People Share Important Facts That Could Save Lives

Sometimes, it’s the little things that matter the most.

And sometimes those little things are facts that most people don’t know about that could end up saving their lives one day.

Hey, we only get one shot at this life thing, so we might as well soak up all the knowledge we can, especially when it comes to our health and well-being.

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about little-known facts that could save lives.

1. Just in case.

“Take Benadryl to the forest with you.

The forest is full of life forms you do not usually come into contact with, in other words a treasure trove of allergies you didn’t know you had.

A hiker carrying Benadryl saved my brothers best friend after he stepped in a hornet’s nest with no known allergies.”

2. Am I being followed?

“If you think you’re being followed, take four lefts or four rights.

You went in a circle. If they are still behind you, you’re being followed.

Call 911.”

3. What’s that smell?

“If something stinks like fish or something similar around your room or around your house, check the outlets, most likely they are overheating.

Smell around the house and find the stench. If it goes unnoticed there will most likely be an electrical fire.

Almost happened to me, in the bathroom.”

4. That wouldn’t be good.

“If you see someone drowning give them something to grab onto.

If you get close to them they will instinctively grab onto you, endangering both of you.”

5. Hmmm…

“Essential oils have a high risk of causing seizures, organ failure, and death in children and pets.

So it’s best to just not use them around them at all.”

6. Know your location.

“Always know the address where you are at, especially if you are in a hotel or on vacation.

I work emergency services and the it can literally be the difference between life and death in some cases especially if you cannot stay on the phone!

Stay safe out there people!”

7. Wilderness survival.

“If you’re lost in the wild, don’t follow herbivores thinking they’ll show you to food while also not attacking you.

Herbivores WILL attack you if they feel threatened, and the difference between them and carnivores is that if you prove to a carnivore you’re not worth it then they’ll leave you alone, but if a herbivore attacks you, it means it’s downright angry at you.

Practically nothing you do will make it stop. Just don’t follow dangerous animals in general, whether they’re carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.”

8. In the water.

“If you fall into water with your pants on, you can use them as a makeshift life vest.

Kick off your shoes. Remove your pants (this is the hardest part). Tie the pant legs together with a square knot (two overhand knots). Place the knot behind your head. Grab the pant opening on both sides, lift it out of the water, then slap it down on the water surface. This will capture air in the pants.

Repeat until they inflate enough. Pinch the opening closed and hold it with one hand.”

9. Don’t eat!

“If your stomach ever gets stabbed/shot, you’ll get super hungry and the last thing you should do is eat.

When you eat, blood rushes to your stomach so eating when it’s been cut could lead you to bleed out.”

10. Follow the leader.

“If a service dog comes up to you without it’s human, follow it.

They are trained to find a person to bring back and assist if their owner needs assistance that’s out of their paws.”

11. I didn’t know that.

“You can die from carbon monoxide just by riding on or near the back of a boat.

Happens to people all the time.”

12. Interesting.

“This might seem like an obvious one but kids who wear darker colored coats/clothes are much more likely to be kidnapped.

The brighter your kids clothing the 1. Less likely it is that they’ll be kidnapped and 2. The more likely it is that the kidnapping event will be witnessed And therefore stopped or -at the very least- the investigation will start sooner, and you’re more likely to get a description of the kidnapper.

So basically, make your kids wear bright colors. Make them get bright winter coats and neon backpacks. Orange, Red, bright pink, and lime green are supposed to be the best colors.”

13. Sleep apnea.

“There are 22 million people in the U.S. right now who have sleep apnea, yet only 20% of them will seek treatment. If neglected, sleep apnea leads to memory loss, cognitive damage, chronic fatigue, and even heart attacks.

When we are awake, our throat muscles contract to keep the air passage in our throats open. However, when we sleep, our throat muscles relax, and if your throat is narrow enough, the sagging tissue can block your air passage. The most noticeable symptom of a blocked airway is SNORING.

If you snore, go to your ENT and ask for a sleep study, especially if you are overweight or over the age of 50, as these conditions dramatically increase your chances of having sleep apnea.

You’re probably wondering how sleep apnea can cause long term memory loss and heart attacks.

