People Break Down The Best Hacks To Fall Asleep Faster

Some people have been blessed with the ability to get into bed and fall right to sleep, but sadly, most of us have not been as lucky.  We are up until all hours of the night, tossing and turning, and just wishing sleep would come, but it never shows.

What if we tried some new sleep hacks?

Redditor Joydipisalamer asked:

“What is your life hack to fall asleep faster?”

Here were some of those hacks.

Tense, Relax…Tense, Relax…

“Progressive Muscle Relaxation. I learned about it from therapy, but it’s also very useful in helping you relax both your body and mind.”

“The practice basically boils down to the intentional of tensing and releasing of muscles in a specific order, while maintaining your breathing.”-Technical_Worker_264

“I used to have a job where I’d work freight for about 5 hours straight and then manage the rest of the time I was there, another 3 hours on my feet running around.”

“I would be drop dead exhausted, come home, shower, sit on the couch for 15-20 minutes and feel like I was going to pass out right there.”

“Then when I got in bed because I couldn’t keep my eyes open, I’d just lay there for an hour or longer wishing I could fall asleep.”-justalittleparanoia

“I only have intermittent issues with falling asleep, but I did try a weighted blanket. I’ve heard it works wonders and I’m sure it does for many, but for me it gave me night terrors.”

“I’m already prone to them, and maybe if I gave my body time to adjust to the feel it wouldn’t last, but night terrors are awful and it wasn’t worth it for me.”

“So just a note of caution for anyone who gets occasional night terrors. I’m glad it helps you OP, I did love the feel of it, but my subconscious did not.”-chikaygo

Routines Work As Well Here Too

“If possible, go to sleep at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. But you have to really stick with it… not just do it for 3 days and then go ‘oh it isn’t working.’”

“As you keep doing it, your body will get used to it and you’ll naturally get tired at the same time every day. Also, make sure you are in a cool dark room. Those are ideal sleeping conditions.”

“If it’s too hot, it’s really hard to fall asleep. Ideally, you should NEED your blanket to actually be a comfortable temperature. If you are not a bit chilly without the blanket, the room ain’t cool enough.”

“And if you have a night light or light coming in from a window, that also makes it tough. Even just a TINY bit of light coming in compared to pitch black makes a huge difference.”

“Blackout curtains are great.”-mew5175_TheSecond

“I try to think of the longest word I can that starts with each letter of the alphabet, in order.”

“Then start over and do words that start with ‘Ab,’ ‘Ac,’ ‘Ad,’ ‘Ae,’ and so on until I’m so bored that my brain says ‘nahhh fam we’re done here.’”-Ok_Security_8657

A New Spot In My Mind

“Visualize standing in a nice cool wooden hallway and you’re turning a brass knob to go through a wonderful door.”

“And remember the door only opens to where you want to go you have to tell yourself over and over slowly as you twist the knob where you want to go keep that picture sharp in your mind and repeat it.”-WolfThick

“Two Gravol and a glass of wine. I don’t necessarily recommend it but I suffered from insomnia for years and this is the fastest way for me to sleep. I rarely do it now.”

“I think there’s a reason (bad job, stress…) that gives us insomnia and if we don’t find the cause it’s hard to get better. For me, the moment I quit my stupid job I was able to sleep a lot better.”-sonia72quebec

“Imitate the breathing patterns of sleeping – close your eyes, deep breath, deep release. Focus on only this, and you can listen to some sleep soundtracks on Spotify to cancel out potential distractions.”

“Honestly though, nothing works as well as physical exercise. I’m practically unconscious by the time the day ends.”-cakehole07

Hygiene?! Now I Gotta Clean My Sleeps?!

“Every few weeks or months I end up giving some version of this comment because someone says they’re having a hard time with sleep issues.”

“I have and sometimes still do, and when I’m having ongoing inadequate sleep I notice my mood and outlook tanks hard.”

“Crabby bastard and everything sucks and !@#$ you for that minor oops that shouldn’t even bother me, you !@#$!@#$.”

“It’s a two part answer. First is sleep hygiene. Second is a little trick that has helped me, and with a few days of using it it can be pretty reliable.”

