People Discuss How They Turned Their Lives Around

I love a great story about someone who was down on their luck, saw little to no hope in the future, and then turned their life around for the better.

It gets me every time!

Because there are few things as inspiring as a feel-good, comeback story, right?

AskReddit users shared their personal stories about turning their lives around.

Let’s take a look.

1. A big move.

“I grew up in South Florida during the beginning of the opioid craziness.

From 2006-2011 things got pretty bad. I’m 2011 I sold my last possession, my car for $800 packed 2 suitcases and bought a bus ticket to Denver. Never been to Denver, didn’t know anyone there but weed was starting to be legal and I didn’t want to miss out.

I detoxed on the bus going from Florida to Colorado. Do not recommend. I got lucky and ended up sitting next to a guy that was a grower and needed help in his garden. I didn’t know it at the time but on the Greyhound he said I had an 8 hour job interview.

Got to Denver and he really helped me get established. Within 2 months I was sleeping on his couch and learning how to grow. Haven’t touched a pain killer since I got on that bus almost 9 and a half years ago and now I’m married, home owner, decent car, and working my dream job in the cannabis industry.

It’s not for everyone, but I literally went from homeless sticking needles in my arm to living a life better than I could have ever imagined.”

2. On the road to happiness.

“I wasn’t happy.

I lost weight, shaved head, got tattoos, travel more, complain less. Everything I do is for myself. I have a long way to go.

If it’s me trying to impress someone it never sticks. You have to want to do it yourself.”

3. Life changes.

“Left an abusive home, went to university at 18, got lost in a black hole of depression, drugs and debt for three years, dropped out. Literally can’t even remember half of it.

Broke, desperate, I called up my estranged dad and he helped me get back on my feet, gave me a loan and kept me alive while I battled daily suicidal ideation and worked part time. Eventually graduated.

Now I’m 30 and my fiancé is supporting me while I go through therapy. I even have some money in savings and we’re talking about buying a home.”

4. A good move.

“Forced myself to become a couch-surfing loser in order to reset myself. I was in my 20’s with no job, and no school just bumming at my mom’s place and drinking away any cash I could get my hands on while playing video games 24/7.

Mom loves me unconditionally, which is good, but it basically enabled me because she would never throw me out. I realized I was a f*cking loser and kicked myself out to become “homeless” (but not really), and bummed at my buddies’ places until I could get a job and a place to live.

Now I not only have a well-paying job and a nice (enough) place, but a wife I love and 2 cats and I haven’t hit 30 yet. I just needed to feel the hunger to realize I wanted more.”

5. It’s up to you.

“By taking responsibility.

What I mean by that is that by accepting that This life is mine and I’m the only one that can turn it around. Nobody else . I quit drinking and smoking and all other bad habits And I started training and counting calories to lose weight .

2 years later I’m healthier than ever I’m surrounded by people who I love and love me , I got rid of all toxic people in my life ( including my family ) and I’m about to get married and start my own business .”

6. Enough is enough.

“Was always chubby while growing up. Had been yoyo dieting for almost a decade. It eventually got to the point where the dieting wasn’t effective, i couldn’t lose the weight and wasn’t even eating much.

I decided enough was enough and I was going to beat that f*cking eating addiction.

I remember walking into the kitchen being fed up with the scale, the food, my body. I thought to myself, this is absurd, im not eating much yet I still can’t lose. Im done with this sh*t. I stubborned up.

Cut the junk food, the snacks, and the irregular eating. Within 2 weeks my body caught up. It’s been 2 years since and I am proud to say that I’m actually in love with the way I look. And I dont even look perfect. But I’m content. Am no longer addicted to food and do eat intuitively.

Its not just the food addiction though. As soon as i got that under control, every other aspect of my life has improved significantly. I just feel happier overall…”

7. Leaving Detroit.

“Lived in Detroit. Skies are grey. Got laid off because management made an absolute mess out of the merger. Next door neighbor got murdered.

Decided the city will be the death of me and my happiness, too. Sold the house. Bought a van. Moved to L.A.. Went to school. Now I am doing some of the coolest sh*t imaginable. A number of publications.

Trips to the jungle. Exploring uncharted caves. Meeting celebs. Jumping out of airplanes. Presenting at academic conferences. Now trying to get into a Ph.D. program in archaeology.

That’s it in a nutshell.”

8. Taking control.

“I realized that I needed control of my life…. I was on a bad path to life in jail, and was listening to a bad crowed…. Jail or death were the paths infront of me. One day wile cleaning dishes it dawned on me that I had more worth. I could do better then that.