When your air passage closes, your brain goes into emergency mode to open your throat. Unfortunately, this also will yank you out of REM sleep. The lack of quality sleep over time can cause memory loss and fatigue. A different mechanism causes heart attacks.

When your air passage closes, your heart is suddenly forced to work harder to circulate the little oxygen left in your blood. This event can occur hundreds of times a night, and it is very stressful on your heart. Over time, this can trigger a heart attack.

Do yourself a favor and see your doctor about sleep apnea. By doing so, you’ll improve your memory, stop waking up exhausted, have a healthier heart, and you’ll won’t snore anymore.

The difference is night and day. I promise.”

14. Don’t say a word.

“If you’re ever in legal problems abroad, do nothing, say nothing and sign nothing until a diplomatic agent from your embassy or consulate is with you.

It may mean being stuck in a holding cell for days, but it’s better than what you can potentially get yourself in.”

How about you?

Do you know any facts that might help save a life?

If so, please share them with us in the comments! Thanks!

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People Share Facts That Might Save Your Life One Day

You never know when you’re going to be in a situation where your life might be in danger.

That’s why it’s important to LISTEN when people share these kinds of facts and tips about things that could potentially save your life one day.

So sit back and take all of this in, okay?

Pay attention to these tips from folks on AskReddit. They might come in handy one day.

1. This is important.

“Airplane depressurizes and the masks drop?

Put your damn mask on first, as instructed.

At 35,000 feet you have 30-60 seconds of useful consciousness.

Make it count.”

2. Get out as fast as possible.

“Do not delay getting out of a burning building.

The flames are not what will kill you. The smoke will get very thick and toxic very quickly and you will not be able to see the way to get out.”

3. Stay safe out there.

“If you are driving in inclement weather pay attention to truckers, they are often warned ahead of time of wrecks and things due to their radios.

Also never drive in the rain without headlights!!”

4. Keep an eye out.

“Maybe not your life, but someone else’s. Most drowning is silent. The victim quite literally cannot speak to call for help, as they are too desperately trying to get any air at all.

Drowning can look simply like a person bobbing in the water until they no longer come back up. Keep a watch out. Especially if it’s kids.”

5. Get to the hospital ASAP.

“If your vomit look like coffee grounds, you are bleeding internally and you need to go to the hospital.”

6. What’s that smell?

“If you smell a fish smell in your house (some people also report a smell like urine) for no reason, 9 times out of 10 it means there’s an electrical fire.

I actually was the hero in this situation!

Was visiting my sister a number of years back. Hanging out on her couch. Smelled a smell of urine (with a bit of dead fish mixed in) …I asked her what that was. She answered, “it’s been here for weeks. We think a rat or squirrel got trapped in the walls.”

That didn’t sound right to me. a dead animal would smell different.

And for whatever reason, I googled “smells like urine.”

Electrical fire was the first answer.

So, I sniffed all around the room… and found it was coming from the plug of an old lamp. Unplugged it, odor vanished.

Instant hero!”

7. Don’t pull it out.

“If you get impaled or stabbed leave the object in and call 911 (or your country’s equal).

That object is keeping all the blood on the inside of your body.”

8. Sounds terrible.

“If you are ever buried in rubble (earthquake, tornado, building collapse etc).

Don’t shout. You’ll lose your voice and waste energy.

Instead, grab a piece of rubble and knock in patterns of threes. Humans are expert pattern makers and pattern noticers.

Rescuers will hear the distinctive pattern sound and go toward it.

Once you can hear people, then use your voice.”

9. Sadly, you hear about this a lot.

“If someone is in trouble and you want to leap in to save them, make sure you have a way to get out yourself.

I recently saw a video of a drowning man. Another man jumped in to try and save him. Instead both drowned.”

10. This is extremely important.

“If you’re visiting an unfamiliar location like a cinema or concert hall, take a few moments to look around for the nearest exit, then pick out a second as a backup in case the first becomes blocked or cut off.

If something happens, especially in a crowded public place, most people’s first instincts are to turn around and head for the main entrance but this is not always the closest, safest or easiest way out. Nine times out of ten there will usually be a closer exit.”

11. Take shelter.

“If a tornado looks like it isn’t moving, it’s heading right towards you.”

12. Absolutely true.

“There are no rules if a stranger puts their hands on you.

