Movie Stars Who Went Way Too Far With Their Method Acting

Actors have many methods to their madness, and much of it depends on how they were schooled, where they were schooled, and what sort of role they might be preparing for. Many “old school”actors choose a method acting approach, which means putting themselves in the shoes of the character as much as possible – meaning everything they do, think, dream, eat, drink, etc is what the character would do in a similar circumstance.

Method acting has resulted in some pretty fantastic performances, but we’ve also witnessed things like intense weight loss or gain, smoking habits, etc that are arguably not as healthy.

Here are 14 times performers may have taken their dedication to method acting a bit too far.

14. Natalie Portman in Black Swan

Image Credit: Fox Searchlight Pictures

Natalie Portman spent 8 hours a day in ballet classes so that she could appear to be as good a ballerina as her character was in the film. At one point she dislocated a rib and she said that the training left her feeling like she was “literally going to die.”

In case you were thinking of taking up dancing.

13. Jamie Foxx in Ray.

Image Credit: Universal Pictures

Ray Charles was blind from the age of 7, and to simulate living that way, Jamie Foxx glued his eyes shut for 13 hours a day.

The director of the film, Taylor Hackford, is the one who suggested the approach but everyone on set sometimes forgot Jamie couldn’t see and left him bumbling around in the dark on his own.

12. Nick Nolte in Down and Out in Beverly Hills

Image Credit: Touchstone/Disney

Nolte played a philosopher-vagrant in the film, and to research what it might have been like to live that way in Los Angeles, he spent five weeks living on the streets as a homeless man.

Also, he ate real dog food (twice).

11. Tom Holland in Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Image Credit: Disney/Marvel

Tom Holland played Peter Parker, a 15-year-old who becomes Spider-Man. The trouble was, Tom had never attended an American high school, and so he enrolled in one in the Bronx to get a better feel for the experience.

It was only for three days, though, in which he practiced his accent and fake name, and was ignored when he told people he was Spider-Man.


10. Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther.

Image Credit: Disney/Marvel

Chadwick Boseman was afraid of losing his accent between takes, and so he kept it up, even between takes, during all of the MCU movies he played T’Challa in.

Boseman firmly believed that T’Challa should speak with an accent based in the Xhosa language, and worked with a South African dialect coach to get it right.

9. Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs

Image Credit: Orion Pictures

Foster joined the FBI Academy in Virginia – the same one Clarice was attending – and immersed herself in the daily routines of the trainees at Quantico.

She also met with senior FBI officers and serial killer experts to learn more about what her role would entail.

Her co-star, Scott Glenn, regretted his alternate choice – he listened to serial killers doing their business, instead.

8. Marlon Brando in The Men

Image Credit: United Artists

Brando spent a month in bed at a veteran’s hospital to prepare for his role as an injured WWII lieutenant.

He even checked himself into the same hospital where his character was convalescing – Birmingham General Army Hospital in Van Nuys, CA.

7. Robert Pattinson in The Lighthouse

Image Credit: Focus Features

While playing a drunken sailor who was slowly losing his grip on reality, Pattison would get horribly drunk before his scenes.

In this “maddened” state, he reportedly licked puddles of mud, was sick on set, and peed himself.

I’m glad I wasn’t on that film’s cleaning crew.

6. Chloe Sevigny in The Brown Bunny

In the final scene of The Brown Bunny, Sevigny is seen giving co-star Vincent Gallo an actual bl*wjob on film.

The scene caused a scandal at the Cannes Film Festival and beyond (even though she was of course the only one criticized) but she never apologized, saying she only wanted to push the envelope.

5. Robert Pattinson in Little Ashes

Image Credit: Aria Films

Pattison was required to do a few s^x scenes while playing Salvador Dali, and in one, he was meant to act out masturbating alongside another actor.

Pattison instead did it for real, and took it all the way to the end, telling Germany’s Interview magazine that his “org*sm face is recorded for eternity.”

4. Val Kilmer in The Doors

Image Credit: Imagine Entertainment

Kilmer went so deep into Doors singer Jim Morrison’s mind that he couldn’t get out – he had to go to therapy to stop thinking like the legendary frontman.

Kilmer learned how to speak and sing like Morrison by wearing his clothes and hanging out at his favorite haunts.

