People Share The Most Obvious But Little-Known Facts That Will Make You Say ‘D’Oh!’

By the time we reach a certain age, we think we know everything. Some of us might even be overconfident in our wisdom.

But to those who are erudite and hold multiple degrees of higher learning, they have another think coming.

The truth is, we never stop learning in this thing called life.

Aside from examples of people who are book smart vs. having street smarts, there are common misunderstandings experienced by both camps, and they result in a head slap moment that makes them utter, for lack of a better expression, “D-oh!”

Curious to hear from strangers on the internet, Redditor TikiTC asked:

“What’s a little-known but obvious fact that will immediately make all of us feel stupid?”

English Is Hard

“Words that are spelled the same but pronounced with emphasis on different syllables is actually indicative of the part of speech it is.”

“Stress on the first syllable is a noun. Stress on the last syllable is a verb. Examples: CON-tract and con-TRACT. The former is a noun ( sign this contract) whereas the latter is a verb (the muscles contract). Same with record, address, impact, object, and a few others.” – Verlonica

What’s In A Name

“The words Laser and Scuba are actually acronyms and they stand for:”

“Laser- Light Amplification (by) Stimulated Emission (of) Radiation. Scuba- Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.” – Gerd-Neek

It’s Two Words

“The word ‘helicopter’ has two components. They aren’t ‘heli’ and ‘copter.’ They are ‘helico’ and ‘pter.’”

“‘Helico’ (helix) and ‘pter’ (wing, like with ‘pterodactyl’)” – kabukistar

It’s Casual

“Thee and Thou were actually the informal forms. The King James Bible used them so that the relationship with God would seem more personal.” – kkngs

Obstructed View

“Cats, dogs, and other similar animals can’t see directly below their faces.”

“Because their snout gets in the way.”

“(That’s why you have to point out the treat a million times, they’re not stupid, the damn thing is just in their blind spot)” – tinyhatonapumpkin

“My favorite thing to tell people: Penguins swim faster than Michael Phelps.”

“Remember that discovery special that pitted a shark against him to see who was faster? Completely stupid, because even shark FOOD swims faster than he does! (Sharks eat penguins, to clarify)” – mushupenguin

Join The Circus

“Everyone has seen shows or movies about traveling circuses, mainly in the 1930’s or 1940’s. During the Depression, running away to join the circus was a semi-reasonable option.”

“Many people scoff at the Florida law you must feed the meter where you park your elephant.”

“Those circuses had a travel season that heavily relied on summer and warmer months. They would spend the winter in Florida until the next travel season. AHS even had an entire season about this.” – UnihornWhale

A Lot To Unpack

“Elephants have some of the closest looking breasts to humans besides primates of course. Two of them.”

“You just kind of look at female elephants in the context you usually see them and whoop, there it is and you can’t unsee it ever again.” – breastronaut

Certain Introverts

“Antisocial means that you are hostile or harmful to organized society. As in being or marked by behavior deviating sharply from the social norm.”

“Asocial is rejecting or lacking the capacity for social interaction.” – OttoManSatire

Not For Aesthetics

“Covered bridges are designed with roofs to protect and preserve the wooden structure from the elements.”

“Without the cover they’d last about 20 years, with the cover they can last up to 100. They’re not built that way just to look charming.” – ghostofhenryvii

Do You Know Where You Are?

“911 operators have no f’king clue where you are instantly unless you’re on a landline.”

“You HAVE to say where you are. It’s not our fault movies made you think we have a spy level video of you in your car.”

“Know your location.” – BeardsuptheWazoo

Statistics Say

“Around 70% of all car accidents happen within 10 miles of your home……because over 70% of your driving is within 10 miles of your home.”

“It’s a statistic driving teachers love to toss out there, that most accidents happen close to your home. But if you think about it, most of your driving is close to your home.”

“Even if you drive 20 miles to work, 50% of your driving will take place 10 miles from your home. The average commute is around 15 miles, and most people shop close to home.”

“So it’s really common sense that the majority of your driving will take place in that 10 mile radius, even if you travel further for work or other activities.” – sebrebc

Spud History

“Potatoes didn’t arrive in Europe until the 16th century.”

