Want Wendy’s to Roast You? Just Ask

Wendy’s is known for their fresh-never-frozen beef patties, but they’re apparently great at bringing the heat to more than just burgers!

Wendy’s has one of the greatest Twitter accounts out there, and they’re always happy to roast you with some killer zingers. They’re so good that some people are even requesting to be roasted online.


Photo Credit: Twitter,Wendys


Photo Credit: Twitter,Wendys


Photo Credit: Twitter,Wendys


Photo Credit: Twitter,Wendys


Photo Credit: Twitter,Wendys


Photo Credit: Twitter,Wendys


Photo Credit: Twitter,Wendys


Photo Credit: Twitter,Wendys


Photo Credit: Twitter,Wendys


Photo Credit: Twitter,Wendys


Photo Credit: Twitter,Wendys


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10+ Tweets That Perfectly Describe Why Adulting Is the Worst

Paying bills. Constant exhaustion. Wondering what’s for dinner. An aching back. And that’s on a good day of adulting.

Seriously, it’s the worst, and here are 12 tweets that sum up why:

1. Also: turned my head, stood up too quickly…

2. Just thinking about it makes me tired

3. Why not both?

4. Or earlier, if possible

5. More like 7 to 14 years

6. Never answer the phone

7. It’s not just you

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. “Perks”

9. Ugh, inflation

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. My aching back

11. Every night

12. Sorry!

Can we please just go to bed yet?!

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Woman Offers Lesson on How Ladies Should Behave When Their Man Is Watching the Game. It’s as Bad as It Sounds.

Conservative commentator Denise McAllister is no stranger to controversy, as evidenced by her recent feud with Meghan McCain. That’s a story for another day, though. Today, we’re here to examine something else she said recently that ended up giving her the wrong kind of viral fame.

McAllister took to Twitter to remind her fellow women how they should behave while their man is watching a big sporting event on TV. Prepare to roll your eyes in a MAJOR way.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Patience and timing, ladies…

Wow. Even as a man I think this is totally ridiculous, and I’m not alone.

Check out some of the reactions the tweet managed to get.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

And even more people weighed in.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Apparently, McAllister later got into some hot water and was fired from her writing job at The Federalist for making homophobic comments as a result of the Twitter exchange above.

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Here’s the Depression Symptom No One Talks About, but Everyone Should Know

Many people still assume that the major symptoms of depression are feeling sad and lying in bed all day, contemplating suicide, and other seemingly obvious hurdles that people face on a daily basis.

This viral Twitter thread, posted by @mollybackes, reminds people that what they think it feels like to live every day with depression might not be quite right. That there are symptoms and barriers to living a “normal” existence that non-depressed people probably don’t realize.

She calls it The Impossible Task.

Her thread explains exactly what that means, how it feels, and the way it can affect people’s lives.

Photo Credit: Twitter/mollybackes

And just like any other mental health condition, it can be tricky to nail down.

Molly offers advice about coping with the Impossible Tasks and how others can help.

Photo Credit: Twitter/mollybackes

She also goes into how people with depression and other mental illnesses can work to be kinder to themselves…

Photo Credit: Twitter/mollybackes

And answers some more common questions. Like treatment strategies:

Photo Credit: Twitter/mollybackes

And what to do if you’re living with somebody who has depression:

Photo Credit: Twitter/mollybackes

Also, what to do if you’re struggling right now:

Photo Credit: Twitter/mollybackes

Ultimately, it helps to be kind to yourself and those around you. And for them to return the favor.

Photo Credit: Twitter/mollybackes

One of the best ways to empathize with someone is to walk in their shoes, and this entire thread is a great way to begin doing just that if you’re trying to understand the people in your life who are suffering.

Oh, and Molly had one last thing to share.

Remember this on the hard days, friends and keep moving forward.

You can do it!

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14 Times Therapy Actually Revealed Mind-Blowing Truths

A lot of folks tend to look down on therapy, but the fact of the matter is that it’s honestly helpful for just about anyone. Being in therapy doesn’t mean you’re “weak” or “crazy,” it just means you take your mental health seriously. What’s more, therapy can sometimes reveal inner truths that you might not have come across otherwise (or at least not as quickly).

Today we present 14 people who had some genuine breakthroughs in therapy that helped change their outlook. So, naturally, they shared on Twitter. Because that’s what we all do now.

It’s kind of like group therapy, right?

Making way for your better half…

Friends and “Friends”

The only constant is change!

Wrong person. Right time.

Someone pls pass tissues. Currently dead.

Just because it’s unknown, doesn’t mean it’s bad

If not you, then who?

With a capital T!

Renew yourself, fam!

Always check yourself…

Sometimes you just have to let it go

How much do you love yourself?

Isn’t it always that way, tho?

Time is precious after all…


I have that same problem about being direct and not caring who it hurts, so that one really hit home.

Great advice Lula! Thank your therapist for me! ???

