Funny Times People Didn’t Realize Who They Were Talking To

Some people have their favorite story about the time they ran into a celebrity. But probably not many of them proudly tell the story of the time they ran their mouth off without realizing who they were talking to and got burned.

When it happens IRL, we have to rely on reports from those who experienced the interaction. When it happens online, the embarrassing message in question usually ends up getting deleted. But sometimes, out of either negligence or a simple acceptance of their fate, they’ll leave their infamy intact for all to see.

Enjoy this gallery of 10 times people had no idea who they were talking to.

12. “You a good skater?”

Tony Hawk is literally the most famous skate boarder in history.

11. “The title hasn’t been announced yet”

Dude apparently didn’t realize he was talking to the official Star Wars Twitter account.

10. “An old white male’s mansplanation.”

Ed Solomon wrote Men in Black (and a bunch of other movies).

9. “You’re pretty good”

Meredith Strömberg is a stand up comedian.

This is apparently the joke in question, btw:

8. “Get bent, Cleese.”

John Cleese is…well, everything he mentions here.

7. “hey cool shirt!”

Mark Hoppus is the bassist/co-lead vocalist for Blink 182.

6. “Here for the conference?”

David Chilton is a finance author.

5. “Stick to feminism”

Mona Eltahawy is a journalist and social commentator.

4. “I came across your music”

Annie Lennox is a 4-time Grammy winning artist.

I think I'm in with a chance ??!!!

Posted by Annie Lennox on Thursday, June 29, 2017

3. “Instantly becomes a political expert”

Tom Morello, in addition to being a member of Rage Against the Machine and Audioslave, also has a degree in Social Studies from Harvard.

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2. “Who’s lab are you in?”

Linda Columbus is a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

1. “Oh, thanks.”

Mara Wilson is the actress who played Matilda.

If you happen to run into someone famous or noteworthy, here’s hoping you get like, a nice picture out of it, instead of an embarrassing story.

What’s your big celebrity citing story? Did it go well for you?

Tell us in the comments.

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Roommates Who Are Trying Really Hard Right Now

Roommates. You can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em, because you’re way too poor to get your own place, am I right?

A lot of roommates are in a severe love/hate relationship right now, as a complete lack of absence makes the heart grow steadily more annoyed. That “spacious” apartment starts to feel a lot smaller when none of you ever go anywhere else.

The upside is, a lot of it is very funny.

15. The Hunt

If you drink booze on Easter is it Easter Eggnog?

My roommate picked up 2 cases of wine for me yesterday, proceeded to get blackout drunk and think it was Easter. I came home after work to find that he hid all 24 bottles through the apartment and he doesn’t remember where they are. Time for adult Easter egg hunting I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ from funny

14. Accidentally pwned

Maybe you should just switch over to playing Sorry.

13. Trash bash

It’s a sign.

Boyfriend’s roommates won’t take the trash out from funny

12. Kitchen trippin’

So apparently all I need to do to make my apartment less gross is get some psychedelics.

11. Business on top

Party on the bottom.

My roommates zoom meeting attire from funny

10. Listful thinking

Make sure you check it twice.

9. Buggin’ out

It’s April, fools.

Made a little paper cutout to give my roommate a good scare. April fools y’all. from funny

8. Distance cake

Whatever you do, for the love of God, don’t blow on it.

My roommate sang happy birthday from the other room after gifting this to me from funny

7. Flip the switch

Has science gone too far?

6. Safety first

I love you, you’re filthy, go clean.

Roommate framed a reminder at the front door from funny

5. Roll with it

Kinda rude to flaunt your wealth like that.

My roommates mom gave us an Easter basket full of toilet paper. from funny

4. iPhone X

I’m sure it’ll be patched soon.

Roommate said he’d fix my phone while I was at work. Thanks mate! from funny

3. Can’t handle it

Absolute classic.

Roommates getting bored during this quarantine. from funny


Have you no standards at all?

1. Realization

Somewhere out there, someone is telling stories about you.

If you’re living with a roommate, cut ’em a little slack right now. No living arrangement is perfect, and we’re all just trying to make it through the day.


What’s your weird roommate story?

Tell us in the comments.

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Things People Probably Shouldn’t Have Texted to Their Boss

There are pros and cons to living in our connected world. With greater ease of instant communication comes more of a chance that we’re going to accidentally misuse it; like, say, sending your boss a text ABOUT your boss that you MEANT to send to your girlfriend and now you’re not sure if you’re still going to have a job tomorrow. Oops.

