The superstition that the position of stars during your birth affects your life was refuted by the mathematician Pythagoras, by simply pointing out that twins don’t have the same future.
“Knock on wood” derived from Pagans touching, tapping…
“Knock on wood” derived from Pagans touching, tapping or knocking on trees believing they were the homes of fairies and dryads who would wake and bless them with luck.
Number 4 is considered an unlucky number in Chinese because…
Number 4 is considered an unlucky number in China because it is nearly homophonous to the word “death” (pinyin sǐ). In a study of five years’ worth of real estate sales in the greater Vancouver area, researchers found that houses in Chinese neighborhoods with an address containing a 4 sold for an average of $8,000 less than their luckier counterparts.
A goat was once arrested in Nigeria after vigilantes claimed it…
A goat was once arrested in Nigeria after vigilantes claimed it was an armed robber who turned himself into a goat with black magic.