Yell, scream bloody murder, kick, bite, make the biggest scene you possibly can and run away as fast as you can.

Make sure your kids understand that this is the exception, the time they MUST draw as much attention as possible and do ANYTHING it takes to get away and get help.”

13. Always get it checked out.

“Treat all head injuries seriously.

Even a bonk on the head can lead to brain swelling and bleeding. Also, signs and symptoms for a head injury may or may not express immediately.

Get them to a hospital ASAP.”

14. Riptide.

“If you get caught in a current, don’t swim towards the shore and instead swim parallel to the shore.

15. Hopefully, this never happens.

“If you are being shot at, follow Army infantry tactics.

Find any form of cover (car, tree, dirt), and run to it while finding the next cover location

Drop to the ground in your cover location, and don’t raise your head!

Roll left or right so they can’t track your last position, this is very important.

Run to the next cover location while finding your third one. You shouldn’t be running longer than three seconds before the next drop.

I hope you never have to use this.”

16. I didn’t know this…

“If you ever almost drown to the point of throwing up water or passing out, even if you feel 100% fine, get to a hospital.

Your lungs can unwittingly self-fill up with fluid over the next few hours.

Secondary drowning is no joke. More people definitely need to be aware of the dangers!”

17. You have to chew it.

“When having a heart attack, you don’t swallow aspirin, you chew it.”

There is definitely some wisdom in those words…

Okay, now it’s your turn.

In the comments, please share some facts that might just save someone’s life one day.

Please and thank you!

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Avoid These Common Packing Mistakes for a Smoother Vacation

The most dreaded part of any vacation is always packing. From trying to stuff that extra pair of shoes in to figuring out a way to fit your laptop and electronics, packing a suitcase can be an exhausting and, frankly, emotionally draining effort.

Staying organized and practical are imperative in the suitcase stuffing packing process. But while we should strive for perfection, here are five common, easily avoidable suitcase packing mistakes that could turn your vacation into a messy disaster.


Having options is one thing, but bringing your entire wardrobe for a three-day cruise is just crazy.

Many people make the mistake of trying to fit too much in their suitcase; they simply get overwhelmed with trying to pick out the appropriate amount of clothing, shoes and accessories to bring on vacation.

The best way to avoid overpacking is to choose a few pairs of pants or shorts that are versatile enough to pair with a few more different tops. You could also opt for a color scheme that you want to coordinate throughout the trip.

Waiting Until The Last Minute

Procrastination doesn’t just apply to homework and cleaning the house.

Vacation-goers often wait till the night before (or sometimes the morning of) to take care of packing. According to Dacy Gillespie, a personal stylist, “You end up packing too many options and don’t have what you need.”

If you have to rush the packing process, you can often overlook important items or pack way too much out of desperation.

Never Fold When You Can Roll


Folding clothes may be the traditional way to do it, but you should really roll with the times.

When it comes to maximizing a small amount of space, rolling your clothes up is the clear-cut choice. Start by folding the article of clothing lengthwise before rolling it tighter than a Chipotle burrito.

Store heavier items along the bottom of your suitcase before layering in lighter items on top. You’ll thank me later…believe me.

Keep Your Toiletries Contained

Nothing is worse than opening up your suitcase only to find your favorite outfit ruined by an exploded shampoo bottle.

Toiletries like lotions, mouthwash, toothpaste and deodorant can easily spill inside your luggage (if you’re flying, remember: the cargo hold is unpressurized) and cause serious damage. Store all non-solids inside plastic bags to ensure your clothes are safe and your vacation will start off on the right foot.

Throwing Out Your Packing List

Organization is the key to packing, and writing everything down on a list can be a helpful strategy.

However, many travelers make the mistake of throwing out their packing list after the final zipper has been pulled. Instead, store your packing list inside your suitcase so that you can verify you have everything when you pack again at the conclusion of your trip.

Any other tips you’d recommend? Share them below!

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Unusual but Handy Uses for Aspirin That You Might Not Know About

You probably know you’re supposed to break out the aspirin when your head is throbbing or when you have a toothache, but did you know there are a whole bunch of other things you can do with aspirin as well?

I’m talking about everyday things that you really might benefit from.