At one point Morrison’s own former band mates couldn’t tell the difference between the two around 80% of the time.

3. Forest Whitaker in The Last King of Scotland

Image Credit: Fox Searchlight Pictures

Forest Whitaker really earned his Academy Award for this role – he learned Swahili, for one, but also ate nothing but mashed bananas and beans, remaining in character offset.

He also met with former Ugandan dictator Idi Amin’s friends, relatives, and victims to prepare for the role.

His wife and kids were reportedly so over it by the time filming was done.

2. Daniel Day Lewis in My Left Foot

Image Credit: Picture Palace Pictures

Lewis is legendary for his method ways, going the extra mile often – like when he remained in a wheelchair for the entire filming of My Left Foot.

He played the role of an artist with cerebral palsy and remained in his chair even between takes, having crew members feed him – even though the pain of two broken ribs.

1. Adrien Brody in The Pianist

Image Credit: Focus Features

Brody eschewed his apartment, his car, and most of his other belongings while preparing to play the role of a Holocaust victim in The Pianist.

He also moved to Europe with only two bags, started dieting to lose an extreme amount of weight, and did his best to experience just “a fraction” of what someone went through in the ghettos and camps during the Holocaust.

These are some great performances, but I’m not sure they were worth it!

Are you a movie buff? Share your favorite method performances with us in the comments.

The post Movie Stars Who Went Way Too Far With Their Method Acting appeared first on UberFacts.

People Shared Their Awkward Pics With Celebrities

If celebrities didn’t really enjoy getting their photos with random people before Covid, now they have the perfect excuse not to get close to strangers.

Lucky them!

But let’s go back to the old days before the pandemic and check out some funny and kind of awkward photos that people shared of themselves with big celebs.


1. You landed an interview.

Bonus points!

2. We miss Grumpy Cat!

You nailed it!

3. You cried four times…

A day well spent.

4. Okay, you win.

This is pretty epic.

5. Get your hands out of my face.

At least he’s having a good time.

6. Don’t remember a thing.

Well, at least you got the pic.

7. “Cancel me.”

A good snapshot.

8. That’s pretty rare.

How’d you score that?

9. Let us pray.

All That!

10. Ready for a kiss?

You better be?

11. I drew you!

I wonder if she liked it.

Have you ever had your pic with a celebrity?

If so, share it with us in the comments.

We’d love to see them!

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People Discuss Whether or Not They Would Watch a TV Show Where Rich People Live on $15/Hr

There are all kinds of reality television shows out there. There’s something for everyone, and most of us have at least one guilty pleasure.

Why not, then, have a show where rich people tried to live on what’s being proposed as a minimum wage? It’s bound to be funny, and you never know – they might learn something.

Would you watch a TV show where rich people have to live on $15/hr? from NoStupidQuestions

These 17 people are weighing in on whether or not they would watch!

17. Can they find their own bootstraps?

What about a show where rich people started off homeless and race to earn a roof over their head. Have to compete in mental illness and socioeconomic obstacle challenges?

16. So they DO learn lessons?!

There is already a program like this on BBC. I can’t remember what it’s called. But it takes families who are wealthy and ones living in poverty and switch them. It’s very entertaining, but not like “ha ha” or outrageous like US reality programs. It’s actually more real reality.

Most of the time the rich family admits that they really had no idea how hard it was to live like that, and often they offer to help get the poverty family a better job and stuff. One even funded the startup costs for the husband in the poverty family to start his own business, and that made a huge difference in their life.

15. A few people made this suggestion.

Nah $15/hr is too generous. Make it $7.25 and I wouldn’t miss an episode.

14. They can never really know what it’s like.

This might backfire. It’s like the song “Common People”. They have no real risk because they can go back. Part of poverty is the constant anxiety that if something goes wrong (the refrigerator breaks, the car crashes, you lose your apartment, you need a minor but expensive surgery) it is disastrous.

They wouldn’t have that. They would still think in the end “well they can just change to a different better job” or “they should just go to college”.

13. But no overtime pay, friend.

I would watch but let’s throw in closing and opening shifts back to back as well as mandatory overtime.

12. It’s not funny because it’s true.

I’d rather watch a show where rich people got to live on $7.25.

