“My BFF Slept With My Husband” — People Discuss the Times When They Caught BFFS in Horrible Lies

We all lie to people a little bit, but the ones we need to be truthful with are our best friends.

Right? Can we all agree about that?

Yeah? Good!

But what happens when the tables are turned and you discover that your best friends are lying to you?

The following confessions come from teenagers who caught their hot mess besties in RIDICULOUS lies.

Get ready to be shocked, dismayed… and definitely entertained!

1. NEVER lie about mental illness.

Especially to your friends. Ugh.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. If you do this, you’re a COMPLETE piece of sh^t.

And if you find out somebody is doing this… ghost them.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Not mad at this bestie!

You’ve got a keeper there!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Not your bestie then…

Nobody would do that to a bff. Not at all.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Wow. That’s cold.

How do you lie about SOOOOOO much?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. How were you going to get away with this?!?

I can’t believe that this person thought they’d be able to do this.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Well, not mad at this smart ass b**ch…

Don’t be mad at the player. Or mad at the game.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. So f*cked up. Jeezus…

I can’t believe people still actually do this!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Oh my f**king gawd!

What a complete psycho!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. What a horrible thing to do!

Why did they even think to do this?

Photo Credit: Whisper

Have a story where your BFF turned out not to be all that they seemed? Ever had somebody close to you stab you in the back? You know… figuratively. Not real stabbing.

Anyway, share your thoughts in the comments!

The post “My BFF Slept With My Husband” — People Discuss the Times When They Caught BFFS in Horrible Lies appeared first on UberFacts.

People Offer Advice About Things That Teenagers Should Try To Avoid

I have a 14-year-old niece who I’m constantly trying to give life advice to

Of course, she usually rolls her eyes at me and only half-listens, but I still try to do my part because I want her to stay out of trouble…

And we all know that teenagers can get into TONS of trouble.

So I guess the only thing we can do is still try to impart our infinite wisdom to them and hope they’ll take a moment to look up from their phones and listen up.

AskReddit users shared what things they think teens should avoid. Here’s what they had to say.

1. My ears!

“Really loud music.

The kind at a concert front row loud, because tinnitus really sucks.

And not only tinnitus. I damaged my ability to hear certain frequencies when I was a teenager by going to loud punk gigs. It makes it really hard to hear people speaking over background noise. Doesn’t sound too major, but it makes socialising in a pub or club or public place that bit more challenging. I guess I lost the frequency range that distinguishes speech from general noise.

When you’re a young adult, you do a lot of your socialising in such environments, so don’t add an extra challenge to your social life.”

2. Pick a direction.

“Avoid waiting for life to begin.

It already has.

Go in some positive direction, even if you’re not sure it’s the exact right one.”

3. That’s smart.

“Work on your credit skills (and subsequently self-discipline) immediately.

My advice is to get approved for any credit card you can with any limit, doesn’t matter. Then, use that card on ONE thing. Groceries? Fuel?

Something small and exclusive so you’re definitely able to pay it off in full every single month. A good credit score at a young age does wonders, especially considering your peers.”

4. Nothing is forever.

“My mom found her dream job in her thirties and my current stepdad in her fifties. Don’t be too concerned with whether the things you’re doing now is gonna be forever.

Do what you can to open doors for yourself but don’t feel forced to think you need to know with who or what you should spend the rest of your life with at this point. Time gives you time to discover more things.

Discover more things, and eventually you’ll find your way, even if you didn’t realize it. Stop thinking in today and forever. You got all the time to figure it out. Just get yourself a solid foundation and explore.

Except for drugs. Don’t explore things that you could get addicted to for the rest of your life.”

5. Be yourself.

“Stop trying to tailor your personality to appeal to each new person you meet. You’re not required to be everyone’s best friend. It took me so long to figure this out.

It wasn’t until my early 20s that I figured out how I like to dress, what I like to do, or what music I enjoy because I used to change according to other people’s tastes.”

6. Get ‘er done!


Not as big as the other ones but my God, procrastination can get so bad and affect you so horribly if you let it get out of hand.”

7. Find the good ones.

“Fake friends.

It’s honestly better to have no friends than people who gossip about you and make snide remarks to you.

