Times When Kids Really Did Say the Darndest Things

Kids say the funniest things…sometimes…

Like the time 5-year-old Bindi Irwin met her baby brother Robert, and decided that he should be called Brian “for short.”

Well back in January, feminist author @JessicaValenti tweeted about an incident that happened when her child was about that same age:

It was a great metaphor for life, and it spawned a whole thread of users telling funny things that their own children had said.

A lot of users focused on how children don’t pull punches, sometimes being brutal without even meaning to.

Picture book author Pat Zietlow Miller shared a time when her young daughter innocently cut her to the quick:

And another user shared her child’s response to her own midlife crisis hairdo.

Kids, man. Brutal, and brutally honest.

Sometimes they’re just trying to be helpful though, like when Heidi Hodges’ daughter overruled her little brother’s kindness.

And we all know what it’s like to be seen as the not-fun parent, but I love this user’s response.

I guess it would be way too mean to respond, “I know Dad’s the fun parent, just like your brother is the fun child.”

Yeah, you’re right. Parents have to be the parent, fun or otherwise.

Some of the one-liners parents shared were just hilarious, liked this one from Bonnie Jean:

Use the Force, Luke. Be the armadillo.

I love it.

And you know, it makes sense, because kids just really love animals.

So comparisons to animals are usually a compliment:

Until they try to turn you into one:

Kids, as we all know, also like to eat weird things.

(Let’s hope this isn’t why the 5-year-old wanted to turn her sister into a fish…)

And this kid… The shade.

But I mean, he has a point.

And just… wow.

Weird eating habits aside, sometimes even the best kids will misbehave.

As parents, you just have to teach them how to say they’re sorry.

Even if it makes you want to bust out laughing.

And when life gets them down:

Teach them to look on the bright side.

(This kid must have been friends with @welshlady17’s little girl.)

It’s so true what they say. Kids really do say the darndest things.

What’s something hilarious that a small child in your life has said? Tell us in the comments!

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Incredibly Wholesome Tweets That Prove How Much We Love Our Dogs

My dog is my constant companion.

During the pandemic, she was one of my only companions, so it’s a good thing she loves me so much.

(So much. Like follows me to the bathroom, that’s how much she loves me.)

Seems like I’m not alone out there.

Dogs love people, and people have a lot of love for their pups.

Here are some of the most wholesome tweets that show just how much we love our furry friends.

1. A dog for your dog

And then a dog for your dog’s dog.
Where will it end? No one knows.

2. Norbie the Wonder Dog

Always be zoomin’.

3. Faerie Queen of the Fire Hydrant

Bow down before her fluffy butt and flower crown.

4. Don’t mess with Frank

Squirrel watcher extraordinaire. Mess with the window shade to see this dachshund’s shade.

5. Dogs are the very best judges of character

That’s why most Presidents keep one in the White House.

6. The Avengers know what’s up

They recognize a good boy when they see one.

7. No. Dogs. Allowed.


8. Remember the first time you met a dog?

Mine wasn’t this cute. It chased me and I ran away.

9. Doggo = kitten’s best friend

That dog definitely didn’t help. (But he didn’t stop them, either.)

10. “Are you impressed with my posture, friend?”

Why yes. Yes, I am.

11. Dogz make the best babysitters

Good boy.

12. Doggo album of the year right here

Look at those faces!

13. Their doctor bills cost more than ours do

But who cares? They’re worth it.

Dogs are truly the best. I need to go give mine some skritches.

Do you have a dog best friend? Share a picture in the comments!

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Adorable Animal Memes to Give You All the Feels

Nothing gives you the feels like cute animal memes, am I right?

I still get the giggles over basically the first-ever meme that I can remember–the bunny with a pancake on its head.

I wonder who owns the NFT of that one?

Recently, BuzzFeed did a great roundup of all the best memes, so here are the top animal-themed ones to get you through to Friday.

1. Smile, you’re on candid camera

He’s been on to you this whole time.

2. I love going out, I promise

We just want to be loved.


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3. Actually, here’s what happens next

You find the dog, and you pet the dog.
And you let the party go on without you.

4. All the best cats like stories

Especially ones that are about them.