Sometimes they can even make them be a single parent. With no maternity leave or healthcare. And no affordable daycare in sight. With no family around to help. Boy those were the days…. not. I guess I should have pulled myself up by my bootstraps but unfortunately the straps broke and I couldn’t afford to replace them.

11. And it’s not fun.

This was asked countless, countless times and the real answer is no, it would be way too artificial, because they do it for fun. They can be more risky, they can cheat, but even if they dont, they dont have that pressure of knowing that if it goes wrong they still have to live the rest of their lifes… is just a show and after its done, they still have their money.

Its the same way as when you do tourism…. its entitled and ignorant af to claim you know how living in the country is, because you dont ,even if you do the same stuff

10. They still have a way out.

I would totally watch it, but it’s kinda like The Last Temptation of Christ… I mean, they know they’re going back to their real life, so the true despair that those who live in poverty will never set it.

It’s a whole different thing when you know you have a way out

9. Maybe they could do it this way…

What if they don’t get a way out?

If they can’t get to the end of the week without skipping meals/skipping bills/postponing a repair or medical appointment/you get the idea, they have to keep playing until they do or quit. And if they quit, they have to forfeit one of their homes to the poor family.

You’ll never erase their perfect comfort in this world but we can make them pay for it, at least.

8. Eat the rich.

Not in the slightest. I’m not interesting in watching rich people throw us an entertainment bone only to go back to being mega-rich once it’s over.

Not to mention the fact that they’ll likely just make more money from being on the show and continue to not give a f*ck about people on the bottom.

I don’t want to be a part of giving those people any more money or good press.

7. Maybe six months.

Not unless it was for a full month or more. If they aren’t paying rent, buying all their own food or going to food banks, riding the bus or driving a completely busted PoS that needs mechanic work they can’t afford, and ditching everything else they own in order to genuinely experience poverty for at least a month, then it’s a worthless stunt designed to gain them PR points, and I would refuse to acknowledge it in any way.

6. Because everything is a competition in America.

If you could somehow make it competitive, we could call it Wage War. Who has the best life at $15/hour? And it can be an entertaining PSA that will help us continue to change opinions on a livable wage.

5. That’s how reality shows work.

People working for the show will intentionally let rude/asshole customers in and the supervisor will be an asshole (to make the experience realistic).
Everything will be manipulated so, uh, it’ll be realistic?

How about just reading Nickel and Dimed? Or watching the first 30 Days episode, or anything better than shitty “reality” shows?

4. It’s like a game you can’t win.

Would be better if they weren’t guaranteed hours and go from having a 40 hour week to a 12 hour week to a 8 hour week to a 30 hour week.

All at different times during the day too so they can’t get a 2nd job.

3. Maybe it would fly.

I watched Undercover Boss and laughed my guts out at how clueless they were, so yeah, this show sounds like a winner.

2. No one can survive…the customers.

Why “simulated”? Let ’em work an ACTUAL minimum wage job. ($8.55/hr here in Ohio) Make sure it’s customer-facing and that there are plenty of local, feral Karens in the indigenous population.

Hells yeah I’d watch it. I’d binge watch the entire season in a day.

1. Ridiculous is one word for it.

Hasn’t this already been done with Paris Hilton in the 90’s? I remember her saying that she thought people that worked fast food just did it for fun and didn’t know it was their actual job.

It was ridiculous and I’m sure a show like that would piss me off.

I think I would check it out.

Would you tune in? Tell us why or why not in the comments!

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People Talk About What Celebrities They Felt Bad for Who Got Cancelled

Famous people are getting cancelled left and right these days.

Actors, musicians, politicians, no one is safe.

And I’m sure that you know that a ton of them did really horrible things and they deserved to be called out for them.

But did some of them just get caught up in all the “cancel” hoopla?

AskReddit users talked about what cancelled celebrities they actually feel bad for.

1. That’s too bad.

“Brendan Fraser got blacklisted after being molested by a higher up in the movie industry. His wife divorced him, taking his money too.

After all the joy that man has brought us, he got the short sh*t covered side of the stick.”

2. I’m glad he’s back!

“Paul Reubens aka PeeWee Herman.

He had a reputation of being kind of a stuck up asshole when the PeeWee character shot to fame, but not really any better or worse than other famous folks. He got “cancelled” because he was arrested for public indecency.

