

The stegosaurus was extinct for about 90 million years before tyrannosaurus showed up, and the tyrannosaurus has been extinct for about 65 million years. We are much closer in time to the T Rex than the T Rex was to stegosaurs.

Also, Cleopatra was born closer to our time than she was to the building of the pyramids. Our perception of time is funny.

Oh! and adding on to this:

  • Oxford University has been around since 1096 (earliest evidence of teaching there)
  • In 1697, Martín de Ursúa launched an assault on the Itza capital Nojpetén and the last independent Maya city fell to the Spanish.
  • Oxford University and the Maya civilisation co-existed for about 600 years!

12. Solidarity.

There is a species of penguins called Adelie penguins in Antarctica that are so horny they will screw anything.

Examples include: female penguins, male penguins, injured penguins, dead bodies, dead fish, the freaking ground, basically anything that moves or doesn’t move.

11. Sharks have seen some things.

Sharks are older than trees. A lot older. 40 million years older.

Trees as we familiarly know them today — a primary trunk, large height, crown of leaves or fronds — didn’t appear on the planet until the late Devonian period, some 360 million years ago. You might be surprised to learn that sharks are older than trees as they’ve been around for at least 400 million years.

Weirder, I understand all coal formed during the time after trees appeared, but BEFORE the bacteria that breaks them down after they fell. No new coal has formed in a very long time. 100 million years?

10. They’re so squishy all over.

Babies don’t have kneecaps.

9. Poor little bunnies.

The average human erection has roughly about 130ml of blood in it, while the average rabbit has about 126ml in its entire body. So, there is more blood in your boner than in a bunny.

Also, did you know that a rabbit used to die every time a lady needed a pregnancy test?

8. The more you know.

All mammals over 3 kg (~6.5 pounds) pee for an average of 21 seconds with a full bladder, independent of body size. From a 2014 paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:

Using high-speed videography and flow-rate measurement obtained at Zoo Atlanta, we discover that all mammals above 3 kg in weight empty their bladders over nearly constant duration of 21 ± 13 s. This feat is possible, because larger animals have longer urethras and thus, higher gravitational force and higher flow speed. Smaller mammals are challenged during urination by high viscous and capillary forces that limit their urine to single drops. Our findings reveal that the urethra is a flow-enhancing device, enabling the urinary system to be scaled up by a factor of 3,600 in volume without compromising its function. This study may help to diagnose urinary problems in animals as well as inspire the design of scalable hydrodynamic systems based on those in nature.

7. Cells blow my mind.

HEK 293 Cells

A scientist named “Alex Van der Eb” in netherlands made immortal cells, from the liver of an aborted human fetus in the 70’s.

Those cells have been producing our vaccines for the last 50 years.

I dont mean to spread this as misinformation, or as any correlation to the current pandemic. It’s just a super weird fact I knew.

6. I don’t understand how there are so many bedbugs then.

Female bedbugs lack a genital cavity, so the male bedbug has to literally STAB HIS DICK INTO THE FEMALE BEDBUGS STOMACH and then when they’re done screwing, that’s it.

But what makes it even MORE interesting, is that bedbugs are unable to tell the difference between other male and female bedbugs. Use your imagination a little for that one…….

5. Fungus is amazing!

Radiotrophic fungus was first discovered at the Chernobyl site in 1991, just after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the start of internationally-aided cleanup/containment efforts. Not so sure about right next to the Elephant’s Foot, but it was definitely found growing in large, flourishing colonies all throughout the site’s cooling water supply.

This fungus appears to use melanin – the same dark-brown pigment that gives humans all their various normal skin tones, except in much, much higher concentrations – to power sugar-producing reactions by deriving energy from nuclear decay the same way plants and cyanobacteria use the green pigment chlorophyll to synthesize sugars by deriving energy from (sun)light.

Basically, this stuff is a mold colony that has the most extreme tan ever, and uses it to eat radiation.

Similar fungi have been found accumulated on the exterior hulls of low-orbit spacecraft, and experiments were recently (2018-2019) conducted to begin investigating if the stuff could be used as shielding to protect astronauts from solar/cosmic radiation. Apparently, results were promising!

4. Sounds…fun?

Many species of snails and slugs are hermaphroditic – possessing fully functional male and female reproductive characteristics – and go about a similar process.

When mating, two “males” will wrestle each other / “joust” with their penises.

