Ireland Plans on Planting 440 Million Trees to Help Fight Climate Change

Climate change is altering the world. Some of these changes we can anticipate, but others we are learning about in real time. And even though everyone who’s examined the evidence knows that climate change is occurring and that it is bad, some nations are sitting idly by and acting like their hands are tied.

Others are fighting for the future.

That is exactly what the country of Ireland is trying to do. Over the next 22 years, Ireland has committed to planting 22 million trees each year, totaling to 440 million trees by the year 2040.

Many believe that “revegetating” the natural environment can help to reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. The tree-planting initiative is part of the Irish government’s overall plan to combat climate change, which involves getting to carbon neutral by 2050.

The plan calls for farmers to plant trees, and they will be incentivized for doing so. It’s a bit tricky: some argue that farmers should not be required to plant trees on their own land because it will take away property from their economic crops and cattle. Others have suggested that farmers let land revegetate on its own, so forests can develop naturally.

While there would be greater species diversity if a forest naturally revegetated, it would also take longer for trees to mature that way.

It’s estimated that there are about 3 trillion trees on Earth and that roughly 15 billion are cut down every year by humans.

The action plan from the Irish government says:

“Taking decisive action to confront climate disruption will be a major challenge to every dimension of our society, but the benefits are huge – warmer homes, cleaner air, a sustainable use of the world’s scarce resources, more connected communities, authentic values, and quality jobs in enterprises which can compete in a decarbonised world. This is everyone’s journey. From Government to businesses, communities to householders, climate action is collective action. The Climate Action Plan sets out the Government agenda; see what you can do to play your part.”

If Ireland can do it, it seems like the United States could manage the same, don’t you think?

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Photographer and His Wife Restore Life to a Dead Ecosystem by Planting 4 Million Trees

Earth Day has come and gone, but as humans, we should consider doing something for our environment more than once a year. Of all the myriads ecological disasters befalling us, deforestation is one of the biggest issues we face. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations states that the growth of the global population from 7.6 billion to 10 billion in 2050 (estimated) will vastly effect how we use our land, likely including further deforestation:

“Land-use changes result in a loss of valuable habitats, land degradation, soil erosion, a decrease in clean water and the release of carbon into the atmosphere. How to increase agricultural production and improve food security without reducing forest area is one of the great challenges of our times.”

So what can we do? As we continue to expand into forested areas, deforestation can seem overwhelming.

Photo Credit: Instituto Terra

But not to Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado and his wife Lélia. Two decades ago, he took over the land he grew up on and was devastated by what he saw: deforestation at its most severe. The land no longer held the tropical paradise he remembered. Rather, it was desolate, and all the wildlife from his youth was gone.

Over the last 20 years, he and his family made it a mission to plant one tree at a time to restore his once beautiful homeland. The results are incredible.

An aerial view of the land.

Photo Credit: Instituto Terra

In an interview with The Guardian, Salgado said:

“The land was as sick as I was – everything was destroyed. Only about 0.5% of the land was covered in trees. Then my wife had a fabulous idea to replant this forest. And when we began to do that, then all the insects and birds and fish returned and, thanks to this increase of the trees I, too, was reborn – this was the most important moment.”

In April of 1998, they started an organization called Instituto Terra or “Earth Institute” and raised enough funds to plant 4 million saplings native to that land and surrounding areas.

Photo Credit: Instituto Terra

“Perhaps we have a solution,” Salgado said. “There is a single being which can transform CO2 to oxygen, which is the tree. We need to replant the forest. You need forest with native trees, and you need to gather the seeds in the same region you plant them or the serpents and the termites won’t come. And if you plant forests that don’t belong, the animals don’t come there and the forest is silent.”

The results of his restorative efforts are extremely impressive: 172 species of birds have returned, 33 kinds of mammals, nearly 300 species of plants, and 30 species of reptiles and amphibians. His institute managed to rebuild an entire ecosystem from literally the ground up.

It just goes to show, if you have passion and commitment, you can achieve anything. And when it comes to our environment, that is priceless. I’ll give Salgado the last word:

“We need to listen to the words of the people on the land. Nature is the earth and it is other beings and if we don’t have some kind of spiritual return to our planet, I fear that we will be compromised.”

The post Photographer and His Wife Restore Life to a Dead Ecosystem by Planting 4 Million Trees appeared first on UberFacts.