He was caught masturbating in an adult theater. Aside from the undercover cop who caught him, he was alone, and it was a normal adult p*rnography film. But the industry and media acted like he’d been caught with child p*rn or had r*ped someone.

He’s made a bit of a comeback recently though. I think people finally realized that in the grand scheme of “s*x crimes”, jerking it by yourself in a p*rn theater is nothing at all.

I saw his PeeWee revival on Broadway several years ago and enjoyed it, and I’ve seen him on a lot of the celebrity game shows on TV recently.”

3. Too much pressure.

“Britney Spears when she shaved her head and all that.

I’m no fan of hers but she just seemed like someone who cracked under all the pressure and lost her sh*t. Craig Ferguson did an absolutely amazing job talking about that and relating it to his own life.

Major respect to him for that.”

4. Backlash.

“The Dixie Chicks got their career ended and death threats for saying they didn’t support the war in Iraq.”

5. The Hollywood power machine.

“Megan Fox.

She called out Michael Bay on his s*xist sh*t that’s clear in all his movies but what really got her “cancelled” was that she called him a Nazi.”

6. No big deal.

“Janet Jackson after “Nipplegate.”

I was a kid when it happened so I had no awareness of it but I don’t get how everyone blamed her.

Is there any reason she was at fault instead of Justin Timberlake other than s*xism?”

7. Taking on the Church.

“I’d have to say Sinead O’Connor.

She was absolutely trashed by the media. Written off as a complete nutcase and ruthlessly mocked. All because a bunch of pearl-clutching fools refused to believe the increasingly obvious realities of the Church and decided that the Pope was above criticism.

She was entirely vindicated in the subsequent years (actually, the truth was far worse than even the Church’s worst critics could have imagined), but the legacy of that witch-hunt lives on.

Did SNL, Frank Sinatra, or any of the other f*ckers who were involved ever apologize to her?”

8. A dumb decision.

“I was pretty upset for James Gunn when he got fired from Marvel for things he had said over 10 years ago

But obviously fan outrage over that managed to make Disney realize how stupid their decision was.”

9. Isn’t that ironic?

“Lisa Bonet.

Bill Cosby put a scarlet letter on her after the movie Angel Heart. The convicted rapist thought she “sullied” the image of “The Cosby Show” and “A Different World” and this affected her career going forward.

Not saying she was an Oscar contender, but I remember being upset about how mysogynistic the whole thing was”

10. Don’t hear much from him anymore.

“Al Franken.

He was both my Senator and my favorite politician.

He would have made a great president.”

11. People got offended.

“Liam Neeson.

He was having a frank and honest conversation about his past feelings and emotions around a sensitive topic from his past.

In the interview he is clear that he knows what he said and felt is wrong yet what’s the point in trying to justify it when the sound bite has already been provided.”

12. That was a weird one.

“Michael Richards.

I don’t feel bad he got cancelled. I just felt bad when he tried to apologise on Letterman and the audience was laughing and thinking it was a joke just because it was “Kramer”.

Seinfeld was a good friend and he told the audience this wasn’t a laughing matter.”

13. Thoughts on this one?

“Aziz Ansari definitely didn’t deserve the public shaming he received for what amounted to an awkward, bad date.”

How about you?

Do you think there are some celebrities who got unfairly cancelled?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know!

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What Celebrity Got Cancelled and You Genuinely Felt Bad for Them? Let’s See What People Said.

Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, we now live in a “cancel culture”.

If you’re a public figure and you do something that is deemed to be inappropriate, you may face serious consequences from the public at large.

But is it always fair?

Are there any celebrities out there who have been cancelled that you feel bad for?

AskReddit users shared their thoughts.

1. A rough situation.

“Amanda Bynes.

From what I’ve seen she was abused by Dan Schneider at Nickelodeon Studios for YEARS.

And a lot like Britney, is currently under conservatorship because of a total mental breakdown.”

2. You mean Encino Man?

“Brendan Fraser.

The man was groped by Hollywood exec Philip Berk and spoke out about it long before #metoo.

They instantly cancelled him and we never got to see him again till only recently… His mom also passed away shortly after he got s*xually assaulted.”

