For decades the CIA owned…

For decades the CIA owned and ran Crypto, a Swiss company that supplied cryptography equipment to many countries; naturally, the machines were rigged to give US spooks access to everyone’s communications.

Affordable, Government-Subsidized Phone Comes with Pre-Installed Malware


Smartphones and their related phone plans can be expensive. That’s why many low-income Americans depend on the FCC’s Lifeline Assistance Program so they can access quality service at an affordable price.

According to WIRED, the program currently provides UMX U686CL Android phones tied to the Virgin Mobile Assurance Program.

Unfortunately, Malwarebytes reports that the phones contain a malware called HiddenAds, and removing the bad programs could make the phone unusable.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The surprising thing to security and malware experts is that the malware comes pre-installed in the phone, meaning that customers are getting a defective product right off the bat – and the government is paying to provide it.

WIRED says the malware is capable of installing apps and adware without the user’s permission beforehand. This can subject the phone’s owner to a lot of unwanted ads and unseen data-collection.

One of the apps the device has been shown to download is called AdUps. In 2016, this app reportedly collected data from users without prior consent or warning. Malwarebytes comments that the app itself isn’t of much concern, but it’s still unacceptable that smartphone users are being subjected to data collection, downloads, and adware without their consent or knowledge.

Photo Credit: < ahref=”″target=”_blank”>iStock

This isn’t the first time phones for low-income users have been found to carry malware. And the devices are such an important lifeline to low-income people in the digital age that it’s frankly shameful for the government to be providing a pre-infected product.

Share your thoughts (or outrage) in the comments section.

The post Affordable, Government-Subsidized Phone Comes with Pre-Installed Malware appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Who Kids Spied On Their Parents and Got More Than They Bargained For

I have no idea why anybody would ever want to spy on their parents, but these folks apparently did and got exactly what was coming to them: way too much information.

Now, this doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. Some of these stories are actually really nice. But some of these stories… wow.

Here we go!

1. Well, you asked for it!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Wow, mom. Why tho?

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Now you won’t be surprised! But maybe that’s okay?

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Yeah, I guess you all have that going for you.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Ummm, cool story.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Are you sure your dad is your dad?

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Okay, legit cute.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Okay, this is legit good news.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Like mother, like daughter…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. And?!?!?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Note to self: never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever spy on either one of my parents.

My siblings on the other hand…

The post 10 Who Kids Spied On Their Parents and Got More Than They Bargained For appeared first on UberFacts.

Digital cameras were developed…

Digital cameras were developed so spy satellites could send images back to earth more quickly. Before digital cameras in 1976, spy satellites used film. After the film was shot, the satellites loaded the footage into capsules and dropped them from orbit into the atmosphere for collection. 00

Digital cameras were developed…

Digital cameras were developed so spy satellites could send images back to earth more quickly. Before digital cameras in 1976, spy satellites used film. After the film was shot, the satellites loaded the footage into capsules and dropped them from orbit into the atmosphere for collection. 50