“So first, sleep hygiene. Some or all of these will definitely help. If you have chronic sleep problems (and surprisingly many people do)”

“Try to limit caffeine to the early part of your day. No caffeine 8-10 hours before bed. Caffeine you had 10 hours ago might not have any noticeable effect on your alertness, but it can stop you from sleeping and stop you from getting good sleep.”

“This can be a huge downward spiral for people who use caffeine to overcome how tired they are from sleep problems.”

“Try not to use any electronics in bed. Try not to watch tv in bed. You want to associate bed with sleeping, and NOTHING ELSE.”

“Want to use your phone before bed? Do it in a comfy chair in your bedroom or livingroom. Even sitting on the floor next to your bed. My only exception is a kindle with the brightness all the way down, with the lights off.”

“Blackout your room if possible. Block all the light coming in from the window, close the door, if your alarm has a dim setting, use it. Light is a trigger for activity in our caveman brains.”

“White noise can be a huge help, blocking out all kinds of noises. There are free apps/websites, my favorite is this site with a combo white noise / rain generator:”

“Lastly, make sure you are budgeting enough time for sleep. Most people need approximately 7.5 hours. After maybe a week or two of enforcing this stuff you’ll probably notice you wake pretty refreshed before your alarm goes off, if you give yourself enough time.”

“Okay one more lastly: If you snore or always seem to be tired even with ‘enough’ sleep, or wake up tired after a normal/long sleep, you might have apnea and should get that checked out.”

“Sleep studies are expensive though, so I definitely will not tell you that a lot of people sell their old cpap machines privately.”

“You should definitely not buy one without a doctor’s input, should definitely not buy a new hose and mask for it, and should definitely not start with the lowest pressure setting and raise it a 1/2 lb at a time until you magically wake up feeling awesome.”

“And you should definitely, ABSOLUTELY never get the idea that shouldn’t ever set the pressure setting above 15 lbs without seeing a doctor, because you should really see a doctor about apnea.”

“Now for the trick. It sounds stupid, but it (hopefully for you) works: However you lie comfortable for sleep, do that.”

“Let your eyes relax to a natural straight-ahead aiming position, and then imagine a black circle in front of you. Don’t think about anything, just imagine the black circle. Any size. Tiny, huge, whatever. What’s that?”

“Your old kindergarten teacher wants you help power wash your old neighbor’s trampoline? Ooops, almost got me, brain, back to the circle.”

“What? No I still am not over what that b*tch Cassie said at work today, but black circle time. It will take a few minutes the first few nights if you really try this, but eventually you’ll discipline your mind to stop thinking weird sh*t (that sometimes results in that adrenaline spike) and you’ll get to sleep quickly.”-inthrees

“Exposure to most kinds of light at night messes up your circadian rhythm, and simply fixing that problem can make a huge difference.”

“In the evening, I use a blue light filter app on top of my phone’s built in filter and it has turned around my sleep SO much. It takes a few weeks to see a huge difference but it’s so easy and so worth it.”-Crabtoe

Do you see any habits that you can add into your arsenal of tricks for getting to sleep early?

For us insomniacs, even one of these tricks can quite literally save a life.

Very Questionable Ways People “Saved Money”

Almost everybody I know is looking for ways to save a buck here and there. But some of us go to extremes.

Like Rubba Band Grant on Twitter here:

Now, we’re pretty sure that’s just theft…though maybe he was joking? Whatever, we’re not the cops. We’re just invested weirdos who went on to scroll endlessly through the replies and find a bunch of other surprising ways that people *ahem* saved money.

Some of them truly were just “being cheap,” but others…well, again. We’re not the cops.

So let’s just look at the tweets.

10. You are banned

This is like a really low key sequel to Ocean’s 11.

9. Stay on target

Um…yeah this is just theft. Like, three times over.

8. Peak Philly

I wish I had those kinds of skills.

7. The tube

How devilishly clever.

6. Complimentary

Eh, who’s gonna know?

5. Stacks on stacks

I’m sure you looked lovely.

4. Phoney business

If I’m reading this right, I’m pretty sure you’re just describing blackmail.