The loser of this contest becomes the “female” in the encounter, gets stabbed by the winner’s dick, and is impregnated.

3. Who would have thought?

Sloths can die of starvation with a full stomach.

Their gut bacteria is very temperature dependent. Due to Global Warming ™, the temp in the Caribbean can go below its more usual 23C down to about 20C at times, which will kill their digestive bacteria, so they can’t digest what they eat.

Sloths can’t regulate their body temperature well, so they can’t maintain an internal temp to stop this happening.

2. This all sounds right.

Your anus comprises either thirty-five or thirty-seven creases, resulting in a pattern as unique as your fingertips.

This discovery – first made by Salvador Dali – allowed for the development of an anus-examining smart toilet.

On the same topic, it turns out that humans are deuterostomes. This means that at the start of its development, an embryo goes through a stage during which its tissue folds back over itself, creating something called a blastopore. As maturation continues, this blastopore becomes the anus.

In short, you can make the argument that every person is an overgrown (and unique) a$$hole.

1. She really was a marvel.

Titanic was fitted with microphones for receiving underwater bell signals. With this system the sound of submarine bells was received through the hull of the vessel.

Submarine bells, used as fog signals, were located on lightships, at lighthouses, and even on some specially equipped buoys. They were actuated by electric signals, compressed air, or simply by wave motion.

Titanic had two submarine microphones on her hull, one on each side. These were the “ears” of the ship. By switching between the port and starboard microphones and comparing the volume of the bells, the navigation officer could determine the direction to the navigation aid. Sound travels much further through water than through air – these bells could be heard over 15 miles away through the headset.

A pretty cool way of navigating at a time when GPS and RADAR didn’t yet exist!

I’m so happy some of these are now tucked safely in my own fact arsenal.

Drop your favorite weird fact on us down in the comments!

The post People Confess the Weird Facts They Love to Share with Folks appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Weirdest Facts They Know

Facts are something that we all love and we all have our favorites.

The ones we can’t wait to drop anytime we get the chance, the ones that never fail to get us the reaction we want – and yes, the weirdest things we’ve heard that are just impossible to forget.

Those are the facts Reddit is asking for today, and let me tell you, these 18 people came up with some real doozies!

18. I’ll be listening for that this summer.

When male honey bees orgasm, their penises explode with a “pop!” audible to human ears.

And when winter comes the worker bees (which are all female) kick the male bees out to die in the cold because they do nothing other than mate with the queen and the queen can make more even if she is new and unmated. She needs to mate in order to make more female bees.

17. Consider my mind blown.

Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, Savoy cabbage, kohlrabi, and gai lan are all the same species of plant (Brassica oleracea), just bred to enhance different parts of the plant.

16. Well that’s unfortunate.

The man who invented the website lost his wife to a man she met … On

15. Cremated or just a really big can?

Fredric Baur, the inventor of the Pringles can, is buried in one.

14. This is definitely useful information.

Door knobs that are made out of brass can disinfect itself in about 8 hours.

Copper has the same effect. This early study published in April 2020 demonstrates the SARS-Cov-2 virus particles became non-viable after 4 hours on copper surfaces.

13. I mean there had to be some trick to it.

Woodpeckers tongues wrap around their brain to cushion them from a concussion when they peck against tree trunks.

12. The weight of paint.

If you want to paint a violin red you have to use a Naphthol or Pyrrol Red as a Cadmium Red pigment is too heavy and will alter the sound.

It adds up, the first two space shuttle External tanks were painted white. The external tanks ended up weighing 600 pounds more than the unpainted ones.

11. Now that’s ironic.

We don’t really know who the inventor of the fire hydrant is, because the patent was destroyed…….in a fire.

Homer: Springfield’s never had a hurricane in recorded history.

Lisa: The records only go back to the ’70s when the hall of records was mysteriously blown away.

10. Those things freak me out.

Koalas have fingerprints that are very close to human fingerprints. There apparently have been several “break-in” in Australia by the same “person” based of off fingerprint evidence.

Turned out to be a koala that was responsible for all of these.

9. I bet that’s delicious.

Volkswagen makes a currywurst (a type of sausage) and it has its own Original Part number. #199 398 500 A

No word on whether or not it’s wrapped in a proper pretzel.

8. This does not surprise me about poodles.

There was a genetic bottle neck in standard poodles starting in the 1950s. A kennel called the Wycliffe kennel linebred exceptional show dogs which became highly sought after as studs.