5. Blame my mom

She’s the one who always said it’s the thought that counts.

6. Lookit his little face

I think we should call him Shakespeare.

7. Okay but from now on, Hedgehogs

I want to bring the energy of this little floof to everything I do.

8. That’s the same puppy as #2, isn’t it?

He’s insta-famous! And insta-dorbs!
(Sorry-not sorry for the bad joke.)


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9. Fox, not sox

But don’t you sort of wish your socks looked that comfy?

Bath time doesn’t have to be stressful

Look how proud!

10. Oreo cloud!

When I worked at the zoo we had a goat called Double Stuff. So what I’m saying is… this one should be called Cookies ‘n Cream.


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11. Because who HASN’T been dreaming of gator skritches?

At least since their Crocodile Hunter binge-watching days…

12. Even puppies love puppy smooches

And they don’t mind puppy breath!

13. This little raccoon knows whats up

I want him. I want him and his stuffed fren!

I love all these little fluff-balls so very much. Don’t you feel warm and fuzzy now?

What is your favorite critter meme? Drop it in the comments!

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Solved! The Mystery Behind White Dog Poop and Where It Has Gone

The debate inside my house right now is who remembers white dog poo littering parks and neighborhoods throughout America back in the 90s?

My husband remembers it clearly.

I don’t particularly, but my memory is not as good as his.

Also, I have more interesting things to remember, like the confetti explosion in our backyard every time my dog got hold of my crayons, which was more often than I should probably admit.
(I’ve never been a tidy person.)

The question on people’s minds–those who remember the white dog poo of yore–is where is it now?

As seen above, it was chalky and dry, looking a bit like sun-bleached coral.

And you have to admit, you really don’t see it these days, do you?

On the one hand, people are a lot more conscientious about picking up after their pups now than they were back in the 90s.

I’m mortified thinking back to walking my dog and letting him do his business wherever he wanted.

At the same time, we did have sidewalks, so that stretch of grass between the sidewalk and the street was sort of fair game, right?

I dunno if my neighbors minded. We didn’t have a Facebook or NextDoor so they couldn’t complain.

Image credit: Charles Deluvio via Unsplash

That being said, there’s another explanation for the disappearance of the ghost-like poo.

As Mental Floss and Treehugger explain, the issue was excess calcium.

Dog food used to contain an overabundance of meat and bone meal, both of which are high in the mineral. Whatever the dog couldn’t process ended up in its feces, and as the wet matter dried out in the sun, the hard calcium stuck around. This led to crumbly, mummified turds littering our sidewalks and green spaces.

Today, there is a huge market in organic, gluten-free, fancy-pants dog food.

For good or for ill, the pet market has figured out that we’ll do anything to make our best friends healthier and live longer, fuller lives.

But even regular old plain jane dog foods don’t have so much cheap bone meal, and thus, there is less calcium all the way around.

That means that if you DO see the old white dog poo, somebody needs a trip to the vet.

Do you remember seeing white poos in the yard?

Tell us in the comments.

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Check Out These Examples of Terrible Food Ideas

Sometimes, your efforts just don’t quite hit the mark.

Kind of like the classic “nailed it” and cake fail memes, where a good idea is poorly executed.

At other times, the best possible implementation of an idea can’t make up for a bad idea.

Here are 13 mostly beautiful food-themed fails from the Awful Taste But Great Execution subreddit that just shouldn’t have been tried to begin with.

1. Curry Phone Case

I like curry as much as anyone…
but I’d give this lumpy gem a heat level of 0 for taste.

This curry phonecase from ATBGE

2. Cheese Keyboard

Cheese is my favorite food group…
But having your hands smell like cheese is not the best part of eating cheese.

Keyboard with cheese styled keycaps from ATBGE

3. Madagascar Cake

Traumatizing children by beheading beloved characters seems like a bad idea.

This Madagascar cake from ATBGE

4. Savory Wedding Cake

Just. Say. No.
I’m really struggling on who thought this was a good idea.

Wedding cake made with cheese, bacon, beans, and… triscuits? from ATBGE

5. Salad Lasagna

So… refreshing?
What was wrong with a side salad and a real lasagna?
It just seems like so much work for so little payoff.