3. I scream

Hope nobody got fired.

2. Free 99

Again, sure hope nobody got fired.

1. Punching up

That’s a short con I can get behind.

So remember, if you gotta save money, maybe try to like…avoid jail in the process.

Do you have a story like this?

Tell us in the comments.

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Postal Workers Share the Things We Can Do That Would Really Help Them Out

With all the stuff that’s currently going on with the US postal service, it’s a wonder that anybody is a mail carrier at all. But, thankfully, we have a bunch of brave folks who continue to soldier on regardless of the circumstances so we can get our much needed mail.

That’s why one person on Reddit asked this question:

Postal Workers of Reddit: What do you need right now? How can we brighten your day when we see you on our routes? from AskReddit

Personally, I LOVE that this question exists because we really could do a lot more for our folks in light blue… and it doesn’t take a lot of work.

Let’s find out more…

1. It’s not hard

Husband delivers mail and he loves just about anything people do.

From pictures drawn from kids along the route to thank you letters to cold water and ding dongs.

He is appreciative of it all!!

2. That’s cool! Literally!

You could buy them a battery powered mini fan that clips to something in their truck. Some wear water vests to keep cool.

Yes, postal employees can accept gifts up to $20

Here’s the policy:

3. Cooling down seems to be a trend…

Former carrier here.

Had one house that always left me a bottle of ice cold water.

Highlight of that route!

4. Basic. Human. Kindness.

My father has been a postal worker for decades.

What makes him smile the most is when people just reach out and be nice and friendly. He would always tell us stories about the people who would put a smile on his face.

Notes/cards go a long way. But also just say hi and ask them how their day is going.

5. Make their jobs easier.

Former mail carrier here, #1 get a bigger mail box lol.

Water and treats are nice, but a box they don’t have to get out at to deliver things is the gift that keeps on giving.

6. Games!

Cold drinks and maybe a bag of chips or something. I’m a current carrier and seeing that stuff can completely brighten our day. Also just saying hi, or leaving a note saying thank you.

I have a customer who plays tic tac toe with me. That’s pretty fun.

Honesty anything helps and please be friendly and understanding if something is late or missing. As of right now a lot of this stuff is out of our control. It’s coming straight down from up top and there isn’t a lot we can do about it ourselves.

7. The bigger the box…

I also agree that a big mailbox is an amazing option especially if you order a lot of small packages, but don’t feel like you have to replace your mailbox.

If something happens to your box or you’re looking for a new one, consider getting a larger box.

8. Pants pls!

Carrier here!

All I ask is for the love of God PLEASE WEAR PANTS WHEN ANSWERING THE DOOR!… I’ve had straight up naked dudes sign for there package without batting a eye…oh the stories of awkwardness I could tell you guys.

Oh also smiles and friendliness is appreciated 😃 ..but with clothes on…

9. Help them help you

Put numbers on your damn mailbox/house. Send cards/legit letters to people. Tear down your POS lockbox that nothing fits into and get an actual mailbox.

Say hello but don’t hold me up for a half-hour bc I don’t have time to lose. Buy stamps. If you see the mailman struggling with your giant ass refrigerator box, help, don’t just watch from your porch.


10. Control those pups!

Okay… I know the whole joke about “ahhh dogs hate mailmans dogs go brrrrrr”

But please do keep your dogs inside… it scares the mail 🙁

11. Wow! That’s so nice!

I’m a big Jimmie Johnson fan the Nascar driver, today I opened a box and there was a signed Jimmie Johnson hat with a note saying it was for me.

That has brightened my whole week, but water or Gatorade, snacks always appreciated. However I would recommend writing a note saying it’s for the mailman as a lot of times items are left in a box and we are unsure.

One Christmas I totally thought a gift was for me and it wasn’t. 😬

12. It’s the little things!

I’m a carrier and I can tell you the cutest thing I see with the men in my office is the pure joy on their face when they reveal all the drinks/snacks they were given on their routes.

They are so excited to take their treasures home to show the family. They even take pictures and post them on Facebook.

As for me I love being squirted with a hose. A garden hose that is!

13. Yum!

My dad and his dad were rural carriers.

