People Talk About Things That Are Considered Wholesome but Are Actually Toxic

I’m gonna go ahead and just say it…

No, I don’t have children, but I think people who use their children as tools and pawns on social media to get likes and try to become “influencers” are honestly kind of sick.

But a lot of people out there think it’s wholesome and cute…and that’s just plain weird to me.

AskReddit users talked about what is considered wholesome but are actually toxic.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Not healthy for them.

“Unfortunately, many people do think that feeding their pets on demand is loving them.

The rationale tends to be that depriving pets of food at any given time is neglecting or abusing them.

One of my aunts thought this way with her previous pup and had a significant wake-up call when said dog’s vet told her that he had weight issues and other concerns once he reached his middle years because she was overfeeding him.

She was, understandably, upset and has since realized the value of scheduled feedings.”

2. Totally toxic.

“Kids having lemonade stands to pay for cancer treatment, etc.

Any of those stories about children working to pay for a family member’s medical costs, pay off their friends’ school lunch debt, etc. is absolutely NOT wholesome.

That is not something a child should have to worry about.”

3. Gross.

“As a former homeless person, I can’t put into words how annoying the people who film themselves handing out food for a viral video with some emotional pop song overlaid on it are.

It’s 100% “look at me, look how cool and HELPFUL I am” while honestly not giving a real d**n about the homeless.

It’d be one thing if you’re putting your fame and money back into funding a shelter, or true change and volunteering and charity efforts but not just dropping $20 on some McDonalds meals to drive around LA filming strangers sleeping on the street for a bit.”

4. Outdated.

“Dating advice that includes relentlessly pursuing a woman who has made it clear that she doesn’t like you.

Lot of the blame for this is old rom coms that basically show that stalking a woman will always end up with love.”

5. Stressful for animals.

“Every so often I’ll see a ‘cute wildlife’ photo that is very obviously staged, probably to the stress of the animal/s in question.

It’s absolutely fu**ed up, but because people keep sharing them on social media, some a**holes out there will keep on essentially torturing animals just so we can go ‘Awww!’.””

6. Run for it!

“”We’re all just one big family!”

If anyone tells you this in a workplace setting, run.

They’re only like a family in the sense of the most toxic parts of one that exploit you.”

7. Not always a good thing.

“Supporting someone no matter what choices they make.

You can love someone to the ends of the earth, that doesn’t mean they will 100% be right all of the time, no matter how much you love or admire them.”

8. Can it!

““Good Vibes Only” postings.

Let people experience real emotions, Sarah, not insta-perfect emulations of surfer chill.”

9. Very weird.

“Proposing in front of a crowd.

Puts a lot of pressure on the person being proposed to.”

10. People can be upset.

“Toxic positivity.

Like when someone’s having a really hard time and you tell them to stay positive or try to look at the bright side.”

11. Sad state of affairs.

“School fundraisers.

If the government can’t give schools enough funds, then everything is wrong.”

12. Agreed!

“The general idea our society and culture have of “relationship goals”.

Not being able to eat/sleep/think/function without your partner is not healthy.

Being obsessed with your partner is not healthy.

Looking to your partner to complete you or make you feel whole is not healthy.

Changing who you are for your partner is not healthy.

Looking to your partner as the person who is responsible for your happiness is not healthy.

Being two people, supporting each other’s goals and individuality is healthy.”

13. Annoying.

“When people who are super spiritual and love love love all the time judge and ridicule you for not being in a good mood or for needing space.

“You’re ruining the vibe” “this isn’t a hostile environment”- gaslighting is wrong and these people do it ALL THE TIME! I call them “the love police”.”

What do you think about this?

Let us know in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post People Talk About Things That Are Considered Wholesome but Are Actually Toxic appeared first on UberFacts.

What Is Your Most Toxic Trait? Here’s How People Responded.

It can be really hard to take a long look in the mirror and admit the things about yourself that aren’t exactly great.

But sometimes it can be a useful exercise…even if you THINK you might be perfect.

