17 Awesome Responses to the #Trashtag Challenge

When it comes to internet challenges, I think it’s safe to say many of remain skeptical. On the one hand, there are challenges like the “Ice Bucket Challenge” that raised millions for ALS research, and on the other, there are things like the Tide Pod challenge – which I think we can all agree is a collective low for humanity.

The latest trend is called the #Trashtag challenge, and it’s definitely in the “score one for humanity” column. The goal is to save the planet, one bag of garbage at a time, and with 1.3 billion tons of household waste being generated every year, it’s far past due.

The challenge is simple: take a before photo of an area littered with trash and put it next to an after photo of the same area once you’ve cleaned it up.

The hashtag blew up after a Reddit user posted a screenshot of someone who had completed the challenge with the caption “Here is a new #challenge for all you bored teens. Take a photo of an area that needs some cleaning or maintenance then take a photo after you have done something about it, and post it here.”

Image Credit: Reddit

And post they did! Below are 17 amazing before-and-afters that you’re just going to love.

#1. Yes.

Image Credit: Twitter

#2. This brought a bit of a tear to my eye.

Image Credit: Twitter

#3. Such a nicer walk now!

Image Credit: Twitter

#4. I fear he might have bagged up his shirt on accident.

Image Credit: Twitter

#5. That’s a lot of trash.

Image Credit: Twitter

#6. An hour well spent.

Image Credit: Reddit

#7. If a 70-year-old retired school teacher can do it, what’s your excuse?

Image Credit: Reddit

#8. A big job, well done.

Image Credit: Twitter

#9. A South African #trashtag

Image Credit: Reddit

#10. Cleaning up a tourist area in Vietnam.

Image Credit: Reddit

#11. Many hands make light work.

Image Credit: Reddit

#12. Look what 10 people and 1 Sunday morning can do!

Image Credit: Reddit

#13. Hard to believe people let such a beautiful place get so messy.

Image Credit: Reddit

#14. Actually makes you want to sit there now.

Image Credit: Reddit

#15. Manila Bay after a judge ordered it cleaned up. Wowzers.

Image Credit: Reddit

#16. In their school unis and everything.

Image Credit: Instagram

#17. I’m sure the horse helped.

Image Credit: Instagram

It’s not too late to do your part – get out there and clean, people!


The post 17 Awesome Responses to the #Trashtag Challenge appeared first on UberFacts.

People Everywhere are Picking Up Trash Thanks to the Viral “Trashtag Challenge”

I can’t stand people who litter. It’s absolutely disgusting to me that people can have such little sense of personal responsibility that they would just toss their trash around willy-nilly. I always try to do my part to pick up when I can, but it just gets me so mad that some people see our beautiful world as their own personal trash can.

But wait, here’s some great news! The #trashtag hashtag went viral recently and people from all over the world have been pitching in, picking up trash, and posting the pics on social media to prove it.

The hashtag was actually created back in 2015 by a company called UCO to encourage people to pick up trash in the woods.

Here is just a sampling of the great photos people have been posting. Keep it up, everyone!

1. All the way from India

2. Before and after

3. Cleaning up the roads

4. Look at that!

5. Keep posting these

6. Cleaning up beaches

7. All the way from Nepal

8. I could look at these all day…

9. …And I probably will

10. Look at all that garbage

Now this is a viral trend I can get behind.

Get out there and do your part!

The post People Everywhere are Picking Up Trash Thanks to the Viral “Trashtag Challenge” appeared first on UberFacts.