My dad’s favorite treat he received was peanut brittle made by different ladies on his route. If we were lucky he would bring it home to us! When I was little I would ride with him and get to meet tons of folks on his route. And yes, he loved the really big mail boxes.

Back then there was no UPS – he delivered everything, including live chicks. Oh, stories to tell.

14. Legit advice!

Yoooooooo Let me chime in, Postal worker here!

STOP YELLING AT ME WHEN I CAN NOT FIND YOUR PACKAGE!!!! We get mail from UPS AND Fedex and sometimes it’s already comes all fu*ked up or they lost it…but we are last to touch it, then customers hate us for thinking we damaged the package or lost it.

MAKE SURE YOU PUT YOUR ADDRESS CORRECTLY ALONG WITH APT # (if you live in an apartment) Many many times we get packages and they don’t have an apartment number, and you know how big apartment complexes can get, so how do you expect us to find where it goes ?? Just so you guys know when it does not have an apartment number it’s get returned to sender.

Also that sh*t where it takes photos of the letters your suppose to get and it sends a pic to you, we don’t even know where the picture is taken it could be from the originating city/country, countless times people come pick up there mail and they say “where’s this letter ?!” Then proceed to show me the picture like they think I’m keeping their dam mail, it usually comes a day or so later.

STOP TRYING TO SCAM US Looking at you people who sell sh*t on eBay, we know you paid for postage for 5 lbs when In reality it weighs 30 lbs, you cheap asses !

BE PATIENT!!! many times customers come in bitching that “ooooh my package should have been delivered already” so I track that sh*t and it still has not even left the city it’s coming from just cause it says ARRIVAL AT UNIT does not means it’s out for delivery 😒 “Mam your package has not even left Philadelphia!”

There’s probably more but this is all I could think about right now. Any questions lemme know.

15. They’re thinking about you…

When the quarantine was just getting started, a few of my customers left me a note in their mailbox.

Just a friendly thanks and reminder that I am appreciated being out there during these hard times, making sure people get their mail and packages.

I’d say this small kindness would be much appreciated again with all of this political nonsense interfering with my career. ✌🏼

So, it seems like they want a little bit of kindness, a lot of cold water, and maybe some bigger mailboxes.

Got all that? Think you can help out?

Let us know what you do for our postal workers in the comments OR… what you will do going forward!

Thx fam!

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This Is What the “Guilty” Expression on Your Dog’s Face Really Means

Humans keep trying to explain and understand our pets in terms of human thoughts and emotions. Even though they’re, ya know, dogs and cats and birds and stuff.

So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the look your dog gives you when they’re in trouble for doing something they know they shouldn’t have isn’t what you think.

Like this guy who’s clearly guilty AF!

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I may look guilty right? That’s because I am, I chewed mummy’s trainer up, thought I may get away with it but as soon as she shouted ‘who did this Tink?’ My face automatically did this……🤭 need more practice 😂😂😂😂 Happy Friyay 💛 Tink xx #guiltydogface#happyfriyay#bettyboobeagle#tinkerbelle#justbeagles#beagleloveit#instagrambeagles#beagle#beaglesofinstagram#dogsofinstagram#dogs_of_instagram#beaglecentral#beagleworld_feature#beagleluvofficial#beaglevillage#boopmynose#dailybarker#worldofcutepets#dogsofinstagram#sendadogphoto #worldofcutepets#dog_features#dogsofinstaworld#mydogiscutest#igwoofs#dogmilk#beaglefaction#beagleloverz#beagles_petsagram#beaglepluss#beagle_us#doggytheworld @beagledream @beagle_top @boopmynose @beagleworld @beagle_loveit @beaglecentral @bestfriends_dogs @dogsofinstagram @beaglevillage @beagleloverz @beaglefaction @beagle_corner @dog.tagram @thekennelclubuk @beagleoftheday @beagle_top @beagles.gram @beaglemasters @sendadogphoto @justbeagles @mydogiscutest @beaglesplanet @thebeaglesparents @beagle_lovers @beagles_petsagram @beagles_all_day @instagrambeagles @beagle_society @beagledaily @beaglescorner @beaglestagrams @beagleig @beaglesmile @beagle_corner @beaglezada @beagleloversfc @beaglecute @beagle.ins.gram @beagle_me @dogs @worldofbeagles @doglove @dogs_of_world_

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Actually, what we categorize as an adorable attempt to convey the complicated emotion of guilt is actually much more simple (and less cute) – fear.

