Ladies, Your Boobs Will Be Cool All Summer with These Freezable Bra Inserts

Ladies, listen up!

Can’t stand the summer heat mixed with boob sweat? Fret no more. There is a product out that will keep you cool and fresh even on the hottest days: Bra Coolers!

Forget about that gross line of perspiration that appears on your shirts, right under your bra line. And the best part is?

These Bra Coolers are made to fit all bra sizes! Yippee!

Photo Credit: Polar Products

A company called Polar Products, led by creator William Graessle, is revolutionizing the cooling garment game – it’s “a leading worldwide manufacturer of body cooling and hot/cold therapy products.”

Since the company’s inception in 1984, Graessle’s “cooling garments [have been] used worldwide to cool surgeons in hot operating rooms, workers in sweltering factory conditions, military personnel out in the field” and more. Those all sound like important uses for the technology, but let’s be real…boob sweat reduction is the future.

What are Bra Coolers?

Exactly as the name suggests, Bra Coolers are oval-shaped packs filled with a special cooling agent intended to be worn in your bra. Are you worried your nipples may freeze from contact? Nope! The cooling agent is set to stay at 58 degrees – just right.

They are made not to need a freezer around to chill them. Customers can use a refrigerator or even a cooler of ice water. Those hot days at a tailgate? No problem.

Each cooling pack maintains temperature for about two hours, depending on activity, breast size, and body metabolism.

What do they look like?

Photo Credit: Polar Products

Each order comes with four cooling packs and two cotton covers. The products are discrete enough to travel with, so you don’t have to worry about any undue embarrassment. So far Polar Products only has “light blue” covers available, but I suppose boob sweat doesn’t need fancy colors – leave that to your bras.

Since they come in a four-pack, you can keep an extra pair handy at home, at work (shhh…), or in a cooler on the way to an event.

Who would buy these?

Um? Every woman?

But if you need a more practical reason think pregnancy, PMS, menopause, or simply summer heat.

How much do Bra Coolers cost?

Don’t worry, you won’t need to sacrifice your first child or even your left breast. Bra Coolers are super affordable…like $37 and change, affordable. That breaks down to $18.50 per boob, which is a small price to pay for comfort.

So get your cooler packs now and go beat the summer heat.

The post Ladies, Your Boobs Will Be Cool All Summer with These Freezable Bra Inserts appeared first on UberFacts.

This Is Why the Summer Heat Makes People Grumpy

Summer makes a whole lot of people very irritable, am I right?

Well, everything in science needs to have evidence, so researchers Liuba Y. Belkin and Maryam Kouchaki, from Lehigh and Northwestern Universities, conducted three experiments that tested the effects of being uncomfortably hot on human behavior. Their findings, published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, claim that people are cranky, uncooperative, and less likely to help others when they’re dealing with their own discomfort.

They began with data from a “secret shopper” experiment in Russia, one that was conducted when the country was experiencing a “mega-heatwave” back in 2010, and found that the shoppers’ experiences and the store employees ratings decreased significantly during the stifling heat.

Employees, for example, were 59% less likely to ask customers if they needed help, to make suggestions, volunteer assistance, or show signs of active listening. They didn’t seem to struggle with the non-customer related portions of their duties, either – only interacting pleasantly was a problem.

Then they recruited 160 people to take an online trivia quiz, and instructed half of the participants to imagine themselves in an uncomfortably warm setting. Afterward, all of the participants were asked to complete a short survey about their experience.

The results found that people who had been instructed to imagine themselves being hot were less likely to agree to take the survey at all, and when they did, they reported feeling tired and less happy than the people who weren’t instructed on their environment at all.

Lastly, Belkin recruited 73 of her students and taught the same class twice – once in a stuffy 80 degree F room and once with the air conditioner running. At the end, the students completed a 100 question survey they were told supported a nonprofit dedicated to helping underprivileged children.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Students who took the course in the hot room answered fewer of the survey questions, possibly because they wanted out of the stuffy space sooner. As Belkin pointed out, the heat affected their behavior.

“The point of our study is that ambient temperature affects individual states that shape emotional and behavioral reactions, so people help less in an uncomfortable environment, whatever the reason they come up with to justify why they cannot do certain things.”

They believe their findings apply to not only students who need a comfortably environment to learn, but to employees who require a temperate workplace in order to be the most efficient at their jobs.

So, better figure out the best temperature for everyone, managers of the world. If you want the best from people day in and day out, they’re going to have to be thinking of something other than when they’ll be able to escape.

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This Is Why You Shouldn’t Leave Water Bottles in Your Hot Car

There are a lot of things you shouldn’t leave in a hot car (dogs and cats, kids) but you should add one more thing to the list this summer, and a lot of us are guilty of it.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

That’s right, plastic water bottles. And there’s a couple of reasons why you shouldn’t do this. The first is because when it gets hot, chemicals from plastic bottles can seep into the water, and we all know that isn’t good for anyone. But a hot plastic bottle also has the potential to set your car on fire.

Photo Credit: iStock

If the sunlight hits the bottle just the right way, it can set your seat ablaze. A man named Dioni Amuchastegui noticed this happening in his truck one hot day and he took to Facebook to warn others of this hazard.

The thermometer tested his bottle at an incredible 213 degrees. If the beam of light is focused on a vinyl seat and the conditions are perfect, you might find your car on fire this summer. So clean out the trash from your vehicle and have a safe summer.

The post This Is Why You Shouldn’t Leave Water Bottles in Your Hot Car appeared first on UberFacts.