Salad lasagne from ATBGE

6. Moldy Fruit Art

What to buy for the grandma who has everything?
I just… I don’t even want to look at this. 🤮

Moldy fruit art using precious gems and stones from ATBGE

7. Red Cabbage Slippers

For the vegan foodie in your life.

These red cabbage slippers from ATBGE

8. Cookout Candles

What could possibly go wrong?

I saw the hotdog candle here last week. Here is the whole collection. from ATBGE

9. Burger Bed

Go to sleep hungry.
Wake up hungry.
Always so hungry.

Hamburger bed from 1972 from ATBGE

10. Embroidered Snack Bags

Turning litter into art.
It’s like permanent, decorative litter.
It’s so meta it broke my brain.

this one is also literal from ATBGE

11. Sperm Cake

Because who wouldn’t want to eat that much… icing?

I wonder what flavor it is from ATBGE

12. Tee-Tee Tea

For the brave and bold tea drinker in your life.
I hope they have a sense of humor.

Feel like a cuppa’ ass tea? from ATBGE

13. Messed-Up Spaghetti

I legit don’t know what this is but I think I threw up in my mouth.
Please, tell me it’s a joke.

Meat-ghetti and spag-balls from ATBGE

Those are all certainly… interesting! What’s your favorite “nice try” terrible idea? Show us in the comments.

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Inga Petry Uses Social Media to Prove You Don’t Need Arms to Live a Happy Life

It’s always remarkable when people find new ways to do tasks we take for granted.

I can remember receiving Christmas cards painted by artists using their feet and being amazed.

I’m clumsy. Uncoordinated. My feet are basically good for walking and nothing else.

But when I was a small child, I didn’t have the dexterity to write or knit with my fingers, so it makes sense that such dexterity can be learned over time.

And as they say, necessity is the mother of invention.

Still it’s hard to fathom, which is why it’s so powerful when people who live this way are willing to share that part of themselves on social media, as Inga Petry has done.


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21-year-old Inga started life in an orphanage in Novosibirsk, Siberia.

According to an interview she did for Medium as a freshman at King’s College in New York, her birth mother endured a series of comas, which caused Inga to be born without arms.

The condition is called “upper limb aplasia,” and the CDC notes that it affects about 1 in 19,000 children born in the United States.

But it didn’t slow Inga down.

The Daily Mail reported that Inga was adopted at the age of 2-and-a-half by Pennsylvania based accountant Daniel and music teacher Jennifer Petry.

“My parents taught me that there were no excuses. My mother was a music teacher and she taught me how to play the cello without arms.”

She has played since she was only three, learning by the Suzuki method, and her favorite piece is Camille Saint-Saëns’ haunting masterpiece “The Swan” from Carnival of the Animals.

According to that Medium article, Inga’s parents adopted five other children as well, each with their own disability.

Active on social media, Inga maintains a sense of humor and uses her platform to educate people about life with disabilities.

Her Instagram profile bio cheekily states, “Just call me Venus de Milo,” and on YouTube, she posts makeup tutorials:

And real talk about the ins and outs of dating with a disability:

Some of those posts feature her boyfriend Joe, as well.

The two met while Inga was a freshman at King’s College, and shared a long-distance relationship for awhile, with Joe attending college in Georgia.


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During the pandemic they quarantined together, and Inga recently transferred down south to continue her education at the University of Miami (Go ‘Canes).

Grateful for the offer of prosthetics, Inga decided that she ultimately didn’t need them.

She spent her life adapting to the demands of an abled world, learning to cook, write, put on mascara, and drive a car with her feet.

A tall chair helps her around the kitchen, so she can use the stove and wash the dishes.

At King’s College, Inga studied politics, philosophy, economics, and international affairs.

Her ambitions include motivational speaking, law, investigative analysis, and international counter-terrorism.

She’s also interested in modeling, and she told The Daily Mail that there should be more diversity in that arena.

“I think it would be incredible to see more women with disabilities in the modeling and fashion industry.”

Watch this video from SWNS, Atlanta for more.