Here are 5 unorthodox ways you can use aspirin that you might want to consider.

1. No more pimples.


You can crush aspirin and add a little water to create a paste that you can leave on pimples for a few minutes or even overnight. The aspirin contains salicylic acid – the primary ingredient in some acne creams – which removes oil and dead cells and will unclog pores. Not a bad hygiene hack, huh?

2. Stain fighter.

If you crush up three aspirin and add it to a half a cup of warm water, you can use that solution to fight stains on your clothing – especially stains from sweat and oil. The salicylic acid found in aspirin (it’s a handy chemical) fights stains just like the acetic acid found in vinegar, another useful stain fighter.

3. Works on calluses.


If your feet or hands have tough calluses, you can (once again) crush up aspirin and make a paste by combining some water and lemon juice. Rub the paste onto your calluses, wrap with a warm towel, and cover with a plastic bag. Let that sit for ten minutes, remove everything and then you can use a file to get rid of those pesky calluses.

Unless you want them around to keep on protecting your tender hands, of course.

4. Let’s talk about dandruff.

Having dandruff is embarrassing, and controlling it can be difficult. Well, here’s a remedy that you might not know about. Crush two aspirin and put it into the shampoo you use to wash your hair.

Leave it in your hair for a couple of minutes, then rinse it all out. Then wash your hair again with plain shampoo and make sure there is no residue from the aspirin left behind.

5. You could stop a heart attack.

heart attack anatomy

You might have heard this one before, but it’s worth repeating.

First of all, you should educate yourself about the warning signs for a heart attack. If you do think you are having a heart attack, chew on aspirin until paramedics arrive. Aspirin will inhibit the platelets that trigger the blood clotting, so you could buy yourself some very important extra time.

Get it? Got it? Good!

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Are You Always Running Late? Here Are 8 Ways to Be on Time.

If you are ALWAYS late, then you may only vaguely know how much you’re annoying your friends, family, co-workers and bosses.

Sometimes lateness is truly out of your control, but when it starts to be a habit, it’s clear you need some strategies.

Scroll through this list of 8 tools that will get you on the road and showing up on time.

1. Never explain why you’re late.

Only apologize for the trouble your lateness caused. Soon, you’ll begin to see how many excuses you were throwing out for your constant tardiness, which can make you more aware.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

2. Think about how someone constantly being late affects you.

Late people are irritating, and that’s how people see you.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

3. Give yourself the grace of being somewhere first by at least 5 minutes.

That few minutes is a gift to give yourself. Check your email or social media on your phone with your newfound free time – or just get yourself ready for whatever it is you need to do.

Photo Credit: Pexels

4. Wake up an hour early and get a jump on your morning routine.

You’ll get to work on time and you’ll have already crossed off a few things on your to do list.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

5. Set different named alarms to prompt you through your morning routine.

That way, you’re not lingering over your breakfast or in the shower longer than you wanted.

Photo Credit: Needpix

6. Use music to get out the door on time.

Make a playlist with a song for stretching, a few songs for breakfast, some for showering and dressing and then a final energetic tune to get you on the road.

Photo Credit: Pexels

7. Add a few minutes to travel time to account for last minute searches for keys, sunglasses or your other shoe.

You’ll be grateful too for a few extra minutes to find a parking spot or wait for the train.

Photo Credit: Flickr

8. Pack your stuff up in the evening and have it ready by the door.

If you have everything ready to go the night before, then you won’t waste precious minutes searching for it.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

All of these steps are totally easy. Incorporate some of them and you’ll find life a little less hectic and a lot more productive.

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Servers Who Got Garbage Tips Share How They Didn’t Let Customers Get Away with It

Bad tippers are THE WORST. The worst people ever! That’s what I’m talking about.

If you’re going to go to a restaurant and not leave a decent tip (or any tip at all), then you might as well just stay home and cook for yourself.

All of these servers got the last laugh, though…

How rude!