I now run tow truck and LOVE it. I get to help people and make smiles happen on so many faces it’s not even funny.

I give them a little knowledge along the way cas I know a thing or two. But tell them to take it with a grain of salt as I’m not a mechanic but it’s a start to what may save them money.”

9. No more dead ends.

“I was a high school dropout in a dead end job earning $30k per year.

Found out my girlfriend was pregnant when we were only 20 and had visions of being a deadbeat broke dad who couldn’t provide for a kid I brought in to the world.

So I did a bridging course and went to university at 21 just as my daughter was born. Married my GF at 24 and have since had 2 more kids.

Comfortably earn $200k a year and have a great career and feel like everything just fell in to place.”

10. Good for you!

“After getting arrested and looking forward to nothing but getting f*cked up on something, I found myself sitting under a bridge with a group of friends trying to scrape together money to buy drugs.

A few of them were in their thirties and I was a teenager at the time. After coming down I made up my mind that I didn’t want to end up like them. I joined the military, met the love of my life and settled down in a different part of the country.

I have a great career, a family, and am still happily married. Finding a way to leave was the best decision I ever made. “Under the Bridge” by RHCP is still to this day a very personal song that strongly resonates with me.”

11. Time to focus.

“My girlfriend at the time dumped me to get back with her ex and i remember asker her why and one of the things she said was she saw how hard i struggled with school and didn’t think she could be with someone who wasn’t going to be successful.

After a couple of months of being depressed i ended up internalizing what she said and dropped out of school to focus on culinary (i was already working in kitchens but going to school for business) ended up doing really well and now i run a pretty succesful meal prepping business and do private dinners on the side.”

12. Wow.

“After college I got my first real job (IT). I met a girl at work. She had a baby but the daddy wasn’t in the picture. We got married, bought a house in the suburbs and a couple cars…cause that is what I thought you were supposed to do.

Two years later, we were both miserable and she found comfort in the arms of another man. I was at a total loss. My marriage failed, my contract was running out at work and I was super depressed.

The turning point was when my father asked me “who do you know who lives the furthest away that you could go visit?” I told him I had two close friends living in Los Angeles and he said “I’m buying you a plane ticket.”

That simple act changed everything. I went to LA and had a blast with my friends who convinced me to move out and live with them. I flew back home, filed for divorce, sold the house and the cars and packed up my sh*t and left.

That was 20 years ago. Since then I have remarried to an amazing woman. Have two incredible kids. Lived in LA, NYC and now Denver. I have traveled extensively, partied with rock stars, laughed so hard it literally hurt.

I can’t even imagine what live would have been like if I stayed with my first wife, if she hadn’t cheated, if I had let her convince me to stick around and be her baby daddy despite running off with another dude.

I saw her once many years later at a wedding. She said she was sorry for what she had done. I said don’t be and thanked her for it.”

13. Listen to yourself.

“Stopped doing what other people said I should do and started doing the things I thought I should do.”

14. Good advice.

“Eating healthier, sleeping well, and exercising regularly.

The benefits of those three are so noticeable. You feel more energized and motivated.”

15. Excited for the future.

“Bad decisions got me kicked out at 13.

I was homeless for a few weeks until I found a little old lady willing to rent out her severely fire damaged mobile home in the backyard to me for $100/wk. Did that for a few months til I found another little old lady willing to rent out a 1 bed/bath apt/addition to her home.

I think it was $300/mth and I had to do yard work and repairs. Did that for years until I left to go to college. Struggled in college because I was a full-time student while working 2 full time jobs. Met my wife. Got my degree. Tried to reconnect with my parents. It’s tough.

Got married. And then struggled to find lucrative work for a year. Things have been improving exponentially since.

Work like crazy, save like mad, invest aggressively. Bought our first house for cash in 2017, had our first baby in 2019, and hit millionaire status in August 2020.

Excited for what your future will bring!!”

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us how you turned your life around.

We’d love to hear from you!

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Artist Photoshops Cat Faces Onto All Kinds of Stuff and It’s Pretty Funny

Are you ready for cats, cats, and more cats!

What else do you need in life, really? As I’ve said many times before, we work for them, they are our overlords, they KNOW it, and if you dare to speak out against them, you will pay dearly…I think you know what I’m talking about…just keep your mouth shut and play by the rules…

Anyway, an artist on Instagram who goes by the handle koty_vezde uses Photoshop to make some hilarious mash-ups where he incorporates cat heads into just about everything from other animals to food to anything else you can imagine…

Are you ready for this? Let’s check it out!