Clearly, Inga has a bright future ahead of her, and we’re all just lucky to be along for the ride.

What do you think of this inspiring young woman? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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Cool Guides That Explain Complicated Issues

They say “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and it turns out it’s true!

Some of us, 65% of the world’s population, in fact, are visual learners.

Providing an infographic doesn’t just help illustrate the point, it can actually help people internalize it.

That’s one of the reasons the r/coolguides subreddit is so popular, providing dozens of cool infographics and guides.

Here are 14 Cool Guides that really bring the point home and help to simplify complicated topics.

1. Equity – more than just a DEI buzzword

And also not the end of the conversation.

Inequality v. Equality v. Equity v. Justice from coolguides

2. Same concept, different picture

Because there’s more than one way to explain things.

Explanation of the subtle differences between equality and equity from coolguides

3. Recognize the symptoms

Sometimes fainting is just fainting.
But sometimes it’s something more.

I’ll never remember this mid-heart attack but this is good to know from coolguides

4. What it’s actually like to be color blind

In all it’s different forms.

Different forms of Color blindness from coolguides

5. How to handle a dementia patient

With empathy, and so as to get your desired results.

How to treat people with dementia from coolguides

6. The actual truth about depression

And what it looks like from the outside looking in.

A more comprehensive guide to symptoms of depression from coolguides

7. And then you add ADHD into that mix

It’s a whole different ball game.

How untreated ADHD causes and traps you in depression from coolguides

8. Can you recognize the signs of mental abuse?

Trauma can take so many forms. So can patience.

Recognizing a Mentally Abused Brain from coolguides

9. But there are ways to release “happiness chemicals”

Legal activities, in all 50 states.

Activities that make your brain release happy chemicals from coolguides

10. And how exactly does gerrymandering change things?

You might need some of those happiness chemicals once you see the chart.

How gerrymandering works from coolguides

11. Or how about fascism?

What is it, anyway? Here’s a handy guide.

From the US holocaust museum from coolguides

12. Or how about the lesser known variations of the Confederate flag?

I saw them once in 8th grade, but that maybe have been the last time.

The history of confederate flags. from coolguides

13. What does “defund the police” actually mean?

Here’s a list of their demands.

Five Demands, Not One Less. End Police Brutality. from coolguides

14. And what even are marginal taxes?

There may not be anything more complicated than the tax code.

Marginal Tax from coolguides

Y’all, I don’t know if I even consider myself a visual learner, but I sure do love infographics.

What’s your favorite Cool Guide? Tell us in the comments!

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Check Out the Ways You Can Make a Complete Stranger Smile

All of us could use a smile from a stranger these days.

In fact, according to SCL Health:

When you smile, your brain releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides to help fight off stress. Then other neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin and endorphins come into play too. The endorphins act as a mild pain reliever, whereas the serotonin is an antidepressant. One study even suggests that smiling can help us recover faster from stress and reduce our heart rate.

With that in mind, going out of your way to help someone smile seems like quite an act of community service.

But how do you bring a smile to someone’s face? That’s where random acts of kindness come in.

Here are 9 ways you can make someone smile–and make yourself feel good in the process!

1. Literally just say hello

As funny as the Progressive commercial is where the seminar instructor says, “The waiter doesn’t need to know your name,” sometimes it’s nice to make that personal connection.

They probably don’t care about your name, but I’ve seen servers who seem touched and genuinely surprised when I ask how they are.

Sometimes, just waving at someone or saying hello is enough to remind them that they’re not alone, they’re not here just to serve you, they’re not here just to get yelled at by the guy who wanted something they couldn’t give.

So make that personal connection, and you just might make someone’s day.

Image credit: Mayank Baranwal via Unsplash

2. Be the office snack fairy

It’s no secret that the office-shtick can get pretty dull.

Same old work, same old breaks, same old snacks in the vending machine.

You will immediately have more friends if you surprise your coworkers with a treat for National Donut Day.

And it doesn’t have to be sweet treats. People love free food. (Maybe not spinach.)

Just make sure that if you’re bringing them nice treats you’re not a total goblin the rest of the time, or they might not trust the snacks you suddenly bestow!

