Time seems to speed up as we get older

Time seems to speed up as we get older because each year we live is a smaller percentage of the total amount of time we’ve been alive. It’s called proportional theory. There’s a suggestion that our perception of time may be in proportion to the length of our lifespan. Known as the “proportional theory”, this […]

Time seems to speed up as we get older

Time seems to speed up as we get older because each year we live is a smaller percentage of the total amount of time we’ve been alive. It’s called proportional theory. There’s a suggestion that our perception of time may be in proportion to the length of our lifespan. Known as the “proportional theory”, this […]

Due to gravitational time dilation the core of the…

Due to gravitational time dilation the core of the earth is approx. 2.5 years younger than surface. Higher gravitational potential causes time to move faster. For example, over the course of earth’s history, a clock at the top of Mt. Everest would be approx. 39 hours fast than at sea level. 00