Even today, many standard poodles carry a substantial percentage from this line which traces back to just five dogs.

7. Fungi are amazing.

A fungi grows next to the highly radioactive “Elephant’s Foot” in the Chernobyl reactor. It feeds off the gamma rays emitted by the nuclear fuel in a process known as “radiosynthesis.”

If you were exposed to similar levels of radiation, you would have a lethal dose in 3 minutes.

Radiotrophic fungus was first discovered at the Chernobyl site in 1991, just after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the start of internationally-aided cleanup/containment efforts. Not so sure about right next to the Elephant’s Foot, but it was definitely found growing in large, flourishing colonies all throughout the site’s cooling water supply.

This fungus appears to use melanin – the same dark-brown pigment that gives humans all their various normal skin tones, except in much, much higher concentrations – to power sugar-producing reactions by deriving energy from nuclear decay the same way plants and cyanobacteria use the green pigment chlorophyll to synthesize sugars by deriving energy from (sun)light.

Basically, this stuff is a mold colony that has the most extreme tan ever, and uses it to eat radiation.

Similar fungi have been found accumulated on the exterior hulls of low-orbit spacecraft, and experiments were recently (2018-2019) conducted to begin investigating if the stuff could be used as shielding to protect astronauts from solar/cosmic radiation. Apparently, results were promising!

6. This is very disconcerting.

The spinal cord has the consistency of a ripe banana.

Yeah our vertebrae are rings of interlocking armor for a reason.

5. Those are fun party tricks.

Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins can. They can also die of starvation with a full stomach.

Their gut bacteria is very temperature dependent. Due to Global Warming ™, the temp in the Caribbean can go below its more usual 23C down to about 20C at times, which will kill their digestive bacteria, so they can’t digest what they eat. Sloths can’t regulate their body temperature well, so they can’t maintain an internal temp to stop this happening.

4. Terrifying, if you’re a caterpillar.

When caterpillars make their chrysalises, the don’t just grow wings & change, they dissolve completely into goo which then reforms into the butterfly.

Better yet, if you “train” the caterpillars to dislike certain stimuli, the resulting butterflies retain that memory & will avoid the same stimuli.

I don’t have a source to hand but I asked a relative who works a lot around butterflies.

She said that it has actually been shown that they retain some structure during metamorphosis, including their nervous system which explains the memory retention.

3. Facts about camels.

Most of the camels of Saudi Arabia are imported from Australia.

The largest wild population of camels is also in Australia.

It is illegal to kill wild camels in Arizona.

Back in the day they imported camels to cross Southern Arizona, found horses more reliable so released the camels. There’s a thriving population of wild horses in Arizona but sadly no more camels. 🙁

Llamas and other camel species can thrive here though.

Lastly, I remember watching Planet Earth for the first time and seeing Bactrian camels on film, for the first time, in their natural habitat. One of my favorite tv memories.

2. Talk about dark.

Anglerfish mate by the male biting the female’s abdomen.

Over time, the male is absorbed and linked to the female’s circulatory system while the male basically melts into a parasite-looking growth that is actually nothing but testicles which the female will use when she’s ready.

Weird enough for you?

1. And they still didn’t see that iceberg coming.

Titanic was fitted with microphones for receiving underwater bell signals. With this system the sound of submarine bells was received through the hull of the vessel.

Submarine bells, used as fog signals, were located on lightships, at lighthouses, and even on some specially equipped buoys. They were actuated by electric signals, compressed air, or simply by wave motion.

Titanic had two submarine microphones on her hull, one on each side. These were the “ears” of the ship. By switching between the port and starboard microphones and comparing the volume of the bells, the navigation officer could determine the direction to the navigation aid. Sound travels much further through water than through air – these bells could be heard over 15 miles away through the headset.

A pretty cool way of navigating at a time when GPS and RADAR didn’t yet exist!

I’m definitely adding some of these to my list.

What’s your favorite weird fact? Share it with us in the comments!

The post People Share the Weirdest Facts They Know appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Weirdest Facts They Know…For Some Reason

All of us know a lot of random stuff.

And it covers all kinds of random topics. I personally think it’s a good thing to know a little about a lot and with that comes from weird facts that get stuck in our brains for one reason or another.

Are you ready to learn about some interesting facts?