If you had to admit it, what would you say is your most toxic trait?

Here’s how people on AskReddit responded.

1. Two big ones.

“I can’t let go of things and I take things way too personally.

I rationalize it like this “I wouldn’t dream of saying or doing something like that to this person, so why are they doing it to me?”.

Also, I procrastinate like no other. Seriously, you could give me a year, or 2 days to do something. Wouldn’t make a difference.”

2. Oversharing.

“Growing up feeling very unknown/unseen, I have a tendency to overshare and get excited if someone shows an interest in me. It can come across as overriding and waiting for someone to finish what they are saying just so I can say my thing.

I also want people to genuinely like me so I tell them a lot of the bad or difficult stuff right away, so they are pre-warned and I don’t feel like I’m wasting my time with someone who can’t handle the sh*t that lead to who I am now, and the people I still interact with on a semi-regular basis (mainly family).”

3. Need to be validated.

“Most of the time when I ask people for their opinions, I don’t actually want to hear their opinion.

Instead I want to hear my opinion come out of their mouth. I’m always hoping that they will have the same opinion as me because it makes me feel validated.

I don’t actually care about what they really think.”

4. Insecure.

“I’m extremely insecure and overthink a lot.

I feel constant fear of being disliked or abandoned.

I need a lot of reassurance in things because my anxiety makes me so scared and worried I either hold on too tight or I push people away even though I want them close which only end up hurting them more.”

5. Just can’t hide it.

“I’m not good at hiding my emotions. Specifically, if I’m in a bad mood, everyone knows it.

I used to be an absolute nightmare when I was younger because of it; I’d turn my bad mood into everyone’s bad mood. I don’t do that anymore, but I’m still not good at hiding it.”

6. High standards.

“I have impossibly high standards for myself and I tend to place this on others as well. Then I get p*ssy/grouchy when people fail me.

Deep down it is a self protection mechanism, having been let down by so many people, it is just easier to assume and expect the worst, that even the best of those I love will let me down.”

7. Checked out.

“I mentally checked out of my life.

Sometimes i just sleep for half of my worktime (thanks covid) and after work drink and watch sh*t on Netflix. Rinse and repeat, anticipating weekend. Then friday arrives and i feel even worse (counterintuitive, isn’t it?).

I know i should find me some new stimuli/tasks/hobby/anything but i… Idk? Can’t be bothered?”

8. Back to me.

“I talk about myself way too much and don’t ask about the other person nearly enough.

Probably not my most toxic trait but definitely the one that’s giving me issues at the moment.”

9. Might be time to reach out.

“I’m bad at keeping in touch with people I care about.

The phrase out of sight out of mind is really true for me. I tend to just be absorbed by what’s right in front of me. It’s very rare that I would have a thought like I wonder how my sister is doing or I wonder how such-and-such friend is doing after xyz event or even I wonder how my girlfriends day is going.

I care about these people obviously, but they also don’t seem to naturally occur to me in my daily thoughts. This unfortunately leaves it up to everyone else to reach out to me, to hang, to make the invitation, to chat, etc. I’m always super stoked when they do, but I regret putting that on them. I’m fortunate that they do all make the effort.

I am a good friend… like with anything else I do, when I’m with someone I’m very much absorbed in that interaction, so that I think helps put away any doubts about my interest in the relationship.”

10. Ingrained in you.

“Because my father was and is a huge racist, I still have racist thoughts that I am fully ashamed of and I know they are wrong.

It’s just ingrained into me sadly.”

11. Holding grudges.

“I hold grudges basically forever and I hate it.

To put things in perspective with a little example, a childhood friend one time did something mean to me when we were 7. We kept talking after that, but whenever we did I would remember that day with ridiculous detail like it was etched with a laser on my brain.

I finally let go of that grudge one day when we were casually remembering childhood moments and she remembered that day and apologized. About 20 years later.”

12. At least you’re aware of it.

“I’m manipulative and selfish.

