This Guy Refutes That the Gender Pay Gap Is a Myth and His Video Went Viral

People don’t really like to talk about money. Whether because we think it’s rude or because we don’t understand it, as a species, we’re not super comfortable with it.

But most women who have had a conversation with a male coworker on the taboo subject of salary can verify that the gender pay gap is very real. Still, sometimes I guess the world needs a man to prove it.

Like many head-scratching things, the gender pay gap has been turned into a political issue.

So it came as little surprise recently when Dennis Prager, a radio personality and socially conservative political commentator popped off about the issue, describing it as a myth.

Dennis Prager asks Why would any employer employ a man?

Image credit: TikTok

He posted his patronizing bad take on TikTok, but the backlash was so intense that he has since deleted his account.

One response came from James Ray, who uses his account @jamesgetspolitical and his economics degree to combat misinformation on social and political issues.

In his video, which has almost 2 million views and has been shared more than 10 thousand times, James quickly and eloquently explains two reasons the employers still hire men, despite them costing more than women: customer bias and hiring manager bias.

Both often lead to women losing out on jobs to men, or to being paid less when they do land the job.

You can watch the full video here:


Labor market time 😈 #greenscreenvideo #leftist #liberal #democrat #women #FindYourCore #fyp #4u #reply #politics #usa #money

♬ original sound – James Ray

When interviewed by Bored Panda James explained his video response to Praeger.

“He spews very hateful unfounded rhetoric to his audience and I think the disinformation and overall problematic nature of his content have made me dislike him considerably!”

The artful take-down was not the only one on James’s account, either.

His account is full of critiques of bad takes, like this one, where he explains why popular arguments against a minimum wage increase are silly:


Econ tea time #greenscreenvideo #leftist #liberal #democrat #politics #usa #fyp #4u #money #ChipsGotTalent #economics #education #lesson #teacher

♬ Lofi – Domknowz

And this one, about making Washington, DC a state:


Can we stop treating the founding father’s like Gods idk #greenscreensticker #leftist #liberal #democrat #politics #usa #fyp #4u #TikTokGGT #DC

♬ Spongebob – Dante9k

He also responded to a white dude who was emoting on why everyone’s hating on white dudes:


#stitch with @itzbengee I actually might know! leftist #liberal #democrat #politics #usa #fyp #4u #history #education #MillionActsofLove

♬ original sound – James Ray

If you are progressive or want to learn about progressive politics, you’ll enjoy his videos.

What do you think of his explanation of the pay gap? Are you ready to join the fight or do you have your own hot take?

Let us know in the comments.

The post This Guy Refutes That the Gender Pay Gap Is a Myth and His Video Went Viral appeared first on UberFacts.

A New Orleans Bar Sets a New Standard for Dealing with Spiked Drinks

As women, we have to be constantly on our guard, especially out at drinking establishments.

The threat of someone spiking an unattended drink is a fear we can all relate to.

That’s why it’s so heartening to hear a story about people watching out for one another.

Back in April, Reddit user xXSlimi_Gacha009 asked:

Bartenders of reddit, what was the weirdest/craziest thing you have overheard while making someone’s drink? from AskReddit

There were lots of interesting responses, but the story that really stood out came from a user called Pinkyfitts, who was not actually a bartender.

The year was 2007 or 2008. The bar was called Tipitina’s, a venue in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Don’t know if this is common but:

Was sitting at a bar with a band. It was noisy and crowded. Some girl comes up next to where I was sitting and tells the bartender “excuse me, but I just saw that guy ( customer) right there put something in that girl’s drink”. I didn’t see the guy she pointed to. Bartender turns around and said something, I suspect a code word to somebody, and BAM. Immediately all the lights go on, the manager steps on stage, stops the band, and makes the following announcement:

Color me impressed already. I can’t believe they actually stopped the band.

The manager said:

“Attention: We have a report that someone in this room possibly drugged a young ladie’s drink. We request that all women here immediately put down your drink and don’t take another sip. We will replace your drink for free. If you are that young lady, we will notify you when you come to the bar. If anyone is feeling sick or weak please let us know.”

I’m especially pleased to see this response from management.

They not only at the cost of the alcohol, but they sent a signal to their patrons that women were safe and valued, and that antisocial behavior would not be tolerated.

Pinkyfitts goes on to explain:

Wow. Lights stayed on. Band remained off. For a long time, maybe an hour. Cheers from the crowd and nobody complained. Don’t know what the guy did because I didn’t know which guy it was.

That place rocks.

Another bar shared a story how they did it…

Image Credit: Reddit

Like many of the commenters stated, if I lived locally, Tipitina’s would become my new favorite watering hole.

Image Credit: Reddit

And they’d get some BIG tips.