Image credit: Devon Divine via Unsplash

3. Think of the children

It honestly doesn’t take much to make kids happy.

Couple crayons, a pad of paper or a coloring sheet–restaurants figured it out years ago.

Reader’s Digest points out that such items can be donated to local police stations.

When the police are called to a home where there are children, one officer can engage the kids while the other handles the situation. This is a great way to calm and distract children during what can be a very frightening experience.

I never would have thought of this, but it seems like a great way to help a kid in need.

Image credit: Lucas Alexander via Unsplash

4. Help out a selfie-taker

It’s one thing when you’re a tourist yourself.

You and a stranger are standing there taking the same picture of the same thing.

You offer to take their picture for them, they offer to take yours next.

But you can also make someone’s day by being the friendly local.

When you see a tourist trying to take a selfie, if you have the time to stop and offer to take their picture for them, it can really make a difference in their experience of your city.

Image credit: Erik McLean via Unsplash

5. Buy a lottery ticket – and give it away!

Half the fun of a lottery ticket is the game, right?

Whether it’s a scratch off or a big prize, the fun is in the possibility and what it might represent.

They’re not expensive, but everyone loves to talk about what they would do if they won, even if they never play.

Why not buy one and just *poof* – give it away?

Maybe your good karma will return to you in unexpected ways.

Image credit: Emiliano Vittoriosi via Unsplash

6. Check on the elderly

Maybe it’s a friend, a neighbor, or a family member.

Maybe they’re shut in most of the time with no one to talk to, or they just need a hand around the house.

Whatever the reason, the elderly are often forgotten as we get busy and go about our lives.

Time speeds up for us, because we have 1001 things to do: work, kids, walk the dog, make the dinner, prep for the meeting, fold the laundry, wash the dishes, rinse, repeat.

But sometimes after retirement, especially if you’re on your own, time can start to slow down and feel endless, even as the days blur together.

So give them a call. Write them a letter. Drop by with treats.

Just let them know they’re not forgotten.

Image credit: Nick Karvounis via Unsplash

7. Help a friend who needs self-care

It’s hard to remember to slow down and unwind.

Sometimes, if you can even find the time, it’s hard to give yourself permission.

But it’s EASY to remind other people and give other people permission.

When you can see what a friend needs, remind them that it’s okay.

Whether that’s helping them remember to take a deep breath and feel their feelings when they’re stressing out, suggesting a book to read, inviting them on a walk, or even offering to take their kids off their hands for long enough for them to do their errands in peace…

People generally know what they need, but they’re hesitant to ask for it–or allow themselves to have it.

Reminding someone that it’s okay to take time for themselves can be exactly what they need.

Image credit: Toa Heftiba via Unsplash

8. MAKE your friend practice self-care

We’ve all been feeling the distance lately.

It’s hard when the ones you love are far away.

Never forgotten, but not always front of mind–sometimes we need to step back and think about them, and find a way to make sure that they know that we are.

You could send them a gift card for coffee, or mail them a nice letter.

Did you know that you can actually have SOUP delivered these days?

There are lots of ways to show someone you care.

Image credit: Natural Chef Carolyn Nicholas via Unsplash

9. Leave some coins behind

Ever been at the laundromat and realized you were short on quarters?

Or the vending machine ate your last dollar and you have a major case of the afternoon hangries?

Or how about that person who blows out their tire at midnight coming home from the airport, and they need quarters for the air pump for the spare? (Yes, I’ve been that person.)

Leaving a roll of quarters, or even just a dollar’s worth of change, with a note that they’re free could really help a person out of a jam.

Image credit: Matthew Lancaster via Unsplash

Well I’m sold. Those are all great ways to make someone smile, and feel like you’re making the world a little better.

What’s your favorite random act of kindness? Drop it in the comments.

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This Scrawny, Maltreated Kitten Found Love and a Forever Home

You’ve heard the story of the ugly duckling that turned into the swan.

But how about the one about the scrawny kitten that turned into a calico?

This little Australian kitten, originally called Lulu, got a second shot at life thanks to a caring foster family.

