15 Funny Jokes for All of You with a Dark Sense of Humor

You know what I’m talking about – the kind that you know you shouldn’t laugh at, but there’s no way to stop it. If those are your bag (and you’re not worried about going straight to hell), these 15 are going to be right up your alley.

15. Did he mean like like?

14. More for me!

13. I feel attacked.


12. I would read some fiction from teenage Jesus POV.


11. Masterfully crafted.

10. Nothing to see here.

9. I don’t know why this is funny, but it is.


8. Amen.

7. Somebody had too much wine on Thanksgiving.

6. So say we all.

This bible verse always keeps me going from funny

5. *insert evil laugh here*

4. Just thinking out loud here.

3. Moved and seconded.


2. Infallible logic.


1. The inquisition.

I’ll see you in hell, friends!

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15 Funny Tweets About Sex

These tweets are decidedly NOT hot.

Why does everyone have to be so serious about sex? Have a laugh about it once in a while!

Like these folks did!

1. Wait, not like that

2. It’s true

3. Splendid

4. Shook

5. Seriously

6. Don’t mess this up

7. WTF

8. Think that’s what happened?

9. That’s a good one

10. Why not?

11. Hey o!

12. Which one was it?

13. Not gonna happen

14. That’s a dealbreaker

15. Practice makes perfect

Funny stuff!

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15+ Tweets People Shared About Being a Hot Mess

Hot mess express, am I right?

A lot of people call themselves a “hot mess” but how many actually LIVE IT!? Because a lot of you all like to self-shame to get attention and show how humble you can be… but we all know you’re not REALLY a mess. So you’re just low-key bragging.

We see you!

For all those REAL hot messes out there, these tweets are for you!

1. No compromise

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. I have some too

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Punish yourself

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. That was a bad move

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Fix me

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Who you honkin’ at?

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. That might do the trick

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. This is awful

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Nap time

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Come find me

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Not OK

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Failure

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Shocking

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Downward spiral

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. I wonder why?

Photo Credit: Twitter

16. There you are!

Photo Credit: Twitter

17. Vicious cycle

Photo Credit: Twitter

Hope you enjoy all the hot messiness that entailed!

Share your own hot messes in the comments!

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15 People Share How Awful Airports Can Be

There are a few places on earth that most people could agree might be one of the circles of actual hell – the DMV, Walmart on a Saturday afternoon, and the airport all come to mind.

These 15 people tweeted from airports and honestly, I think they’re making an airtight case.

15. I mean you should have known better than to ask.

14. Just focus on comfort like the rest of us, Cheryl.

13. They’ve even managed to ruin the people watching.

12. Get it right, adults.

11. It’s a major commitment.

10. An accurate depiction.

9. Deep thoughts.

8. All you want to do is buckle in and get ready to hold your breath.

7. It’s like the rapture happened except you went to hell instead.

6. Someone was hungry.

5. Freeing up your hands is an art form.

4. Are we sleeping together? Then no.

3. If only Greek choruses were still a thing.

2. Gotta be prepared for those layovers.

1. That’s what you’ll look like in the bathroom mirror, too.

Here’s to short layovers in your future!

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12 Funny Tweets That Have Lots of Laughs

It’s been a long day…

But rest assured, these 12 tweets are going to stand the test of time and be there for you when you need them…

12. We’ve got seconds for that.

11. Wanna borrow it for the day?

10. I feel seen.

9. *snort*

8. Oh and here’s my cool card just keep it.

7. Very good advice.

6. Now tell your brother you’re sorry.

5. You know it’s confusing.

4. All valid.

3. Sick burn.

2. Goals.

1. It’s not the 70s, people.

We’ll see if I’m right in 5 years or more!

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15 Photos and Memes About Really Great Wives

Any of us would be very lucky to be married to any of these ladies. You know why? Because they go above and beyond the call of duty.

And that’s all we’re looking for. A little something extra.

Take a look at what these ladies are up to, and tip your cap to them while you’re at it.