Let’s get weird with folks on AskReddit!

1. Time to get grossed out.

“Lice are the human equivalent of fleas, but unlike other species, humans have different types that are exclusive to different parts of the body- head lice, body lice and pubic lice.”

2. Take that!

“America dropped extra large condoms labeled small into Soviet territory to make the Russians feel bad.”

3. Taste test.

“A male giraffe will taste the urine of a female to know if she’s fertile.”

4. I need a pair of these.

“Necropants are a pair of pants made from the skin of a dead man, which are believed in Icelandic witchcraft to be capable of producing an endless supply of money.”

5. That’s wild.

“Squirrels need to fall 4800 miles to die because it gives them long enough to starve.

This is because they can survive their terminal velocity.”

6. It worked out.

“During a long FBI undercover sting operation to uncover corruption in the Cleveland PD, the FBI used a T-Shirt factory as a front for an illegal gambling operation, not only did they turn a profit with the T-shirt company but there are a few companies and bars walking around with T-shirts made by the FBI, including the Cleveland PD’s softball team.”

7. Size matters.

“In ancient Rome, having a large p*nis resulted in being ridiculed. It was thought the bigger the p*nis, the dumber and more brutish you were.

In other words, I would have been the smartest man in Rome.”

8. Well, that’s just adorable.

“Otters hold hands while they sleep so they don’t float away.”

9. State fish.

“The Hawaiian state fish is called a “humuhumunukunukuapuaa”.

I tried to date a Hawaiian girl in high school. It’s amazing the stuff you can remember when you’re a horny 17 year old.”

10. I’m a fan of this.

“The E in Chuck E. Cheese stands for “Entertainment”, making his full name Charles Entertainment Cheese.”

11. Defend the hive.

“Bees can vibrate their bodies super fast which produces a lot heat.

In order for a hive to defend themselves from intruders like wasps they will dog pile the wasp while vibrating and it will eventually cook the wasp alive.”

12. Save it for later.

“Otters have a small pocket underneath their armpits where they like to hide their favorite rocks.”

13. Think they were ready for a kid?

“The youngest parents in the world had a combined age of 17.

8 year old boy 9 year old girl

1910, China.”

14. No!

“About 1 cup of ground apple seeds contains enough cyanide to kill a human. Smoothie anyone?”

15. On the hunt.

“Killer whales and dolphins can learn to communicate with one another and form hunting parties together.”

16. Don’t go in the water.

“The release of the film JAWS had such an impact upon people’s view of the ocean that the professional association of diving instructors PADI reported that their numbers had dropped by somewhere around 60%.”

17. A dairy lover.

“Fidel Castro loved dairy so much that he invested in trying to breed a cow that could survive in the climate of Cuba and still produce a lot of milk.

He failed over and over for years until one day a cow that was exactly to his specifications. She produced obscene, record breaking amounts of milk even for a regular cow and could live in Cuba’s sweltering climate.

There were regular updates on her health in the Cuban national newspaper and he loved her so much that when she died he erected a huge marble statue of her in her honor.”

Now it’s your time to shine!

In the comments, please share some weird and interesting facts that you know.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Share the Weirdest Facts They Know…For Some Reason appeared first on UberFacts.

People Offer the Weirdest Facts They Know…for Some Reason

What’s the absolute weirdest fact you know?

I’m talking about the most out-of-this world, bizarre fact that most human beings should have no business knowing?

Think about that while we dive into some oddness!

Let’s see what kind of weird facts AskReddit users have rattling around their brains.

1. Weird!

“If you have a shrimp allergy you also can’t eat cicadas.”

2. Who knew?

“Before clocks were invented clockwise and counter clockwise were called deisul and widdershins.”

3. Kind of scary.

“Most dying people don’t just slow down breathing and stop silently like the movies. The agonal breathing they do the last few hours or minutes is often startlingly loud.

But it makes their CO2 so high that they are unconscious and not suffering, it’s just hard on the hearer.”

4. Wooohooo!

“Probably the most innocent fact here but- chickens (hens) have an egg song when they lay an egg.

It’s like them yelling “I JUST LAID AN EGG! WOOOO!” And then the other hens chime in yelling “YAAAS SHE JUST LAID AN EGG! WOOO!””

5. Be careful.

“Male hedgehogs mast*rbate for pleasure and you have to be careful picking them up because sometimes they have semen on their feet.