I know everyone says this but you will find your people.”

8. Take care of those choppers.

“Avoid skipping the dentist.

Even if money is tight professional cleanings and preventive maintenance will pay dividends later in life.”

9. Don’t smart.


I’ve been smoking for 10 years (ever since I was 14) and nicotine is absolutely the worst drug and the hardest to cut out.

There’s no satisfying “high” to it, just cravings and dizziness. Any other drug would give you more bang for your buck.”

10. It’s good for you.

“Lack of sleep. It doesn’t make you cool.

Go to bed early and enjoy full 9 hour night.”

11. They can hurt you.

“Avoid taking out large loans.

Any loans if at possible, though thats difficult if you go to college. Buying a brand new car at a young age is a bad idea.

The majority of your small paycheck will be going toward that loan and the insurance.”

12. Let it all out.

“Suppressing emotions.

It’s okay to feel sad, angry, anxious, etc. don’t be made to feel bad for feeling this range of emotions through your teenage years.”

13. Avoid at all costs.

“Adults trying to be to friendly/date you.

You’re not mature for your age, people their age don’t want to be with them or around them for a reason.”

14. Not worth it.

“It’s cliche as hell to say, i know, but drugs. Absolutely avoid drugs. Drinking too.

It is easy for a full grown adult to use a drug and get addicted before they are even aware there’s a problem, so it’s stupidly easy for a teen to get form a runaway addiction that can last years if it doesn’t out and out kill you from an accidental overdose. But even if you eventually were able to break the addiction, the changes it made to your brain chemistry could he permanent.

That’s exactly what happened to my brother. He got hit by a car at the age of twelve and his dumb *ss doctor put him on percocet and that was all she wrote.

From then on it was an ever sinking sh*t fest of one OD after another with more and more delusional behavior and psychological damage to the point now that at 28 he literally has the mind of a 14 year old cause the drugs never let him grow up properly.”

How about you?

What do you think is some good advice that all teenagers need to listen to?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

The post People Offer Advice About Things That Teenagers Should Try To Avoid appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share What They Think All Teenagers Should Definitely Avoid

If there’s one thing I definitely remember about being a teenager, it’s that I didn’t really listen to the adults in my life who tried to give me good advice.

I guess that’s what all teenagers, do, right?

You know that’s the truth!

But I guess those of us that have been there still need to try to do our best and give these young folks advice and just hope that they listen to us…because we’ve been there and we’ve done that.

AskReddit users talked about what they think all teenagers should avoid. Let’s take a look.

1. All of this stuff.

“Don’t practice unsafe s*x. Condoms and pills are cheaper than having to raise an unplanned child.

Tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. No, they don’t make you cool.

They are very addictive, and you can’t easily shake off the habit.”

2. A deep, dark hole.

“If you haven’t been financially educated, credit cards.

It’s far too easy to get into debt with them and can really destroy your future for years.”

3. You have to open up.

“Emotions were discouraged in my household. Well, positive emotions were fine. But if I didn’t look happy my parents would get angry and yell at me.

Now I’m trying to fix it by teaching myself what my parents didn’t. But to be fair to them they were raised like that too and didn’t know any different.

So to anyone who’s going to have children or already has them, one of the biggest favors you can do your child is work through your own sh*t. Because it will follow them and you’ll realize it way too late.”

4. Totally creepy.

“Older men.

Teenagers often think that they’re cool for hooking up with dudes who are far older than them, but the people who hook up with teenagers as older adults are not the cream of the crop.

Everyone wants to think they’re mature enough to date an older person, but most of the time there’s going to be a power imbalance.”

5. Don’t ignore them!

“When you are little, it’s sweets which rot the teeth.

As we get older, the issue is different and you should be more concerned with bacteria on the gum line- cavities are still a thing, but so is inflamed, retracting gums.

Brushing before bed helps a lot. A lot. And flossing is also good. Take care of your gums.”

6. Avoid them.

“Toxic friends.

Seriously, if your friends only ever get you in trouble and treat you like a burden, they’re not your friends.

By all means the prospect of leaving a social group to find another social group can be pretty scary. Facing that fear is better than being around sh*tty people.”