“It’s so ubiquitous, you’d think it would’ve been a part of English culture since 10,000 BC. – chalkyWubnub”

You’ll Become Unhinged

“You don’t actually bite down. You bite up because of your lower jaw.” – Random_Weirdo_Girl

Fresh Specimen

“When extracting organs for donating, doctors need to keep the body alive, obviously through machines, but they need to keep the blood pumping.” – [deleted]

Let Them Flow

“Tear ducts drain tears, they don’t produce them.” – Katiesullivan01

Legend Of The Fall

“It was never mentioned that Humpty-Dumpty was an egg.” – YummyMango124

Contaminated Seasoning

“Almost all samples of Sea Salt that you can buy in supermarkets are contaminated by microplastics from all the crap in the ocean.” – Cockalorum

“When a nurse gives you an IV – they aren’t leaving the metal needle inside your arm – they actually remove that and only a soft plastic tube remains – so you don’t need to keep your arm that straight, relax.” – Snakes_for_Bones

When I was once told Alaska was considered the easternmost state of the United States, I looked at my informant like he was crazy.

It logically didn’t make sense because, in my mind, Maine was the furthest eastern point.

But then, he explained to me how Alaska’s Aleutian Islands cross longitude 180º, which would make Alaska’s westernmost part of the state fall under the Eastern Hemisphere.

Even though it wasn’t a “D-oh” moment for me, I was definitely enlightened. But I don’t think many people would know about this interesting trivia.

That’s one for discussion at your next cocktail party, I suppose.

People Who Work For Dating Apps Share The Best Behind-The-Scenes Facts They Know

Online dating seems to be the norm for finding a partner these days, but the process can seem a bit esoteric and confusing for those who haven’t been using the apps all along.

Working for the companies that run dating apps and websites is more interesting than the average person might expect, too.

Reddit user brunetteht3 asked:

“Redditors that worked with a dating company (Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, etc.), what’s the most insane user stat or behind-the-scenes fact you found out about?”

Try Reaching Out

“I ran operations for an online dating company (notably not affiliated with Match). From database analytics I can tell you a few things.”

“Men initiate contact around 80% of the time in straight matchmaking, and if you are a woman looking to date other women and you simply initiate contact with another woman you have a good chance of success simply because it’s very very very common for women to match but then neither initiates contact.”

“IIRC we were able to determine that it takes on average about 3 dates before sex happens (I don’t recall how we worked that out, I’m not a data analyst, but presumably it was some keyword based algorithm looking at chat messages).”

“We got so many requests for information from the police that we had an informal system with them, to save them from wasting time getting warrants for information about people who we didn’t have data on, they would ask about a particular name/email/whatever other identifier and we would just say yes we have data about them or no we don’t, and if we did they’d then go get the warrant to get a copy of it.”

“The other thing I can tell you from our analytics, that really shouldn’t be at all surprising, is to get some decent profile photos.”

“Go get your talented friend or just hire a photographer to take some really nicely-lit well-composed photos of yourself and watch your match rate soar.” – jamesinc

Not The Best Job

“I used to work at a dating site in the UK. I was on the tech side but most of the staff was a group of young women who manually approved images and text changes to profiles.”

“There was about 10-15 of them and the turnover rate was about one a week. The work was just so mind numbing.”

“About 10 times a day they’ed shout that they’d ‘got another one’.”

“Which basically meant one of the hundreds of thousands of men on the site has differently thought ‘I’ve thought of something nobody else has tried, I’ll upload a picture of my c*ck’ at which point they’d all laugh at it, cancel the profile upload and go back to reading about people’s choice of pets or whatever else they thought was interesting.” –mvrander

This One Isn’t Either

“My ex bf worked for the Yahoo Italy dating site back in the earlyish 2000s. His job was to pretend to be a woman, and message male customers just as their accounts were going to expire.”

“This would encourage them to pay to renew their subscriptions. Once they renewed, he would ghost them.”

“He only lasted for a few months due to how unethical it was.” –visualisewhirledpeas

More Than One Word Per Text Is Probably Good

“I used to work at Bumble, although this was about 4-5 years ago. Globally, about 90% of the users are men, so there is a huge male to female disparity, although it’s not that bad on a per country basis (for some countries).” 

“The most depressing stat though was the histogram of word count in messages. Something like 91% of opening messages were just one word ‘hey’, and ~85% of conversations were just one exchange long (‘hey’ -> no reply ever).”

“Looking at human, digital mating habits splayed out in data science form was really depressing.” 

“The countries which had better male-female ratios (which I can remember) were the Nordic ones, Sweden and Norway were close to 50/50, and for a time, one of them even had more women on the app than men.”