It’s something you have to look out for when you’re a hedgehog owner like myself.”

6. Wow!

“Saddam Hussein wrote a romance novel called Zabibah and the King.”

7. Odd.

“Urine is historically one of the biggest exports that Newcastle UK ever had.

It was used for a variety of purposes especially for making ammonia to make paint.”

8. That’s crazy.

“Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was a really popular novel, and was made into a stage play.

The actor playing the eponymous role(s) was so good at switching from the good doctor to the evil Hyde that people wrote to the police claiming that he absolutely had to be the real Jack the Ripper (who was thought likely to be a qualified doctor based on the way he dissected his victims).

They thought no normal person would be able to make such a transformation.”

9. Oh, thanks.

“You can neutralize the smell of a rotting corpse by covering it with the ashes of a common camp fire!

Any wood ash should work, friends.”

10. What a coincidence.

“The last person who died building the Hoover Dam was the son of the first person who died building it.”

11. Don’t try it.

“Licking marshmallows and sticking them on a car on a night below freezing will cause the marshmallows to adhere so strongly that if they are removed while still frozen they will take the car paint with them.”

12. Fight to the death.

“An important predator to the Canadian Moose is the Killer whale.

The Moose will swim over seastraits and get picked off by the killer whales.”

13. War is Hell.

“That in WWII the United States designed “bat bombs”

Basically canisters filled with bats strapped with incendiary devices

The idea was that you drop them over a Japanese city, which were largely wood structures at the time. The bats roost in attics and so on, then after a certain amount of time they detonate.”

14. Really?

“It’s illegal to be intoxicated in a bar in Alaska.

I won a trivia game at work because I happened to know this obscure fact. The lady organizing it accused me of cheating because no one had ever known the answer to “in which state is it illegal to be drunk in a bar?”

I’ve known it for so long I don’t even remember where I learned it.”

15. Oh, rats!

“Rats constantly leave a trail of urine while dragging their tails. You can follow the trail with a UV light.”

16. I did not know that!

“Redheads require more anesthesia drugs to remain unconscious during surgery.”

17. A long way down.

“The farthest fall for a human being to survive without a parachute is 33,300 feet.”

18. Ugh!

“Many deaths in the Middle Ages resulted from pigs wandering into peasant homes and eating babies out of their cradles.”

19. Good to know.

“MLB umpires are required to wear black underwear in case their pants split during a game.”

20. Whoa!

“Imagine this:

You’re walking down the road, and you see a car crash. Someone gets out of a car, and you realize it’s someone you know, so you call their name. They turn, and crumple to the ground.

What happened? They dislocated a bone in their neck, and when they turned their neck, they fully snapped it. There’s a bunch of stories of this happening to people, which is very scary.”

Okay, now it’s your turn

In the comments, tell us the absolute weirdest fact that YOU know.

Please and thank you!

The post People Offer the Weirdest Facts They Know…for Some Reason appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Facts That Are Totally Disturbing

Ready for some disturbing facts?

Facts can be cool, interesting, and fascinating without being fun, and that’s exactly the sort of thing people were sharing on this Reddit thread.

So, if you’re looking for facts that are weird, strange, disturbing, and/or gross while still being super interesting, well – you’ve come to the right place.

15. When I throw up I want to die, soooo.

Horses can’t throw up.

If they need to throw up, they’ll die.

14. I can see this.

The smell of vomit comes from butyric acid, as does the smell of parmesan cheese.

When given a sample of butyric acid to smell, test subjects were disgusted or pleased depending on whether they were told it was puke or parm.

13. Just say no.

Heroin overdose is so prevalent (and dangerous) because of how fast tolerance bounces back.

So let’s say an addict gets arrested and is in jail for a few days, weeks, whatever.

If they’re a heavy user even half the dose they last used could kill them.

12. Nasty.

Gingivitis is contagious.

11. Just one more reason the prison system is screwed up.

Criminals that are considered unattractive usually receive a 50% longer jail time than attractive criminals.

10. Horrifying but interesting.

“For generations, the indigenous peoples of South American used blow darts laced with paralytic plant extract to hunt their prey.

In the 1800s, English physicians who interacted with these indigenous South Americans recognized the possible uses of this paralytic agent, now known as tubocurarine, as an anesthetic agent for surgeries. Physicians noticed that animals under the influence of tubocurarine would become temporarily immobilized but would recover after a period of paralysis.