7. Go easy on those things.

“I’m honestly surprised I dont see this mentioned yet, but energy drinks (at least not in moderation).

Especially the newer ones like Bang, that have a ton of caffeine. I was drinking upwards of 3-4 Monsters a day as a teenager and wondered why I had “insomnia”.

I’m pretty sure I dont have a heart problem, but even 1 cup of coffee makes my chest hurt a little now. Take care of your bodies, kids.”

8. You don’t need all that stuff.

“Aside from pregnancies and drugs, I’d say going into debt for stuff that’s not actually necessary to survive, like buying the newest phone, or car, or whatever.

Where I live it’s still pretty common that younger people take up loans or enter subscriptions/contracts (think phone, internet etc) to have the newest gadgets, only to realize they cannot afford after a while, then the late fees pile up etc, it can end badly.”

9. A really dumb move.


One of my school friends did this years ago. This doesn’t make you cool, he now has a criminal record, prevented him from getting jobs when he was 16.”

10. Good advice.

“Not picking up a creative and/or athletic skill.

One of the problems people face today is obsolesence: the skills you learned in your youth become useless because something new over the horizon will replace it. Kids today look up to influencers and are amazing at making tiktoks, but honestly, that’s not gonna last.

An athletic skill will give you a strong and healthy body for your entire life. A sport develops a competitive and goal orientated mindset that translates easily into any job. A creative skill develops sensibilities that will shape your worldview. Displaying your creativity gives you the opportunity to express and share yourself.

Not to mention that both develop responsability, time management, and a love of practicing to perfect those skills. In the long run, any of these skills is worth more than any amount of likes.”

11. Be your own person.

“Letting other people make your decisions.

I let religion, family, friends society etc. dictate my behavior. It’s comfortable because you tell yourself they know what they’re talking about… They don’t.

Sure, you’ll make bad choices, but at least they’ll be yours and you can learn from them. There’s a special kind of regret you feel when the bad choices you make are a result of other people living your life.

Trust yourself enough you fail. Think, make a choice, and actually live.”

12. Plug up those ears!

“Loud concerts without ear protection.

Seriously. You get a decent set of earplugs and in 10 minutes you don’t even realize you’re wearing them and your ears are better for it in the long run.”

13. You’re going to change.

“A hard set beliefs of any type.

People change as they get older and their beliefs change with more information and experience.

Brains in humans do not fully develop until about 25.”

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, please share some good life advice that you think teens should hear.

Thanks in advance!

The post People Share What They Think All Teenagers Should Definitely Avoid appeared first on UberFacts.

What Movie or TV Show Makes You Think, “The Older I Get, the More I Agree With the Adult”? Let’s See What People Said.

I think this is gonna be fun!

And I have a good example!

I recently watched one of my favorite movies, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, for the first time in a few years. Of course, most people would pick Jeff Spicoli as their favorite character if they were asked (or maybe Stacy Hamilton).

But when I watched it this time, I kind of felt a strong kinship with the teacher, Mr. Hand. What does that say about me? That I’m getting old, that’s what!

Let’s see movies and TV shows make AskReddit users say, “the older I get, the more I agree with the adult.

1. Great show.

“Sadly, The Wonder Years.

I always couldn’t believe the dad was real, with his p*ssed off attitude from work.

Now I understand…”

2. Oh, Dad!

“Father of the Bride.

Watching it as a kid, Steve Martin seemed like an old grump.

Rewatching it as an adult, holy sh*t, he is the only sane person in that movie.”

3. Team Zazu.

“The Lion King.

Oh I thought Zazu was just an old fun-killer. What do you mean, Simba can’t be king? Why would you prevent the kids from going where they want?

As an adult and father, I’m 100% Team Zazu.”

4. Eugene Levy rules!

“American Pie.

As a new father, I hope to be like Jim’s dad when my little one is a teenager.

Caring, loving and a complete embarrassment to them.”

5. I advise against it.

“The mom in Ice Princess.

So you have a daughter who has a talent for and seems to like physics and has a shot of getting into Harvard. This girl throws it away for ice skating where she has only been competing for less than a year, where if she gets injured she’s done and when she reaches 30 she’s pretty much done.

There is no way she is at an olympic level at that point she would need years of training! Hell yes I would advise against it to!”

