Some Signs You Were Living Your Best Life in the 2010s

Trends may come and go, but the ones we encounter in our formative years are the ones that stick with us forever.

If you were coming up in the 2010’s and got into the Tumblr/Instagram scene, you might have fallen into one particular group of girls that’s hard to name but instantly recognizable.

Let us demonstrate what we mean. You know you’re in this group if…

15. You had this owl necklace

Where did it come from? Why was it everywhere? No one knows.

14. You shared inspirational quotes on pictures of nature

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren’t real?

13. You had (or posed with) a very old camera

And took a picture of it with a very new camera that actually worked.

12. You shared lots of flower pics

Hey, you gotta stop and smell ’em once in a while.

11. You broke lots of car safety laws

Get them gams for the grams.

10. You had or desperately wanted an old typewriter

Surely THAT’S the only thing standing between me and writing that novel…

9. You made all your stuff pink

It is Wednesday, my dudes.

8. Coffee was never just coffee

When you get so caffeinated you start seeing stars.

7. You had very intricate nails

Which were chipped almost immediately.

6. Your Harry Potter house sort of defined you

Hey, it makes more sense than astrology.

5. You pulled off this look

Or tried your damndest.

4. You showed the world your Starbucks

It’s a compulsion. You just gotta.

3. You had at least one hand holding pic

Bonus points for the “follow me” pose.

2. You photographed your stuff like you were Wes Anderson

Life is a beautiful diorama.

1. You got into moustaches

Was it high art? Was it a big joke? There’s no way to know.

Ah, memories. So very recent and yet worlds away. I wouldn’t mind the return of most of these trends, though I’m fairly happy we all stopped taking pictures of every cup of coffee we ever drank. What was up with that?

What will be your fondest 2010’s memory?

Tell us in the comments.

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10 Things You Need to Know About a VSCO Girl, the New Internet Trend

I thought VSCO stood for Victoria’s Secret Co. and VSCO girls referred to girls who wear sweatpants with the word “Pink,” on them.

Turns out, not so much.

If you are confused, well then you’re probably old. VSCO is trending all over social, and a VSCO girl is…well, it’s a bit complicated. Luckily, I’m here to bring you up to speed and send you on your way with a shopping list of VSCO necessities.

Not interested in becoming a VSCO girl? Well, at least you’ll be educated and won’t look around for Pink sweatpants making a comeback, like me.

Photo Credit: Flickr

VSCO girls are named after the VSCO photo editing app, and they are taking over social media. Actually, they are taking over everywhere. Unlike internet girls of the past who made Instagram their natural habitats, VSCO girls can be seen roaming the city streets and beaches. You will know them by their scrunchies and Hydro Flask water bottle.

They have to have very specific brands, you see, because VSCO girls are often wealthy and conservation-minded.

Love the look or hate it, here’s what you need.

That maybe looks like a joke, but it’s really not. Here’s what you need to get in on the VSCO aesthetic…

1. Carmex, because we are going for the no-makeup makeup look.

2. Sunbum sun screen because it protects skin AND coral reefs.

3. Pastel nail polish so you can peel and stick Redbubble stickers to your phone or Hydro Flask in VSCO style.

4. Extra large graphic tee or sweatshirt that does not show the hem of your shorts.

5. Bathing suits for a summer in perpetuity.

6. Birkenstocks, because they are hippy dippy like VSCO girls!

7. Do not forget your puka shells.

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8. When scrunchies aren’t holding your beachy-wavy locks, they are to be worn on your wrist with stacked bracelets.

9. Starbucks tea AND Hydroflask AND scrunchies. This VSCO driver has all the things.

10. VSCO drivers drive Jeeps? Of course, they do.

So, sksksksksk your way to your favorite shopping center and gather your VSCO supplies. Don’t even look at Victoria’s Secret. Then, you’ll be VSCOing in style while saving the turtles.

Leave us a comment below about your favorite VSCO look.

The post 10 Things You Need to Know About a VSCO Girl, the New Internet Trend appeared first on UberFacts.