Image credit: Best Friends Felines

The foster mom, Kiki, told Bored Panda that Lulu had been surrendered by her owner to be euthanized, but rather than putting the malnourished kitten to sleep, the veterinarian called Best Friends Felines, on Queensland’s Gold Coast.

“Lulu was riddled with fleas, loaded with hookworm, totally emaciated, and mostly bald as the babies were so hungry they ate each other’s fur to try and get some nutrition and sustenance into them.”

It’s a heartbreaking story, but thank goodness for Lulu that she was taken to the right vet who knew just what to do for her.

Image credit: Best Friends Felines

Lulu was the only survivor of her litter.

Image credit: Best Friends Felines

Yes, she was a fighter.

“She was tiny but mighty with such a will to fight to live.”

As she recovered at Kiki’s, she immediately stole the foster mom’s heart–and demanded lots of attention, not just because she was sickly and needed lots of TLC.

Image credit: Best Friends Felines

And what a personality!

“She has the biggest personality, boldly confident and super outgoing. She was never ashamed to yell for your attention and demand cuddles! She adored everyone she met, from humans to other cats and dogs.”

As bad off as she was, little Lulu could have been in even worse shape.

On a proper diet, and with the fleas and worms under control, she grew quickly filling out to the proper size that a kitten ought to be.

Once out of “intensive care” at Kiki’s, Lulu moved in with another foster who had a single kitten in similar condition, called Peach.

Image credit: Best Friends Felines

Lulu and Peach immediately became BFFs, each recognizing a kindred spirit when she saw one.

After so much good care and attention, Lulu was healthy enough for adoption, and she went to her forever home with Reece, who renamed her Ciri.

Image credit: Best Friends Felines

Now Ciri is all grown up, a gorgeous calico cat who you would never guess had such a scary start to life.

Isn’t it wonderful, what modern veterinary medicine and a lot of love can do?

Image credit: Best Friends Felines

What do you think of Ciri’s story? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Thanks cat fam!

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Jaden Smith Has a Restaurant that Feeds the Homeless for Free

Sometimes I look around and the world seems pretty awful.

But that’s big picture. It’s funny because the song “From a Distance” talks about how if you zoom out far enough, the world looks fine and we’re all just people. No hunger, no war, etc. And that’s fair enough. Mother Earth looks pretty beautiful from Space. But all the bad stuff in the world–war, poverty, pandemics–those are all big things. And it’s easy to get overwhelmed by them.

Sometimes you have to put the big picture stuff on hold, and look for hope in the details. Like teenage Mari Copeny, aka Little Miss Flint trying to solve not only the water crisis in Michigan, but to help kids out in other ways too.

Or young Greta Thunberg inspiring an entire generation to work towards climate change. And don’t forget Boyan Slat who, at the age of 18, began to take on ocean plastic. This generation of young people is AMAZING, and there are so many stories of them that make the future seem a lot brighter.

One example is 22-year-old Jaden Smith, off-spring of LA power couple Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, who is working hard to solve the food crisis in LA. Two years ago, Jaden started a food truck called “The I Love You Restaurant” with a mission of supplying healthy, vegan meals to the homeless on Skid Row for free.


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The reason behind this act of charity is pretty clear: selfless love for others.

But Jaden didn’t stop there. According to Tank’s Good News:

During the pandemic, Smith found a way to supply care packages to Skid Row that included food, masks, other clothing items, and hand sanitizer.


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Taking care of those in need is a pretty epic way to exist in the world.

Together with partner Drew FitzGerald, Jaden launched a charity cleverly named 501cthree with a mission centered around “deploying solutions for energy, food, water & shelter.”

They started with a water box to provide clean, filtered water in Little Miss Flint’s domain.


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Still running the food truck, and popping up in places like the Midnight Mission to scale up their services, Jaden is looking forward to a new endeavor.


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Next up will be an actual physical dine-in version of the “I Love You Restaurant” food truck, still free for the homeless, but serving the entire community and charging customers who are able to pay, to help fund the endeavor and allow diners to “pay it forward.”


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What a remarkable young person. The kids really are all right. I can’t wait to see what they do next.

Do you know of an amazing teen or young adult that is going to do big things in the world? Tell us in the comments.

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