These Cringeworthy Sign Fails Have Us Feeling Very Human

When you run a business, it’s all about building the brand the best way you can. And one of the best ways to do that is through your logo and your signage.

There’s nothing worse than when something goes wrong–it seems like it could cost you a lot of money to do over. Some businesses choose to live with it rather than paying to have it redone.

And who can blame them. When you mess up your only job, how do we know you’ll get it right the second time?

Here are 14 classic examples of cringe-worthy sign fails from the subreddit r/NotMyJob.

1. Welcome to the Upside-Down

It’s fine as long as they can read it, right?

Signs up, Boss! from NotMyJob

2. Still needs Spanish

But at least they know their weaknesses, I guess.

Grocery aisle sign reads 'fruit snacks' and then underneath 'need Spanish'.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

3. Which came first?

Either way, the signs might be the easiest part to fix.

I did my job boss from NotMyJob

4. Levitate here to see how you measure up

No cheating now.

Giraffe holding a ruler to measure kids was installed on the wrong wall at the mall, so the ruler is on the wrong side of a barrier, where there is a drop to the floor below.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

5. Nothing to see here. Just a paint store.

You might have to read it again.

Paint store sign uses a paint roller in place of the P and from a distance it looks like an inappropriate word instead of paint.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

6. Watermelons for everyone

This one is maybe not the sign’s fault.

Stocked the watermelon bin, boss from NotMyJob

7. 20 years experience

Will accept years worked in childhood and earlier.

Sign: Cashier wanted. Must be 18-years-old with 20 years experience.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

8. Here we go again

They did their best.

Put up the prices boss from NotMyJob

9. When you can’t tell your Rock from a Vin on the ground

Bald action stars everywhere are taking offense.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

10. Nothing is impossible

Even reading white paint on a white background.
Try harder.

Sign is meant to say 'Nothing is impossible' but the 'im' is written in white on a white background, so it appears to say 'Nothing is possible.'

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

11. Sneaking in is welcome!

Honestly, maybe it’s a hidden message to scrappy local teens in need of wholesome mischief.

My local drive in last night from NotMyJob

12. Upside-down again

These things really need to come with ‘this way up’ markers.

Another upside down sign.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

13. Sometimes they have instructions

But you still have to read them.

Its probably not a big deal anyways dude from NotMyJob

14. And make sure they’re facing the right way round

Quick tip: road signs should face the road.

Re-installed the speed limit sign facing our backyard, instead of the highway. from NotMyJob

These mistakes are absolutely cringe-worthy, but what can you do?

We’re all just doing our best, even when the best we have to offer isn’t the best we’re capable of.

Have you seen any great sign mishaps?

Share them in the comments.

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A Bride Wants a ‘Deeply Meaningful’ 5:30 AM Wedding and Wants to Know If Guests Are Allowed to Be Mad

Weddings used to be deeply personal events before they became industrialized soirees that cost literally tens of thousands of dollars and also became some kind of competition to see who can use the most Pinterest pins.

All that aside, when you invite guests to an event, it is generally accepted that one should take societal norms into consideration. Norms like sleeping.

You can see the dilemma for this bride-to-be, who says that watching the sun rise is a tradition for her and her fiancee. Frankly, that’s cute!

But a 5:30 A.M. wedding? Less cute.

AITA for wanting a sunrise wedding? from AmItheAsshole

She wants to spend their wedding celebration with her friends and family and her special daybreak tradition…but some of her guests are less than enthused at being asked to be up and wedding-ready before daybreak.

So, the bride took to Reddit’s Am I The A**hole subreddit to find out whether she was being unreasonable, or whether her guests were just jerks looking to ruin the romance.

Most people weren’t really ready to call her TA (The A**hole), though they did have some suggestions for tweaking her plans just a bit to make everyone a bit happier.

Others thought ESH (Everyone Sucks Here), her for asking and them for refusing her request.

And still others were ready to defend the Your Wedding, Your Rules philosophy to the death.

What do you think? I kind of agree that maybe a private sunrise ceremony could be the best option, or maybe just invite people but make it clear you won’t be mad if they choose not to show up so early.

Tell us what you think in the comments!

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20 Epic Photoshop Battles and Their Winners

While there are many instances in which photoshopping can be used for nefarious purposes, these 20 are not that.

Instead, people are using their mad skills to make the rest of us laugh. If you ask me, that’s a noble cause.