According to these physicians, this discovery would revolutionize surgery as an anesthetic agent. So confident were they in their discovery that one of the physicians volunteered to undergo surgery under the influence of tubocurarine to demonstrate its effectiveness.

Unfortunately, he failed to realize that, although the drug was an effective paralyzing agent, it did not have any effect on the sensory receptors of the body, so he felt every cut of the surgery without being able to move or do anything about it. “

9. Color me shocked.

The TSA missed 96% of contraband during an inspection in 2015.

8. Nature, man.

Crabs eat their babies and sloths can die from starvation with a full stomach.

7. The loneliest whale in the world.

There is a whale called 52 Blue who sings at such a strange frequency he is unable to communicate with other whales.

6. A ray of sunshine.

When it comes to heart disease, the VERY FIRST symptom in roughly 1/3 of all cases is sudden death.

Meaning you could be perfectly healthy and drop dead because you had heart disease and didn’t know it.

Check your family history people.

5. Can never un-know.

Male bed bugs impregnate female bed bugs by penetrating the females abdomen with his hypodermic dick.

4. In today’s sad facts…

When another elephant dies, its pack make a little funeral for it. They pick rocks and put it around the body, and stand there for a while before they keep the way.

3. Human technology and nature are not friends.

If you shine a flashlight/smartphone on a newborn sea turtle for too long (which could be only minutes), it will start crawling around in circles. Known as the “Ring of Death”, it means that the turtle’s eyesight has been permanently damaged due to mistaking your lights for the moon that guides it to the sea.

By doing this, you have doomed the sea turtle to death right after birth.​

Edit: Information was given to me by the Sea Turtle Preservation Society in Indialantic, Fl during a presentation.

2. Only the strong will survive.

If any apocalypse happens, anyone who takes medication daily is f*cked.

1. No scuba for you.

If you have a pneumothorax (collapsed lung), even once it’s resolved you can never go scuba diving.

Also, there’s a one in three chance it will happen again within 12 months.

But yeah, I can never, ever, go scuba diving…

Delivered as promised!

The post 15 Facts That Are Totally Disturbing appeared first on UberFacts.

11 Genuinely Surprising Facts About the World Around You

Think you know everything about everything? Check out these 12 surprising facts to find out if you’re right!

#11. Lightning “tattoos” its victims

Photo Credit: Reddit

If you survive a lightning strike, there’s a good chance you’ll wear a mysterious pattern called a “Lichtenberg figure” for the rest of your life…but no one knows why.

#10. Dolphins eat puffer fish to get high

Photo Credit: Pixabay

A documentary film captures young dolphins sharing a puffer fish, which releases a nerve toxin that produces a narcotics effect in small amounts.

#9. Fetal stem cells can heal a mother’s heart

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Over half the women who develop heart weakness during or just after pregnancy recover spontaneously – a fetus basically ensures its own survival by protecting the mother’s heart.

#8. Someone has been in space for 437 days and 18 hours – consecutively

Photo Credit: Pixabay

His name is Valeri Polyakov.

#7. NASA’s internet speed is 91gb/second

Photo Credit: Pixabay

You could download your favorite television series – all of it – in less than a second. That is, if you could access their private network.

#6. Steve Jobs made the iPad lighter by tossing it in water

Photo Credit: Pixabay

He wanted a lighter product but was told by engineers it was impossible. He tossed the prototype in a fish tank and when bubbles floated out of it as it hit the bottom, he said “those are air bubbles. That means there’s space in there. Make it smaller.”

#5. A fitness coach gained – and lost – 66 lbs in a single year

Photo Credit: Instagram

His name is Drew Manning and conducted the experiment in an attempt to understand why people want to lose weight.

#4. JK Rowling donated over $160 million to charity in 2012

Photo Credit: Pixabay

She normally appears on lists of the world’s richest people, but that year she didn’t because of her charitable contributions.

#3. Eagle vision is even better than you think

Photo Credit: Pixabay

You’d be able to see an ant from a 10-story building, to detect more colors and even UV radiation, and have a 340 degree visual field.

#2. Germany counts its trees

Photo Credit: Brightside

All the trees in parks are numbered in order to collect data. They love their order!

#1. The Japanese use unique seals in lieu of signatures

Photo Credit: Brightside

You’ll need a hanko, or personal seal, to sign any official documents.

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