3. Shelley Duvall.

“Duvall was in a string of great Robert Altman films in the 1970s, and did her own string of Cable shows in the 1980s, Shelley Duvall’s Faere Tale Theatre, Tall Tales and Legends, and Bedtime stories.

Also, she did a few musical albums, and even created some computer games in the 1990s, like A Bird’s Life and A Dog’s life. There is WAY more to her then Wendy Torrane in the Shining.

Now, she is completly forgotten, except when people call her crazy or something. She deserves WAY better in my opinion.”

4. Britney.

“Britney spears.

She didn’t even get “cancelled”, she just had her reputation smeared all over primetime tv and THEN the courts decide that her reaction to being systematically erased from relevance was “crazy”.”

5. Blacklisted.

“Peter Norman.

He should have been Australia’s greatest athlete, but he supported the black power salute and got black listed by the Australian Olympic Committee.”

6. Haven’t heard about this one.

“David Arquette.

There’s a really good documentary called “You Cannot Kill David Arquette” about what happened and how he is now.”

7. Two good actresses.

“Ashley Judd.

Harvey Weinstein blacklisted her for years. She’s an incredible actress IMO.

Mira Sorvino, too. She went from one of the most in-demand actresses after winning her Oscar, to being completely blacklisted because Weinstein was telling anyone who’d listen that she was a diva and impossible to work with.”

8. Star of the 1980s.

“Corey Feldman.

He was the first who told everyone what was really going on with child actors in Hollywood and no one listened.

Barbara Walters yelled at him for exposing it.”

9. Pee-wee!

“Paul Reubens.

As a 1980s kid who loved PeeWee’s Playhouse, remembering how my parents tried to explain Paul Rubens getting canceled is hilarious.

My dad told me “he took off his clothes in a movie theater” and kid me was like “wow that’s really weird but I guess he is kind of crazy?””

10. Remember this?

“Winona Ryder.

That feels like one of the first big “cancels” of the Internet age.

Glad she was able to rebound with Stranger Things.”

11. This was ridiculous.

“Howard Dean.

He yelled in excitement at one of his political rallies in 2004.

People thought he was wasn’t fit to be president because of it.”

12. Outrage.

“Kind of a unique case but, Laura Dern.

When Laura Dern played Ellen’s girlfriend on the episode where she came out, she was blacklisted by the industry for nearly a decade. And some people would harass her to the point she needed protection in public.

She says her manager warned her she wouldn’t get roles if she agreed to take the part on Ellen but did so anyways. She went from Jurassic Park and being in demand to nobody giving her a call.

Obviously she’s recovered but we lost a decade of great Laura Dern performances because of studios perception that she was cancelled by public opinion for playing a gay role.”

13. For speaking out.

“Not completely gone, but Terry Crews has issues getting work because he spoke out about being s*xually assaulted during the #MeToo movement.

People assumed a man his stature couldn’t be assaulted and he gave names and people weren’t very happy.”

Do you feel bad for any cancelled celebs?

If so, talk to us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

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You Might Not Know These Things About “Saturday Night Live”

Even if you’re not an avid fan of SNL, there’s almost no way to escape the characters that have become a part of the fabric of entertainment across the board.

The show has run for decades, has played host to pretty much anyone who matters in Hollywood, and has spawned countless talented writers and comedians who have gone on to become household names.

If you want to know more about SNL, we’ve got some pretty fun facts coming your way!

14. At least one cast member was born after the show premiered.

Image Credit: NBC

Kenan Thompson was born May 10, 1978.

13. Chris Parnell was fired – twice.

Image Credit: NBC

In 2001, Parnell says it was “devastating” and had to do with his lack of confidence.  When he was let go again in 2006, the show had to cut $10 million from their budget.

12. Jennifer Aniston says she was offered a spot.

Image Credit: Columbia Pictures

Lorne Michaels has never confirmed that Aniston was offered a spot on the show, but Adam Sandler recalls seeing her at the offices in the early 90s.

She claims she turned down the offer on the “boys’ club” show for a starring role in Friends.

11. Mindy Kaling turned down an opportunity to write for the show.

Image Credit: NBC

Timing was an issue for Mindy Kaling, too – she had taken a job writing and acting on The Office before she was offered a writing gig on Saturday Night Live.