1. That’s pathetic

2. Boom!

3. That’s insulting

4. Chase ’em down

5. WTF?

His reason for the bad tip was that servers make too much money. I would have rather he said the service was bad or something. from Waiters

6. Don’t spend it all in one place

7. Thumbs up

8. That is ruthless!

9. Quarters everywhere

10. Just his type

11. “Kindly”

Tip your servers and your bartenders…or else you might end up the subject of a story like these folks did…

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Here Are Expert Tips for Traveling Alone as a Woman from a Travel Blogger

Traveling alone can be really scary, especially if you’re a woman. Simply walking down the street in a city in your home country is a challenging experience (hello, street harassers!), let alone in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language or have cell phone service.

That’s why Ciara Johnson, a popular Black travel blogger on Instagram, shared a series of solo travel tips for women.

Photo Credit: Twitter

“I’m a woman and I travel the world alone, from Mexico to Morocco to Cuba to Bosnia to many other countries. Here’s a thread on how I stay safe,” Ciara wrote on Twitter.

First, Ciara is “hyper aware” of her surroundings. “Scan your surroundings,” she said. “Is someone walking close to you? Does someone appear to be watching you? Did that car just pull beside you & slow down?” If you notice something awry, don’t hesitate to get out of there. Always trust your gut.

As Ciara writes: “It’s better to look a little paranoid than to be harassed, robbed, or worse.”

Photo Credit: Ciara Johnson

Second, Ciara recommends doing a lot of research before you go. You can never be too prepared, so look up “cultural norms, customs, how to dress, scams, natural disasters, political climate, etc.,” she writes. She also recommends looking for accounts by other solo female travelers, and checking reviews for hotels.

Third, Ciara uses technology wisely. She avoids pulling her phone out randomly on the street. But she does use Google Maps, translation apps, Uber. She makes sure to have access to data to keep her family and friends aware of her location.

“Make sure someone, anyone… knows where you are & where you’re staying,” she said.

Photo Credit: Ciara Johnson

Fourth, Ciara trusts other women before other men. Solo travelers have to rely on strangers to some extent, but don’t trust just anyone. “If I need directions, I usually ask a woman. This is not to say all women can be trusted, but I feel more comfortable trusting a woman on first instinct.”

And fifth, Ciara avoids giving out information that could be used against her. She doesn’t let her massive social media following know exactly where she travels until after she’s left, for example. She lies if someone asks if she’s travelig alone.

Armed with these tips, there’s nowhere you can’t go – and the experience is totally worth it!

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This Is What the “Guilty” Expression on Your Dog’s Face Really Means

Humans keep trying to explain and understand our pets in terms of human thoughts and emotions. Even though they’re, ya know, dogs and cats and birds and stuff.

So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the look your dog gives you when they’re in trouble for doing something they know they shouldn’t have isn’t what you think.

Like this guy who’s clearly guilty AF!

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I may look guilty right? That’s because I am, I chewed mummy’s trainer up, thought I may get away with it but as soon as she shouted ‘who did this Tink?’ My face automatically did this……? need more practice ???? Happy Friyay ? Tink xx #guiltydogface#happyfriyay#bettyboobeagle#tinkerbelle#justbeagles#beagleloveit#instagrambeagles#beagle#beaglesofinstagram#dogsofinstagram#dogs_of_instagram#beaglecentral#beagleworld_feature#beagleluvofficial#beaglevillage#boopmynose#dailybarker#worldofcutepets#dogsofinstagram#sendadogphoto #worldofcutepets#dog_features#dogsofinstaworld#mydogiscutest#igwoofs#dogmilk#beaglefaction#beagleloverz#beagles_petsagram#beaglepluss#beagle_us#doggytheworld @beagledream @beagle_top @boopmynose @beagleworld @beagle_loveit @beaglecentral @bestfriends_dogs @dogsofinstagram @beaglevillage @beagleloverz @beaglefaction @beagle_corner @dog.tagram @thekennelclubuk @beagleoftheday @beagle_top @beagles.gram @beaglemasters @sendadogphoto @justbeagles @mydogiscutest @beaglesplanet @thebeaglesparents @beagle_lovers @beagles_petsagram @beagles_all_day @instagrambeagles @beagle_society @beagledaily @beaglescorner @beaglestagrams @beagleig @beaglesmile @beagle_corner @beaglezada @beagleloversfc @beaglecute @beagle.ins.gram @beagle_me @dogs @worldofbeagles @doglove @dogs_of_world_

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Actually, what we categorize as an adorable attempt to convey the complicated emotion of guilt is actually much more simple (and less cute) – fear.