1. Watching from above.

That’s a little bit creepy.

2. The elusive enormous cat with antlers.

You don’t see that very often.

3. A sea cat!

Deep below the surface…

4. Are you hungry?

I don’t think I’d be able to take a bite of that! Too cute!

5. Yes! Cat alpacas!

It doesn’t get any better than that!

6. Freshly hatched!

Welcome to the world!

7. A cat-o-saur.

A truly ferocious beast.

8. Check out this family portrait.

They look very serious…and kind of spooky.

9. You knew this was coming.

Hey, it looks pretty good!

10. Care for a kitty breakfast?

If so, dig in!

11. In the great outdoors.

Just take all the majesty in…

12. A very wise cat…

That you shouldn’t mess with.

Those are great!

Have you seen any other funny social media accounts lately?

Maybe on Twitter? Instagram? Facebook?

If so, please share them with us in the comments. Thanks in advance!

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Ben & Jerry’s Has a Graveyard for Their Discontinued Flavors

Is there anyone out there who doesn’t love ice cream? And who doesn’t love Ben & Jerry’s?

I hear a deafening silence in my head right now, so I’m going to assume the answer to both of those questions is NO ONE. We all love it!

But I was not aware that the famous ice cream giants have a funny graveyard where some of the former flavors that they discontinued will lie for eternity. Yes, we’re talking about dead ice cream flavors here, ladies and gents.

Did you know about this? WHY WAS I NOT AWARE OF THIS?

Well, take a look at the gravestones below and let us know if you tried any of these flavors before they got the axe. Enjoy!

1. White Russian.

Sounds like it was pretty tasty.

Ben & Jerry's Flavor Graveyard: White Russian

2. Fresh Georgia Peach.

But it couldn’t last…

Ben & Jerry's flavor graveyard

3. Fossil Fuel.

Maybe the name killed it?

Ben & Jerry's - Waterbury, Vermont

4. Cool Britannia.

A totally smashing flavor!

Ben & Jerry's Flavor Graveyard: Cool Britannia

5. Holy Cannoli.

I’d like to try this one.

Ben & Jerry's Flavor Graveyard: Holy Cannoli

6. Tennessee Mud.

It was not meant to last…

Ben & Jerry's Flavor Graveyard: Tennessee Mud

7. Dastardly Mash.

What caused its demise?

Ben & Jerry's Flavor Graveyard: Dastardly Mash

8. Rainforest Crunch.

“Got sticky between our braces.”


9. Peanuts! Popcorn!

An interesting concoction.

RIP Peanuts Popcorn

10. Aloha Macadamia.

I’d be all over this one.


11. This is Nuts.

You know where they were headed with this one!

Ben & Jerry's graveyard: This is Nuts

12. Urban Jumble.

It was all mixed up.

Ben & Jerry's Flavor Graveyard

That’s awesome!

Now we want to hear from you!

Have you seen anything really funny or interesting online or on social media lately?

If so, please tell us about it in the comments and share some photos and some links if you got ’em.

Thanks a lot!

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These People All Posted Weird and Incorrect Things Online…Also Known as FAILS

Human beings…when will they ever learn…?

It sure seems like they put their feet in their mouth or do something incredibly stupid all the time, doesn’t it?

Well, we can’t make people get any smarter and if we tried we’d fail miserably, so I guess the next best thing we can do is LAUGH AT THEM. Because laughter is the best medicine and we could all use a good laugh right about now.

And these people you’re about to see, they’re gonna provide you with some Grade A, hilarious fails that might make you feel a little bit better about yourself.

1. This is gonna be one hell of a meeting.

Only one person allowed…

Ok…? from facepalm

2. Is this person a chef?

I feel like they might be a chef.

Those fancy names from facepalm

3. You are a LIAR!

And you just got caught.

Hmmm from facepalm

4. Still alive!

Just so you know…you probably could have looked that up very easily.

I’m uncomfortable. from facepalm

5. A DUI is a DUI.

No way around it, buddy.

Test Positive for DUI from facepalm

6. GoldiLion and the Three Dogs.

I remember it well…

Bless, he’s so tired 😂 from facepalm

7. Chicken corn on blue.

One of my favorite dishes.

chicken corn on blue from BoneAppleTea

8. Be gentle with the during meta-pause.

A lot of different emotions going on.

Meta-pause from BoneAppleTea

9. This is so amazing.

How do you not know this? HOW?

suck-shin-cup from BoneAppleTea

10. Gotta delicate that work out.

Be a good delicator!