New York was also a big draw, as Kaling wasn’t a fan of L.A., but in the end she made what she thought was the best move for her career.

10. Aubrey Plaza interned on the show.

Image Credit: NBC

A year before Plaza landed the role of April on Parks and Recreation, she was passed over for a spot on Saturday Night Live, even though she had interned for the show in 2005.

It hurt, because ever since she took improv classes in high school, she had dreamed of being on the show.

9. Nora Dunn refused to work with Andrew Dice-Clay.

Image Credit: NBC

In 1990, the controversial comic hosted the show, but Nora Dunn refused to take the stage with him due to his misogynistic material.

While she credits the show with helping her make her name, Dunn admits it “has its own baggage.”

8. They have a name for people who are good sports.

Image Credit: NBC

In her book, Bossypants, Tina Fey called people who “sneak up behind the actor who plays them and pretends to be mad about it,” or “any time someone being parodied volunteers to come on the show and prove they’re ‘in on the joke,’” are known as “Sneaker Uppers.”

7. SNL has some serious political clout.

Image Credit: NBC

Political sketches have long been one of the hallmarks of the show, and voters admit to being influenced by what they see on the show.

The phenomenon is known as “The SNL Effect.”

6. Catherine O’Hara had a role, but never appeared on the show.

Image Credit: SCTV

Dick Ebersol poached his fair share of SCTV cast members over the years, and Catherine O’Hara joined the cast ahead of the 1981 season.

She was on for only two weeks before she says she realized she made a mistake in leaving SCTV.

She told the Toronto Sun ““I had to leave. I said I’d made a huge mistake. I’m not proud of that. I felt stupid doing it. But I had to come home. I couldn’t not be with them.”

5. Chris Farley idolized John Belushi.

Image Credit: Paramount Pictures

He once stole an old pair of Belushi’s pants that he found in the wardrobe room.

4. The cast still performed during the writer’s strike.

Image Credit: NBC

The show did not go on, but the cast gathered at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater and recruited Michael Cera to host.

They claimed they just couldn’t stand not performing.

3. No one can forget Sinead O’Connor’s appearance.

Image Credit: NBC

Sinead O’Connor famously ripped up a picture of the Pope at the end of a musical performance, referencing her youth and the s^x abuse scandal the rest of us would hear about soon enough.

Even Lorne Michaels gave her credit:

“I think it was the bravest thing she could do. She’d been a nun. To her the church symbolized everything that was bad about growing up in Ireland the way she grew up in Ireland, and so she was making a strong political statement.”

2. No one has hosted more than Alec Baldwin.

Image Credit: NBC

He’s hosted 17 times. The runner up is Steve Martin, who has hosted 15 times since 1976.

1. We almost got a movie.

Image Credit: NBC

In 1990, a script for The Saturday Night Live movie was written by Conan O’Brien, Robert Smigel, Al Franken, and Greg Daniels (among others), but no one else even knew about the failed attempt until 2010.

I love entertainment history, so these were right up my alley.

What’s your favorite character on the show? Favorite sketch? Tell us in the comments!

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Is It Possible To Figure Out Bridgerton Just From the Tweets?

Everyone has been telling me that I need to watch Bridgerton. My friends keep saying I need to watch Bridgerton. Targeted ads insist that I gotta check out Bridgerton.

TWITTER will not stop suggesting that I need to watch Bridgerton.

And yet this this weird ironic quality to all of those recommendations?

I’m confused. And I don’t like being told what to do. If I’m going to watch this show, I want that to feel like a decision I came to on my own.

So here’s an experiment – I am going to look at some popular Bridgerton tweets and try to determine, from the tweet alone, what’s happening in this show and whether I should watch it.

Let’s go.

14. The Plot

What I surmise: there is a hot actor in this show.
Will that make me watch: maybe.

13. Xoxo

What I surmise: this man killed someone named Lady Whistledown with his scarf.
Will that make me watch: no, spoilers.

12. The Duke

What I surmise: Lady Danbury doesn’t like this Duke fella.
Will that make me watch: possibly, I love a good sass back.

11. Cake

What I surmise: cake.
Will that make me watch: yes.

10. Bee

What I surmise: bees symbolise bridges in this show, or something.
Will that make me watch: no, I am too dumb for symbolism.

