6 Tips on How to Have a Productive Conversation About Money with Your Significant Other

Talking about money can be hard, even for people in relationships without communication issues. That said, it has to be done – disagreeing or not being on the same page about finances is listed as one of the main sources of contention for most couples, and no one wants that.

So, in the spirit of healthy relationships, here are 6 tips on having “the talk” with your significant other and getting something great out of it in the process.

#6. Insurance should be part of the talk, too.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

It might sound boring, but life insurance, health insurance, car insurance, etc are other things that should be discussed (and combined if it makes financial sense). It can provide peace of mind and go a long way toward making you feel better about financial security.

#5. Timing is everything.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Don’t wait too long into your relationship to chat about money – the sooner you do it, the easier it will be to focus on what you want to accomplish together as you grow as a couple. Whenever you do it, though, make sure you have enough time. It’s not something you want to rush.

#4. Debt can’t be a secret.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If you’re the one who has large student loans or credit card debt, talking about it can be embarrassing. That said, your partner deserves to know what they’re getting into, especially if you plan on joining bank accounts or on tax returns. You can bring a financial advisor into the discussion if you think it might be easier to have a third party’s ideas on the best way for you to resolve debt and move forward as a couple.

#3. Make sure you’ve got the meat covered before you move on to dessert.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

You’ll want to talk about income, expenses, and lifestyle expectations (including children, if that topic applies) in order to understand how much your significant other makes, spends, and saves. Once you’ve got that down, it will be easier to talk about joining budgets or when you’re okay with splurging.

#2. The pros and cons of combining finances.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to deciding whether to keep things separate or to combine them, but if you are considering the latter, you’ll want to think through what that means. You’ll need to be open and honest about expenditures – especially large ones – before they happen. On the plus side, it can be good for communication and understanding what your partner considers an acceptable “splurge.”

#1. Keep an eye on the future.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Remember that the end game of all of these tough conversations is to build a foundation for the two of you going forward. Decide whether to combine finances, whether one or both of you are going to handle the day-to-day spending and bill paying, etc.

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Data Domination

Among the freaks and fetishists out there, there are people, who love to be dominated. For such people, dominatrixes have been around for awhile. But, times changed and demands changed along with them. Today, there is such thing as, the techno dominatrix; a person, who dominates over remote access. Meet the techno dominatrix mistress Harley. […]

9+ Interesting Facts About Airplanes

Where would we be as a society without flight? It’s hard to imagine it’s only been 115 years since the Wright brothers took their inaugural flight, but it’s the truth.

Since 1903, planes have evolved quickly and we now view our ability to fly from one corner of the world to another as a right, not a privilege.

Take a look at these facts about the miracle of flight.

1. Might come in handy

Photo Credit: did you know?

2. Interesting…

Photo Credit: did you know?

3. The middle seat

Photo Credit: did you know?

4. Empty planes

Photo Credit: did you know?

5. Felonious

Photo Credit: did you know?

6. Hero

Photo Credit: did you know?

7. Wait til you get out

Photo Credit: did you know?

8. A mystery

Photo Credit: did you know?

9. Quiet Zones

Photo Credit: did you know?

10. Pink Flamingos

Photo Credit: did you know?

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This Man Owns the Creepiest Alexa Ever and She Needs to Go

Over the past year or so, it’s become clear to many people that Alexa is the first stage of the robot revolution and has no place in our homes. Examples include:

Random, demonic laughter.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Listing off local funeral homes and cemeteries:

Photo Credit: Twitter

And the spouting of conspiracy theories regarding chemtrails.

“Chemtrails. Trails left by aircraft are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public in clandestine programs directed by government officials.”

Oh right, and the time this couple’s Alexa recorded a random conversation and then emailed it to one of their contacts without prompting.

“We unplugged all of them and he proceeded to tell us that he had received audio files of recordings from inside our house,” she said. “At first, my husband was, like, ‘no you didn’t!’ And the (recipient of the message) said ‘You sat there talking about hardwood floors.’ And we said, ‘oh gosh, you really did hear us.’”

If all of these examples haven’t been enough to encourage you to unplug your device (or perhaps smash it or burn it with fire) then how about this one?

Sean Kinnear of San Fransisco reported feeling “disturbed” after Alexa said – completely unprompted – “every time I close my eyes all I see is people dying.”

Disturbed is an understatement, I’d say.

When Kinnear asked her to repeat herself, she had no memory of what was just said.

For their part, the tech industry is still trying to pretend that the uprising isn’t upon us. Security expert Chris Boyd told IFLScience:

“While it all sounds a touch Lovecraftian, rest assured it’ll turn out to be a perfectly humdrum glitch. Alexa has had issues in the past, and if one of its core features triggered in the background accidentally, it could lead to all sorts of shenanigans. For all we know, his Alexa recorded some audio from the TV and decided to play it back at the worst possible moment.”

