Memes That Southerners Will Totally Understand

I’m from the midwest, not the south, but it felt like there were some cultural elements that sort of sifted up our way, especially via my dad. As a result, I’ve always felt a sort of half-kinship with Southern culture coupled with a lot of baffled feelings toward just what the heck is going on down there.

To help me understand, here are what I’m told are some very quality southern memes.

10. Can’t beat the deet

Mmm, you smell like lack of bug bites.

9. Peas and thank you

It’s gonna take me the rest of my life to get over “Qcomebur.”

8. Bitter truth

What in the name of all that is good is this supposed to be?

7. Drive by saluting

I remember growin up in a town small enough that everyone did this without even knowing each other.

6. Deep breaths

I like how he’s being classy with the wine glass though.

5. Drive me crazy

They’re a lot easier to catch, too.

4. Rev your engines

How am I supposed to enjoy my pound of meat now?

3. Oh deer

This was the bane of my existence as a kid.

2. Signed, Cooter

I once walked into my own house and got growled at by a giant dog I’d never seen before.

1. You lift me up

This gives new meaning to the term “marriage bed.”

I’m not sure I totally understand Southern culture now, but I’m getting there. Ya’ll come back now, ya hear?

What’s the most distinctive thing about where you grew up?

Tell us in the comments.

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Memes to Help You Understand the South

A lot people say we’re living in a deeply divided nation. Others say, “No we’re not, you liars, this means war!”

I think both sides have a point.

And in an effort to heal things over just a little, I’m going to try to educate myself about parts of the country that I don’t have too much familiarity with. For instance, the south. A place with a rich and storied culture, which I will now attempt to fully comprehend through memes.

Take a journey with me out of Yankee territory, ya’ll.

10. Cold shoulder

You dare to insult me like this?

9. Inch by inch

All aboard the Polar Express, I guess.

8. Spurs of the moment

These things are God’s mistakes and you can’t convince me otherwise.

7. There’s snow winning

Do I wanna build a snowman? Probably not.

6. Georgia on my mind

Hey, that’s sign’s got a point.

5. Ya’ll think different

Don’t you tie me down with your autocorrected tyranny.

4. Forbidden phrases

Nobody doesn’t like Dolly Parton at least a little.

3. Oh sweet mercy

This is it. This is the end of all things.

2. Pluralism

But where’s the “youse guys” part of the map?

1. Bitter sweet

I’m gonna spill some tea about spilling this tea.

Via: Pinterest

I feel about as well-versed in Southern culture now as I’ve ever been, and even more so in meme culture.

What’s the most distinctive thing about where you grew up?

Enlighten us in the comments.

The post Memes to Help You Understand the South appeared first on UberFacts.

10+ Things That Could Have Only Happened in the South

As someone who has spent his share of time in the South, I can tell you that it’s definitely different from the rest of the country. In my experience, the food is AMAZING and the people are generally very friendly.

The South also has plenty of unique quirks though, and they’re even more glaringly obvious if you’re not from around there. Here are 15 prime examples.

1. Pig crossing

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Lost and found

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Y’ain’t

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. Sweet tea EVERYWHERE

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. “Regular” means “Sweet”

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. Charlotte airport has rocking chairs!

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Morning commute

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Ranch soda

Photo Credit: Instagram

9. Never-ending church options

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. Grammar lesson

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. You better be there

Photo Credit: Instagram

12. Look at that

Photo Credit: Imgur

13. Weather alert

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Everything shuts down

Photo Credit: Instagram

15. Horseback drive thru

Photo Credit: Instagram


The post 10+ Things That Could Have Only Happened in the South appeared first on UberFacts.