A 2009 study ran by scientist Dr. Alexandra Horowitz called “Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know” and “Being a Dog: Following the Dog Into a World of Smell,” addresses how we misinterpret fear as guilt in those moments when we’re upset with our dogs for disobeying.

“I look at a dog showing the guilty look and it feels guilty to me. It does! We’re kind of wired to see it this way, so it’s nobody’s fault.”

She describes the look as when the dog cowers, showing the whites of its eyes while looking up at you, possibly pinning it’s ears back in the process – all classic signs of fear in dogs.

They’re responding to your scolding and disapproval, basically, not to any higher thought process where they were aware they were doing the wrong thing when they were doing it, and are now feeling badly that they were caught.

“It seems unlikely that they have the same types of thinking about thinking that we do, because of their really different brains, but in most ways dogs brains are more similar to ours than dissimilar,” Dr. Horowitz told IFLScience.

The “thinking about thinking” bit refers to executive function, meaning the ability to reflect on past actions and feel a certain way about them in the present.

“There is some work showing that some animals are planning for the future and remember specific episodes in the past. With dogs, there’s not as much evidence yet. Which isn’t to say that they don’t, but it’s to say that it’s really hard to design experiments around it.”

Without solid evidence when it comes to how dogs experience emotion and memory, anthropomorphizing them is easy – and it’s essential to us, as humans, as a way to make sense of this creature now living alongside us in our home.

“When you adopted your dog, and suddenly you’re living with a dog, within a week we have opinions about the dog’s personality, what they’re like and what they’re thinking. It’s a way to try to predict what’s gonna happen next with an organism that we don’t really know. So we use the language of human explanation, and we just put it on the dog.”

Which is fine, of course, as long as you’re not expecting more from your dog that they’re really able to give.

It’s best to just love them for who and what they are – nosed-through trash bins and chewed-up shoes and all.

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This 24-Year-Old Will Have $100,000 Saved by Next Year. Here’s How

Managing our money is definitely one of the biggest struggles most of us face as we enter adulthood. It’s a skill that isn’t nearly as widely discussed/taught in school as it should be. Too many adults these days are living paycheck-to-paycheck, where any major, unexpected expense can potentially derail their entire lives.

Tori Dunlap is only 24 years old, but she recently realized she’s on track to have $100,000 in the bank by next year despite never making more than $80,000 in a year. Pretty impressive for a young person, right?

Dunlap said, “One of my biggest priorities in life has always been to save as much money as possible — and I owe much of that to my parents, who made sure I had a strong financial education at a young age.”

Dunlap acknowledges that she has some advantages that others don’t: she’s white, she comes from a middle-class family, and she graduated from college with no debt. But whether you’re as privileged as she is or not, anyone can benefit from her 5 most important money-saving tips.

1. Get on that side hustle

Dunlap said she worked an extra 15 hours per week doing social media marketing outside of her regular 9-5 job to help reach her $100,000 goal. She then invested all her money from her side job and 20% of her earnings from her full-time job.

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You don't have to stop spending money. You just need to stop spending money on things that aren't priorities for you. ?????? If that daily coffee brings you joy, awesome. But if that daily coffee is your excuse to get you out of the office at 2 pm, and you don't even taste it any more, something needs to change. ☕☕☕ Make a list of your three priorities. These are things you're willing to spend discretionary money on (mine, for example, are travel, food out, and living alone in Seattle.) This list might be the same as mine, or include things like fancy groceries, manicures, makeup, clothes, etc. These are the things were the majority of your "fun" money should be spent. ??? Then, use a tool like my Cash Calendar to track your spending and reflect on your purchases. Did these align with my priorities? Or did I emotionally spend my hard-earned money on something that didn’t matter to me? That’s where the real transformation happens. ??? What are your three spending priorities? Drop them below! ?: @oliviafrances143

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2. Invest early

Dunlap opened a Roth IRA after she graduated from college and she maxed it out every year. She also saved six months of living expenses in a high-yield savings account for an emergency fund.