9. Wisteria

What I surmise: in the land of Bridgerton, flowers defy the seasons.
Will that make me watch: ??

8. Eloise

What I surmise: Eloise is homeschooled.
Will that make me watch: yes, I too was homeschooled.

7. Daphne

What I surmise: Anthony is a jealous lover.
Will that make me watch: no, I hate triangles of all varieties.

6. Distraction

What I surmise: there’s a lot of sex in this show.
Will that make me watch: yes, for I too enjoy the sex.

5. Episode three

What I surmise: fancy dresses.
Will that make me watch: yes, I need tips.

4. Viscount

What I surmise: “viscount” is a word, apparently.
Will that make me watch: yes, now I need to know what it means and how to pronounce it like a fancy boi.

3. Glow stick

What I surmise: someone is injured.
Will that make me watch: maybe, it depends on how funny it is.

2. Hitting it off

What I surmise: this lady is some kind of matchmaker.
Will that make me watch: no, I don’t play with matches.

1. Pants

What I surmise: Simon has a weird member.
Will that make me watch: …yes.

Welp, guess I’m watching Bridgerton.

Have you seen it? What did you think? How much of that did I get right?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Is It Possible To Figure Out Bridgerton Just From the Tweets? appeared first on UberFacts.

SpongeBob Memes We Think You Need in Your Life

SpongeBob SquarePants has to be one of the less likely cultural phenomenons of our time. It’s been on the air for over two decades now, with more than two hundred and fifty episodes, three feature films, and about a thousand other products to its name.

In fact, the Wikipedia article for the show has a disclaimer at the top stating that it’s too long and contains too much information to be easily digested. It’s just everywhere. Including – perhaps especially – in our memes.

To celebrate, here are fifteen of the best, weirdest SpongeBob memes for all our mateys.

15. Can’t take the heat

That’s what I call a power shower.

14. The bald truth

These are the confessions we’ve been waiting for the whole series.

13. Cookie monster

Not looking to buy, just browsing.

12. Wake me up inside

Time to annoy everyone I know with this new discovery.

11. Sweet cash

They’re never gone…it’s never enough…

10. Decisions, decisions

Yeah let me get uuuuuuhhhhh that sandwich I’ve already had six hundred times.

9. Chase the chunk

Your life absolutely flashes before your eyes.

8. Plane and simple

And I’d have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for your meddling phones.

7. Top of the dome

Yup. Thanks. Looks great.

6. Behind the mask

My rights have been infringed by a small piece of cloth.

5. The endless cycle

Eventually I’ll get so sad I’ll circle back around to happy.

4. For the sake of argument

For some reason who owns the roof always comes up around this part.

3. Comfy puppy

While we’re on the subject: your pet hates wearing clothes and they hate you for making them do it.

2.The struggle

But how am I to scoot?

1. On again off again

See ya in the tunnels, boys.

Oh I’m definitely feelin’ it now, Mr. Krabs.

What’s your favorite episode of SpongeBob?

Tell us in the comments.

The post SpongeBob Memes We Think You Need in Your Life appeared first on UberFacts.

People Shared “Fake Songs” From Movies and TV Shows That They Love

This is gonna be a whole lotta fun!

Over the years, you’ve no doubt realized that TV shows and movies are chock-full of songs written for only that production….and some of them are awesome and pretty unforgettable!

A writer at The Daily Show named Randall Otis threw this question out into the Twitterverse for people to contemplate.

How about we check out the responses? Let’s go!

1. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

Good one!

2. You know you love it!

Not bad at all…

3. Role Models.

A hilarious movie!

4. You bet it slapped!

And it keeps slappin’ to this day!

5. Does this one ring a bell?

Watch the video and let us know.

6. Your queen to be!

I really hope the Coming to America sequel is good…

7. Y’all ready for this?

An epic battle.

8. One Track Lover.

Are you familiar with this one?

9. The ‘Burbs is amazing.

It’s time to revisit this gem!

10. Killer Tofu.

Give it a shot.

11. For children of the 1980s.

Top that!

I love this kind of stuff!

And now we want to hear from you…

In the comments, share some more fake songs from TV shows and movies that you like.

Please and thank you!

The post People Shared “Fake Songs” From Movies and TV Shows That They Love appeared first on UberFacts.