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Everyone is In Love With This Pupper’s Adorably Weird Sleeping Position

Is there anything cuter than a sleeping puppy? I think not. Every time I see my little fur baby curled up on the floor, I melt into a puddle.

Recently, one sleeping pup went viral for the cutest reason…

So, naturally, we have ALL the questions. Namely, what is going on with this adorable little fur ball?

Naturally, Twitter tracked down even more photos…

Because that’s just what Twitter do…

It seems the puppy is a she, her name is Paningning and there’s video!

And then the memes started…

Up, up and away!

And people had feels…

ALL the feels…

Somebody even made Paningning wallpapers, because why wouldn’t you?!

Eventually, the internet tracked Paningning back to owner Janessa Cua, who posted this pic of the pooped pup on March 30th.

And the pup during feeding time… still on her back… and still loving life.

Paningning is even attracting some sponsors!

Ultimately, it comes down to this fan drawing and this simple message.

Our life is complete now. We can all die happy.

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12 People Who Got Savaged Hard by Their Own Families

Family is always there for us when things get bad, but when life is going relatively smoothly, they’re also the first people to crack a joke at your expense. It’s just how it goes.

Have your parents ever savagely embarrassed you and not even realized it? How about they did realize it, but they simply didn’t give a fuck because you might have been acting like a diva?

Yeah, they have!  ? ?

Writer Alanna Bennett’s mom did once and she just had to share the shame on Twitter…


And that memory has apparently never gone away.

Once Alanna shared, you know other people wanted to jump in on the fun.

Sometimes, siblings can make up for the savageness that parents can’t supply…

Or best friends!

Rita’s dad doesn’t know how to refer to breasts correctly…

And Leigh’s dad is kind of a dick…

Oh look! Another fun daddy/daughter exchange!

There’s Julia’s dad and his hush money…

Or Alan’s “gift”…

These parents are apparently SO proud!

This dad had a solution for his picky eater…

Oh hai cats!

What are some savage moments your friends and family destroyed you with?

Personally, I have none. Me and my family always get along great and we support each other in everything we do. Always.

And if you believe that…

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11 Hilarious Examples of Twitter’s “What’s Your Name” Meme

Twitter is my favorite place to go for memes, and the latest one is too funny – it’s called “What’s Your Name?”

It’s pretty self-explanatory really. Just talk about the most common joke/response to your name. Here are 11 of the best:

1. Oh, come on!

2. Well, that was easy enough.

3. Seriously? Frank?

4. … Sure.

5. Not quite, but ok.

6. Like the distance.

7. Mortifying.

8. Say it.

9. Not the soup.

10. LOL!


What’s your name?

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PETA Just Posted a Bizarre Image That Left the Internet Horrified

Between all the squabbling that’s tearing our nation apart these days, there’s still one surefire way to bring people across all aisles of the spectrum together: PETA crossing the damn line with their weirdness.

The organization’s name stands for “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals,” which seems like a noble enough goal… until you see some of the outrageous stunts they pull (like suing a wildlife photographer on behalf of the monkey he photographed). They’re more of a radical anti-human group than they are a pro-animal rights group.

While they have occasionally done some good, they’ve wasted millions of dollars in truly bizarre, totally useless bids for publicity. The latest case in point?

This horror that I can’t unsee.

Yeah, it’s exactly what it looks like. A weird, anthropomorphized cow letting some creepy old man suckle from it.

The caption reads:

Looks weird right? It’s what you’re doing if you drink cow’s milk. Raiseyour hand if you know that humans shouldn’t be drinking cow’s breast milk. It was made for their babies—not you!

It didn’t take long before nearly all of Twitter united to make fun of it…

Photo Credit: Twitter

Some people definitely liked the image more than I did.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Others wondered if the images were part of some kind of secret furry agenda PETA has.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

For those of you who don’t know, a “furry” is someone who’s “an enthusiast for animal characters with human characteristics, in particular a person who dresses up in costume as such a character or uses one as an avatar online.” Thanks, Dictionary.com!

While being a furry isn’t inherently sexual, it definitely can have that component to it (and is probably most famous for that reason).

Some people were even… stirred… pretty deeply by the image.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

The longer you look at it, the more weirdness you start to notice.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Seriously PETA, WTF?

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This Epic Group Chat Absolutely Crushed The Emoji Challenge

Hey kids! ? ? Do you love emojis? ? ?

Don’t even lie, you know you do! ??

You may have heard of the Emoji Challenge, one of the latest trends to hit social media. Basically, you take a photo of yourself doing your best impression of an emoji.

Photo Credit: Twitter/iamjeyonce

Jeydah Weydah and his friends did one in his group chat and it was pure fucking ???

Check it out ? ? ?

Naturally this sparked more people to share their group chats…

And, honestly, they’re all ?

Yes! ??

Have you done the challenge with your friends yet? If not, try it out! Call it a group bonding experience that you can do completely alone! ???

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