Image Credit: Reddit

Interviewed by Bored Panda, Pinkyfitts tells more of the story:

“The bar is a very old bar in New Orleans, it’s a music venue/bar. It’s loud and hot. It has a ticket entrance, and has some pretty good bands. It’s well known, called Tipitina’s. I have been going there since the late 1980s, so already had an impression of the place. Typical non-French Quarter music venue/bar, more local than touristy. It’s not fancy, but has great music and is usually crowded.”

I will now be telling everyone I know who wants to take in a show in New Orleans to check out this place.

Pinkyfitts also told Bored Panda:

“The bar did not get less crowded, but then there was a charge to get in, and it was clear the band was going to restart, so that may have played a big role. I could not tell which woman’s drink was involved, or which man was suspect as I didn’t see who the witness pointed at. I don’t know if the police were called or a confrontation with the involved people, but that could have easily been out on the sidewalk.”

Although the events in this story occurred shortly after the time of Hurricane Katrina, it’s good to know that the bar is still in business.

And thankfully, Tipitina’s owners appear to have found a way to survive the pandemic, including by streaming some of their shows online.

Even though this is exactly how every bar should behave, it’s really good to hear about it actually happening.

Many Reddit users had similar stories of bartenders to the rescue. What about you? Share your story in the comments.

The post A New Orleans Bar Sets a New Standard for Dealing with Spiked Drinks appeared first on UberFacts.

A TikTok User Asked for Examples of Men Who Are Insecure, and the Video Went Viral

We all know some guys who have to prove how masculine they are.

There are the old jokes about the size of his car proving that he’s compensating for something.

American men especially are brought up to perceive a very narrowly defined definition of masculinity as “right.”

Recently, a TikTok user challenged those assumptions when he asked his followers what their biggest indicator was for a man feeling insecure in his masculinity.


Stitch or Duet me with your favorite indicator!! #stitchthis #toxicmasculinity #peab

♬ Esco Like Yhop ft. Shawn P – Èsco Upp🗣

He also provided his own answer.

“I’ll go first. As soon as a man refers to himself as an ‘alpha,’ …”

In many circles, this is referred to as toxic masculinity.

Buzzfeed explains:

According to, toxic masculinity is defined as “a cultural concept of manliness that glorifies stoicism, strength, virility, and dominance, and that is socially maladaptive or harmful to mental health.”

Here are some of the top responses that @richtiktoxic, a photographer and environmentalist, received:

Mal: when they lift their cars/truck unnecessarily high to make their vehicle look bigger (laughing face with crying eyes). RichTikToxic: THIS.

Image credit: TikTok

A lot of the responses shared similar themes.

One indicator was an obsession with money:

“When they get upset at how much money you make.”


“I made more money than my ex, so I would pay for things. But he wouldn’t let me pay — as in, he wouldn’t let me physically hand my card over to the server. So when the server would come, my ex would look me straight in the eyes and say, ‘I got this, babe.’ Then, he would hand her my card.”


Another common theme was emphasizing their straightness.

Zsuuuuu: being weirdly specific about how he's not gay.

Image credit: TikTok

“When they refer to themselves as ‘super straight.’” —@reggieherold

A very common theme centered on a general aversion to anything associated with being female.

Redd: When they refuse to talk about anything relating to eMoTiONs because it's too girly.

Image credit: TikTok

“When he says, ‘Periods are gross.’”


“Whenever they find ANY reason to discredit women’s issues.”


Zeke Yeager: Refuse to do any form of self care because it's only for woman (rolling eyes emoji)

Image credit: TikTok

“When they hate or dislike something for the sole reason for it being a ‘girls thing.’”


Many women found it was a big red flag if the guy won’t help you out with your bag.

user8830742952726: Omggggg if they refuse to hold your purse. (frowning face)

Image credit: TikTok

And of course several reasons just fell into the category of having a generally gross personality.

“Whenever someone gets off on hating everything and constantly projecting toughness. I was like that when I was, like, 15, and my entire personality was a device to try and convince people I was tough in some way. Like, if a new song came out, I had to assert that it was terrible.”


“When they won’t date a tall girl.”


“Owning guns is a personality trait rather than just owning them.”


“It was when he said ‘I’m the BOSS in this relationship’ for me 💯


These would definitely all be red flags for me. What do you think? What is the most obvious indicator for you?

Let us know in the comments.

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This Kid Went Viral After Walking in on His Dad and It Reminds Us of All the Hilarious Zoom Mishaps

Where were you on November 6, 2020?

If you were like a lot of Americans, you may have been glued to the news.

Together as a country, many of us witnessed a funny moment when the Attorney General of Pennsylvania, Josh Shaprio, was interrupted during an MSNBC interview by an unwitting family member. It was a moment of levity that we all needed. I personally LOL’d.

The past year has definitely been a time for video call mishaps. Remember the boss who turned himself into a potato?

Or the defendant who was definitely not a cat?

Well it was a similar story last November, when Attorney General Shapiro was speaking to MSNBC about serious election issues, when his teenage son wandered into the shot.

The poor kid was frozen for about a second in horror, before slipping away.

