People Describe The Most Elaborate Scam They’ve Ever Fallen For

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Many victims of scams fail to detect if what someone is pitching is legit. These con artists have the capability of hypnotizing people by talking endlessly about the products they’re selling, or worse, threatening you with legal action if you don’t pay off charges you never knew you had.

During the pandemic, it seems internet scams have increased to prey on the elderly or even the most unsuspecting customer who isn’t even close to retirement age.

But don’t feel bad if you fell victim to an elaborate scam that made you the proud owner of the proverbial snake oil. You’re not alone.

Curious to hear from others whose gullibleness was taken advantage of, Redditor Pissgf asked:

“What’s the most elaborate scam you fell for?”

The Stolen Car

“I put a room up for rent once. Someone applied and said they would be moving in at the first of the month. They said they were military and switching bases.”

“This person said they were going to go ahead and ship their car out and fly in. The car arrived and was offloaded by truck. A few days later the car was gone. The person never arrived.”

“A month or so later the police knocked and asked about the car. Ended up being that the car was stolen by whoever this person was that shipped it and the person who picked it up was a buyer who thought it was legit.”

“Apparently he had a set of keys mailed to him and a fake title. Idk if it ever got sorted but they initially assumed that I was a part of it.” – BLACKMACH1NE

Free HBO

“At the start of college one year when everyone was moving into houses in the usual sh**ty but affordable part of a college town, a guy walked up to us and said he can get us free HBO, he’d just take $20, he knew a guy.”

“We’re like cool, he takes out his cell phone, walks a few steps away out of earshot, says check our TV, we go, and lo and behold, HBO! We give him $20 and he walks away.”

“A week later, it was gone. The dude just called HBO for some free trial week. He must have hit up every college kid moving in that day and made bank.” – StoolToad9

What’s Left On The Gift Card

“I had a visa gift card for $100 I got for my birthday, and wanted to check the balance after a few purchases online.”

“I look up ‘check visa gift card balance’ and clicked on the first thing I saw.” – throwaway74274380

An Elaborate Con

“This will probably get buried, but it’s one of the best scams (felonies?) I’ve ever heard.”

“Someone in my super small town got their grill stolen off their front porch one day. Obviously they were like, what in the hell? And they’re bummed.”

“A couple of days later, the grill shows back up on their front porch with an attached note that reads something along the lines of.”

“Our son has a problem with stealing things which do not belong to him. We found this on our property and got it out of him who he took it from and made sure he brought it back to you. Please don’t call the police to report this and enjoy 4 tickets to the Cleveland Indians game on us. So sorry for the inconvenience.”

“Needless to say, the people who lived there were relieved to have their grill back and went to the game that Saturday to enjoy the tickets some nice parents (presumably) had left for them to make up for their shitty son’s actions.”


“Our town was about 2 hours from Cleveland. Between the drive there and back and the baseball game, I’d say the family was gone for about 10+ hours that day. Guaranteed.”

“When they returned home, they’re house had been BURGLED. Everything. Electronics, cash, jewelry, ANYTHING you could think of as potentially valuable was gone.”

“Someone concocted a hell of an elaborate ruse they knew would get those people out of their house for a good half a day in order to rob the ever-loving sh*t out of them. All for the cost of a couple of Indians tickets.”

“It’s a funny story to tell, but no doubt was incredibly scary and invasive at the time to that poor family.” – kelseamoore

The Meetup

“Ohhh boy, I still cringe about that. Back in the late 90s, early 00s when chatrooms were popular, I met this guy there and we ended up chatting pretty much daily. He had an unusual name for the region, that should have been the first clue.”

“We chatted and sent letters to each other (by actual post)..tried to meet up with him so many times, but he always had something come up. One night on new year’s eve when we were supposed to meet finally, HIS COUSIN shows up and said yea he’ll come soon, he told me to wait here with you.”

“Pretended to call him several times to ask where he was, an hour or so later I just went back home and never talked to the guy again. Turned out the ‘cousin’ was the guy I was chatting with and he had made a deal with another guy to see how long I would believe all this.”

“I can’t believe I fell for it. Keep in mind I was 16 something back then.” – Finewhatever1

Getting An ESTA Visa

“I don’t know if its necessarily the most elaborate scam of all time, but there are a range of fake sites online that offer ESTA visa for entry into the US.”

“The funny thing about the sites is that they actually process your visa, but they just do it by sending your details to the official site and charging you a hundred dollars or so of idiot tax.”

“I got caught a few years back and I wasn’t even really mad. It was such an amazingly set-up grift, and what made it even better was that you really had no recourse because they were actually giving you what you paid for.” – dougieburrows

The “Color” TV

“In the late 50s or early 60s, some guy came into my grandpas shop selling color TVs out of the back of a truck. The family had never had a color tv, and the price was way less than what a store charged, so he bought one.”

“He excitedly brought it home, plugged it in and turned it on. Black and White. He played with the knobs and antenna, nothing. No color. The guy took a bunch of old black and white TVs, slapped a rainbow sticker on them, and sold them as color. Brilliant.” – Jealous-Network-8852

Owing Taxes

“A phone call just as I graduated high school I nearly fell for it. I was maybe 17-18 years old still looking for a job. The call goes as this:”

“HI, my name is John doe, and I am with the FBI. We have a warrant out for your arrest.”