“Not sure how it is now.” –trias10

It Might Not Always Work Out

“[There was] A dude with over 2000 right swipes and no matches.” –Deleted Account

“Bless him – that’s quite sad actually. Hope he found someone eventually.” –brunetteht3 

Maybe Don’t Use Dating Sites For Your Side Hustle

“Lots of gay guys get banned from grindr selling weed. Would get a lot of emails of ‘why am I banned’ .”

“Go to their profile and will say ‘HMU for that 🌳‘” –PayneTrayne

“At my bachelorette party in New Orleans someone wanted weed and was going to try to find someone on Burbon Street. My friend said it was way easier and safer for him to use Grindr 😂” 

“Took less than ten minutes!” –mathlady89

Too Bad They Don’t Take Monopoly Money

“Most dating sites and apps are owned by one company The Match Group. They have a near monopoly. I think Bumble is one of the few not owned by them.” –HueJass84

“Funny you should say that, Bumble is owned by a woman who was also a co-founder of Tinder. The rest of that founding team owns The Match Group.” –zadeon9

“To be fair, she (Whitney Wolfe Herd) launched Bumble as a more comfortable and empowering alternative to Tinder and later sued them for sexual harassment. This comment seems to imply that she’s somehow in cahoots with Tinder/Match.” –spacemanaut

 So Many Unsolicited Pics

“I used to moderate OK Cupid. The amount of unsolicited dick pictures men would send women, not even accompanied by any words was horrifying.”

“I mean, you’d expect it because online dating is a cesspit but the sheer amount would still surprise you.”

I had to look at each reported picture and say ‘Yes, that’s a penis’.” –Jimmypeglegs

“99% of the time, the dick pic doesn’t work. What happens after it’s reported?” –IsThisNameTakenThen

“I’m guessing they think it’s a numbers game? I’d only ever see the picture if it had been reported by the recipient, but if they liked it then fair enough.” 

“As to what happens afterwards, usually their account would be banned. OKC were usually quite quick at getting rid of surprise dick piccers.” –Jimmypeglegs

Everybody Lies, But About Different Things

“I worked for Match for a couple years. This is probably widely known but women frequently lie about their age and weight and men lie about their height and salary.”

“Also, it’s a big problem that women are inundated with DMs while most men get none.” –ChickumNwaffles

Dating Life Pro Tips

“Ok so I didn’t work with a dating company per se… But I helped software engineers optimize their profiles.” 

“Men get VERY FEW matches, regardless of how good their profile is. Women get A LOT of matches, but most of those matches are useless.” 

“1) Don’t try to appeal mildly to EVERYONE. Appeal strongly to a small subset of people. Emphasize who you are.” 

“2) Show don’t tell—what makes a person want to date you? Will you impress them with your volunteer work?”

“Will you bring them fun places? Will you make them laugh?” 

“3) Get good photos. If you have to, get a friend with a good camera to take photos of you multiple times over a day with several changes of clothes.” 

“4) Be brutally honest. Do you need to go to the dentist because your teeth are gray? Go.”

“Do you need to get a haircut? Go somewhere that charges $50 a haircut and tell them to do what they want (if male).”

“Do your clothes fit? Ask a fashionable friend.”

“Remember: people are judging you on your appearance as much as you are judging them. They can’t see you’re kind of funny or interesting.”

“They can see if you’re well groomed and making an effort.” –Katamende

While online dating might seem even scarier after reading these facts, it’s still worth giving it a try if you’re looking for love.

Just remember to put your best (online) foot forward!

This Infographic Shows Where in the U.S. People Aren’t Getting Enough Exercise

Yes, the United States is a notoriously sedentary country, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise that some places are lazier than others. There’s plenty of evidence out there to support the idea that Americans spend too much time in their cars and in front of screens, but according to the CDC, physical activity rates can vary significantly from state to state.

The CDC recommends that adults take part in 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity, plus 2 days a week of weight lifting or calisthenics. Countrywide, only about 23% of people between the ages of 18-64 meet these recommendations.

The infographic below draws on data from 2010-2015 National Health Interview Surveys.

There are a few things to consider, like the fact that broad recommendations don’t take into consideration people who are injured, ill, or disabled. In addition, the survey only asks about leisure time used to exercise, which doesn’t account for people who might meet the requirements with physically demanding jobs or who bike or walk to work on a daily basis.

Still. I think I’m going to go for a walk.

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