3. Don’t fall into the lifestyle inflation trap

Dunlap lives in an expensive city (Seattle), but she tries to save money in a variety of ways. She lives in a less expensive, less trendy neighborhood than many young people in Seattle. She has prioritized saving money over having a trendy lifestyle. She has a one-hour commute to work instead of a five-minute ride on the light rail, and her neighborhood consists of mostly older people – but, again, she is saving more money than her peers by not paying an outrageous amount for rent.

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Privilege. • This word, especially when it comes to money, can cause people to go from zero to sixty in a hot second. And rightfully so. It’s hard to listen to folks talk about privilege who haven’t done the work of educating themselves as to what it means and why it matters. • One of the core tenants of my practice is to acknowledge my privilege. A huge reason why I’m on the path to $100K is because I graduated without student debt. That was a privilege. Going to a private college was a privilege. Getting two four-year degrees was a privilege. • It was also work. My parents — who both grew up poor — sacrificed and scrimped and saved so they could help support me financially. A huge privilege. They also expected me to contribute — with profits from summer jobs, three jobs while going to school, and merit scholarships. It was a collaboration, not a handout. A privilege but not a hall pass. • After listening to the most recent episode of @fairercents, it got me thinking. Too often, we don’t showcase that both of these things are possible: having or lacking privilege, combined with hard work. I would not be where I am today without privilege: being white, cis-gendered, with supportive parents who were able to emotionally and financially support me. But I also wouldn’t be where I am without diligence. • With privilege, comes responsibility. Having the financial education I have is a privilege I intend on using for good. With this knowledge, I have the responsibility to teach and guide others. It’s what I believe I was put on this earth to do. • I know privilege can be a tough conversation, one that I am constantly learning more about and trying to be better at. Always more to ponder and consider and strive for… thanks for listening. ?: @karyaschanilec

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4. The three-bucket budget rule

Dunlap divides her budget into three buckets. The first is living expenses (rent, bills, groceries). The second is for goals (investments, retirement, saving for a house). The third bucket is for everything else. This is the fun bucket for eating out, clothes, and travel.

The percentage of how much you put into each of the three buckets varies depending on the person.

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“We all have a better guide in ourselves than any other person can be…” ??? Personal finance is just that — personal. Our emotions and our mindset affect more of our money than any APR or interest rate can. ??? Changing your money habits starts with changing your mindset. It starts with knowing yourself and your triggers. It starts with small steps over time. ??? This is where a money coach can help you. We see you for your whole person, not just the number on your statement. We’re that cheerleader to keep you going, with the knowledge of how to guide you. It’s my favorite thing in the world. ?????? You know yourself better than anyone else. Trust yourself and start building habits that will change your life. Go get ‘em.

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5. Take things one step at a time and learn from your failures

We all make mistakes when it comes to saving (and spending) money. Dunlap said she took a job once simply because the money was good, even though her gut told her otherwise. The work environment ended up being extremely toxic, and she quit less than three months into the job.

Dunlap admits she felt like a failure after this experience and that it took her a while to rebuild her confidence, but in the long run she learned more about herself and what is important to her. She said, “Money is great, but unhappiness isn’t. Life is just too short.”

Do you have any money-saving tips of your own? Share them in the comments.

The post This 24-Year-Old Will Have $100,000 Saved by Next Year. Here’s How appeared first on UberFacts.

12 Guys Openly Share Secrets About Dating That Most People Wouldn’t Guess

The dating experiences for men and women can be VERY different.

Gender roles. Societal expectations. Basic sexual attraction. They all play a big role in who we date and what we expect. And keeping up with it all can be complicated and exhausting.

These 12 men share their struggles with dating and tips about how to treat a lady. And while some of this is eye opening… some of it is a bit douchey.

Hang on! It’s about to get weird in here.

1. Really?

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Well, now you know how women feel, right?

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. This is what women say they want, so hopefully they do understand.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. I know a lot of men who would disagree.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Devastating!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. The background picture on this is amazing.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Hahaha, okay buddy.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. I’m pretty sure women know…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. And I bet they do the same to you, pal!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Another good test!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Seems like a bad test…

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. You know, this is completely cool. Good test!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Learn anything new?

Hope so! ???

The post 12 Guys Openly Share Secrets About Dating That Most People Wouldn’t Guess appeared first on UberFacts.