6. A 1980s classic.

“I watched Sixteen Candles recently.

I now do not approve of Samantha going anywhere near Jake Ryan.”

7. That kid was trouble.

“Mr. Wilson in Dennis the Menace.

Seriously, f*ck that little miscreant and his parents that turn a blind eye to his shenanigans.”

8. You’re right!

“In Dirty Dancing, Jerry Orbach just wanted a family summer vacation and instead learned entirely too much about his daughters’ s*x lives.

H also teaches an important life lesson to everyone. Near the end, he says, “When I’m wrong, I say I’m wrong”.

If more people could do that, we’d be in a better place.”

9. Ha!

“The Julia Louis-Dreyfus character and her husband in Christmas Vacation.

Every day, my wife and I are slowly turning into them…”

10. Stan the Man.

“When I was younger I rooted for Jim’s shenanigans in The Office.

The older I get the more I relate to Stanley and how he just wants to bide his time until retirement.”

11. Deadbeat Dad.

“Mrs. Doubtfire.

Miranda came home from work only to find her deadbeat husband hosting a party with wild animals in her home. During the divorce, he claimed he was unemployable.

Then he dressed up like a woman with professional makeup/costume etc. and watched their kids secretly and tried to kill her new boyfriend!”

12. He was right.

“10 Things I Hate About You.

When the dad says “you’re 18, you don’t know what you want. And you won’t know what you want ’til you’re 45, and even if you get it, you’ll be too old to use it.””

13. He was out of control.

“Top Gun.

Maverick is the d*ck who can’t follow rules and gets his best friend killed, yet Iceman is the “villain” for not getting into hijinx and having a co-pilot who’s alive.”

14. Good point.

“The movie Juno.

Jennifer Garner’s character is at first portrayed as a “square”, then you realize she’s a mature adult and her husband is a man-baby.”

15. Was he a creeper?

“School of Rock.

Like WTF?

An adult impersonating a teacher and taking kids to places where they shouldn’t be and none of their parents knew where they were?”

Are there any movies that make you feel this way as you get older?

If so, please tell us all about it in the comments.

Thanks a lot!

The post What Movie or TV Show Makes You Think, “The Older I Get, the More I Agree With the Adult”? Let’s See What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

This Video From 2009 Featuring Emo Kids and Their Mallrat Friends Is a Dose of Nostalgia

Are you ready for a little trip down memory lane?

Many of us remember our high school days fondly: hanging out at the mall, chilling in random parking lots waiting for something, ANYTHING, to happen.

And, of course, there was the fashion. No matter what era you grew up in, the clothing, the hairstyles, and the pop culture influenced you and your friends.

Photo Credit: YouTube

A woman uploaded a video to YouTube from 2009 of her and her friends doing what teenagers do: hanging out and doing a whole lot of nothing, but in a good way.

And it’s packed full of the era’s emo looks and attitudes, lip rings, dyed hair, etc.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Here is the full six-and-a-half minute video in all its glory. Enjoy!

A lot of people online LOVED the video because they were kids around that time, too.

Of course, the Warped Tour was talked about.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person got very specific about the things that really got the nostalgia going in the video.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person remembered that this particular look really didn’t last that long, so this video really captured a moment in time.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And you just know that Hot Topic was brought up in the video and in the comments.

Photo Credit: Reddit

For some folks, the video just hit on all levels.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think?

Did this video bring you back to your emo days of old?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know about your memories of this time! Or whenever you were a teenager!

We’d love to hear from you!

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A Teen Got into a Car Accident, Posted a TikTok to “Cope” with the Shock

A lot of us have been in minor car accidents or we at least know someone who has. And it’s not uncommon that a brush with mortality would cause someone to go into a shock for a while – stuff like that is really scary.

16-year-old Katie Cornetti recently found out just how terrifying a car accident can be. And in order to get over her shock, she decided to post a TikTok that went viral soon after.

Cornetti posted a few more videos on the microfilm social media site in the days to come. Luckily, she and her friends didn’t have any life-threatening injuries. The teen told Buzzfeed,

“We saw [the window] shatter and we look at each other, and were like, ‘Are you OK? Are you OK?’ Once we figured out we were all OK, we started laughing. We’re best friends and this is how we coped together.”