20. I can’t stop staring at this.

PsBattle: This Dad and Son cat from photoshopbattles

19. We can all relate, big guy.

PsBattle: This fishing leopard from photoshopbattles

18. Are we sure this is photoshopped?

PsBattle: This Cat Beard from photoshopbattles

17. Most of these are funny, but this is actually a work of art.

PsBattle: pringles ringle from photoshopbattles

16. This has kilt me ded.

PsBattle: Golden retriever who played in freshly mowed lawn from photoshopbattles

15. Fishing buddies.

PsBattle: Man holding fish while bear stands behind him from photoshopbattles

14. Oh the humanity!

PsBattle: This tree that was struck by lightning from photoshopbattles

13. Sometimes the obvious choice is still the best one.

PsBattle: Dog in shoes leading the way from photoshopbattles

12. Let’s be honest, he’d probably fit in better up there.

PsBattle: This "Captain Canada" Cosplay. from photoshopbattles

11. The original image itself is pretty priceless.

PsBattle: this cute retriever’s face perfectly centered behind a decorative cast iron fence from photoshopbattles

10. We see what we see.

PsBattle: These micro-mushrooms on a leaf from photoshopbattles

9.  I would have done him as one of the YMCA dancers, but this is still good.

PsBattle: A hawk staring at the camera from photoshopbattles

8. One expression, two very different contexts.

PsBattle: This smirking dog. from photoshopbattles

7. So many options, but this is a good one.

PsBattle: this pissed cat from photoshopbattles

6. All in a day’s work, my friends.

PsBattle: Porcupine walking on its hind legs from photoshopbattles

5. This duckling did all the work, let’s be honest.

PsBattle: This cunning duckling from photoshopbattles

4. This is perfection, don’t @ me.

PsBattle: This Mount Fuji, Japan – Pink Valley! from photoshopbattles

3. I expect to see this made very soon.

PsBattle: angry baby from photoshopbattles

2.Welp, someone isn’t getting knighted.

PsBattle: This security guard eagerly chasing a streaking swimsuit model from photoshopbattles

1. Dogs just chilling should be its own internet niche.

PsBattle: This big dog in a sink from photoshopbattles


Are you in love with these? There are more on this subreddit, so check them out!

Could you throw your hat in the ring? Show us why in the comments!

The post 20 Epic Photoshop Battles and Their Winners appeared first on UberFacts.

People Recommend Totally Weird Subreddits You Can Check Out

I often find myself drifting further and further down Internet wormholes that are totally insane.

And you can find a lot of stuff like that on Subreddits. I’m talking about really bizarre things that will trip you out.

AskReddit users were nice enough to share really, really weird Subreddits that you might want to look into. Enjoy.

1. Is Eric Wearing Shorts Today?


Despite it being weird it has a lovely community.”

2. Deep Into YouTube

“Not as bizarre as other subs posted, but r/DeepIntoYouTube has some good content, and it’s casual enough I can watch it at work.”

3. AnkMemes


It’s a meme page dedicated to ankylosaurus themed memes.”

4. Beans in Things.

r/BeansInThings – self explanatory.”

5. Chickens Wearing Pants.


It’s all fun and games for Link until the chicken puts on the big boy britches.”

6. Former Pizza Huts.


It’s a subreddit with pictures of pizza huts that went out of business and are now used for other things.”

7. Real Bees Fake Top Hats.


Like why does this exist?”

8. Tendies


Basically a bunch of people roleplaying morbidly obese, voluntarily celibate grown men that wear diapers and live in their mom’s basement.”

9. Illness Fakers.


The premise is simple, it’s posting things people post where it’s obvious they’re faking an illness. However it seems like a huge portion of the sub is dedicated to posting all the content from a handful of people, to the point where it feels more like a group stalking.”

10. Bread Stapled to Trees.


11. Bimbofication.

r/bimbofication is a sub for women who are trying to become “bimbos”, or basically to achieve an unrealistic, plastic look through plastic surgery and other enhancement procedures. Things like really extreme lip filler or the removal of ribs, etc… Then men cheer them on in the comment section. I don’t want to insult any of the people there because I believe you should do what you want with your own body. But, it is very, very hard for me to understand.”

12.Music French People Might Play At Parties or Just With Friends Around.


Music French People Might Play At Parties or Just With Friends Around.

Super specific and kinda wholesome. 10/10.”

13. Zombie Survival Tactics.


14. I’m Sorry Jon.


It’s a subreddit dedicated to posting demonic and or terrifying depictions of Garfield.

Nuff said.”

15. Name that PDX bathroom.


It’s kind of a trivia subreddit where people can post pictures of Portland, OR metro-area bathrooms and then other people try to identify them. Use it to plan your pit stops on your next trip to Portland.”