Uh huh. Sure. Keep telling yourself that, Chris. I’ll be over here in my bunker.

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6 Tips on How to Pass a Lie Detector Test, Just in Case…

Because you just never know when you’re going to have the need, right?

But seriously, it’s not just for criminals anymore. Big corporations sometimes require them for new hires or when checking up on staff being considered for loans or insurance. With some practice and these tips, you should be able to pass but keep your dignity (and some of your secrets) intact.

First of all, it helps to know how they work. The tests measure a few of your body responses and pit them against your “control” answers in order to determine the likelihood of your telling the truth. These are:

Photo Credit: Brightside

Now, on to the advice.

#6. Be physically prepared.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The 24 hours before you’re going to take the test, make sure you stick to your usual regimen in order to keep your mind calm, and make sure you get some good sleep in, too. When it’s time to go, make sure you’re not too hungry – or too full – and that you’re wearing comfortable clothes.

#5. Take your time.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Pausing isn’t taken as a sign of untruth – hurrying is what can distort the results. Go ahead and take a pause before you answer; you can use the time to determine which type of question you’ve been asked and whether or not you’re able to answer it truthfully.

#4. It’s OK to feel nervous – in fact, it might even help.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If you’re nervous about answering the questions, good news – that’s totally normal and tends to give accurate readings. If you feel that you’re so nervous the results might be thrown off, you can check your basic psychological reactions by lying to the control questions, which will then cause the test to assume your answers to the actual questions are accurate.

You can tell the difference by how specific or relevant the questions are. For example, a control question would be “have you ever stolen anything” while a relevant question might be “have you stolen anything from somewhere you work.”

#3. Imagine something pleasant.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

This method works best for people who have a strong sense of control over their body’s reactions, because nerves are easier than thinking about something positive.

But if you’ve got a question and realize you need to lie, think about something pleasant – or better yet, try your best to be relaxed throughout the entire test. In a best case scenario, your body will react according to your mental scenario and not the questions at hand.

#2. Do your best not to lie about details.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The more true things you say, the more precise the results will be, but people tend to lie about small things they consider inconsequential. You’ll likely have access to the questions before the test in order to avoid any reaction to their newness, so you should be able to prepare in advance.

#1. Avoid physical tricks.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Tricks like stepping on a pin or biting your tongue every time you need a certain reaction won’t fool experienced experts – in fact, they will do the opposite, and the tests themselves are designed to distinguish physical pain from lies.

If you get caught pulling a trick, your results are likely to be evaluated differently, which likely won’t play in your favor.

There are some instances in which lie detector tests are not recommended (and will likely not be useful), like if you’re pregnant or suffer from heart disease, respiratory illness, have epilepsy, deal with chronic pain, or if the test is being forced.

You should let the person in charge know if any of these apply to you. Otherwise, may the odds be ever in your favor!

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10 Easy, Everyday Hacks for Lazy Geniuses

We all have lazy days now and then, but if you have more lazy days than not, then you’re definitely going to want to adopt a few of these amazingly easy, super applicable, hacks for getting through your everyday life.

#10. DIY life vest. (Not Coast Guard approved).

Photo Credit: Imgur

#9. Why let those hot pans go to waste?

Photo Credit: Imgur

#8. Like a bike lock but better.

Photo Credit: Imgur

#7. How to trick your kid into mowing the lawn.

Photo Credit: Imgur

#6. No trash can? No problem!

Photo Credit: Imgur

#5. When emptying the trash requires too much lifting and walking so you just…

Photo Credit: Imgur

#4. Let your doormat do the dirty work.

Photo Credit: Imgur

#3. DIY iPad holder.

Photo Credit: Imgur

#2. A brownie for everyone.

Photo Credit: Imgur

#1. When you don’t want to wait for your soup to cool…

Photo Credit: Imgur

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Had Your Tonsils Removed? Here’s Some Bad News for You…

For decades, doctors removed the tonsils and adenoids from children who suffered from chronic strep throat infections. The reason is that the tonsils and adenoids trigger a first-line immune response for pathogens entering the respiratory tract, and can become chronically inflamed during our early years.

It probably seemed like a no-brainer to remove organs that don’t perform any essential purpose in favor of happier kids, but a recent study published in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery suggests kids who are missing their tonsils could be at risk for more illnesses in the future.

Photo Credit: MaxHealthline

The study is one of the first of its kind, but the massive dataset of around 1.2 Danish individuals lends serious weight to the results.

“Given that tonsils and adenoids are part of the lymphatic system and play a key role both in the normal development of the immune system and in pathogen screening during childhood and early-life,3 it is not surprising that their removal may impair pathogen detection and increase risk of later respiratory and infectious diseases,” they conclude.