A 2009 study ran by scientist Dr. Alexandra Horowitz called “Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know” and “Being a Dog: Following the Dog Into a World of Smell,” addresses how we misinterpret fear as guilt in those moments when we’re upset with our dogs for disobeying.

“I look at a dog showing the guilty look and it feels guilty to me. It does! We’re kind of wired to see it this way, so it’s nobody’s fault.”

She describes the look as when the dog cowers, showing the whites of its eyes while looking up at you, possibly pinning it’s ears back in the process – all classic signs of fear in dogs.

They’re responding to your scolding and disapproval, basically, not to any higher thought process where they were aware they were doing the wrong thing when they were doing it, and are now feeling badly that they were caught.

“It seems unlikely that they have the same types of thinking about thinking that we do, because of their really different brains, but in most ways dogs brains are more similar to ours than dissimilar,” Dr. Horowitz told IFLScience.

The “thinking about thinking” bit refers to executive function, meaning the ability to reflect on past actions and feel a certain way about them in the present.

“There is some work showing that some animals are planning for the future and remember specific episodes in the past. With dogs, there’s not as much evidence yet. Which isn’t to say that they don’t, but it’s to say that it’s really hard to design experiments around it.”

Without solid evidence when it comes to how dogs experience emotion and memory, anthropomorphizing them is easy – and it’s essential to us, as humans, as a way to make sense of this creature now living alongside us in our home.

“When you adopted your dog, and suddenly you’re living with a dog, within a week we have opinions about the dog’s personality, what they’re like and what they’re thinking. It’s a way to try to predict what’s gonna happen next with an organism that we don’t really know. So we use the language of human explanation, and we just put it on the dog.”

Which is fine, of course, as long as you’re not expecting more from your dog that they’re really able to give.

It’s best to just love them for who and what they are – nosed-through trash bins and chewed-up shoes and all.

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12 Guys Openly Share Secrets About Dating That Most People Wouldn’t Guess

The dating experiences for men and women can be VERY different.

Gender roles. Societal expectations. Basic sexual attraction. They all play a big role in who we date and what we expect. And keeping up with it all can be complicated and exhausting.

These 12 men share their struggles with dating and tips about how to treat a lady. And while some of this is eye opening… some of it is a bit douchey.

Hang on! It’s about to get weird in here.

1. Really?

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Well, now you know how women feel, right?

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. This is what women say they want, so hopefully they do understand.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. I know a lot of men who would disagree.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Devastating!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. The background picture on this is amazing.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Hahaha, okay buddy.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. I’m pretty sure women know…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. And I bet they do the same to you, pal!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Another good test!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Seems like a bad test…

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. You know, this is completely cool. Good test!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Learn anything new?

Hope so! 😜😍😘

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15 Guys Reveal the Dating “Tests” They Put Women Through

Have you ever been dating somebody and laid a little trap? You know, asked a question you knew how you wanted the other person to answer?

If you’re a guy, you’ve likely encountered this before, but ladies… guys are doing this to you too. After all, there’s a lot of stuff we want to know sooner rather than later.

Check out these 15 guys and see how they test their potential mates while on dates

1. TBH, a pretty good test.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. So you want somebody who enjoys being mistreated?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. This is going above and beyond. Not fair.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Sure you do, buddy, sure you do…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Yeah, I’m sure there are a TON of gold diggers trying to grab you. Right…

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. This is such a double standard…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Oh boy, what a horrible problem…

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Speed test!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. What is with these gold diggers?

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. It has to go both ways. Everybody in a relationship has to give AND take.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. They’re also probably not an alcoholic, so…

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. So what does she do?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Oh snap! Testing time is over!

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. This is a very bad test.

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. I can’t believe this is actually a test!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Oh shit, have I been tested before?!

I’m so self-conscious now! 😁😂🤣

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