The 16-year-old was in the car with two of her friends when the crash occurred. Cornetti’s friend Marissa was driving that day and the car suddenly rolled while they were on a winding road. The culprit was a tire that wasn’t properly secured to the vehicle.

Thankfully everyone was wearing their seat belts and they were fine. Then, Cornetti decided to create a TikTok, which, to her surprise, went super viral.

Photo Credit: Katie Cornetti/TikTok

Some people thought it was funny:

But not everyone on social media was amused.

But Cornetti seems to be coping with her virality just fine:

“The comments are not really bothering me ’cause who does make a TikTok after a car crash?” she asked. “We are perfectly fine, we got really lucky.”

It’s hard to judge what people do after such a stressful event, and the good news is that everyone turned out to be okay.

What do you think of Cornetti and her friends’ TikTok?

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A Teenage Girl Invented a Simple and Innovative Way to Get Rid of Your Car’s Blind Spots

The creative spirit and innovation of young people is so refreshing! Sometimes, they have the best ideas because they’re thinking forward while a lot of us older folks are set in our ways. In other words, when a young person has an idea about something, listen up, because it might turn out to be a game-changer.

That’s what happened with a 14-year-old named Alaina Gassler, who came up with a project called “Improving Automobile Safety by Removing Blind Spots” for the Broadcom MASTERS competition, which features science and engineering projects from middle schoolers.

Gassler built the system with a webcam, a projector, and other 3D-printed materials, and together it all works to fill in the space that a car’s frame blocks from drivers’ view.

Gassler hails from West Grove, Pennsylvania, and she took first place in the competition and won the $25,000 Samueli Foundation Prize. Her invention works like this: she mounted a webcam outside the passenger side of the car, which steams a live video onto the inside pillar of the passenger side from a projector attached to the sunroof above the driver’s seat.

Gassler also resurfaced the interior frame with a retro reflective fabric to make the projection clear. She said the material “only reflects light back to the light source, which is the projector in this case. Since the driver’s eyes are next to the projector, the driver can see a crisp, clear image, and the passengers only see a black piece of fabric.”

Take a look at the video below to see it in action.

This is quite impressive, I must say. Great work, Ms. Gassler, and we’ll be looking for more work from you in the future.

These kids today, I’ll tell ya…

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14 Funny Memes That Parents of Teenagers Will Probably Enjoy

Kids and adults and those who know either of those two groups of people… welcome to the post where you’ll laugh at ALL the memes.

So without further ado… here’s the comedy!

1. But you said I could go!!!

Photo Credit: Someecards

2. Oh no… you ain’t talking to me!

Photo Credit: Someecards

3. It’s how life keeps us humble…

Photo Credit: Someecards

4. Checks out. Smells right.

Photo Credit: Someecards

5. Well, times have changed indeed!

Photo Credit: Someecards

6. I literally hate you too…

Photo Credit: Someecards

7. Time to save up for that trade school!

Photo Credit: Someecards

8. Just hear me now!

Photo Credit: Someecards

9. Just let them do their thing…

Photo Credit: Someecards

10. Ahhhh yes…. Cecily knows EVERY DAMN THING…

Photo Credit: Someecards

11. Hahaha… rough life

Photo Credit: Someecards

12. I love this.

Photo Credit: Someecards

13. Yep!

Photo Credit: Someecards

14. Life goals!

Photo Credit: Someecards

Alright kids and parents and everybody else… we want to know your faves? Let us know in the comments!

Or don’t. It’s up to you. No pressure.

The post 14 Funny Memes That Parents of Teenagers Will Probably Enjoy appeared first on UberFacts.

A Teenager Got Suspended for Fighting Back Against the Bullies Who Hit Him

Social media has changed bullying. I can say I’m glad it wasn’t around when I was growing up. Things are caught in video or in images, and they stick around forever. They follow you. So the 20% of students between the ages of 12-18 who are getting bullied at school are less likely to be able to escape their tormenters, even at home.

Kids who are bullied are more likely to have mental and physical health issues, are more likely to experience depression and anxiety, are more likely to struggle in school and have other general complaints about their well-being.