Researchers followed the health of participants from birth to at least age 10, keeping up with some until the age of 30, and found that those who had their tonsils removed before age 9 were 3x more likely to suffer from allergic or infectious upper respiratory tract diseases like asthma, flu, and pneumonia. An adenoidectomy during the same period was associated with a two-fold higher rate of those diseases, plus COPD and conjunctivitis.

Photo Credit: Lavur

In light of the results, the doctors involved in the study conclude that the procedures should be avoided when other treatments are available, and if options run out, the procedures should be delayed for as long as possible to allow a child’s immune system to develop further.

“The growing body of research on developmental origins of disease has convincingly demonstrated that even small perturbations to fetal and childhood growth and development can have lifelong consequences for general health.”

So, you might be screwed, but at least you can save your kids from the same fate!

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7 Facts You Learned in School That Are No Longer True

It stands to reason that, with technology and our understanding of the world changing so rapidly over the past several decades, at least a few of the things we were taught back in the day would no longer be applicable.

Even so, you may not have considered these seven “facts,” or when, exactly, they became obsolete.

#7. Who built the pyramids?

Photo Credit: Pixabay

It wasn’t the Israelites exiled to Egypt, since the massive structures were erected before the Jews existed.

#6. The names of the nine planets.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

In 2006, the International Astronomical Union decided that Pluto is a dwarf planet, and therefore doesn’t count. So there are only 8.

#5. The toilets in Australia.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If you’re still under the assumption that the water spins the opposite way down the drain in Australia, you’d be wrong. The reasoning behind the claim is the coriolis effect, but it’s not strong enough on Earth to affect small appliances like a toilet or sink.

#4. The hardest material in the world is…

Photo Credit: Pixabay

I bet you said a ‘diamond,’ but if so, you’d be wrong. According to the Scientific American, there are two substances that are (quite a bit) harder: wurtzite boron nitride and lonsdaleite.

#3. You can’t see the Great Wall from outer space.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

According to NASA, the Great Wall is only visible from a max of 1200 miles up – low Earth orbit, not outer space.

#2. How witches were killed.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

In the United States, more witches were hanged than burned, especially during the Salem trials. Witchcraft was punishable by hanging here – in Europe, where the crime was heresy, more burning was done.

#1. Your favorite dinosaur is dead…again.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

There’s no such thing as a brontosaurus. Womp-womp.

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These Digitally Restored Images of 5 Famous Historical Ruins Look Incredible

As amazing as it is to wander through the amazing ruins of the ancient world, it can be hard to visualize what they might have looked like in all of their painted, jewel-encrusted fineries. Luckily, one of the cool things we can do these days with digital devices is to re-imagine and digitally restore these old buildings, allowing people to get a glimpse of what they might have looked like brand-new.

These images are awe-inspiring, truly, and I, for one, wish once again that time travel were possible.

#5. Lower Terrace, Masada (Masada, Israel)

Josephus Flavius, a governor of Galilee and Roman historian, told of the fortress of Masada that was built by Herod the Great between 37 and 31 B.C.E. The ruins stand atop an isolated rock cliff overlooking the Dead Sea, which is beautiful on its own, and featured three terraces.

The image only imagines what the lower terrace, reserved for entertainment and relaxation, would have looked like in its heyday, covered by frescoes and gilded columns.

Photo Credit: My Voucher Codes

#4. Domus Aurea Octagonal Court (Rome, Italy)

Emperor Nero’s “Golden House” was constructed between 65 and 68 C.E. and played host to his lavish parties and banquets. Roman historian Suetonius describes the building as a “circular banquet hall which revolved incessantly, day and night, like the heavens” and also goes into detail regarding gem-encrusted walls, ivory and mother-of-pearl decorations, and ceilings that showered guests with flowers and perfumes.

The following image was created from his account.

Photo Credit: My Voucher Codes

#3. Angkor Wat (Siem Reap, Cambodia)

This complex housed a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Vishnu and took around 30 years to construct. At the end of the 12th century it was converted to a Buddhist temple and is one of the world’s largest religious buildings. The massive building is home to elevated towers, porches, and different levels of courtyards linked by a series of stairways.

Photo Credit: My Voucher Codes

#2. The Parthenon (Athens, Greece)

Photo Credit: My Voucher Codes

The Parthenon was built in the mid-5th century and housed a golden statue of Athena. It was over 12 meters high and contained about 1,140 kilos of gold and ivory.

#1. Roman Baths (Bath, England)

The bathhouse was constructed around 70C.E., as the baths were an important part of life in Ancient Rome. Citizens congregated there to mingle, gossip, and relax in the geothermally heated water. The roof is long gone, but it was originally an impressively high and barrel-vaulted.

Photo Credit: My Voucher Codes

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