1. She got to the coffee machine

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. Doing her part

Photo Credit: Instagram

3. I’m unclear

Photo Credit: Instagram

4. I like this

Photo Credit: Instagram

5. Stirrin’ up the drama!

Photo Credit: Instagram

6. Great gal

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Life is good

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Hahaha

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Now are you paying attention?

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Thanks for the help

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. The future looks bright

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. A real keeper

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. That’s me!

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. She nailed it

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Can we talk about this tomorrow?

Photo Credit: Twitter


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15 Funny Tweets About How British People Speak

Mind your head on the tube, love!

I kid, I kid. We know all British people don’t sound like that…or do they? Just kidding! Again!

Hey, they make fun of us too, so let’s dish it out a little, shall we?


1. YewChube.com


3. Sexy

4. Don’t bover me

5. There it is again

6. My favorite!

7. Hahahaha

8. Hayche-BO

9. Those spicy things

10. My second favorite!

11. Thirsty

12. You’ve heard this one

13. That’s means the conversation is over

14. Good ideer

15. Absolutely famished

To all our friends across the pond: we’re just being cheeky!

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A Guy Live Tweeted His Uncle and Grandpa’s Hearing Aid Appointment

As anyone who has older parents, aunts, uncles, or grandparents, knows, it can be hard for people to accept the fact that they need a little assistance with their hearing.

That said, as anyone who has tried speaking to one of these people without a hearing aid can attest, the results can be annoying and hilarious. And annoying.

Which is exactly the scenario that Ryan Kober found himself in when he took his uncle and grandfather to get their hearing aids checked.

It started the moment they climbed into the car. Ryan really had no choice, you can clearly see.

The look on his face says that he’s questioning his sanity in volunteering for this outing.

I mean. It was aloud? Right? Ha!

Humming in unison when they can’t hear each other takes some serious talent!

Do they think they’re in the shower?

You never know what you’re missing, I guess!

Meaning… EVERYTHING you’ve been missing.

The results? Two happy customers.

And a happy internet.

What more could a person ask for, right?

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15 Tweets From Mid-2000s Kids

Ahhhhhh, remember those halycon days of yesteryear? You were a tween (or teen) and everything just made perfect sense! It was the mid-2000s and life was awesome! The internet was actually kind of fast finally, TV looked better than ever and companies sent you DVDs in the mail! Oh, and you also had no bills and really had no responsibilities.

Can’t we time travel to back then and just stay there forever?

No? Okay, we’ll just have to settle for these tweets.

16. What is reading?!?

15. Curls get the gurls…

14. This is so specific, but I feel like so many people did it!

13. Yeah, this is super “old”…

12. “Just be quiet Sharon! We don’t want the Tiffanys to know!”

11. Ahhh, to be 6 again…

10. Why do you let them do it today?

9. Come on, we’re all emo! Right franges!

8. So middle

7. My memories are proof of your shame. Always remember that.

6. He cared.

5. What am I supposed to do with these people?!

4. Oh yes. This was a thing we all did. ALL of us.

3. Okay, but The Cat In the Hat was particularly weird.

2. O_O

1. The coolest song of your youth.

See! That was like a teleportation back to the best years of your life.

You’re welcome!

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People Are Sharing Videos of Their Dogs Reacting to the Sound of a Bag of Chips

The time has come for us to be honest with ourselves and just admit that when we heard the sounds of food… we turn into curious doggos.

But let’s back up…

The Twitter account @aussiesdointhgs shared this and got the tweetstorm started…

350K+ likes and 85K+ retweets?!? Wow.

Naturally, doggo owners everywhere related in a BIG way.

And the videos started coming in like crazy…

Because dogs can hear EVERYTHING you’re doing…

And it’s usually adorable. Usually.

Especially when it’s about the chips.

Because what’s better than chips?

Or ANY food, for that matter?

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again… we don’t deserve dogs.

But they do deserve our chips.

The end.

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