I need some kind of app that asks me if I’m ABSOLUTELY SURE I meant to send my message to certain contacts. We all need it.

Here are 13 examples of exactly why we all need it.

12. Can’t handle it

Why would you text this to your boss?

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11. Love is love

Clearly someone hasn’t read the handbook on office romance.

10. A reasonable request

Did you mean to say that?

9. Sass

I’m gonna need some popcorn to watch whatever happens after this.

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Texts from my boss. #bosstexts

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8. Sick of your crap

Some details maybe don’t need to be shared with anyone at all.

7. Don’t show weakness

Look we’re all thinking it but don’t say it out loud.

6. Texts from last night

Texting your boss should require a breathalyzer.

5. Self-evaluation

It’s always worse when there are pictures involved.

4. An adorable mess

Who could possibly be offended by this?

3. Happy birthday?

I don’t know who’s in the wrong here but it’s all-around miserable.

2. Party time

Hold on, why does your boss call you “Peewee?”

1. Behind your back

I wouldn’t count on that vacation.

Let this be a cautionary tale to us all. Maybe change your boss’ name in your contacts to just “CAREFUL!”

Have you ever done something like this?

Tell us about it in the comments.

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Uplifting Tweets That Improved Our Day

Twitter can be a bit of a minefield. The ability to instantly lob whatever thought you might be having out into a massive public forum while safely protected behind a screen can lead to a lot of vitriol and chaos. But there’s a whole lot of wholesome coming down that pipeline too. And it’ll get you directly in the feels.

If you look around a little, you can find some very sweet tweets that remind you that, hey, people can be really kind, and that life maybe isn’t so bad. Take a look at 10 prime examples here.

10. Rosseroni

Just eat the devil out of it.

9. Getting stoked

You’re never out of the game.

8. I yam what I yam

Well that’s extravagantly adorable.

7. Piece of cake

It’s an absolute beauty.

6. Very happy hour

It’s where all the coolest cats hang out.

5. Trash talk

You tell ’em, kid.

4. Mr. F

This is an entirely new level of prank.

3. Goat & float

Come on in, the water’s fine.

2. Good girl

How could you even be sad when this doggo is a part of your life??

1. Young love

Sounds like you’ve got a keeper.

Remember, it doesn’t take a grand gesture to make someone’s day. It’s usually little things. Encouragement, affirmation, a small gift, a tiny little act of service. Even just sharing a bit of good news can have a significant impact on your friends and family, so keep reaching out. Keep spreading the good.

What’s the sweetest thing you’ve encountered recently?

Tell us all about it in the comments.

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Giggle-Worthy Tweets Penned by Women That Might Make You Laugh

There’s nothing better than reading through a list of tweets that are hilarious – and that goes double for hilarious women.

These 12 tweets are going to do the trick for you today, just watch.

12. Now I’m sorry I missed it.

11. I see this as a win, honestly.

10. Does it even matter anymore?

9. Life is just so weird right now.

8. Please don’t do it for the love of god.

7. This is just downright funny.

6. I do love a good Venn diagram.

5. We did all come out of is as well as TayTay, sadly.

4. How I miss those sticky floors.

3. Tri-polar.

2. You can have either whenever you want.

1. He knows you’re not stepping out on him.

I don’t know about you, but I really needed these laughs!

Are you needing extra funnies from your tweets these days? Tell us where you’re finding them in the comments!

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13 Times When People Said Really Stupid Things on Twitter

Better be careful what you say on social media because if you say something dumb or offensive, you will live forever in memes and articles just like this one.

And nobody wants that…

But these people obviously didn’t take that advice to heart, because they really blew it…

Let’s take a look.

1. Hmmmm. Really?

2. It’s their life!

3. I’m a big fan of Parmajahn.

4. It’s a mystery.

5. Seriously. Good point.

6. That’s not good.

7. You are brilliant.

8. I prefer the Michael Wave.

9. A whole new country!

10. Sounds delicious.

11. Geography major?

12. Did you mean quesadillas?

13. I’ve thought about this, too.

Wow…like I said, use your head before you post something online, okay?

Have you come across any examples like this on social media?

If so, please share them with us in the comments!

