Twice a year in Monument Valley, mitten-shaped rock formations line up with the sun as it sets, causing one to “high five” the other with its shadow. 00
The least-visited national park in the U.S….
The least-visited national park in the U.S. is the Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve in Alaska, which lies entirely north of the Arctic Circle and has “no established roads, trails, visitor facilities, or campgrounds.” 00
In 1985 two boys from Ireland managed…
In 1985 two boys from Ireland managed to to sneak on to 2 trains, a ferry and a plane taking them from Dublin Ireland, through Wales and England eventually ending up in New York City. 00
In 1965, a homesick Welshman living in Australia
In 1965, a homesick Welshman living in Australia, was too broke to get home. So he decided to mail himself in a crate back to the UK, only to find himself in Los Angeles by accident. 00
By 2020, the United Nation’s World Tourism…
By 2020, the United Nation’s World Tourism Organization estimates only 7% of the world will travel internationally.
An Indian man traveled from India to Sweden on a bicycle to meet…
An Indian man traveled from India to Sweden on a bicycle to meet his Swedish wife in 1978. The journey took him 4 months and through eight countries.
A 21-year old Sacramento college student boarded the wrong plane…
A 21-year old Sacramento college student boarded the wrong plane in Los Angeles and found himself en route to Aukland, New Zealand instead of Oakland, CA. The accents of the airline staff resulted in the word “Aukland” being pronounced as “Oakland” which confused the flyer.
In 1994 a 74 year old man unable to get a driver’s license drove…
In 1994 a 74 year old man unable to get a driver’s license drove 240 miles on a 1966 John Deere lawnmower to visit his brother who recently had a stroke. At a top speed of 5 mph, the journey took 6 weeks.
Albert Podell spent 50 years and $300,000 visiting every country on…
Albert Podell spent 50 years and $300,000 visiting every country on earth. Along the way he ate mice and live monkey brains, and was almost lynched. He rates each country according to the quality of their toilet paper.
For 15 euros, you can use a zipline to travel from…
For 15 euros, you can use a zipline to travel from Spain to Portugal.