Delicate. Words of wisdom! from BoneAppleTea

11. Wow…not sure what to say about this one.

Pretty mind-blowing.

In Car Serrated from BoneAppleTea

12. Hahahahaha. Yes! Incredible!

The best kinds of citizens.

Law biting citizens are the best kind of citizens. from BoneAppleTea

Now we want to hear from you!

Have you seen anything on social media lately that really made you laugh

Jokes? Tweets? Memes? Photos?

If so, please share them with us in the comments. Thanks in advance!

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All of These Students Should Have Proofread Their Papers Before They Turned Them in

Not long ago I was cramming for late-night exams and turning in papers in college that I’d worked so hard on.

In reality, it was quite a few years ago, but I do remember the stress and the anxiety that went along with those big, important papers that constituted a big chunk of my grades.

And I also remember the importance of PROOFREADING…which apparently, these folks did not. Because they all sent in un-proofread papers with errors that should make them blush.

Let’s just hope that their professors weren’t too hard on them…


Uh oh…better email your teacher.

2. Definitely a series of unfortunate events.

Oops! Sorry about that!

3. How’s your Thursday going?

That did not go very well…

4. THIS. This is how it’s going!

Don’t ask me again.

5. An incredible mistake.

Let’s hope your teacher has a good sense of humor.

6. This is the peak.

Not a good peak, by the way.

7. Incoherent screaming.

It happens to the best of us.

8. Here’s my to-do list.

That’s embarrassing.

9. That’s not good!

I can explain!

10. Not a bad title!

And you still got 100%!

11. Major facepalm.

Try not to do it again.

12. I love it!

I wonder what kind of grade she got…

13. Are you sure this was an accident?

I’m not sure I believe you.

Oh, boy…

Have ever done anything like this before? Maybe either in school or at work?

If so, tell us your stories in the comments.

We promise not to laugh…too much. Thanks!

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Ideas That Sounded Pretty Dumb But Were Pulled Off Perfectly

Do you ever get an idea that you think is totally awesoe but you don’t follow through with it because it sounds kind of silly?

Well, don’t listen to the doubters! You can pull it off!

These folks certainly did. Let’s see what they came up with.

1. That is great.

His and hers wedding cake from ATBGE

2. Read the fine print.

Conor McGregor’s suit of "Fuck you" from ATBGE

3. Very cool.

Grasshopper-Shaped locomotives stacked on top of each to create a diner in South Korean. from ATBGE

4. Hey, it worked!

Beaded hair portrait from ATBGE

5. Actually looks pretty cool.

this silica gel bag from ATBGE

6. My heart will go on.

This Titanic blow up slide. from ATBGE

7. Wear them with pride.

These Campbell’s tomato soup shoes I received for Christmas years ago. from ATBGE

8. Won’t miss this car on the street.

This car entirely colored with highlighters from mildlyinteresting

9. Nerd alert!

Brain winter hat. from pics

10. For all the hipsters out there.

This sweater from ATBGE

11. I might need to get this tattoo.

Lenny and Carl Yin Yang tattoo from ATBGE

12. Are you thirsty?

This cockroach cappuccino from ATBGE

Pretty cool, huh?

Have you ever created something like the items above that sounded wild but was pulled off?

Tell us all about it in the comments!

The post Ideas That Sounded Pretty Dumb But Were Pulled Off Perfectly appeared first on UberFacts.

A Botched Surgery Causes Pubic Hair to Grow on a Woman’s Face

It’s hard to deal with traumatic events – things like a dog biting a hole in your face, for instance. That’s exactly what happened to Crystal Coombs when she was 9 years old, according to People.

It bit an actual hole, in her face.

“It was open for a while. Like how the outside of Freddie Kruger’s face looks, with the burn? That’s what the inside looked like.”

That was clearly a horrible experience for a 9-year-old child, but her saga doesn’t end there.

The video below explains a bit more about why Coombs is seeking help from Botched, a reality TV series that connects people to doctors who help them after a past botched surgery.

Coombs reveals that she had a hole in her face for a good while before she eventually sought help. Though her doctor fixed her wound, unfortunately, there were some complications to the surgery that her doctor didn’t warn her about. She says,

“He suggested the skin graft, [and to] take it from the groin. They did the surgery, and then the hair started growing.”

Coombs has been growing pubic hair on her face since that surgery. And, in fact, the show’s Dr. Terry Dubrow told her that it’s rare for a doctor to grab a patch of skin from the groin in order to do this type of surgery, for this exact reason.

“They could’ve done the back, the abdomen. You obviously wouldn’t do the armpits.”