It’s a big deal, is what I’m saying, and while there have been steps taken by schools to make things better, the truth is, we still have a long way to go.

And after reading about this case, it’s clear we have a long way to go when it comes to treating genders fairly and equally in every situation where that’s possible.

This boy was harassed, followed, and then verbally and physically attacked by two girls as he actively tried to retreat. Once his back was against a wall (or a vending machine), he warned them that he was getting mad and he didn’t want to hurt them but if the hit him again or came any closer he would.

Image Credit: Twitter

Here’s what it says:

“So basically me and my friends talking and we hear her say that the school is dumb ass s**t for running a dance after the tragic we had this morning and my friends said that the school can we whatever they want and she didn’t like that and she said that “everyone that goes to that dance need to get shot and put into a grave” and me and my friends were like this b**ch crazy and she started yelling at my friend and I started to laugh and she said she will “smake that smile on my face” and I said ok whatever and she said “you think I’m playing games” I continued to say whatever and she was like ok after class you will see. I said ok and we got out of class and I walked out of the 2000 building and she said “hey pussy we’re are you going” I then turned around and looked at her and then she started yelling in my face and she started to get close to me and that’s when the video started. I walked backwards all the way to the vending machine and her friend dropped her bag like she was about To do something so I dropped my bad and then I continued to say back up I don’t wanna get mad and then she swung at me and then I said ” last time do not touch me” and then she started yelling in my face again as I’m still trying to get her the f**k away from me and then she swung again so then I slapped her with a open hand and then her friend grab and rips my t-shirt and I turn around and hit her, then she come back and then I hit the crazy b**ch again then a teacher split as up. What I did was f**ked up and I wish I could change it, but I didn’t want to turn my back to her and have both of them behind me so that’s why I did what I did. ”

All of this time, no one intervened. Not a teacher, not another student – no one stepped in to try to help this boy who was obviously in trouble but trying to keep it together.

He smacked the girl twice, then smacked her friend when she tried to run and grab him, too.

At that point, other students and a teacher stepped in to stop the fight, acting as if the boy was completely heinous for daring to put his hands on a woman.

Now. Fighting is wrong. It’s better to use words to resolve issues. Etc etc etc.

HOWEVER. If a woman is physically assaulting a man, and the only option left him to protect himself is to retaliate, then he should be able to do so. Women do not get a free pass because of their genitals. Those girls can’t just kick the crap out of a fellow student – literally and figuratively – because he’s a boy and he should just take it.

Also? The reaction and intervention was swift once he fought back, which means that people were watching the entire time, and just didn’t care when it was a boy on the receiving end of the torment.

I think that’s wrong.

Also, here’s an update as to how the school is handling the situation:

“Ok so there is rumors going around and I’m going to explain to everyone. All 3 of us got into trouble, it is unknown how long I’m suspended. I do not know what happened to the other girls yet and I don’t know if I will ever know. But the school is still “investigating” the fight and they do have the full video. I do not know what is taking them so long to give me a date for how long I’m outa school but I will keep everyone updated.
And when the girl yells don’t touch me ever again, I was putting my hand in between us so she can’t get any closer to me, but she keep getting closer and my hand was touching her chest and I continued to tell her to back up.”

What do you think? Am I totally off base here? Should he have tried to run away? Tucked himself into a fetal position and waited for them to go away?

Or was it okay to fight back?

I’m interested to hear your thoughts in the comments!

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10 Teens Who Caught Their Bffs in Really Bad Lies

There are people you should never lie to, most notably your best friend.

But what happens when the tables are turned and you discover that your best friends are lying to you?

The following confessions come from teenagers who caught their besties in RIDICULOUS lies…

1. How were you going to get away with this?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Well, not mad at this smart ass bitch…

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. So fucked up. Jeezus…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. OMFG!!!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Horrible!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. NEVER lie about mental illness.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. If you do this, you’re a COMPLETE piece of shit.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Not mad at this bestie either…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Not your bestie then…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Wow. That’s cold.

Photo Credit: Whisper

Have a story where your BFF turned out not to be? Share in the comments!

The post 10 Teens Who Caught Their Bffs in Really Bad Lies appeared first on UberFacts.