The post People Recommend Totally Weird Subreddits You Can Check Out appeared first on UberFacts.

A Woman’s Neighbors Are Mad at Her for Running Early in the Morning

It’s a little appalling how much free time people seem to have.

And that they seem to choose to spend that free time complaining about the people who live around them in their neighborhoods.

Because here’s the deal – you buy a house in a neighborhood, you get neighbors. People living their lives, doing their thing, whatever, while you do the same a few doors down.

This woman, who posted her story on the subreddit Am I The A**hole, wanted to know if she was a jerk for running before she goes to work in the morning (usually around 5am). Her neighbors had let her know they thought she was, since her route woke many of them up before they wanted.

AITA for running through neighborhoods in the early morning, making security lights come on and dogs bark? from AmItheAsshole

The were upset not because she was being loud, mind you. But because their dogs, their security lights, their video doorbells were being set off by her running past.

Yeah. They wanted her to stop living her life because their own stuff was inconveniencing them.

You probably won’t be surprised to hear that most people on Reddit took her side – she should continue to run whenever she damn well pleases, because not everyone can afford a gym or change their workout schedule at will.

Do better, people. Or you know, go live in the woods. I’m sure the critters will be super amenable to staying away from your dogs and security lights.

The post A Woman’s Neighbors Are Mad at Her for Running Early in the Morning appeared first on UberFacts.

Her Family Pressured Her to Give up Her Dream Wedding for Her Sister’s Shotgun Ceremony

The term “shotgun wedding” seems outdated because honestly, in this day and age I don’t think we should care if people decide to start their families before or after or they never get married.

That said, the family in question obviously feels differently – and they wanted their non-pregnant and already-engaged daughter to give up her dream wedding venue so they could marry off the expecting daughter under the gun.

The woman and her fiancee had even agreed to a three-year engagement so they could have the venue they wanted, so when she told her little sister that no, she wouldn’t give it up, the sister – and the whole family – pitched a toddler-sized fit.

It’s caused a rift in the family, with the original poster’s fiancee angry enough to disinvite the pregnant sister from their wedding and the family threatening to boycott altogether.

What. A. Mess.

Based on another post with more information, it sounds like their parents have long enabled the bratty behavior of the younger sister, and the father-to-be is on the original bride’s side, too.

Her in-laws, as well as most of the internet, are on her side – she’s definitely NTA (not the a**hole) in our eyes.

What do you think? I say good riddance to bad rubbish, though that’s obviously easier said when it’s not my family.

I hope they find a way to work it out going forward!

The post Her Family Pressured Her to Give up Her Dream Wedding for Her Sister’s Shotgun Ceremony appeared first on UberFacts.

This Guy Plans to Share Lottery Winnings with His Ex-Wife, Whether It Upsets His Girlfriend or Not

This story is sure to raise some eyebrows…

The subreddit title Am I The A**hole is always rife with drama and situations that make you really think – it’s kind of like an advice column but where there’s no expert giving answers, just other people on the internet weighing in.

And this guy wondering if he’s the a**hole is definitely stirring up some differing opinions.

Basically, he won millions of dollars in the lottery (rough life, right?) and wants to give a hefty amount of it to his ex-wife (they have 2 kids together). They’re divorced because he cheated on her with his current girlfriend, so he was definitely the a**hole in that situation.

Now, though, that girlfriend is pissed at him – to the point of threatening to break up – because she thinks him wanting to give his ex the money means he’s still in love with her.

AITA for giving my ex wife a large amount of money I won despite the anger of my gf? from AmItheAsshole

He maintains it’s just about giving back to her and ensuring that his children have a good, comfortable life no matter whose house they’re at, and, well…people have thoughts.

Some (most, perhaps) think he’s definitely NTA (not the a**hole).

Because reasons…

And more reasons…

And more…

Others think his girlfriend maybe has a point…

Because that’s A LOT of money…

But you’re not THAT much of an asshole…

Because loyalty!

And a few think everyone involved sucks (ESH, everyone sucks here).

Because doesn’t everybody suck in these cases?

I don’t know where you fall, but I’m with the NTA folks – there’s nothing wrong with him wanting to make sure his kids and their mother don’t have to worry, and it sounds like he’s got plenty to spare.

Also, if the thought of his gf breaking up with him makes him feel relieved, well…I think the answer there is pretty clear.

My two cents!

The post This Guy Plans to Share Lottery Winnings with His Ex-Wife, Whether It Upsets His Girlfriend or Not appeared first on UberFacts.