Typically, doctors do try and match skin as well as possible before a graft, but that appears not to have been a concern this time,

The show’s doctors did say that – hair aside – Coombs’ original surgeon did a good job with the surgery, and that they’d have to be careful with her next corrective surgery. It looks like Coombs will be fine soon enough.

What do you think of Crystal Coombs’ predicament? We’re all ears for your opinion in the comments!

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A Man Unwittingly Put Flowers on a Murderer’s Grave and Met the Woman of His Dreams

You really never know when you’re gonna find love, so it’s a good idea to always keep your eyes open!

A writer on Twitter shared his own personal love story that has to be seen to be believed.

Let’s look at this thread. Be sure to read the whole story because it takes a few twists and turns you won’t be expecting.

It even starts off in an unconventional way.

Flowers were common at the grave…

And then things got interesting…

He thought he was being nice…

But he had to know who he was…

And then things got very weird…

Oh boy.

So he did the only thing he thought he could…

And then things got awkward…

But, wait! Here’s a happy ending!

Bet you didn’t see that one coming, did you?

What can you say? True love happens in the most unusual places and when you least expect it.

Do you have a similar story? Share it in the comments, please!

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IKEA Told Kids to Bully a Plant for 30 Days. The Results Are Jaw-Dropping

In order to raise awareness about Anti-Bullying Day on May 4th, IKEA UAE conducted a truly unique experiment. They took two identical plants and placed them in a local school.

Both plants were cared for in the same way. They both had the same water, sunlight, and fertilizers. Their conditions were entirely the same except for one single notable exception – students were encouraged to pay regular compliments to one plant and to relentlessly bully the other.

After 30 days, the results were pretty clear. While the complimented plant thrived, the bullied plant showed significant signs of struggle with discolored, drooping leaves.

Ever wonder just how damaging bullying can be? What if you bullied a plant nonstop for a whole month?

Photo Credit: IKEA UAE/YouTube

IKEA decided to test this out as part of its campaign to raise awareness about Anti-Bullying Day on May 4th in the Middle East.

Photo Credit: IKEA UAE/YouTube

The experiment placed two identical plants in a local school.

Photo Credit: IKEA UAE/YouTube

One plant was given words of encouragement and compliments on a regular basis.

Photo Credit: IKEA UAE/YouTube

Photo Credit: IKEA UAE/YouTube

The other plant was verbally bullied with mean, hateful words.

Photo Credit: IKEA UAE/YouTube

Photo Credit: IKEA UAE/YouTube

Photo Credit: IKEA UAE/YouTube

Other than the type of words they were exposed to, the plants were treated exactly alike.

Photo Credit: IKEA UAE/YouTube

They both received equal amounts of water, sunlight, and fertilizers.

Photo Credit: IKEA UAE/YouTube

The final results are stunning.

Photo Credit: IKEA UAE/YouTube

Check out the video below to see the full experiment.

Viewers on YouTube had a lot to say about it.

Photo Credit: IKEA UAE/YouTube

Photo Credit: IKEA UAE/YouTube

Photo Credit: IKEA UAE/YouTube

It just goes to show how much power our words can have. I mean, if hurtful words can do this much damage to a plant, just imagine what they do to a person.

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Artist’s Adorable Illustrations Reveal the Hidden Side of Relationships

The prospect of a long-term relationship brings up pretty mixed reactions from people. Particularly for those who are single, long-term relationships might seem like a perfect romantic experience where couples sit around and cuddle and feed each other grapes all day. But anyone who’s actually been in a long-term relationship will tell you that that’s just not the case. Sure, there are tons of amazing moments that you’d never trade in a lifetime, but there are also plenty of others that aren’t as picture-perfect as Rom-Coms might have you believe.

But don’t just take my word for it. LA-based artist Amanda Oleander has been documenting the lives of couples behind closed doors and her work is way too relatable. She’s been dating a man named Joey for the past three years and is very open about how much their relationship has influenced her work. “Before I met Joey if anyone told me their love and relationship was like ours I wouldn’t believe it,” Oleander said in an interview with Bored Panda. ” It’s nothing less than amazing. We can’t get enough of each other.”

She went on to say that, “[She’s] enthralled by the way people behave behind closed doors, intimate moments we never get to see. Those are moments that can’t really be documented because if they were, it would alter the way the person behaved. So I draw them.”

You can check out some of Amanda’s work below.


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander

That’s as real as it gets.

The post Artist’s Adorable Illustrations Reveal the Hidden Side of Relationships appeared first on UberFacts.