“I’m terrified because it sounded real, so I kept listening.”

“It seems you owe $259.27 in taxes, you may call the IRS, or you may mail it to somewhere to sort the issue.”

“My heart was racing because I though I was wanted for tax evasion before my first job. I asked my dad what I should do and he told me to call the local sheriff’s department so I did. I was relieved to hear that I didn’t have a warrant and that it was a scam.” – somebigdog

I “bumped” into a guy with my umbrella once, when I was walking in Times Square in the show.

Apparently, I knocked him so hard, his glasses fell onto the SNOW-COVERED pavement and cracked.

He demanded I pay him $200 for a new pair and insisted we go to an ATM to settle the damage. I knew his specs were already cracked.

So when I played along and asked him for his name, address, and phone number so I could mail him a check, he yelled, “that will take too long!” and stormed off.

I guess he didn’t need the new glasses that badly. After all, there were other prospective victims to scope out in Times Square.

A Woman Asked if She’s Wrong For “Stealing” From Her Mother

And when we say “stealing”, we’re not talking about what you might be thinking of.

You’ll get all the details in a minute when you read this story from Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” page, but I’ll give you a little taste: it involves some major family drama. Like, a lot…

Read on to see what happened…

AITA for “stealing” my daughter from my mother?

“I (28F) gave birth to my daughter Alyssa when I was 17. My mom and I have always had a difficult relationship and not long after I gave birth, she kicked me out and I went to live with my aunt while she raised Alyssa.

I went to college in another state after, and though I’ve seen Alyssa some since then, my relationship with my mom prevented me from being there for her. Since I graduated, I’ve managed to start a pretty successful business and my fiancée and I are currently in the process of purchasing our first home. I’m ready to be a mom now, and I really want to support my daughter.

I had originally contacted my mother and told her that I was ready for Alyssa to come live with me, but she said no. Because of this, I’ve decided to file for full custody of her. I’m fairly well established financially, and my mother has had some trouble managing her money since Alyssa was born, so my lawyer is pretty confident that I’ll get at least primary custody.

When I told my mother about it, she was extremely upset and told me I was a complete a**hole for trying to take away her kid, and that I had never wanted to be around Alyssa before. This is just not true, I’ve visited over the years and tried to send my mother support, but she’s never wanted me there.

I told her that this wouldn’t be happening if she hadn’t tried to keep Alyssa away from me all these years. I’ve talked to my aunt and my older sister about this, and they both think that I should let my mother keep Alyssa. I truly think she’ll be better off with me.


Now it’s time to do what we always do…

Let’s see how folks responded to this story!

This reader called the woman out: she definitely thinks that she is an a**hole.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader made a great point: how does the child feel about this?

Because this mom didn’t even bring that subject up.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said that the woman is acting in a very immature manner and that she’s definitely in the wrong in this situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Lastly, this person argued that now that she’s been able to enjoy some of her youth, she wants to waltz in and take credit for raising the child.

A**hole alert!

Photo Credit: Reddit

How do you feel about this woman’s actions?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post A Woman Asked if She’s Wrong For “Stealing” From Her Mother appeared first on UberFacts.

12 Stories That Will Make You Think Twice About Dining and Dashing

Shame on you if you’ve dined and dashed before. Because you do know that what your food cost comes out of the wait staff’s paycheck, right? Yeah, that’s a thing. At least in some cases.

So why do people do it? These 12 people did the deed and some reveal why…

1. Don’t do it again!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Good!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Hope your girl didn’t like it too much…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Not a good excuse.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Get to it!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. I can’t be angry at foster kids for doing this…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. If somebody is seriously not waiting on you, I can see this..

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Well DUH!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Haha, ya think? Because you’re a thief? Crazy!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Hmmm… something tells me you’re gonna get caught.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Just go up and ask!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Oh, there’s a bad part? Poor baby…

Photo Credit: Whisper

So, have you ever done this? How’d it go? Did you feel guilty AF?

Hope so…

The post 12 Stories That Will Make You Think Twice About Dining and Dashing appeared first on UberFacts.

12 Startling Confessions From Dine-And-Dashers

Have you ever dined and dashed? If so, shame on you. Because you do know that what your food cost comes out of the wait staff’s paycheck, right? Yeah, that’s a thing. At least in some cases.

So why do people do it? These 12 people did the deed and some reveal why…

1. Hope your girl didn’t like it too much…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Just go up and ask!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Oh, there’s a bad part? Poor baby…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. If somebody is seriously not waiting on you, I can see this…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Don’t do it again!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Good!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Well DUH!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Not a good excuse.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Get to it!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. I can’t be angry at foster kids for doing this…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Hmmm… something tells me you’re gonna get caught.

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Haha, ya think? Because you’re a thief? Crazy!

Photo Credit: Whisper

So, have you ever done this? How’d it go? Did you feel guilty AF?

Hope so…

The post 12 Startling Confessions From Dine-And-Dashers appeared first on UberFacts.