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Enjoy These Dumb Things Folks Said on Twitter

Let’s face the facts…people…aren’t too bright

In fact, you could even go so far as to call them STUPID.

Am I right, or am I right? Of course, I’m right. And here’s the proof.

1. Pay attention to your words.

2. That’s a great question.

3. Habla Espanol?

4. Barack Alabama.

5. That’s the Liberian flag, FYI.

6. Hell yeah! I’m a big fan.

7. A total cycle path.

8. What are they talking about?

9. Are you a doctor? You sound like one.

10. There’s this new invention I need to tell you about…

11. Black, Pinto, it doesn’t matter.

12. It’s what this day is all about.

Yowza…people never cease to amaze me.

How about you?

Have you seen anyone say anything particularly dumb on social media lately?

Please share some posts with us in the comments!

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10 Karen Tweets Everyone Will Probably Laugh At

There’s a word I like to use: “nontroversy.” I wish I could attribute it to whomever first coined it, but I can’t remember where I heard it. A nontroversy is a non-controversy, or, if you prefer, a nonsense controversy. My favorite nontroversy in recent memory is whether the “Karen” meme should be considered some kind of slur. You’ll catch think pieces and posts about it that are difficult to parse out; are they serious? Are they joking? Who would actually be upset about this?

To demonstrate the hilarity and thorough harmlessness of the Karen meme, here are some Karen tweets that should make just about anybody laugh, no matter their swoopy hairstyle. Some of them don’t even use the “Karen” as a punchline, but more of a comedic flourish.

10. This is my fight song

9. Every Karen needs a Floyd

8. Supply and demand, Karen

7. I was told there would be yarn

6. You’re losing kitchen privileges

5. More at 11

4. I’d like to bark at your manager

3. A natural disaster

2. Thing cost money!?

1. Such a Leo thing to say

If you don’t want to be seen as a Karen, the first step is probably not taking Karen jokes too seriously.

Which one is your favorite?

Tell us in the comments.

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Tweets to Make Your Day a Little Bit Better

How would you rate today on a scale of 1 to 10? 1 being horrible, 10 being amazing. No matter where you fall on that scale, these tweets should boost you up by at least a couple of points. Yes, even if you’re at a 10, somehow. Be prepared to experience a 12.

Enjoy these fifteen funny food-for-thoughts from the world of Twitter, and let them brighten your day.

15. Deliver us from destruction

14. S**T: Chapter II

13. Flavor is fragile

12. State of the state

11. Ain’t no laws when you’re drinkin’ claws

10. Gonna just Zoom from the Tomb

9. Why does everything take effort

8. Egg-cellence in broadcasting

7. Pupper pundits

6. A window of time

5. Next level cold

4. We’re all Hollywood insiders

3. He pounce

2. Time is an illusion

1. Ask your doctor if giving up is right for you

If these have failed to raise your day quality by at least 20%, please send all complaints to Twitter. Just at whoever, I’m sure they’ll get it.

Which tweet was your favorite?

Let us know in the comments.

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Mumbai is Testing Traffic Lights That Stay Red if They Detect Honking

Police in Mumbai, Indian are testing red lights that won’t turn green if drivers are laying on their horns. It’s a perfect solution for a busy city where noise pollution is one of its biggest problems, right?

Photo Credit: Needpix

Last year, Indian authorities conducted a trial with sensors attached to traffic light poles that detected street decibel levels. If noise levels registered more than 85 decibels, the traffic lights were set to delay turning green.

Mumbai’s lights, like other Indian cities, displays a timer on each light so drivers can see when it will change.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

Police spokesman, Pranay Ashok, told CNN, the trial started with a run at several major intersections for 15 minutes a day. Police hope to roll the system out to the “entire traffic management system.”

A (hilarious) video posted to Twitter showed the effects of rampant noise pollution. In it, police describe the city as “the honking capital of the world.” Explaining what they call “The Punishing Signal,” they advise that if motorists want to keep moving, they should stop laying on the horn.

According to the TomTom Index, Mumbai has a serious problem with traffic congestion, ranking the fourth worst in the world last year.

The amount of congestion in the city translates to a loss of eight days and 17 hours per year for every driver and passenger.

It will be interesting to see if these monitored traffic lights make a difference. There are so many more pleasurable activities to do with that time than sit in traffic and listen to angry horns.

Don’t you agree?

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