Ghosts vs UFOs

A study conducted in 2019 revealed that among Americans, there has been a rise in the belief in ghosts and UFOs since 2007. It is interesting to note that men tend to have a higher belief in UFOs, while women tend to have a stronger belief in ghosts and witchcraft compared to the opposite gender.


Oumuamua is an object that passed through the solar system in 2017 and was initially thought to be an asteroid. However, its unusual shape and trajectory led some scientists to suggest that it could be an alien spacecraft. Scientists from the SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) proposed that Oumuamua could be a lightsail, a […]

Barney and Betty Hill abduction by aliens

Barney and Betty Hill were an American couple who claimed to have been abducted by aliens in 1961. According to their story, they were driving home from a vacation in Canada when they saw a strange object in the sky. They said that the object followed them, and eventually, they were taken aboard the spaceship […]

What’s the Best Theory About UFOs or Aliens? Here’s What People Said.

When I was in middle school, I read everything I could get my hands on about the supposed UFO incident in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.

And even though I’m not convinced that UFOs and aliens exist, I still like reading about it and hearing people talk about why they believe.

AskReddit users shared the best theories they’ve heard about UFOs and aliens.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Maybe?

“If aliens are on this planet, they are likely using the ocean as a place to hide.

The Nimitz encounter and some of the best actual video evidence we have shows that UFOs and USOs might be the same thing and that they can easily travel through water and air both.

Plus there have been rumors about Lake Baikal in Russia for centuries.

Lake Baikal is one of the deepest lakes on Earth and could absolutely harbor some crazy s**t.”

2. You never know…

“The premise in Lilo & Stitch.

That Earth is a mosquito preserve.”

3. Not going back there.

“Aliens landed once in Africa, got eaten by lions.

Planet now marked as dangerous by the Galactic Feds.”

4. We can’t see them.

“That if any civilization elsewhere in the universe had the technology to reach us, for any reason, they’d be very likely to be also be able to disguise their presence from our detection methods.

They could observe us close up using nanotech, microscopic biological spacecraft etc and we’d never know.”

5. Think about it.

“Consider the fact that the human race is a divided mess of contradictory intents.

We have the scientific community reaching out peacefully, yet if aliens do come into the airspace of any nation, the first to greet them would be the military.

You can imagine what the response of the military would be when a UFO enters forbidden airspace.

Given the declassified government files regarding UFOs, it is quite likely that contact has been attempted in the past and the results were tragic.”

6. I want to believe.

“That “greys” aren’t fully biological, but rather remotely controlled androids, or that they are biological, but their grey appearance is a suit and not the body.

Imagine other lifeforms looking at our astronauts saying “here come the marshmallow cyclops creatures again”.

7. Two theories.

“The best two I’ve heard:

We don’t allow ourselves to contact lost tribes in the Amazon or other wild places. Extraterrestrials may have similar laws on a galactic scale.

We split the atom, but made weapons out of them instead of trying to reach the stars. They leave us alone out of fear that we’ll destroy ourselves if war accidentally breaks out.”

8. In the past…

“There are so many star systems with potentially inhabitable planets out there that the chances that we have been the only life in the universe is extremely slim.

The question, instead, is whether life arising elsewhere has managed to survive destruction and remain alive today such that they might be able to contact us.

That is to say, there have probably been countless civilizations for the past several billion years that simply haven’t made it.”

9. We might not recognize it.

“That life in the universe could be so unrecognizable to us that we wouldn’t even register it as being alien life.

What if life on another world was not carbon based, but another element?

How would we even know what to look for since our definitions and descriptions of life are based on a completely different perspective?’

10. Well, there’s that.

“They came, they saw, they weren’t impressed.”

11. Let’s see what else is out there.

“They visited 250 million years ago.

Saw a planet full of big lizards and labeled us a junky planet not worth revisiting and moved on.”

12. We’re being studied.

“Any species advanced enough to find us wouldn’t “make contact”.

They’d study us the way we study animals. Ideally with minimal interference.

Compare the average “abduction” story to the way we dart large animals, collect data and leave them to wake a bit groggy and confused but unharmed.”

What do you think?

Is it possible that UFOs and aliens exist or is it all a bunch of malarkey?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know!

The post What’s the Best Theory About UFOs or Aliens? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

UFO Videos Released by the Navy Are out of This World

You don’t believe in UFOs? Well, the U.S. Navy does.

Recently, the military branch published three videos that show UFOs are indeed real. Of course, the video clips may not be foreign to amateur internet sleuths. A few years ago, the videos leaked out and brought about another wave of UFO truthers.

In 2019, the Navy officially confirmed that the videos showed “unexplained aerial phenomena.” However, it turns out the Navy didn’t exactly think the public should have even seen the videos, which were filmed by actual military pilots.

But for those who love investigating aliens, outer space and those pesky flying saucers, the clips can now be viewed on the Navy’s Freedom of Information Act page. Through the FOIA, the public can have access (though not always fully), to documents released by the U.S. government.

These viral video clips of UFOs first became public in 2017 and 2018 by The New York Times. In addition, a UFO research group created by Tom Delonge, a member of famous punk rock band blink-182, also has been involved in this space.

The first video entitled “FLIR1” represented a big breakthrough for those who believe in UFOs.

Sue Gough, a Pentagon spokesperson, said in a statement,

“The Department of Defense [DOD] has authorized the release of three unclassified Navy videos, one taken in November 2004 and the other two in January 2015, which have been circulating in the public domain after unauthorized releases in 2007 and 2017.”

Seriously, what moves like this?!

Gough explained the rationale behind the official release of the famous UFO videos. She stated that the unclassified videos did not reveal any “sensitive capabilities or systems.”

However, there may be more to this outer space story. According to a Popular Mechanics story, one witness to a UFO sighting claimed that he saw a video that was much longer and clearer. Who knows if we’ll ever find out the whole story, but the Navy releasing the UFO videos will only drive further speculation about life beyond Earth.

Have you ever witnessed a UFO? Do you believe the videos are legitimate? Weigh in with your thoughts in the comments below!

The post UFO Videos Released by the Navy Are out of This World appeared first on UberFacts.

You Can Now Search 60 Years Worth Of U.F.O. Reports Online From the U.K.

If you’re reading this in the U.S. and you think that Area 51 is the be all end all of alien mysteries the world over, well, the United Kingdom would like everyone in New Mexico to hold their beer.

And if you want more proof and less secrecy well, they’ve got that, too – 60 years of reports of Unidentified Flying Objects are now available for your perusal online.

Live Science reports that the U.K.’s Ministry of Defence is sharing formerly classified documents with the public for the first time, proving once and for all that the Brits have been just as obsessed about possible alien life as anyone else for a very long time.

Even legendary pragmatist Winston Churchill wanted in on the action, writing to his air minister in 1952 “what does all this stuff about flying saucers amount to? What can it mean? What is the truth?”

The excitement surrounding the topic led to a flood of new reports, all dutifully catalogued by the Ministry of Defence. None of the sightings were ever deemed credible (according to the government, do with that what you will), though the Ministry continued to investigate the reports into late 2000s.

Now, very soon, you’ll be able to peruse every reported sighting from that 60-year period on

The reason? A request filed by a British news agency under the Freedom of Information Act.

A few reports have been published already include sightings of “a diamond-shaped red light,” “15 fireballs in the sky,” and “three blazing gold orbs.”

The Ministry of Defence, like all official government outfits, stated that it “has no opinion on the existence or otherwise of extra terrestrial life.”

Like the rest of us have been doing for decades, we’ll just have to read the reports and decide for ourselves.

The truth is out there – now, officially, on the internet.

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