One user responded that it was the 2020 version of another popular meme:

That was a tense week, and the laugh couldn’t have come at a better time.

Delighted by the break from serious news, Twitter went wild, with many users comparing the teen’s hasty retreat to Homer Simpson.

A lot of users were also reminded of a similar funny interruption of “BBC Dad” in 2017:

For his part, Shapiro took the whole thing in stride, joking about it with people on Twitter:

Every parent who tried to work from home last year or helped their child with remote schooling has some kind of story like this.

They just didn’t all happen on national news.

What about you? Did you have any funny Zoom mishaps? Share them in the comments.

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Check Out This Awesome Dueling Lightsaber Battle in the Rocky Mountain Snow

Playing in the snow can be hard to resist. Sure it eventually turns to gray muck, and sometimes it needs to be shoveled.

But not being from an area that gets much snow, for me, it’s a little bit magical.

My husband’s favorite childhood memories are of playing football in the snow, and the last time we had a real one, I took the opportunity to build a snow man!

So it’s no wonder that some people in Colorado, who are used to getting plenty of snow, made a little magic of their own last February by engaging in a lightsaber duel.

Apparently, this is not the first time Coloradans have engaged in public Star Wars role play.

It’s not even the second time:

But one particular Friday evening, a young woman named Anghelie Elizabeth posted a video to her Facebook page of two people dressed in black, their swords clacking loudly together as they dueled in the snow.

Sadly, they do not make the electronic sounds you hear in the movies, but it’s still a blast to watch.

You can hear Elizabeth laughing in the background as she zooms in on the dueling duo.

One fighter has a blue saber like Anakin, Luke, and Rey. The other holds an orange lightsaber, which according to

In the Star Wars Legends, the only known characters who have used Orange Lightsabers are Master Yaddle and Plo Koon. Both are Jedi but only the former used an Orange saber typically.

The snow definitely makes it epic, but I feel like we need a bombastic soundtrack. Think John Williams is available?

At just 30 seconds long, it’s not clear who won the battle, but it sure looks like everyone had a lot of fun. Take a look for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments!

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Posted by Anghelie Elizabeth on Saturday, February 20, 2021

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A High School Student Used TikTok to Organize a Student Strike to Support Her Teachers

None of us are surprised that teachers in many school districts are not paid their worth.

I mean, how do you put a price on the people responsible for teaching the next generation? I guess some districts view it as a low priority.

This debate over teachers salaries and benefits hits home, as I have many family and friends in the education field. Many times, budgets are cut, and teachers end up pulling out their own wallets to pay for supplies and books for their classrooms. No questions asked. Because their students need a quality education, regardless of what budgets say.

And a lot of students don’t see that.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

That is until 16-year-old, Gillian Sullivan’s TikTok video hit social media.

TikTok was once as a lip-syncing app, but it has changed its features to include short, funny videos, much like the late Vine.

Sullivan took to the platform and voiced her concerns for the teachers of Clark County School District in Nevada. The teachers are planning to strike on September 10th in order to protest denied raises that had been promised by the school district. Sullivan’s video was used to gather students to strike along with them in a show of solidarity set for September 5th.

“Our district is refusing to give teachers — who spent the past three years earning enough credits out of their own pockets, spending extra hours outside of school to earn credits to get a raise. And our school district won’t give it to them. Like, literally, they won’t pay the teachers what the teachers earned,” Gillian says in the video.

Negotiations for salary increases have been going on for three years according to KSNV:

“…the union says teachers are owed for professional development. The union says 2,500 teachers are owed $5,400 under an agreement with CCSD three years ago.”

Sullivan told BuzzFeed News that this is personal. Her mother has been employed by the district for 20 years.

 “I can’t even imagine how frustrating it must be to work at a job and be promised a raise contractually and then not be guaranteed that.”

With that passion, she took to her TikTok account.

“That night, I posted on TikTok, my Instagram story, and my Snapchat story, and I posted the TikTok I made on Twitter as well,” she said. “I just figured I might as well use social media because I know all my friends are on it, and it’s a good way to get stuff out there.”

Photo Credit: CCSD

The result? A viral video receiving 35,000 likes. No surprise, as CCSD is the fifth-largest school district in the nation, educating 315,000 students.

The aftermath of this sensation has been positive for Sullivan.

“A lot of people in my classes have been talking about it. Today one of my teachers brought it up, like, ‘Hey, who’s not gonna be here the fifth?’ and like 10 kids raised their hand in that class alone. A lot of teachers have said they’re proud of me and really appreciate that I’m getting students involved.”

Here’s to hoping her voice continues to make an impact for teacher at CCSD and other districts.

“This raise issue isn’t just about money — it’s driving teachers’ passion out,” she said. “When teachers aren’t passionate, it really affects the students. When teachers don’t care about they’re teaching, students don’t care about what they’re learning. And we’re not that important currently, but we’re the future of the nation and the school district.”

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