I just finally accepted that a few months ago. I can’t even tell you guys or anyone else the things I’ve done. Even though I regret them now and know they’re wrong I know for a fact I’d have Redditors screaming at me for being a selfish prick.

In vague terms, I’ve used people, lied, guilted, and messed with the system to get what I want and never really thought of it as manipulative until I got on meds and got some help.”

13. Time to recharge.

“I’m emotionally unavailable. Sometimes I just disappear.

My closest friends understand this but it’s off putting for new friendships. It’s nothing personal, I just need to recharge.”

Okay, now we want to hear from you…

What do you think is your most toxic trait?

Talk to us in the comments and spill your guts!

The post What Is Your Most Toxic Trait? Here’s How People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

5 Flowers That Are As Deadly As They Are Beautiful

Everybody loves flowers right? They’re pretty, they smell good and they liven up our living spaces.

Well, some of them definitely don’t love us back. In fact, they can be absolutely deadly.

Recently we looked at 5 Flowers That Would Straight up Kill You If They Had a Chance. Guess what? We’ve found five more.

So spend some time learning about this quintet of bad-ass blossoms so they don’t put you in an early grave.

1. Lilies

Photo Credit: iStock

Lilies originated in Japan and are a wildly popular flower across the world. Because of that popularity, they not only come in many different varieties, but some flowers that are called lilies actually aren’t. Like daylily, water lily, and calla lily.

Not all varieties of the lily are poisonous, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be cautious. And while some types can cause symptoms as minor as skin irritation, if you ingest something like the Zigadenus fremontii (star lily; pictured below) it can be fatal.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

In general, lilies are more toxic to house pets like cats, so you’ll want to check before you bring a blossom into your house.

2. Oleander

Photo Credit: iStock

Here’s a weird, wonderful fact about white oleander. It can cause your heart to slow down, but it can also be used to prevent heart failure. And it actually treats a variety of serious conditions like epilepsy and malaria.

But let’s just say you decide to go grab a handful of white oleander, stuff in your mouth and swallow – not a good idea, but let’s say it happens. What you should expect next are stomach pains, fainting, irregular heartbeat, stomach pain and complete disorientation.

So yeah, don’t do that. Because there are more than 300 varieties of oleander out there, and you just don’t need that trouble in your life.

3. Mistletoe

Photo Credit: iStock

So how did kissing underneath a toxic collection of berries become a thing? Blame the Greeks – the ancient Greeks. During the festival of Saturnalia, people kissed under the mistletoe because they believed it helped with fertility. The tradition was later carried into marriage ceremonies and then on to the rest of us.

The good news is that mistletoe is rarely fatal. The bad news is you still need to seek medical attention. Because symptoms like blurred vision, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and extreme drowsiness can and will occur.

4. Wisteria

Photo Credit: iStock

Ahhh Wisteria. It kind of looks like lilac’s evil, sexier cousin. It originated in China, Korea and Japan, slowly made its way to the U.S., and now can be found blooming all over the east coast in pink, purple, white or blue flowers.

So what happens if you eat it? Bad things. Especially if you munch on the super poisonous seeds.

Abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting are on the menu for starters. Then comes the depression of the central nervous system. And this is one plant you want to keep far away from cats and dogs, because every plant in the genus will fuck up your furry friends.

5. Belladonna

Photo Credit: iStock

This one originated in Europe, Southwest Asia, and Northwest Africa and goes by many names: Atropa belladonna, deadly nightshade, Devil’s cherries, or, quite simply, belladonna.

Naturally, if it’s on this list, it is not to be messed with because it’s absolutely filled with toxins. Eat just a few of the berries and you’ll start to get really thirsty, experience dry mouth and rashes will begin popping up.

And then the fun really starts.

Delirium sets in, your pupils dilate and your nerve endings will be paralyzed in the involuntary muscles of your body. That’s very bad because the involuntary muscles are the ones that are supposed to just function on their own. Like our stomach and intestines. And our blood vessels. And our heart.


The post 5 Flowers That Are As Deadly As They Are Beautiful appeared first on UberFacts.